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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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very rarely. i'll get out here and they run me ragged. i feel like i'm in good shape for a man my age. we have folks playing for 2 1/2 hours non-stop and i can't compete with them. they are my age or older. i can't really put it down. it is a great activity and people love it. it has gone crazy. >> steve: the guys i play with, it's a co-ed group and we'll play with two hours and between matches we'll talk and chew the fat. it is fun and that's why you are doing it in texas. jerry, sir, thank you very much for joining us live. good luck to all the people playing pickleball. >> thanks, steve. appreciate it. >> steve: that's "fox & friends" for today. let's go to "america's newsroom." >> bill: good morning, everybody. here we go now day three. the trump hush money trial.
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jury selection about to resume. we'll see if the former president talks to reporters on his way in as he is known to do. it's thursday on a rainy day in new york. >> dana: cloudy, rainy. i'm dana perino. >> bill: we had three good days this week. >> dana: it is good for people to watch the show. more potential jurors will go before the court. attorneys have picked seven so far. they need a total of 18. >> bill: finding impartial jurors might be easier said than done in deep blue manhattan as critics argue it is a case that's all about politics. >> this case is an a bomb nation. seven years after he pays hush money to try to come up with this case. >> bill: much adieu about nothing. to my liberal friends out there. all you are doing is showing that you are scared you can't beat him on the issues and the
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merits. >> dana: former federal prosecutor andrew is here. eric shawn is in downtown manhattan to give us the lay of the land this thursday morning. hi, eric. >> good morning dana and bill. the former president arrived at court. he didn't speak to reporters on his way in but as is his want he is making his feelings known on social media. he has reposted comments critical of the trial despite being under that gag order from district attorney alvin bragg. he has already said he wants the former president cited for contempt of court for three previous social media posts in which he attacked witnesses stormy daniels and michael cohen. we'll see if the new posts fall under the gag order at some point. all they need is five more jurors to get the trial to sit in judgment of the former president and six alternates. this morning once again 96
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jurors will be brought into the courtroom and see the defendant at the defense table. judge merchan will ask anyone who don't think they can fair or impartial to raise their hands and they will be excused. the others will answer the questionnaire and questioned by the parties. his lawyers should be allowed to -- both defense and prosecution only have to right to kick off ten potential jurors for no reason. more chances when picking alternates. meanwhile the former president continues to slam this trial. >> it is alvin bragg -- he does nothing. he goes after guys like trump who did nothing wrong. violent criminals, murderers, there are hands hundreds of murdersers all over the city. they go after trump. they don't pick them up.
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>> prosecutor told the jurors this case has nothing to do with your personal politics. it is not a referendum on the trump presidency or a popularity contest or who you are going to vote for in november. we don't care. this case is about whether this man broke the law. other fo there will be a hearin about trump's potential testimony. prosecutors want the right to bring up the two previous civil cases that the former president lost. that nearly half a billion dollar real estate fraud case and the fact he was found liable for sexually abusing writer carroll. we'll bring you the live reports as soon as it is underway. back to you. >> bill: former federal prosecutor is back in studio with us. we'll get to know you really well whether you like it or not,
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okay? here are the seven jurors and what we think we know about them so far. put it on screen. first one lives in harlem, from ireland. juror two is a nurse reads "the new york times." juror three grew up in oregon, an attorney. juror number four lower east side born in puerto rico. jurors five harlem, a teacher. pays attention to google and tiktok. six software engineer for disney company and juror seven, attorney. how much can you glean from that? >> you can glean that it looks representative of new york. a wide swath of people from all sorts of backgrounds, ages, professional backgrounds. i think you can start to see that there is perhaps a little bit of a lean towards left leaning media sources. not a lot of fox news watchers
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on the jury so far. i think what is most important is less about this basic data and more about how the attorneys are able to connect to each one of the jurors. they have to create that relationship from the beginning. looking for people who look in awe of donald trump. we heard some people tried to take pictures from the -- when they walked in initially. you want the attorneys and the jurors trying to create that connection. you won't ever see that on the images we just saw, the basic data. it is much more psychological. >> dana: is it good to have lawyers on your jury? >> this is a case where you want lawyers. the facts are on donald trump's side. i keep saying that and i will say that. he is an underdog but not because of the facts. the lawyers on this case will appreciate the fact that there are two layers of specific intent that the prosecutors have to establish in order to convict donald trump. that's a very difficult thing to
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do. it is even more difficult when they don't have direct evidence of it. donald trump expected to testify and said he will do that. certainly deny his own mental intent here and michael cohen. the lawyers will be very resentful of michael cohen and all of the plots and ploys he was using over the years much less his fraud. >> bill: if trump's team is trying to find a diamond in the rough. 12% of the vote in manhattan. as jeanine was pointing out yesterday they come off the voter rolls. it is an overwhelmingly democratic city. do you think they can find the diamond in the rough? >> they need to play it as an underdog story. not because of the facts. he is an underdog because this case should have never been brought in the first place and sitting in front of judge merchan, a district unfair toward him given the disparity of red versus blue but facts are on his side. if his defense team is playing
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the underdog story helping the jury see that it is unfair from the beginning and that the facts aren't there. the whole thing starts with an extortion plot by stormy daniels. what is a person supposed to do to get rid of that nuisance? he couldn't turn to the d.o.j. his political enemy. he couldn't report that. he enters into a perfectly legal non-disclosure agreement and this is where he finds himself because he put legal expenses and legal retainer in his books? that's not dishonest. what else do you call it? >> dana: president trump posted this. i thought strikes were supposed to be unlimited when we were picking the jury. i was told we only had ten. not nearly enough and we were purposely given the second worst venue in the country. in the break you were helping explain there are two different things, a strike versus a bias. explain. >> two different ways to strike jurors. one for cause meaning they have
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a bias saying they can't be fair or implied bias even though they say they can be fair there is underlying facts or information that is unlimited. the judge hasn't been very tolerant to the defense on that and he should be. the other side is ten challenges. you get to strike ten people for no reason at all. >> dana: just the way they wear their hat that day. >> bill: four men, three women thus far. see what we get today. thank you. [shouting] >> dana: pro-palestinian protestors swarming the campus at columbia setting up tents and promising to stay until the university cuts ties with israel. cb cotton is live at columbia university this morning. hi, cb. >> good morning. more than 24 hours later and pro-palestinian protestors are
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still camping out on a university lawn. moments ago we watched police take two people into custody behind me right outside the campus gates. the nypd taking these two people into custody outside columbia's main gate. working on getting more information about what happened. we are hearing possibly five people were rounded up. [chanting] >> at this main gate protestors rallied until the early morning hours lighting flares and chanting free palestinian and gaza you make us proud. nypd tells us two people were booked on resisting arrest last night and one person with assault on a police officer. pro-palestinian protests on campus continues. the student paper reports protestors voted to stay in the
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encampment for another 24 hours. columbia tells us the students risk suspensions or arrests. the students posting on social media say they aren't backing down. a jewish student felt disgusted walking past the encampment. >> i have been on campus all day with people chanting for my and my family's genocide. there have been people who are saying globalize ant -- it's horrific that at a premier institution in the united states that we have people who feel like they are emboldened to speak like this. >> there have been several warnings to protestors that police will move in and sweep the encampment or some other means try to move them out. we have yet to see that happen. this is a very fluid situation and we'll keep monitoring and bringing you updates. >> dana: cb cotton at columbia
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university. >> bill: i don't know where we are at the story. is it the beginning? will it get worse? they went to a rally in southern manhattan and what they captured on camera was stunning. lawrence jones two hours ago with columbia university students. >> you see the raw emotion on your face. you are clearly disgusted. do you fear for your safety on the campus? >> yes. i do. i have had my friends attacked for showing their judaism and showing their dog tags and wearing stars of david. >> lawrence: what happens on campus when that happens? >> public safety gets called or gets reported but what happens when it gets reported? are there steps taken to prevent it in the future? so far no. >> dana: brave students going out. they can come here and happy to have them. the "new york post" has this cover, see no evil and the
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question put to the university president yesterday is from the river to the sea, anti-semitic. she wouldn't answer that. campus anti-semitism is not the only anti-semitism we're seeing in america and excited to have someone coming up later this hour, speaking at a genocide conference about the uighurs but he is here to talk to us about anti-semitism as well. >> bill: one thing that has become issue, this is the issue for the far left. president trump will be back in court in a matter of minutes. jury selection resumes minutes from now. day three, they have seven seated, need five more and six alternates. we'll see how far they get to date. updates on that. >> vote no and put that money back in our settlement funds. we need that money in my neighborhood. >> put a million dollars in one
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neighborhood. >> dana: brandon johnson's push for additional $70 million for migrants. could it be a political reckoning? we'll see. >> we charge you with genocide. >> bill: we shared that video the other day. dozens of google employees urging the company to cut ties with israel. how the tech giant has responded and it just might surprise you. believed i n hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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>> dana: we're waiting for president trump to maybe make some comments before he goes into the return of court today for this hush money trial. he often speaks before he goes in. we're on top of it and waiting for it right now.
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jurors are filing in. we understand one might be a little late. i was once almost late to jury duty. i took a taxi instead of the subway. that was a lesson i learned well early on. we'll bring it to you. >> bill: details on that minutes away. from los angeles, a police investigation is now underway into an incident involving kanye west facing act situations a punching a man tuesday night who allegedly grabbed his wife. kanye's team saying the term grabbed is grossly inadequate and that she was physically assaulted. he was not hospitalized for his injuries. we'll see where the case goes from here if anywhere. to chicago now, check it out. >> now to align yourself with somebody who is a one term mayor if he even makes it that far you better be worried about your job, your longevity.
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we are going to vote and take you out because you ain't doing right by us. that's what time it is. >> dana: chicago people furious and sounding off an the mayor's plan to tack on another $70 million to migrant funding. frustration building to the point some voters are working to get him out of office as you heard that constituent there saying. gary et tenney live with the story. >> this migrant issue is an achilles heel for brandon johnson. there are multiple efforts underway to vote out democrats and the mayor. we saw that yesterday at the city council meeting where several groups of black voters showed up wearing red shirts with the words no more blue, go red and turn chicago red. many of these folks are life long democrats actively working to shake up deep blue chicago specifically because of how the mayor and the governor have handled the migrant crisis doling out more than a billion
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dollars for that so far. here they are warning the mayor and city council transferring another $70 million from the city's rainy day fund to take care of the migrants. >> we need that money in my neighborhood. we need that on my block so i'm asking y'all to use our tax money for our people. we need it. >> you vote for the money for these immigrants today and we come -- you can believe that. the police are fighting with them in the shelters that you guys are funding. you guys think it is a great idea but your police officers are getting attack and public is getting attacked. >> currently state law does not allow voters to recall chicago's mayor. how mayor johnson's first year has gone with migrants and crime a new group wants to change that by getting a referendum on the ballot this november that would pave the way to voting johnson out. >> we aren't taking care of
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chicago citizens first. the fact of the matter is that we've never had this opportunity to recall before and it's very apparent based on the mayor's abilities right now or lack of accountability, that this needs to be addressed. >> mayor johnson is dismissing this recall effort as a right wing effort from folks living out in the suburbs. dan laughed at that saying he has lived in chicago for 33 years, an independent and in the 24 hours since news came out about this effort there has been an outpouring of support from folks of all backgrounds looking to sign on. dana. >> dana: garrett tenney, thank you there in chicago. >> bill: back inside the courtroom in lower manhattan, this is the read-out we're getting. trump is inside sitting at the defense table. chose not to talk on his way in. on his cell phone.
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his attorney tapped him on the shoulder. these are the fine details now wearing dark blue suit, white shirt, blue tie. in seven minutes we expect jury selection to continue once that tardy juror arrives. stand by for more. >> dana: i'm sure they are running. as the crisis at the southern border continues new information about how a haitian migrant accused of murdering his two roommates in new york. can they use the cbp1 app. dana mcnicholl explains. >> good morning. that is right. that haitian migrant you were speaking about actually turned himself in seeking asylum here in el paso just last year. he was then allowed to live in the united states. now he sits in jail accused of murder. we do have his mug shot. he is a haitian national living in middleton, new york when
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arrested for second degree murder among other charges after killing his two roommates earlier this month. ice says baptiste arrived in el paso july of 2023 after booking an appointment on the cbp1 app. he was processed and granted access and waiting on an asylum hearing when the murders happened. the app is part of the biden administration's effort to expand lawful pathways. it allows up to 1400 migrants a day to make an appointment to be processed. they're vetted before being allowed into the u.s. not everyone uses that app to seek asylum. let's go to the live fox drone over gate 40 in el paso. a group of migrants who have been here since before midnight waiting to be processed by border patrol. texas national guard that group found a way around or through the razor wire. a reason why additional razor wire that sits behind me is waiting to be installed up and
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down the southern border, they tell me. as for that haitian national, ice says they will be transferred to their custody eventually when he gets released from jail. >> dana: dana marie mcnicholl. i apologize. it is my name, too. >> bill: 25 past now keeping a close eye inside the courtroom. we'll give you every breaking detail as we get it as the trial gets underway in minutes now. plus anti-israel protests breaking out last night at a leading ivy league school here in new york. we'll talk to the son of an iconic holocaust survivor on where this issue is headed here in america and around the world today. the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like
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you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. >> bill: now the judge came in, juan merchan, took the bench. greeted the party ants said
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there was no court reporter and said that's not good. while we await the counsel now at the bench yesterday the court received a call from juror number two after sleeping on it overnight, by the way we're learning this for the first time you are at home, right? she apparently has concerns about being fair and balanced and they are bringing her now in to be questioned. so far a moment there monday looked like it would be sticky, right? tuesday everybody thought whoa, this process could happen sme smoother. >> dana: if she doesn't think she can be fair maybe they should let her go. they have to get to 18. now they have seven, maybe six. >> bill: only 9:32 in the morning and court has been underway for two minutes.
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>> dana: and no court reporter. we'll bring you all the news as we get it. growing chaos at columbia university. cb cotton was showing us the ivy league school closed its doors to the public as tensions over the israel/hamas war soar. they set up tents on campus and say they'll stay there. the school president faced tough questions about anti-semitism before a house panel. the son of a holocaust survivor and his father is an esteemed person and what a life he led. great to have you with us today. i want to play one piece of sound from that hearing yesterday asking about a specific phrase and whether it is anti-semitic. >> and you are aware that in that bill that got 377 members of congress condemns from the
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river to the sea as anti-semitic. >> i'm aware of that. >> but you don't believe from the river to the sea is anti-semitic? >> we have already issued a statement to our community saying that language is hurtful and we would prefer not to hear it on our campus. >> dana: over and over again she said that the columbia university protects students that they are combating anti-semitism. the same day that you had campus tents being set up and calls for an intifada. >> yeah. are you asking me what i think about that? >> dana: yes, please. >> calls for expulsion of the jewish people from the state of israel obviously is anti-semitic, obviously that's genocidal itself. where exactly are the jews supposed to go? and you know, more than that we
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have to look at this term genocide. i want to get past from the river to the sea. i think that mainstream people are now starting to lose their moral confusion and realize what a terrible toxic statement that is. but let's look at the core accusation that israel is consistently accused of. the claim that genocide joe is supporting genocide israel. that to me is the heart of the issue because that is blood liable. that is the accusation pointed toward jews of murder. it is the same fear they are looking to cause that when my father grew up in his hometown in romania in the 1930s and 40s he and his family had to cross the street to get away from the church during holidays like easter because of the angry mob yelling things at them like you killed our lord, you kill christian babies. it is the same thing today on a different form. the blood liable showing up as accusations of genocide. >> dana: commentary magazine
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tweeted this yesterday. the solution to anti-semitism is education. he puts that in quotes. is among the least accurate statements ever repeated ad nauseam throughout history. help us understand that. >> of course. that's commentary that among others comes from horn and her incredible book, people love dead jews. this idea the educated class is immune to anti-semitism has been proven to be a complete fiction. you look at what is happening in columbia university. the proof the most educated people can harbor the most unethical evil i will go so far as to say evil ways of going about their business. >> dana: so what can we do about anti-semitism? i want to play you one other thing. a student from columbia yesterday here with us. they had gone down to the protest where there were chants for death to america, and there was even a burning of an
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american flag. listen to him here. >> i was holding an american flag, all of a sudden somebody lit it on fire and ran away. my shirt caught on fire. somebody yelled death to america. it is so important. the american public needs to know this is an american issue, not just about israel. this is so much bigger. >> dana: so how do we go about combating anti-semitism? it feels like it is growing. >> i know both david and -- they are tremendous young people. to do what they're doing. our enemies hate america because they hate freedom. they want out of the jews what our enemies have always wanted. bow down to their idols. right now the idol they want us to bow down to is the concept of victimization, soviet, marxist ideology that has poisoned so many young minds. we won't bow down to that idi
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iditarod -- idol. we need not to be scared here in this country of a bunch of people burning the flag, screaming all sorts of craziness. they want us to be afraid. if we are afraid we let them win. >> dana: tell us about the conference you are at now talking about the uighurs and the plight of those people. >> of course. while being unafraid of people who hide behind masks and by the way, isn't it time for the city and state to re-examine that masking law now post covid to make sure we don't have people screaming things from behind the safety of a mask. now that we know what we need to do, which is not respond with fear, be brave and live our lives and do the right thing, passover is coming up to celebrate freedom. we need to celebrate freedom. fighting for free doom for those who don't have it. our primary human rights mission right now that we're focused on
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is the the freedom of the uighur people oppressed by the chinese communist party. i can't begin to tell you the terrible stories i'm hearing from uighur representatives as i have been listening to them for the last day. >> dana: thank you for being with us and we'll pay attention to that effort. hope to have you on again soon. tomorrow on in us news we'll speak to danielle, the son of our late colleague the beloved charles krauthammer and talk about the price for peace in the middle east and the war here at home. >> bill: here are the details. juror number two, who was sworn in on tuesday, had misgivings yesterday. now is excused. so juror number two is from the east side. oncology nurse. she gets her news from "the new
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york times" and google and had a facebook account. her fiance works in finance. why are we giving you all this? because the really good lawyers who know how to discern potentially good jurors for their client go through this stuff with a fine tooth comb. we shall, too and get you updates momentarily. get to the middle east. breaking news. a report out today surfacing that israel appears unlikely to respond to iran, the jewish holiday passover begins on monday. trey yengst with the latest from there today. what do you have? >> good morning. israeli forces remain on high alert waiting for those orders from the country's war cabinet to strike back against iran. they were called off two separate times over the past few days. we do know the israelis are waiting for the right operational window to respond to the drone and missile attack
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over the weekend. iran's top officials are threatening immediate retaliation if such a strike takes place forcing israel to consider the jewish holiday of passover that starts on monday. the israeli army is getting ready for the possibility of another iranian attack. >> we allow yourself not a long time to be satisfied from what we see and we are preparing ourselves for the next time and seeing how could we prepare ourselves for the next assault if it would come. >> while direct action against iran is pending israel is continuing to strike iran's largest proxy in the region hezbollah. yesterday they struck deep inside lebanon targeting their air defense units the strikes followed a drone attack by hess as that injured 14 israeli soldiers and four civilians in northern israel. with the focus on gaza 200 days into the war israeli forces are reportedly meeting tonight along
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with the war cabinet trying to determine if there is a path forward to operate in gaza's southern most city of rafah. bill. >> bill: trey yengst. developments from the middle east when we get them live in tel aviv. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: back to football drama off the field. owner robert kraft reportedly playing a role in belichick losing out on a job with other teams. craft reportedly called the team's owner and gave him an assessment. belichick feels betrayed and the patriots are denying the report. there is drama for you. >> bill: good gossip, too, right? the walls caved in. kraft, belichick, brady? only one person who can give us the real scoop is jay wallace. we know how to reach him.
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we shall. how the missing children milk carton campaign from the 80s is being revived today to help youth mental health. the men behind that movement live next. everyone say space pod! (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one where you'll actually like.
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>> bill: this is about the time
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we get pictures from inside the courtroom. we have two into our offices here at the new york bureau in mid town manhattan. blue suit, white shirt, blue tie. today's details. one more. shot number two we may get more. keep you posted as we go. new information about the judge informing reporters about what they can and can't report about perspective jurors coming up in moments. has to do with employment. wants the stay away from that not to give away too much of their identity. that's happening now at the courtroom downtown. >> dana: excited to bring this to you. the milk carton program of the 80s helped spread awareness for missing children. people are resurrecting it to call attention to a modern day crisis facing our kids. it is part of a campaign to free the anxious generation drawing attention to the youth mental health crisis spurred by social media and cell phones. want to talk to the man behind
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the initiative, jonathan is the author of "the anxious generation" and there is an artist in new york. peanut butter and chocolate combination. a great combination. the main message about the anxious generation. >> mental help collapsed around 2012 for teenagers in all the english speaking countries. something happened. it looks as though it was the transition from a play-based childhood. we got frightened by the abductions and locked our kids inside and when mart smart phones came in it is not a human childhood. it collapsed in so many countries at the same time. we wanted to illustrate that when i began teaming up. >> bill: david, you are a artist. missing childhood last seen with
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a portal in their pocket that lured them away from impersonal interaction and into a virtual world. >> that sums it up. the idea was to treat the milk carton as origin moment. the other half of the story is the lack of free play and independence. in the exaggerated stranger dangers of the 80s set the stage for that as it made the real world no place for children and deprived them of the independence that they needed. that set the stage for the virtual world to create an alternative. >> dana: can you tell the story about the interaction as you've seen some of the kids, younger people will walk up to it. it's visual. was this? wait, they are talking about me. >> it is wild. it's a trap in a weird way. we have the giant milk carton. people see it as a cell phone moment and start taking pictures in front of statistics of their
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own despair while indulging in the behavior that's deepening it. it was one of the shocking things. they are not shallow people. they understand it and get it and horrified in that moment and it leads to reflection and conversation and really powerful stuff. >> bill: a new report from the psychological association of america. here is what they say. platforms built for adults are not inherently suitable for youth. chronological age is not directly associated with social media readiness. that may be true. are we underselling these young adults? are we not giving them enough credit? >> i don't think that's the case at all. they are human beings and young human beings. that means their pre-frontal cortex hasn't developed until the late teens and early 20s. we take them and say companies can give them once they have a phone, companies can reach them and send notification and try to hook them and parents can't do
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anything about it unless you keep your kid away from the internet. not a question of having faith in our kids but recognizing addictive products and also hyper sexual stuff and pornography. a reason why we need an age limit. they may say some kids are ready for pornography when they are 14. it needs to be 16 and let's let them get through puberty before we expose them to all of this. >> dana: an incredible book. i think bringing heart into it and getting more kids involved amazing. thank you for being here today. we hope more people check it out. >> bill: thank you. the d.a.'s office says trump has violated the gag order more than seven times already and once these violations added to the hearing the d.a.'s office is asking for financial penalties but considering what sanctions and want trump held in contempt.
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we'll bring you those developments as we continue. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital
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>> bill: question for you this morning. how much sleek did you get last night? a new poll finds americans are sleeping less and not happy about it. amount of sleep you got each night. feel better with more? 57%. >> dana: they want more. >> bill: not quite sure what it means. there is a connection between sleep and stress. >> the cycle of worry, they are connected. if you get more stressed you don't sleep. if you don't sleep you get more stressed. all of this spirals out of control. you take that sleepnessless and take caffeine. that interferes with your sleep cycle. a glass of wine wears off and you wake up in the middle of the night and you have your iphone going all the time. the blue lights. that wakes you up.
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in the middle of the night you check your iphone. all of this is bad for health. it leads to heart disease. increases your risk of stroke, causes you to gain weight as you binge eat and you don't exercise. extremely unhealthy. it is also generational. we see this, bill and dana, with young women especially under the age of 50. it's an issue of body imaging. social media on the last segment. social media feeds this anxiety. you don't feel great about yourself. dana was saying for young boys it is gambling. they speed anxiety and worry. >> dana: is the best answer put down your phone, get an old-fashioned alarm clock and go to bed early year? >> yes, dark room. get the phone out of the room. gen zers were asked this question. when they sleep seven or eight hours a night depression is down
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by half and they are happier. >> bill: i don't know you don't get enough. i know i don't get enough sleep. i know you don't get enough sleep. >> this topic came up at 3:00 a.m. and i was awake. >> bill: what is the effect over years? >> it wears down your body and increases all the diseases that i worry about starting with high blood pressure and weight and diabetes. stress and sleeplessness. another thing as a physician i treat them as one thing. you asked me this before we came on. i treat stress and sleepnessness as the same thing. something like a sleeping pill you cover up the problem. why are you worried and what can you do about it? >> dana: i'm looking at instagram reels of too many dogs.


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