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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 18, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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speak to they take wednesdays off, and it is thursday and trump is back today. the third day of jury selection and his hush money trial and one of the seven jurors sworn in tuesday was excused earlier today which means they now again may 12 more. the judge says he wants selection wrapped up this week so opening statements can begin on monday. this is "outnumbered." i am harris faulkner here with emily compagno and kayleigh mceany. joining us is sideline reporter, michele tafoya. an chairman of o'leary, kevin o'leary. we are good to -- a lot of news constantly because they have bad focusing on what? >> it is a very hectic day today. imagine first being called for
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jury duty, you come down here and you don't expect to walk into the courtroom because they do not tell you beforehand and you see the defendant and that defendant that defendant face-to-face with you if donald trump. that is what is happening to the jurors we talk to. one of the people who was excuse that she was shocked that this whole experience being called for this case of the former president. this comes as trump is a more hot water with the district attorney. the excused juror would only give us her first name, she said no way did she expect to be called to be in this case. >> we were shocked and frozen and it is a big case. it is a historical thing. so, it is very important. our role is very important there as jurors. >> another juror who had been seated as juror number two. also had second thoughts tuesday night after being picked and she
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has been excused. her friends and family figured out she was chosen for the jury and that woman was a nurse and when she went home after being selected she got spooked because all of her friends and some of her family members asked about the case and details of her life had been made public and she said she had concerns about being fair. meanwhile district attorney is demanding that trump be cited for contempt of trump for seven more social media posts that he made slumming the proceedings and he reposted articles and media commentary critical of the prosecution. three posts attacking stormy daniels have already been cited by the d.a., but in court they say that his reposting of what others say does not necessarily violate the gag order. as for the former president, trump is claimed he is being unfairly muzzled. >> there should not be a gag order. it is totally unconstitutional. the judge should not be there.
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the judge is highly conflicted he should not be there. >> as far as the second batch of 96 potential jurors who were brought in today when asked to raise their hand if they could not be unfair, 48, over half said they could not judge mr. trump properly or fairly so they were excused. they have now gone into questioning individual jurors in the jury box, and three of those jurors said that they had already read the book "the art of the deal" and someone else who was questioned says he follows both mr. trump and michael cohen on social media. back to you. >> harris: social media, the great unifier. when i look at her face, we know that we have a right to an impartial jury. we have a right to an impartial judge. i am just wondering, if this judge is displaying any behavior or past ties to signal
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impartiality himself. >> kayleigh: he is doing the best he can in this tough situation. but what i am interested in is the image which is sought, the breathtaking image of trump in harlem. wow, nobody wants to be in this situation but this strikes me as the 2024 campaign playing out right for people's eyes. you have president biden putting out a strategy to not comment on this. it's probably smart because new york is leaning into the argument that trump made. especially how he said that my opponent is busy right now. trump however is leaning in and leveraging this at periods where he is on every broadcast network to great effect. you do not want being the situation but the crowds that do gather in the lackluster appearance what a contrast. >> harris: they also talk about trump is going broke through the process. he may not say his neighbor he
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is focused. let's go to testify or go to mr. wonderful. democrats want trump convicted and the hush money trial to avoid facing him into upcoming election here it is. >> it's much to do about nothing. to my liberal friends out there, all you are doing is showing that you are scared you cannot beat him. on the issues and the merits. that is why he keeps saying that it is a political campaign against me. that is why he keeps saying they cannot beat me up direction. at the polls. this is the only way they can do it. you have given fodder to his argument. which means we will never have peace in this country because tens of millions of people see what extent the other side is willing to go through just to
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keep him out of office. because they cannot beat them on their own merits. >> harris: maybe we should check out youtube every now and then. everyone had a comment about that. evan? >> kevin: i want to preface my words by saying before i comment that i talked about these cases for months. and every time i bring this up i get all of this trump stuff, forget about him. we don't do this in america, we did not go after the office of the president with certain actress cases, if you are a ex-president and you murdered somebody i would understand. but what is this? this hurts the american brand. i keep saying that. a hundred and 50 countries represented and everyone is talking about what is the stormy daniels thing? it is an american president. this is the office of the
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united states of america's highest office we doing this this is sheer stupidity and i'll tell you what should happen they should be pushed until after he wins or doesn't ring it shouldn't be not part of this election cycle it all this is not a chump loving comment this is about the american brand, we look like clowns. and i hate this. >> emily: to provide more color the reason why courts are in session i once this is because a budget because of the failure of our leadership in those intellectual office to look out for the budget so we follow. that is why it's close. i learned that the hard way, so we start from a position from toxicity and incompetence. and then secondly we look at the secondary trial right here in the city of manhattan, a criminal trial prosecuting a nypd officer who punched a man and upper website store.
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that is who they are prosecuting alongside trump for business falsification card may charge the knowing of salt. that is what the criminal justice system is in america? the answer is yes because it is common stuff. the joaquin phoenix stopped russell crowe because he knew he could ask fight him squarely in the arena. >> harris: nobody could even see that he had been stabbed. your thoughts? >> michele: i miss that film i have to go back and watch it. but i love your point because this is clownish and we are looking foolish. when you have undocumented immigrants being thrown in jail for punching out police officers, and then walking out and then flipping up the cameras and then going free. the city is pulling all of its judicial resources into this hush money case over a
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pornographic film star. and we're trying to prove what here? this is what other resources are going? it is embarrassing and it is sad -- and i agree with you to leave trump out of his. whoever this happens to it is wrong. >> harris: everybody is thirsty. they are feasting in terms of running with trump's name in her mouth. the white house just responded to president biden story that his uncle was eaten by cannibals. [laughter] i can't make this up because i would get in trouble for lying. but the subject the president and he said that his uncle was eaten by cannibals during world war ii. in fact the big check was that the plane was never shot down and they had to get you for some unknown reason. it is rich. and so is his nonmemory fueled
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>> we are getting a new reaction from the white house. president biden story about his uncle who died in world war ii. here's what he said yesterday. >> uncle posey, he was shut down. he was on the air force before there was an air force. he had volunteered because soma could not make it. and got checked out an area where there was a lot of cannibals. >> kayleigh: cannibals. you heard that right. i was later he doubled down on the story.
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>> my uncle -- they called him e flew single engine planes over t shot down in new guinea. and they never found the body because they used to be cannibals in that part of new guinea. >> kayleigh: there is one problem, the official record of the incident mentions nothing of cannibalism are the plane being shot down. press secretary responded just moments ago. >> you saw the president, he was incredibly proud of his uncle serve as a uniform and you saw him at the war memorial, it was emotional and important to him. he responded to all of you and
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asked about the moment yest yesterday. and his uncle who lost his life in the military aircraft. he was in the pacific after taking off in new guinea, the president highlighted his uncle story as he made the case for honoring our sacred commitment to equip those we sent to work and to take care of them and their families when they come home. as he reiterated, the last thing american veterans are is suckers or losers. he wanted to make that clear. i do not have anything beyond what i have just laid out but it was a proud moment for him. >> kayleigh: so, she tries not to attack trump or harass with the false story but the motion he has does not discredit the fact that the story is not true. >> harris: she added her own details. my guess is that the ceo of npr is going to be out stating that
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the truth is going to be a distraction. but the truth doesn't matter to any of these people. why didn't she sit with the president. and say mr. president, we need to address this. how do you want to address it? let us start with the facts. the pentagon had said that it had been ditched into the ocean and was not in fact shot down and there was no mention of cannibalism. how do you want to go forward? they need to get their story straight because as stated already, we look like clowns to the rest the world. >> kayleigh: we do. it is as if the press is carrying the water for the biden administration. he is going off on details and he honors his uncle, associated press again. nbc, they mischaracterize his disappearance. >> michele: it is incredible to me as a reporter who asked
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questions all the time because i wanted to know the facts that people do not push back on this. they do not see a fact-check for blighted and then when they do it's later and they say that was a harmless lie about cannibalism. but my thinking is that he has done this for his entire political career and if he can get away with little flubs and lies about meaningless stories or stories where there is a motion or pride or all of this he is probably lying or misrepresenting on a whole lot of other topics as well like afghanistan was our greatest evacuation. that information is transferred to. all of these things -- i do not know what he's allowed to get away with this and shaming the mainstream media for not pushing back in a way that is meaningful and holds the most powerful man in a world to account. >> kayleigh: why does he repeat the same story?
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he continued to repeat the claim even to today, look at this from "the new york times" this was in 2019 and i want to put this back up, and 1988 joe biden was prone to embellishment. mr. biden said he was testing the presidential message in 1987 before new hampshire, saying that he march with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes and we change attitudes more than once. advisors reminded him of the problem with this formulation he had not actually marched during the civil rights movement and more than once he assured them that he understood and he kept telling the story anyway. this is not a problem of age this is one of pathology. >> kevin: i do not know a pilot to shinned that does not embellish. that is part of the actual job. the embellishment of politicians. it's just how far you take it. what's unfortunate is that we are talking about a father war
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hero and it takes on a certain sensitivity to all of the veterans out there. it's difficult because i do not know what to do with this one. he is dead, and wish to honor him. in this story does not help that. and i just think that everybody knows the story forward it is. i get it. we all get it. it doesn't matter what side of the aisle you are on we all get it. but i say move on and on a disk that person. he was a military hero and i feel for him. why do we have to do the stuff to myself? it is just so bad from that perspective and it's getting so much scrutiny. i feel sorry for him. and his honor. this is not how i want my legacy to be remembered in the controversy of whether or not i was eaten by a cannibal. >> emily: he started out with that collegiate live 40 years ago. that is the thing, he has never been how to account and his 50
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year service to this country because there is a fine line -- and his situation there is a chasm between embellishment and pathologically lying. for a movement and party that wants to speak truth to power i am shocked that they let this caucasian grandfatherly man continue to lie while doing so and dilute the memories and the honor of all of those important people and individuals that he is pretending to be a part of. now here's the thing, why this matters to us is not because he is falsifying story so he can relate to anyone but that he is lying to us about his policies. the dollar is strong, the economy is great, everything is fine nothing to see here. that's why it matters. the pathological lying has filtered through everything his administration. i find it unacceptable and i am not sure why his party thinks it is okay. >> harris: why is the press secretary during a question mark >> maybe if the fact-checkers woke up from their slumber we would have some sense of
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accountability. a leading to this. a second juror is being dismissed in the hush money case after prosecutors raise concern about the accuracy of his mentor. live report will be coming you.
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call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. >> harris: it is happening again, another juror has been dismissed from trump's hush money trial and remember what we are talking about here are people who were seated on the jury already. by the end of yesterday there were seven and now they are taking away. only five remaining of the original seven were already seated. now, they are going to need 13 jurors before the kids can move forward. we are going in the wrong direction. or maybe it is the fairest one -- they are looking for impartiality. let us get details from eric. >> hello, juror number four
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had some questions about the credibility. he was called before the bench and in a sidebar with the budget and the lawyers, he was visibly annoyed about some of the information that was made public but the judge, appeared annoyed. we do not know the reason why this juror has been bounced and excused. but there was speculation that jerry number four may not have been completely truthful in terms of answering the questions. we know that the subject of that discussion was to question 19 on the 42 question page questionnaire. question 19 asked if you are a member of your family have been accused or convicted of a crime? there were reports that this juror may have answered no to that question when in fact some research discovered someone with the same name had been arrested in the 1990s for pulling down political posters and political posters that prosecutors say were from the right.
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so here you have a juror who are taking down conservative political posters sometime in the 1990s and had been arrested for that. and may not have revealed if indeed it was the same person. we will probably get some clarification on that. but a indication of the sensitivity of this issue is that whatever the judge or the lawyer said in the sidebar has been sealed. so you can perhaps speculate that this has to do with something that very well could have been the fact that there is juror may have been arrested for political vandalism against something -- posters on the right side. he either did not remember it or did not include it was not revealed, and that's why he had been dismissed. earlier today a woman who was a nurse, he came in and says she
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was uncomfortable and cannot be fair because her friends and family figured out on tuesday night when she went home as she was on the jury. people know when you are called for jury duty and there are details being revealed in the media from what they say in court about them. although their names are not to be made public, we do not know the names of juror. but the fact that some of the personal details are being made public has been enough for some of these trump. the judge is not asking the media to not release this information but so far this man -- we will have to seek and they have bread because he pull down those posters 30 years ago but whether or not he is not on the jury. >> harris: we are not going to speculate because it is out of the purview of the public and i do not want to go down that road at all. and if he gets reporting becomes public then we will report it. as far as the names, there is one person who spoke in breaking news last hour on the faulkner focus. we only had her first name, and
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she talked about impartiality in the case being huge. we may see more of the interview throughout the day. eric quickly, the judge in this case is he still counting on monday is the day i can get this done? they have already gone through almost a 200 people. >> yes it's been almost 200 and this morning, out of the 96 that were called, 48 said that they could not be fair or impartial to the former president. yes, so they're betting about 500 here. today in early in the week. i think it's kind of doubtful that they could start on monday if they are going at this rate. i bet you could get the jurors by next week. >> harris: great reporting always thank you. emily? >> emily: 's quick clarification and then let me give an example. each side can dismiss up to ten jurors without cost meaning they can say no, thank you to
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prospective juror number 50. that is when this perception of partiality comes in the place and social media analysis et cetera. i want to point out what it is so important to have an impartial jury other than the obvious. scott peterson who was convicted in 2,004 of murdering his wife and his unborn baby. in 2020, there was a retrial of the sentencing because of bias of a juror and alleged it was uncovered and determined that in fact it was improperly screened at the time. that case is ongoing and he has been the sentences to life -- the point remains that has lasting impact not just in this moment forever. i hope everyone in the courtroom understands the gravity of this impartiality. >> harris: the trail of social media and friends and relatives who know what your thoughts handle such things, those are hard to erase. and they are part of who we are as jurors in his american citizens.
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so finding an american citizen with no past -- that will be hard to do. especially new york for trump. everybody knows him. "outnumbered" will continue in just a moment. started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening.
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these savings won't last forever. unlike your eternal elation. ok, settle down. shop online or book an exam at >> a whistle-blower is accusing the airplane maker of putting out defective planes and trying to cover it up. engineers stated a testimony yesterday after numerous incidents of planes this year. we have talking about quite a few of them. from doors flung off from tires plummeting from the sky. we have the details from los angeles. >> a cover-up is one where you never want to hear let alone in a congressional hearing. yet that is one take away from two -- following a door panel
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that flew off midflight. the fbi says criminal charges are possible and the internal up your are stated that these planes do not exist. yesterday a former engineer said that they do. >> i am not going to sugarcoat this this is a criminal cover-up records do in fact exist and i know this because i have personally passed them into the fbi. >> the other jaw-dropping moment describes the safety culture at speeds up as virtually nonexistent. for executive he said they favor production and profit over safety and threaten and employees who raise concerns. >> i raise concerns internally and i was sidelines and i was told to shut up. and i received physical threat. my boss had said that i would have killed someone who have said what you have said in a meeting. >> of the 787 dreamliner that uses ultralight carbon fiber,
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the same whistle-blower said that boeing is producing defective airplanes. >> i have analyzed boeing and their data to conclude that the company is taking shortcuts on this program that may significantly reduce the airplane safety. and the life cycle. >> they claim boeing is prohibited and employees are encouraged to speak up. senators were skeptical they want changes at boeing and the faa who came under fire to become cozy with boeing. it's not just for passenger safety but they are the single largest exporter and there are lots of jobs at this company. >> kayleigh: no doubt about that. thank you. haven't we heard from the whistle-blower i want to play one more portion that really alarms me that involves people g on planes to try and fix them.
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listen to this. >> in a rush to address the production -- boeing hip problems and pushed peace treatment pieces together with excessive force to make it apper that the gaps do not exist even though they do exist. it did not actually go away and this may result in premature failure. effectively they are putting out defective airplanes. near severe misalignment where the planes were assembled. boeing manufacturing use unmeasured and unlimited amount of force to correct the misalignment. in this also weekend the airplane in the long run. i literally saw people jumping onto the pieces of the airplane to get them to align. >> kayleigh: that is pretty concerning. >> kevin: i'll take the whistle-blower's testimony with the day of salt. but this company has had its guts smashed out of it but the
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last couple of years -- it is a great american company and a shareholder of this company -- not currently but i'm reading this stock is getting pounded every day because of this kind of -- they never saw this coming and now they can't turn it off it is a great case study and i will buy the stock again when we are finished beating the out of it -- so when they are grilling you like a fried chicken -- it is almost alone. they are going to fix this problem's and engineering will develop the aircraft -- it is one of the hardest task on ea earth. and they build a lot of defensive weaponry for us so i'm a huge fan of the company and i think sebastian is almost over but make sure when you testify is do not lie. so this man is covering his own self -- for as long as he's not lying because if he knows he
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will be back at a different place because they go to fact-check his stuff. >> kayleigh: here's the response in part, we have painstakingly inspected and we want airplanes to meet standards that are measured in a 100th of a inch -- we are fully confident in the safety and durability of the dreamliner and the safety of the 777. >> michele: my late father was a engineer and did a lot of things in sight averroes admired boeing as a company. but to say you take a whistle-blower with a grain of salt and say the kinds of things not in response to questions to questions voluntarily, i am curious as to why you wouldn't take that seriously. that they are piling on -- >> kevin: i took it seriously i would just dig into his motivations. i'm a skeptic. and when i see this type of display -- maybe this is true, but i would validate it. i really would.
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final thing you find has been dislodged and their jobs are picked over someone else got the dash every employer and has employed thousands of people in my career i have been litigated by countless numbers of people because they felt jilted. it is a social impact. this claim is hurting this company in a brutal fashion and it must be validated. that is all i'm saying. if this is all true great but if he is willing to go up there and say those things but he better be telling the truth. >> michele: if i'm sitting on a plane in the door blows off, i'm a little bit more open to -- >> kevin: they've always had problems but they've never had social media -- >> harris: she's not the one who's telling the story. they looked at this and they better get it right because they are affecting the entire air industry people could fight -- i was on a boeing flight recently. in the pilot comes out of the park in the cockpit and they come on board and there's a problem with the door.
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they worked it out but i was tweeting in real time, we were very calm we didn't know what the problem was but they were all very professional at a united flight everything was impressive but i cannot say that for that moment i wasn't thinking is everything going to be okay it is a door issue. they make up 4% of airline travel and supply chain of the gdp of this nation. 779 gross billion dollars. they have to get this right. not just because you want to invest in boeing again i would like to not have to cover it if it doesn't work out make it in a few years ago with boeing fights and people >> emily: i encourage all of you to listen to my true crime podcast. i recorded an episode with the whistle-blower and you will learn firsthand what the pressures are with the realities are and what the motivations are and what the blowback is, it is a intense decision to make and it's a gripping tale of what the reality is like as a whistle-blower asked for a seemingly infallible or
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successful company. >> michele: interesting perspective. up next, kevin is in the hot seat we are going to ask him if the google staffers who have protested should have been fired? the gen z trend and whether or not company should offer pet bereavement. also how to get out of a boring conversation coming up next. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! [honking]
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>> president biden coming up live campaigning in philadelphia, we will monitor that, plus pentagon briefings are happening shortly, will be watching for updates in the middle east. a live update from t the new yok supreme court from the harsh mini trial as a continuous as well as jury selection we will have an update. joining us live as "america reports" will be at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> emily: google has terminated 20 employees who participated in the anti-israel protests -- they stoned office buildings and protests of the $1.2 billion contract with the jewish people state. so kevin? what are your thoughts? >> kevin: it doesn't matter
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what the topic was, with a pro or con in the middle east war, this is against company policy if you are running a company as i have done many times in my career, they broke the policy, i would fire them. i am happy it happened. and they are going to have to look at consequences and any other research when they go for a new job. this is all over the internet and it's everywhere they are going to look it up and realize they are one of the people who sat down and no one is in ohio these people they did this to themselves and i tell young people this all the time be very careful what you do with your emotions when it comes to your job because you will deal with it forever. it is right that they do not get employment. [laughter] >> emily: being a employee is not the same of being a student when you get away with everything. some members of gen z are embracing a new home buying trend. houses before spouses.
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buying a house with your friends before you get married. maximizing the investment. is this a good or bad idea? >> kevin: that idea because the ownership is disputed -- unless you want to marry your friends but no one does that. you should not get involved in a home with a significant other unless you have that moral and legal contract of marriage none of these things ever work out moving with your girlfriend if you are not married or ends in disaster because the house depreciates over time and all of a sudden you don't love each other as much and you separate and what are you about money the reason why people separate is not infidelity it is cash flow. >> what's the incentive? >> harris: the house value goes up at the relationship value goes down. >> kevin: marriage is a business. you join forces so you can raise a family under the best economic
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situation you can get. it is a llar. hello cash how are you that is exactly what it is. >> emily: next. many people consider pets to be members of the family but they do not get paid bereavement time when a pet passes away, but we are seeing more employers who are considering that idea what is your take? >> kevin: i am for it. i have realize how important pets are in people's lives. when fluffy guys -- 15 minutes. 15 minutes a moment of silence for fluffy. okay. 20 minutes max. >> here's the thing. you are afforded personal time out for any reason why should you afford pet bereavement leave where you can put that under personal time off any people can take for any reason. i want to take a pedicure or go to met funeral -- why should i
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have to carve up additional exception. >> kevin: if that can't last for 14 years and you've had an emotional relationship with them, and fluffy is gone show a little compassion. a few minutes. >> i had my dog's funeral on a thursday night. after work hours. finally, "the wall street journal" is offering tips on how to get out of a boring conversation. but we want to hear from kevin how do you get out of one? >> kevin: i try not to get into lent. i want something amazing. from elon musk, his number one thing in terms of all the productivity is do not waste time. it is not uncommon for him to be in the middle of a conversation and to walk away. in other words you bo board me - extraordinary focus -- i talk about this a lot this is why
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he's such an extraordinary individual. he is controversial but he does not waste his time. >> harris: does he tell you or -- >> kevin: he just walks away. >> i peten my phone is rin ringing. >> more outnumbered coming up next.
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together ikea furniture for the former president was slightly favored periods of likely voters like to the idea of him putting together their ikea stuff. but the poll found biden would be better at teaching a beginners cooking class. led to a lightning round on the couch. >> i don't care who teaches me how to cook. that seems really dumb. i want fantasy football/monopoly guy that's why want running my country. >> i mean who can put together furniture 100% and i agree it's trump hands down. >> down this path i don't know why we don't get them singing. who can sing better? why not? karaoke. >> i like that. >> who do you think and sing better? >> good question. >> i think biden would. >> no! >> that may be the closest we get to a debate. >> i mean maybe like sinatra singing a little bit like this? >> oh, my gosh. >> what makes people think biden would be a better maybe because trump had fast food in the white house? which i always thought was
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fantastic. i would like to meet the 29% of people who think biden would be better a monopoly in the 29% work unsure. trump built the manhattan skyline. he is a real estate developer do you think biden would beat him at monopoly? good luck. >> ikea furniture is important but do you know what? in the white house you don't have to worry about putting together furniture. or teaching a cooking class but you have to manage. >> my take away is no one thinks biden is good at anything. >> and the kitchen in the white house the original kitchen i saw at once. it's the size of a bathroom. >> what? >> it's tiny and it was built 200 years ago it's the size of a bathroom. that's why they have the trucks outside. when they do a steak dinner you see 16 trucks where they prepare the food. they don't have a kitchen. at night you can get a ham sandwich that's it. >> we have seen pictures inside the white house, that's a funny. they make it look bigger. all right, thank you for joining us "america reports" now. >> all right


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