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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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people who think biden would be better a monopoly in the 29% work unsure. trump built the manhattan skyline. he is a real estate developer do you think biden would beat him at monopoly? good luck. >> ikea furniture is important but do you know what? in the white house you don't have to worry about putting together furniture. or teaching a cooking class but you have to manage. >> my take away is no one thinks biden is good at anything. >> and the kitchen in the white house the original kitchen i saw at once. it's the size of a bathroom. >> what? >> it's tiny and it was built 200 years ago it's the size of a bathroom. that's why they have the trucks outside. when they do a steak dinner you see 16 trucks where they prepare the food. they don't have a kitchen. at night you can get a ham sandwich that's it. >> we have seen pictures inside the white house, that's a funny. they make it look bigger. all right, thank you for joining us "america reports" now. >> all right we are watching two
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major developments for you at this hour. any moment now president biden will be attending the campaign event in philadelphia as he wraps his three day blitz in pennsylvania. all of that is happening while his 2024 arrival is sitting in a manhattan courtroom. hello and welcome, everyone i'm sandra smith in new york and jillian that's not the first day that has happened this week at have you. >> jillian: thank you, sandra, i'm gillian turner in washington, john roberts is out today and this is "america reports." as you mentioned to d3 of jury selection and former president trump's hush money trial is underway the number of jurors who have been selected now is down from 7 to 5 after two were excused. >> sandra: one was worried about being publicly identified the other was excused after prosecutors raise concerns that he had misrepresented his history during questioning. fox team coverage kicks off
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right now, jonathan turley is standing by. >> gillian: first we go to eric shawn outside the supreme court, this hour eric what is the latest? >> yes, as you said the second is gone. the first was excused the second bounced described as a middle aged man on the bohemian lower east side and there are apparently some questions about his credibility and answers to some of the questions. one of the questions of the questionnaire is number 19. although we do not know exactly why he was dismissed, the issue had to do with that question. it says "have you or a relative or a close friend ever been accused of or convicted of committing a crime? while reports where a man has the same name of this juror had been arrested in the 1990s for tearing down political posters. prosecutors say those posters were for those "on the right to" so there could've been a question if this indeed is the
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same man. he had been arrested for tearing down those clinical posters. he may not have revealed or had forgotten to tell that or answer that in the questionnaire. judge one where sean seemed visibly annoyed over all of this. he ordered this information to be sealed saying it was very personal and the juror was annoyed that the information was made public. a female juror said she cannot be fa fare because her family fd out she was picked for the trump jury. that woman an oncology nurse went home tuesday night after she was selected and got spooked about the details of her life that were made public. meanwhile, district attorney of aunt bragg says talk to mike trump should be cited for contempt of court seven were times for seven more social media posts he has made slamming this trial. and reposting articles and media commentary that is critical of the prosecution. three posts already attacked stormy daniels and michael cohen who were cited by the dea
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previously but in court trump's lawyers argue that these new postings don't count because they say what others claim about this trial does not violate the gag order. meanwhile the second batch of 96 potential jurors had been brought in, over half 48 said they could not judge trump fairly and they were all excused another individual questioning of the jurors in the jury box is continuing and ongoing. as for the juror who was removed on this trial, "the new york times" reports that when he left in the courtrooms he shook his head and an affirmative way that he could be impartial to the former president and when reporters asked if he thought it was fair that he was removed from this trial, he had one answer, one word, and that was "nope" so now the attempt to find more jurors is ongoing. the setback in yardage two to today. >> gillian: a lot of tough
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choices today eric shawn, thank you, sandra? >> sandra: thank you, gillian, constitutional law and fox news contributor we started with 7 we are down to 5, jonathan, what do we need to know now? >> jonathan: now this is really part of this entire play in that you have a jury pool that is really heavily weighted, obviously, with strong opinions against trump. 12% of the people in this area voted for trump. the jurors you have to worry about are the ones who are trojan horse jurors, are hiding bias that does not appear in social media were involved in any formal charges like the one who was just removed today. those are the ones you have to worry about. that they are so motivated by their dislike for trump they are willing to lie on the stand. now we have seen jurors who have later been found to have
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repremisrepresented their histo, and both those cases the judges in washington, d.c., refused to reconsider the verdict. so this is a very important stage to try to filter out these types of jurors. >> sandra: that being said on the case itself and where this all goes, jonathan, this is andrew joo caskey on anr this morning on newsroom on the high burden of proof of the prosecutors in this case, jonathan, let's listen together. >> there are two players of special intent of the prosecutors have to establish in order to convict to donald trump and that is a very difficult thing to do. it's even more difficult when they don't have direct evidence of a-determiner. donald trump expected to testify, he said he is going to do that, certainly he will deny his own mental intent here. >> sandra: do you agree with all that, jonathan? >> jonathan: it is certainly true the problem with the intent here is there are lots of reasons why you would want to
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pay hush money. he was married, he had a leading television program, and yes, he had ambitions for the presidency. at this entire indictment is based upon his content to try to conceal a crime. it's very ambiguous with the crime is because the federal government did not consider this a crime, an illegal campaign contribution. so the entire thing is rather murky. and the jury will have to do with that. the irony here is that the legal system it self has really failed in this regard. the district attorney who once refused to move forward on this case yielded the pressure. the courts have allowed this to go forward although many of us have said it is absurd. the new york legal system is relying on average people, frankly, to have a redemptive moment to say, my god, we have to say and off. where is the crime here? and that will come down to his intent. keep in mind, you will have his
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former lawyer telling this jury send my former client to jail for following my legal advice. how many cases do you know of where that has happened? >> sandra: really interesting. we are getting pool notes out of the courtroom going back to the jury selection and just how difficult it is going to be to remind our audience they need to 12 jurors and six alternates in total. we know we have started the day with 7 we are down to 5. we got word a short time ago out of the courtroom a male who raised concerns about a strong opinion about the former president, donald trump, has been excused. that was a prospective juror. adding to that from the pool notes just now, the male juror that was just excused was excused after explaining he was born and raised in italy saying the italian media have had a very strong association with mr. trump. silvio berlusconi adding it would be hard for me to retain
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my impartiality and fairness. he has now been excused, jonathan, your reaction? >> jonathan: i think are honest moments here. as someone can be conical they would not be fair you should be more critical for those who deny that fact. at least these are people who are saying i can't do it. it is baked in for make, i can't give him a fair hearing. you know, i find that commendable even if i don't agree with their ultimate viewpoint. at least these are the ones coming forward saying i can't take an oath and say i will be fair because i don't think i i will. >> sandra: all right we are told the court is now on lunch break until 2:15 p.m. eastern time, jonathan. before dismissing the jurors the judge gave him instruction the prospective jurors to not discuss, read, or research the case of course and a female has now taken that new open seat. we will see where all of this goes in the coming hours, jonathan turley as always, thank you so much.
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>> ca>> jonathan: thank you. spew on those are anti-israel protesters creating quite a chaotic scene just outside of the gates of columbia university last night. those demonstrations continued throughout the evening overnight before police stepped into to make some arrests early this morning. cb cotton live outside columbia university in new york city, it seems like the student protesters are now asking for others, is that an attempt to try to keep this going? i think we lost cb's shot we will try to get it back up there for you. in the moment, let's go ahead, sandra, i think you've got an update for us. >> sandra: yes let's head to the united nations and what the update is there.
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right now the u.n. security council is considering a bid to give the palestinian authority full u.n. membership as tensions build in the middle east. alexis mcadams is on this live at the u.n. what is the update from there, alexis? >> hi, sandra, we've been watching closely at the united nations this meeting has been going on three hours and counting, israel came back pushing hard sing the palestinians should not be granted full membership into the united nations saying simply it would make the world a more dangerous place, watch. >> and today the mask has finally fallen. the council has exposed itself. please do not to give into politics. do not support this dangerous resolution. how can you support a resolution that is so destructive and immoral at the worst possible moment? >> let's take a live look inside
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the united nations where the security council could vote as early as today on whether or not to admit the palestinian authority. it's a vote that convert force united states to use veto power here. the u.s. has said establishing an independent palestinian state should have been through direct negotiations between the parties and not at the u.n. u.s. ambassador to the united states says america is going to support israel as it faces unprecedented threats. >> we will also continue direct diplomacy to advocate for normalization of ties between israel and its neighbors. as well as a political horizon towards two's state solution so that palestinians and israelis can live side-by-side in peace. we are committed to achieve incrincredible steps toward a two-state solution. >> the resolution needs at least nine votes in favor and the u.s.
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could veto because this could lead to recognizing the palestinian state even without a two-party negotiated treaty. >> we do hope you will give us the opportunity to become an integral part of the international community that is working to achieve international peace and security. >> that was the reasoning of why they want to be a member of the u.n. right now the palestinians and nonacting observer state but we will see if this vote happens at some point today. >> sandra: we are watching it. >> gillian: good news we have cb cotton's shot now she is reporting live outside columbia university in new york city today were these protests have been ongoing for a couple of days now as i understand, cb, they did not die down what are you so far today? >> hi, gillian, things are going very steady here, the university
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has locked down the premises to everyone except those with a columbia id. the students protesting on campus are encouraging people to come here with signs, blow horns, palestinian scarves, we are watching this unfold outside the main gates behind me. take a look. this could become chaotic because for the past 24 hours there has been a heavy police presence outside these campus gates as more protesters show up. this morning we watch as the nypd took two people into custody and right here in this same spot but we have heard at least five total people were detained by officers before at 9:00 a.m. today. again, more people are showing up by the hour. right now they are chanting accusing israel of committing against the palestinian people and accusing columbia university for being complicit in that. we are on details on the arrest but in this very same spot things got very tense, watch this.
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[chanting] now, during this protest last night we are told two people are booked on resisting arrest and one person with assault on a police officer. again, this is all according to the nypd. protesters as you can see in this video lit flares as they chanted "free palestine" and "gaza, you make us proud" jewish students told us what they felt about while walking past these scenes. >> to be honest it's quite painful to see people have such strong feelings based off of our religion identity. yes, just hurtful to be fully honest. >> they are consistently emboldened by this administration continues to try to appease both sides. and there are hundreds and hundreds of students who chant we don't want no zionists here, death of the zionist state. how is that allowed? what if they change it to death to any other country? >> we have been told three
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students have been suspended for participating in the protest on campus, but we have yet to see any efforts to remove these students. it's clear the nypd is communicating closely with the university because we are seeing top brass in and out of the campus, gillian back to you. >> gillian: glad we got your shot back up thank you for sticking with us. >> sandra: gillian, she just mentioned, cb, the three students suspended for standing in solidarity with palestinians that have been suspended from burner college according to some reports emerging right now we ay confirm this is the case. the daughter of u.s. rep ilhan omar, her name is izra hersy has that she has been suspended in her involvement in anti-israel protests.
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she has tweeted this herself, we are looking to it confirm this is indeed her account saying on x i am an organizer with -- she is one of the organizers that has been let go, the three students. she says i just received notice i'm 1 of 3 students suspended for standing in solidarity with those facing a genocide. as we watch this outside of columbia university in new york city. >> gillian: of course following on today's leaders, the president at least tried to indicate she is going to be taking a firmer stance toward some of the activity at least some of the activity that tends towards hate and violent incitement and perhaps a step toward that direction we would love to see. >> sandra: now this. >> that's 30 milk shakes.
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>> forma president trump stuck in court today but he has one real advantage over his 2024 political rival. we have byron york coming up to bring that down coming up next. >> sandra: and is boeing cutting corners? startling accusations from a whistle-blower coming up.
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courtroom in manhattan. there in pennsylvania we will look for his remark to begin shortly. gillian? >> gillian: thank you, sandor, president biden stopped by a gas station yesterday in pittsburgh on a tour to drum up enthusiasm for his campaign critics are saying folks on the ground did not seem quite as excited to see the president as supporters grinning former president donald trump earlier in the week, listen. >> i don't care what the media says, mr. trump, we support you. 4:00 p.m. >> let me give you a hug. [cheers and applause] while my. >> take a photo. >> thank you! tell my mama i made it! >> gillian: let's bring in byron york fox news contributor, byron, before i get you to respond to that clip i want you to take a look at president biden in pittsburgh
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buying some snacks talking to a bunch of potential voters there we will get your response. so he did not get any hugs. but be that as it may everyone has their own style. the president has made a habit on doing these local food joint stops whether on the campaign trail or in martha's vineyard on vacation. sometimes here in the nation's capital on the job. do you think these kinds of unscripted stops generally work for the president and what do you make of the side-by-side of the current and former? >> well, you just showed us the intensity right there on video. a lot of polls have told us that people who intended to vote for
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donald trump are more enthusiastic about voting for donald trump than people who intended to vote for joe biden are enthusiastic about voting for joe biden. there is a major intensity gap between donald trump and really everybody else. i interviewed trump last month at mar-a-lago and we talked about this intensity gap and he says he feels -- and it's actually the reason he felt he could run a gun even after he returned to florida right after january 6th, he always felt this intensity gap. the problem, of course, is it works both ways. and for people who are super positive about donald trump, there are a lot of people who are super negative about donald trump. and that does motivate voters on the other side. we saw it in 2020 and we will see it again this november. >> gillian: so, byron, we have some numbers let's throw them on the screen so people can see what you are talking about. this is latest polling on
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enthusiasm gap. it's the democrats at 55%, republicans are at 59%. republicans have, you know, a fairly big marginally of a lead they are. the problem for them as you can see there is that democrats are up 12 points between 2016 and now whereas from 2016 through now democrats went up 11 points, they have come down. if i can do math that's three-point so it's not great news. for them. >> obviously since 2020, excuse me, since 2016 people got to know donald trump in a way they did not know him before when he was just a tv star and a big real estate guy. obviously the opposition to trump hardened a lot in the years after 2017 when he became president. the problem on the other side, of course, is that people have had a chance to see joe biden be the president for 3 years now.
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and we have talked almost every day about his job approval ratings which are very, very low. as a matter of fact, if they are they slow you can't win reelection. i think you would have to rise some back in october for him to even be in the running. but right now -- speak of the present said the other day i forget who he told the president told a reporter the other day he is up in 35 separate national polls. right now. >> i have not seen those polls. if you look at the real average we should say nationally the two of them are almost tied a-determiner. separated by less than a point, trump is a little bit ahead but less than a point they are tied. what is really more concerning for the biden campaign is if you do look at a number of the swing states georgia, arizona, nevada, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, there are a number of those states where trump is doing significant better than biden right now.
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that will have to change, and it might or biden will not be able to win reelection. >> gillian: biden was, clearly we have reached out and asked the white house to tell us or provide the poles he was referencing, we have not gotten those yet but byron we have to leave it there thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> sandra: gillian, inflation cutting into profits for our ranchers. to so just how hard is it to run one that these days? we will ask our next guest they are ranchers they talk about the pain they are feeling. >> gillian: plus this the housing market where it is heading, how much it costs for folks who want to buy macro home this next. >> whether it is energy, whether it is homes, the cost of carrying money for the average consumer in america today is paying substantially higher prices and the wages are not keeping up with it.
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>> sandra: fox news alert as we keep our eyes on the protest for the second day on the outside of columbia university in new york city we are told just a few moments ago that we are going to turn this video shortly, two big new york police department buses arrived on the scene there and they have begun removing students that have been protesting on the lawn. in the latest information from there is a large police presence has now taken to the campus and they are trying to clear the protesters. obviously this is a later situation on screen in front of you. we will turn this video with police coming on the scene and these protesters going into a second day now. we will have another update shortly and the crushing combination of high taxes and rising inflation hurting
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americans from all walks of life. we have heard their stories on this program and our next guest has a unique situation they are first-generation cattle ranchers trying to keep their dream in the face of financial hardship from their ranch in idaho megan and trevor stark thank you for joining us. love having both of you on. >> thank you. >> sandra: all right, the scenery only you can give us, first up tell us what your journey has been like and the challenge that inflation and high prices has posed to your business. >> when we started this business in 2020 this was different from everyone periods costs were much different, everything was so much different. in the last i want to say year and a half hour costs have actually gone up 75% across the board for livestock, for feed
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prices, fuel, everything. it's gone up a drastic amount. for us to continue on and make a living and expand and go through our business plan like we had planned on, it's very challenging. >> sandra: trevor tell us what it has been like for you i know you are working a second job because of how tough it is gotten. >> i always have work for my parents construction company and we see the fuel prices going up there, i will always continue to work the construction job but this is what we want to do to set our kids up for a little more. >> it's a beautiful story and we love the journey and we love the mission you are on. it really is an american dream of sorts. megan, i know one of the hardest parts is to explain to your customers the dynamic issue that is inflation. as these prices change you have to adapt your business.
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often time this gets passed to the consumer so what are you doing about that to stay afloat? >> we as many people are in the industry right now we are trying to cut costs in a way that does not hinder our quality of service and product. we are doing like every one else cutting costs where we can and adjusting basically any which way we can to keep our costs at least where they are at so they don't keep rising. that is part of the problem they continue to keep rising. as we adjust things keep going. there is that issue but you know, we keep our customers involved equally as much as we do, we talk to our customers all the time. we have a very open and transparent business with our clients and our customers so they feel the same things we feel and they note they are basically part of our family so
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their opinions matter. that's what we did recently we put a survey out to our customers asking them what they should do with their thoughts were knowing that with the cost of inflation and things that have happened we have zero margin and our prices so we are given a choice we have to raise our prices fairly drastically to continue to basically make an income. so we recently put that out and we have had a great turnout of customers just an insane support. so we are moving on with that i'm trying to figure out how to keep going. >> sandra: good for you. good for you. you are a tough family and a strong couple and you are doing this together. it's a great american story and we wish you the absolute best we are rooting for you. we will check back in with you. i am sure you guys are battling through this just fine. thank you for telling your story. >> thank you so much.
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sandra: megan and trevor think you an alert to the kennedy family live on your screen ahead of the president's speech we know president biden has the screen left they arrive in philadelphia to endorse president biden. so the entire kennedy family there on stage is endorsing the current president for his next run in a show of force against rfk jr. what a moment this is, gillian. >> it's notable too, sandra, because rfk jr. is running specifically he says because of president biden's leadership he finds a lot of gaps there he says he is prepared to fill a lot of folks, a lot of pollsters think this could be one of the best years for a third-party candidate since essential in the 90s when ross perot jr. was running. >> just about a dozen members of the kennedy family showing their
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formal endorsement. we are told and the broader kennedy family is mostly shunned rfk's campaign calling into dangerous even as the candidate himself looks to capitalize on his last name and family history. that is live in philadelphia and the president will begin speaking shortly. we will monitor that as well, gillian. >> gillian: also this, sandra, iran looking to up the ante should israel respond by heading its nuclear facilities? we have general keith kellogg on tap to tell us what israel should do next plus this. >> it's deeply disturbing for me not only as a jewish student but someone who is deeply intertwined with israel, i have to ask myself this this is real i can't believe this is where i met. >> sandra: a tough situation for so many with jewish students just trying to go to class. brian kilmeade joins us in the spread of anti-semitism on our college campuses and universities and what we can do about it
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i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots; i was surprised to learn so many more things. there's the family name. 1892 wow. that one here is the boat they came over on. yes. wow.
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be to fox news alert to columbia university in new york city where police have arrived and mass, a couple of big buses arrived a short time ago to remove protesters who'd been protesting for 2 days now specifically from the lawn areas here are the buses arriving. obviously cb cotton this is -- okay, we do not have her shot up at the moment. but this is what we saw a short time ago as the protests got to a point where the mi pd brought in officers to start to remove the protesters from the campus. it is amazing that this is happening all over the country now, gillian. >> gillian: it is, sandra.
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it's also pretty shocking to see as somebody who attended columbia university a long time ago now. i graduated in 2006. there was no overt anti-semitism on the campus that i ever experienced. there were no undertones i was aware of either at the time. it was not a topic of discussion that we had on a daily basis among the undergraduate population. it's really sad to see state university leadership is in. to see the state of the student is in. with israeli and jewish students and i have to mention, sandra, there's a large contingency of jewish students at columbia and barnard in particular, they go out of the way to recruit jewish students, they are an active part of campus life. it is sort of extra tragic to see this unfolding there. >> sandra: cb cotton on the scene she is the latest from columbia, what's happening right now?
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>> hi, sandra, there had been several warnings issued to these students who were camped out in what they called a "god is gaza solidarity encampment" but columbia university president, she released a statement moments ago saying that she finally authorized of the nypd to come in and sweep the premises. she said she reiterated multiple warnings had been issued and she also said multiple campus policies had been violated by these students' actions and we are seeing students that are getting removed from the premises right now. i saw at the video up earlier showing nypd buses which had been brought into presumably a place students as they are being taken away from the scene. we are not allowed on school grounds so we cannot watch some of this unfold from our vantage point but if i step out of the way, i will have our photojournalist: from where we
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are positioned at right now on campus this is where we have seen a lot of activity, the student activists on campus have been encouraging people to come here outside the campus' main gates to support their protest. we have sort of seen people gather here by the hour. it looks like some of the crowd has started to disperse, perhaps they saw what was going on on campus and that prompted a bit of fear, but again, student protesters encouraging people to rally with them outside the campus, bring palestinian scarves, bringing drums, bullhorns, and echo and amplify their message. i would say from how i have been monitoring this protest there have been hallmark characteristics of social justice activism that we see on college universities across the country. last night several of the students who were at the
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encampment will posting on social media what they were doing. they said they were streaming movies about palestinians, they were streaming movies about israel, talking about the israel-hamas war and these students again were calling on the university to divest from companies with ties to israel. several of them carrying signs, wearing shorts, accusing the university of being complicit in what they call a genocide against the palestinian people. this morning some of the social justice activists took to social media to say they were planning to stay out here in the encampment for another 24 hours. obviously those plans have changed, but sandra, we have been talking to some jewish students about how this has been impacting them. obviously several of them are very upset. they say these have been common sites since the start of the israel-hamas war. they are upset they said they
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are scared and they are fearful and we've tried to talk to students who have a pro-palestinian stance but every time we tried to approach them and ask them for more details on their viewpoints they declined to speak with us. so we haven't not had that opportunity yet. but again, what we are watching right now unfold on campus, again, we can't see it from our vantage point but videos being shared from inside campus we can see students are being removed from this encampment. they pitched more than 60 tents and their goal -- >> sandra: can i jump in here after this we are watching these life pictures are these arrests being made? >> we are told the students are being detained and removed from campus. what we noticed was these protests that you will have several people who are detained but at the end communicating with police they say several end up getting released and only some of them are booked on charges. we have to see what develops
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from this situation but yes, students ran on campus were being told are being detained by officers. whether they will face charges has yet to be seen but sandra if i may point out there was just a bus circling campus with a big l.e.d. screen calling for the president of columbia university to step down and of course we know that call follows her capitol hill testimony yesterday. the situation, the events of the past 48 hours have really shaken up this campus, i can tell you that much. speak of the bernard president put out a letter notifying the public that these students were asked to leave that encampment and get off a long. they did not. they chose to stay. and there are repercussions for that now. of those who chose to remain in the encampment face interim suspension and cb as we continue
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to watch these students removed by the nypd, it is being reported that one of the three students that is facing consequences is the daughter of u.s. rep ilhan omar we are working to independently confirm that ourselves but she put that out there on an account that, again, we are working to end up to infinitely confirm that is indeed her, but there are many reports that she is one of the suspended students that would not leave the encampment after the university asked her to do so, cb. >> sandra, that is right. we are hearing from we are working to independently confirm that in the fields ourselves but i've spoken to several students who are here and they told me that is what they have heard as well. i will point out and reiterate these students were given multiple warnings starting yesterday morning faculty went around to tell the students you are in violation of university policies and then we are told
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later on in the day they received another warning about 2-3:00 p.m. in the afternoon and then paper notices were handed out at around 7:00 p.m. that if any students remained on the campus so my premises in this encampment and the 9:00 p.m. they faced the risk of an interim suspension which by the way, sandra, i want to mention students who do get suspended will not be allowed on campus, they won't be able to turn in class work which means they may not be able to complete their courses on time, but some of these activists took to social media to say they did not care. they would stay out here as long as possible and now we are seeing repercussions of those actions. and it will be interesting to see what develops on the campus and the weeks and months to come whether the university will take any steps to prevent something like this from happening again. certainly jewish students tell us they hope they see some proactive measures happen after
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this because clearly some of these protesters are steadfast in their demands and wanting to see university divest and sever ties with israel, but i am not sure whether this protest helped them achieve that be all end all goal. >> cb this is gillian, looking at these life pictures of students being detained, being taken in these police buses. i think it's more flagging that the anti-israel/anti-jewish protesters are not just impacting the lives of students at columbia university now. the impact is broadening. you can see now major arteries and thorough fairs in new york city are being shut down in order to accommodate these protesters. i saw you yourself standing at looks like on the west side of broadway on 116th street. broadway midday in manhattan is one of the busiest major thoroughfares, four lane roads
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and all of manhattan. traffic there looks low, i'm not sure if you can see the live feed we are seeing right here but these buses are lined up on what looks like 114th street between broadway and amsterdam, there is no traffic on that street. tells about disruption to the neighborhood. >> gillian -- i apologize, yes, i can't see those images right now, but yes i will say coming back and forth to the scene throughout the day, throughout the morning they have been major traffic implications. what would have normally been about a 15 minute commute ended up being a 45 minute commute because the posture from the nypd i would say has been on high alert since the start of this protest. we have had several police vehicles, a large law enforcement presence out here since the start of this bringing over several vehicles several officers all positioned throughout the university just
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to sort of be on standby for anything that might develop. and, again, you see those large buses that are now on scene as these students are taken into custody, several taken into custody with zip ties, a developing situation. >> sandra: we are watching this together many students they are removing are wearing face masks. i would say we are looking at numbers in the hundreds as we have been watching this, early reported two buses on the scene, nypd buses on the scene, we can now see four in this shot. that may be more coming, we don't know. but this is a large number of people they are removing from the scene they are as you can see the police walking with students who are still chanting, let's see if we can get some of this.
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[chanting] we can't make out exactly what they are chanting, cb or gillian, but to answer my question, it was two buses and growing. we could see four but now this police officer walked up to a fifth bus on the screen. this developing situation with columbia university, students being promoted after day two they refused to leave and encampment, the university president put out a letter saying they even sent staff out to politely ask them to leave. they did not and now they are being removed by the nypd. gillian, you were just mentioning this is columbia u.s. attended, this is an incredible scene there on the upper west side. >> it is, sandra, it's not only sad to see as an alum, it's sad
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to see is a former new yorker. i grew up there. the degree to which the anti-israel and anti-jewish protesters are disrupting not just university life now but really the broader upper west side of new york city. you know being a new your car yourself how important of a thoroughfare, broadway, the avenue of broadway is two people navigating the city getting about their daily lives get into their jobs, gettg wherever they're drawing, a lotf broadway's traffic is compromised they're continuing to be detained it appears by the tens if not doesn't so far as we have been watching this unfold live. it's amazing how a few protesters can impact a city in this way and bring things really to a standstill. >> sandra: cb still with us on the ground they are reporting from the scene.
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are you still there? cb? >> yes. >> have you been able to make out the chants from the students? by the way we assume these are all students. there could be a growing number of people joining in on these protests that are not students pair we obviously don't have information on every single one, but this is a big crowd, cb. >> it definitely is, according to some students we have been talking to they think upwards of 200 students had gathered in this encampment. the university had not checked on the premises to anyone except for those with a colombian i.d. so i think the vast majority of the people you see getting taken into custody right now are indeed students. i would assume based on the messaging we have heard from the university over the past 48 hours, they were trying to balance the real interests of different student groups, right?
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they gave the student several opportunities to leave they said hey, you are violating campus policy. if you don't leave you face suspension but again they face the might choose to remain and i want to relay some of the message from columbia university's president and she basically said that's what they were trying to do balance interest she said "protests have a storied history at columbia and are an essential component of free speech with our campus. we work hard to balance the rights of students to balance political views with the need to protect other students from harassment and discrimination. with demonstrations on very short notice and in prime locations in the middle of the campus while allowing students to get to class and labs and libraries to operate. the current encampment violates all the new policies severely disrupt campus life, and creates a harassing and intimidating environment for many of our students. so that you have it.
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in addition to the traffic impacts you see around the university, the president right there is saying this, again, has disrupted campus life for so many people. i was talking to several students again who don't have strong opinions about any of the things going on on the israel/hamas war and they said for them this was even bother some. it was hard to get across in the morning, it was hard to get to class in the midday and the evening hours, and now the president clearly choosing to authorize the nypd to come in and remove these protesters because it has become a point of contention for people to go about their day-to-day life on campus. some protesters are currently live streaming what is happening on social media. and this may not come as a surprise to some but they are very upset at the president and they say they feel she has turned the campus into a military state. they are


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