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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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impacts you see around the university, the president right there is saying this, again, has disrupted campus life for so many people. i was talking to several students again who don't have strong opinions about any of the things going on on the israel/hamas war and they said for them this was even bother some. it was hard to get across in the morning, it was hard to get to class in the midday and the evening hours, and now the president clearly choosing to authorize the nypd to come in and remove these protesters because it has become a point of contention for people to go about their day-to-day life on campus. some protesters are currently live streaming what is happening on social media. and this may not come as a surprise to some but they are very upset at the president and they say they feel she has turned the campus into a military state. they are echoing their calls for
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her to step down. >> gillian: cb i know you've been interviewing students and administrators and faculty over the next couple of days while you've been there on site, i am curious if you have asked any students, jewish or otherwise, who feel offended. who feel their security is threatened who feel they are no longer welcome on campus, have they thought about leaving the school either temporarily or permanently? have they talk to you about that at all? >> yes, they have. i spoke with one jewish student whose name is katie, she did not want to share her last name out of fear of retaliation for her own safety and she told me and i thought this was pretty telling she said if she were not a senior here at columbia university she would try to transfer because she no longer feel safe on this. says her and her peers don't
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feel safe wearing the star of david on the neck. they don't feel wearing any symbols associated with their jewish faith and i talked to another student named justin he said he too feels scared when he walks through campus and they have said this is a regular s site. again since the start of the israel-hamas war. these two students very well-spoken and they say they are open to an intellectual conversation. they are open to discourse about what is going on in the middle east. one of them conveyed sympathies for the plight of palestinians but this individuals this can't happen because it is not the way to have appropriate discourse. >> sandra: cb if you could standby with this breaking news it looks like they are potentially waiting for another bus. we saw them fill five buses now but there are still students
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with their wrists zip tied, a former fbi special agent on the upper west side in manhattan to see the nypd arriving at the request of the president of the university. it was a bombshell decision on the part of the university to call in the police to remove these students. anti-israel protesters, she did inform the students this would take place, it would be necessary if they did not get off that lawn and remove themselves from those encampments of this started after 1:00 eastern time about one hour ago. we saw police arrive on the scene they're wearing body armor, face shields to start to remove these students. nicole, your thoughts? >> it's the university president's job to protect the students first and foremost. one students feel threatened,
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and they cannot go about their lives on campus because of protesters, its law enforcement's job to come in and provide assistance. my hat goes off to the nypd for showing up and doing their jobs as they always do, and really for the president of the university to realize we have a problem here and we need assistance because that is not something you really want to have one it is not necessary as a huge law enforcement president but i think the message is loud and clear. this will not be tolerated. this cannot be tolerated. this is the united states of america. students have the right to attend columbia university and to feel safe. and right now there is a threat. it will not be tolerated. this is not the first time it has happened. i was joining your program a couple days ago with the incident on the golden gate bridge. enough is enough, there will be consequences for this type of behavior. it is not legal, it is not appropriate, and enough is enough. i am just being very direct
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because we cannot continue as a nation to go forward like this. >> gillian: nicole, this is gillian, the president of the university may have a message today by calling in the nypd but is there more she could have done and is there more the university administrators could have done to prevent us from getting or to prevent their school from getting to the point where we are today where you have dozens of protesters getting rounded up by police? you have this protester presents shutting down part of manhattan and you have thousands of jewish students now talking about how they feel not only unwelcome to but physically threatened on their own campus. >> i mean these students are living in fear. how could they not be in fear? look what is happening. this is 2024. what happened to the we are supposed to love one another and accept shutter as they are and we are all going to embrace one another, that is not with these demonstrators are showing.
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i can tell you these types of incidents don't have an spur of the moment, there is intelligence going on and they need to consider very intelligent operations and we need to understand the planning behind these activities there are people instigating this and planning this and again that is law enforcement's job. is a former fbi agent i would like to see the fbi step in and get involved and make sure. i'm sure they are behind the nice scenes, things you don't know are going on but intelligence gathering is important, it is crucial, and when you see it on your television screen or in person, again, it's not a spur of the moment activity. it is the job of law enforcement to get ahead of it to prevent these types of things from occurring. again it's important to know people have their first amendment rights. you have the right to your opinion, you have the right to say what you think but you do not have the right to inflict fear and potential violence on others. that is not okay. there are laws that need to be upheld for that.
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>> sandra: nicole we have been trying to dip in every once and a while to listen to what the students continue to chant there, "the new york post" reporter is reporting the onlookers surrounding the officers are chanting "let them go" and "shame on you" as the arrests are being made. i would clearly say we are in the hundreds now a students who have been surrounded and some now have been removed by the police. nicole, you think about the resources this is tying up in a city that badly needs law enforcement right now. >> absolutely, new york city has a very violent crime problem. resources are being tied up for a number of things in new york. we have the trump trial going on tying up a bunch and then we have individuals across the border wreaking havoc. there is a problem going on in
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this nation and it really is the key right there to support law enforcement because they have their hands full. i hope individuals in this country can show respect and human decency to one another. how did we get so far of the rails us what we are dealing with? this cannot continue on, it is not sustainable for our country, it is not sustainable for law enforcement, and no one should have to live in fear. again law enforcement i'm sure is doing a tremendous amount of work on the back end we are not aware of but there's always that fine line with the person who writes the protest but the moment it is causing problems and becoming potentially terroristic that is not okay. i am watching the screen as you all are, but i cannot continue on in our country with this. >> nicole, we saw in real time as these anti-israel into jewish protesters really reached critical mass during the day yesterday. at least in terms of numbers.
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then last night we saw during some of the protests on the campus there people making specific threats against not only israelis but jew come we saw th setting off layers, how does the nypd generally look at those types of activities and te is that considered threatening? >> what i saw happen in the summer of 2020 in our country, i mean, i saw cities literally burned to the ground and activities were taken and law enforcement in many situations felt their hands were tied but i feel like we are in a new -- this is a whole nother issue. there is a lot of hate in our country right now and we have to come together and find a mutual respect. it is a very, very dangerous situation. but again, nypd has their chain of command, they have their plans in place and i am so grateful to them. i am so grateful to them that
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they are stepping up as they always do and doing their jobs protecting these students at columbia university but again this is not the first protest we have seen that has turned into something not manageable. it has to be manageable. they had to be containable. it cannot spiral into something that can potentially be more and more out of control and that's why law enforcement getting them involved needs to be as soon as possible and they are doing a phenomenal job as nypd always does. >> absolutely, nicole if you could standby with us by the way so our audience knows cb cotton is on the ground there. she is going to -- she is moving to a different location to get closer to exactly what you have playing out on your screen with the police were moving these students. many of them were told there are six buses there on the scene so the police can remove these students who have been asked to not once, not twice, but a third time to remove themselves.
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let's bring in lieutenant joe cardinality, thank you for joining us. i will let you respond to what we are seeing play out on our screen and from the young democratic socialists of america student group, a huge college group. they are treating this as they watch on with us. student repression has been worsening at college campuses across the u.s. today columbia called the nypd to arrest their own students on campus. this is a suppression of free speech and cannot continue. shame on columbia. your thoughts on what we are watching and hearing. >> shame for them for even posting that. that is ridiculous. you know, i agree with nicole. they have come to a point in society and in new york city where everything is tolerated. and they get away with everything. it's about time we are putting up for them and enforcing the law. this is nothing but hate crimes.
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i agree with nicole the fbi should step in and i will tell you why. take it out of the hands of alvin bragg who will turn around and cut them loose anyway because he picks and chooses what he wants to prosecute in new york city. then you have a group funded by sorrows and pay their bail and pay their fines so they can go out and continue doing the same things over and over. at which point we say enough is enough? i think today is that day. what we saw on the brooklyn bridge the other day was disgusting. all right question what at the desecration of our flag, burning our flag, and carrying a tourist to my terrorist flag and in plaf it is ridiculous. if you want to talk about flares, there are fire codes they can enforce as well and tack that on. but when you start putting people at risk not only from your actions of what you are saying and the inflammatory words you are using, but when you start blocking pedestrian traffic and commercial traffic and emergency vehicles cannot get there to respond to medical
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emergencies as well or fires or anything else when it gets out of control someone gets hurt on that level. this is the time to make a stand and law enforcement and say we will not tolerate this type of behavior and you will be prosecuted. but my fear is in manhattan they will not prosecute these crimes and they will get out with a slap on the wrist and go back and do the same thing over and over. >> gillian: joe, this is gillian turner, moment ago we heard from nicole in the intelligence gathering, she said probably the nypd as well as the fbi would be monitoring the protest situation would have monitoring in a general sense the anti-israel anti-jewish large scale operational protesters and in a sense trying to prepare for anything that might happen. my question for you is whether or not you think it is likely they shared any of that
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intelligence with the leadership of columbia university. it's a crucial point when they're trying to with their administrators that may have had a sense this was coming to a boiling point. any of the horror show we are seeing could be predicted or prevented. >> i think they absolutely did see this. how they could get to this point for columbia university to get the police involved in it. without getting pushback from them is a huge step but i think they understand as well they let this get out of control. students are being threatened, they have been locked in sections as before, with it rapidly approaching the need to take this more seriously than ever because these are bona fide threats. they are not just threats that are thrown out there.
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they see the chance and the way these crowds are so enraged to the point where they do see these and bring the flags and that was someone else's flag, they just snuck up behind and lit the flag up and only four arrests were made that day. i think the fbi is at least in touch with the nypd and i think there intelligence is being shared across the board. there are platforms across the board you know it, i know it, and they are out there staging or preparing for these things we have to be prepared once step ahead. you are going be arrested and let those arrests stick. do not let them out with a slap on the wrist. if you become a repeat offender, make that a crime as well, step up the game and say we let you off the hook the first time, the second time you don't get away with it as much is the first time. >> sandra: joe, are you able to see the live shot on your
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screen here? >> yes, i am watching it. >> clearly the number of students outnumbers the number of police there. the police are telling these people they need to go. they have six buses i think they pretty much have filled with students that they zip tied and put on the bus is. my question to you is this. i'm in this process could continue to grow in number and the places on the scene. i think you can call it riot gear, correct me if i'm wrong, they are prepared for what could turn but as they are loading them on the buses they have not had any of these buses depart, we are told 16 arrests have been made but for those detained and put on the buses what is happening with them? >> they are getting their pedigree. seeing if they have i.d., who will go where what the crimes are, what is summons a bull,
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what's a misdemeanor and what the cameras will show a lot of the verbiage used by some of these protesters but what you know what, gillian? if you look what is going on, sandra what is going on this crowd is growing, the governor was quick to bring in the national guard to penn station bring up that veneer she had a safety for everybody. when she gets to numbers like this as nicole said with everything else going on in new york city, how about bringing in the national guard to this end given clearance to them to get them away from those buses because they should be nowhere near those buses should be nowhere near and they are blocking the streets once again which is in violation right there. to what extent you let them protest? this is not peaceful. >> sandra: joe can you stand by for a second we want to get to see be. it seems the numbers of protesters on our live shot there is growing what are you
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seeing? >> that's right we moved to a different location around campus. it's pretty remarkable and astonishing like you mentioned, those students from that protest reported on the buses and now the group of protesters standing in the way of those, i will take us to a better view, take a look behind me there is a crowd of protesters right there chanting, waving signs, they have palestinian flags, it is hard to hear some of their chants because they continuously change. but it looks like they are chanting for palestinian liberation and freedom we will listen in. [chanting] [cheers and applause]
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>> you can hear some of those chance and behind this group of protesters again there are those buses were columbia university students were boarded on to and we are told they are getting ready to move those buses and we have to assume here this crowd that is gathered is going to try to prevent that from happening. we can also assume some of the people in this crowd or possibly protesters that were called upon to come to this area to prevent law enforcement proceedings from taking place. we know several of these students protesters took to social media in the past 24 hours ask for solidarity from the community calling for people to chant to keep momentum going. again, we will have the camera panned over this is a bus right now that has been circling campus. i would say for the past six or seven hours calling for the president to resign.
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just some action on the scene but these buses filled with columbia university students were told they will try to leave the scene in a matter of minutes. whether they will be able to move has yet to be seen. i heard you asked earlier our question whether there are officers out in riot gear, there are, a large show of force. several officers out here in riot gear who are trying to get the perimeter secured and trying to to to escalate the situation very we've moved by and that point, moves are definitely deescalated on scene and we are looking to see what takes place. >> clearly a growing number of people who are not students but are arriving on the scene there, cb, thank you. we have nicole and joe standing by, gillian, we will try to squeeze it in a quick break after think about the columbia university students who do not like what they are
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seeing. one telling fox news they are deeply disturbed, scared they are america's future leaders. we will take a quick break and be right back.
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>> sandra: fox news alert live pictures of columbia university upper west side of new york city for a number of protesters growing at this hour a few moments ago is how the new york police department arrived on the scene with six buses filling them with students, zip tying their wrists, some arrests have been made. they are being detained, put on the buses, and now as the cb cotton just reported the protesters are lining up in the
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street blocking the police buses. brian kilmeade is on a set watching this with us. >> a couple things they started breaking this up last night after people were setting fires on flags after no coincidence the columbia president of this university is testifying at capitol hill and i imagine trying to minimize anti-semitism on campus. there is a problem but at the same time they are saying we are a huge presence. they gave them until 7:00 this morning to remove them, they would not remove them so income the cops to remove them. outside the campus about 11:30 and arrest when a woman decided she was not going to be detained and decided to scratch and punch at cops. she was detained and after she broke this up the came together. they did not want to see the tents ripped out but guess who asked for them to be ripped out? who called the cops in? the columbia university
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president calls in those cops. now they are trying to get her ousted, but for the opposite reason may be you think. they are thinking she wants to crack down on anti-semitism you get a of the campus. this wild concept of going to class the last two days and not focusing on the palestinian cause which is suddenly being financed and organized by groups that need to be investigated. but now this school going to be known forever as the pro-palestinian pro-hamas school. have to ask you it may look good on your resume to have an ivy league education but does anyone reach in and say i think i'll put that columbia kid first front and center on my organization? when they don't even have the discipline show up in class and protest against our number one ally in the world which is israel? showing intelligence, intolerance to their religion the jewish religion? they are showing up and number
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one have they been radicalized? who are they? number trico is are they here on a student visa? if they are that upset with our country like ilhan omar's daughter evidently is that they want to protest because they seem to think we are on the wrong side of a nation we have been best friends with for 70 years. by the way, as you know, her name ursa hersy she was suspended from barnard university from her tweets and she seems to be very proud of it. her mom yesterday and her testimony tried to get the columbia school president to say is it true there is intolerance towards muslims and the answer is no, it is not true and that has not been demonstrated. can you imagine if this protest was against islam or muslims? or anybody else right now? but we are supposed do these students feel totally comfortable protesting against jews in america and against israel. >> okay, he is coming.
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gillian, go ahead we will bring in rich and a second he will bring more information with ilhan omar's daughter because now the squad is reacting, gillian. >> that is right, sandra. i want to bring in rich with the breaking news update. brian standby we will come back to you. >> you know, hi, gillian. as brian had mentioned this is all wrapped into the hearing on capitol hill with the president of columbia testifying about anti-semitism on congress were on campus. congresswoman tlaib mara braun's daughter says she is one of the three students who has been suspended. is for her receipt says says the multiple requests for her to leave and started suspending students know because of her twy have other members asking questions who are weighing on this, saying the day after
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ilhan omar question columbia's leadership and their commitment to free academic expression it's clear they should not be in the business of political reprisals. congresswoman rashida tlaib says from usc, columbia, students across our country are being retaliated against for using their constitutional rights to protest genocide it is appa appalling. yesterday congresswoman ilhan omar in that war force hearing that questioned the president of columbia. they essentially said questioning whether pro-palestinian students had been threatened and their rights to protest whether or not that had crossed the line. so this is all continuing to play out of congress in that hearing. >> sandra: really interesting and it seems the crowd just disbursed there. there is a growing number of
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police running up in front of the buses. cb says they were stopping the buses from being able to move you can see the police presence beyond those gates there but in the last couple of minutes, the crowd has been dispersing. something just changed, cb is back up what is happening? >> hi, sandra. it looks like the crowd is dispersing. from what i can tell, it looks like we are getting closer to the moment where they plan on moving these buses. i will have my photojournalist to move the camera closer. we will see if we can get in here and see what is going on. the posture of law enforcement seems to be shifting. it seems like the tone we may be moving in i'm trying to see what's going on because so much as developing out here but i can tell you there have been high intentions on the campus of columbia university. again, ever since the start of the israel-hamas war, two
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pro-palestinian groups were suspended earlier this year which created a lot of tension for students. we have a closer view of this bus and it seems they are trying to backed them out at the moment. not sure they can move. >> you go into your newsgathering, we will squeeze in a quick break. it seems that the buses are and will reverse to get out of the intersection filled with protesters. we are on this cb, we will get right back to you when we re returnlite. insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years.
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i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots; i was surprised to learn so many more things. there's the family name. 1892 wow. that one here is the boat they came over on. yes. wow. >> gillian: welcome back looking at life pictures and manhattan university in manhattan's upper west side you see several police officers lined up on the quarter of 119th street and new amsterdam, the street we are looking at a
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moment ago was crowded with protesters as well as a whole line of buses that were there to take protesters who were being detained off site come off campus when they refused to heed multiple warnings from the university's administrators to vacate the area and sees the protest on campus this afte afternoon. we have a cb on-site there with an update on what is going on right this moment. hi, cb. >> hi, you can see on scene several officers in right gear still have a defensive posture i would say and we have been trying to figure out what happened with those buses carrying students that have been detained. we still don't have a clear answer. we saw as you mentioned buses going in reverse. presumably to a roadway where
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they could take them to some type of detention or holding facility. we saw and asked officers on scene they are staying tight-lipped at this hour but right now again what is left here on scene are nypd officers. i would say several of them in riot gear and we have several community members and columbia university students who are trying to get back to their apartments, their dorm room rooms on campus, but they are not being let past this barricade. this speaks to another disruption for campus life for so many people here. people who are not even involved in any of these protests who now have their school day disrupted. i did speak to a couple of students who say their classes have been canceled. so we are waiting to find out additional details from the university about next steps following this protest but like i was talking about earlier, again since the start of the israel-hamas war, heightened
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tensions to grow pro-palestinian groups have been suspended, we also have a department of investigation investigating allegations of anti-semitism and islamophobia and today we saw the culmination of those tensions again with the large encampment that police finally came in and cleared out. >> yes, still a huge police presence even though the buses have now driven off and while it looks like the crowded dispersed it really looks like they relocated. there is still a large number of protesters they are chanting still. as far as an update on where protesters go next, many people are wondering, we don't know for sure. but it is our belief that the buses filled with protesters will head to one plaza. law enforcement sources are telling fox that those on the buses were arrested and there are processes depending on their
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charges which could be disorderly conduct, unlawful assembly, or trespassing which are misdemeanors. they will likely be autographed, fingerprinted, and released. that is the latest information we have on that so we will continue watching these scenes play out of the upper west side, cb cotton is there, we will get back to you for an update shortly but we want to get to another place in manhattan and that is where former president donald trump was returning we thought he may walk up to the microphone and address the reporters, he did not. that was about all we saw and heard. from the former president as he returned to the courtroom. he is back inside, nate foy reporting outside the u.s. supreme court. to you what do we know? >> sandra, you just saw that moment it appeared like former president donald trump wanted to speak to reporters and
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he did indicate that possibly he might speak later today. we have not heard from the former president so far, but a big day because we started with seven seated jurors and we are down to five after several different concerns about each of those jurors, one of them the most recent juror was a man who d.a.'s office found an article had been arrested in the 1990s for tearing down a political sign. this was known as juror number four. they asked him questions about his background, he previously told the court he had never been arrested before he was sent home for that reason. a woman was sent home because she had concerns about being identified. the court is now instructing us about sharing so many personal details about these jurors and prospective jurors as this plays out which continues in the court
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behind me. so far 38 of 96 prospective jurors remain in the courtroom. they are describing the case as they try to fill out the rest of the jury, sandra and alternates to go so the process continues. >> live from the courthouse where they are back in the courtroom, now this. >> unless action is taken and leaders are held accountable, every person stepping aboard a boeing airplane is at risk. >> sandra: chilling testimony from a boeing whistle-blower as they face increased scrutiny for its safety failures. >> plus gas prices on the rise what is the biden administration have to say about it? you have larry kudlow who will weigh on this coming up next. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors,
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>> gillian: welcome back a boeing whistle-blower has very serious allegations against the blockbuster hearing including one detail that workers have to "jump up and down on planes" to slam some of the pieces and parts in the place. william la jeunesse joins us from our l.a. bureau with the story. william, what is boeing's response to these latest whistle-blowing attempts? >> boeing insists they are safe and the f aa insists they would not be fine but the word "cover-up" is not from they want to here in washington let alone in a congressional hearing and yet that is one take away from the two inquiries yesterday following the january blowout of
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a boeing 737 door panel midflight. fbi says criminal charges are possible in that case and the ntsb wants internal repair laws. boeing claims does not know where they are seeking but yesterday a former boeing engineer said they do. >> i will not sugarcoat this, this is a criminal cover-up. records do in fact exist. i know this because i personally passed to the fbi. >> another engineer claims boeing executives favor production over safety and frightened employees who raise concerns. >> i raise concerns internally. i was sidelined, i was told to shut up. i received physical threats. my boss said i would have killed someone who said what you said in a meeting. >> that engineer says of the 787 dreamliner a jet that uses ultralight carbon fiber instead of aluminum, though engineer
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says boeing produces a "defective airplane" despite tests and millions of flight hours that say otherwise. >> i have analyzed boeing's own data to conclude the company's taking shortcuts on this program that may significantly reduce airplane safety in the life cycle. >> boeing claims retaliation is prohibited and employees are encouraged to speak a-determiner. senators say they want changes as well as the faa that got fired for being too cozy with the company. >> william la jeunesse, thank you. tender? >> all right. the segment you've been waiting for, larry kudlow coming up n next. taxes, tariffs, and trump, will be right back.
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>> gas prices madam secretary they are somewhat on the rise but went down significantly. we are seeing them rise a bit what is the administration due to lower the prices squeak. >> russia invaded ukraine, weave a big tool called the strategic petroleum reserve and he released oil along with commencing our allies around the
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world to do the same so we put more supply on the market because all these russian girls were pulled out the president is watching this and is obsessed with this. >> the more he use your hands people are going to buy into it. let's bring in our guest. all kidding aside, we are in energy-rich nature -- nation where we talking about tapping into emergency reserves? in order to lower gas prices squeak. >> drill baby drill is a solution mr trump is exactly right they've done everything they can to stop the jailing. even though prices have been higher, average prices under trump were about $40 per barrel back $45 per barrel. average prices under biden are upwards of $90 a barrel with a peek at 125. 1 way to put more supply on the market instead of depleting our reserves, strategic reserves which are supposed to be for wartime emergency is to produce
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more oil. they don't want that. even with high prices we are still where we were 4 or 5 years ago, 13 million barrels a day. that was prepandemic. so that was 2019. this is 2024, okay, 5 years later almost we are still at 13 million barrels a day we should be a 15 or 16 migrant -- million barrels a day. if we were -- >> you know the white house says, they are producing more oil than trump did. >> they had 1 or 2 months where they had 100,000 barrels a day more. but basically it is 13 million barrels a day. it hasn't moved. that's pathetic. they should be -- looked they won't lease they are increasing royalty is okay they are increasing and cutting back on all of the land available so these chickens have come home to roost. >> we've got 15 seconds. >> 1 point i want to make this stop iran from selling oil to china. if that means using tariffs on
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chinese exports, go ahead and do it. iran's money is coming from china and its financing the war and the reason they won't due it is biden is worried more about gasoline prices than israel security. >> it seems like for the obvious stuff. i imagine you'll have a pretty solid open to that tonight at 4:00 smack how is that? that was like 17 seconds. >> that was great you did it. [ laughter ] larry thank you. we will take a quick break be right back. and some people... don't. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks.
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