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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  April 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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columbia after this stunning scene at a demonstration near the university. listen to this... >> we are hamas! >> you are a walkway. >> we are all hamas yes. >> horrible. yelling we are hamas back adding pig to that in response. more of this video and a look at the full scope of what's going on up at columbia university and outside of it. a very strong panel today to discuss the situation and what it means for the country and for the election. first we begin with correspondent cb cotton is being lived on the scene there throughout the afternoon. hello cb. >> hello martha could afternoon. what we know the president of the university authorized nypd to come in earlier this afternoon and sweep the encampment a commotion remains this afternoon on-campus peer take a look behind me, this is
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where the gaza solidarity encampment was located on the south lawn at the university. we know from videos shared with our newsroom officers went in and detained and arrested several students. the student paper reported at least 100 people were arrested on-campus, but as you can see through this iron there is still a large crowd out here. what appears to be more pro- palestinian protesters and looks like there might be a counter protest form -- forming with pro-israel voices. we know of the commotion on campus this afternoon comes after several months of heightened tension here at columbia university. the president said in her message today to the student body the students had been warned not once, not twice but 3 times and that's when she made the executive decision to
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authorize nypd to come in and make these arrests. we know the students had been calling on the university to divest from companies with ties to israel, they had also taken to social media to call on community members to come out and support them and keep the momentum going. according to some organizers, they were planning to stay out here an additional 24 hours -- [ distant cheering ] >> reporter: obviously the university had different plans but we are walking -- watching an active scene unfold and are waiting to see what happens with those students who were taken from here likely to april precinct and possibly to face charges. back to you martha. >> martha: okay cb we will come back to you throughout the hour for more of this braking is. also breaking right now there are now fewer jurors for former president trumps hush money trial that when the day began. that's part of the process, but 2 who were already sitting in
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chairs on the jury are now pulled off. you sort of put a few numbers together than they lose a couple back you can see how the process will likely be vary drawnout. nate foy live at the courthouse with the latest on the attempts and efforts to seat a jury in this trump trial. hello nate. >> reporter: hi martha. yet we are going the wrong way after a productive tuesday, today's been the output -- opposite of productive. we started with seventh-seeded jurors now down to 5. you mentioned 2 were dropped, for 1 the das office brought forward an article showing a man with the same name had been arrested in the 1990s for tearing down a conservative political sign. the man was eventually let go and another juror back a woman came forward saying she was worried she would be identified and friends and family had asked her if she was a juror, she was let go for that reason. jury selection continues to hide me right now.
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the former president take a look at this video he appeared to want to speak to the media but has not done so, but he stopped himself and he did say he would speak with reporters later. right now, 38 of 96 prospective jurors are still being question, many of them admitted they could not serve fairly. 1 excused juror explained her experience, listen to this... >> i became a u.s. citizen and august, it was my first time in a jury and it was the trump case. it was shocking. so... the weight i could feel so that's why i had to say i can't be a part of it.
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>> reporter: also today martha, the manhattan da office accused trump of violating the gag order 7 additional times. they listed several examples including him sharing an article about his former lawyer michael cohen. there we'll be a hearing next tuesday to determine any possible punishment for drum. right now both his legal team and the da's office each have 4 strikes remaining to prevent any prospective jurors from serving. they used some strikes in each side is given 10 for the 12 jurors that we'll be seated. they've each used several of those strikes to prevent some perspective jurors from serving. long story short though right now we're going the wrong direction. the judge previously said they were hoping to have opening statement on monday but now the timeline is in question as jury selection has become more calm to gated. >> martha: no doubt. this is a very interesting --
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you can see how some of these jurors do not know what they're walking into. they receded on the jury then go home think it over as was the case with 1 woman we just heard from, then they decide they don't feel they can be impartial quite the process, thank you nate. nate foy reporting in new york. both stories let's bring in lee selden of former congressman and candidate for governor also attorney. good to have you with this server thank you very much. >> great to be with you. >> martha: you know, i am so shocked by some of the video we are hearing and listening to and i keep hearing people and watching them sort of nod their heads looking at this. they are wondering how this happened and how we got here. in this country were receiving this kind of, in many cases, anti-semitic protests. here is another from wednesday watch... oh okay.
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let's pull up, an answer to that question might be the colombian professors and their anti- israel remarks. let's take a look at some of these columbia person -- professors and what they had to say about this. stunning victory of the palestinian resistance is on the list. so it's pretty shocking when you see some of what we're seeing here. >> october 7th was a rallying cry for many of these protesters across the country. iran's attack on israel this past weekend was a rallying cry and a motivator for many of these protesters. in response the next day, you see people bringing hesbollah flags onto the streets of new york city closing on the brooklyn bridge coast-to-coast these protests pop up across the country. today as you pointed out at the top of the show, protesters are
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identifying with hamas. are they calling on hamas to stop using human shields? innocent civilians as human shields, no. are they calling on them to release hostages? they aren't. are they calling for a peaceful 2 state solution where the jewish state of israel is able to continue to exist? no, the rhetoric is from the river to the see palestine we'll be free. i believe their endgame is not to get attention for a day to speak a voice for this moment. i think that statement from the river to the sea, palestine we'll be free is in endgame. >> martha: you know, we will get into this a bit more as we move through the show but i think you raised the most important question about this story and what is the goal. we hear this and we will look at it in a moment as i said being taught on-campus at columbia from some of their professors as well. it's not all that surprising these students are pushing
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warily to eradicate israel from the river to the sea. want to put up a quote with regard to the trump trial that's also happening in new york and get your thoughts on this. the title is, deranged get trump democrats only boost ex-president with their constant attacks and insults. of want to take a look at what attorney bragg had to say about this case. here's what he's seen. the core of the case is not money for sex it's about conspiring to corrupt a presidential election then lying in new york business records to cover it up. he said he cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct. that's how he sees the case, how do you see it? >> the average american has viewed this as a political prosecution from the start when the indictment first came out a year ago that was the view not just in new york but across the
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country. there has been a legitimacy credibility problem that bragg is not just going to have to confront now but forever. he is trying to make president trump spend several days a week locked inside a courtroom for the next several weeks. president trump was right to get out and go to the boat they go where he was attacked. hopefully every other day they can continue to do that as well. as far as the charges itself, the department of justice declined to prosecute. the predecessor declined to prosecute and he is trained to elevate misdemeanours to bring down trump and this is election interference. you don't have to talk to a supporter of president trump to get that opinion you can talk to plenty of people who've been critics of president trump eric when they put on that had of being an independent minded person they are unbiased and their judgement is that it's clearly a political prosecution. >> martha: you know, as a new
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yorker and want to get your take on this. its president -- former president trump in harlem and the other day in court. it's a great juxtaposition of how he views new york city and the potential for him politically but also the difficulties. watch these back to back... >> this is an assault on america nothing like this has ever happened before, there's never been anything like it. every legal scholar says this case is nonsensical [ chanting >> running for president would be a big hit on new york we think we could win new york. >> martha: you know, can't get a trial here but on the other hand thinks there is support here and maybe he could win new york. what's your take on that legally >> reporter: so when i ran in 2022 what i said what is when i got -- of ago less than 33% accident went but if i get more than 35 it becomes difficult to lose. president trump can get inside of these different communities
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over the course of the act several weeks and get his support up. the asian community and hispanic unity and black community and others are only moving towards him and he can get out in the communities over the course of the next few weeks. 1 additional point at is that rfk junior is on the ballot. when i rented 22 it was a head-to-head battle. in 2024 with a kennedy on the ballot as well president trump doesn't even have to get to 30% in order to get new york state and play. >> martha: fascinating. leaves eldon former governor candidate always good to sea you. thank you for being here. >> gratis you. thank you. >> martha: protests at columbia continuing for a second as the vitriol against israel hits a fever pitch. here at home. watch... a powerful conversation live from new york after this someone made it a thing, back in the day.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> members of the can-do family endorsing president biden today in philadelphia including brothers and sisters of rfk junior who is also running for president, running as an independent that's left some members of his family not happy. they made that pretty clear today, watch... [ applause ] >> we want to make it crystal clear our feeling that the best way forward for america is to reelect joe biden and allow harris to 4 more years. [ cheering ] >> so her brother's funded this way "we are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other. i hold this is a possibility for america to. can we disagree without hating our opponents?
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so with that that's the democrat and independent side of the equation, we bring in the national committee chairman michael whatley, chairman motley good to have you with us thank you for joining us. >> good to be on with you martha. >> martha: what you think is the impact of this endorsement by 1 of the most famous democrat families in the country of joe biden, while rfk junior is running as an independent. what's the impact? >> the fact the democrats are trying to show up the democratic base right now for joe biden shows you that he is playing defence. he is plain defence across the country, president trump is playing offence. so, you know, we feel were in a really good shape, we've got a far stronger base within the republican party right now, much more unity then the democrats house because the republicans remember 4 years under donald trump while the democrats are having to live these 4 years under joe biden. they deal with immigration and inflation and also dealing with a place in the world that's not nearly as safe as it was under
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president trump. >> martha: we take a look at pennsylvania though obviously an important state, let's put up on the screen how close the raise has been in pennsylvania over the past 2 presidential elections back in 2016 on the right-hand side of your screen it was 44,000 vote deferential over hillary clinton. basically we looked at pittsburgh, scranton and philadelphia and that's where she ran up the vote but not enough. then look at what biden did in really the same area, the big 3 cities of pennsylvania. he was able to close the gap and surpass president trump in 2020. it is no mystery why they were in philadelphia today making the announcement. so what's the plan there? >> the plan in pennsylvania is simple to we were up there last saturday with president trump doing a couple different events including a rally in the middle part of the state, 40,000 people came out on a freezing night to see the president on a saturday.
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looked, the excitement for him is very, very real. pennsylvania is an absolutely critical state for us and it's 1 of those, you know, top 5 to 7 states we are going to be at around the country. you won once and lost once, we will have to win a factor the way we will is by talking to the voters about the issues that they care about and they really care about immigration. they care about inflation, they care about gasoline prices and they care about housing prices and food prices. and the fact joe biden's economy has put a cost on every pennsylvania family pack every american family that their wages are not keeping up with and it's harder for them to make ends meet every single month, that's going to be a critical issue as we get into this election cycle. >> martha: i mean obviously trump is busy, president biden has made a joke about it saying i guess he is a bit tied up today. he is out on the campaign trail
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and so 1 of the things that could be vary fundamental here would be a presidential debate in terms of these areas where the battle is so very close. in the atlantic, a letter arguing the spokesperson should answer like this, the constitution is not debatable and the president does not participate in forums with a person who is under criminal indictment for his attempt to overthrow the constitution. what do you say about the debate question? >> look i thank the american voters want to see the contrast between donald trump and joe biden. when they are in, informed voters they will vote republican. we have a great opportunity to put these 2 candidates up next to each other. don't trump has made a very clear he will debate joe biden anywhere any time on any platform and it would be an absolute shock if joe biden would -- were to say he will -- >> martha: what do you think you will do? you been around politics a long time, do you think you'll eventually get up and debate? >> i don't know how you can
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avoid it frankly act when you go back to even the nixon and kennedy debate, you think about ronald reagan in his debate, you know, there is a long history of debates the american people expect. if joe biden is not capable of getting on stage with president trump, and try to defend his record, i think that sends a signal to every voter across the country. >> martha: there is a debate last time and he won the election so it's hard to figure out why he would be shying away at this point. he should probably get up there and do it again, we certainly hope he will. michael whatley chairman of the rnc thank you for coming out. >> thank you. >> martha: israel's war in gaza feels a far left faction that does not like america. and it's increasingly talking about embracing hamas. >> we are hamas! >> your hamas? wow. >> your what? >> yes, we are all hamas okay?
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>> karl rove, robert wolf and paul moreau as we monitor the protests acclimate university. you thought i would just let you hang out and chat, we will bring you right over here. [ laughter ] coming up next [ chanting ]
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this is where we are now, that is uptown in new york city at columbia university right outside of the university shot last night. it's emerging as ground zero for anti- israel protests in the u.s. here is a stunning scene and in that you will hear protester scream, we are hamas. at least for her there is no ambiguity about whether or not she is just supporting the palestinian people or hamas. another yells baby killer at a woman with an israeli flag. watch... >> i'm israel! i'm israel! [ bleep ]
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>> we are hamas! >> your hamas? wow. >> your what? your hamas? >> yes, we are all hamas. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] >> lunatic! [ chanting ] >> baby killer! >> let's bring in karl rove and former deputy chief of staff under president bush. paul moreau former nypd inspector and robert wolf former inspector all fox news contributors. this is the kind of seen that i think we are used to seeing at times. these outbursts in the middle east back but now we are seeing them here almost every day in the u.s.
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i'm thinking carl as someone who advised the president back what role do you think president biden should take in all of this? >> at some point he needs to speak out with more clarity about the statements like we are all hamas. we are not for terrorism and we do not -- do not support the brutal killing of innocents as we've seen starting october 7th. he also ought to stand up frankly for the leadership of the university that's now going to get rid of some of these kids and students because they violated the speech code of columbia university. good for them for doing that. expelling these students in making consequences. people have a right to free speech even if you want to defend a terrorist and even if you want to call for the genocide of the jewish people, you are entitled to do that but universities also have a right to have free speech codes that say if you want to come in and demonstrate and disrupt campus activity and shut down the university, that's not
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acceptable. hate speech as we are scene played out in the streets of new york city is not acceptable and there we'll be consequences for violating that code. >> and you think about the lobar we've seen for hate speech but this is maybe just beginning to register as such. we didn't get here overnight back let's look at some of the comments by professors at columbia university who are teaching some of these students no doubt. joseph after october 7th said it was a stunning victory for the palestinian resistance calling it awesome and talked about the inflate of the people in the gliders coming into the supernova musical concert. just put your mind back there for a moment to the scene of our concert and the carnage that played out on the ground. he called that stunning. every dirty treacherous ugly and pernicious happening in the world just wait a few days and the ugly name israel will pop up. then also teaching a columbia ion with hamas and hesbollah and
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islamic jihad. robert what do you think about how we got here and these professors obviously have teach -- taught all of these students? >> these professors should be fired for cause. i'm not a lawyer but my guess is that what these universities are looking at. that's the only reason why they are not being terminated at this point. i think to carl's point we've moved from free speech to hate speech at then hate speech to violent speech and violent speech to threatening speech. we passed the line of what's legal. most of these universities are private universities and can set a lot of their own rules. listen i am not a supporter of vds but when they had boycott divest and sanction israel on being an apartheid state by some people's views that is fine, it's free speech, let's move past that after october 7th. we know right from wrong and we are seeing it live with you and
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that's rock. >> martha: there are lots of questions about what students are taught and how much they actually know before they go out and start saying these things. and it's interesting to look back to dwight eisenhower who was also the president at columbia university in between world war 2 and when he became president. 1 of the things that he talked about, you know, he wanted to make sure people remembered what had happened there. he invited the media to come document the scene when he was shown the concentration camps in europe and he compelled germans who were living in the surrounding towns and any soldier who is not fighting at the front to witness the atrocities for themselves because he wanted to make sure practices the holocaust museum noting this in today's fox news act eisenhower foresaw a day when the horrors of the holocaust might be denied.
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that day is here ray now. carrie byrne writes on the campus of columbia university. there is eisenhower and the others walking by burned bodies at the concentration camp. all, your thoughts on that? >> somewhat reminiscent of some of the footage and details the israeli government released recently inviting journalists to come and sea and let people see what it looks like up close. what's going on here and campuses certainly here new york city is palestinian cause has done a deft manoeuvring. they've made common cause with a lot of progressive groups who are active here new york city and have married their struggle to the struggle of some of the more marginalized groups in the city and those who see themselves as marginalized. goes back to the 1960s and even the black panther movement. they became a common entity and so what that does is it invokes all the groups, over 1000 civil rights groups active in new york city, you get all of that when
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you start protests like this, they want to be on camera and going socially to you. this is their social life so you will continue to see this. the nypd is vary adept at it they have a good intelligence be a big get out ahead of it. that's what it was soon evidently not more riotous let's say but it will continue. as we get into the protest season kids are coming out of school and it's going to be summer and it's going to be hot. the dnc is coming up in chicago pack this is going to be a theme for the year. expect to continue and to see this kind of thing. universities i see a push back to get their arms around it. >> interesting because you have google firing 28 people who protested inside their office building saying they were preventing them from going to work and doing their job. but the irony of the civil rights groups and hamas is rich. let's listen to what's going on live for a second... [ chanting ]
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[ chanting ] [ chanting ] >> nypd, kkk. they are all the same. >> martha: paul, your reaction as you watch these law-enforcement officers being called nypd, kkk. >> i've had thrown at a. this is the way they see it there is also struggle against the oppressor and like i said they've managed to put forth the narrative and as a result
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getting a lot of people come to them. what i think some of them don't realize is under american law hamas is a designated terrorist entity. both by treasury and the state. legally is the equivalent of saying we are supporters of al qaeda or isis. >> martha: we saw some of the online this year didn't weekly i think it was a good -- and it goes back curled to the issue of education and understanding what's going on here. i also wonder as i asked you before how president biden deals with the situation because it could have an impact on his vote. >> it could. could you mention the democratic national convention in chicago will look likely in 196,810,000 demonstrators were in grant park protesting the war are going to see 10,000 people from minneapolis showing up? -- in 1968, 10,000 in a straighter -- i bet you we will. let's step back for a second. this is not new, we had the radicals in the sixties and they
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infiltrated the academia and became university professors and so forth and other sons and daughters are teaching at these universities and were seen people like the 3 you put up there who are expressing hatred towards the jewish people and the state of israel and complete antipathy to what it is to be an american. >> martha: but curl you hear -- >> it's lunacy. the woman saying the new york police department is the ku klux klan of the south? amine, please. >> martha: 1 of the things yelled at the people with jewish flags that went by as baby killer and they're protesting basically the action of benjamin netanyahu and gaza and they see it as the long arm of america. >> israel has a right to self defence, israel has a right to exist. israel has a right to protect itself and if hamas puts itself in the middle of civilian populations in gaza and order to use them as human shields, the person acting correctly is
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hamas. they did this deliberately and the fact these people are out there blaming israel for what hamas did is just a sign of lunacy that's taken over. >> martha: do we have c.b. now? c.b. cotton has a student with her up at columbia. c.b.? >> reporter: hello martha thank you. i'm standing here right now with katie who is a senior at columbia university and also probably jewish. we've been chatting and staying in touch. i want to ask you katie will have the past 24 hours being like for you and some of your peers? >> absolutely crazy. honestly just disturbing and disgusting. the fact that not only we go to school with people who are so ignorant and uneducated, but on top of that the administration really has allowed this to go on. it's been an issue for months and should have been stopped out of her eighth. the fact it's still going on is deplorable.
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>> you saw the income and on campus yesterday finally shut down today, what was it like for you walking past that every day? >> it just makes jewish students feel hated and disgusted. you're walking by your fellow students and all of us recognize people we go to class with every day who are calling for our genocide. there all conference and their family members to be murdered per and raped and beheaded and butchered. i mean it's indescribable feeling and the fact we allow this to go on in the middle of the night on my friends and i are trying to study in libraries and go to sleep, when we have tests the next day and it's allowed to happen in the united states of america, it's absurd. red-mac what are your thoughts on the university's handling of the situation? >> thus far until today it's been absolutely inexcusable. there is been very limited sanctions on students and there has been almost nothing done
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clearly because students obviously do not care. what's been done has shown they are not willing to give serious cons winces and this is a consequence of that. today i am thankful that the president let the nypd come on campus and do it they do best. i'm grateful they came here for president nemat shafik and grateful to all of our officers who fight and deal with this absurd as everyday. in order to keep us jewish students and honestly just all students safe. >> i know you are a senior but if it were different for you, if you are a junior or sophomore, would you stay here? >> absolute not, i would transfer because i couldn't handle this. the thought of being here for another month is already sickening enough. i don't even want to go to my own graduation anymore to be honest with you because this is going to happen. >> and before we go, katie the last question i want to ask you just overall please describe for me how the jewish community at columbia is feeling right now?
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i know you mentioned yesterday when we spoke that a large scent -- percentage of the population is jewish, describe the sentiment? >> overall we are scared. we're very upset that this has been allowed to happen and we are terrified. these people have shown a complete disregard for rules, a complete disregard for authority and people like that who have nothing to lose and don't care about what's right and wrong are dangerous. and they need to be handled kind grateful today that at least the handling has started and i hope that president nemat shafik and her some very continue with this level of action. making real-life consequences for these people so students can feel safe where they deserve to feel safe at school@it sounds like you're not confident this won't continue even though some of the protesters have been removed. >> absolutely not. the people have been removed today have been doing this for months, they don't care what the ministration says and they've
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made that clear. demonstration sends an e-mail and says don't say things like globalizing -- from the river to the sea and the next day pays say on the megaphone. there is just a complete lack of regard for rules and rank the morality is what it comes down to. >> reporter: will thank you katie for sharing your experience i really appreciated. martha as he heard just now a jewish student here at clumpy universities saying she is scared and feels like university leadership has failed to take action all the while even though some of these student protesters have been removed, you can hear behind me chance continue, chanting about globalizing antiphon to. back to you. >> martha: thank you so much and thank you to the student you spoke with. we congratulate her on her upcoming graduation and it breaks my heart to hear her say, you know, it will be a torturous last month of college packet time that should be full of anticipation and celebration. i think that's really, really sad. so please tell her we congratulate her on her great
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achievement of getting into columbia and graduating as well. robert, what goes through your mind as you listen to that student? >> i am sad as apparent and sad as a former ivy league student what's going on at harvard and now columbia. i think about how we have to get back to parenting, you know, my mother taught me about the holocaust because of what happened to her family in poland and russia. i have to do a better job it -- explaining that to my kids, they knew -- need to do a better job explaining it to their friends. you know, to fox i will say clearly when the commentator the other day called out rashida for not stepping in and saying anything about death to america, i completely think it was unbelievable that as a congresswoman she allowed that to happen. our thought leaders in this country is time to step up. there should be a hard line in the sand we know right from wrong, the idea that we're letting these lines blur to
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carl's point and paul's point earlier is insane. and look at what's happened. these campuses are like tender boxes. >> and you think about kids across america like yourself and this young woman who groped with the dream of attending an ivy league university, we've seen what happened at harvard they were at the bottom of the list when it came to freedom of speech and analysis. applications dropped i think 5%. and really just listening to this young woman saying she cannot wait to get out of campus because she is afraid, paul, you know, they did come around and allow the nypd and and this young woman was vary thankful for that but how did this go on for so long? i'm thinking back to a year ago when we talk about safe spaces for pretty much every imaginable group and the slightest thing was considered a trigger. these kids are more than trigger they are being attacked and shouted in their faces, this is not a soft safe space issue.
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>> the problem is that this attitude and what they are chanting comports with the position of a lot of the administrators and professors in these schools. that's just a fact and it's on the reasons we have so much trouble up at harvard. you're finally starting to see the pushback but it just shows how ignorant the students are as katie said. nypd, kkk, the police commissioner is a hispanic guy and a black male is also there. they don't know what they're talking about. our schools are failing them as are the parents as well and at tickets going to continue to go on because they just completely are uneducated and it's a tough spot for the current and ministration because this is a portion back these days let's call it what it is, it's a portion of the base and its allowed 1. >> martha: i wonder how much longer president biden, carl, and sort of stay out of the fray on this issue and, you know,
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there are concerns christopher has about passover coming up. let's play this quick soundbite from the fbi director. >> we at the bureau remain particularly concerned that loan actors could target gatherings and high-profile events or symbolical religious locations for violence act particularly of concern of course as we look to the start of passover on monday evening spill national security concerns carl. >> the present i think is taking this way too much about the politics. there is significant sentiment among young democrat voters on the left against israel and or the palestinians. i think he is worried about that and keep battleground states like michigan and he should not, he should start think about his role as a present of the united states to set the tone and draw clear lines to make moral case as to why it's in our interest to support israel and why these
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sentiments we are seeing played out on our college campuses are on worthy of our great country and must be stopped. use as a congressional hearing doesn't have an impact? the house had a committee hearing and they interviewed the president of columbia. maybe we need more attention and more applause for university presidents who demonstrate a spine and criticism for those who don't. >> underlying or overlying all this is the global picture of alliances and there is an effort underway at the white house that began during the trumpet ministration, that abraham accords to find a connection between saudi arabia and gold states and israel, and to isolate iran. but of course iran is increasingly close to china and russia so that's 1 of the big issues here. how do you see all of that going richard klee. >> you give me a softball because in washington they call it china russia iran and north korea and extreme terrorism.
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i thank the most concerned about extreme terrorism because iran plays into hesbollah and into hamas and into the houthi's and into lebanon so we are in a situation where they are all enemies and we have to figure out who our friends are. i thank the abraham accords help that but it also led to iran not wanting saudi and israel to have pieced together. so you can somewhat say that was the leading october 7. >> that might be a layup question to you but the answer is not. and the next president, whoever he may be, is going to have a tremendous amount on his plate when it comes to where our country is for the future and who our alliances are and who were up against. gentleman thank you very much packet to have all of you with us. robert back paul and carl, thank you. msnbc joe scarborough railing against our coverage of the
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border and saying that the southern border crisis is not a big deal. >> they were like 4 migrants and a hound dog on top of a hill in new mexico. their obsessed! on trashing america can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true? if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you. ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day,
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e deadly consequences of the migrant crisis reaching towns far from the border in nevada. and 18-year-old wanderer and man has been charged in a hit-and-run accident that killed a senior advisor to the nevada senator. here in new york a haitian migrant is accused of murdering his 2 roommates and a town 90 miles north -- 90 minutes i should say north of new york city. both suspects are here illegally. in a moment the democratic congressman from texas
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who has been calling for actionable sides of the aisle will join me but first we go to el paso texas to donna murray. >> good afternoon martha, a haitian migrant that you mentioned turned himself in seeking asylum here and el paso last year he was then allowed to live in the united states. he now sits in jail accused of murder exactly have his mug shot, take a look. a haitian national living in middleton new york when he was arrested for second degree murder among other charges after killing his 2 roommates earlier this month. ice said he arrived in el paso in july 2023 after booking an appointment. he was processed and granted access into the u.s. and was waiting on asylum hearing when the murders happen. it's all part of an ministry -- biden's and ministration's effort to expand lawful pathways for migration. it allows up to -- authorities
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have said migrants are vetted before being allowed into the u.s. not everyone uses that apt to seek asylum. our fox term team captured a video this morning of over 100 migrants in a group who crossed over. according to ice the haitian migrant we'll be transported into their custody once he's released from jail martha. >> martha: thank you very much running now a texas democratic congressman who -- shoes district covers nearly 200 miles of the southern border included the district in this case we are talking about. thank you for joining me it's good to have you with those. you know, it's interesting this case of the senator and her advisor, she had just been claiming here is a soundbite, 2 days before the terrible tragedy happen. watch process. >> there are no open borders and someone is a trained general in my state working closely on the
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border with mexico there are no open borders. >> martha: what do you think she means there? what would you say to her about what you see on the border and the tragedy that happened to 1 of her senior advisors? >> look i just want a child -- talk generally, that's up to the senator, but i would say we cannot have catch and release. we cannot allow people to come and and wait 5 or 6 years for an asylum case in front of an immigration judge where we know 87 to 90% we'll be rejected. so neat to make sure we do those of us on them claims at the border and return probably 87 to 90% and lead in 10% of those people coming in. that's how we secure the border in my opinion. >> martha: so you put together a group of democrats to try to address the situation at the border and he announced that. how's that going? how many of your colleagues are on board with you? >> you know, at least we've got
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over 35 members of joint the border task force. i hope there's a lot more that will support. i will say this, it doesn't matter if you're a democrat or republican i can say because i live at the border i don't just go visit the border for a few hours i can tell you some of my folks in my district i got about 80% hispanic and a lot of them are democrats per going to make sure we secure the border but still be respectful of immigrant rights. whoever has a legal claim back but we do know that letting people in and letting them we 5 or 6 years before they get an immigration judge is not the right way to do it because otherwise so many things can happen and 5 or 6 years from now >> martha: this afghan individual, he was enrolled in alternatives to detention program which tracks migrants locations via ankle monitor. but that they basically lost
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track of him after only a couple of weeks. so what would you say to the administration, then he committed murder -- what would you say to the administration about these programs and whether or not they should ditch them? >> you know, first of all anybody who murders somebody i don't care if there an illegal alien or they are an american citizen that kills somebody, they should face the full course of the law, they murder somebody. but let me say this. you know, now there is a law title viii x. but it will removal. there only apply never people who were in detention and what i've suggested to the secretary is they look at somebody who was under the alternative detention which is what you mention and use title viii expedited minute -- expedite removal to remove them a lot quicker because they will qualify or should i say most of them won't qualify for
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asylum. >> martha: i want to play this quickly, joe scarborough saying he thinks there is too much attention paid to the border watch this... >> there were like 4 migrants and the hound dog on top of the hill in new mexico. and they had their 4 migrants and a hound dog cam on for hours >> martha: is that how you would assess what's happening at the border? >> all i can say is that right now we're seeing about an average of 3800 people per day back lower than what we saw some months ago but they've got to make sure we apply repercussions of the border no matter what number they are. >> thank you very much congressman it's good to have a with this thank you. >> any time, taker. >> martha: that's the story for thursday the 18th we look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow. your world starts right now, stick around. [ ♪♪ ] >> he is serving u


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