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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> i asked all >> where are you right now? submits to be a place of liberty, freedom of speech, they using this freedom of speech for hate speech, from the river to the sea got classified by the house of representatives as hate speech? why they like to chant like this? why these seams and ladies racing from nazi germany, is recently hosting an event with a holocaust survivor who said do not call hamas not seas, they are much worse than nazis. what they did on october 7th, much worse. where are we here now? >> laura: sorry got cut short, we got to google problems early by thank you for joining us. we will continue to cover it, and jesse watters takes all from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight...
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>> while we dismissed? >> i could not be impartial. >> do you think they could've put together a fair and impartial jury? >> i'm not sure they all hell breaks loose inside of the donald trump jury. >> the whole thing is a must. -- mass. >> jesse: hamas goes on spring break at columbia university. [ bleep ]. >> we are going to eat your [ bleep ]. >> jesse: joe biden said cannibals eight his uncle. plus? soo and what is he on trial for? >> don't know, don't care what he is guilty. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: fox news alert, we have a jury. the case of the crimes the
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democrats cannot even name is now into the hands of 12 men and women from manhattan. it'd not come easy, won a juror dropped out because you cannot be impartial, another jury was forced out of her lying and they da wants to sanction trump for publicizing it. we will get to these new jurors for a second, but are there new just as ridiculous be! no bodega visited a, after court was adjourned, trump urged the judge to crank the thermostat for seven at been sitting here for days now, from morning to night, in a freezing room. freezing. everybody's freezing in here. and this is the result. it's very unfair. the whole thing is watching this hoax. you have a da out-of-control, if a judge that is highly conflicted, the whole thing is a mess any have the leading cabinet, he is that whether to
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be here, joe biden is a crook. >> jesse: the day started out about like a juror number 2, the unmarried nurse dropped out because her friends asked her if she was one of the trump support is "jesse watters primetime" she said she cannot take the pressure and cannot be fair to the form president. juror number 4, the puerto rican grandfather who founded trump fascinating and mysterious and rubbing a stealth jury. he lied on his jury form about his comment no record. it turns out he was arrested for vandalizing republican lawn signs. he was working with the democratic mayor, so the judge booted the undercover grandfather. by the way all the information about of these jurors coeternal report is in the room, the same things and reporting, so as the washington post, cnn, politico. the media also knows trump's lawyers have caught it respective jurors being sneaky. jurors for letterforms a savior not biased, i've never done this are that, and trump steam keeps
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catching them. they have uncovered jurors posting celebrations and trump losing. videos of trump said say i'm dumb as [ bleep ] u law come up. they media noses because their own report as it pleaded -- reported it. even to the jurors who told their core they can totally be advised when they are dismissed ran into the media and blast trump. >> do you think you could be advised? >> i did. >> can you share your opinion of the former president, why you felt you could be unbiased? >> i'm not a fan. >> has handling was abysmal. [ inaudible ] and the comments he made about the former president, and therefore he made me anxious and angry.
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is obviously supported women, reproductive health to three another dismissed jurors said that this jury cannot be impartial see what happened, why are you dismissed? >> i could not be impartial. >> do you think the people you were speaking with a nonjury that you sat with all day tuesday, those they can put together a fair and impartial jury because of that sense of duty, do think that is possible? >> i'm not sure about the. >> why? >> everybody has biases. stereotypes in their minds. you have to be really fair person, which is very hard to do in order to serve as a jury. >> jesse: self-proclaimed on biased juries are blasting trump in sick there is no way that
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jurors they've being talking to can be fair. others are getting caught lying to get on the jury, getting caught posting on facebook, lock him up. the most famous man in the world whose personal life was in the tabloids for decades, and who was already president and had hundreds of millions of dollars in negative and attack ads thrown at him, the most investigated politician in american history, in the mode lied about politician, is not going to get a fair trial in at the opponents most partisan city. the prosecutors of biden democratic, the judges of bladder and donor, the biden campaign paid the judges family and people arrested for tearing down republican lawn signs or lying to the court to get on the jury? donald trump, if he is reelected,'s policies going to directly change the lives of these jurors, from taxes to healthcare, foreign policy, but honestly his most going to affect their mental health.
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how could they ever put any of this aside? that is how -- that is why we don't have political trials and's country. these 12 jurors know more about donald trump than any juror has ever known about any defendant ever. johnny hit the streets of you could find a new yorker who would give trump a fair shake. [ ♪♪ ] >> do you recognize this man? >> brings a smile to my face of her time, as i do. >> that's the man who helps out of the black people. >> president donald trump. >> [ bleep ]. >> and never attack him on his leg, believe me has plenty of subject matter that is. >> what is your opinion of him? >> he speaks the truth to sue and i like him, i think is a character,. >> i think he is a liar is. >> trump rhymes with the dump. >> your jogging him? >> yes, that means i [ bleep ] with the trump to a know hell no. >> i like that. [ laughter ]
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>> donald trump is on trial in manhattan. >> come and see me! >> finally. the bleep see what we need him back in the office pro. >> i did not know that. you telling me now for the first time. >> at what is on trial for? >> don't know, don't care what he is guilty. >> he's on trial for doing everything -- everybody else is doing, the only problem was it a like him so he's on trial he won the hush money payments. >> what is a crime? >> are you for real? what is a crime? >> what is a crime? >> the crime is using campaign funds. >> heating use campaign funds. >> i mean... >> just added that out -- edit skewing could you be impartial jury? >> art gallery mind? no. >> i would state straight not guilty. >> i would not be, i like him a.
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>> nobody would change my mind, not even my mama. >> if you were on the trump a jury which is a he's innocent or guilty? >> he is innocent. >> guilty because he is guilty. >> guilty of what? guilty of being a new yorker? american? >> i don't care, guilty. >> aren't you innocent until proven guilty? >> unless you're a piece of [ bleep ]. >> anyway to get rid of him? >> oleh give because, it's because i hate him. >> do you think that he can get a fair trial in new york? sue and you cannot get a fair trial anywhere in the united states of america so. you want a fair trial go to russia. >> at rush if you're listening... >> he stuck in manhattan, have to deal with new yorkers. >> at the judges a democratic, biden paid the judges family and 99 percent of the voter pool voted for biden the. >> you [ bleep ] kidding me right now? biden paid the judges family?
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>> that's not fair. >> why not? >> it's math. >> google it. [ ♪♪ ] >> why can't they just use fair votes instead of lawyers? >> i don't trust them. >> they feed lies. >> we the people. we should be able to be the jurors instead of whoever they put an office. >> do think of filing should be allowed to run for president? >> it's literally motivated soon as the attorney general of new york campaign on getting trump. >> good for her. [ laughter ] >> got him! so on what we do have known trump becomes president again? >> i would cry. >> shows he had know how much she was ever see many men are to be a trouble jury what he will be on jesse watters prime time, we were in touch as a wauters. soo in his shadow to jesse watters, i edited trump, 44 trump 2024. >> he a very nice people working for you. >> thank you sue and you're so sweepingmak you're doing great. you're doing good so far.
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>> jesse: today's juries like i was just as bad as tuesday. one prospective jurors said she would not believe trump even if his tongue were notarized. i also called him racist and sexist on social media. another when centers and working dc and asked for who, she said hakeem jeffries, the top house democrats. one woman said she march of the woman's march as a cnn fever any stork for the attorney's office. all three of these people told the court they would be unbiased. some jury pool. let's round up the rest? in the state of -- in the state of juror number 2, and wasn't a breaker from new york, and owsley happens to follow michael cohen on twitter. the prosecution star witness. and also gets his news from the new york times. another jury, a security engineer born in california without a college degree, made with three kids, likes to work
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with his hands. woodworking, metalworking. not bad. juror number 8. a retired wealth manager with two kids, says he knows about trump and he's more more interested in flyfishing and yoga. could be good. juror number 9, a single woman, no kids, gets her news from cnn and the new york times. so she has opinions about trump but could put them aside. and think you know that means? juror number 10. guy from ohio. works at a big company, college-educated. nonmarried, no kids, lives with another adult, he's an accountant. now that there's anything wrong with that. he also loves animals promote does he love caged animals? we will find out. juror number 11. a woman without a husband and kids, doesn't like trump's persona, says trump is very selfish and self-serving to and it's not my cup off -- not my
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cup of tea, will. flat is that she doesn't like him but claims she could be fair. probably ran out of strikes? final jury. female physical therapist with a dr theresa new york times, usa today and he guested, cnn. the alternates definitely problem for trump. that is your jury did ladies and animal. seven men, five woman, some teachers, lawyers, their posts, a lot of single woman, mostly cnn viewers and who could forget the young lady who gets her news were tiktok and loves to dance. let's bring in a former federal prosecutor, katie. right katie. juror number 2 falls michael cohen on twitter. as i can be a problem for the defense? >> i guess it depends why he's following him, maybe for entertainment purposes. i made the only need one juror. he said it in your opening,
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trump fundamentally cannot have an impartial jury here because all of these people have a steak in the outcome of this case. if we believe the polling of this case will impact the election, everybody the lives in this country's going to be impacted by who is an ex-president. bottom-line it -- >> jesse: such a great point i have not heard it made yet. this isn't your typical criminal trial was 70 gets locked up, okay,, you will probably still be saved, or summaries equated, this impacts everybody's life, notches there is but of the entire countries life. how can you put that aside? >> he campo that is said. even from a fundamental legal perspective, the definition of impartiality is you do not have a steak in the outcome of the case. every single person here whether they can say it or not has a steak because of the lives will be impacted, it is just the inherent issue with this case proceeding at this point. all of this is really problematic. that being said i think john has a chance. >> jesse: why do you think he
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has a chance? as of the got the legs woodworking and metalworking? that is the guy that i think you want an injury, 70 creative, may be humble, works with his hands? >> sounds a good profile, but you can't really go in thinking who is for you against you, you have to pull them along, find what's going to motivate them, some of these people maybe will never do that in their life. but you never know. >> jesse: you are saying that a woman a flattered heats him, says he's not her cup of tea, hates' persona, trump and actually win her over? >> you might be possible that i -- there might be think she does not know about his case that might change your mind, these people were questioned by the defense, even though there's only certain number of challenges. then again, the judges not very generous with the challenges but
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if so what is implicitly biased, there's something about them that perhaps is salvageable. >> jesse: if somebody is a retired wealth manager him with children who is really into flyfishing and yoga, tell me about that profound. i see that as a potential dude defense juror. >> could be good, especially here we have a situational finances, you have a business decision potentially to pay this hush money, something he may be able to appreciate speedy does a speech therapist scare you? does the teacher scare you? do that talk to corporate litigators scare you? >> else put those up, i think some people are classic profiles of trauma haters, spending years of their lives literally of possessing or how much they hate him. the lawyers own not too worried about. in this case, actually think the law and the facts are very
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strong for trump, city of lawyers that actually are reviewing the case and analysing it from a critical perspective, they may actually favor him. >> jesse: and the foreman, katie, you never know with the irish. >> thank you so much katie. u jill bennett says cannibals eight his uncle, you like that?
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and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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[ ♪♪ ] susie waddell and trump a stick in your, byron is debating in pennsylvania where he won by two points last time. pulls tell a different story this time, world not in a second. biden held a rally in philly he could not fill it. that is half of the gym. have of those people were
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reporters, is a million people in philadelphia! covid-19 is over! no excuses. bladder and was that with rfk junior's family trying to neutralize a third-party thread, but before he got onstage they had to call security. >> i have rights to be here! i was invited, i have the right! >> jesse: the guy would not stop shrieking over rfk junior's sister. >> we need everybody -- that's a vote for trump -- i don't do that! >> jesse: small crowds, hecklers, hoaxes, that's a biden campaign. joe is trying to handle retail politics, went to a wawa, would
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not let anybody else in the market the whole thing was choreographed. average cameras caught of the wobble workers coordinating how the order would play out before biden waltzed on, watch... right on cue, joe biden supple dane -- shuffled a. >> hello. >> how are you? soon pleasure to meet you. >> this is for you sir. >> jesse: but then joe biden went off script... >> whatever you like. you have milkshakes...
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>> jesse: no love? no small talk! is complete sale in an empty room. no fanfare, no fun. entire pennsylvania swing has been a disaster. little boys are flipping him the bird. >> every time going through a neighborhood rural town and the west, a see big signs, trump sign that says f. biden, and there's a little kid's standing his middle finger, seven years old, eight years old! promise it happens all the time. >> jesse: he's telling anybody his uncle was in by cannibals. >> the single engine planes, he got shot down in new guinea and they never found him because they used to be a lot of cannibals that a part of new
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guinea. >> jesse: the associated press says joe biden's off on details about his own goal getting eaten by cannibals. how do we know? the guided not assume a short, get captured and cooked? so we have to trust but verify, so we reach out to the new guinea cannibalization and they tell me they did indeed and he tasted delicious. and then added, where is hunter? now don't trump said his family was unitive by cannibals that they would call him a racist liar, definitely doesn't taste as good. but joe biden's campaign says he's totally sharp, they put out any ad on it today, watch... >> alex telles story about meeting president biden because when you meet him, this guy is as sharp as a knife. >> jesse: if you have to tell people your sharp, you are not. and started spinning millions dollars on an ad to say your sharp, just be sharp for free.
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voters agree, trump is up in georgia, michigan, tied in bonds avana and wisconsin. all states, biden one in 2020. guinness, before we get to the politics, of joe biden is saying cannibals eight his un uncle, do think he should have his head checked? [ laughter ] strangest thing, yes. i find this discussion -- i find this discussion distasteful. >> jesse: it's all right. [ laughter ] when you see joe biden wonder into wawa and a sculpted exchange of milkshakes and then getting lost and you compare that to trump going to chick-fil-a and getting mobbed by young black woman who will tell their mom with her famous, what is that tell you what the state of the race? >> let me just say that president biden has been out of
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the campaigning, i think it is a good thing for the president to go out of there and meet people. thing any president shell raise could be very close. but the issue, whenever things started out, it'll be about the economy. you got a situation where for millions of americans, their expenses, the money they have carried our debt, i think families are running $784 each month more for goods and services and they did two years ago. since about 19 percent over three years. >> jesse: by dennis, the milkshake that joe biden just bought was $10,000? that's probably why you did not know what to do. >> people are hurting, jesse. and the and if they're upset they will play in president. in pennsylvania where president biden has been, pennsylvania has
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a long serving financial problems because of the united states tried land, it's one of the reasons why the sioux industry was so badly and degraded in the united states, and i hit pennsylvania as hard as it had any place. fortunately still hanging in there. a lot of this can send out there. it's essence is economic what is also fueled by the border and by billions of dollars being consent -- spider for foreign wars! is discontent. but a bottom-line people are worried about prices. >> jesse: and joe biden is letting the japanese by u.s. steel american steel companies, it's obsolete insane. do you believe that people is in the seven r. flipping joe biden the brute? >> ediger have to respect the president and the presidency, a thing it's a really important. you have to establish that if it does not exist now. children in particular should be
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taught respect for presidents in the presidency. i think we really have to take a different direction in our politics there, they're too personal guided to destructive, and ultimately they undermine who we are as americans. >> jesse: i agree. >> i'm not particularly happy qiang wang kids giving the president -- >> jesse: mean either, we have to get it together dennis. if you could just get it together, everything would be a okay. enjoy your vegan burger, i hope it is delicious. piece. a haitian illegal alien husband was deferred double homicide in new york. the legal broke into the country using a joe's border, this summer. rover opentable for illegals, get across the border and you get working papers? is now being accused of stopping total people to death.
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joe biden's opposite was to prescreened the migrants before they come in, and just of thousands of users, as got more glitches than obama thomas goes on spring break -- hamas. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] [ chanting ] suing [ bleep ]? >> [ bleep ]. you stop! stop! >> jesse: how mosses on spring break boards are not going to cobble was going to columbia. the clintons a home campuses where hamas goes for the air spring break. then why pdr resting dozens of
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student study at the radicals took over the university's campus included in their own little shop to stand with hamas. last night, protesters let things on buyer, taunted police, these people are not just anti- israel, they are pro- hamas. listen to them. >> you are what? 's phone yes, we are all hamas. leap leap! [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> jesse: antiwar protesters of, this is america you can do that but you cannot swear allegiance to terrorists. you cannot see and with the ice is not expect a knock on your door? he were told that mongo were terrorists. they said we need reprogramming. we never saw them pledge support for terrorists. that these trust fund terrorists have been arrested and begging for help. on social media.
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bring me cigarettes and water. for presidential candidate, joining me now. you understand it, you can go out in protest as do all you want, you can protest the war, and sam anti- israel even. you cannot say i'm pro- hamas. they are a terrorist organization. what do you think the repercussion should be? >> let's first look at just how we got here exactly, your right, they're going beyond saying we are pro- hamas, they are saying we are hamas which is a terrorist organization, no different from al qaeda and isis. c look at these young students there at colombian arrested a, many other schools, across the country, and these are especially young americans who do not have a strong ideology of their own, the hardly know what's enshrined in the constitution or in the bill of
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rights. they are very susceptible to this ideological warfare that terrorist groups like hamas are waging in there for converted and buy into that ideology. you go back to after the 911 terrorist attack that we experience, he had presidency came after him saying that they would wage ideological war on radical islam. the problem is the ideological war never really took place, it's either because they were intellectually incapable of waging that war when they were just afraid that as you know very well, as soon as you speak out or anybody speaks out against a radical islam, you are immediately tagged with the label of, well your dizziness llama phone. what amazing here with these young people in america and around the world is linear and longer-term threat to f. cat -- radical islam and how their ideologies quickly spreading, putting under threat all who are peaceloving, freedom loving people, putting under tight our
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civilization. >> jesse: i can understand why joe biden says, my uncle was eaten by cannibals, he was and asked a follow-up, okay,, but i have almost 100 people identifying as terrorists, lighting fires and getting arrested in new york city and an ivy league school and the president of the united states hasn't said anything? hasn't been asked about it, hasn't said anything. is our reason? does it have to do with michigan that he's not saying anything? >> it is. president biden is terrified like some democrats that we see in washington of being attacked by the squad or others who were either pro- hamas, hamas apologists were also scared themselves of being targeted by these activists. once again adjust points if they are so afraid of the "political consequences" of doing the right
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thing, acting you to the best interest of our security, acting in the best interest of peace and freedom loving society, just shows that there are only interested their own selfish interests and they don't really care for our country, constitution or freedom. that's what's at stake here. >> jesse: nobody cares what you do. i will see you soon. >> see you soon. >> jesse: if you are a politician, the global warming mob will pay you a visit. we have never seen anybody get tackled before. just what happened to the lisa murkowski event in dc, watch. >> jesse: happy di thursday!dupu [ ♪♪ ]
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c1 d.e.i. is a looming most how. >> jesse: happy d.e.i. thursday, and we are bringing
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you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. or jackie robinson's day, the programs at major league baseball is not black enough. number of black american players in major league baseball has plummeted to just 6 percent, offering a warning about what could happen when institutions deemphasize that diversity. as a single baseball needs more d.e.i.? because 30 percent of the players are latino. there's more asians in baseball than any other american sport. the league's biggest stars is japanese. major league baseball's professional sport melting pot we have. about of the nba and nfl? the vast majority of their players are black, 70 percent around. they're not complaining. they equate diversity with blackness, blackness and don't -- alone. facing latinos and asians are not diverse.
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the host of " dont at me". you know more about baseball demographics and 90, is she right? only 6 percent? >> yeah, that's probably true but it's who cares. sports is the ultimate meritocracy. seriously it is. what again and go, go out and dropped players and pass on a very good player because he's not diverse? no, sports has always been the ultimate meritocracy, 6 percent or 26 percent, you were talking earlier, the nba, 16.8 percent of the nba is white as close to 75.5 percent of the country's white. 19 percent latinos in the nba -- latinas in this country, 3 percent are in the nba. 73 percent of the players in the nba are black, line 13 percent of the population. it's stupid, this argument is
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made by dumb person who does not know what they're talking about it, was trying to drive raised in an area where jesse, everybody will tell you, the most diverse thing, the most open thing in our country is a locker room. a professional team, they do not care. there are teams that have started guys that have been over murder. if they're good enough! they don't care jesse! [ laughter ] it's the dumbest argument ever jesse. it's so stupid. >> jesse: i know, most of the white nba players or european. go figure there. >> while that appears to be diverse. as he said earlier, is it only black? when you involved with the team, and he put it together a team, what you're trying to do is one thing, and that is when? as a head coach, assistant coach whatever it was for 20 some years, you don't care about any of it. you don't.
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it is on players that fit you, and of their black, great. of their white, great. i know guys across the board, black college coaches, white college coaches, football, ewasko well, nobody cares. they led people that care our race baiters that have nothing else to talk about that see and number, equated to another number next thing you know it's a story. and two very intelligent man, you and i have to talk about it because it's so stupid. >> jesse: speak for yourself, i would not call most of intelligent, i'm great instincts, how about that. thank you is that much, i think you said it it perfectly when he said who cares. [ laughter ] will gain as our next. [ ♪♪ ] -- bull cana was our next. [ ♪♪ ] what everybody wants super straight,
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple
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will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped.
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i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. >> jesse: absolutely wild video capturing the northern
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lights shining over corrupting volcano in iceland this volcano has been active for a month the second longest continuous eruption in the past three years and has exploded at least four times believable we will keep you updated with the latest in volcano news. no tournament in golf better than the master's the two men towed cheese sandwiches and azaleas visiting a ghost is like going to the vatican but greener every year for four days in april it's a day win golf fans and let's be honest wealthy insiders go to cn to be seen so what was the mayor of dc doing their flying down to agusta on the taxpayers dime to catch the third round on saturday 1000 miles round-trip taxpayers paid for it her office says she wrote it off as a sports and economic development trip and
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that she was invited by the city task force to revitalize the gallery place and chinatown neighbourhood. interesting, how does the masters helped develop the city's economy i don't know but there is saying it was to explore remore golf opportunities to dc, dc has just three golf courses they are public and as far as we can tell they have never hosted a single professional tournament we are not here to course shame but i don't think of these places are ready for a pga event. let alone a major. and amateur event or any high school outing, one course in such bad shape it needs a multiyear renovation if she does get a pga tournament may be i will be there. johnny can be my caddie this
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time it's official win a little child that age takes one step and falls you can't count it, you need consistent back to back strides and she has accomplished that and if you want to see the video we can bring it to you tomorrow. let's do some texts susan from charleston south carolina if those trump jurors can identify as an impartial i can identify as a giraffe the cnn viewer ship will hit rock bottom all those jurors in trial ed from fremont nebraska undercover ground the father it sounds like a great new reality show in fact we should add undercover grandfather to the nickname bracket, sleep it in. hobe sound of florida wonder if the judge has a space heater under the bench, seriously, why
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is he keeping it so cold i think you is onto something they'll from texas they should select jurors that watch national geographic channel not cnn the only person who watches fox is the foreman from ireland the rest cnn and msnbc and npr how could you forget mark from new york they couldn't let someone in the jury pool who gets their news from gutfeld, strike, leslie from california and used to be the dog ate my homework now it's the cannibals eight my uncle delicious mike from columbia south carolina two cannibals are eating a clown one cannibal turns to a one and asks does this taste funny to you? patty from pittsburgh or wonder if joe was charged 30 cents for the bags of people that don't understand what wall wall is
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this is kind of like a tri-state area 711 quickie mart area deal but does not just that it has a hoagie's you get sandwiches and cigarettes and beer, fantastic, wawa it may be native american, wawa? i don't know that's what wall wall is rick from wholesome california we have had producers comb through video to see if he is eating from the straw hopefully he seems like a straw guy we have seen it before harold from illinois the in hl needs diversity 62 percent are canadians, tom from virginia you need to watch out for your johnny that young lady was hitting on him seriously she was making love to him with her eyes disgusting should have had a viewer warning i am water this is my worl


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