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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 19, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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10 a.m. in jerusalem. 1030 friday morning in tehran. and overnight, israel struck back at iran. eyewitnesses say explosions could be seen and heard close to a major air base in the iranian province of esfahan. the extent of the damage still unclear this hour. hello, everyone. i'm jonathan holmes, live in los with ongoing coverage of the dramatic breaking news in the middle east. the israeli attack, which a u.s. source was limited, is in retaliation for last large coordinated missile and drone attack on israel. iran has so far downplayed the situation, claiming its air defenses defeated the attack. and a senior iranian official has also told reuters that there is no plan, immediate retaliation. we head first to fox news
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correspondent trace live in tel aviv and leading our coverage once again this hour. >> hello, trey. hey, john. good evening. we do know, according to a u.s. military source, that the israelis struck iran overnight, targeting province just south of the capital of tehran about 200 miles. now, the iranians this morning trying to downplay the incident, saying the only explosions were from the country's air defense system and that they don't know who attacked them. a clear indication that the iranians are taking this as an exit ramp to rising regional tension following their attack against israel last weekend that included missiles and drones. as for the israelis, they're not commenting on the record about the strike. we do know israel's home front command that is responsible for coordinating the alert level for the civilian population has said there are no special instructions that people can go about their normal lives and they don't have to remain
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in a special state of alert. but the israeli military does remain in a high state of alert. understanding that iranian proxies across the region continue to threaten israel from like yemen and southern lebanon. as for the situation, we do expect israel's war cabinet to meet not just to discuss the situation with iran, but also the continued inside gaza that is approaching the 200 day mark. jonathan. >> yeah, let's turn to gaza now, trey. we talked about the potential for operation in rafah. you've talked about the difficulties, the israelis, of carrying that out, that operation, while chris is securing some sort of safety for the innocent palestinians who have been sort of backed into that corner of gaza, it's something president biden has been impressing upon prime minister netanyahu. do you believe, from your conversations with officials that plan
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is fully in place now and could be executed at any point? absolutely. the plan has been in place for a number of weeks, and that's according to top defense officials that i've talked with here in tel aviv. >> now, israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, has said two times now that the date is set to enter rafah, gaza's southernmost city, where more than point 4 million palestinians are sheltering at the direction of the israeli army after they were told to evacuate. now the biden administration was very concerned about these israeli plans and even said as recently as last week that u.s. aid to israel would be conditional on how the israelis operate for rest of their time inside gaza and how they protect civilians . the tone from the biden administration shifted as the threat from iran became more real and they could see the intelligence developing. iran was planning a massive attack against israel. well, now focus will shift
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back ultimately to gaza and israel's plans inside the strip. and it appears there has been some sort of deal cut behind the scenes. there are ongoing conversations each and every day between the biden administration and the government of prime minister netanyahu here in israel and the clearly have told the israelis if they can avoid a regional war and de-escalate the situation with iran, they may have more flexibility inside gaza and face less american pressure as they operate, as long as they can get those civilians out of the way. and so there's a lot politicking going on behind the scenes. the israelis looking to continue operation inside gaza while also managing the growing and regional threats. jonathan yeah, and part of managing that threat as well is keeping really close eye on hezbollah up in lebanon, their potential for a major attack if they so or were so ordered by their iranian
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to carry out. it seems significant to me to some extent that hezbollah did not get involved over the past week following. the iran attack during the iran attack, in any significant way . >> what do you read into that, trey, as an expert in the region? >> absolutely. and the israelis certainly concerned about that, that the iranians even last night might use hezbollah to respond to this attack. and there were some red alert sirens about a drone infiltration that ended up being a false alarm. the israeli military updating us on that this morning. but hezbollah is an organization that is iran's largest proxy in the region. they have more than 150,000 missiles and rockets many precision guided parts that have been smuggled into southern lebanon by the iranians over the past several years. and iran understands, that that is their key lever in the region when it comes israel. and it's part of the reason they haven't fully activated them to fight israel as the war
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in gaza has developed. remember, just 24 hours after black saturday, the october seventh massacre, hezbollah got involved in the fight and they have been rockets, anti-tank guided missiles and drones into ,northern israel ever since. and so there is certainly an ability, but not necessarily the desire to get directly involved in this fight for a variety of reasons. the first being that israel has made very clear they will completely level different parts of lebanon if hezbollah starts firing on major population centers like tel aviv. and the second has to do with an iranian calculation to ensure that they don't run out of their leverage across the region, understanding that their second largest proxy, hamas inside gaza, that previously thousands of rockets has been basically depleted since the war began. >> jonathan trey yingst in tel aviv, thank you so much for being with us once again. the white house has obviously been keeping a close eye
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on the israeli strikes in iran as tensions in the middle east. >> for more on reaction in washington, let's go to fox news correspondent kevin corke. >> hello again, kevin. good morning, my friend. >> all quiet from the white house, although we can tell you, jonathan, while there was pre-notification to the u.s. from israelis before the strikes were conducted, it's also being reported at this hour that the u.s. did not endorse the response. now, so far, the white house and the nsc are still declining to comment on happening in the middle east tonight, although that could change early on this morning. we're about a couple of hours away from 5 a.m. here in the east. we'll keep an eye out for a possible statement to be embargoed and then released a little bit later on. >> now, typically in circumstances such as these, there will be a statement that's crafted sometime overnight, usually indicating the u.s. is pre-notification. the government's policy more broadly regarding the strike itself, then they might add when say,
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the president was notified. and most importantly of all, what u.s. regional goals look like moving forward, i.e. encouraging all sides to refrain from further escalation. >> u.s. intelligence, jonathan, have suggested that israel had been a narrow and limited strike, as we've been talking about with trey yingst all morning long inside iran, because they felt like they needed to respond with, you know, some kinetic action of some kind, given the unprecedented scale of the reason attack. now, keep this in mind as well. the u.s. been warned by tehran, by way of the swiss embassy, which is usually how things play out, that the regime's response to attack by israel, again, any attack by israel, the response they say, will be decisive, definitive and regretful, quote for them. however, the hope this morning is given the limited nature of what we've seen, that maybe, just maybe, this might somehow take the steam out of this burgeoning row between
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two countries. meantime, the white house continues to walk a global and domestic political tightrope, jonathan, supporting israel's right, defend itself while again attempting, at least in part to distance itself just enough to perhaps facilitate a bit of de-escalation. to say nothing of the biden campaign with some voters in certain parts of this country and their overall of the administration's support of israel, which some of them consider anti-palestinian or anti-muslim, which is something the campaign strongly denies. >> so, again, at this 9 minutes after 3 a.m. here in the east. no official word from the white house or the nsc, but of course, that could change later on this morning. and as we get anything, i promise to pass it along. but for now. >> back to you. yeah. and, kevin, as you write, you say that you can't ignore what perhaps some people might say. you can't talk about domestic politics when the world is on a knife edge because of conflict in the middle east. but you can't not talk
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about domestic politics with these situations unfolding in a presidential election year in which i think everybody would agree that it is a hugely consequential presidential election. >> so given everything we have seen on the streets of the united states, the the fairly large and very disruptive pro-palestinian protests from voters who you would lean generally towards, the democrats, mainly, how difficult a task is it for president balancing all of this right now? >> political powder keg, to be sure. you've heard people, jonathan, say things like, joe, that really smart for democrats because it's not just this idea of we're the inclusive party. if you've been following democrats here in washington for years, they feel like they're the big ticket, rather big party. the real issue for this administration is if you run
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afoul of, say, a large swath of voters in michigan. >> well, you can take that off the map now. you're getting the real electoral politics of how tightly contested an election just might be. and i should also add this to jonathan. there are a number of younger americans. there's this sense on many american college campuses that u.s. policy toward israel is inconsistent with human rights. now, that's hotly debated, but the fact is you're the democratic party and specifically the party standard bearer. you're joe biden. you want to make sure you tamp down anything that it has to do with that feeling. and so any time that you're supportive, israel and its right to defend itself, you also have to, again, that tightrope domestically because you don't want to be seen as supporting a state that is unfair to say, palestinians, for example. >> jonathan yeah, it's -- it's certainly a tightrope for
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president biden walk and then very easy on the other side for president trump, too. former president trump excuse me to say none. >> this would have happened if i was sitting in the oval office. he has been able to say this in part because if you just look at the brass tacks of it all. >> number of wars we were sort of, you know, engaged in new wars we were engaged in during the trump administration. obviously, it's vastly different than what we've seen since then. >> but you know what? it's unfair to suggest, i think ,because you never know. i mean, wars pop up all the time. you have to sometimes respond to facts on the ground, as they say. but i do say this. president trump has been masterful in his campaign and sort of trying to divide and conquer with respect to this issue. and i promise you and i've said this to you many times, jonathan and i and i want to be on record this convention season will be explosive. >> and this is probably
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the main reason why when we go to chicago later on this year, there'll be much to say about us israeli politics. >> there certainly will. and no doubt it will play a in the minds of a significant number of voters. kevin corke in d.c. for us this early friday morning. >> thank you so much, kevin. we're joined now by rabbi haim, men's and rabbi, picking up from those points here. >> how do you feel people within your community know about of bella are are weighing u.s. policy in terms of support for israel's action against iran, which i feel are one thing, and actions in gaza, which to a lot of people are a different thing. >> how would you what would you say is is there a general reaction or is it across the board? >> like i said to you in the last hour, you two jews in a room, you can have three opinions.
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in my synagogue. they're constantly about this. you have the right of the left. but even the people are on the left are starting to realize enough is enough. >> you know, just a moment ago we just spoke about that in chicago. it's going to be kind of contentious. >> let's remember, in 2012 at the convention. >> the obama administration did not have the word jerusalem or israel anywhere, anywhere in their entire platform. >> and all of a sudden there was whole uproar, like, how could you not talk about israel and the obama administration was the beginning of you remember the first day or the first month he got up, then he made a brotherhood speech and. after the brotherhood speech, they gave him a a nobel peace prize, even though no speech was done, anything but the concept that america changed its views towards started then and right before left office, he gave $10 billion, if not more. i forget what the exact number was. >> he just gave iran money,
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right before, right before the administration came in. and i got to tell you something. you see that by the administration kind of like in the same lockstep, in the same way, the same thinking. now, do i go and say that biden cares more for iran than he cares for israel? >> i will say that i think from the state department, state like to see both sides battling each other and the reason is because this way we can go and come in with policies. you see it in russia and then you give a little bit the way green we're not going to finish the job. >> we give a little bit to israel, but then we open up the gas pipes and close our guys by iran. >> go make money. and now all of a sudden you have this instability. why what's the plan behind this? >> i don't know. but is what in my community, we all see the biggest thing that's bothering is israel could have taken this entire gaza like that in two weeks.
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all you had to do was when israel was begging the people, move to the south who couldn't open up the border, who wouldn't go give them food, get them out and then all of a sudden israel would have done the world the favor of getting rid of hamas and weeks. but no, why is america not doing this? >> i don't know. and there you go. look, they're all running to the south. >> they're all running to the south. you know, they all want to get out of here. >> there's there. it strikes me that it strikes me, rabbi, that there is always a great of sympathy expressed in certain quarters for the plight of the palestinian people. >> a lot of that sympathy for the palestinian people and outrage at what is doing expressed by the the, for instance, by other countries in the region. but you rightly point out, nobody has said come us, we'll take nobody, nobody. by the way, people don't know what's really going on in
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israel, in the northern part of is because of hezbollah, over 150 to 200000 residents have moved down into the center of the country they've been out of the home for months. they're not working and then they're not able to make any money. but they still have to come up with the money to pay their mortgages. the that were in the south that have that where october seventh happened. and they all moved also into the center. so you have two parts of it, but we're taking care of each other. what is it about? >> i just like when they made the janine camp to be able to go and say, we'll take care of you. but they left them in the first generation after generation and they used as pawns. once again, the palestinian people are just being used as pawns. they're being held hostage by hamas. they're being held hostage on the west bank. everybody knows that. nobody. and all of a sudden, you're going to the united nations saying they want a country. a country? what does it mean who's running a gun, running a country? hamas? well, fatah, these are known terrorist groups.
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>> so you're right. it's easy to go screaming in the streets, though, that israel is doing bad. >> israel is bringing food in israel. >> before this was going on, we were taking people in and giving them operations. >> yes, rabbi, rabbi, we we've been in this extraordinary new phase of this centuries old conflict since october 7th. how are the jewish people coping with what is just a stunning, horrific turn of events on october 7th and now a huge un press attack from iran that what? >> what kind of toll does this take on the jewish psyche? let's take the big one. >> you must understand, we don't want this war. >> we don't want any war. we just want to take medicine to make the world a better
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place is know this is what the nation of israel done and jewish people around the world that were brought into this not by our. so the very first thing is on one hand is we got to be strong . we got to get this snake destroyed. and whether the little snake in gaza. so the average person is feeling like this, i don't like this. >> this is tension. my brother has to go into the army. my daughter has to go into the army. my cousin is going the army. everybody realizes that this is a from the holiday is coming up and everybody wants to just sit in the homes in peace and everything. >> that's all we want to do. but is a negativity on the outside that has and this is going on 2000 years, not just with the jews between the east and the west and israel is the in between. so they go past, god forbid, israel. they're coming after the big satans, which is the western civilization. >> okay. rabbi haim mens, it's been a pleasure being with you this friday, early morning. >> thank you so much, rabbi.
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and we will be back with much more coverage on the ongoing breaking news out of the middle east today. there are some things that work better togethe r, likeesting your workplace benefits and retirement savings. for you helps you choose the right amounts, whether over under investing across all your benefits savings options so you can feel confident in your d financial choices because of they really know how to put two and two together for you. well plan well invested, well protected. sean combs built a hip hop empire. he was the biggest thing going. that's when this house of cards starts collapsing. more people came forward alleging different of abuse.
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iran and israel both appear to be pulling back from the brink after an israeli strike against. iran says it defeated that attack. >> but in the wake of it, how concerned should we be about iran and israel's nuclear facilities? >> let's turn to fox news correspondent, commentator for answers, chen lee. >> hey, jonathan fox news confirming that the targets of the attacks in iran were not nuclear nor civilian.
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it does raise questions on iran's nuclear, though, given that earlier thursday, tehran warned that if israel iranian nuclear facilities, it has the ability to strike nuclear sites. a senior commander in iran's islamic revolutionary guard said thursday, quote, if the zionist regime wants to take action against our nuclear centers and facilities, we will surely and categorically reciprocate with advanced missiles against their own nuclear sites. this irgc commander in charge of nuclear security warned further that such a strike would make it possible for iran to review its nuclear doctrine and deviate from the country's previous considerations while it was unclear exactly what he meant. we do know in 2015, a deal was introduced imposing strict on iran's nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions against the country, among other provisions. but in 2018, then
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president trump pulled the u.s. out of the deal, reimposed using sanctions on tehran in 2019. iran reportedly started breaching those restrictions on its nuclear activities. and thursday, the iranian foreign minister told cnn, let's watch the entire nuclear of iran. is it in its totality, within the framework of a peaceful program? and i do think that america must closer attention and focus on the adventurous safety regime in israel so that such a crisis will happen in gaza, because netanyahu showed that he will not respect any of the red lines. iran's supreme leader has the last say on the country's nuclear program. we know in the early 2000, the ayatollah banned stockpiling nuclear bombs in religious and religious stating that although we have nuclear technology, iran
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has firmly avoided it. but this new rhetoric from top irgc officials about striking israeli nuclear facilities, of course, is raising concerns about that program and how the country has always reported that it was strictly peaceful purposes. much to the criticism of the west, jonathan and lee, the international atomic energy has issued a statement in the wake of the israeli attack, which was near a nuclear facility. >> what did the say? >> yeah, we just received this alert. jonathan. the iaea confirming that there was no damage to, that iranian nuclear site facility in that area. it does continue in the statement to call for extreme restraint for everyone and reiterates that nuclear facilities should never be a target and military complex. the iaea continuing to monitor the situation with those tensions in the middle east at an all time high.
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>> jonathan charnley, thank you for breaking news update. we will be back with more coverage of israel's attack on iran and the iranian response to that attack. response to that attack. we'll be right back. >> cracked windshield. flight and we'll come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk woman: i have ! we texted her when we were her s on our way and she could track on our way and she could track us and see exactlych we'd arriv. i have a few more minutes. let's go. replacee to her with service that fit her sketch. he must be pat's girl. nice to meet you. we got right to work with a replacement she could trust. singers safeliwe come to you e schedule now. for free mobile service at just like we pay for sleep. like in m replace. >> after 30 years of research, brain scientists discovered the key factors that can cause the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. >> and a breakthrough solution. more
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partner trey yingst, live from tel aviv. >> so, trey, we go back here, i think, in terms of escalation to april first the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, senior military figures from iran killed in that. then we have the huge iranian response with the hundreds of missiles and drones sent towards israel last weekend. but now we have a very limited response to that by israel. >> it seems that after some escalation, we're perhaps moving de-escalation here, given that iran is now saying there will not be any immediate retaliation. >> yeah, jonathan, absolutely. when you look back at how all of this started, it was april 1st in damascus, syria, and mohamed saadi, a top iranian general, was taken out in an israeli airstrike, along with six other members of iran's irgc and everyone from iran's president, ebrahim raisi, to supreme leader
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the ayatollah khamenei said there must be a response to the killing of these seven irgc members, and they immediately blamed israel and partially the states for that strike, saying it was like an a strike on territory. so there was a lot of buildup to the iranian attack weekend against israel that included hundreds of drones and missiles. and the israelis then said there must be a response to the attack on their territory. and overnight, we saw at part of that response, about 200 miles south of the iranian capital of tehran, where israeli strikes were reported, how the iranians are trying to downplay this incident. they say their air defenses system was active and that the explosions heard in this area were successful interceptions. the reality is you have to take everything that iranian state media says with a grain of salt. but this does give iran an opportunity to take an exit ramp and avoid in unraveling
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situation across the middle east. it also gives the that same opportunity to say that they struck back against iran internally and then also send a message to the iranians that they have their nuclear facilities in the sights of israeli planes, drones and any sort of military capabilities the israelis are able to conduct. that is the message that israel wants send to iran, and they're unlikely to comment on it publicly as part of a broader strategy to operate in the shadows. jonathan. >> and but we talk about the de-escalation train, but we're still on a knife edge in the region and we still have to watch for what iran's proxies you've talked about the houthis in yemen. hezbollah are obviously up in lebanon with all the missiles aimed at northern israel and beyond. >> so where we are far from pulling back the brink here on we. absolutely. and when you look at both sides of this growing conflict
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between israel and iran, they understand these are two countries that operate with a strategic patience that the united states is not used to in war. and we're talking about the fact that the israelis have been going after iran's nuclear program for years. you might remember back in 2020 when with a machine gun that was remotely operated, the israelis took out mohsen fakhrizadeh, a iranian nuclear scientist. the iranians said they would respond and ultimately they didn't. well, the israelis understand that iran has proxies across the middle east, and they also have strategic patience and the ability to attack israel when the time is right for. and the largest iranian proxy is hezbollah, a group iran has been propping up for a very long. >> and they have been smuggling precision guided weapons components out into southern lebanon, through syria, in a way that creates a situation for israel that if indeed hezbollah is completely
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activated by iran and fires on a population centers like tel aviv, israel's even most advanced air defense systems would be overwhelmed and there would be a high casualty rate here. and so everyone is walking on that knife's edge. understand that one misstep from either side could drag the region a broader war, something that both countries are trying to avoid for a variety of reasons, mainly economic, but also there are our civilian populations that don't want war. it is politically unpopular. and so israel still trying to focus on their efforts inside gaza more than six months into the operation against hamas. >> and a lot of unknowns. the region right now as escalation continues and the situation, the ground unravels. >> jonathan. and talking of gaza, the much talked about ground offensive into rafah coming at some point soon, believe. >> so the israelis, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, two separate times,
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have said that a date is set to enter gaza, southern city of rafah, where more than 1.4 million palestinians are currently sheltering. now, the israeli military told ,the majority of those palestinians to evacuate to this southern city that along the egyptian border. and so the americans have put lot of pressure on israel not to operate in rafah without assurances those civilians will be protected. there is an extremely high civilian casualty inside gaza, and it is something that the americans have discouraging the israelis from continuing. they don't want to see this number rise. they want to ensure that that vulnerable civilian population protected. and just last week, you had president biden and top cabinet officials, including secretary of state antony blinken, and also defense secretary lloyd austin, saying it would be a mistake for israel to enter rafah. well, very quickly, they changed their tone as the intelligence started to trickle in that the iranians were planning a massive attack that ultimately would include drones and missiles against
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israel. and so the focus now that this situation is partially is shifting back to gaza nearly 200 days into the conflict, the israelis once again are saying they will enter. so the question is when and how? and will they be able to get civilians out of harm's way before doing so? >> jonathan, trey, thank you so much for your always work. trey yingst in tel aviv. and we will be back with a lot more of our breaking news coverage on the conflict in the middle east in 2013. and i want to be a good person. i fix problems and. >> you have them. you're a night man. >> but i love you, too. i'm just proclaiming really, i'm just proclaiming really, just clearly more than
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fellow and iran scholar benham, ben blue. >> benham, great to have you back again. >> you said you hoped there would be no iranian retaliation. >> it appears that there is not a plan for anything right now. so that would appear to indicate, wouldn't it, that israel's message has been received loud and clear. >> back with you, jonathan. indeed. sometimes in these matters, actions matter much more than words and the stakes, even the adversaries are able to communicate its its actions. it certainly no time for a premature victory lap or even to borrow from president biden to win. after all, the islamic republic and israel engaged in a 40 plus year shadow war, and they're certainly not out of declaring yet, given their 180 degree series of differences across the middle east. and no one, lest we forget, the government of the islamic republic to death israel. but in this instance, a state
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to state conflict, an overt conflict launching missiles, drones or other long range standoff weapons from one country's territory into another, just for the moment, seems have been foreign policy. >> what do you get a sense of, benjamin, in terms of the us pressure on israel for what president biden was restraint in its response? do you believe that that played a significant role in shaping what israel did the last few hours? i certainly think even in the lead up to this strike, israeli national security officials, decision makers and even military folks had to seriously consider the degree to which they strike something more overt, something wider, something that would have killed more individuals, would have put distance daylight between. israel and america, which as we just saw, was a critical partner in defending the jewish state and also keeping them together towards know, pushing
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back against the rest of iran's threat network, which they did not accomplish, called the axis of resistance in the middle east. that would have been counterproductive. but i will say this the government of benjamin netanyahu is still looking to engage in deterrence by punishment against the islamic republic, whereas think the broad trend lines of where the biden administration wants to go is quite clear, which is de-escalation, deconfliction. and i certainly think that in the short term, the islamic republic will indeed to press upon those differences. so, again, we're not of the woods yet. >> do you give any credence to some of the reporting that there has a been a trade off here with saying, okay, we will show restraint in the way that we react now to iran, but want to go ahead with the major operation against hamas in rafah, the southern city in gaza. >> and you, the united states,
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have to let us do that without further protest. >> there are allegations of that? >> i haven't seen anything proven analytically. one could see trendlines going in that direction. but, you know, the biden administration and its concerns over iraq are likely going to be outstanding, particularly if there's going to be political criticism of the nature of the israeli operation . you know, these are things that are going to have to play out over the next months. but i certainly think that the government of prime minister netanyahu, which is a unique cabinet, by the way, that war cabinet pushing back against hamas and achieving their stated military objectives starting on october eight, still remains the name of the game. >> and that means, you know, defending and destroying hamas, which is, again, the lowest of the low hanging fruit for the government of the islamic republic that had been held. it has been an absolute pleasure having you with us through these early hours of friday morning, benham. thank you so much for being, sir. >> and we will be back with a lot more on.
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our breaking news coverage of israel's attack against iran and the iranian response, which for the moment seems to indicate there will be no further retaliation. eye s we'll be bacymk with dry ice to keep you coming back. inflammation might be to blame over the countrywide drops can provide temporary relief. dry caats the sympn provide lc he targets inflammation that can cause to tissues, continue to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye diseasue . don't use it allergic as i common side effects include eye common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort blurred vision like an unusual taste sensation. why wait as you doctor, about a 90 day prescription and pay as little as $0 as they try to get yard done right? pros everywhere trust greenworks were instant on run all day. commercial grade absolute power . and now you can unleash all that power at home with the all new all electric maxima see
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absolutely free. that's b o 82 215215. >> for more now on the israeli strike against iran and,
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the iranian response or lack thereof, let's bring in joe petrino, a former centcom spokesman. >> joe, great to you with us. the israeli action, first of all, appears to have been measured, certainly limited. >> is that the right strategy? do you believe? it is. israel seems to have threaded a very tight needle here. they really had to. they had to respond. look, it was this was unprecedented. iran's striking over israeli airspace. this has never happened before . iran climbed one rung or maybe even two or three rungs of that escalation ladder. >> israel also had to climb up that escalation ladder. but they allowed an off ramp here. okay. so, you know, this is this is a muted attack. iran is downplaying and i think both sides perhaps can retreat to their corners. >> and obviously, that's what we're hoping for.
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>> and so are we coming back down ladder of escalation, joe? >> or have they both paused? exactly on the rung where we were a couple of days ago? no, there's no there's no coming back down for now. you know you kind of stay you stay where you are on that. on that ladder. you just imagine that, you know, we've crossed some red lines here, right? so the next time that israel kills and irgc commander. iran now has established that they will strike inside of israel. that's kind of their new reaction in response, israel will strike inside of iran. so for right. they're just putting a pause on escalation. we're just putting we're not putting a cap on it yet. it's putting a pause on escalation and us certainly playing a major role, it appears here. joe, president biden called restraint from israel.
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>> the israelis clearly felt they had to take some action, but they certainly showed restraint and that would have been welcomed, one assumes, by the white. >> it will actually be welcomed by the white house. you know, president biden actually called for israel to do something short of striking inside of iran. >> well, they did striking something wrong. but -- but a very muted, very precise strike. so i think, you know, the biden folks are going to consider this a win. they're going to call it a win, probably sounds like deservedly so. and then, you know, both sides can kind of resume that now. israel, the idf, going to resume their operation in gaza, you know, unsure of what's next with with rafah, with you, a possible assault on rafah, although it looks like netanyahu is certainly insistent on doing that.
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>> joe petrino, former centcom spokesman, a pleasure to have you with us. thank you for being with us, sir. this early friday morning. so here's where we stand as we approach 4 a.m. on the east coast, 11 a.m. in israel, 1130 friday morning in tehran, israel has struck at iran. iran says it has defended successfully against that its air defense systems iran says took down they described as a suspicious object significantly. and a senior iranian official is now telling reuters that there are no for immediate retaliation. so we seem to have stopped the escalation for the moment. but stay with fox news for continuing coverage. "fox and friends" up next with todd and colleagues, i'm sorry went off.
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