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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 19, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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economy. you got to get serious about actually enforcing the sanctions, not just symbolically passing new ones. >> todd: 10 seconds to you, congressman, will iran retaliated? >> they may say they will. but, can they? the biggest thing to watch is hezbollah. that's the -- that is the insurance policy and the big hammer that iran is still sitting on hezbollah to the north. >> carley: congressman, thank you for joining us, you will have a busy weekend. thank you four joining us ahead of that congressman michael waltz have a good day. we are waiting for israel's response to the strike on israel over the weekend. and it happened last night. and now we await to see if iran is going to respond, also the white house's response to all of this as well. >> antoni blinken expected. "fox & friends" will have all that they begin right now. >> steve: this is a fox news alert. a u.s. official has confirmed that israel has launched a
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retaliatory strike against iran overnight while you were sleeping. so far, zero comment from the israelis. we're awaiting live remarks from secretary of state anthony blinken very shortly. the strike was inside of a major iranian military air base that contains facilities associated with their nuclear program. but we know iran's nuclear facilities apparently not impacted. they did not hit them. >> ainsley: we have not received an official statement from the biden administration. but a source says the u.s. was not notified before the strike and was not involved. >> lawrence: jeff paul is on the ground in tel aviv, israel and retired tony tata has excellent analysis. first, brian is breaking down exactly where this happened. brian, what can you tell us? >> right now you take a look at israel right near here. and you take a look at iran over here. a long distance to travel. thousands of miles where they wanted to hit. did they want to go tehran where there's a lot of drone
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manufacturing? they decided not to. did they decide to come here where the where a lot of the oil fields are, even though throughout the country. predominantly here. they decided not. to say instead they go to isfahan province. it's got a nuclear base and military program. we are waiting for the first shots. they hit in between intentionally. saying, essentially, by their methods, by their actions it could have been a lot worse. know how fast we got in there also important to point out these are called strikes, not airstrikes. airstrikes indicate this is coming from an fighter jet. these are drones or cruise missiles. take a look at the last one as we go forward. and this talks about the distance between and this talks about where can you go inside there. so the feeling is on both sides as they travel this distance and hit inside iran, almost one week to the day in which they hit inside israel for the first
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time, not covertly but transparently, the message is i can get to your nuclear facilities, can i get to a military base. you can't stop me, it could have been worse no sense either side wants to escalates. local reports are not acknowledging israel did it. air defense being enacted they say they shot it down. both sides are a sense of calm message sent. not outrage on either level, also, hours ago prior to that, the foreign minister in new york about to address the u.n. mission, sitting down talking to news source you better not hit us, within israel, within hours, they do. now live to jeff paul on the ground live in tel aviv. what's it like right now in israel? is there a sense something could be happening back, a reprisal?
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doesn't deal like that out on the ground. i think there is a sort of sense of relief. i'm not sure if that's the right word or not, there has been a lot of building tension over the last couple of days since that attack from iran here in israel. many people not knowing what the response would look like some thinking it would happen after the upcoming passover holiday. we know according to a military source that israel has, in fact, responded with this very specific 200 miles away from the iranian capital of iran. it is so close to the capital but close to the natanz nuclear facility. we should point out no nuclear sites were hit. the and to hit a nearby iranian air base. israel not only has the capabilities to hit the area but can do so when it wants. as it stands, iranian state
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media has been really down playing this strike. they have not reported of any damage or any direct impacts. really the only comments we have heard from iran explosions and by air defense system. it is important to point out they have not identified a source of the recent strike images from state media show that life in iran is getting back to normal. streets are flowing and learned that air traffic has been reopened after a few flights were canceled in the area senior iranian official told them iran has no plans to strike back immediately. now, as far as life back here in tel aviv, things really are getting back to normal. you see people out here getting their last minute shopping done before the shabbat. and we also know that the war cabinet.
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israeli war cabinet plans to meet again tonight. this is obviously going to be a topic of discussion as well as ongoing war in gaza and the growing tensions in the north between the iranian proxy group hezbollah. >> ainsley: let's bring in anthony at a time that brigade general. good morning to you, general. >> good morning. >> ainsley: two things that stuck out to all of us that iran is down playing. this trey yingst says this gives iran a face-saving way to not have to respond. gives iran basically an exit ramp. and second thing we are learning this morning. this really sends a message that israel can strike inside iran's territory. what happens now? i think trey is exactly right. i think really iran doesn't know what happened. and they are speculating that these were drones. you know, the f-35 which israel has 396 can go anywhere and be basically undetected. the s-300 surface to air missile
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system has radars that have a challenge in time picking up the f-35. so, and the first report is always wrong in combat, ainsley. so, i really believe that iran still doesn't know what happened and so they are down playing it because. i think they are nervous because israel showed very clearly that they can strike anywhere at any time without iran knowing about it. and they don't want to get into this tit-for-tat because israel is way more capable than iran right now. and from a military standpoint targeting military bases, military structures and oil facilities would be at the very top of israel wants list if they were going to come in and begin to dismantle iran i believe this was trying to find out where their air defenses actually
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were. >> lawrence: let's talk about that, general, in 2016, there was a lot of information about these s-300 air defense systems that they bought iran bought from russia i'm curious there is reports coming out of israel talking about they are not as strong as they thought it may have been, the iranians thought that they were strong. what do you know about this defense system and has technology superseded that defense system? >> yeah. lawrence. if there is two exontsd to any air defense system. win is radar and the kinetic capability. the missile that will shoot at the incoming jet. and what i think iran learned is that the s-300 radar cannot pick up the stealth fighter f-35. and so, i think that's the first part. and the missile system and the radar combined have about 120-kilometer or 57, 80-mile detection and shootdown range.
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so, that doesn't matter if you can't see the jet. that's the system that that's the system that iran relies on. >> steve: general just mentioned fact that neither country, iran nor israel really talking about it. israel pretty much radio silence. i'm looking at jerusalem post jerusalem source news source. israeli official told jerusalem post, eye for eye, tooth for a tooth. israel retaliated after they were attacked last weekend. this is the curious part. they said that israel will not accept responsibility for the attack for strategic reasons they say iranians claim on the ground in iran they say explosion at a factory because they don't want to escalate it, to your point. they also said israeli sources said unclear why the u.s.
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pentagon disclosed israel was involved. they could have remained silent, they say, they could have preserved iran's dig and escalated the situation on their own. why aren't they saying yeah, we hit them? >> yeah, i think israel is always tried to have some didn't in their actions, particularly when they are using strategic assets like the f-35 better to leave iran guess. the world guesting. poor information management on the administration here in the u.s. to confirm this was israel. certainly not something a good ally should do. >> brian: the foreign minister was in town to address the united nations yesterday before that he sat down with another. you better not hit back.
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listen. >> when we say at a maximum, we mean if israel commits that same mistake, our response will be regretful for them immediate and decisive as definitive in palestinian occupied areas. in previous operation, we announce to the americans that target in the region. other than if we come across a condition in which the united states of america puts itself besides the israeli government in order to expand the warfare intentions. it is not within the interest of
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newark america to do that. >> brian: i love when they counsel america what to do. so insightful and beneficial: this airstrike now we know this airstrike had been scripted out and was about to be executed. >> yeah, brian. he's got to say whatever he is saying, right? the bluster all about we talk a lot about information warfare. information as an element of national power. that's what this is all about, trying to get the word out there that we're big, we're strong, we're tough, you know, we're going to strike. they have been striking american bases through their proxies. and what israel did here was really what i call a strategic spoiling attack when you are on the defense you should reach out and on their home turf and put them off balance. iran is really thinking like we have been saying these guys can come in and dismantle anything that we have and we won't even know about it.
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>> brian: 2200 troops minimum in iraq that they could hit. hopefully they are well defended with missile defense because that could be devastated. those attacks have subsided. >> ainsley: 45,000 american troops in the middle east total. >> steve: general, thank you very much for getting up early and reacting to the breaking news. >> thanks, team. >> lawrence: thanks, general. >> steve: coming up 6:13 in the east carley has other breaking news. >> we have a fox news alert to get to here. congressman ilhan omar's daughter met with cheers when she was released by the nypd after being arrested during an anti-israel protest at columbia university. [cheers] >> [bleep], [bleep] >> carley: more than 100 protesters were arrested on
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columbia's campus and given summonses. this just in, the biden administration changing the rule for title ix. it will now protect licking county students it will go into effect on august 1st. rules for transgender athletes are still on hold. president biden getting a big endorsement from the kennedy family but yesterday the event in philadelphia was arrested by a screaming protester. watch. [shouting] >> i have a right to be here. i was invited. this is my right to be here. i have the right. [shouting] >> and as you see, the protester was escorted out of the event. and those are your headlines, guys. back downstairs to you. >> ainsley: i was invited. >> steve: there you go. thank you very much, carley. of course, that event was apparently the kennedy family called the biden team and said, you know what? we are really worried about r.f.k. he could essentially get donald
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trump elected president. so we would like to have an event where we endorse as a family, as a kennedy family joe biden. and so that's why they showed up in mass for the most part. >> ainsley: a little misleading. >> steve: all his siblings. >> ainsley: little misleading. how did you feel about the family picture and them endorsing biden. he said it's not the entire family. they support me too. >> brian: it's a huge family. r.f.k. had 9 kids. and r.f.k. jr. is the oldest. and i love his statement that he came out with after. he said, look, i love my family. i hope this could be a good model for the rest of the country. we can disagree in politics and not hate each other. check out the fox news polls with r.f.k. in it. it lengthens donald trump's lead in every battleground state except wisconsin. >> lawrence: totally agree with you about the family saying hey, it's a model for the nation. on the same side i guess i was under the impression that the
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biden administration was doing this reaching out looks like the family is being more proactive to say no, no, no. we don't want our family name to take down a democrat. i found that very interesting. >> steve: they don't want to be blamed. the kennedys are the most famous democratic family in america. >> brian: the next generation or the generation after has not had success. >> steve: famous family. brian they don't win elections. >> lawrence: joseph kennedy supposed to big out of massachusetts challenged incumbent and got destroyed. >> brian: kerri ran and she lost in a primary. very interesting like we have the kennedy name. i'm like, really? he looks exactly like his dad and he was there when his dad was taken down and he knows his dad's legacy. he knows his dad's bust is on
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the president's desk or bookshelf. bobby f. kennedy an idol for him. you guys work that out together. i never saw such a mass movement to distance yourself from a candidate who puts himself really in some cases between both parties. he is not aoc we can go wow, that's not a democrat. is he kind of in between. i don't know why they feel they have a big rush to not be embarrassed. why are they embarrassed by their oldest sibling? >> steve: it will be interesting to see if r.f.k. jr. has any family members who would actually stand with him on the stage. >> ainsley: he they do. his children. >> brian: got on another state yesterday. i think it was michigan. >> ainsley: just so many of them. that's one of the reasons why they're so famous. barack obama -- i would argue the more famous democratic family. >> brian: they are great at having kids, the kennedy's. >> ainsley: big catholic family. >> steve: there are a lot of
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kennedy's. >> ainsley: rivalling rachel campos-duffy. >> brian: for now. >> steve: meanwhile, talk about another political guy. that is former president donald trump. is he back in court today for day four of his hush money porn star trial as 12 jurors and one alternate picked yesterday are going to try to pick five alternates, five more later today. >> lawrence: a live report outside the court. that's next. ♪ voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest...
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visit to learn more. doc? >> steve: so three hours and eight minutes from right now donald trump will be back in court lower manhattan for day four hush money trial as 12 jurors finally picked yesterday. ains the search for the alternates continue today. >> lawrence: eric shawn is live outside new york supreme court. hey, eric. >> hey, lawrence, good morning, everybody. they are moving pretty quickly. later this morning they hope to get the last five alternate jurors. this after they lost two jurors yesterday. but juan merchan the judge more than made up for that by seating the 12 jurors and one alternate. let's take a look at the jury there a mix of professionals in various occupations. they work in finance, healthcare, there's a teacher. seven men, five women. all pledge to be fair and
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impartial to former president donald trump. one of the jurors though said she doesn't like his demeanor and believes he's selfish. another posted a video on facebook of people on the street celebrating president biden's 2020 election win. she said she will be impartial. another does follow the former president on his site truth social yet he also follows michael cohen on x. the former president after court again criticized this case against him. >> it's political and i'm sitting here for days now from morning until night in the freezing room. freezing. everybody was freezing in there. and all for this. and this is your result. it's very unfair. very bad thing. very bad thing. the whole world is watching this hoax. >> trump has taken to truth social to post opinions and media analysts criticizing the trial. prompting prosecutors to highlight seven more examples of what they say is his violating
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the court's gag order. he is barred from attacking witnesses, for example, and one post slammed michael cohen as a, quote, serial liar. a hearing next week will determine if he will be found in contempt of court that could lead to $1,000 fine for each infraction there are 10 so far. and ultimately though, probably not. he also could potentially get 30 days in the pokey. in jail but that likely wouldn't happen, of course. and if there is time later on during the day here there will be a hearing on whether or not prosecutors can ask him former so-called bad acts if which he testifies as he said he will, if they can ask him and question him about the e. jean carroll verdict in which he was found liabliable. he intends to testify. if they get the alternates, the
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opening statements could finally be on monday. back to you guys in the studio. >> steve: that would be great. eric, got a quick question for you. one of the people interviewed as a juror yesterday. i think he was seated, in fact. he said i don't have an opinion about donald trump. how is that possible? donald trump has been a force in american media for so long. everybody knows him. everybody has got an opinion. they either love him or they hate him. but everybody has an opinion. >> yeah. it's like was that, you know, like sergeant schultz, i don't know. >> steve: i know nothing. >> i don't know. don't ask me. i see nothing, i do nothing. who? >> brian: thanks, eric. meanwhile, looking looking at some of these jurors i don't want to give too much away i don't want anyone to resign. some of the descriptions are a little interesting. a young woman who lives in manhattan likes to dance. >> ainsley: i saw that. >> brian: okay. that's a little interesting. >> ainsley: two sentences. >> brian: likes to dance. likes long walks.
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>> ainsley: did you hear trump yesterday coming out of the courthouse and standing in the lobby area and he had a huge stack of articles. and he went through all the headlines saying basically this one says it's a sham. this one says it's a sham. >> lawrence: one thing i think is interesting is the fact that alvin bragg. one ever the jurors lied under oath about their record. and they found out that this juror had a record in west chester county. and there's a lot of legal scholars that were on the other network, you see, this is the guy doing the right thing. no, this is a guy that doesn't want a mistrial. you sit someone on there and you find out that they lied, it could put the whole case in jeopardy. >> ainsley: was that the guy that had the same name of another person who had been arrested for removing campaign signs of republicans? >> lawrence: correct. correct. >> steve: there's a lot at stake. you know, and as eric said, we could see and hear we won't hear
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because we won't be there and there is no tv coverage. opening statements will be on monday. katy is a former federal prosecutor and talked a little bit yesterday about how all the jurors who will be seated. all 12 of them, plus six alternates have a stake in what happens. >> trump fundamentally can't have an impartial jury here because all of these people have a stake in the outcome of this cases. if we're to believe the polling, then this case will impact the election. and everybody that lives in this country is going to be impacted by who is the next president. even just from fun and mental legal perspective, the definition of impartiality is that you do not have a stake in the outcome of the case every single person whether they can say it or not has a stake. they will be impacted. it's the inherent issue with the case proceeding at this point. all of this is really problematic. but that being said, i think trump has a chance. >> lawrence: that's why i don't understand why they picked this venue. they could have kept the same judge and same d.a. to prosecute
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the case. and moved it to swing district where you had a 50/50 jury pool. no one is saying that a republican can't get a fair trial in new york but what people are saying is donald trump is a polarizing figure. you think you would pick a fair venue. >> brian: not if you want a conviction. if they didn't want a quibsz they wouldn't have brought the case. >> lawrence: you put yourself in verpd of it being overturned which a lot of legal decisions when it come to donald trump have been overcome to higher courts. >> ainsley: katie made an interesting point. everyone has a stake in it. every single person. even if you don't know about it you do. we are all americans and affected by the election. this is so unprecedented we have never seen a sitting president in a criminal trial. steve lawrence, to your point, alvin bragg is the d.a. of manhattan, not the whole city,
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just manhattan. that's why they are having it in lower manhattan because that's where the court district is. >> brian: could have moved it. >> lawrence: could have moved it like they moved o.j. >> steve: why would he do that? >> lawrence: not another country but another county where it's fair. juries do this all the time especially when there is a conflict. >> brian: lawrence, that's logical, do you know what else isn't logical that this judge is even staying on who don't fate nateed to joe biden whose daughter is going to benefit from the success and her name and her own career who already has a multi million dollars contract from adam schiff who is the number one, possibly number one enemy of donald trump and nemesis who trumped up, pun intended the whole russia hoax and sold something which is a total lie? that's lead client. >> lawrence: also, brian, we have seen some of the photos, it's allegedly now because we haven't confirmed, i guess, of the profile picture of the daughter with donald trump behind bars. so, i mean, i just think we're
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in a slippery slope right now where you have political daughters, relatives that are working. remember the criticism that clarence thomas gets because of his wife being a republican operative. are we going to have the same thing when it comes to this judge? >> steve: ultimately, lawrence, if donald trump is convicted, all that is going to come out on appeal. >> lawrence: exactly. >> still say convicted which will effect the election. if you think this is bad in april, can you imagine a case in august or september where he's going to be in the back stretch. nobody really does a lot in april traditionally. but when he is going to be in the back stretch of the campaign and all of a sudden the documents case is ready really? are we going to do this in the fall. >> lawrence: they could have waited. >> ainsley: yes. they are going to do this continuously. >> lawrence: that's the goal. >> ainsley: especially in democratic districts. all democratic judges and prosecutors doing. this. >> steve: lined up like coming into laguardia.
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>> brian: georgia on hold. the documents case aileen cannon doesn't seem close to putting that up. >> steve: she is in no hurry. >> brian: january 6th case waiting on the immunity situation. >> ainsley: you know the democratic party will wait until the last minute to release anything they have on him. just like they did with the billy bush tape. they would love to hold off these trials. they need to get some started, i think, in their mind to get some momentum but hold out until the very possible last second before the election. >> brian: will it be ruled as election interference that close to the election? brian. >> ainsley: it could backfire. >> brian: are they going to put him in court lawrence the department of justice has this silly argument they are making now that it is not considered before the election since they started this months ago. or years ago. their investigation. they are not judging this by -- i think it's ridiculous because you have a trial in a case still happening before the election, it's still going to impact the
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election. >> steve: i think the doj standard is nothing can happen 60 days before the elections. and so,. >> ainsley: standard. >> steve: back it up. so whatever it is, it's got to be done two months before the election. >> ainsley: it is 6:32 here on the east coast. we have a fox news alert. the middle east on high alert amid israeli strikes on iran. and we are awaiting comments from the secretary of state anthony blinken who is in italy. >> lawrence: medal of honor recipient staff sergeant david bellavia is next. ♪
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money for our people. we need it. >> they are showing up here in new york and chicago, attacking people in the streets police are fighting with them in the shelters that you guys are funding. >> carley: the city funded $150 million for migrants this year but the mayor's office says it is not enough severe storms brought storms and tornadoes to the heartland. one storm chaser getting close to a twister as it formed in greenville, illinois. watch this. >> please inform the national weather service there is a tornado on the ground. >> carley: no word on whether anyone was hurt. polls show former president trump and president biden neck and neck in battleground states. trump is ahead 6 points in georgia and michigan.
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tied in wisconsin. the majority of these votes in these states are unhappy with president biden's job performance. those are the headlines, guys, back downstairs to you. >> steve: thank you very much. carley. a fox news alert. no response yet from the white house this morning after israel's retaliatory strike against iran overnight. >> brian: we are learning the biden administration was given the heads up. >> rich edson joins us live from the pentagon. rich, it sounds like so israel called the pentagon and said this going to happen somebody at the pentagon told u.s. press because at this point the israelis aren't saying anything. >> it's been real quiet. the white house, the israeli government. this is all sources behind the scenes who are talking to media right now. a u.s. military source tells us that this was a limited strike, that it was not a manned aircraft that flew into iran and did this. and it wasn't at a nuclear site it was air base that was
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according to a press reports that are out there right now. air base in its fan province. that province is also home to iranian missile production. and nuclear facilities including that tantaros uranium enrichment strike. the international atomic energy agency which monitors iran's nuclear program at least when the regime allows inspectors in the iaea can confirm there is no damage to the nuclear sites. the general continues to call for extreme resphrantd everybody and reiterates that nuclear facilities should never be a target in military conflicts. iran is enriching uranium up to 60% purity analysts say that's enough to build a weapon in weeks or even days. instituted for science and international security published a report this week claiming iran could build several bombs within a month and, quote iran's nuclear capabilities are more dangerous than they have ever been while relations with the west are at a low point. no comments on these strikes yet
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from the white house. president biden and other world leaders had pressed israel to avoid a retaliation over concerns about escalating and already violent situation in the middle east. yesterday the administration annoannounce new sanctions on is military leaders and weapons manufacturers targeting the drones that iran used to strike israel last weekend. the "wall street journal" just this morning is reporting that the administration is considering more munitions and weapons for israel about a billion dollars worth of tank ammunition. vehicles and mortar rounds that reportedly would be separate drg its aid to israel. back to you. >> haven't heard from the white house, but we are expecting comments from the secretary of state very shortly. can you see them down in the little box, that is a live shot from italy, as soon as mr. blinken gets in the box. we're going to take it full. >> the president is going to speak noon today to a union. maybe at one point he can tell the american people what he is thinking. >> lawrence: exactly.
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>> brian: can we find outer your policy? there have been a few bombings, we have a policy, reportedly he is upset. not upset. got him back. better not attack. won't you answer some questions? >> steve: it's interesting, brian, to your point, last weekend the israeli senior leaders came close to ordering widespread attacks on iran that night. but, netanyahu spoke on the phone to our president, joe biden and apparently they called it off and said do something later. and apparently the later hand last night while you were sleeping. >> ainsley: maybe we will hear from netanyahu during our show. we do have sources on the ground saying it's business as usual there. i heard carley and todd were interviewing that rabbi this morning who said yeah, schools are in session it said is he quiquiet confident. the government has not released any information and israel has returned to normal. >> steve: we have a producer who actually is traveling in israel with their family right now says it's business as usual. you would never know what
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happened last night happened last night. >> ainsley: that was my source trying not to reveal it was our producers. >> brian: staff sergeant david bellavia who wrote a fantastic book about that on house to house. what's your reaction, we keep on hearing and i'm glad everyone both sides seem concerned about escalation. both want to bomb and say okay, let's end it here. israel hit and say i want to send a message here. what message should would he be getting, david? what are you getting? >> well, look, i mean, if you look geographically between israel and iran, there's a whole lot of sunni arab countries that had to have allowed israel to fly over their airspace to hit iran. so, you have to look at what american leadership is i think people at home have to understand that part of our deterrence as the united states of america, is incredible military, our men and women in uniform. our economic power. our swagger and stature as a world power.
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israel has all of that but, their deterrence in the region is picking up any proxy of iran every two years and throwing them against the wall. they have to do more than just be powerful. they have to do more than just have iron dome. they have to be kinetic and respond. and that's why israel is still on the map. it's different for them. they are surrounded on three sides. and, you know, everyone is looking at southern lebanon. northern israel right now. what does hezbollah do and what's the response ever the united states going to be if they hit israel from southern lebanon? america has to show back up in the eastern mediterranean if hezbollah is going to react. >> lawrence: sergeant, how much does israel rely on the u.s. and i'm not talking about capabilities, because, israel can do what they need. now, we have been with them for years. they have the great technology, great weapons. but if the president say hey
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we're not going to back you. dolls it alter the decision process of israel? >> i think it's apparent that it doesn't. right? i think, you know, one of the things that we just heard a report on is that the nuclear reactor wasn't hit in iran. that must be that same nuke reactor that we were promised by barack obama didn't exist in 2012 and '13 and '14. how many times have we heard double talk out of this administration? please don't is different than don't. israel doesn't give a damn. they are going to exist. they are going to live and they're going to fight. and joe biden can say whatever he wants. israel is going to defend their own people. >> ainsley: definitely sends a message that israel can strike inside the iranian territory. >> steve: wherever they want. >> ainsley: sergeant, thank you for being on with us this morning. >> thank you. >> ainsley: columbia university protesters arrested but then released after anti-israel
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protests including the daughter of ilhan omar. >> brian: now she is a celebrity. america wants institutions finally finding their backbone but there's more to do. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> steve: a fox news alert. tensions on the rise to the middle east as israel overnight
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launched retaliatory strikes on iran while you were sleeping. >> meanwhile on the home front, anti-israel protests were arrested and released at the protest and near columbia university. including the daughter of squad member like mother like daughter ilhan omar. >> ainsley: author and journalist joins us now. she just wrote this book "second class" that she distributed to all of us steve first class book. second class name. >> ainsley: what's your reaction to this. google employees protesting were fired. seeing protests all over the country. what's your reaction i see you wear the star of david. >> thank you so much for having me. the university most craven cowardly universities in america saying enough is enough and
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asking the police to intervene the vibe shift is here. we are officially in the woke lash. congratulations, everybody. it's very important that we learn the right lesson from this. these people hate israel because they hate america. they are giving the jewish students the treatment they deserve for white students. denying them the protections that they save for quote unquote the marginalized. i think it would be tragic if the lesson we took from this is we need to add jews to the dei hierarchy of oppression. no the problem is there is a hierarchy of oppression. it was not okay to treat white students this way. it was not okay to say death to america that is the lesson here. the hatred for israel reveals a much deeper problem. the woke mindset. the hatred for america. the hatred for the west. >> brian: i heard you say these people say i am hamas. what about hamilton is pro-woman? what about hamas is pro-i feel
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gender fluid today? i mean, what about what they want from america is seen in these terror his stick countries? >> these people have a mind virus called wokeness, they have thrown out the distinction between right vs. wrong and replaced it with a distinction between who has more power and who has less power and whoever has less power is inherently virtuous. and that includes hamas. >> steve: the power ultimately in the hands of google bosses. they fired 28 people because they had protests in the boss' office. not smart. the powers in the hands of the president of columbia. she called in the cops. they have all been 108 of them have been charged with trespassing. but, next stop is the court system in new york. and, you know what? trespassing are they going to do any time? any time on their permanent record. >> i don't believe there will be consequences of this. the symbolic act of saying this
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is not acceptable from a university president. i think that's significant. >> brian: then the long explanation. by the way, this is finals. you should be -- ivy league institution. how can you afford to stay in a pup tent for four days. >> where are they learning this stuff from though? it seems like -- i interviewed them. they said what happened on october the 7th did not happen. they are saying that babies were not put in urches. they are saying women weren't raped. they are denying the holocaust. so where did we go wrong with these kids? the way you believe if you took that pen and dropped it. that's how they believe in the law of wokeness. they cannot free their minds of it. it is completely endemic in the university system. i do wanted to say i don't think jewish students actually in danger. these people are anyone come poops. they are silly, silly people. jewish students are not in danger at all. nobody could be physically endangered by these people. it's very important to say that
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we are descendants from the mac abees. they shouldn't be afraid of them. >> steve: jewish students are horrified that people in their own class would call for their annihilation. >> steve: check out her book it's called second class. >> thank you very much. >> steve: anthonyanthony blinkeg up shortly.
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