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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 19, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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it's actually 2:30 in the afternoon in tehran right now. it is friday, april 19th, 2024. this is "fox & friends." the reason i mention tehran, if you are just waking up. a fox news alert. israel has carried out retaliatory strikes against iran overnight inside a providence containing nuclear facilities putting the entire region edge. >> brian: general jack keane joins us in moments to break it down. we are also awaiting comments from the secretary of state tony blinken here at home cheers erupting outside a police station as protesters are released and this shocking chant. >> we're hamas. >> you're what? you're hamas. >> yes we are all hamas, pig. [bleep] >> brian: show your face. >> we're all hamas? >> former president trump due back in court. what for as the search continues for alternate jurors who can be
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impartial. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: fox news alert. a fox news official confirms israel has launched a strike against iran. it happened overnight. so far no comment from tel aviv. >> ainsley: the strike was inside of a major military air base contains facilities associated with the country's nuclear program. we know iran's nuclear facilities are secure. >> lawrence: we have not received any official statement from the biden administration. but a source says the u.s. was notified before the strike and was not involved with it. >> steve: all right. retired general jack keane joins us right now live from washington with expert analysis. he's in a moment. but, first, we go to jeff paul who is live on the ground in tel aviv where, you know, jeff, as we can see the city in the background, is it business as usual or are the people acting shocked that they actually struck? >> it definitely feels like a normal friday here in tel aviv.
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he see a lot of people out and about running their last miner rapids ahead of shabbat. passover starting on monday. it is quite busy. the beach is packed right now. in another sense, we are also waiting for the israeli war cabinet to meet at some point. obviously this iranian strike will be a topic of discussion. but, one thing we probably won't hear from is an israeli government official today. and that really goes in line with the military strategy from israel to not comment on these targeted strikes. but, regardless of if anything is said by israel today, the strike itself really does send a loud and clear message, specifically to iran that they can hit within the borders of iran where they want and when they want to. now, this was considered a very specific and targeted strike. it was focused on the central region of its isfahan.
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the that tantaros was not hit in the strike. nearby air base was the target. iranian state media really so far down playing this strike. they have reported the motions that were heard in the region were from the iranian air defense system, responding to three drones but have not mentioned the source of the attack. and iranian official has also reportedly told reuters, it has no plans to strike back immediately. but, curiously enough, a few hours before this strike in iran, iran's foreign minister was -- you know, in the united states, and spoke to cnn and made some comments about israel and what they would do if israel retaliated. take a listen. >> we say at a maximum we mean if israel admits that same mistake, our response will be regretful for them. immediate and decisive and
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definitive. if we come across a condition in which the united states of america puts itself besides the israeli government, in order to expand the warfare intentions, it is not within the interest of america to do that. >> very strong words from the foreign minister in iran. but, today, really, no comments from iran or israel as it seems both countries are trying to sort of de-escalate the situation. so it doesn't widen out to a wider conflict. brian? >> brian: all right, jeff. thanks so much. so that's a rundown of where we are at right now. let's get some analysis or insight from four star general jack keane fox news senior strategic analyst. also he authors the institute for the study of war. if you need it, general, we got a map of the region. and we see, we understand, maybe three separate hits right into this province where we understand there is a military
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base and there is a nuclear facility. what else can you tell us? >> recommendation well, first of all, i think the most important question for the israelis is what do they want to achieve here. and i think they made up their mind that they wanted to achieve a limited narrow attack to de-escalate the situation. and it would not put pressure on iran to retaliate. i think that was the objective. and so they have three means to do that, cyber attack, which they do frequently. and then talk about a covert actions which they do frequently. and never talk about it or overt actions which we saw the iranians do. they selected in my judgment covert actions here. what the masad has done in the past back in 2020 at the natanz nuclear facility, they blew up the centrifuge part of that facility and set back the nuclear program nine months. in '22 they hit a drone manufacturing facility in kerr man shaw, in the western part of
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iranian. then in '23 right here in the vicinity of isafan they hit a weapons facility. a lot of those hits they are assisted by iran ran dissidence in doing. this so, iran is very much aware of israel's capability to reach into their territory and do damage to them that is not an objective that they're trying to achieve here. what they are really trying to chief demonstrate to the iranians we didn't fly our aircraft in there. we haven't hit with you ballistic missiles. let's deescalate this situation and we will see what happens as a result of it. i really think israel did two things here that's really smart. one, they didn't reattack right away. they let the international community work the situation here in terms of sanctions hopefully we'll get some tough sanctions out of this. particularly going against china, who is buying all the iranian oil and they are flush with money. and then the second thing is
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what i'm just discussing here. the means that they chose to conduct this operation, the scale of it, very small. limited attack. and what they attacked itsself a military base likely no civilian casualties and maybe no military casualties either. that is sending a message to iran but, also, demonstrating that they are not going to stand for iran attacking israel. and not responding. >> brian: i understand it is correct that there is -- there is significant drone activity here. this is where they build the bulk of the drones. i understand, too. a lot of their oil fields around here, i guess those are also ripe sites. do you agree, general? did they pick the right place? and with the suns up and cameras get on it. what are you going to be looking for to see how effective this strike was? >> i'm not strike had much effectiveness in taking any significant military capability
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away from the iranians. as i said, i think it's more symbolic. it's sending a message to iran. iran knows full well that israel can strike any place inside of iran. >> brian: general, hold that thought. i want to get your analysis of the secretary of state. is he now speaking and he will talk about what we were just discussing. >> prime minister my friend and colleague for not only their wonderful hospitality but also their remarkable leadership. the g-7 is in many ways a steering committee for the world's most advanced democracies. and we emerge from this meeting of foreign ministers more united than ever. more united in facing critical challenges that before the international community including russia's aggression against ukraine, the conflict in the middle east, and as well the importance of sustaining,
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supporting a free indo-pacific. these and many other subjects were the focus of our conversations over the last two days which i found to be extremely productive. and, again, what strikes me the most and you can really see this over the last three years, is the extraordinary convergence in our approaches to these challenges. convergence between the united states, europe, major partners in asia. let me touch on some of the most important things that we discussed and concluded over these past couple of days. and, of course, i commend to you the statement that we have put out or will soon be out on the part of the entire g-7. first, the g-7 condemned the unprecedented iranian attack on israel. unprecedented in scope and scale. scope because it was a direct attack on israel from iran. scale because it involved more than 300 munitions, including ballistic missiles. we're committed to israel's
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security. we're also committed to de-escalating. to trying to bring this tension to a close. you saw as well or you seal soon into the g-7 statement. a commitment to hold iran to account. to account for its destabilizing activities. holding it to account by degrading its missile and drone capabilities. and yesterday, the united states announced additional sanctions on iran. targeting uav programs. the steel industry, companies that are associated with the irgc, ministry of defense and its armed forces logistics. the g-7 statement makes clear that g-7 country also adopt additional sanctions or other measures in the days ahead. even as we have been dealing with the conflict in the middle east and, again, the unprecedented attack by iran.
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-- on israel we remain focused on gaza. humanitarian assistance. more aid, more crossings, better deconfliction, better distribution of the assistance to all who need it. we have seen important steps over the last couple of weeks with more crossings opening. more aid getting. in more aid getting around. but we need to see sustained results. and we need, in particular, to make sure that there is distribution throughout gaza. we also focused on the impariimperative cease-fire wite release of hostages. such a cease-fire dramatic expansion of the assistance. let gazans return to the north. those displaced from the north. the only thing -- the only thing standing between the gazan people and a cease-fire is hamas. it's rejected generous proposals
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from israel. it seems more interested in a regional conflict than it is in a cease-fire that would immediately improve the lives of the palestinian people. it continues to move the goal posts and the world needs to know and needs to understand, again, that the only thing standing between a cease-fire and gazan people is hamas. the g-7 is also very clear in its unwavering support for ukraine faced with aggression from russia. putin thinks that he can outwit ukraine and outwit ukraine supporters. the message coming out of capri is, he can't. every g-7 member is making extraordinary contributions to ukraine's defense. and as is i said before, this is the best burden-sharing that i have ever seen across the atlantic in more than 30 years in being engaged in these issues. with europe, as well as asian partners, picking up more than their share of the load. i want to particularly recognize
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prime minister malone for her relationship, her decisive leadership. we can see two things right now. together, we are helping to put ukraine on a long-term path where it will stand strongly on its own two feet, militarily. economically, democratically. more than now 30 countries are engaged in negotiating and some have concluded negotiations with ukraine on security packs. and together with what i'm convinced will emerge from the nato summit, you can see ukraine effectively building a force for the future. one that can deter aggression and defeat it as necessary. we are working to drive private sector investment into ukraine and also help develop its own defense industrial base in ways that will provide for a strong enduring economy. now that the path to the eu is open that will help ukraine
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deproof its democracy. as we heard that we heard from foreign minist minute minister s imperative in this moment ukraine get more resources that it needs to deal with the ongoing russian aggression. it needs more air defenses. it needs more munitions. it needs more artillery, allies and partners including the g-7 countries are committed to delivering on that. we discussed steps to provide more assistance, more immediately to ukraine. we also discussed ways to protect and help restore its energy grid. which has sought to disseminate and here again, i think we can see important steps that were already taken, but more to come in making sure that ukraine has sustainable energy for its people. we're also working to strengthen efforts to disrupt the transfer of weapons and also inputs for russia's defense industrial base when it comes to weapons, what
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we have seen, of course, is north korea and iran primarily providing things to russia. but, when it comes to russia's defense industrial base, the primary contributor in this moment to that is china. we see china sharing machine tools, semiconductors, other dual use items rebuild base sanctions and export controls have done so much to degrade. now, if china purports on the one hand to want good relations with europe and other countries, it can't, on the other hand, be fueling what is the biggest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. and, you don't have to just take that from me. this is what i heard around the table at the g-7. progress on solutions also to use russia's sovereign assets for ukraine was on the agenda. and here, i think we're working on getting to an agreement on that, consistent with
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international law. consistent with different country's laws. the kremlin has called this theft. the real theft is in ukrainian lives taken. >> brian: all right. that is secretary of state antony blinken and sim bee owes sis at g-7. a lot of major decisions are going to be made right now and hopefully an aid package passes this weekend. let's bring in four star general jack keane what he did or didn't say about the strike last night. didn't confirm anything about the strike. just confirmed they condemned the attack last weekend on iran's attack on israel. >> well, i mean, the important thing is there are going to be some sanctions coming forward. certainly missiles, drones, you mentioned the steel industry. all of that is worthwhile. but he left out what is really given iran the money that they
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have, they are flush with money. what's that from? >> brian: oil. >> oil, oil, oil. that should be our focus. we need secondary sanctions going after the chinese companies that are buying all of that oil. we got to step up here and get on with this. the previous administration had iran in the tank with 200,000, 300,000 barrels of oil a day. enough to it's close to 4 million barrels of oil a day. no wonder they have all the money to buy ballistic missiles, rockets, and other long range missiles for their proxies because they are flush with this money. and it's unfortunate we're not going after that. i don't think we have the stomach to go after it. >> brian: you know why. >> it's all about china. >> brian: it will raise the price of oil if you start stopping production of iranian oil. and the last thing the president wants for his political fortunes is the price of gas to group. he will did mention china when it comes to ukraine and also mentioned that china is backing up and helping russia rebuild.
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>> yeah, i mean, i'm delighted he mentioned that and how comprehensive china's support is to russia's defense industrial base. i mean, they are not giving them platforms. but they are giving them everything to help build a platform and do all the other things you need to keep a military on the battlefield. it is really quite extensive, the support that they are providing. and we're not doing anything about it. we're talking about it. but we're not taking china on over that issue. other than rhetoric. >> brian: it's crazy. we get halfway everywhere and we don't pull the trigger. general jack keane, we scrambled you early and changed everything because the attack right here in iran last night. we still got to find out details. thanks so much for your analysis. appreciate it. >> yeah. great talking to you. have a wonderful weekend, guys. >> brian: you too. i'm sure he is going to be staying on top of that, steve, ainsley, lawrence back to you. >> lawrence: thanks, brian. >> steve: in two hours and 11
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minutes former president donald trump is going to be back in court for day for of his hush money important star trial. as 12 jurors are picked. and the search for alternates continues. they picked one alternate yesterday. >> ainsley: eric shawn is live outside of the new york state supreme court with the latest for us. hey, eric. >> good morning, ainsley and guys. well, yeah, today, this morning they hope to get this finished to pick the final five alternates in this trial. in order kick off the opening statements on monday. the alternates, of course, used during the trial. in case one of their regular jurors drops out for some reason. and as far as the jury is concerned. well, they are -- have been chosen. they consist of seven men and five women. their jobs range from working in finance to healthcare. one of them is a teacher. under the gag order the former president is not allowed to attack the jurors as well as witnesses, lawyers, or family members of court staff. but, even the hallway after the
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court finishes he cites legal analysts and media pundits who have attacked the merits of the case. and he continues to say this case should never have been brought. >> political and i'm sitting here for days now, from morning until night in the freezing room. freezing. everybody was freezing in there. and all for this. and this is your result. it's very unfair. very bad thing. very bad thing. the whole world is watching this hoax. >> the jurors seem a bit medicationed when considering their personal views of the former president. but they all said that they could judge this case fairly and on the merits. one juror who was seated said, quote: i don't like his persona. how he presents himself in public. i don't like some of my co-workers but i don't try to sabotage their work. well, that prompted. laughter ir box. they tried to get her bounced but they were out of challenges
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and she was put on the jury. another juror does follow the former president on truth social. but, also follows michael cohen on x. and yet another juror, a woman who had posted a facebook video of people celebrating president biden's win in 2020 while she was on the jury but she did say that she could be impartial and was seated. on tuesday, the judge will decide if trump will be found in contempt of the court for 10 social media posts he made slamming the proceedings. one directly attacked expected witness michael cohen calling him a serial purger. for all of that trump could be find $1,000 each and potentially face 30 days in jail. no one thinks that will actually happen. because of his continued attacks, prosecutors are refusing to hand over the list of expected witnesses. because the former president is still criticizing people involved in the trial. so, right now, there are 22 potential jurors who are part of the poll. pool.we will see if they get tht
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wrapped up today so the trial can actually start with those opening statements on monday. back to you. >> lawrence: thanks, eric. if the d.a. wants to be fair here, is he making objections to the court saying hey, donald trump keeps talking. get control of your witness. you got michael cohen that is still doing media why is he able to do that and donald trump can't? i just don't understand that. >> a lot of republicans are saying that it's not fair that normally if you gag one side you will gag both sides. >> steve: do you know what is interesting though, eric just alluded to. this the defense is out of challenges. so, if they hear somebody say something crazy about donald trump, essentially they can't bounce them. if somebody -- and next time we have eric on we should ask him. if one of the jurors is being interviewed by both sides, and they go, you know what? yes, i can be fair and impartial. but i really hate donald trump. you know, the defense is not going to be able to bounce them.
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>> lawrence: they are out of their challenges. >> steve: they are. they had 10. >> lawrence: they can still appeal to the court that sun limited when someone is biased to say hey, make their case to the judge this person should be bounced. now, the 15 that they had before it's like 10 to 15. they can bounce them for any reason. but they still have the challenges that they can make to the court if they feel like someone is not going to be fair. >> brian: got to feel the alternates going to be sat and start on monday. this judge seems to be in a big rush. >> ainsley: starts today at 9:30. clumsy university protesters arrested but then released after disruptive anti-israel protests, including the daughters of squad member ilhan omar. >> steve: that's right. pete hegseth report for duty. he is on that coming up next on "fox & friends." peth graves' coo get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. >> carley: we are back with your headlines, starting with grim news here. torso and arm were found washed up on a milwaukee beach yesterday. it's believed to belong to a 19-year-old college student killed on first date. 33-year-old maxwell anderson is charged with the murder and dismemberment of shaday robinson. the discovered leg found back on april 1st, one day after their dinner date. the suspect is in jail on a
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$5 million bond. two squatters facing a lieu of charges after stomp ago woman to death in new york city apartment and stuffing her body in a duffle bag. the two are accused of stealing the woman's credit card and using it to buy a playstation five air pods, a diamond ring and clothes. they were arrested in pennsylvania and extradited to new york and have both pleaded not guilty. the faa now investigating after two planes almost collided yesterday morning on a runway at reagan international airport. and listen to the frantic call between the pilot and the control tower. listen here. >> 52-26. left turner at november. >> november 26. >> stop, stop,. >> we stopped. we were cleared to cross runway 4. >>
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>> carley: apparently air traffic control instructed the southwest craft to move forward cause it's to almost crash with a jetblue plane that was getting ready to take off. luckily no one was hurt. and the airport was able to resume operations soon after. law and order svu star helping a loss child who mistook her for a real police officer while film an episode in new york city. witnesses say the little girl got separated from her mother when she spotted the actress' police badge filming for the show stopped for 20 minutes. luckily the girl was finally reunited with her mom. those are your headlines, guys. that's a sweet stwor a happy ending there. >> steve: got to wonder. is the little girl a viewer of law and order? that lady looks like the policeman. >> carley: she stopped because she needed help to find her mom and she did. >> brian: i'm amazed. similar show i went to the set of desperate housewives literally a whole block on a movie set. it isn't one of those things they take an outside shot like
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all in the family and then they built they built a whole belong. >> ainsley: see where the golden girl's house was. honey, i shrunk the kids. go back behind the stage. >> brian: that was a movie. that wasn't a series was it. >> ainsley: golden girls was. >> steve: same street wisteria lane, also the bates hotel. it was the leave it to beaver house. >> brian: what a neighborhood. >> steve: listen, i remember. they built a bunch of houses and each house became the theme place. >> ainsley: the women having affairs on one end of the block and a man who loved his mom and they were killing people on the other end. >> brian: exactly diverse culture. >> lawrence: still run into the cops even if it's a fake cop. >> ainsley: on that show for a long time. >> lawrence: 25 years. just walking out. >> brian: real quick, one quick story for you. my nephew who is 6 or 7. whole group of 25 kids. we didn't do a head count. we kept on going back and forth
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disney from place to place. we just said hop in, hop in. hop. in all of a sudden we got a call. we left jack who is now in his 20's. he went up to a stranger would you call my -- >> lawrence: already on a plane? >> brian: we weren't on a plane. >> ainsley: thank goodness knows your daughter. got to teach my daughter my phone number. >> brian: you gotta. >> ainsley: something else popped up on my phone i think they are listening to us. it was that experimental project in central park where the guy says do you have permission to go up to to your child with my dog. and so i showed it to my daughter last night. that i think, for taking care of that child. and for allowing us to have conversation with our kids. always go to the police officers. always go to. >> lawrence: do not talk to strangers or their dogs. >> ainsley: don't leave the park with people you don't know. >> steve: if you talk to a stranger common password does the person know our family password?
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>> ainsley: they will say come see my puppy dog. okay, let's go to this. a fox news alert. tensions ratcheting up in the middle east as israel launches retaliatory strikes on iran. >> steve: meanwhile here on the home front. anti-israeli protesters were arrested, over 100 of them and released after protests on and near columbia university in upper manhattan, including one of the people arrested for trespassing including the daughter of squad member ilhan omar. >> lawrence: here to react is "fox & friends weekend" co-host pete hegseth. she is just like her mom. they are espousing things anti-jewish. they keep telling us that's not the case. we see who they are hanging out with we see the flags. we see the chants. we see the "i stand with hamas." what's your reaction? >> peter: yeah, and we see the videos out this morning of those hamas protesters saying "we are hamas." we support hamas. there has always been -- lawrence, you are right. there has always been a very thin vale over oh, i support the
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palestinian cause. but i won't condemn what hamas is doing or i'm just anti-zionist. but i won't support the state of israel's ability to exist. it's always just one degree away from systemic racism or one degree away from openly supporting terrorists. a lot of this happened on columbia and ilhan omar's daughter is a student at barnard which is an extension of columbia. >> steve: across the street. >> peter: they feel out and open to just be radicals. to say i support the islamists. i hate the west. i hate america. i hate israel. and we shouldn't be surprised, guys. this is a product of, i talked about early this week on this program. columbia university, which is poisoning kids minds for 100 years to hate the country and hate the west and hate israel. why are we surprised that they are creating third world campus where they support hamas? of course they do. >> brian: there are suspensions. the president did call for all those tents to be ripped up. ask you. is this a turning point?
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>> peter: no. no. i wish it was. i would like to think maybe some campuses will start to take a bit of a stronger stance on this, kind of. if what you are teaching behind the scenes reinforces what the protesters are saying. if the professors. >> lawrence: such a good point. >> peter: spewing the same radical rhetoric. get the same results. k through 12 schools godless world view you will get the same result. the adults haven't shown up yet, brian. i don't know when they will. it will take other universities not reforming these universities. maybe it's a start that, hey, hateful killing people rhetoric won't be allowed. that would be nice. that seems to be the standard they are going by right now. that's about it right now. >> steve: pete, it looks like appearance on capitol hill. where she said earlier in the day there are going to be consequences for state your name. happened.
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>> pete: i guess, yeah. it took the spotlight of a congressional hearing to create that situation. what will the next hatred be? what about when there is anti-christian rhetoric or anti-conservative rhetoric or anti-pro-life rhetoric or anti-catholic rhetoric? will those people be suspended or blocked? where do you stop? because we have lost our core, you don't know where it goes. >> ainsley: what do you expect when you have a president who has a one word answer, "don't." >> lawrence: and they do. means nothing. steve thank you very much. >> brian: looking forward to his book and got him 8 hours over the weekend. the biden administration breaking silence this morning. jacqui heinrich has a live report. don't move. ♪
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>> lawrence: back with another fox news alert. just moments ago secretary of state tony blinken breaking the biden administration's silence this morning after israel's strike against iran overnight. is. >> ainsley: jacqui heinrich joins us live from the white house. he really addressed what happened last saturday but not necessarily what happened overnight. >> there was a little bit more in the g-7 statement that he referenced, guys. but, broadly, we did get word last night through sources that the u.s. was given a heads up before this all happened by the israelis. we also got confirmation that the u.s. was not involved in any of this. officials were really eager to get that piece out to prevent any furthest can a labor relation in the region. so far no official comment from the white house but the u.s. along with the rest of the g-7 countries did release a statement. in light of reports of strikes on april 19th. we all parties to prevent
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further escalation. we call on iran to ref reprovidg support to iran. destabilize the middle east. including middle east hezbollah and other state actors. we demand that iran and other affiliated groups cease their attacks. the g-7 foreign ministers called on iran to release the crew after merchant ship seized last week by ir gc terrorists and also threatened further sanctions. the u.s. did release a new sanctions package yesterday targeting iran's defense production base but notably it did not touch iran's oil industry which generates most of its money from. meantime, there are reports the administration is considering sending nor than a billion dollars to israel for ammunition and that would be in addition to the foreign aid deal that congress is working on right now. broadly, the u.s. has been urging israel to show restraint in its response to last weekend's unprecedented attack. biden's first statement on the matter effectively said that israel had already sent a message to iran purely through defending itself from the
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barrage of missiles and drones. but iranian proxy group hamas is still rejecting hostage negotiations. secretary of state antony blinken saying this just moments ago. >> continues to move the goal posts. and the world needs to know and needs to understand, again, that the only thing standing between the cease-fire and gazan people is hamas. >> the nature of the strike last night was such that iranian state tv down played impact as punitive. some officials denied it even happened at all. the reports there made no mention of israel and one iranian official told reuters that there was no plan for iran to respond. that's notable because the iranian president warned before the strike that tehran would deliver a severe response to any attack on its territory. but, against the back drop of iran down playing all of this, we are seeing reports bubble up right now that hamas is calling last night an escalation. that's kind of no surprise given
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that they are continuing to reject hostage negotiation deals. guys. >> steve: they can say that if iran has already said we are not going to retaliate, it's kind of like okay, we are done with that we have no idea who did that. thank you very much. >> brian: thanks, joik. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley shimkus who has more headlines. >> carley: a new attorney is joining the prosecution team that's pursuing a criminal charge against alec baldwin for the fatal rust movie set shooting. the additional special prosecutor sworn in this week in new mexico after being appointed to the case by the santa fe district attorney. the actor pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges for the 2021 shooting that killed cinematographer halyna hutchins. the trial is set to begin in july. this just in, the biden administration finalizing its changes to title ix. expanding protections for lgbtq students. the administration says the new rules will, quote: restore law and strengthen vital protections that were weakened by the prior
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administration while reaffirming our longstanding commitment to fundamental fairness. policies related to transgender athletes were put on hold. all other changes will go into effect on august 1st. taylor swift drops her highly anticipated album called the tortured poet's department. and eagle eyed fans couldn't help but notice her reference to boyfriend travis kelce in the song al gem were. chiefs chanting because they said there was no chance trying to be the greatest in the league. where wants the trophy. he just comes running over to me. the album was recent originally 16 tracks but swift enterprisingly dropped another 15 songs overnight. and those are your headlines, guys. >> brian: she writes a lot of this stuff, right? incredible. >> steve: she does. carley, i heard a news report on cbs yesterday, that apparently 16 songs were on the internet.
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it sounds like somebody might have tried to hack into something. but the swifties are saying don't listen to it it's >> ainsley: should i take hayden this fall down to miami to see her? >> steve: i took my girls. i took peter. >> lawrence: it's a problem. >> steve: does she want to go? >> ainsley: a lot of her friends going to others. >> lawrence: then go to the football games. >> ainsley: i like that. she goes to the carolina games with me and clemson with her dad. >> brian: we'll continue this in the break. real quick the kennedy family endorses president biden. i have more to say about that. so do the others. so don't move. ♪ my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and increased risk of infections some fatal have occurred.
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♪ ♪ >> so much for a family. the kennedy family endorsing president biden in a show of solidarity. >> ainsley: but not everyone was happy at yesterday's event in philadelphia. >> brian: eddie rivera is here with more, hey, mattie. >> the kennedy family is banding together to neutralize weakness in the president's campaign and the threat of robert f. kennedy jr.'s third-party candidacy which polls show more damaging to the president then
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former president trump ear of the campaign is especially worried about kennedy deciphering votes from the key battleground states. the fox news poll shows the president with president trump in several states trailing the former president 39% to 46% kennedy 76% per of the merchants tighter in michigan and pennsylvania. the president has a slight edge in one state, wisconsin beating trump 43% to 41% kennedy 90%. some kennedy members, family members rather have criticized rfk jr.'s candidacy and a campaign event where 15 family members endorsed the president, the track record they praised for working people but not everybody was there to show support. [screaming] >> what i have the right to be here! i have the right to!
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[screaming] >> he will still hurt in the background of interview that kennedy had with another network, listen here. >> so we need everybody to come and vote for president biden. if you vote for somebody else, that is a vote for trump. >> kennedy family members planning to knock on doors and make calls on behalf of the biden campaign. laura, steve, ainsley, and brian. >> ainsley: that is so funny, in the middle of the interview you hear that go on youtube where they hear the music underneath the goats. >> lawrence: i'm stunned, didn't even blink an eye. >> brian: i'm used to the screaming and what goes on in in the newsroom that you can withstand that? [screaming] appearance before it sounds like james brown. >> brian: by the way neither one of them could be first responders.
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they have no instincts. just screaming in the back background. meanwhile his rope with strikes inside iran. we will get the details. >> lawrence: we are live next. ♪ ♪ you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and... buy better plane seats. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease,
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