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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. ♪ ♪ >> brian: 8:00 a.m. on the east coast.
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it is april 19. this is "fox & friends" fox news alert, israel gearing up up to e deleterious traits against iran with a province containing nuclear facilities putting the entire region on edge. joe jackie joined us earlier. >> the money that they have, flush with money and what is up from, oil, oil, oil. that should be our focus. >> meanwhile, here at home, the shocking chant erupting outside of the police station! >> we are enough! >> you are what? >> yes, we are all -- [bleep] >> lawrence: so disgraceful pure it was happening today trump due back in court as soure continues for alternate jurors who can be impartial. >> ainsley: the final hours of "fox & friends" starts right n now. >> brian: fox news alert, u.s. official confirms israel launched a strike again iran
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overnight. so far, no comment from tullibe. >> live, jeff paul, in tel aviv and the only one confirming israel is the united states. >> it seems like that, steve. people here in tel aviv aren't even noticing what is going on. you have people as they look off to the camera at the beach exercising, running their last-minute errands ahead of shabbat here usually on friday. so life does seem unchanged in tel aviv, but when it comes to the building tension that has been up very apparent over the last couple of days, that is starting to ease. we do know now that israel has responded to iran's unprecedented last weekend attack and doing it in a form of a very specific and targeted strike, mainly in the central reason of his behind. this is a specific location being so close to tehran,
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200 miles away and near the nuclear facility. at site was not it and the strike appeared to target the nearby airbase. but it clearly shows if israel wants to hit iran, it can and it can do it where it wants and when it wants. really the only comments we have heard from iran's through state media there was explosions heard and that was caused by the iranian air defense system shooting down three drones cured recently retired general, jack keane, was just on fox news with this regarding how israel strike could impact iran. >> the important things are there will be sanctions coming forward, certainly missiles, drones, and you mention the steel industry come all of that is worthwhile. the fluctuate of money and what is that from? oil, oil, oil. and that should be our focus. >> so far no comments from any sort of israeli officials or
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military spokespersons here in israel appear that goes along the lines of the typical israeli domestic israeli strategy to not come from targeted strikes fear there will be a war cabinet meeg later today and that will obviously be a topic of discussion as well as ongoing war in gaza. the escalating tensions in the north as israel continues to exchange strikes with iranian proxy group, hezbollah. >> steve: jeff paul live from tullibe. let's bring in brigadie brigadier general, spalding. >> good morning. >> brian: what do you make of the fact so far israel has said nothing and iran has said, "we are not going to strike back." and it's out to mexicans as i mentioned a moment ago, the u.s. pentagon. jacqui heinrich reported last night that apparently the united states was in contact and israel called us last night and
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said, "hey, we are going to hit," but that is only notification. >> welcome at the israelis are typically silent about what they were going to do in operation such as these. we talk all the time, so it is in character for what goes on typically for one of these strikes. >> ainsley: iran is downplaying it. and we have had reporters that says this gives them an exit ramp to save face and don't necessarily have to respond. but you had the foreign minister of iran on one of the channels here in new york just hours before the strike. and he said, "if israel commits that mistake once again, response will be decisive, definite, and regretful." how do you think they will respond if they respond at all? >> as i watched his statement, what was concerning to me was it sounded like it wasn't just aimed at israel but also the
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united states. bureau to give our southern border situation, in particular, their ability to potentially create a nuclear weapon with my would be a worried about attacks in the homeland. you have video of hamas in the united states, so i think it is a concern appearance before you know, general, i'm curious about our foreign policy pure to be safe israel you can't get involved and you can't respond but we know iran is number one respons. israel is our ally. do you have a grasp of what the administration is saying? can we push our arm back and say, israel you do it, we are not going to get involved? >> there is no comprehensive strategy. we typically respond to other provocations. i would like to say everything was coordinated because these are all related. iran is supported by china, china supports russia, so this is a comprehensive, global war
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we are facing, a cold war and it seems like it is about to turn hot. >> brian: general, the thing is if you take a step back and talk about strategy, the world was set to watch the ebrahim accords to spend with israel. what happened october 7th? all hell breaks loose as hamas rises up after meeting with iranian and hezbollah officials multiple time "the wall street journal" and possible attack on israel. since that time, nothing but tumult. if you take a step back, how do you read get control of the situation and recognize iran's as the problem and go work with your neighbor to come up with a solution? because winning in gaza, winning over in lebanon, striking iran is exactly what iran wants. >> well, you know, the ebrahim accords started to bring the gold states and israel together and i think those should be repursued. we should start to put sanctions
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on iran in china and put the houthis on t the watch list. in a strategy to bring the middle east more in line with the arab countries and israel and basically isolate iran. our funding of iran is really the problem. >> steve: general come apparently according to "the new york times," last weekd israel were pretty much ready to real time, okay, they are bombing us, but let's pump them but clearly talked out by joe biden. but benjamin netanyahu i don't make this a bigger war. we knew the israelis would have to strike back and they did even though they are not taking credit for it here and now we know iran says, you know what, we will not retaliate. so visit over? >> will my main my really this began back to 2020 with the biden administration basically reopening our friendship with i.
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that is the problem. it happened october 7th, yes, but that has been building because we have been funding them and slowly relaxing all of the pressure that we put on them in the prior administration. >> brian: we are afraid to sanction oil because it will bring the price of oil up and the prime minister over your basically running and brushing us back telling us we better not act. >> lawrence: general, is it too late to pivot for the administration? i know this is supposed to be part of the legacy, part two of the obama administration. can the administration say we are done with this? >> i don't think so. i think this entire system is aligned towards iran here but they very pro-palestinian. i'm not sure where they are, but they are. we are seeing rising anti-semitism. it is just part of the ideology. i think we will be in for until the end of this administration.
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>> brian: for next generation of palestinians. general, thank you. >> ainsley: thank you. >> thank you. >> brian: they were so much we don't know about the strike. >> ainsley: you look at as below, on the border of israel and now an ally of iran. but they did not participate in the insult last saturday. they delayed their statement, congratulating tehran for the attack. i heard some interviews on "fox & friends first" talking about does this mean hezbollah does not want to work? >> brian: no, they are being orchestrated by iran. if iran said we need you to bomb, they have 150,000 rockets. and they lost two commanders a couple of days ago because israel continues to target them. but the big problem in israel and many men they have to move 200 miles off of the northern border while these people displaced and can't work and can't go to school, can't pay their bills because they are afraid of being rocketed by hezbollah. so the status quo does not work.
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b3 we heard from andy point can the top of the last hour where e was talking a little bit about the g7 in italy that he is attending. they were condemning iran's attack on israel. they put out a paper statement very much more comprehensive them at the g7 is calling on iran to stop supporting hamas and hezbollah. >> brian: that will work. >> steve: exactly. you can wish what you want but that ain't going to happen appear in >> lawrence: that is a good point, why put that on paper and why not just say thatr everyone to hear publicly? >> antony blinken didn't even mention israeli because they are pretending it didn't happen. they are trying to sweep it under the rug and israel is not taking credit for it. >> brian: blaming philip and for the reasons there was nothing with the hostages. basically gave them sweetheart deal in 900 prisoners given back to the palestinians, a hundred of which have israeli blood on their hands.
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exchanged 40 hostages in temporary cease-fire. hamas walked away from that. why did hamas walk away? one of the reasons, they don't have 40 hostages. so as few as 20 left. >> lawrence: secretary said hamas moves the goalpost when it comes to negotiation because they don't want to deal. >> ainsley: this morning we have sources in israel and tel aviv, sending pictures of the beach and how life is back to normal and some of the marketplace is where this is not affecting the metal after what happened last night. they are back at school. the government has return to normalcy as well. >> brian: all right meanwhile it is eight: 11 in new york city. >> brian: speaking of normal. >> ainsley: to another alert ill on omar's daughter met with cheers after released after being arrested during anti-israel protest at columbia university yesterday. >> lawrence: brooke singman has a story on that, hey. >> ilhan omar starter facing
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trespassing charges after being one of more than 100 anti-israel protesters to be arrested on the columbia university campus. she is now assessment of from barnard college are refusing to leave campus after receiving warning from senior staff. she says those of us in gaza solidarity encampment will not be intimidated. we will stand resolute until demands are met. protesters set up a makeshift encampment on the university's platform for more than 30 hours. eventually the school's president turned to the nypd for help saying the massive crowd was interfering with school operations. watch this. [chanting] >> they were handcuffed and loaded into corrections which were immediately blocked by even more protesters, back to you guys. >> steve: brook, number of students were suspended. how long is the suspension, a
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day a week for the rest of the term? you know, i don't know yet but the university's president testifying on capitol hill this week saying anti-semitism on campus is a problem and she vowed to take additional steps to combat anti-semitism on the camp spirit of course, these are anti-israel pro-palestinian protests so we will see how long the students are suspended if it is for the rest of the year. actually, it is april so these kids are probably going home soon. but we will see if it is a slap on the wrist or what is to come there. >> steve: you are right, the crackdown apparently started -- thank you very much, brooke, started hours after the president wasn't congress. and went back to columbia and then a note when out to the students, "unless you get out of the square with the tenants, we will start spinning people and calling in the cobs in 5 minute. >> lawrence: i don't like how the kids are trying to act like modern-day civil rights leaders. none of the icon stood for terrorists. none of them blocked roe v. wade
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to obstruct traffic in this way. it was a worthy cause trying to use the wing which of the civil rights movement. i just wish that older statesmen that were part of civil rights movement would condemn this and say this is not what we did. i think it is insulting. >> ainsley: you have a lady yelling, "i am hamas, i am hamas post quote. >> lawrence: you should go there so israel can deal with all of the elements. >> brian: they have their faces covered too not worried about the coronavirus. >> steve: they don't want their parents to see them. >> lawrence: they don't want the cops to track them and know who they are appearance me when i heard a little bit of frustration from the nypd. we got a call from columbia president to and why they let them set up but now we have to clean up your work and rip these smelly tents out of the ground. >> lawrence: it is unbelievable and just over an hour, a live look at trump tower
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as we await trump's departure to new york state supreme court. >> ainsley: just over an hour, he will be back in court they fork of hush money trial has 12 jurors are picked and search for alternates continues today. >> brian: eric shawn will be covering it at the supreme court, eric. >> good morning, by the end of the day they try to get the five remaining alternate jurors picked and ceded the pier that means i can kick off with opening statements in this trial on monday. the jury with one man who follows the former president but also includes a woman who called him "selfish and self-serving." the jury consist of seven men and five women in mostly professionals, but there is also a teacher, a physical therapist, and others. they pledged to be fair and impartial to the former president, even though the lawyers tried to prevent that woman who said she doesn't like his demeanor from being seated on the panel. by the time they got to her, the defense was out of challenges so
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she is a member of the jury. another jury dough mixture turns out and posted on facebook of people celebrating president biden's win. but she said she could be fair. and a juror who follows on true social also follows michael cohen on x. the former president of the court decides the case. >> all of these are stories from legal experts saying how this is not a case here the case is ridiculous. another one of the cases that is ridiculous, trump indictment. it is missing fraud, there is no fraud. >> trump has taken to true social to post opinions of many analysts who criticize the trail pier that has prompted prosecutors to highlight seven more examples of him violating e ad court if they say in addition to the first three examples, they cited a few days ago, trump is barred by law
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by attacking witnesses but for example one post slimmed michael cohen as "a serial liar." there will be at hearing next week to see if he will be found in contempt of court as alvin bragg is demanding that could lead to a fine for the former president of $10,000 and up to, 30 days in jail, but no one really believes he could potentially be jailed for that. if there is time at the end of the day, there will be a hearing over what the prosecutors will be allowed to ask trump. this is for the defense attorneys to get a preview of what they could expect if he does, indeed, testify. that could include talking about the verdict have a billion-dollar verdict in the real estate fraud trial and affect the jury found him liable for sexually assaulting and defaming e. jean carroll. that may come later today have come about as it stands right now, they are back in court at 9:30 eastern time. we expect the former president back in his seat behind the
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wooden defense table in the courtroom. back to you. >> brian: and the cold court room. hey, eric, quick question for you, today, the agenda is to pick five more alternates. so they have a total of six. is that enough? they have already -- yesterday the judge excused two of the jurors and saying you have to wonder over weeks and weeks of trial a lot more people could drop out. >> yeah, that is a really good point. i have covered trials where a juror or two has dropped out in considering this type of case. they say that six alternates is enough, but we will have to see as this goes through the next month. maybe i will tell them to call you, steve. maybe you want to come down here. >> steve: i live in new jersey. >> brian: thanks, eric. >> steve: i'm busy. >> brian: really clear, you have to bring underarm. because the worst is being in a
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boardroom very bored and it is hot. and he needs to keep the studio 50 degrees. so maybe the judge knowing people are falling asleep because i definitely know the feeling. >> lawrence: clearly, the council has complained and they have been unmovable. in changing the temperature. >> steve: wear a coat. >> ainsley: the judge gave an option to step down in the beginning stages. other things going on in your life and you don't want to be here, you can leap your normally, they will interviewed you, even though you don't want to be there. a lot of people but they don't like to get out or they are just interested in these trials come of the system. >> steve: the system and they want to be a part of it. we went they love paper chasing the '70s and law and order n now. >> steve: an ivy league sch school. >> remember the guy from john houseman, he was in court. they like that old feeling of
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being a lawyer in the dark wood. >> lawrence: have you ever been on the jury? >> brian: no, that's me not t to. >> ainsley: they said if you can't serve for six months, this trial will go on for six months, then lets us know. three of us, that was it, the whole courtroom was packed and everybody else wanted to be there. i'm sorry, i am a mom and can't sit there for six months. the five i have a future. >> brian: unlike these people. [laughter] >> ainsley: i'm not saying that. they all like their jobs. [laughter] >> brian: there is no one here -- how many people here have to toss the anchor? >> lawrence: don't you realize i'm a morning show host? speed to i did not -- >> i'm tim with you guys. >> steve: carley you could be
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on the jury because you get ten at 9:00. things start at 9:30. >> ainsley: you mentioned the temperature because it was a summer time and it was freezing in there. that is my worst nightmare. and so if the room was warm, it would serve. temperature dependent. >> steve: you could take that thing you bought on amazon to the court. >> a snuggly. no one is supposed to know about that. it is my little secret. >> brian: for the record, we tossed you 20 minutes. >> i will take it from here, thank you so much puree fox news alert to get to starting with this, the health scheduled to about 11:00 a.m. this morning onto role for foreign aid bill for israel and ukraine that includes the ticket talked a vest or band measure. a vote to pass legislation is expected tomorrow. it would go to the senate for final passage before next week's planned recess here in a new
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fox news poll shows former president trump and president biden neck and neck battleground states. trump it had six points georgia, three points michigan but both died in pennsylvania and wisconsin. the poll also reveals the majority of voters in the states are unhappy with president biden's job performance. and listen to this, talk about inflation, and influencer in boston outraged after claiming she paid $7 for one apple at whole foods. check this out. >> this is an apple. it is called sugar [bleep] apparently. look at it, the size of my palm and i scanned it. seven [bleep] dollars, seven! >> the whole foods organic sugar beet apple at $4 per pound in most boston zip codes. the processes mayberry. how about them apples, guys? inflation and may be a special
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apple. >> ainsley: honey crisp apples are the best but they were so expensive. >> steve: that did not look like a 2-pound apple. >> aispeech act >> each apples . >> you are supposed to cook with the green ones. >> brian: harley, put on your snarky. >> lawrence: chicago city council votes $7 million in funding for migrants and migrants are not happy. >> no kidding. ♪ ♪ and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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♪ ♪ >> lawrence: so happening today chicago city council expected to vote on $70 million request to help handle sig who where he city migrant crisis. the v vote was called dell johnn on wednesday, watch. >> asking you all to use our tax money for our people. we needed to. >> they are showing up here in new york, chicago, tech and people in the streets. the police are fighting with them in the shelters that you guys are funding. >> lawrence: the council meeting, matt, thank you for joining the program. when i look at chicago, you will have been struggling for a while.
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and you will need resources there. how do you feel about the mayor dedicating those resources to the legals in your city now? >> it is the most disrespectful thing we have ever encountered in our lives. we have been paying property taxes in the city for generations. to see them so openly give their money to people who don't deserve it commit is very insulting. >> lawrence: when i went to chicago a few months ago, there were schools boarded up and they said they didn't have any money to fund those schools. >> correct. >> lawrence: conveniently they found a way to open them up for migrants to take refuge. >> correct, those are not migrants but illegal immigrants. our grandparents are migrants who left the south to come to chicago. we can't mix ourselves up with them. to that point, extreme like insulting, they have been telling us they don't have money for this, money for that, we have to compromise and you must go without. but we are seeing they are able to print money out of the clear blue sky and we want to know why
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was our tax money not given to us? >> lawrence: and also a mayor who has prided himself on being a man of the people and helping the community. i have sent in council meetings and have not seen it practice while. is he listening to the people? >> i don't think he necessarily is, they, meaning him and progressive allies came in with a strict agenda that they are following to the teeth are about to that point, i want to thank our mayor for uniting since we haven't seen since the 961960s bowls. >> lawrence: i love that. we have 15 seconds but do you think the voters there are going to respond at the ballot box? >> absolutely pure we are looking forward to bring back donald trump as the 46 president. he has only president who has a plan to close the southern border, which will cut off the pipeline of the human and drug
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trafficking flooding the west by chicago here and we cannot wait to get him back in office, mr. president. please come see us in chicago. >> lawrence: donald trump, come see the people. thank you so much, ma'am. >> you're welcome. >> lawrence: uniting the chicago folks since the chicago bowls. that is when we were remember. president biden making this bizarre claim about his uncle this week. >> he got shot down in new guinea. they never found the body because it used to be there were a lot of cannibals for real. >> lawrence: on that and many more biden lies next. ♪ ♪ this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪
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the top of the hour and a fox news alert. you are looking at paris where serious situation unfolding right now at the b12 consulate in paris. reuters is reporting french police blocked off an area outside of consulate after a guy threatened to blow himself up here at officials on the scene are asking the public to avoid the area. >> brian: it is unclear if the suspect was arrested and what he had in his possession. meanwhile, switching gears, earlier this week, president biden sharing an unusual story we have never heard before on the campaign trial, suggesting his uncle was eaten by other people in new guinea. >> my uncle, uncle bozey, for single engine planes for reconnaissance over war zones. he got shot down in new guinea. they never found the body
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because it used to be there were a lot of cannibals, for real, and that part of new guinea. >> steve: apparently, that is not true. the pentagon said his uncle bozey's plane was lost at sea in open water. it is just a number of the many whoppers our current president has told and here are a couple more gems. >> i like an awful lot of people in this audience. the first of my family to go to college and watch my dad struggle to help me get there and get all the kids there. >> new york i remember standing there and looking at the building. i felt like i was looking through the gates of it looks so devastating. >> steve: apparently none of that stuff true. charlie hurt joins us from the d.c. area. charlie is giggling and you shouldn't, this is serious stuff, charlie. >> very seriously. >> steve: i don't know what is more disturbing, the fact that
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he called his uncle, uncle bozey or it sounds like it sounds like bozey with the donner party treatment. >> my favorite part about the clip is the crowd behind him. they are trying to keep a straight face, and they don't know what is going on as he is talking about uncle finnegan getting eaten by people. but they will play along. but you know, this is the funny thing about joe biden is, for 50 years, he's been in washington. he never really had much credibility among certainly among the press, but the great thing about joe biden's, the guy will say anything. if you are on deadline doing a story and you need to get a quote from somebody, you quote the guy. it is just proof in washington, murphy's law applies. you can keep bailing upwards, and it doesn't matter how many lies you tell or how many fake stories you make up about uncle finnegan getting eaten by
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cannibals. you end up winding up at the very top and now, the guy as president of the united states and it goes to be pretty hilarious to pretty terrifying. >> steve: he's had some whoppers about amtrak or his house burning down. but look at the bright side, charlie. at least he's not plagiarizing stories. remember when we first heard about joe biden running for president, he was plagiarizing neil connect from the united kingdom. before that come up apparently trouble law school. >> he was making stories up 30 years ago, which is what got him drummed out of presidential politics in the first place. but it does get a whole lot more serious when you are the leader of the free world and the entire world is looking to you and they realize you are making up stories. they realize you have become a punch line for the stories that you make up. it is particularly disturbing if he's talking about 9/11 or the
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death of his son or talking about the death of his uncle, who served in the military, it is kind of really bizarre when you start spinning yarn and talking about things like his house burning down. you know, trying to come i guess, relate to people who are suffering. it does the opposite. people don't feel like they are relating to him here but they feel like he is almost mocking them and making fun or belittling the real tragedy they have been through or the real horrors that they have been through. >> steve: ultimately command we have seen this with a lot of people. they tell a story that is untrue enough times, eventually they start believing it like that thing about amtrak, which has been debunked 150 times, but he still tells it. charlie, thank you very much. >> outliving the fact-checkers. >> steve: indeed. where is the pinocchio business
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with cannibalism and uncle bozey? charlie, have a great weekend. all right, meanwhile, iranian state media plating down last night strikes from israel as hezbollah continues here at home. ♪ ♪ it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ )
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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: breaking overnight, israel launching to strikes on iran. in the middle east, tensions flaring on the home front. [chanting] >> ainsley: anti-israel activists arrested and released after protests on and near the columbia university campus including the daughter of squad member ilhan omar. with iranian journalist in the studio, she is an activist, and she had to flee her country, iran because you were a troublemaker there. now you are a journalist here. you were telling me stories what happened to women in iran and you had to flee. first-hand experience, how do you hear when you hear a lady
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yelling, "i am hamas, i am hamas" or someone sporting iran. i don't know if i have to cry, laugh, or be angry. because they are clearly saying that i am terrorists, and i eight am capable of raping people and killing people. i was coming from a country where i was told if i don't cover my here come i will behaved by the department. i'm coming from a country where my women are being and faced sexual harassment. right now that i'm talking to you, actually harassment on the subway yesterday. and the day after, when she started to expose hamas and i'm saying hamas, the israel republic, it is filled and they randomized her house and arrested her. when you say these people state death to israel, they are released from prison. in my country, when you say
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death to the islamic republic, death to terrorists, you never get released from prison but you get killed in prison. >> ainsley: that university student in spain night posted in the metro being sexually assaulted by the police. she posted on her x account and her x account suspended and they took her home and took two undisclosed location and we don't know what is happening to her right now. >> i'm trying to get the attention of the schools, university students, college campuses in america. where are you when iranian people like women being killed after the brutal murder -- those will actually say they are supporting the islamic republic. you you are more than welcome to go to my country where women get killed to have the same freedom to walk unveiled into the street to rewrite don't like ride a bicycle or sing. taylor swift, a new album just came out. you won't believe that my
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country, women you into prison for simply singing solo. this is the 21st century, and i don't get that help, how my progressive sisters in america, they abandon us. but they support islamic republic. let me be clear, they are antiwar activists. the real war being waged against women in iran him is really striking attacks on iran, left no casualty. but the war being declared against iranian women it against islamic republic caused hundreds of death, thousands of imprisonment, dozens of executions, caused me living in exile not being able to have my mom inside of my country, a lot of times when people telling me what the u.s. women are doing, i am ashamed. i have to say that there was no
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pro iranian women protesting in america by progressives. and i'm calling oprah, all women here, be united to end gender apartheid regime. >> ainsley: last year with a loaded cone them at gun and wanted to take you out but you can't go back to your country. it reminds me and people burning the american flag. america has given them like you protection. thank you so much for coming on. god bless you. >> thank you so much for having me. >> ainsley: we have more "fox & friends" peppers dana perino what is coming up on the top of the hour. powerful story. >> great as well, iran a target of the strike but it is at the end or the beginning, checking with the latest pure fox news poll, tightened the battlegrounds. rfk jr. sets the cat among the pigeons on the michigan ballot. trump and the court room and we could hear from him 9:00 a.m. hour, karl rove and all of that
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