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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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pods is proud to employ over 1,000 trained drivers, many military veterans and they get to go home and sleep in their own bed at night. >> if you plan on moving this summer take out the hassle by going to now through may 20th and save 20%. let them help you have a trusted team to take care of your move. >> steve: thank you very much. have a wonderful weekend. we'll be watching. check it out. pods moving and storage. all right. well, it has been a busy three hours here on "fox & friends." thank you very much for trusting us for your morning news. "america's newsroom" is going to start in just a couple of minutes. have a wonderful weekend and, of course, as always, keep it tuned right here in fox news. >> bill: good morning. breaking news out of paris right now. we're watching this story develop. a man who had threatened to blow
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himself up at the iranian consulate has been arrested. he was seen four hours again carrying what looked like explosive vest. we don't know if the claims are true. more on this in moments. let's move to the middle east. also on this hour from overnight israel has been on offense. the jewish state striking iran. is this the end of it or are we still in the beginning of a new stage of conflict and what would that conflict look like? wow. good morning. a busy friday already. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: we're shot out of a cannon this morning. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." great to be with you. somewhere we know at this hour. a military source saying the strikes were limited in scope. one of the tehran's nuclear facility is located. fox confirms it was neither nuclear or civilian. >> you have the anti-israeli
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protest gaining traction at home. police arresting more than 100 protestors at columbia university. they went in and cleaned them out. much of the surprise of a lot of people. the demonstrators slamming president biden for his support of israel but that support has started to waver. >> dana: cb cotton is at columbia and let's go to jeff paul in tel aviv where we get an update from him. hi. jeff. >> yeah, life here at least in tel aviv feels unchanged. you see a lot of folks exercising, going to the beach, running last-minter ands ahead of shabbat. there is a lot of tension with uncertainty for how israel might respond to the iranian attack. many people didn't know when it would happen or if it would wait and happen after the upcoming passover holiday. we know according to our fox
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military source this was a very targeted and specific strike in the central region in iran. it is a significant location being it is so close to the capital of tehran. but near the nuclear facility. the site was not hit. the strike appeared to target a nearby iranian air base. but it clearly shows that israel has the capability to hit the area. and when it wants to. now when it comes to reaction from both countries involved, iran has been seemingly down playing this whole event. the only comments we've heard from iran were explosions were heard and they were caused by iran's air defense system shooting down three drones. so far haven't heard any reaction from any israeli officials or military spokes people here in israel. we likely will not today. it is their strategy is to not comment on these targeted
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strikes. we do know the war cabinet is meeting at some point today talking about this as well as the ongoing war in gaza and the growing tensions we're tracking in the north along the lebanon/israel border with hezbollah. >> dana: sometimes you don't need words to make a big statement. thank you. >> bill: general jack keane has been terrific on this from the beginning. good morning. here is what i don't get. jerusalem post reported today israel will not accept responsibility for strategic reasons. iran claims it was an explosion at a factory. israeli sources aren't saying why the pentagon and american military reporting israel did this. how would you address that if indeed all of this is true out of jerusalem? >> it seems to make sense to me. let's back this up a little bit and what was the major question the war cabinet is trying to resolve is what are we trying to achieve? i think what they came to the
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conclusion, we have to demonstrate iran can't get away with attacking the homeland and we have to do something. the objective they were trying to achieve is get iran to de-escalate. they have a limited attack capability here and then what are the means? you can do a cyberattack. they've done a lot of that. you can do covert attacks. they've done a lot of that right in this area and also you can do over kinetic attacks. they overruled the over kinetic attacks that iran used the other night. they knew if they fired cruise and ballistic missiles at iran, iran would likely have to respond. therefore, we're continuing the escalation. they won't use manned aircraft. that makes no sense. they won't risk pilots unless they go after iran's nuclear enterprise because they are about to develop a weapon.
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what's left on the table? a covert operation and what they've done in the past. they don't talk about it. in 2020 just north of here they blew up their sentry fuses and delayed their nuclear program by nine months. in 2022 they blew up a drone factory. this is massiad using explosives or drones launched from inside iran and right in the same city last year they attacked a weapons factory. they're back again attacking an air base of f-14 u.s. airplanes at that air base from the old days of the shah. iran knows full well israel can attack at will inside of iran conducting limited attacks. certainly not all out major attacks like ballistic or cruise missiles or manned aircraft
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would deliver. i think this is pretty savvy on israel's part here. i'm sure some of the people on the far right would think about this operation as being not strong enough. and also i suspect israelis won't talk much about it. they never talked about the other three operations i just mentioned to you. >> dana: i remember it well when i was press secretary it was dancing around, nobody is commenting on anything but it was obvious that something significant had happened. we leave it at that. i want you to listen to the iranian foreign minister what he says iran is looking for. >> we never seek the expansion of chaos and warfare intentions in the region. it is netanyahu and the israeli regime that has seen and put its political life within the framework of expansion of warfare intentions. if israel commits that same
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mistake, our response will be regretful for them. >> dana: yet hamas senior official says we call for expanding the scale of the engagement against the -- and the escalation in the region. i would say if you're the iranians, in some ways they've been humiliated this week. not emboldened necessarily. i would welcome your view on that. >> yeah, i totally agree with that. iran conventional military is not strong. weak air force, weak navy, poorly trained and poorly equipped. they have a lot of numbers. the thing they've invested in rockets and missiles. what we saw the other night, saturday night, was absolute major mal function on the part of their missile force, which contributes to the problems their other forces have. that's why i have said from the outset, we can take advantage of iran's major vulnerability, their conventional military force, by hitting them in a very
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limited way and suggesting to them if you don't shut your proxies down, we will continue to do this. and we never tried it. in other words, this administration hasn't tried it because they believe that's going to escalate. i don't think that's the case. if it's on limited, measured action. but we are where we are here i'm hopeful the sanctions they slap on iran go after their oil and not just the weapons system. oil is the thing that has them flush with money and how they are fueling this war. >> bill: more news to get to. do you think it's over for now? would that be your read, yes or no? >> i think the iranians will likely call it a day. no cruise missile attack or ballistic missile attack. they wanted to call it a day after their last attack on saturday night. israelis weren't going to put up with that. i'm hopeful that's where we are. >> bill: agree. passover starts monday.
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today is the 85th birthday of the ayatollah. general, see where that goes. thank you so much jack keane, thank you for being here today. [chanting] >> dana: police say more than 100 anti-israel protestors were arrested on columbia university campuses and given sum ons on thursday. demonstrators took over a campus lawn and refused to leave despite multiple warnings and now arrested. cb cotton is live at the university. good morning. >> good morning, dana. today the sun rose revealing more student protestors are waking up on the same lawn where just hours before their peers were arrested. we can see sleeping bags, trash and palestinian flags on columbia university's campus. no word yet if these students face the same fate as the more
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than 100 students taken into custody by the nypd yesterday. they moved in at the school's request to clear out what protestors called a liberated encampment zone singing, chanting on campus while off campus supporters turned out hurling hateful and alarming slogans. [shouting] >> police in riot gear arrested protestors with zip ties and boarded them onto correctional buses. many face charges for trespassing and disordering conduct. omar's daughter were among those arrested and suspended from school. others cheered as they were released from police headquarters last night. adams said this is not the way
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to have one's voice heard. >> new yorkers have every rice to express their sorrow but that heartbreak does not give you the right to harass others, to spread hate. i urge everyone who is protesting to please do so peacefully and respectfully because we will not be a city of lawlessness. >> students involved in the encampment have been suspended, dana. >> dana: thank you. we'll see how it develops today. >> bill: we said it was a busy morning. it is . jury sell en he can shun continues in new york city. the former president donald trump entered court had this to say to reporters outside that courtroom. >> [inaudible question]
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>> thank you very much. as you know i've been saying for a long time this is a rigged trial coming from the white house. they have white house d.o.j. people in the trial, in the d.a.'s office representing the d.a. because he is probably not smart enough to represent himself. the guy got elected using trump and you aren't supposed to do that. very much like letitia james. new york is going down. a lot of people are not going to be moving to new york. but this is a rigged case and a case that was put in very strongly because of politics. so instead of being in pennsylvania or georgia or north carolina or lots of other places today i'm sitting in a courthouse all day long. this will go on for another four or five weeks and it is very unfair. people know it's very unfair. the gag order has to come off. people are allowed to speak
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about me and i have a gag order. just to show you how much more unfair it is. the conflict has to end with the judge. the judge has a conflict, the worst i've ever seen. it has to end with the judge. the gag order has to come off. i should be allowed to speak. every time i come out to speak to you -- we've done nothing wrong. i showed you yesterday 32 stories of experts, legal experts. i don't have one the other way. very disturbed, legal ex perpts say strongly this is a case that should not have been brought. trump did nothing wrong. trump did nothing wrong they say it strongly. they ought to get rid of the conflict with the judge. that's something that he cannot do anything about. it is wrong. it is wrong. the second thing is i have to be released of the gag order. they are taking away my constitutional rights to speak. that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you and i
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am not allowed to say it. i'm the only one. everyone else can say whatever they want about me. they can say anything they want and continue to make up lies. they are real scum. but i'm not allowed to speak. i want to speak to the press and everybody else about it. so why am i gagged? i'm only telling the truth. they aren't telling the truth. the judge has to take off this gag order. it is very, very unfair that my constitutional rights have been taken away. thank you very much. [inaudible question] . >> bill: there it is. court resumes in 15 minutes. the jury is in place according to the judge from yesterday but still looking for five alternates. that process continues. the table will be set for opening arguments in the hush money trial. that may happen monday, it may. a lot of legal and political stakes on the line. going to talk to karl rove and
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that coming up. >> dana: israel strikes back retailiateing against iran days ago. we'll bring you updates as we get them. be right backma there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. i don't have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people...
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>> bill: the stage is set. kind of sort of now. a 12-member jury and one alternate so far and a few more you're looking for. you need five more alternates. the attorneys will focus on that today and that's the point of trial when it begins in ten minutes. court, i should say. who knows what happens next, right? all this paving the way that you get open statements on monday. we have eric sean outside of the courthouse in downtown
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manhattan. >> man is he angry. the former president arrived 20 minutes ago lashing out repeatedly at the gag order that has been imposed on him by judge merchan. it comes as today's goal is to get the five alternate jurors to pick the full 18-member panel to hopefully kick off opening arguments in this trial on monday. as far as the jury that has already been picked they say they'll judge this case fairly and impartially and only rely on the evidence that they hear. the former president says that's the problem. he says the case shouldn't have been brought and the gag order he is demanding be lifted now. >> the gag order has to come off. i should be allowed to speak. every time i come out to speak to you. >> some of the views expressed by a few of the jurors have raised eyebrows. trump's attorney tried to keep one woman off the jury critical
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of trump telling the court quote, i don't like his persona, how he presents himself in public. i don't like some of my co-workers but i don't try to sabotage their work. it prompted laughter in the jury box but trump's attorneys weren't laughing. they tried to keep that woman off jury but they ran out of challenges. she is on. another juror is more positive saying she likes the fact that in her words trump speaks his mind. a man follows the former president on truth social but also follows michael cohen on x. speaking of cohen, the expected star witness, the president continues to attack him on social media and alvin bragg has demanded trump be found in contempt of court and cited ten examples that could cost the former president $10,000 in fines if the judge finds that he did violate the gag order. that charge also carries a 30-day jail term but nobody here believes that the former president basically would be
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jailed over that. it is the gag order that's on the former president's mind saying other people can attack him like michael cohen. under the judge east ruling he can't criticize either other witnesses, jurors, the court staff or their family members and he says that's deeply unfair. as you heard, he says it should be lifted. it likely will not but we'll get him into more hot water if he continues to post on social media. back to you. >> bill: eric shawn downtown. >> dana: karl rove on the political stakes. president trump yesterday was talking about politics a little bit saying i'm here when i should be elsewhere. watch. >> i'm supposed to be in new hampshire, i'm supposed to be in north carolina, south carolina, supposed to be a lot of difference places campaigning. i've been here all day on a trial that is really is a very
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unfair trial. >> dana: fox news poll showing president trump above biden in georgia, tied in pennsylvania and tied in wisconsin. he is talking about going to the battleground states. will this situation of him having to be in new york affect him or is he holding steady despite all of it? >> it will affect him. in a presidential campaign three big components, issues, money, time. you can always raise more money but never create more time. the next four or five weeks he will be off the campaign trail at least four or five days a week and preoccupied part of the other time with what's going on in that courtroom. yes, it will hurt him. is it competitive race? yes, it is but if he were on the campaign trail, whatever his numbers were would be strengthening. >> bill: you have your own numbers, as you explain it joe biden spent three days in
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pennsylvania. did it make a difference for him this week based on some of the appearances we saw? >> yes. one thing we know is if you go someplace, generally helps presidential candidates. the more they go there, the better shot they have at taking that place. >> talking about cannibalism? >> i'm talking about the theory is you help yourself when you go. when you start talking about cannibalism and new againy, it is weird let's be honest. when joe biden campaigns he gets weird and why they put him in the basement in 2020 and limited the contact that he had. but given a choice you want to be someplace rather than not be someplace. >> dana: the images of trump at the bodega and energy versus biden at the empty wawa. put people in the wawa. >> don't get me started. here is one of the key things in this campaign. joe biden is seen by the american people as too old and
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too weak and donald trump is seen as strong. and to the degree that donald trump is kept from showing that it is advantage of biden. the degree biden continues to show weak, old and out of it it advantages trump. >> bill: we may interrupt you if trump just speaks again. >> this is off the fox polls. think about this. incidentally, my white board that i stored in a closet here has disappeared and i want to know who took my white board. i now have the environmentally sensitive white board which incidentally doesn't cost anything. you get it free when you have a shirt laundered. it is amazing. they are free. so if donald trump won every state that he won last time around he would have 235 electoral votes. last time he had 232. we've reapportioned the electoral college. he gained votes in florida,
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texas, montana. lost in west virginia and ohio but net plus three. puts him at 235. he is now ahead. not outside the margin of error in georgia and michigan in the fox news polls. that gets him to 266. all he has to do, the other battleground states. pennsylvania 19, arizona 11, wisconsin ten, nevada six. all he has to do is win one and he is above 270. >> of the four what's the best shot? is it nevada? >> my gut tells me nevada is a good shot for him. four years ago the democrats had an 82,000 person advantage in registration. today it's 32,000. trump lost the state last time, biden won it by 2.4%. enough registration advantage to flip that around.
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abortion issues go against but pennsylvania is critical to biden. if biden loses pennsylvania in all likelihood -- >> i don't see how a democrat wins the white house in this day in age without win pennsylvania. >> dana: it is the keystone to their campaign. >> bill: israel strikes back hitting iran. world leaders fearing a broader conflict. will it be the next stage? we don't know. stand by for more as we approach 9:30 in new york. anti-israeli protests continue in new york city. you had a massive number of arrests late yesterday which, i think frankly caught a lot of people off guard and a lot of people did not see that one coming. where will the next spot get hot?
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attack on israel. they were limited in scope. did not target civilians or nuclear facilities. iran labeled it aggression and called for more attacks on israel but iran looks like they are standing down. >> bill: trump's fate in the hands of 12 new yorkers very soon we should say. judge merchan took the bench a moment ago. court underway and fox news legal editor kerri kupec urbahn is with us now. one thing that stuck out at me. trump's attorneys says will you identify your first three witnesses and they said no. and then the judge said that's okay with him, too, because they are afraid trump will reveal their identity. if it's michael cohen don't we already know who he? it seems a little out of order. >> makes it hard to prepare. >> bill: how would you approach that as an attorney? i guess the question is, is this
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fair? >> that's the fundamental question of this entire case. to answer your first question how do you prepare if you don't know who the witnesses are? that's a basic premise of anything whether it's a case or anything else. the gag order we talked about a lot. it continues to trouble me because it is only applied against donald trump. the judge needs to be the required to be concerned about fairness. that he has not slapped it against michael cohen is troubling. the judges weren't only concerned about getting the decisions of right but the appearance of fairness. speaking to that point more so i have been reflecting more on the fact this judge donated to president biden's campaign in 2020 and also to a group called stop republicans. only 15 and ten. a lot of people have glossed over that. it is not how much. it is that he did it at all. there are many, many judges who
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refuse to contribute to political campaigns for a couple of reasons. one, they know it will undercut decisions if issues pertaining to that party will come before them. and be a problem. think about all the journalists we know who won't even contribute to -- >> dana: a good principle to not do it. >> it is. you may have to cover a story where that person is front and center. the same thing for a judge. he did that knowing all of these trump cases were percolating in new york city and it could very welcome before him yet he still made that decision to contribute. i think it says a lot. >> dana: what do you think about the jury selection process? looks like it is set and looking for five alternates today. if they get that they'll start with opening statements on monday. the process overall, how do you think it went? >> it is good that there were jurors who excused themselves saying they couldn't be impartial and commended for that, not criticized. that's a good thing.
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impartiality is crucial in a case like this where this jury is going to make a life-altering decision for the former president and the current gop frontrunner. i expect, dana, the trump team to really focus in on the falsifying of business records in two particular ways. one, there needs to be actual evidence that trump knew how these entries were characterized. something that bill barr used to say to us, people would come and say we think this person is guilty of this or you should bring this case and it feels bad and it feels sleazy and he would always ask a very simple question that would immediately refocus all of us. he would say what is the evidence? and same here. and if, in fact, it was a low level associate at trump toreer who characterized them as legal expenses and retainer and no evidence that trump actually knew how it was characterized, that is a pretty big deal.
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and so we'll see. then if it comes down to just michael cohen saying he did know, it will be a michael cohen versus donald trump and the jury will have to decide who they believe more. >> bill: trump's attorneys said just tell us. the judge said i won't make that order. see you tomorrow morning. today is tomorrow morning. >> dana: thank you. we'll see you next week, too. >> thank you very much. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, the hawkeyes looking for a new star guard following clark's departure for the wnba and found their answer in lucy olson. she will transfer from villanova to iowa next season. she was a ncaa third leading scorer last season averaging more than 23 points per game. we'll have to wait and see if olson can bring iowa to the national title game for the third season and see if they can beat south carolina next year. >> bill: so interesting now that you can transfer.
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>> dana: like being in the nba. interesting. good luck, ladies. >> bill: from iowa we move to the middle east. tensions are back up yet again. officials saying in the u.s. that israel launched retaliatory strikes on iran. where is the conflict headed next? we'll check that out. check out columbia university. that was a tent city set up in support of gaza and the nypd made more than 100 arrests late yesterday, including the daughter of a member of the squad. [shouting] because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> bill: we saw more than 100 anti-israeli protestors arrested at columbia university's campus. a massive demonstration. protestors set up a makeshift encampment at the quad of the university camping in tents and forming human chains and chanting support for hamas. eric adams called their actions and their words vile. >> very troubling when you are protesting for peace, you should not be using inflammatory comments like we saw. it was very vile.
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>> ceo of the law fair project and paul mauro is fox news contributor. paul, quick question on this. i'm surprised they took action, right? you've seen what has happened in the city over the past 3 1/2, four years, they went in there and cleaned it out when they could have had a situation that went for months throughout the summer. >> columbia apparently really wanted to move on this and gave them a few days, gave them a deadline. informed them and conditions that were getting very squalliad. the university was concerned about a dangerous situation. it looked like the wall street. columbia had to be the complainant. columbia stepped up here. let's see if they continue in the way that vanderbilt and google have decided maybe they'll start to draw a line around some of these activities. >> bill: interesting moves this
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week. brooke, omar's daughter was one of those arrested and tweeted this. those of us in gaza solidarity encampment will not be intimidated and stand resolute until our demands are met. di visment from companies -- full amnesty for all students facing repression. that was on x and where to next do you think? >> exactly. what does it say about our society right now that the daughter of a sitting member of congress is arrested at a pro-terror rally where she was amongst people who are chanting death to the jews, death to america, who are saying we are hamas, who were abusive to the police. guess what? 108 people were arrested and i thank the nypd for doing that
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and paul was right. columbia finally stepped up and asked the police to remove them for trespass. all of them were released from jail and cheering and proud of what they have done. what is the deterrent effect here? will the district attorney alvin bragg even prosecute them? pressure has to be put on the d.a.'s office to prosecute these people because they are disgusting and ruining our society and by the way, i don't think they are all students, either. i think half of them are paid to be there. they are being bused to these protests. it is not about israel but the destabilization of america. that's their intent. >> bill: you raise an interesting point. i think paul is the perfect guy to answer your query there. paul, you were there the other day, right, in new york city coming over the bridge? >> right. >> bill: who are they?
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where are they from? middle eastern students, middle eastern civilians or immigrants in new york or agitators like we have seen before? >> more the latter. the kind of thing we saw during occupy wall street, saw a lot of it after the george floyd incident in 2020. what happened here is that the pro-palestinian cause has very cleverly allied themselves with other groups and they managed to leverage all these groups on the left so they are getting funding and organization. that's why all the tents look the same and why they are getting buses. for them that really works. the problem here is that it is segueing into a trouble sew area. yelling we are hamas. every day will be october 7th. a quote from one of them. you are getting to a point where you would open cases on these folks. the problem is because it hits this wide swath of progressive activists, you start opening
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cases on this and start going into search warrants and subpoenas and pulling communications you'll see some of the funding mechanisms that fund democratic candidates and that will get into very uncomfortable area for d.o.j. it puts the administration in a tough spot. it comes down to columbia to expel these students. i don't think we'll get a lot out of law enforcement. >> bill: we have video of those cheering those who came out of jail. brooke, final question. if the war with hamas were to end do you think the protests would end? >> i'm happy you asked that question. >> bill: or is this the story of 2024 going into the summer and then the fall? >> i'm happy you asked that because in reality, this has nothing to do with israel/hamas. israel is a decoy. it is just being used as an excuse to stir up and to
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radicalize our population. and as paul pointed out, there is no way that a bunch of 18, 19-year-old students, idiotic students are organizing this by themselves. there are nefarious and subversive forces. students for justice in palestinian, they have allegedly connections to terrorist groups. the u.s. government needs to open up investigation and find out whether or not, for example, there is foreign money coming in to foment instability in this country. >> bill: we should watch that and in jerusalem about morality police are in the streets of iran and really a crackdown on women who do not wear the hijab. on fox nation, paul, your brian
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kohberger segment just landed. thank you for coming on today and we'll see where it goes. >> dana: we hear so much about the importance of character in our leaders. now a new book reveals how president george h.w. bush had that in spades. plus this. a tree falls down. details on these dads close call next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. >> dana: world war ii hero, former director of the c.i.a. and 41st president george hw bush did it all. the book shows how he left a mark on those around him. she was chief of staff to bush after his presidency and a dear
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friend of barbara bush. i love how you put it together. how did you approach this book differently than the man i knew, the first book? >> dana, first of all, thank you so much for having me this morning. how fun it is to be here with you. thanks for asking me about this book. so the man i knew was really the behind the scenes story of my being his chief of staff and he left me so many great stories to tell i felt i had to write that book. this is a completely different book. this is a book -- a series of essays written by the people who knew him best. everybody from james baker, to reba mcentire, a gardener and what i asked them to do is write a story, an example of what they learned from him. the stories are just wonderful. >> dana: they are.
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i will give you an example of one. crowd favorite condy rice. a lot of people might not realize work for george w., she started at the security counsel under 41. how he trusted her and it made a huge difference. she writes the president's comment wasn't meant for gorbachev. this was a great act of mentorship for which i will always be grateful. in the time we have talk about how he could recognize what a young person, a young black woman in particular, who needed that vote of confidence in order to do her job effectively. >> condie's story is one of the favorites in the book. people reading the book are all emailing me saying wow, her story is amazing. dana, one of the things i learned about him while putting this book together, he was way ahead of his time when it came
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to how women should be treated in the workplace. her story is not the only one in the book written by a woman who talks about how he gave them -- gave them a promotion, put them in a place of responsibility, trusted them, and made sure the whole world knew that. he was a man ahead of his time. >> dana: i remember once he came to the white house visiting his son and i heard a noise outside and he was waiting to talk to me. i was on the phone with karl and i said i'm sorry i was on the phone with karl. oh, i love a name dropper. he had come by to thank me for being the press secretary and public service. i love the cover but the book is very special with all of those different people voicing right along with you. jean becker, thank you. >> thank you, dana. >> dana: h


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