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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> we are waiting for a trump's remarks that a union conference in d.c. will be listening when he speaks or any reaction to israel's overnight retaliatory strikes on iran. but for now early this morning israel carried out limited strikes near a airbase and a nuclear site. this came days after a unprecedented attack on israel soil, israel did give the white house a heads up. but the united states played no part and the decision to the atelier. >> kayleigh: hello, everyone, i am kayleigh mceany here with cohosts harris faulkner and emily compagno. also joining us is dagen mcdowell, and fox news contributor and med dr. marc si. the first let's go to jeff with more information. >> life here seems very unchanged you seen a lot of people out today walking along
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the beach at exercising and doing last-minute errands heading into the weekend. but prior to the strike there's been a lot of tension in the air as many people throughout thet s they are waiting to see how israel would respond to the iranian attack there have just six days ago. what is really interesting is that through this response, it is really sending a message overall. the israeli government is not responding are putting out any specific comments to what they did what he shows that israel can strike with an iran and it can really strike whenever it wants and wherever it wants. it appears that according to the fox news military source, israel responded with that limited and specific targeted strike in the center region of isfahan. this is significant, being that it is so close to the capital. also it is because it is near the nuclear facility. that site was not hit, but that
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site appears have been at targeting an iranian airbase. but it shows that israel has the capabilities to hit this area. the only comments we've heard from iran so far is that explosions were heard and that was caused by the air defense system shooting down to drew jones. chyron is downplaying the st strike, but a retired general had this to say regarding how this strike could impact iran. >> the important thing is there some sanctions coming forward socially missiles and drones and all of that is worthwhile. they are flush with money what is that from? oil. and i should be our focus. >> there is no comments coming from the israeli government or the israeli military but just a few moments ago the prime minister put out a bit of a cryptic tweet, going to his account you can see it yourself but it's a picture of himself sitting at a desk and there's a bunch of documents and
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everything is blurred out with the message, shabbat shalom. >> kayleigh: thank you. so iran spoke about what would happen should israel strike "outnumbered" i listened to what he said. >> encased the israeli regime embarks on that venture is him again and takes action against the interests of iran, the next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level. if it's the israeli regime commits that grave error once again, our response will be decisive and definitive and regretful for them. >> kayleigh: i wanted to play that but then today they seem to be downplaying the attack errors, they blame infiltrators from inside iran and they have a
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quote from the israeli and official. we have not received any external attack and it goes on but in other words they are back and away from the language with her yesterday. yesterday. >> harris: i trust nothing they say. when they say this is the end. they claim the end on the weekend as long as israel does not make another mistake. another word from the iranian people's adventurism. i do not trust anything they say, it is a potential that the next time they would want to hit israel they would not give anyone a heads up because they are ready show that they can hit inside israel. many of those rockets and missiles did fail, but many of them also had to be shut down. so put a little dirty nuclear missile on a nuke -- i had experts telling me on my shell and also talking with people getting ready for the show, how likely is that they would do
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that? yes they will because they are dirty actors and terrorists. do not believe that they think this was just folly. they are downplaying it because they do not want to look bad if they hit back with what they know they want to do. we do not have the iaea or the inspectors on the ground the way we did before. we do not have the pressure on iran thanks to president biden. we need to know how close they are to a nuclear weapon. threats or threats until they are action and i trust nothing that they say. >> it is important to remind viewers what biden administration did, they pledge verbally their support for israel, but they always had to look up to what they had to say and they told people that u.s. will not support a counter attack on israel. and president biden told them this on saturday. you have a win, take a redneck. perhaps this is a dog whistle
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that he's trying to win that upset about gaza but that is not quite unequivocal support when you are sitting on this to the press. >> emily: the first official statement after israel clap back. where was four sentences secretary of state condemned israel's attack on the islamic republic. after pledging support of course but what does that support mean when you are condemning the fact that someone is defending themselves. i also want to add a message that this sense, it is not necessarily demonstrating their capabilities with no one questions, but it's the whole point that we will not let an attack on our soil go unpu unpunished. you put that against the landscape that you said. around the foreign minister who said the military adventurism, israel has to be compelled to stop them but how. there is a lot that is pushing against israel right now for the ability to defend themselves. somewhere along the line it has been lost in translation of what
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exactly provoked to this. what provoked this was hamas' attack on israel soil and the butchering of multiple people on a saturday morning. that seems to be lost in this diplomacy being added back and forth. >> you are talking about october 7th, i could not believe the reporting that came out of "the wall street journal" yesterday, i read it twice. breaking the u.s. is pushing for a deal that presses israel to accept palestinian statehood in exchange for diplomatic recognition. so in other words, hamas kills children and then there would is a state? >> dagen: biden administration does nothing to cut off the funding for the reign of terror? by iran and all of its proxies across the middle east? what general jack keane said is also sanction should be our focus. from day one, biden has coddled
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iran and allowed -- it is an appeasement and enrichment of the number one state sponsor of terrorism. biden administration has set dark and allowed oil exports to soar to a near 60 are high, china has the biggest buyer of iran oil, they are making $45 billion every year. and that is funding a tax on israel and all american assets that service members and the biden administration h has two different bills that have passed two sanctioned buyers of oil and china. and biden has done nothing. they are allowing this and subsidizing and bankrolling attacks on israel. >> also dr. marc siegel, 13 democrats condemning iran. only one republican but i'm not sure why anyone would vote
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against it? >> dr. marc: let me make a few historical points here. this happened right before passover, this is when the ten plagues -- israel chose the exact time to do this to hit spinning iran as a message. because october 7th happened on a important holiday. they are saying a warning and they deliberately hit around that nuclear facility that has three chinese fonts served research reactors, so to emily's point -- that's all under the obama administration building a better nuclear threat potentially. this was a warning about the nuclear reactor. >> kayleigh: it is scary times that we are living in. we have new details about what is happening right now inside trump's middle child. live report coming up next many were shocked to learn
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>> harris: we are now in day four of the hush money trial and the search for and partial juror continues. breaking news this hour yesterday they were dismissed but now 12 have been chosen. and one ultimate but they need five more people in case they lose people again. so they need to pick five more people so they are set to go to opening statements. the judge wanted that to happen monday we will see. eric is outside the courthouse. anyone is seated today? >> they still have five to go so we are at zero at the moment but as for the former president, he says "don't gag me" he arrived here this morning that allows others to speak out about this case but he is not a lot to say people.
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that order was imposed by the judge against the former president after he repeatedly attacked witnesses and the daughter and others. it prohibits trump from commenting on witnesses or juror et cetera. he wanted to be lifted so he can return. >> i have to be released at this gag order, they have taken away my constitutional right to speak. that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you, and i'm not allowed to say it. >> prosecutor wrote in court papers saying that the decision to target individuals who the order protects is a deliberate flaunting of this court's directives that warrant sanctions. the defendant is guilty of criminal contempt by virtue of posting to the true social and on his official campaign website. trump has continued to lash out at his former lawyer, branding him up serial pressure.
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after pleading guilty to tax evasion and making a false statement and pointing out that he was not convicted of perjury but he is expected to be at one of the trial and it be a star witness they said trump reimbursed him for paying off stormy daniels but bidenomics denies that some jurors were dismissed this morning and one help hillary clinton campaign bf another woman broke down crying and tears because of the stress and trials she had said time in federal prison. another perspective juror works at the company where they produce the podcasts and another prospective juror says her father is best friends with former new jersey governor chris christie. so, it seems everybody always knows everybody else. right now we will see with no alternates chosen yet. >> harris: thank you very much. there are gyms harder to get
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into. filling out the online form and they say no get into shape before you get into the gym. somebody who worked for hillary clinton got through and they did not notice that? emily, we need to bring it up to times may be ai? >> emily: this is reflecting his wife trump and his team had so many questions about the impartiality. and also the judge. i find it intriguing why juror is posted to it than that their word, but then we are supposed to ignore if it said negative things about his person. the judge is clear that not liking him is separate from being impartial it's hard to hear and how to digest as a person when you raise questions and its phrase as a techie has with her. i find it frankly absolutely unacceptable but the judge will not let or will not approve the prosecution with holding the witness names from trump's team. the explanation is we do not want them to be attacked in social media, doesn't the gag order work?
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isn't there enough faith in the quest system? shouldn't that be the barrier in place? why do we have to listen to a prosecutor's word over and over again that his weight so much more heavily. we know that in the system it always favors the defendant. that is the whole point. we always favor and protect the defendant but clearly not here, i have a lot of questions and i will close by saying i find it intriguing that it took six years for these charges to be brought and a jury any panel was developed in two days? i have a lot of questions. >> harris: these two men started inching towards each other in the political game. they call it law and faith. >> dagen: i served on a jury in new york city and in manhattan. in that instance, there were several people who were very eager with a lot of time on their hands to be on the jury. and it was a little unnerving.
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there was an acquittal however in that case. i want to take a note quickly, the trunk trial and democracy, voters are smelling the product that politics they know as an ap who was the best to protect democracy. that is uphold often and andy wrote that trump is a big part of the explanation why president biden and the democrats have lost the edge and what they hope was to be their ace in the hole in this campaign. seeking to take trump off the valid. and it is seen by many voters as a threat to democracy. they go on and on and now this this is bad for democrats. as it should be. >> dr. marc: i have a few points here, first of all i have never gotten to save on a jury because i always say that i
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consult the police. i am always advising the police are working with them. as soon as they hear that they disqualify me. there needs to be that kind of scrutiny. to emily's point, you cannot just allow anyone to waltz on them to a jury. that simple idea working with the police gets me dismissed. secondly, to dagen mcdowell's point, the lead witness is a convicted felon. everyone knew about the stormy daniels situation. so what is new year? >> harris: that is interesting as well. the porn star. >> dr. marc: yes that is not new information. the question would be new information for maybe the president wanted to protect his family. >> harris: something you said this week, the way it was logged into the financial records of his documents, the person who was accused of paying the porn star. they wrote in legal advice. what else would you write in?
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>> it reminds me of the steele dossier, no one was prosecuted there, was the violation that they paid a fine four and moved on with life? but not here, we bring the first ever case where a federal election by state prosecutor which is the case here, but i was fascinated by the person on your show where he say he lost the ability to predict jury, so you think you know someone and i was reading about a guy with the flip phone and they said that seems like a great juror, but the qualities that are out there are not always the case. so you pick the smartest or the intelligent person you can and pray for the best. in this case the best thing you can play pray for us to formulate lawyer for sean "diddy" combs if you want a trump disruptor type juror. someone who is going to disrupt the status quo of the jury. >> harris: also a hard worker, someone you want to see things
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through to the end. okay, a chance for violence against jewish people. in support for hamas ringing up at columbia's university. police arrested 108 protesters. including the daughter of iliana omar. her kid got kicked out of her own school and she has tentacle protest at this 1
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protesters at colombia university yesterday. over 100 people were charged, and two were of charged with obstructing governmental administration. several students were also suspended. here they are saying that the violence against jewish people, is the only solution while they are being arrested. prior being taken to cash it doesn't stop at these chanting of vile comments, they are openly supporting islamic republic backed hamas terrorists and they have a message for anyone who gets in their way. [bleep] [bleep] >> emily: if they are hamas, that means they are butchering and terrorists who i do not think deserves to be on this planet.
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but to then it seems like some sort of game. >> dagen: that is not the first time we've heard that, right after october 7th, there was a protester at university of chapel hill who were screaming show us your face. everyone of you, show us your face. why are you hiding your anti-israel, anti-semitic, pro-terrorist's face. because if you managed to graduate from one of these colleges and you are worried about getting a job that is what is a flipped, and your parents are worried about you winding up living with them forever in their basement because that is where you are going. it is finally good that we are seeing this backlash. arrests and suspensions and google firing 20 people inv involved, and the protests in new york and california offices. and i just find this hilarious
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that there was one student who was arrested and suspended who went on twitter to whine about being kicked out of student housing. at 2:00 in the morning, she was complaining that she had to wait outside the gates for a whole hour and she only had 15 minutes to collect her belongings. more of this please, and more not just suspensions but expulsions of these pr pro-terrorist threatening individuals. >> emily: columbia university spokesperson has provided a statement on the protests which are continuing today at the university and that statement reads, while the encampment has been dismantled, our community has had protest activity on campus since october and we expect that activity to continue. we have rules regarding the time and place in a manner that to protest activity and we will continue to enforce those. we remain in regular contact with our students and student groups and we are committed to
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ensuring the core functions of the university continue. so when students broke their policy and they have accountability that occurs, suspension, arrest for breaking the law, et cetera, depending on who your mother is you get called at that "political reprisal" because the daughter of iliana omar had a suspension and she said she is standing in solidarity but probably it was breaking school policy and now after being or having accountability of what she was doing on columbia's university, democrat lawmakers are wearing anything it is political. it is not, they are breaking the law. that's what these people are doing. >> dagen: you have a first amendment right to say what you want to say, they don't have a first amendment right to a cushy job at a lower form or a finance position thereafter. a lot of the students think that they do.
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remember when the harvard student groups came out and blamed israel for the attack? all of a sudden you have billionaires coming out and some companies think we are not going to hire these people and all of a sudden people were rushing to get their signatures are for those letters. >> kayleigh: there needs to be consequences for these actions. when the student groups and area on omar suggesting at certain things being used were not anti-jewish -- well we will honor the matters which are some of the chance we have heard in the waning days since october 7th from columbia university students. it is anti-jewish and anti-semitic and there must be consequences for these actions. >> emily: what a striking contracts, harris, to have the students who are complaining about not being able to get their clothes. but we saw close saturated in blood in areas after brutal butchering at the hands of hamas and these people are enjoying the luxuries afforded to them by this country including spouting
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off and calling police terrible names and getting their great education. the education they are getting is to act whimsically while people are facing life in that scenario continuously at the hands of hamas. >> harris: yes women who were taken advantage of in such a way that the pelvis is broke. and then -- it is just hard to watch. so, the daughter of iliana omar. she's an adult and we can recognize her and we can say her name. these are not women at war for women, for all the reasons we just mentioned. these are not women who are for feeding the palestinians who they say are close to a famine and on. yes, that is not what their role is in all of this, they are not interested in going and helping and pulling together resources to help us people on the ground in gaza. they want to show their hate for this country.
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you know we have a legacy of hate and young people, just like her mother and anti-semitic things that gets are censured in congress this young woman gets thrown out of college. we have a legacy of hate of jewish people, and make no mistake about it it will not stop there. if you hate one, you take some. >> emily: which is hard on live tv a chance i do not want to repeat that means the extermination of the jewish people. that is happening right now in new york city. >> dr. marc: emily, as a jewish person who grew up in new york city and went to an ivy league university, i experienced none of this. this is anti-american. not just anti-asia at a time where they are under attack this is now propagating across ivy ld other universities that are not ivy league and it is not provoked. it is not based on free speech it is full of violence and hatred. one shadow to a new york
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university that opened the anti-semitism center to actually come back this to study this and to shine a spotlight on it. that is what all of these university should have. anti-semitism center to fight back against this. >> emily: if i had a kid who is participating in this analysis. if i was omar i would be ashamed. >> harris: she won't be. she's done the same or worse. >> emily: a razor-thin race is being shown between trump and president biden in key states. a horrifying conclusion. coming up next. stay with us we will explain next. feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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>> as we inched towards november, the rates for the white house is getting closer. a new round of polling shows an
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extremely tight race between trump and president biden. take a look, we found that trump had a six-point edge over biden in georgia and a three-point lead in michigan and tied at 40% and pennsylvania, at any time in wisconsin as well. it also shows president biden approval numbers in total, and free fall. the disapproval rating was at least 55% in all four of these crucial swing states. what i found fascinating was that robert f. kennedy jr. was a game changer and he can be a game changer in either direction so let's take a look at this. luka djordjevic, trump lee spight six, you add in robert fy jr. and its switches over to seven points -- pennsylvania is a tag, you're adding a third party candidates and wanted your find? trump wins but then you add in
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the third party candidates in wisconsin and it is a type but then president biden pulls it out by two, so you really see robert f. kennedy jr., he is making a movement he does. >> dr. marc: there's no question about that. i am looking very closely at michigan, to your point earlier about appeasement strategies that biden is doing out awkwardly at all the wrong times and you think about that mob in central michigan and himself ill in oak park there are just militant pro-palestinian and he explained to the crowd to try and get michigan in my opinion. other thing is, at the same time, president biden is putting out these ads that he is totally with it. i have a rule against seeing on tv that i met i can diagnose you across a video screen, but he makes it harder, talking about cannibals and his uncle. what is that? >> you are talking about the sharpest knife add -- we will play this.
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watch this. >> i love to tell the story about meeting president biden because when you meet him this man is as sharp as a knife. they have nothing left to attack because they cannot attack the things he is doing better so good for this country. >> this man may be the only person in america cunningham as sharp as a knife. >> harris: why use a knife? what about really smart? how about something he said that actually makes sense. don't take of kitchen utensils make me convinced that he smart. -- what the robert f. kennedy jr. movement tells me is he has he can be a game changer, but the big business to me is that he is on the ballot in michiga. >> it's not like he's on a ballot in a smaller state, he's in the pentagon and the top for the make a difference. so biden has been in p.a. in recent times, eight different
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visits. he is worried about pennsylvania. i look at what he goes, to tell me where robert f. kennedy jr. is going to make the biggest difference against him. georgia, i do not know, i sort of think that donald trump would win that, i do not know president biden will go there, but he will spend a lot of time in wisconsin as well. the minute that robert f. kennedy jr. gets on another one of these, that is the game change. then you have a 50/50 chance of defeating trump. >> kayleigh: you have president biden trying to define him as a trump acolyte so there's a rush to the front and on both sides. >> dagen: and then they appeared with robert f. kennedy jr. family members which no one recognizes. the only candidate that people recognize other than caroline is bobby. bobby jr. and then all of these -- again they are standing atop a fractured family that is not a good look. but, president trump has a
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record to run on. and it's the most important thing to voters and is the economy -- and all four of the swing states, who do you trust more to do a good job on the economy, donald trump was the answer. double digits in every state except wisconsin. and he is still plus nine points in wisconsin. and in terms of inflation, for people -- every liberal does not understand this but inflation is unsettling to people. it causes panic, they say they are having their insurance bill go up but i do not know if -- if i can even buy a new car next year. they don't understand this, and all they have gotten from president biden is no relief or rhetoric. >> harris: is a extra tax. >> wanted to follow-up on a story about the cannibals and the family members. there has been a push back. check out this headline.
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they wouldn't just eat any white man that fell from the sky. outrage. people lash out at the unacceptable suggestion that cannibals ate the world war ii pilot uncle. that you have a emily. >> emily: because president biden is not some with it woke 2024 progressive speaks the language and actually has respect for all individuals. he puts everyone into the same caricature box from the 50s that he was sort of shaped buy. so the fact that he would be anything less than disrespectful or assuming an ugly, of course am i the only one who is not the price of course he is offensive, he's offensive today just like he was 50 years ago. for some reason people voted for him think he is the best messenger f for the diversity on other people of color they report to be champions of. the quick point about robert f. kennedy jr., georgia was where hollywood stepped in and all the white saviors of georgia, they
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are the voters whose voices need to be amplified that is where democracy was threatened by donald trump. look what happened now. >> harris: that's also where the election interference case is. and this man must be wondering how did he beat me? robert f. kennedy jr. help them. >> robert f. kennedy jr. is a game changer so we will keep watching him. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it!
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>> a response to israel's retaliation against iran. plus the future of the speaker. we are live from the new york supreme court with the latest details emerging from day four of trump's criminal hush money case, it is a busy friday afternoon, join, joining us live "america reports" will will be at the company. >> breaking news, we are getting fresh new details about israel retaliatory strike on iran earlier today. senior military sources are telling fox news that the target of the strike was a iran military base. it was not the nearby nuclear facilities which were a couple hundred miles away from what i had been reading. the targets within the strike including iranian air defense
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systems, to protect their nuclear facilities, it was a message to iran and here's a quote, we can reach out and touch you -- the mood at the pentagon is cautiously optimistic. but the feeling is that both israel and iran has made their point and do not need to or want to take the next steps on escalation in the near future. so that is coming from our reporter jim griffin out of the pentagon now and that information. we will update you as we get it. >> harris: also this breaking news, it comes with live video. let us watch it. this is unending. the same chance, a certificate. life scenes from the anti-israel protests in new york city right now. they are chanting in the streets and marching through manhattan and we have new footage showing those protesters shouting a police to remember october 7th, the hamas terrorist attack. now watch --
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>> never forget the 7th of october. >> harris: so we have hamas -- would you call that inoperative? or an inspired person? what category do you put zach hayden? >> dr. marc: it's the type of hate that makes jewish people across the country and all of our friends extremely angry. this is not what university supposed to be about. it's a place to learn, to learn about information. it is not supposed to be a place to target people. >> harris: if only it was at the end universities. this is life. so you are right. last nights videos -- we have brand-new videos with these chanting, and it is happening on the hour, every day now. >> dr. marc: and it is making people feel very unsafe.
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>> a reminder there is a professor who brought this up yesterday in a congressional hearing that carla to oct october 7th awesome -- so these are pursuing in the student butu have professor labeling a day where babies are killed -- i learned some harrowing details this week and from the individual who was there at the gruesome nature of what happened it cannot be overstated. literally children outside of wombs. >> harris: doctor, he was saying that you usually do not try to diagnose people but i usually try not to force people to watch things that i have seen that i know they cannot sit through. i think everybody have to see this video. i do. it is a game changer. i think when you see the massacre of october 7, you need to know the truth. >> dr. marc: the inhumanity. >> emily: won that demon faxing or whatever that person occupying that skin is threatening us and that hamas in october 7th will have cap and thousand times, i take it at
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his word. and to say to never forget i won't -- i will not forget. that is the whole point. i do not know why these people we are subjected to watching right now seem to have forgotten about the butchery and the blood. you do not have to see the whole video to know exactly what is happening because the still images that were put everywhere across the globe, betz showed the horror. maybe not at the apex but enough to know to condemn it. we are being shown to these people telling us how to vote and how to think and how to feel and admonishing us for rehearsing violence. there is no rehearsal for anyone who a suggestion for that attacked note it is you're trying to defend itself against the issue on republic and the proxy attacks right now. we are supposed to take it? >> dr. marc: never forget is close to never again and every holocaust survivor is shaking. >> dagen: why is the protest
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picking up like this? because of president biden and the appeasement. the appeasement of iran. again, they are abstaining at the u.n. security council vote. and then all of the democrats standing up, including nancy pelosi, saying that israel is cutting off weapons -- that should happen for our closest ally the middle east. and then with the attack on israel, what did biden say? biden said to take the win. so they think that they are winning. they are protesting to get more out of the biden administration. >> harris: it is a good thing that the people who are suffering cannot see this. because none of this is feeding them. none of this is helping anybody with these protesters trying to get influence on ticky-tack or they are flexing for -- i mean - anywhere with put it on display
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two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. >> as you know from watching fox news today and all week a lot has been going on so we will continue to monitor the developments of trump's hush many trials and give you news as they happen hour by hour. just so you know they have seated another alternate jurors of their prompters that have been seated and two alternates. they are still searching for three more people i believe the count is now. four, excuse me. also today at 2:00 p.m. eastern there will be at white house briefing with press secretary kareem jean-pierre the only french i speak she's a spec face questions about israel's or territory strike against iran yesterday. keep it here on fox, "america reports" now. >> we saw israel on the receiving end of an unprecedented attack, but our focus has been on of cours


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