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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 20, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> in march of 2021, a leaked presentation from the pentagon asserted that extremism is rampant in the military, including a new form of extremism. me membe -i hadn't heard of it. >> it's called patriot extremism. what is that? patriots everywhere are finding out when the purge is ongoing. ourges ongwritten before about s takeover of education. this issue of the military and its takeover is just as pressing. >> wits takeover ie have one pe, one secretary of defense,y of and one army. if we lose it, we are toast. 'so >> this book might be the most important and most controversia l i've ever the written. we name names and expose the truth and the dept h of the. leftist takeover. the war on warriors the warriorr nowpreorde and will hit bookshelves june 4th. thank you for watching the special edition of the "ingraham angle". jesse watters primetime takes it from here.
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hello, everyone. i'm sanders smith, along 5:th l.a. companion harold ford jr. jesse watters and tyrus. 00it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. yes. all right. well, that was former president donald trump just moments ag entld trumpo saying he is ready to testify after the stage gotte . the 18 people who will determine his fate have been seated havbeen in hish money trial in new york. opening arguments will beginntsl this monday. >> the big developments today, among them developm judge ruling that prosecutors will not toe. st tive advance notic >>o the witness list to trump's legal team because the former president cannotcause th be trut to post about them. team trump will, howeverabout th get one name. >> on sunday night, trump railing agains night.t tht order imposed by the judge that limits what he can publicly say about. >> witnesses. he says it's time to take
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the muzzle off. metaken away my constitutional rights to. and that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you. .y to yand i'm not allowed to s. and i'm the only one everyone else can say whatever they want they about me. they can say anything they want. they can continuwant.ontinue top lies and everything else. they lie. they're real scu they arm. scu, but you know what? i'm not around those people.o sp eak and i want to be able to spk to the press, the press and everybody else about. so why am i here? i'm not telling the truth. >> the judge has to take off this gag order. but some in the liberal don't care about fairness. it seems like all they want sees is the former president thrown in jaieeident thl. >> i put him in jail on time. joey, you're saying why not?t'sx >> that's exactly what i'm saying, jim. i mean, look, i. yeacs i get he's a former president. i well, see you going to maintain decoruhow elsem els. >> are you going to maintain respect because he's an ex president? yeah, but it's more incumbent on the court in this process
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to hold trump accountabl>> be. n >> and i don't think i don't think fines are going to do it. i think i thing think hek he net in a cell. he should be put in a cell and contemplate his behavior.. >> but stephen smith has a message for them but puttingm democrats on blast and accusing blem of using the courts against trump. >> that appears to be their strategy. stbut i'm here to tell you it's not working. it's not working at all. and to be quite honestuite hon,t mind the fact that it's not working because i might not be a supporter of donaldt be tr. but i want him to lose the right way. i want him to lose because you havei want h better ideas ae make your case to the american people betterrica. >> he does. all right. that was stephen smith. i mean>> sandrll right was, jes. does he have a point? i mean, this is a formeris i president. i shouldn't he get a fair shake here? and is the media gone too far? but just kind of lock him up? brilliant move by democrats. you're indicting thidemocrs guyo many times and then he can't talk how unfair it is.
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>> you're rigging the electionan and he says you're rigging the electiond he say and he getn in jail for saying you're rigging this election sai >> this is probably the best campaign strategy. the democratprobablys ever comeo with. i don't know if it's going to work. i don't think it's working . . rig stephen is right. you send johnny out everywhere. black american s, hispanicpani americans, young and old, americans alike, they'vec am it with biden. never met a biden fan in my life through johnn my and except my mother. >> and so this could be a landslide that nobody sees that of how unfair this is. >> i would make them put m e in. >> i would have a tweet t about something maybe perhaps is i've said on the five or jesse waterfront timete and woud force them to throw me in jail if i were donaldme i trump. bacf the mug shot backfired. the indictments have been backfireire indid.
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>> being a martyr in jail for weybe, what a day,e 24 hours. >> i think that would be good. go to jail. he can't go to jail. go to johjesse oh, i can't go o no, i absolutely could not. but i would if i was fort president because it would probably help, couldn't hurtbeiu and if they make him testified, you think donald trump is going to. >> i don't know if he's going to testify. i would be probably not testifyt and go to jail instead. that's what i do.have a >> harold, does jesse have a point? i mean, this has becom pi mean,c a starting to make it look like democrats just don't like fairnessra jus. >> well, i pushed back totally on that notion about democrats and republicand republs. nocent >> he's under indictment. he says he's innocent. i believe he's innocent unti.eve he's proven guilty. i would employ a different strategy if i was indicted. rei have my lawyers laying out c my case and i would be out doors after a day of court saying, here's what happened, here's why what happened today in court proved that this president has a unique t presidy of defending himself, a unique way of articulating points. he said that when he was
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walking in the press asking the question, he said, i wouldpd testify. so we will see ifen the president. he has that right. he has the right notshe has th i thin to testify. i think one of the things, in fairness to the guy you put fan, i, i hadnof that up on one of my screens in my office earlier. maybe it was yesterday or today. and i thought what he was responding to was whether or no t if the president violatesresie the court's ordersnt, he be be arrested, not just arrest him. maybe i misunderstood the wayind that point was being introduced. >> and i'm torn there. and i ami, i don't know.'t - >> i think if if you don't, i b and it's interesting, emily's take on this. >> if you have a set of rules in a court rules in, a defendant, a party a party to the party, to a suit violates something that thehas court has laid down. >> and one of the penaltielaids is after a while you get arrested. i don't know how you don't arrest thei how you don'm becauf you don't, then that means that you and i or jesse or tyrus, anyonesses or anye, we'rt ever. and i hope never to be indicted and don't plan to be that we we would be able to use that as
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the trump defense. >> but this is a political show trial. harold, this isn't liknse. e your regular volunteer. >> we're just we're pals, brother. but that's not right. thisa trial -->> jes is a trial. this was a show trial where you can say he was indicted because of thingindicts don't bd he should have indicted about. >> and that could very well be because he's running for president against joe biden. >> but let's be clear. this is not a show. it's a trial. bes runnasic it and if he's foundnot -- guilty in this trial, he can't say, i'm not going to beat anybodf y sentenced me, i'm not going to go to jail because of the show trial. >>dbut he will be sentencetrial. prison because it's not a real case. harold, in my in he'res a i'm ao american without a criminal history. thisnehout is a white collar situation. there's no way he's being sentenced to prison. >> this he could be rear guard would have to be sentencedf your to prison. >> finish my point. you i don't know if you're right about that, but hte could be sentenced as someone who's never passed the bar. >> i am right, harold. thisas justr is true and neither have the bar. >> though to be fairha, it's the bar. >> let's just put that out. right. but to be fair, maybe he isl innocent or proven guilty. >> and i look forward
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to hearing the cas y anorwarde. well, we know where this is going next, and we follow it at minute by minute. today, the jurors are in place. they have been sworn in. we know that the prosecution as of monday, it was confirmed today, they will be able the tart making their case, emily. >> right. and the question is sort of wha>>ly: and questiont will ? be able to make their case? because when you pose that hypotheticawhen youl about you would have your lawyers make the case for you. and that if rulerules s are setl in place and you don't obey, then naturally incarceration ru the next step. but the question is sort of what if the rules are unfair? what if they're totall?what iy d against you? >> what if the application of those rules are totally faulty? and bye ap rules are totall that mean, as s defense has tried to, for example, subpoena stormy daniels this week, they said this is so that we can get all that information that is in that interestingly released documentary just in time forn her to make a lot of money. >> well that was called witnessi intimidation and harassmentnesto >> so the question remains, how can trump's defense team adequatelyw catrump', accuratel, defend themselves when they're being blocked? they argue, from even assessing the information. how is it that the defendant
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is gag ordered but the stagag or who has been convicted of perjury and worse, that he's let freed worse, to tt a possible jury? >> and let's talk about the impaneled jury. so here it t three days. >> cohen yes, yes, yes, sir.sir. here are after eight years, these charges were brought, thre jury impaneled after three days. >> interesting how it took two months to impane ding hol dr tsarnaev, the boston marathon bombing, and know how long it tookmonths to impanel scott petn for. four months. the night stalker pretty. zhokh we knew he was guilty. nine months. the list goes on. and ye- , andt are three dates m that trial. >> and the nypd officerset the g that were getting a lift got a roll in sleeves up. ep >> okay, forget the gag order. keep it in. isep is becat in theus streets,e that's what's building him momentum. we're all paying attention. bwe arepresident trump going tl will be right up there with martha stewart. he will see from the inside. i and then when he gets elected, he's going to have amazing prisonnsid reform.oing t he's going to fix stuff. you know, i'm saying he's not going to like jesse with delicateth delic skin, good hai. and i'm saying like, he's going to go in there. he il come out with somell b
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cornrows, and he will be who i'm telline --g this is the best thing for him to fight it,c keep it in the public eye. if if he's saying the deck. is stacked him and that'she fac his mindset, then accept the fact that you're going wa go to jaite going l. keep it when you come walking out, do it. let them cufm f you. let them. because you know what more american people identify with beingpeopleidenti pardon mi on the pipes screwed over by the systevem to see somebody that this is modern day livingrn martyrdo daym. he's going to be able. and stephen, you gave us the word of bridgethis is. this is egregious and i don't agree with much. stephen,n a come on stuff, but e on this. i'm willing to go out and that's it. stephen it'll take a bitnixoi a your knicks fan i'm a celtic fan. if they meet in the finals, loser has to wear the other team's colors for a whole week. keep it up. stephen hey, we don't have to. he's jusg,t like white lightnin. that's what we call ourselves. we were attacked in wrestling, w but mr. president. keep it in the streets. and when you get in prison, use thathenn, use time to push n prison reform. this is a win wi ref
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n. look what martha stewart did with her little prison time. she changed livee changes below. >> yeah, yeah, right. yeah t if i had a microphone, id drop it, and i can probably leave now. i don't really feel like i can w talk for the nex.t hour. >> innocent until proven guilty. given that i've not seen a lick of it. the gae order.out th if they're going to put itor on the gag order, take it. all right. okay>>. up next, israel just hit back at iran and it's driving the pro-hamas protesters on campus. thaz ay. >> they're back at it again. sharon, guys, it's summer time back at me and it's a talladega weekend. rick reichmuth is putting pedal to the metal with special live coverage on race day in alabama. watch sunday on fox and friends weekend on fox weatherfrom you sponsored by pods trustedn' t with more than 6 million moves.
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expert at boystown had answers. is it boystown, dawg slash parenting joe biden's
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toothless foreign policy on full display yet again. israel rejecting biden's advice to, quote, take the win when iran launched but failedwhen ird to land 300 missiles and drones inside israel last saturday. lah the jewish state retaliating by launching a limited strikine >> iran, a u.s. official saysir irrael struck near a majoran. airbase and nuclear site about 200 miles south of tehran so far. reports indicate that iran has no plans to back. and while tensions rise in the middle east, the pro-hamasddle s at columbia are back at it, blocking traffic. kkk may want cops raiding
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their anti-israel liberation zone encampment, arresting 100 of them, including squad ofn omar >> today, they tried to rebuild their anti-israel solidarityoneu camp, but minus the tents, jesse i find it so curiousrious, as those students, frankly children in student clothing saying that they are hamas, which does that mean they are all butchers? they called a black female nypd officer to her face, kkk. why is that? solidarity seem seemingly acceptable, as ilhan omar says? >> oh, those protests definitely aren't anti-jewish. and her fellow democrats say, well, that's just political reprisal, i don't know. i'd hate to be related to omar. doesn't seem like the bestto
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person to instill to other people. >> but, you know, sometimethers you need to get suspended to learn a lesson. i surely got suspended a few times in high school and look at me now. lome now. now >> i learned my lesson and it don't know what they're doing. looks like a lot of young women. i don't see a lot of men out there at the protest , the camp. you tell me what that means. maybe missing somethingheir l in their lives. >> but this isn't it. i would definitely notivt this with terrorists as somethingwi, you know, i'd filled my friday afternoon with when i was in college. i think i speak for harold and everybody here around eve. abli speak >> we were doing different things in college. i was i was studying. we were studying . t of thi >> we were doing a lot of things diligently and were suspended the people who know you were suspended for trying too hard? >> i was in the libraresse: y pass library. >> i refused to leave. that's why? >> i trespass on the library. it's after hours. and here's the thing. so
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we talked about the message that the israeli defense would have sent to the world. it's been argued that weur will to any attack on our soil. it's been argued this is a sorti of demonstrating capabilities. but the reality is, to me, the biggest message watiits, hea guess what, biden? >> i don't care what you say, let's say so. what si a little different. i heard that. i've heard that narrative toda e and i think a little differently. i thought that what the what the israelis didre, they hadha every right to do. every country has a right to defend themselves. weevery ri as a country that han the greatest their greatest ally, and they're our greatest ally our in the world. we have one of the most uniquehe relationships. we may mos only have a more unii relationship with great britain than we dota israel.though we're allowed to say the things that we want to say. i think what israel did last time, their responsein was tactically and strategically and militarilyd brilliant. it was as powerful a messagecoul as you could send without killing one. remember, they seny set over about 300 missiles and we shot at israel. i shot them all down.
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israel senm alt about drones or missile, three drones, and basically told the iranianbe we know exactly where y your nuclear reactors are. we know exactl y your most important military assets are. >> so we can either this or not do this. i don't mean to simplify it in that way, but that waos was the message and the real thingia that concerns me is when the iranian defense minister or their defense spokesman said, this is a new equation for us now, in my lifetimein my wer not seeing the iranians and the israelis go at it in the open. >> it's alwaysnd israe been pro. so the question becomes, is this cap on escalation, do w serious? and do we go back and revert to the proxy ware or not? >> i think we will. the iranians aren't even saying that this was are nos a big dean their country and the israelis aren't even owning up to the facts was a y. that was done by them. >> i think the most important thing that happened, they showed up here in a moments . the congress passed the rule ru bill andforeign aid speaker johnson put his political career speakery wt
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on the line to do it. >> i thought today what he did was to sho hw he's speaker of te house, sometimes democrats and republicans in the last 20 years and they become speaker. >> they're the leader of their party first. when they he's speaker of thee house of representatives. >> and the courage and bravery that he showed today he showed b that not everyone, someone doesn't have to be right, someone to have to be wrong, that the country needs to win. and he represented his constituents. at and i applaud those democrats who supported that rule, who broke party line. and ho parti those republicans who broke party line to advance this bill. and hopefully we are able to get the funding to 61 billion in ukraine to 26 billion to israel and 13an billion to taiwan. >> all right, senator, you've been coverin3 billio: sag this s one. what do you say? in fact, i was just looking for if there is any updatengs, at st at this hour, dan hoffman, earlier today, our network said this mahi. y be only the beginning of israel's counterattack. what do you say? we wy have twhat happens the coming hours and days really raised eyebrows at thed b white house press briefing today, which we covered live thisroe press afternoon.ophone john kirby wasn't at the microphone. he is often he o.f the is within
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24 hours of this attack. didn't step up to the microphone. karine jean-pierre led off that briefing by saying if any of you ask me about it are answers. no commentur. very odd that they couldn't even simply say something like you just did thereyo, harold, that they have the right to defend themselves. but that wasn't even said. mayor adams weighed in on these protests and they seem to be be growing in number. more they seem to be getting bigger and more vile, is what he said the vile treatment of these protesters to the police in particulathesr. yesterday, they filled six buses outside of the thatersityfilled. they at one point stopped and made a chain in front of them to not them to those busese buse to move to allow police buses to move. >> so thinmovek about that chang kkk at the police as you pro-ioned, yelling c slogans and slurs and holding upe univer their signs. i had a student on from the university earlier today feel eele for.
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>> horrible for these people. what about those students? what about the students who aren't involved? he studeut the jewis noh on campus ? what about that? who's standing up for them? on cam who's protecting them? >> who's helping them feelaf safe? she. she's living oute? her dream. going to that university just left the idea. there she is and she can't even walk down the sidewalk at her school and feel like she's safe. i mean a college student. >> that's where this has gone. and it's gone too far.e but that's the same campus,er tyrus, where over 100 professors sign on a letter supporting students who are defending hamas's military action on october 7th. >> right. but they're always the same thinright, angg is comment, yous hey, what's going on with this? they never, ever owned their stuff. they never stand up whenever they're questioned. i don't know. it's that' on, s what it was. that's not what it was. and when they're. do you support hamas? they won't answeamast wer. i am hamas, but we don't know what it is. they don't know what words are. you're calling a black the kkk.s you clearly have no idea what kkk means. >> they just spew stuff.unli unlike jesse was diligent in the libraryke.
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the point of suspension these. so they go college and theye no don't come and they have no knowledge, no experience. therknowledgerience.e. uc but here's the thing. we give them too much credit and w much cae give themo much camera time. they do those chants. they work they don't rhyme,, noo they don't sound right. no one can get behind themnet b what they need to do when they do their marches, turn the cameras off. you can tells the story.give you can still be present and not give them their on tv. it's this. i look at them the same waye wa, as when when someone's arrested for committing a crime and they beco tv.smous for being on take the mikes, take the cameras away, and let's see how longho marches last, because they're doing it for reaction. because when suddenly, ifhe you go back you made a great point a couple of days ago on the when the civivil righents movement, when you ask martin king what he was marching for, wiat he was standing for, anyone with him, he's willing to die for what they will do. yes, and s. a and this is why and this is what we want. when you ask them, they if jnd l jesse them, well, you're racist, you're the kkk. so who's in it? is it me and harold, the
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and jesse? or can we all do it? it's all inclusive now, but when comes down to it'sse. nonsense. turn those cameras off still report and let's last long these these things actually last chance that right where this thing is coming from it was a pro-palestinian free palestine too we are hamas. yes so there's a total difference in saying want to protect gazans? you want to protect people in rafah. but say we are now, i'm not sure about everyone in the middle east. >> that's that's a criminal act. yes. you can't go and sayarold: act. i'm an isis and not be arrested. >> they should be arrested . >> yes. period. that's right. all right. coming up, joe bidenly: thatight is exploiting a kennedy family feud to tank rfk jr's campaign still starring in business is never easy. the star. and eight months pregnant. >> that's a different story >> that's a different story with the chase in couron ehe >> we got upom and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash backeyh
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private affairs. private but it to the democrats to exploit that drama for political gain p. sibli >> team biden pitting sibling against sibling rolling out the kennedy family officiallyens endorse joe biden and trip upe >> mjr's my name is joe kennedy. >> i'm carrie kennedy. bobby kennedy namey, kathleen ky townsend, chris kennedy. and i'm here to proudly endorse biden. >> joe biden. joe biden. when i think of modern >> whek of mods, our country in this century, i think joe biden is thei thin rfk of his generation. >> oh, biden has good reason to be worried. rfk jr. just securedorried ballt access in a pivotal battleground state of michiganmn . joe's campaign also busy trying to convince us that his brains fine also bunce us. check out their new ad. it's literally called sharit'sp >> i've been a proud stalwart iv for 23 years and i know hard prd work when i see it. >> i love to tell the story about meeting president biden you meem, thisd toet hi
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guy is as sharp as a knife. >> so they had to spen sd tens of dollars for that. >> you could also just be sharp and save the moneyt be sha thatl that that man part of the this is what i cut. this is what they have to sell now in campaign ads s. to sel that is sharp. camps our andr,martha'l the 3:00 hour and she had this great political panel on. i think clay travis was involvedy and it like itd, devolved into like who's going w to staho is y awake? use th >> i mean, i guess because, you know, they're going after trump for apparently sleepiney g or falling asleep in court. and now, i guess kind of funny, but not right.? >> are we getting to this point. and harold, i don't know if that's a hugt kne a huge sellin. point, that he's sharp, he's running for president.ook,i >> no, look, i think two things. and i said yesterday the show yes that i would give him yesterday's performance. perfe i thin pennsylvania was i give him a b, but i think hima what he needs reps, he doesn't. >> and part of the concern that some may have sandra t over there imitating what reps look like he to
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demonstrate to the country and perhaps to his team what he what he's good at over the next several months when he's out, he's necessarily great and going into a wawa alone he's there. >> but i believe that's the new mayor of philadelphia who is a dynamiladelphiac andc and unbe person. >> what she ran on was getting public safety better and improving the life in philadelphinda for everydayti philadelphians. >> i have been out with her looking at some prograth herat m initiative that she's kicked off with. >> it's what the police are in a neighborhoodhood tryingr what to understand better what she's doing and then letting her say becaushedoine what you're doinga president, we can do this, thsalonng these kinds of thing ,this is not going to work alone. >> but him being out, get him the reps and let'slet' figure os where he's best, what he's abled to point to that's working and how can people around him interact canund hi with him ande with him better. >> but as we sit here right now, the shop ad alonet no is not going to work. >> i would agree with you, tyrus. how awkward is that family wit w ? >> i have been on the headsetsei
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with headquarters trying to find the right thing to say without getting in troublethyin and all i can say is the optics are bad. reallyar? it's. that speech was worse than the red curtain speechan a. but, you know, i haveou k a commercial coming out nextnow where i talk about when i metbi joe biden and he had a pulsedena and it was wonderful and he >> jthed unassisted the whole time. the whole time. yes. esse: thme? tyrus: and it was at he went, oh, and i went, you got my vote. >> yes. he's sharp. that's what you sa.y about oneei son, one of your kids that he's paying, you know, and everyone else lik, he'se. >> he's not. but he's your kid. you love him? sure. yeah. that's clever, granddad. sharp. yeah. yeah, he's a good guy. he's a whip. his whip. smart. yeah w he's.s of he's still got it. every between the hours of three and 5:00, it's like time stops. >> yeah. my dad used to sayme stopped a r
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about. okay, respectfully, harold, when you say this man need >> emisic some more reps, he's been. he's been a public servant for 50 years. what do you mean? anothe r 50 years of law rep. i think it's quite clear. okay. year's why he doesn'other 50rs,e years utterly failing and he trots out the kennedy family, resurrects this relic of a family to try to save. and he is hitting the panic button. it is so clear ands so that statement i found so laughable when he said he was he was encapsulated by lovble, e and wisdom and compassionate. you're telling me someone someone haove ans compassion whn he tells black voters they're not black? if he doesn't vote for him wls k , he republicans, neanderthals, he cuts us out voters for daring?. ask about unions. you cite his wisdom referring to dea? wd. . >> you need a learner oriented time zero like it is a jokeempeo they are trying to emperor's new clothes. >> this commander in chiefr' that has no vertebrae, no backbone whatsoever and clearly no strategy because right nowi it's just i wrote him off in preschool. and how do we get ge andn back? because the reality is with rfk in the mix, rfk jr we trump wins georgia, trump wins.
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and that might be whe knowyt mih "newsweek" had a headline that said why gen z lovet newswy rfk jr. >> to say he doesn't have a backbone is rude. you know that his family member attacked by cannibals that was just gone too far with eachht step too far.s goin this is a tight race and it's going to get tighter. shark race and raise your fingers. >> it's going to for good reason. >> that great song such a good either you really the fastest is up next. >> bang, bang, bang, bang. athletes might be like einstein ,right? ,right? >> did you know that? s. yeah. that thing. someone made it a thing from way back in the day. he but where did it come fromlp and how did it get all way to you? curious ancestor. yourself
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they could take photos. >> lucky for them, mom wasn't there. mama bears known to attack ifth. you mess with their cubs tigers had a particularly strong reaction about this story. >> well, it's a deat ph sentence because now the cubs have human scent all over them. hu. he mom's going to reject so you just sent them to starvation, worst case, like hopefully something will eat themarvation. >> mother will not touch them once they smell. say that again, because i don't think people understand this. :f if you see something, ifuirrel f you see a cute baby, if you see a squirrel, follow the tree. don't pick it up.can mom can get him, the birds can get. but these people see this and they're holding bearge thn scs. they have human scent all over them. the mom is going to be checked. yo you just wasted a wholeother year of energy for the mother and the cubs foran what? >> a pitcher. i have some respect for mother nature. legally, should it som somethin done on these kinds of things. >> emily, what's your take on this? ye ese kinds of this. >> was so atrocious to me that, oh, my gosh, it's so difficult to watch footage. i wish there was someone there that would have stopped them and beaten them. >> and the cubs safety, figuratively, because i'm on tv. figurativelyfiguratively -.
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but the terror of the cubs and the fact that one of them tm was reported to be like super traumatized after and cold and wetat ranger comes of out and is like, they should be ashamed of themselves. l. they should be in jai >> who were the people videotaping this? where is the accountability? er thee look?akes m >> slovenly? it just it makes me so it makesd me so enraged that they were t okay to do that. >> and there isn't some type of accountability. so what are your thoughtsandr on this? the goal to get a picturea: w of what you postedwas the on ym instagram? i don't get it. there was risk them.isk to there's risk to the bears. i think it's just quite frankl y awful. and people are doing a lot of really, really dumbng a lot right now to try to get a photo. >> it's not worth it. this week we've done a lot of stories like this. >> how that you've had is this one compared to the some the a ones we've done, you think, well, as an african american, we don't do this. >> it's not something we do. one percenter. if you notice, this is a one whn thing. yeah, african-americans, myself includedg., don't go into the wild like that. just grab wild animals for and..
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>> i mean, it's just stupid. we don't investigate. no. was white people. >> it's a white that my brother. all right. if you're looking to score in the datine datig,ng, try upg your score and pickleball. >> that's right. the courts are now a hotspott st for singles to hook up f now i don't marry this and not i'm not sure this is worse thant fun but what are your what are your thoughts on the stars so just shut up and play pickleball okay? >> it's not just play the game piokay, the game. they're dating. it's -- it's ping pong forople w people. can't even do that like this. no one's. no one's like, oh, i was at picklebalho no one, i was l and i there's ten walked up to me and it was like no one this could be fivees four out of shape. guys were showing up there because they think there might be women therehowingk there. there's not. this is this is a ruse to >> h lonely guys in to play pickleball just for yourself. >> doing something like thisars would this be a place you would go if you were single? >> you have to have this merchant that's a of jesse andmt i took a tennis lesson today, ,
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and now i'm thinking, well, how different is it now? tennis and pickleball? >> i'm thinking, i don't know. there's tension to be afraid, h yeah, tennis is. tennis instructor said she liked she said she liked instructor. >> yeah, that's right. pools and tennis, but not pickleball. i think i got to go home. yeah. mily >> you're going to play tennis this week. what are your thoughts about this? oh, pickleball for nerds,: i i think this is ridiculous. it's just the latest thing. th thee at the park and ktest t where there's lots of mini trampoline and they're kicking around the ball like i amic not not single. but if i was and someone came up and in any way was associated with, that's ane an immediate. >> oh, you were an athlete. i mean, you see a lot of that.i. i said pickleball, i'm not going to hate on it because i think it's a really good sport for people whd sport can't like so was teaching mother theresa that you can't play pickleball? there's nothing wrong with finding activity ifg inding a you're single to meet someone. >> so would you go heckl>> tyru: a tennis player? finally, researchers have found
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that student fers have with lass later in the alphabet may get hit with lower grades, they basically because the teachers get lazier as they great things from a to a twz. >> i get on you a lotrade about your grade, but the water thing may be one of the reasons why you why you got such a bad rap, because the were lazy when they got to you. >> well, i just i want to i want to correct the record here . >> just say that i did do well in school. okay. t i did but did you got a job?. >> is everybody laughing? i dibodyd well, when did you go back? >> jesse adamsesse yeah. >> so sandra smith, you really sure you were you don't get suspended for being the librar y longer. : so i was an excellent student, but i proved this wroni xcellen obviously. >> a smith. right, right. yeah. i'm h. . i was a great student. i got great grades with your maiden name. yes. yes. yeah. you didn't take your husband's >> j. >> this is. this is a whole different segment that's. that's on the slowest, >> tyr
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the fastest day. what did you do? i mean, you read brutal murder. i was murdock's was middlei wa of the road, but, i mean, i was also for a while. aurelius, murdocs mue-roadk so,a that's a lie. >> yeah, wel lotl emily, c t and harold, we were at the top of the class, so, you know, so you got. hold on.>> you didn't get by america. are you trying to say you ge t your i.d.? i had okay. thank you. jesse. hi. we earned our stripe os panel. >> friday is up next. so, you know, right now, hectic skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley removes the dirt you see in the dirt. you don't your carpets clean until there's stanley steemer clean and stain against your home. >> it's time for news about sling tv has the same news programming you love. >> starting at $40 a month.
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>> learn more about children internationally and help end poverty. good.% ki jesse, you got that 1% kick inck the black baby. it's fan mail friday in,. all right. we knofan mailw how this works n i do it, it's roundtable when me go quick. ifif a you can't answer. you get passed up and the fans will destroy you on social media. here we go.wh we'll go start with emily. what's your worst error? : on >> airport story. one of the worst airport stories was whenorst my sister threw out our luggage tag tagse and they lost our luggage. so we just had to sit in the airport for another 10 hours. >> every plane came. we had to check us for this.anes
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louis two weeks ago, i was going to nashville. i go on a plane set for hourwio >> they switched to another plane, except for hours. i never got. oh, oh, jesse. i was having a drink at an airport bar, and this girl comes u airpp and she had one of those service dogs. >> and i go with the service, you know, that just came, right? >> she goes, i have stage five cancer. co, oh, whoa oh. okay. moving along. that's like confession that inf >> s the nightt homeonal. my husband was going to propose to me. >> o going toh, wow. >> that's why you didn't back like that. really? lly that really happened. an airplan e with a large womanleep on kept falling asleep on my anoulder, and eventually said enough and knocked her out of the chair. wasn't on purpose. oh, my gosh. statutoriln purpy run out.ith wh i'm fine. all right. that's what you get right, emily, with. heomy, you most want you go outt for a beer, hu th? >> ryan, running your dog is what you did. >> eer was help tara's bridget. >> my answer is ryan. ryan. my whole life latelys wife. >> thank you.
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blake. lively living or you're going to be living or. i don't know anyonot?yrus: e. >> oh, that changes way. i want to go, baby with tiger. nice. jesse. tiger woods. tiger woods. >> hr king.esse: >> okay,ma i actually it's funny you just asked this because i was doing a deep dive on gustav isbell, who was the engineer behind the eiffel tower and the the center of the statue of liberty. >> you'll be amazing to talk to frederick douglass, the stories he must that you said, you know, in my ownrriet character, what istu your what is your favorite movie to watch again? what movie you good this next coming to america come to america casino. nice cutting edge. i like laissez faire." blazing saddles. you know what i love? what breaking this>> tyr record, what's your favorite old fashioned arcade gamd arcadee? >> i'm past bill gallagher. >> t >> great. i got pac-man to its pac-man. ms.. pac-mayrn is way better.
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she's faster. all right. a go >> do you have a good senseecti of direction? if i do, yes. on i do. yes, i do.>> okay, great. anything at all? no, not reallyld . , je >> that's why you have a driver. i hae has been with dana. >> i have amazing direction. i know. i've said all right, if your cat had a human job, he or she woul sd. >> a duchess would be a specialp forces operator. ed she passed away. a dr.. d octor.esse: i is the black and . >> yes, they die on that. the dancer homeless. anima >> my animals are lazy. all right. you can't live on a watels r all right. >> what's the worst hairstyle you ever had? >>: worst t withn the eightiesu when i had it short withold: a tail. >> okay. ducktail. i had a part it ri right here for a long time. >> jesse. jerry crow. you had a crow? >> yes, he did. 1%. you got. i got a bob when whe was like 1. >> and then my football coach convinced me to get a flat top. hated it. on last one on a long
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trip. would you rather have with you paper book or your the: stock or the liar go. >> nlyo, that's not why i'm wit" them. >> a book. a book. get it together. >> s, a phone that i would download the book. >> thank you. thank you. yrust. h >> one more things up next. start your day with nature meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand your best days of the year start at computer orange days it's the year's biggest selectiog the #1n of kubota trah zero turn mowers and utility vehicles includee the numbercta one selling compact tractor in the usact, plus the year's best deals like 0% adr for best deals like 0% adr for 84 months or up to $300 off select compact tractors.
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all right. ready to get it together? book tour. >> as i got a little carried away when i said you can run your fingers throug carriedenh my hair.h my >> don't take liberties, ladies. oh, my gosh. i mean and chancr.e. >> tyr >> come on. vero beach. beach haven, mendham. linda and then tonight, we have carley shimkus. vie carleyc and christine gaffn, 8:00. >> that's it. that is it. okay. well, all righi think all rio tr i think this is me. all right. so this actress was mistaken fo r, a real life police officer when it really mattered. mariska hargitay, dressed in her svu gear, was mistaken. a real life police officer by this young girl who was lost and looking for her mother. she was here filming one of the final episodes for the historic 25th season in new york city. inal so she's not just a hero on tv. she's a hero in real life. she helped that girl connectgirn with her mom. >> love. that is amazing. you knowwonderfut fish? hi oh, speaking of amazing, the wonderful people at fish heaven, they givbreedie to me ts
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breeding pair of flower horns. and i'm so excited. this e is window flower horns. and this is. she'll be traveling soon. he's outhorns.ling, ou in thaili getting to work. he's getting ready to hear what? yes. and guess what? >> just like you, emily, he's a good eater. >> t: speakiand speaking of a wd meal, i'll be hosting gutfeld tonight. so make surehostin watch that. and if you really need to see me, tyra's live comedy touver i is everywhere. and jesse, if you ask me wherew i'm going to slayou.p now.ssouri okay, so i am everywhere from california, new jersey, ohio, indian, nevadaa missouri, michi, nevada, arizona, florida, it. you name it.a i'm there and everywhere but jesse's house. don't you dareu da call illinoi. illinois? no. illinois. yes. illinois. yes. all right. so for, me, guys, a texas shelter dog became a canine a working canine for the police department. so rourke is a german shepherdm. . he was rescued from the streets and brought into the fort worth he wce rth department, where he has now taken hundreds of thousands of pills off the streets with al
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narcotics detection detection toogram, making him, of course ,vital tool, an asset in combating the fentanyl crisis. he's o mn heroin, meth, cocaine, marijuana. >> that is a very good boy . husban we thank him for his birthday. thank you. and i want to i want to mention something to sandra, becausek your husband just texted me. yes. and he wanted mey you missed toy you missed that flight to be on where he was going to propose what happened that night? >> i was cutting it really clos get reae, as i always usede you know, before you have kids and it's fly really easy to fly. i used to show up at the gate. i don't know, you know, 5 minutes before they shut the door. >> and i was late th just 5 mins late this time. >> and i just being sharp andi would only learn later that was the night he would propose, s that's notrp what you told them. >> but. all right. that does it for ♪ ♪


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