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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  April 20, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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toogram, making him, of course ,vital tool, an asset in combating the fentanyl crisis. he's o mn heroin, meth, cocaine, marijuana. >> that is a very good boy . husban we thank him for his birthday. thank you. and i want to i want to mention something to sandra, becausek your husband just texted me. yes. and he wanted mey you missed toy you missed that flight to be on where he was going to propose what happened that night? >> i was cutting it really clos get reae, as i always usede you know, before you have kids and it's fly really easy to fly. i used to show up at the gate. i don't know, you know, 5 minutes before they shut the door. >> and i was late th just 5 mins late this time. >> and i just being sharp andi would only learn later that was the night he would propose, s that's notrp what you told them. >> but. all right. that does it for ♪ ♪
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[national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪
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pete: good morning and welcome to "fox & friends." it is saturday, april 20th. year of our lord, 2024. and you continue to send us phenomenal photos for our nation's an them. >> what a beautiful, beautiful start to the morning. pete: we do that every saturday, every sunday. and we're glad to have you. will: dr. nicole saphier in for rachel campos if duffy. we had hours, dogs, we had flag- pete: giant cranes -- will: -- on a crane outside of a barn. we had a bald eagle -- nick: can you get more american than that? with. will: and then, out of the blue, we have a pole vaulter. pete: athletics. will: awesome. pete: hopefully, it was a female pole vaulter. nicole: foreign female. will: would would never know, was that a male or female pole vaulting competition?
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zoom in and then ask. pete: we play never know. [laughter] will: are you in the male or female division? more of that in just a moment on "fox & friends." we're going to start with this, protest it is across ivy league campuses starting here in new york city, columbia university, where 77-year-old actress the susan san can was among others who were spot pd up at columbia -- spotted protesting israel supporting palestinianen -- can palestinians. have a look. [inaudible conversations] >> [inaudible] >> wow. you're what in. >> yes, we're all hamas. >> never forget the 7th of october.
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[inaudible] >> nypd kkk -- >> [inaudible] they're all the same. [inaudible conversations] >> i believe that we will win. >> from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. [cheers and applause] >> [bleep] nicole: you know, watching those are just kind of shocking to watch, and some people continue to say we're really just looking for peace for the palestinians but, clearly, that is not what this is about. they are calling for the, essentially, the destruction of jews. we are hamas? hamas is a terrorist
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organization. so they are actually showing their true selves during these disgusting protests. pete: yeah. this feels like it's boying to be the summer of love -- it's going to be the summer of love 2.0. you had antifa, blm, these anti-israel, pro-terrorist, pro-hamas, anti-jewish protests appear to be sort of protests spark if that the left always looks at in an election year to fire their base up and get everyone scared and get everyone at each other's throats. it's the same revolution they seek all the time overturning the hierarchy and the patriarchy and western civilization. in this case, israel's now the target. and you have harvard students saying f or harvard, you can leave harvard or if you want. i mean, things like intifada, hamas, october 7th will happen 10,000 times in this is straight up pro-terrorism talk, and it's a lie too, by the way. what israel has done in gaza to protect civilian lives is unlike
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any other military offensive that i've ever seen, having been involved in a few myself, to protect civilians. these are uninformed, highly ideological kids at our so-called elite universities who are surely intimidating not just jewish students, but all students. i had a student from columbia who was not a conservative on ing lam's show last night -- ipg ham's show and because she wasn't wearing the imis bolls, the scarf and the mask, she wasn't participating, she was targeted for being pro-israel, and they harassed her, pushed her up against a cop car. she didn't do anything. this is intimidation. will: and it's also a, modern day education is nothing short of advocacy. and also had some students who were well connected. as we mentioned, there was actress susan saw sarandon, the daughter of a ups executive, there was a professor who famously wielded a ma metty in
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threatening, in a confrontation -- pete: a professor if wielding a machete? nicole: don't worry, they were fired, but with they were still there in solidarity with susan sarandon -- will: yeah. and the daughter of congresswoman ilhan omar. this is it is what she tweeted, i'm enormously proud of my daughter from organizing a schoolwide -- statewide school walkout at 520 leading the -- 15 to leading the biggest climate rally at 16 and now pushing her school to stand against genocide. stepping up to change what you can't tolerate is why we as a country have the right to free speech. just one quick poll-up, frame you know, obviously, we could spend an hour talking about all the characterizations of genocide, whatever it may be. which is important and substantive. but just to ping on what i said about education advocacy, i saw charles krauthammer's son on the network earlier this week, but he thought -- i thought it was
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as much a good point -- there was a time when higher education was pursuit of the truth. and truth is meaningless now because education is advocacy. nicole: yeah, well, it certainly is. you listen to ilhan omar say she is pursuit against genocide, and the reality is genocide is october 7th. what happened there when hamas infiltrated into israel and brutally massacred women, children and other and continuing with their anti-israel sentiment. one of their fundamentals is the destruction of the israeli people. and not just israeli people, but jews as a whole. and so that is what genocide is. and when they continue to call for a ceasefire, we have to continue to remind hem the only people rejecting the ceasefire right now is hamas. pete: yeah. by the way, at yale some students are entering if their eighth day of hunger strikes. it just feels like everyone's trying to up the ante, and where does it lead to? i don't know, the dnc convention. that seems to be where they
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point a lot of air ire, genocide joe, and he's not supporting any side at this point. opening statements start monday in former president trump's hush money trial in new york. will: the full jury's been selected and sworn in with alternate jurors selected yesterday. nicole: madeleine rivera joins us now. >> reporter: the trial enters a new phase on monday after an emotional week both in and outside of the courthouse. the nypd says 37-year-old max -- is dead after he lit himself on fire across the street from the building on friday. police labeled him as a conspiracy theorist and don't believe he was targeting any particular person or group. the incident happened just after the jury was finalized. the group of seven men and five women who will weigh the office include a software ending knee, an english teacher and an investment banger. is six alternates will step in any of the 12 drop out. some jurors expressed anxiety,
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others had broken down in tears. former president trump expressing his anger too. >> what's happening here9 with the judicial system is an outrage. this is a giant witch hunt to try and hurt a campaign that's beating the worst president in history. >> reporter: trump is also. slamming the gag order against him. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg asked the judge to hold trump in contempt for violating the gag order seven times, but trump and his defense attorneys argue the gag order violates his first amendment rights. >> they've taken away my constitutional rights to speak. is and that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you, and i'm not allowed to say it. and i'm the only one. everyone else can say whatever they want about me. they can say anything they want. they can continue to mange lies and everything else. -- make up lies and everything else. they lie. they're real scum. but you know what? i'm not allowed to speak. >> reporter: trump's defense
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team had filed an emergency appeal to delay the trial as he appeals his motion to move the case out of manhattan, but that motion has been denied. former president trump maintains he will testify. will, or nicole and pete. will: thank you, madeleine are. as you point out, the gag order, jury selection and yet here again, as if to hammer home this is a political trial, that every single nail will attempt to be hammered into the coffin, attorney general letitia james is has asked the judge to vacate, the void e donald trump's $175 million bond in the civil fraud case. pete: so i woke up this morning and read that headline, and i thought, wait, did letitia james, like, she's not going to -- i thought void -- i was reading it the wrong way. oh -- [laughter] no, no, no. they're saying the folks that he used for his bail bond money aren't licensed in new york and, as a result, it should be revoked, and he has to find somebody else to work with to post the $175 --
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will: right. mys spoke saying it was this judge, it was one of the many cases with donald trump. and, yes, they're saying the interest company can't cover the 175. pete: yeah, they're not big enough. so he has to find somebody else. but the whole point to make trump and his team scramble. nicole: that's the whole point right now, she cannot hide the fact this is politically motivated. she just will not stop. she wants to continue to show the people she will do everything possible to come at donald trump not for criminal or civil activity because she doesn't like him, and that that's very blatantly obvious. pete: the latest wrinkle in the trial that's ongoing is the judge has ruled trump's team doesn't get to know who the witnesses will be until right before they hit the stand. yeah. well, because they're fighting over the gag order, and they're -- i guess they're presumably saying, well, he could talk about the witnesses before the witnesses go on the stand. now you've got a guy who's gagged, who doesn't know what the full charges against him,
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and now his defense team doesn't have the ability to know who the actual witnesses are with very little preview time -- nicole: that might set him up for a potential appeal because that does not give him the ability to prepare -- pete: i jonathan turley about a it. he said -- i e asked jonathan turley about it, he said it's kind of standard these days. the prosecutors will hold that until the very end -- will: the whole trial is set up for appeal. to be honest, it's a complete legal injustice, but it just doesn't matter. the point of the trial is to succeed for about six months -- pete: exactly right. will: just to be able to say donald trump, convicted felon. nicole: and keep him off the campaign trail as well. pete: that's exactly right. all right, so let's move to something else that joe biden is doing. it may be his last year in this term of office, hopefully overall, but he's dismantling yet another trump era rule. we reference ared it at the top of the show. it's about gender, it's about a
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gender in sports, title ix. title ix because a big accomplishment. it's often applied to sports. it makes sure there's fair access for women, bioroj call women, in sports -- biological women. well, the education department is doing its damnedest to undo that. they're going to sidestep the issue of trans-athletes in girls' sports. here's miguel cardona, secretary of education, on title ix revisions on friday. he said more than 50 years, for more than 50 years title ix has promised an equal opportunity to learn and thrive in our nation's schools free from sex discrimination. these final regulations build on the legacy of title ix by clarifying that all our nation 's students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, respect their rights. basically what this means, guys, is that biological sex has been replaced with gender identity, and that means that if you a identify as a woman and you are a man, then you have full access to title ix the way joe biden
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sees it. nicole: we have to remember, title ix, the impetus behind it was actually good. it is the reason women were allowed to play sports in college, get scholarships and funding for it. so it started out as something wonderful for women. it is going well beyond that. and what president biden's administration now by rolling certain things back, they're essentially trying toe race women in this entire process. and riley gaines put it best in this x post. she essentially gave you the common sense of how this rollback can be used. this is what she had to say. the biden admin has just officially abolished title ix as with we knew it. now sex equals gender identity. in a nutshell, men can take academic and athletic scholarships from women, will have full access to bath rooms, locker rooms, etc. , can be housed in dorm rooms with women. students and faculty must compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns if the guidelines above are ignored or even yesterday, you can be
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charged with harassment. will, it's going too far. will: congratulations, dudes, you won. [laughter] title ix is dead. here's how it works, by the way. title ix comes in, as you point out, in an effort to promote gender equality, least at the time as gender was considered to be binary and understood as the same thing the as sex, male and female. so in terms of college sports, it equals out scholarships, right? if you have 150 scholarships available to your university for men, you need to have 150 available for women. when i came along, that meant that a lot of men's programs, by the way, were canceled. men's a swimming at ukla, for example -- ucla, canceled because you've got to balance out the number of scholarships, and football eats up something like 85 scholarships. women's sports like water polo, you name it, women's badminton started getting psychological lahrships
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to even it out. of course you have this, right? now men can say, well, i want to be on the women's badminton -- nicole: i'm sorry, i can't keep this in. are you saying men's football, women's water employee and bad with minton? come on, women play other sports too. will: i think you misunderstand, because there's a finite number of scholarships and men's football its up -- eats up so much, other programs don't get scholarships. for example, there's four and a half men's scholarships in water polo, there's nine for women. there's way more women's scholarships in almost every sport except for basketball and football -- pete: because of football tax up so many. neil: nicole: going to. will: on -- top of that, title ix enforcement, it happens specific create when title ix came in. but we're talking about the gender threats to title ix, and now in pursuit of racial justice
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because this was the motivation, college sports was a place where athletes are forced onto the plantation at the price of a scholarship. trust me, i've heard all these arguments. pete:s this is how they characterize it. will: they bring in nil now. okay, you can make money off the a field. so here's what happens. now guys play football or sometimes basketball without a scholarship. they just get nil money which is worth more than the scholarship. so now your rships are totally out of whack. so my point is title ix, which was designed to even out scholarship, has totally been invaded by dudes, blown up to the point where everybody -- meg sport can get one, and you have effectively killed title ix -- pete: and college sports. will: congratulations, dudes. you tilled title ix. bill: there you have it. will: the senate extended the foreign intelligence surveillance act for two years
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overnight. the measure passing just 15 minutes before its midnight deadline. the the program allows the government to collect information from non-americans outside the country including spying on conversations with americans in the u.s. if. pete: uh-huh. will: the bill passed with reforms to address privacy concerns for lawmakers including upgrading the penalty or -- can penalties for anyone mess using the program. pete: i'm sure. will: the fbi officially serving subpoenas to dalton, illinois, mayor and other village officials over corruption accusations, she's accused of spending taxpayer money on trips. he was also named in a lawsuit accusing a village official of sex assault during a trip to las vegas. she previously vetoed the board's request to launch a federal investigation into her. if. morgan wallen breaking his silence after a his arrest in nashville. the country star faces charges for allegedly tossing a chair from the roof of a downtown bar owned by a fellow singer.
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that singer's eric church. the chair landed near two officers. wallen posting, quote: i didn't feel right publicly checking in until i made amends with some to folks. i touched base with nashville law enforcement, my family and the good people at chiefs. that's the bar. i'm not proud of my behavior, and i accept responsibility. wallen's due in court on may 3rd which is the same day his tour stops in nashville. and a police department in connecticut is holding a caption contest after posting this hilarious video of a runaway horse trotting down the road. [background sounds] [laughter] >> what the hell am a i supposed to do with this? if. will: residents entering if their captions with one person wondering if the horse was out on b-a-l-e of. [laughter] >> another saying our
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neigh-borhood cops always make sure no one stirrups trouble. love a pun on "fox & friends." pete: we do. [laughter] nicole: all right. catholic schools in florida seeing a serious enrollment spike. pete: up next, a catholic school teacher turn advocate on the promising school choice trend. ♪ you better think, think about what you're trying to do ♪ you'll love this! centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying, you mastered it! you fixed it! you nailed it! you did it! with centrum silver, clinically proven to support
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. pete: students in florida are flocking to catholic schools. enrollment surging by merely 10% in the sunshine state, an encouraging trend following days of catholic school closures in america. one possible reason behind it? the voucher effect. as more and more states are creating universal state-funded school choice programs for parents. florida's one of them. here to e act, lauren may, director of advocacy at step up for students and a former catholic school teacher. lauren, thanks for being here: our o provides scholarships for kids who need them to go to private school, christian school, catholic school. we're seeing a big growth in catholic school enroll
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temperature how much of that has to do with parents having fungible tax dollars? >> good morning, pete. i hope you're doing welled today. pete: good morning. >> yes, we're seeing amazing growth, and definitely a big part of it is thanks to the school choice program in florida. last year house bill 1 was passed which made every family eligible for a scholarship in the state, but over the past 20 years we've had a are robust scholarship program where more and more families have become eligible. what we're seeing now that so many families are eligible, they're able to attend catholic school without the burden of having to have multiple job job or worrying about paying the tuition. but the other reason we're seeing growth in our schools, we believe, is because our catholic schools in florida are are really living to their mission and their identity, and they are meeting the needs of the families in their schools. they're truly partnering with parents and showing they believe parents are the first and best educators of their children. and the parents are happy with the product. pete: yeah.
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they stand for something. catholic and christian schools stand up, believe in something. you work with parents. parents aren't the problem, parents are a partner if. when you do that, it feeds a lot of success for kids. and by the way, or recent polling, i'm sure you already know this, says most parents would consider catholic school if there was a tuition discount. 67 of parents. so when that -- 67% of parents. so they're able to now afford pit, as you said. and there's the an existing network of catholic schools. is there a lot of new schools being built or mostly schools that existed that can now open their doors to more kids? >> what we're seeing in florida is most of our schools that already existed did have space or if they didn't, they're making space for the families that are coming to their buildings, so that's really great. we are seeing more schools opening and expanding. we had a school open last year in the archdiocese of miami that had been closed for about 20 years, and it opened back up because of the wants and needs of the parents. and now it's full and even has a
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wait list. pete: awesome. parents are winning. school choice -- by the way, what's been the reaction of the public schools to the fact that parents are moving with their feet? >> what we're seeing in florida is that families are really excited to have options. we have really great options from our public schools, we have wonderful magnet schools, charter schools, district schools, and our mission at step up is to empower if every family to find the school that best meets the needs of their child. and so it's really competing to see families -- exciting to see families getting the choice and being able to find the school that best meets their kids' needs. pete: it's a beautiful mission. lauren may, thank you very much for your time. all right, snack crackdown. why your favorite junk food could be banned? including my beloved diet mountain dew. coca-cola employee if turned whistleblower kali means tells us if the risk is real. ♪ i've got hungry e eyes.
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nicole: get ready for a possible snack crackdown. thousands of your favorite treats could soon be bans in multiple states as laws are being proposed to outlaw some of their ingredients. snacks include cereal like trix and lucky charms, flaming hot a cheetos and even sports drinks like gatorade thanks to food additives that could cause health problems. here to break it down for us, the cofounder e of true med, callie means. good morning. i just want to put up a quick list of some of the states looking to ban some of these fan add a dis like california, pennsylvania, new jersey and missouri. what do you think? is a ban the way to to kind of get us to a healthier nation? >> well, let's first break down i want to establish the food in america does have some very
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toxic ingredients. i think it should worry all americans that these food companies formulate totally different ingredients in america hand they do in europe and canada, particularly artificial colors which are a known neurotoxin and known to cause hyperactivity and bht which is a carcinogen. i'm not a big fan of the acad di of pediatrics, but even they've said these ingredients be ingested by kids. it's not a free market work that they have these toxic e engreed yens, it's a rigged market. as we know, the nih actually spends very little on nutrition research. the food industry spends 11 times more, and 19 of the 20 members of the usda panel on nutrition are paid off by food companies. so these are pushed by a rigged system. the second question is what to do. personally, yeah, i'm not a big fan of this heavy-handed government action. i do think it's problematic that these ingredients are in our food and not really in any other
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countries, and i think the legal route is good and public advocacy. i'm talking to state attorney generals in red and blue states. they're very concerned about this. and with activist investor jason karp and bonnie if hari, food babe on instagram, we have a petition with 85,000 signatures telling kellogg's to take these ingredients out of foods. nicole: it often takes me telling someone they have conditions cancer for them to want to change their lifestyle. cheerily, in the united states -- clearly, these foods are full of cheap chemical ingredients that are marketed for addiction. how do we change the mindset of americans to go towards more healthier eating and preventive medicine before the disease actually starts? >> i'm a libertarian, i'm a big preacher of personal responsibility, and i do think it's very important for parents to try to get ultra-processed food, these artificial if
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colors, out of their kids' diet. i will say with 50% of teens being overweight or obese, 25% of teens having fatty liver disease, there is a systemic problem, and we really have been let down from the top down as well, and i think parents should be able to buy fruit loops without there being carcinogens and without there being ingredients that are not allowed in any other country. so i doty there's some real outrage parents should have at our regulators and at the food companies. these ingredient should not be inned food. nicole: great insight. thank you so much. well, insanity at the ivy rieges -- leagues. >> nypd-kkkk -- nicole: ricky shouldn't got a front row seat to the protests. she's coming up next. ther note are representative.
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>> brick by brick, wall by wall -- [inaudible] >> zionism will fall ♪ nypd-kkk, idf if they're all the same. ♪ [inaudible conversations] >> we are all a hamas. >> wow. you're what. >>?
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you're hamas? >> yes, we're all hamas. if. will: as massive pro-hamas protests take over columbia university, rikki schlott writes she had a front row seat to the madness. what does in this say about the future of america? rikki schlott joins us now to discuss. you know, when i gave that introduction, you know, i said pro-hamas protests. and, you know, i don't think that's an an unfair if characterization. we're not just talking about pro pro-palestinian or support for gauze -- gaza. we heard or specifically right there at least among some portion of that crowd support for hamas. >> yeah. i heard intifada shouted frequently on campus. but one thing that i would delineate that i think is important in the context of columbia is they did shut off the actual campus to anyone who didn't have an id so it was
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students only which is why i was able to get in, and the protesters outside including the one who shouted we are hamas who was presumably not a student, in my view, were a lot more aggressive and radical than the students inside. but more than 100 students were arrested, ultimately, for their -- on campus. pel. will: tell me about the students inside. at least in that situation as you pointed out, specifically the more radical stuff perhaps being said on the outskirts of campus which columbia, by the way, i mean, it's new york city, so could be right across the street. but what kind of stuff was being said and what kind of points were being made on campus? >> i saudi absolutely, divest -- saw divulge, divest being chanted, i heard cops being called pigs and students who were dress trespassing and -- press dress the passing and clearly in violation of school rules. i saw lesbians for liberation
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which was rich because it seems like e these students don't really understand how lgbt people are treated in palestine is. but it was shocking to me. it's my first semester as a part-time students at columbia. i knew what i was expecting because i'd prior been a student at nyu, but i really think this post-october 7th creepiness on campus is really reaching a new level and a fever pitch. and i would never have imagined that i would watch nypd officers in literal riots here need to break up hundreds of columbia students who were willfully getting arrested in sport of -- support of palestine and many support of, i think, a cause that they really, clearly don't fully understand. will: i think that's a key point, do they understand. by the way, k.b. cotton who works with fox went to campus and tried to get a little understanding of their understanding. here's how it went. >> reporter: hi. wondering, can we talk to you guys about your demands for the university? >> we have -- do you mind?
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we have, like, a media team here talking concern -- >> reporter: can we speak with that media team? "money rocks" foxx. [inaudible conversations] >> reporter: i see there are other cameras here. >> if you would mind stopping recording, then we could -- [laughter] >> reporter: we just want to talk to you all about your demands for the university. will: you can see, ricky, i mean, they weren't interested in talking, i guess, except through their media team which didn't happen. i don't know how much of that was directed at fox, but, yeah, not much to glean from what they're willing to share. >> yeah. they were actually handing out fliers, one of which they handed to we which is probably a mistake. but basically9 what the demands supposedly are, the encampment or they would like the university to divest any of their investments in israel through their endowments, and he were saying they're not going to leave until that happens. the nyp and the university
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president, to her credit, did effectively put an end to that on thursday. but i had the same experience even as a fellow student saying, you know, i'm a reporter, you know, can we speak. but these kids seem very interested in protecting their identity. they are wisely masking up and covering themselves in scarves because they realize there will be repercussions if they are identified as a people saying and chant and -- chanting and screaming things as radical as they are on campus. so they seem to be really covering themselves up. will: i don't know yet, i have to think it through, but there does seem to be something interesting on the paul. on -- movement on the left that isn't interested in debate, c, hides their own identity. it's the, like, in the end, i don't know, are you anything more than a mob of anger? and and as you, as you mask and anonymously hide yourself and
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are unwilling to engage someone who disagrees, what do you become? i don't know. i've got to think about that, rikki, because it leads to a lot of questions about the future of america. but we appreciate you being there and helping us see it firsthand. thank you so much. >> thank you. will: pete, over to you. pete: you're over the target, an angry mob. turning now to your headlines starting with this, a sports illustrated model is leaving california after the mayor of los angeles asked the city's wealthy to help with the city's homelessness crisis. >> for someone to ask us for our hard-earned money, i mean, we have already the highest taxes, we should have, arguably, the most beautiful and clean state, but instead we have the number one problem in america. i think the solution is to hire new leadership. pete: she says she's moving to texas -- no, nashville, tennessee. [laughter] good pick. congratulations. if thank you, brother. president joe biden
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recruiting his old boss, former president barack obama, to star in his new campaign ad for small dollar donations. >> some things just go together like me and joe. >> ice cream on a hot summer day, a strong grassroots team and a winning campaign. [laughter] pete: it's so bad. meanwhile, fox news polling shows president trump ahead of biden in the battleground statements of georgia and michigan. they're tied in pennsylvania and wisconsin. and my oldest kid's favorite, nascar driver denny hamlin revealing a stunning stat on how much teams spend on tires they don't use over the course of the season. listen to this. >> nearly $is 1 million. nearly $1 million of tires that jgr, the team spent on tires that it never ran. pete: that's a stunning stat. right now it's looking clear in alabama, but rain could be a factor during tomorrow's geico
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500 at a tall keg georgia super speedway. catch the race at 3:00 if on fox with pre-race coverage starting at 2 p.m., and guess what? he drew the best straw. chief meet. [roll call] s, the chief, rick, reichmuth, will be there live tomorrow but he joins us here on set right now. how'd you get that gig? rick: i'm going to be taking some tired and -- tires and going and selling them. pete: you should. rick: a million bucks? >> [inaudible] pete: i ask him that all the time. rick: does it have to be all or nothing? will: is there something serious happening today i'm not aware of? [laughter] rick: got to mix it up. today we've got cooler temps. we've been talking about these high temps across the central plains for so long. temps have really plummeted. we do have much cooler air that's settleed in, and this is a temporary break here. we've got temperatures that are below average. one problem we're going to have is down across parts of the
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south. look at texas today and early into tomorrow, flood threat. it's all starts right here. you're -- start the thing right here. you see those storms that are going to be a problem for tomorrow in talladega. they're going to plague if us for a couple of days across the southeast, so much rain this winter. another spot in the northeast, every place in the northeast, guys, is well above average rainfall so far this year. some places over a foot over what you'd normally see in just the last three months. pete: grass is looking really green. rick: it is, yeah. i love your optimism. pete: i'm trying. all right, they say don't mess with texas, and we wouldn't mess with rock the canine -- k-9. incredible rescue dog now taking drugs off the street, coming up.
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3:52 am
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will: an incredible story. rock, a german shepard mix rescued a few months ago, is now doing the rescuing himself, becoming part of the department's k-9 unit. nicole: he's already saved livesment. pete: joining us now is fort worth police k-9 handlers sergeant chuck hubbard, officer chris thompson and, of course, rock. it's great to see you.
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if you would, chris, give us a sense, tell us about rock. >> so rock is a german shepard that we got from the fort worth shelter. we were looking for a dog that had high energy, and we wanted to see if we could find a rescue. rock just turned out to be the perfect dog we were looking f high energy and great drive. really glad to come across him. nicole: i absolutely love a good rescue story. tell us how dogs are able to work and potentially find more pills than, say is, a human could. >> this is the tool, it's actually the only tool that we have that can go beyond our own eyesight. as an investigator, you're limited. these guys have a superpower, and it's their nose, and that that allows us to get into areas we simply can't get into without them. so they're critical. will: so i have two questions, i hope you'll both forgive me. what can he do? fentanyl? how many different things can he sniff out?
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>> so officer thompson's the one who trained him, i'll let him tell you. >> he can sniff out methamphetamine, cocaine, both versions, powder and crack, he can do heroin. because of heroin, he can do fentanyl. just incredible how easy it was just the get the odor on him. really expensive dogs, and we found a dog that just happened to work for us. will: that was my follow-up question. i would assume the story most of the time is training these dogs from a puppy, and you find a rescue. i don't know how old he was when you rest died him -- rescued him, but it seems like that's a pretty big part of the story, that he picked all of this up so quickly having no training from early age to do so. >> yeah, exactly. it took a collaborative effort from the people at the shelter, to chris training him, the k-9 foundation can located the final touches on his training, got him up to speed. but to just simply take a rescue and not knowing what his potential was, we're just blown
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away. will: yeah. pete: he's looking ready to go. how many days a week is rock out there working in. >> rock works every day of the week that i'm at a work. all of our dogs go home with us. he is there every day, you know, waiting for the next sniff. pete: ready to go. he looks ready to go right now. [laughter] will: thank you, guys. he's an awesome dog doing awesome work. pete: sergeant, officer, thank you for what you do. noel all right. and a big show ahead this standard morning. ♪ ♪ i get to wake up by your side ♪ thank god your hand fits perfectly in mine. ♪ thank god, you loved me when you didn't have to. ♪ but you did and you do ♪ it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty
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it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, bbq, smoke and air fry. backyard bashes are better with pizza ovens that give you crispy crust. 700° high heat roasting, and bbq smoking. it's better outside with ninja.
4:00 am
pete: it is the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend. starting with this, ivy league unrest. more pro-hamas, anti-israe


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