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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  April 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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pete's wife is in it and see spills the beans -- >> fast forward to it. >> fellas you've got your son and what's your favorite thing about mom? >> everything. >> that's the best answer. >> oldest brother now 24 couldn't be here because he's going to be a commercial pilot. almost finished. >> means you didn't something right. great day. >> we love you mom. >> thanks for coming on thanks for having me. >> love mom dr. nicole saphier fox news on sale now. perfect for mother's day and knowing the author she's got a heart for it it is real that makes book even more better. thank you. >> enjoy the rest of your day have a great day. see you tomorrow. how about that. ♪ ♪ >> right now to worrisome news like tensions rising at home and abroad after strikes between
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israel an iran this past week waiting and watching for the feuding nation next moves over there and for potential protest nationwide here. all of this as the house prepares for a key vote today on foreign aid for ukraine and israel and house speaker mike johnson prepares to well defend speakership we've got republican congressman says say the guy has to go and sooner the better and mike warns on that threat why don't but all go slow and plus former donald trump back on the campaign trail tonight after of this time in well new york courtroom this week. opening arguments in that hush money trial set for monday. what donald trump's former attorney general bill barr says jurors are watching and voters are thinking. because we are getting going. ♪ ♪ welcome everybody i'm neil cavuto man it is a busy saturday but what i've noticed it is
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always busy. the weekends are always nonstop busy. two hours live for you we begin on capitol hill with the debate over foreign aid is underway. chad pilgrim has the latest. >> voting in early afternoon on four separate bills that includes more than 60 billion dollars for ukraine plus money for israel, taiwan, as well, house speaker mike johnson scored for putting bills on the floor. >> i want to thank speaker johnson who has been under enormous pressure he's said he wants to be on the right side of history. and with this vote today, he absolutely is. he put his interest of the nation above himself. he is truly a profile and courage. >> ukraine bill likely scores around 300 votes israel perhaps as many as 360 but some democrats oppose that bill. they don't like money going to israel without guardrails.
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this is cast guest back drop of marjorie taylor green effort to oust mike johnson green would trigger her resolution today. >> i'm not answering questions on that right now. >> why -- congresswoman -- describe your level of frustration. >> democrats help the gop put the aid package on the floor yesterday. that was a move not seen in 60 years, it's possible democrats could bail out johnson if greene makes her move. >> going to keep his job. he'll keep -- you think chuck schumer will want to lose -- [inaudible conversations] why would chuck schumer want to lose? you can ask yourself a question -- >> votes on the foreign aid plan start this afternoon. the house then glues bills together and sengdz it to the senate as one package. senate majority leader chuck schumer says senators likely align with the house next tuesday. neil. >> we know that representative is the latest to say yeah maybe the guy should go speaker should
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go. but what does it take to pull the trigger to say that you don't like the guy then -- let's vacate the seat. >> here's the process. so after they get done voting on all of those bills this afternoon. that's when greene if she wants could trigger her resolution she's already introduced it. at that point the house has a decision to make do they consider right then or they have a week and a half it goes to the prong of the legislative lean and house is out for several days here so the first order of business when they come back. maybe they would not like to have that setting out there is a sort of over the speaker so the first move -- probably is a motion to table so you're trying to get rid of this to euthanize that motion by green if that is successful, and we would expect some democrats to jump in and try to inoculate johnson here that's not what happened last fall but the motion to table would be successful. if the motion to table fails then you go to a strailgt up or down vote on whether or not to remove the speaker.
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>> got it chad thank you very much we'll be talking to joining that representatives eager to see the speaker go. also, just momentarily mike new york republican doesn't like what he's seeing here and do more harm than good and fair and balance as always. lucas tomlinson at the white house how they're digesting all of this. lucas. >> neil we've got a long way in a week here and white house a week ago iran was getting ready to launch that massive drone and missile strike and israel responding hitting that hair base outside the enrichment facility but the white house doesn't want to talk about it. >> that we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. i'm just going to be really mindsful. again i'm going to be supermindful i want to be mindful here. >> now officials say there's just a wink from israel the strike took place on the birthday of iran supreme leader showing israel can men trait air
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space and destroy the russian third generation air defenses who fired wildly at israeli drone and missiles strikes also gave iran an out denialibility writing in "the wall street journal" he was candid about the threats around the world and why he wants to see this congressional aid bill pass, quote, vladimir putin is ramping up onslot with help from freandz china is providing raspberry with microelectronics and other equipment that is critical for defense production. iran is sepgding hundreds of drones north korea is providing artillery and ballistic missiles ukraine facing ammunition shortfalls is losing hold of territory it had regained. now neil you interviewed a former head of u.s. forces in the middle east yesterday on your program he provided this assessment of the middle east right now following that israeli strike. >> didn't go after air facilities but demonstrated that they do have the capability to come there and take out the systems normally protect this
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and do what they needed to do so i think it is very clear and deliberate message by israel to iran. late last night, u.s. announce its pulling all 1,000 u.s. troops from the western afghanistan nation in niger writing off that 110 million dollar drone base constructed just six years ago perhaps in the middle east. >> lewis kas at the white house and meantime, aforementioned new york republican telling colleagues three today who are looking at replacing a speaker mike johnson congressman great to have you. you have said a number of times sir, this most of, you know, to get rid of this speaker will do more harm than good. you had said back in october house was thrown into chaos by matt gaetz seven useful idiots that teamed up within the republican conference. and that was something that bothered you that you don't want to repeat that. but it seems to be on again.
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are you worried? >> look, this is the continuation of the clown show. you know, when you look at the changes -- challenges voters elected a house republican to governor and check and balance on the biden administration two of my bills the ship act and the iran china energy sanction act are in today's package of bills to target iranian petroleum which is funding their terrorism. this is taking on the biden administration this is holding them accountability and 88 billion dollars in increase iranian oil sales. what -- is happening within our conference is undermining our ability to govern and hold this administration accountable. speaker johnson like speaker mccarthy before him is doing the right thing by putting critical legislation on the floor in favor of the american people and
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in favor of america's role in the world. we are the leader of the free world. we cannot sees to be that shining city on a hill and when you see what is happening with russia, china, and iran -- and their unholy alliance that seeks to undermine destabilize free world i'm frankly flabbergasted by colleagues who have bought into the nonsense coming out of russia -- and elsewhere as opposed to stanging by president reagan's mantra of peace through strength. speaker johnson deserves the support not only of the republican conference but of the institution. he's doing what is right. at the right moment for the right reasons -- knowing full well it may cost him his job. but frankly, i think the institution republicans and democrats need to say we're not going to participate in this. we're not going to allow marjorie taylor green or matt gaetz or paul or anyone else to throw this house into chaos
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again. >> you know, maybe it is just me you're much closer to this fire than i'll ever be. that's probably a good thing. [laughter] but let me get your take on why -- the speaker seems to have changed its tone when it came to this that hell or high quarter get this and aid house to go and risk his speakership it will get it what got his moxie up? >> will. he knew all along that he needed to get aid to our allies and, obviously, in the aftermath of the october 7th terrorist attack against israel, and which by the way hamas funded 93% by iran. and the iranian attacks of last week and, obviously, the continued march towards kyiv by vladimir putin our allies need us in this moment. this is a moment for leadership. this is a moment to be a winston churchill not a novel chamberlain we are in most precarious place since world war ii and to my colleagues upset about the border i share your
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anger at the fact that the biden administration has created an absolute calamity at our border. but recognize that your inability to work as a team inability to pass rules inability to allow speaker to negotiate is what has weakened his hand to try to get border provisions in this bill. and that is the frustration that i have. you know, i voted for a cr that had hr2 in september. many of the people complaining today calling for speaker johnson's removal are the same people that volted against a cr that had border provisions that would have put biden administers and chuck schumer on defensive so they have nobody to blame but themselveses for their failure to work as a collective. and recognize that you know what there's going to be compromises. apparently some of them don't understand marriage because any of us who have been married understand you're never going get your way 100% of the time.
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and you have to find compromises along the way. >> i've been made for 40 years i learned thing is to always say you're right. and i'm wrong -- but leaving that aside congressman i'm curious what you make of the fact of there might be more than three of the republican colleagues and i only ask because your name comes up as someone they would consider. even that crowd -- what do you make of that? [laughter] >> i don't think some of them would consider me that that role. >> but it is a jump ball at that point everyone might as well dive into the pool. >> here's what they have to earn there's never going to be a democratic speaker in this house republican majority. but in order to get consensus, you may have a situation where democrats volt for a republican speaker. to avoid, you know, somebody on the far right who refuses to -- neil: maybe i was wrong maybe they were ones mentioning your name bottom line, would you
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consider it? [laughter] >> look, i want mike johnson to be speaker he's doing a phenomenal job he's leading this conference and leading this country. and that is the objective here, like speaker mccarthy before him he got booted for doing the right thing we can't allow that to happen the second time. the institution needs to put what is right above all other considerations including political considerations here and for my republican colleagues, i'll just say this. the issues are on our side. whether you talk about after affordability or the disaster foreign policy of joe biden but if we continue to show that we are incapable of governing, then the american people are not going to give us another chance in november. so to all of my colleagues, cult your cry baby nonsense out. focus on the task at hand, work as a team.
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and you know what, you may just get things that you want accomplished. neil: all right cry babies might have lost their votes right there and we'll watch i'm kidding here but we'll watch it closely congressman lawler great see you go again. whether cry babies or those out of sync we're going talk to one of them tom massie leery and hearing out of the speaker he's coming up and why he wants him to go. in the meantime, we are looking at donald trump's trial that all begins in earnest on monday now they've chosen 12 jurors. and five alternates, everything ready to go. why bill barr says a lot more than donald trump and his future are at stake after this. at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa.
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neil: all right. the trial on monday that hush money trial now that the jury alternates alternates have been selected
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ready to go and donald trump has very precious time little time to campaign l. today he has busy plan osen that front and madeleine rivera has more. madeleine. >> good morning neil and trump is looking to maximize his time outside of the courthouse and rally is his first since the trial began this week. the former president won the battle ground state by a little more than a single percent aiming point in 2020. so he'll have to convince voters to look past whatever details might cool out from the trial over the next month and a half. opening statements begin next week after 12 jurors and six alternates were sworn in on friday. the jury of 7 mefn and five women include a software engineer and english teacher, and an investment banker. the week was filled with drama with some prospect of jurors expressing anxiety others breaking down in tears trump is angry too demanding that gag order that has been imposed on
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him to be lifted. >> everyone else can say whatever they want about me and they can say anything they want they can continue to make up lies and everything else. they lie -- they're real scum. but you know what i'm not allowed to speak. >> prosecutors want the presiding judge to hold trump in contempt accuse him of violating gag order several times. there will be a hearing next week on the matter. the judge also promise a ruling monday morning before opening statements about what proximate results prosecutors can bring up if trump testifies and which he would like to do and nypd says 37-year-old max is dead after he lit himself on fire across the street from the courthouse on friday. police label him as a conspiracy theorist and don't believe he was targeting any particular person or group. neil. neil: very sad madeleine thank you so much for that madeleine rivera say what you will of the trials going on with donald trump. they have united republicans behind him even those he used to
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work with him even one bill barr. who is next -- veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? get scotts turf builder rapid grass today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. (vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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neil: trial is on for monday opening argumentings and jury is selected six alternates selected bill barr is watching it very closely, of course, former attorney general under donald trump served that role in president bush as well not many on that and attorney general good to have you. >> thank you, neil good to be with you. neil: you for all of your problems with your former boss, and all of the issues that he raised in office all of the damage that you argue he had done. are still supporting him over joe biden. that surprised you didn't surprise me.
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i know you had said before you would support the republican ticket. and you are -- but he's heading that ticket for all of those problems he cited. why? >> right well i'm not happy with the choice i think this is a terrible choice for the country but it is a choice at the end of the day we have to select between two different individuals and i've said all along i think it is my duty to pick the person i think will do the least harm to the country and i think that that to me that's clearly -- trump and republican administration which i think is is important. i think, you know, getting control over the border, stopping the lawlessness on our cities building up strength of the united states and in -- more dangerous world, stop the avalanche of regulation that is strangling business and our technological superiority these are critical things that need to be done and we'll get them done under trump administration at
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the same time i think the biden administration -- is, in fact, the greater threat to democracy. i think, they have a totalitarian temper they have bought into the progressive movement and they're twying to squelch opposition and freedom of speech. >> you are also concerned about the things you saw and witnessed in the lives you claim that donald trump, you know, founded again and again -- you said repeatedly he knew well that he lost the election the last election. and we got -- details on other indictments not the one case that's happening now getting all of this attention now i believe you thought that was -- was ridiculous but you recalled a lot of information and the dlings on the information that came up in some of these other matters and nauseating despicable someone who engaged this that bullying about a process that's fundamental to our self-government shouldn't be
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anywhere near the oval office. i guess -- i have trouble squaring that. >> well no. because -- i don't think biden should be anywhere near the oval office. that's the fact. you know, everyone wants to discuss it in absolute terms and focus on the pros and cons of a individual fine we can discuss the pros and cons of each individual but at the end of the day this is a question of comparison and question of a choice. a binary choice, and i don't think either our -- our, you know, should be near the oval office. but if one is going to be there's no doubt in my mind that it is better for the country for republicans to win the election. neil: it looks like he has a very good shot at winning with support from those not normally big fans of his that believes he's railroaded with various cases. do you agree with that? >> i think he has a -- a decent shot, i mean, one of the reasons i did not support
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him for the nomination was because i also think that he could lose this election. in fact, i think given that the terrible performance of the biden administration and his degree of unpopularpopularity tt that he's only a little bit ahead the polls show trump only a little bit ahead is not a sign of strength. i think other republican candidates would be much more ahead. but i do think that he has an opportunity to win if he doesn't boot it. neil: how about getting people to serve in his administration you said that would be a difficulty if it came to that. what did you mean by that? >> well i think -- yeah. i think most people recognize that may be hard to get people to serve in administration and he'll probably put a premium on people who, you know, he feels would be more subservient to him and that's an area of concern. but at the end of the day, you
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have to remember it's serving in his administration i was fine with his policies. i think his policies were good policies. my problems came with his behavior which i found very troubling after the election. and i think, you know, i think the idea that he's going to be in take over power like a dictator is not the threat facing our country the threat from our country is from the far left and the drift that's been occurring toward really a socialistic system and one that brooks know opposition that cancels people that has only one view point taught in colleges that -- that you know tries to push parents out of the picture when it comes to the education of their children. it is a heavy handed bunch of thugs in my opinion and that's where the threat is. >> if he is yopght to belaicial the point but attorney general
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going to be someone who might want to extract revenge for the way he's been treated or to democrats claim and goal and priority is going to be success. so we'll take him at face value for that but do you think -- a cabinet or surrounding yourself with individuals who might be sick of fans is up to the task of keeping that kind of behavior in check? >> i think some of the people that may end up there are. and i think an important indication will be his choice of vice president. and what kind of person he picks there. i hope he picks somebody who -- you know, is a strong conservative republican and could serve as president of the united states if they had to. neil: isn't the far more important votes attorney general? >> that's an important post there are a lot of important posts.
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we'll see. we'll see what happens. neil: i only say it because you bumped in a lot of those things and as i attorney general if you were compliant it might have been a little different. i don't mean to belabor this but i am so i apologize but is there a distinction in the type of person if he chooses if he gets that far for attorney general? >> well i think he -- i think he has some options that, you know, people that i think he would look at favorably would make good attorneys general we will see what happens. i really can't predict who he will pick i'll react when i see it. but you know, and i'm not talking about personnel in the biden administration, but you know there's all of this babble about -- trump being a lawless administration. and you know, we see defying of the law on a regular basis on biden administration not
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enforcing law on the border. they are -- he's forgiving tens of billions of dollars of money owed to the united states that puts this on the back of hardworking taxpayers people who are not getting these breaks. and the courts have already said that they didn't have the power to do this. and he's trying to do it for the election to buy votes this is -- to me lawless and behavior. neil: stepping back from that and inklings from president bush, of course, the extended family itself they're a big bunch. to a man or woman they too are uniting around donald trump and donald trump says party is very much united around them that would appear to be the case but if he is convicted of any of the -- charges not only in this particular trial going on but anything going forward that might get adjudicated before the election does that change things for you?
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>> well you know, that's seven months a lot of we're living in a crazy time. that's hard to predict what's going to happen. i can't envision a set of circumstances where i would support biden. he would have to do sol radical changes of his orientation for me to even conceive of that. neil: even with a conviction. >> well, depends, i mean, the thing now is a travesty if he's convicted in new york that thing is a travesty. it will ultimately be overturned. that will come after the election. but there's in my opinion there's no crime there. at all -- you know, this is something that the -- so i'll have to look and see what the situation is in each case. neil: bill barr always enjoy talking to you thank you very much. the former attorney general of this great country served in that capacity not once but twice very unusual to put it mildly very patriotic also to put it
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mildly but patriotic depending of your point of view on the war in israel but a lot more of the protest a lot more planned after this. [chanting] [inaudible conversations] because you know the right way to save. stop! save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda.
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♪[chanting] neil: all right in the u.s. of a
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we're seeing more of this and institutions known for the most pedigree education and wondering what's next but these anti-israel demonstrations are popping up on the globe over but disproportionate number in the new york city area and rich edson has the latest on where all of this is going. rich. >> hi neil. just as these latest performed on columbus campus the school president here in washington testifying before congress jewish students at columbia say since the october 7th terrorist attack, anti-israel protest have dissolved into threats against them columbia president told congress this week her university was cracking down on unauthorized protest working with law enforcement, updating its code of conduct suspending students and punishing faculty members and heavy handedness and jewish students say columbia
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efforts have fallen short. >> i have absolutely no confidence at this point based on that testimony that this will be managed in a proper way. >> was invited to appear before the committee in its december hearing. she was out of the country at the time. that's when the then president of harvard upenn and mit says called for the genocide of jews violated their schools code of conduct this week columbia administration brought a different approach to the same question. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate columbia's code of conduct? >> doctor. >> yes it does. >> committee aid says there's a hearing next month examining where the chancellor of new york city schools is scheduled to testify. neil. neil: rich thank you for that rich edson go to assistant director the uniqueness of some of these protest that they occurred in -- in most cases just the day after
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we had the missile attack on israel 300 missiles that all of them missed their targets but having said all of that, that that was the back drop and some of these were timed despite that being the back drop what do you make of all of that? >> neil. i think we had have to look at what they're saying. they're saying death to israel. they're saying death to america. do they support now an operation by hamas against here in our land? do they? look at what they did. they murdered babies. they beheaded children. they put babies in ovens. they raped and committed all kinds of atrocities and these people support them. that's terrifying to me. i've been involved with bad things in my life and conducted some investigations of really tough things. and i'm more concerned right now as we speak here today about the safety of my family, my state, and my country than any time in
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my life. neil: so where does this ultimately go danny because i don't know what the protocol is for legal authorities when they know of a planned protest apparently these columbia protest were preplanned but they have the permits all of that, whatever. and yet the police presence at least initially seem very, very reluctant whether those at columbia even call the police. before things got out of hand so enlighten me how that goes down and how security is called in. >> sure. well first of all we have first amendment which i dramatically support and we need that. but the first amendment is not allow you to intimidate people. it also doesn't guarantee you that you will not be watched, and if these people are saying these things in public, that to me are very gross, what are they planning in private? so the fbi will conduct investigations, they'll try to involve some and making case on
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some of these people if, in fact, is involves criminality but it is difficult and we're overwhelming look how many people are in the country we don't know we have thousands and thousands of the chinese people coming here from a control state they're not coming here to send up chinese restaurants or make green tea they're here for a purpose that supports our adversaries so this is difficult. i think we're way behind the power curve here. of the fbi to do their best to try to keep up. but -- i'm concerned about what happens next what's the next terrorist attack and i don't think it's a manner of if. it is a matter of when. neil: especially when some of the protest are at the shadow of the world trade center lower manhattan we have pro-hamas signs popping up there it is unnerving danny to put it mildly. thank you for all you've done in your life to try to watch that. danny coleson senate director
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you can see or disagree and no disagreeing of the volatility of the race and battle ground states like pennsylvania perhaps the most important of all -- and some big primary election coming up in that state on tuesday. brian llenas with what's at stake. >> since 1948 no democrat has won the white house without win ning the great state of pennsylvania. primary here is on tuesday. but we're already in general election mode. next from right here in scranton, pennsylvania. >> knock, r, maybe some drums. -wow. so many choices. -yeah. like schwab. i can get full service wealth management, advice, invest on my own, and trade on thinkorswim. you know carl is the only front man you need. (phone rings) oh, i gotta take this, carl. it's schwab. schwab. (feedback rings)
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♪ ♪ neil: all right i want to take you to pennsylvania right now. i believe joe biden has made what about 20 trips there over the course of his presidency, pennsylvania keystone state and brian llenas reminded us very important for democrat to win that. the pressure on in that particular state because no one is -- as successfully made it to the white house without it.
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in recent decades, brian, a lot at stake with the big primary election on tuesday, right? >> yeah. neil a lot is at stake on tuesday here in the primary. look, both senate candidates are running unopposed so we are already in general election mode, and frankly, it is very possible if not likely that the winner of the pennsylvania senate race will decide the balance of power in the u.s. senate six months from now. now long time democrat senator bob casey supposed to be here in scranton today right here to launch a statewide bus tour. but he's instead in washington for a potential vote on a foreign aid package deal. he could call in to speak to supporters, though, casey is trying to convince voters in pennsylvania that inflation and the higher consumer prices that they're feeling is not biden's fault. but instead the fault of greedy companies running on inflation and fox news polling you can understand why. the economy is the number one issue for voters in pennsylvania neil, and volters here trust
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former trump to do a better job on the economy over president biden by 12 points, in fact, trump is trusted more on the economy and battle grounds states, georgia, and wisconsin too. there are also growing worries by democrats about independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. appeal to latino and young voters in pennsylvania. a former bernie sanders pollster telling "new york times," quote, i'm raising the alarm. young voters and latinos respond really well to a hard edge economic populous message and that is not biden's message. meantime, republicans are trying to boost senate charge former hedge fund ceo dave mccormick endorsed by donald trump not only are republicans trying to tie casey to biden. who has a 55% disapproval rating here. but they're trying to convince republicans to vote early which you can only do by mail in pennsylvania. that's a tough task given that former president trump continues to attack mail voting as
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fraudulent ahead of tuesday's primary for instance and democrats requested three times as many mail ballots as republicans. >> to increasingly the republican party and especially the trump coalition is built up of unreliable voting blocs and when we're not using every at disposal early voting and democrats are we're setting ourselves up for failure. reporter: really fast thing here neil trump endorsing mccormick but endorses charge in 2022 dr. oz mccormick wrote in a book because he refused to say the election was stolen. neil. neil: you know bryan i'm wondering the economy is important abortion is an issue that republicans are founding as well and wondering what wins as well as you said to be the economy. >> yeah. it really seems to be the economy here in pennsylvania. you talk to pollsters and immigration is a big issue. but it is a big issue with republican voters.
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so frankly, the economy, the my, the economy here and when you speak to business owners, they'll tell you, as a matter of fact my producer walked in and walked into a store here franks, and one of the business owners told us look it is tough. didn't want to get into politics. but in terms of the economy, products she's having to charge more for products because it's costing her more to do business her electric bill is up and whatnot so that's ruling the day here. the economy -- and independent voters here by the way, neil, will have a lot to say about that and the frankly are not allowed to take part in this primary. which is something that they're trying to change and, obviously, a lot more to say about the issues come november. neil: real quickly on casey, of course, backing the administration that, you know, obviously, that's not surprising but that this inflation is not on the white house it's on, you know, greedy companies but that only goes so far, right? reporter: yeah. i would agree on that but look it is really hard for casey to disconnect himself from biden,
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and, i mean, these are two people that were born here in scranton from irish catholic families so one of the things to see how close and they'll lean into it because it is hard to disconnect with one another but you have mccormick attacking casey for not deciding to impeach mayorkas on issue of immigration, so both candidates are really going to try to attach one another to the standard bearers of their party. neil: i look where you're going turn up next where is waldo thing all over the world. [laughter] but we'll follow it very, very closely bryan llenas in the meantime here, more news at the border that might distress you you'll never believe who is getting through right now. after this. should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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>> all right crime at the border and from those who are slipping in at the border, and the types and the variance degrees of makeup of those that come in is worrying all of those who are fearing this crime wave. we have more from el paso, texas, danamarie. >> good morning neil that's right we have a stark warning from chief of border patrol to watch out for a venezuelan gang they're known for murder. sex crimes, drug trafficking, and extortion. now earlier this week, the venezuelan arrested with tattoos associated to this gang one of six apprehended from the gang according to u.s. border patrol. now, police have linked the venezuelan gang to organized crime in places like texas, florida, chicago, and new york city where men were involved in a high profile assault on nypd officers. and in georgia, where the federal prosecutors there say
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the brother of the suspected killer of georgia nursing student laken riley has ties to the gang. >> wherever the venezuelan migrant population has traveled and extensive numbers -- embedded themselves in these populations as well to continue to migrate with them to take advantage and perhaps explore new criminal economic opportunities elsewhere. reporter: and that expert at utl el paso says it is unlikely to compete with well establish gangs in places like new york and chicago and rather to perform petty crimes and points out that majority of the venezuelan migrants are fleeing circumstances starting to start a new life and narrow population looking for criminal activity. and lawmakers did recently send a letter to biden administration asking them to make aragea
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restrict their travel, neil. >> i know mexican government saying we make deal of the so-called gangs and it is what it is and you cited numbers and fears but if i'm reading this right, mexican governor if we're looking for help from them on this. they're not really -- afuseive in doing so. >> i can tell you this morning we're seeing about 50 migrants that crossed over, and we also are getting numbers from border patrol saying on average just in the el paso sector alone 940 daily average and encounters so the numbers don't really lie in terms of how many people are crossing daily. neil: got it danamarie thank you interesting what's going on there and not getting any better there if anything it is getting worse. meanwhile up-to-date on what's going on in house of representatives right now they're clearing hurdles to get aid there and aid package $59 billion worth that would help israel and ukraine, by the way. it is the ukraine part of that
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that is dedevilling couple of members there not keen on how speaker is handling this. one of them is thomas massie kentucky republican joins likes of marjorie taylor green and paul who say maybe it is time for the speaker to do the unspeakable and just go. we're on that after this. veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. ... you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day.
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>> all right. it's not every weekend you find the house of representatives at work. they're trying for an aid package that will help not only israel, but ukraine, a little for taiwan as well. there are a couple of members in that republican ranks there that are not keen on the way the speaker is handling it. one of them thomas massie, the republican will be joining us, saying maybet'ti


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