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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> we are watching capitol hill as the house is voting in a series that includes the $95 million foreign aid package. mike pence will join us live in moments to weigh in on speaker mike johnson's future amid calls for him to resign. let's keep on going. griff:president biden is solid on his relapse retaliatory strike against iran as tensions remain high in the region with calls for de-escalation. lucas tomlinson live on the north lawn of the white house to kick things off with the latest. >> reporter: white house officials closely monitoring the vote on capitol hill keeping president biden updated. the democratic congressman who applauded the job the republic now speaker is doing. >> mike johnson has one of the hardest jobs in the country, in the world, trying to bring together bipartisan
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legislation, i applied speaker johnson's courage, back home all of us want democrats and republicans working together. >> reporter: white house and israeli officials have been silent about the strike in iran the destroyed russian defense systems in iran's uranium enrichment plant, a necessary element to make nuclear weapons. >> is real satisfied the demand for response to iran's attack without opening a new campaign a complex conflict with iran's conflict. bottom line is is really stronger today, but don't think by any measure this is the end of iran's long war against israel and the united states. >> reporter: iran's top diplomat speaking in new york denied the strike was successful, giving his country a reason not to shrink back.
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>> translator: if israel wants to do another adventure and act against the interests of iran, our next response will be immediate. >> reporter: his relapse ambassador told bret baer he had no choice but to strike back saying defense is not deterrence. alicia:of vote includes a foreign aid package, senior congressional correspondent chad program is live with the latest. >> reporter: money for israel and ukraine are the most controversial parts of this package with glimpses underway right now. the house is sending $26 billion to israel and $61 billion to ukraine with a native of ukraine appearing skeptical about the house's. >> i want to highlight, the
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blank check from one hundred million, to 8 billion and we don't know if it is spent for ukraine or not, just a blank check to president biden, a blank check and i consider my colleagues support that because we need to stop slush fund and blank checks. >> reporter: marjorie taylor greene started a resolution to dump mike johnson from his job, upset about how johnson handled spending bills, especially mad that speaker supports a plan to fund ukraine. >> the most important thing you here in washington dc as we have to spend american hard earned tax dollars over to ukraine and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians, wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian men so that there are widows, fatherless orphans, not enough men to work in the industry but you really support ukraine.
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what kind of support is that? it is repulsive. >> reporter: she has not said whether she will trigger her resolution to oust johnson. some of johnson's allies are rallying around him since johnson committed to aiding ukraine. >> this is a continuation of the clown show. what's happening within our conference is undermining our ability to govern and hold this administration accountable. speaker johnson, like speaker mccarthy before him, is doing the right thing by creating critical legislation on the floor in favor of the american people and in favor of america's role in the world. >> reporter: the question is whether democrats will bailout johnson of green tries to remove him, to see if or democrats or republicans vote yea on the ukraine bill, the house expects the senate to sync up tuesday afternoon. back to you.
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griff: for more on this, let's bring in mike pence, thank you for being here. let's go right into what is happening on the floor of the house of representatives, this vote if you heard in chat's reporting, the ukrainian victoria sports, i interviewed her after the war broke out and she sounds like she may be going soft on supporting ukraine aid. what is unfolding today? >> reporter: need the clear, america is the leader of the free world. two years ago russia engaged in an unprovoked war of invasion into ukraine, hundreds of thousands of ukrainian lives, six months ago hamas engaged in the worst attack on the jewish
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people in seven days, iran took the unprecedented action of launching an attack against israel itself. this is a moment that demands american strength. i want to commend speaker mike johnson for providing get what you are witnessing here is moral courage. you are seeing a leader, majority of republicans in the house, many democrats saying that we put aside personal interests, political interests and embrace america's role in the world and let me say i think speaker mike johnson do better job in the last two days explaining america's interest in support of ukraine then president biden has done in the last two years. the reason why we have and should continue to support the ukrainian military is i have no
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doubt in my mind if vladimir putin overruns ukraine it's only a matter of time before he crosses the border that our men and women in uniform have to go and fight. i'm pleased to see the house moving this legislation. it's not a perfect bill, nothing that move through congress is, as i learned in all my years on capitol hill, but i'm grateful to see the legislation moving forward with new commitment providing american leadership. griff: how concerned are you about the motion to vacate, two more republicans supporting it. it looks very much like this could indeed come to pass. i how concerned are you to that is going to being detrimental not only to the republican party in the house but congress?
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>> going back to the group i call the chaos caucus partnered with all the democrats in congress to throw out the last speaker of the house, for all my years serving on capitol hill, it is incomprehensible to me that people are stepping forward to use this motion to vacate. it is there, it is under the rules and it emphasizes the moral courage that speaker mike johnson is showing. he literally has said that he is going to do what he believes is right for the country and right for the free world and let the cards fall where they may. my hope is the motion to vacate is not brought, but if it is, at the end of the day, virtually every republican in congress and a few democrats will see their way through this caucus and mike johnson will be able to continue to serve the
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country with the integrity and distinction. griff: an op-ed about donald trump betraying the pro-life movement. what we are watching on the house floors the criticism that they say house republican leadership says that we must pass millions important issues as you laid out in ukraine but nothing on border security. is that acceptable? >> president biden weakened this country at home and abroad. our administration put into effect at the southern border ended illegal immigration, reduced it by 90%, president biden undid policies like remain in mexico and title 42 that gave us the tools to secure the border and it has
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been president biden who refused to close the border and use the authority that he has and the democrats unwillingness to work in good faith with republicans to address the worst border crisis in history that i think should be a source of great frustration for americans. no excuse not to meet this moment on the world stage. people say we have to choose between securing our border, and the free world, i have a small view of the greatest nation on earth. we've done both for the last 75 years and with the right leadership on both ends of pennsylvania avenue we do it again. griff: you were tough on your former boss, donald trump has betrayed the pro-life movement, you write this. now not only is he retreating from that position of supporting the 15 week ban, he
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is leading other republicans astray. in arizona, republican running for the u.s. senate who followed trump's lead to impose a federal ban on late-term abortions, when leaders are not firmly committed to life, they waiver to courage inspires in meditation so does weakness. are you suggesting the former president is showing this? >> the most pro-life administration in american history, three justices for the supreme court sent a row versus wade to the as sheep of history but i reject the notion, return the question of abortion to states early, one of the things our administration did with consistency was try to end late-term abortion in america.
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half the states advanced strong pro-life protections already more than half of the country, democrats still defend abortion on demand all the way to the moment of birth, one of the reasons when i was running for president today i believe we ought to have a minimum national standard restricting abortion after 15 weeks to the point and unborn child is capable of pain. candidly that's more the standard among most western european countries today. most european countries were i return from yesterday greatly limit abortions after 15 weeks, american law at the national level is more in line with china, north korea and iran. my former running mate essentially retreated to the right to life in the national level and i hope and pray that he comes back to that passion
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for life that defined -- griff: your time is valuable but i want to get to this point. pro-life people watching this now, the question is, can you in good conscience vote in november for donald trump as president if he doesn't change his position on this? >> i made it clear a while back i won't be endorsing my former running mate. i would never vote for joe biden. i'm a pro-life voter -- griff: you write about courage and weakness. and yet i don't see how you can say that you would vote for him if he doesn't and you say in your piece your prayerful for him, this is the track donald trump is going to take him he won't support your call the time has come for the minimum national standard of 15 weeks.
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can you vote for him? >> like most americans my vote is private and i will keep it that way. i will vote my conscience. i pray for the president. it's one of the ways i ended that up. i pray that he will return to that passion for life and recognize that while the states have vitally important role and we need to support measures to defend the unborn at the state level i hope he will return to that commitment we had in our administration to end late-term abortion and i will continue to advocate that. griff: the op-ed is up at the new york times. mike pence, thank you for your time, have a great weekend. allysia: jewish students tell fox they feel they are not wanted to at the esteemed institutions. this is anti-israel students remain in their self proclaimed
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liberated zone. cb cotton has been covering all week at the school. >> reporter: that liberated zone is ongoing behind the metal gates at columbia university and pro-palestinian demonstrate his arrival to here. these students are chanting now. they are comparing the nypd to the kkk. that the chance i'm hearing from the crowd, they are speaking with us but several declined to talk to us when we were on the ground yesterday. i want you to watch and see what happens. >> if you wouldn't mind to stopping recording i would direct you to them but you have to start recording first. >> reporter: that protest continues on campus. students say they are not
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deterred by the arrest of a hundred students. on thursday those students spent more than a day camped out on the lawn protesting the war in the middle east and demanding the university divest with companies in israel. the nypd moved into the university's request of students get a repeating warnings and would not leave. to encourage students, someone captured these comments overheard this week. >> never forget 7 october. >> ten more times. a thousand more times. >> reporter: we spoke to a jewish students who said those comments were directed to her. >> it was scary. the fact that someone would really sad that. we've come to terms with of the fact that it is something
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people feel and i know that it is but the fact someone outwardly said it to us was scary. it feels, i don't know, very reminiscent of a different time we should never go back to. >> reporter: has the protest continues on-campus and off-campus we are monitoring. allysia: for more on this, let's bring in sarah schwartzstein, a master student at the university of southern california who in the past has interned at fox. thank you for being here. i want to talk about usc. there's a lot going on but let's begin what happening in new york at columbia university. you heard cb's reporting, and she talked to someone who was a young student who had a yellow ribbon on her backpack and it was just to show support for
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the hostages being held in gaza and she was shouted down and insulted for a ribbon. she hadn't said anything. what's your response as a student, at a very good school, sees this happening and other students trying to attend? >> thank you for having me. i have been lucky enough to go to many schools through the course of my life and this is a longtime coming because i think in a lot of our education systems we've been integrating this, a lot of people college theyi, the oppressed versus oppressor mentality, the way it is being played out now, it is setting jews as colonialists. this is a beef that's been growing for some time and
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schools have to deal with it and as a student i'm disappointed to. that being said. i'm not supershocked. i'm very much a glass half full kind of person. i'm not letting it ruin my studies all ruin my life but it's disappointing. something that has been growing for a long time. it will take a long time to undo but thank god i think in the next few years especially with all these schools taking action or starting to take action, i'm a glass half full kind of person. allysia: there is news that the commencement speaker, the valedictorian was scheduled to speak and the school pulled her and said she won't speaker they canceled it saying it was out of security reasons, let's take a listen to what she had to
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say. >> possibly because of the factors that revoked my speech that empower the students to support me. i represent a lot of communities, reached out by jewish communities, muslim communities, anyone committed to human rights. >> she had shared a link to a pro palestinian link but you have other shots of this. >> this is not happening in a vacuum. this is something that happened when she was announced as valedictorian, students would go to the social media page and there was a link in her bio, instagram platform was private and available to anyone to see.
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basically explaining it should be abolished. in the grand the scheme of the world, is not legally anti-semitic. and against the usc code of conduct. and this didn't happen for any other reason, how she affairs. >> we are against the hard break the heartbreak, thank you for being here today. griff: the house passed the first of four bills in the foreign aid package, we will tell you what it is next.
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griff: we have action on the house floor. the house is passed the tiktok bill the forces tiktok to divest from china. the vote was 360-58 and they passed the bill for aid to taiwan in the indo pacific region, two of four, the remaining two is the vote on aid to ukraine and aid to israel. we will see where that goes and bring that to you coming up.
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allysia: as a city see an uptick in crime committed by illegal immigrants with gang affiliations, known for murder, drug trafficking and sex crimes. in el paso, texas, the latest. >> reporter: good afternoon. we are seeing a stark warning from the chief of border patrol saying to watch out for the violent venezuelan gang earlier this week, we got word that the venezuelan was arrested with tattoos associated with that gang, one of six at paris handed according to us border patrol. police link to the venezuelan gang to organized crime in place like texas, florida, chicago, and new york city were men there were involved in a high-profile assault on nypd officers and in georgia where
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federal prosecutors say the brother of the suspected killer of laken has ties to the gang. there's a possibility some of them are copycats. >> venezuelan migrants who claim they are members of this organization to impose fear on their intended target. whether they are connected or not. it is hard at this point to know who is a member of this organization. >> reporter: we want to get to the fox drone team that shows a group of 50 migrants waiting to be processed, they are sitting in a line waiting for border patrol and according get to border patrol yesterday, the el paso sector saw 1400 encounters with 450 of those people making
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it the largest population in el paso. half of those people are crossing to new mexico, it lacks the reinforcements compared to texas. infiltrating into us cities, lawmakers sent a letter to the biden administrating asking them to make a transnational criminal organization which means help the government restrict their travel. allysia: new fox polls show trump and biden neck and neck in a state where biden has campaigned over 30 times next. ♪ help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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right here in scranton which is the hometown he shares with president biden but instead he was forced to stay in washington dc to cast votes on the foreign aid package. his republican challenger, dave mccormick is campaigning in pennsylvania, eager to tie casey to president biden blaming both for inflation and the immigration crisis. and on shrink inflation claiming greedy companies are the ones driving up prices for profits. democrats are on defense on the economy, it's the number one
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issue for voters in pennsylvania and voters here trust donald trump to do a better job on the economy over biden by 12 points. it's not just the economy, democrats are concerned about independent candidate robert f kennedy junior's appeal to latino and young voters. environmentalists are demanding that he dropped out of the race. a former bernie sanders pollster telling the new york times, quote, i'm raising the alarm, young voters and latinos respond well to a hard-edged economic message and that is not biden's message. republican groups are working to convince republicans to vote early which you can only do by mail in the commonwealth. the are in say says this is a top priority for them but they have to convince republicans who have been listening to donald trump say voting by mail is fraudulent and that could be difficult. >> we are getting outvoted in
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the early vote by margins of 3 to one, sometimes more. it's hard to win elections when going down 3 to 1. >> reporter: it can't be overstated how important pennsylvania's, part of the blue wall strategy, he won in 2020 and no democrat has won the white house without it since 1948. allysia: so good to see you. thanks. griff: let's bring in ashley davis, i just call them now. let's get right into it and pick up from scranton, pennsylvania. he says you can't overstate how significant pennsylvania is. it was biden's will wall and let's start with you. >> i grew up in pennsylvania so
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this is part of my wheelhouse but it is always considered a really important state but trump won in 2016, the first time since hw bush, biden won last time. the most important thing about the polls that have come out is the weakness president biden has with the unions. some of those numbers have gone down significantly. that is where he is going to be an issue as well as the independents, and the other two candidates each polling 2%. and not knowing if they are taking votes from biden or biden and trump. >> in pennsylvania, showed 14%
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felt they were getting ahead of economically. my wife is from the pittsburgh area, salt of earth middle-class, a poll like that, so low getting ahead is that going to be a game changer? it's a problem. inflation, and he believes the economy is getting better, hundreds of thousands of jobs and every month, people are paying more for gas or food they don't feel like they are getting better. that has to change and may not change by the election, that means he has to run with that headwind. griff: pennsylvania along with michigan, wisconsin and georgia, the latest fox news paul, the head to head match, a
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tie in wisconsin and pennsylvania but in michigan a 3 point difference lead for trump and a 6% lead for trump in georgia. >> looking at the position you are in, if you are advising the biden campaign are you worried? >> if the election were held today trump might win narrowly. that's not helpful. some of those states, georgia and arizona not on their but the president trailing slightly. he can still win this election if he wins pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. if he can hold the blue wall there where it is close or head slightly in wisconsin he can still win, even lose in some states he won last time. i would note in arizona and florida, a stable publicans like to laugh at democrats when saying we can compete there, there are very challenging referendums on the ballot on women's right to choose which arizona is going back to 1864 saying you can't exercise reproductive freedoms, florida has a 6-week band.
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both of those will be on the ballot, that could change the way these polls look. griff: we saw donald trump getting cheered in harlem. before we run out of time, standby from stephen smith talking about the reception in harlem among the black and hispanic folks that he got. listen here. >> donald trump's statement weeks ago talking how black folks found him relatable because what he is going through is similar to what black americans have gone through. he wasn't lying. he was telling the truth. >> the latino voters are supporting him because of immigration and the ones who are voting are the ones who came illegally and went through the process so that is why he polls well with them. we've been watching this all week in regards to what's happening with him on trial. the longer he is on trial it
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will get harder because he's not on the campaign trail but i agree the black voters, black americans identify because they think the judicial system is fixed. griff: last word. >> digital system has been rigged against african americans. i'm not surprised he's trying to appeal to them. >> you guys are agreeing get. we will be watching on monday. the courtroom turned into the campaign trail for donald trump. thanks for being here. have a great weekend. allysia: we are watching develop into the middle east after israel's retaliatory attack on iran. both sides remain silent. jeff paul is in tel aviv. >> reporter: so far this period of calm between israel and iran is holding but tensions throughout the middle east remain very high. when you see what happened in
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air act, it underscores that feeling, this was the scene in central iraq after investigators say they are looking into an explosion that hit a base utilized by a local coalition of iran allied militias, one person was killed, another 8 were injured. military official tells fox news it had no involvement, the coalition of militias saying the explosion was an attack and didn't blame any particular source. the blast happened today after israel hit iran with a striking response to iran's recent missile and drone attack. iran is downplaying the attack, perhaps trying to move on. that is clear when you hear how some in the irani and military are describing israel's strike. >> translator: our air defense firing at a suspicious object, caused no damage or incidents at all. the air defense at its proud staff are prepared to confront
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any enemy with malicious intentions against islamic iran's land or sky. >> reporter: the situation with iran is de-escalating, the war in gaza continues, nearing its seventh month. hospital authorities in gaza say an israeli airstrike in a house in the southernmost city of raf ah killed nine people. an estimated 1.4 million palestinians seeking shelter there. the majority displaced from other parts of gaza. a city israel said it intends to enter in its next phase of the war. the us has been adamant they don't support any military operation by israeli forces as us officials in the biden administration stress they want to see not only more humanitarian aid being tricked into gaza but they want israel to come up with a plan to shelter innocent civilians during the war. griff: there's more action on
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the house floor of the capital, we will take you back to the hill, monitoring to see if speaker johnson will have anything to say. stay with us. in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? get scotts turf builder rapid grass today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪operatic music♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace.
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allysia: the house of voting on a do ukraine, chad purgeram with the latest on this busy day in the house. >> reporter: several things happen in the next 10 to 15 minutes on capitol hill. they are voting right now on the ukraine bill, 300 votes on the scoreboard moving to the side for that bill. i would note the delta between the democratic yays and republican yays, 209 democrats voting for this and only 97 republicans and that is the ambassadors of the problem for mike johnson where there are a lot of conservatives who never
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wanted to help ukraine to put this bill on the floor. he might say this is the house of representatives working gets will because there's a bipartisan coalition of democrats and republicans in favor of this. we will gamble this down in a minute and ukraine aid is on its way to the senate. you might notice all these democrats in the house chamber waiving ukrainian flags which you are not supposed to do under the rules of the house. to demonstrate like this, the other number of people supporting ukraine, without their voting card in the house of representatives. what happens after this? you have a vote on the aid bill for israel, i talked about how more democrats were supporting this, democratic support for israel because they are upset with the israeli government, how palestinians are being treated and what's going on in
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gaza so i talked to a senior house democratic source an hour ago when they indicated they would probably lose 40 democrats on their side but probably get a good 360 to vote for that bill more likely 380 to pass the israel bill. what would happen is they will mail these bills, can't take another rollcall but the warehouse set this up it would be glued together and sent in one package that includes aid for israel, ukraine, taiwan and the banning of tiktok to the senate, the senate will, that's what chuck schumer said this morning. here's the big wildcard. at the end of this rollcall vote, ukraine, then taiwan. does marjorie taylor greene pop her resolution to oust the speaker of the house, she
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indicated, if he funded ukraine, a lot of republicans don't necessarily support dating ukraine who don't want to get involved in that turmoil once again, that's a problem for them? here's what to look for at the end, she has this resolution and if she makes it live on the house floor privilege is the term of art on capitol hill, one of two things, the house has to consider right away or in two legislative days, the house is supposed to be out of this week, toward the end of the month, but this sort of damocles hangs over the head of mike johnson which what could happen, the house wants to a laminate this or try to get through this, you have immediate consideration after the israel voters tabled, what marjorie taylor greene is doing on the house floor. this is where democrats might get involved and try to protect
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mike johnson. the house majority leader was asked a bit ago whether democrats would try to help. a number of democrats have said they don't want to see mike johnson punished for doing the right thing. now that they've passed the aid bill for ukraine, would they intervene and help mike johnson unlike what happened with kevin mccarthy last fall. if they moved to table, kill that resolution by marjorie taylor greene, she has been blocked. they don't have enough votes to block that, then you move to an immediate vote to remove the speaker of the house. i've been told in the last couple minutes numbers of the house republican leadership don't think there's going to be a move to oust mike johnson this afternoon but we are in a weird situation with 3 or 4 things happening at once. one of my favorite quotes about covering capitol hill came from
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john warner, we don't do a lot in congress but when we do it we do it all at once. that's what happening today on capitol hill. >> a follow-up question. i noticed democrats waiving those ukrainian flags now stopped. >> mark molinaro is gambling down the vote. >> the house will be in order, the house will be in order. i would remind my colleagues to observe proper decorum, flag-waving on the floor is not appropriate. the house will be in order. a motion is laid on the table. the gentlewoman from florida.
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the gentlewoman is not recognized. the house will be in order. all members are reminded to observe the core him. speakers are reminded to address of the chair pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the unfinished business is the vote on the passage of hr 8034 on which the yays and napes are ordered. >> hr 8034 making emergency supplement appropriations to respond to the situation in israel and related expenses for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2024, and for other purposes. >> questions on the passage of the bill, members record their votes by electronic device, this is a 5-minute vote.
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>> reporter: here's what we have. they had mark molinaro presiding over this vote, they passed the ukraine aid bill, when member voting present, he then admonished democrats who were waving those flags that you are not supposed to do and we are on to final passage. this should be the last vote of the day unless there's an effort to dry to oust mike johnson. this is the vote on the bill to fund israel. i said to look at the different vote matrixes between last vote at this vote. look at how many more democrats have a reservation because they have concerns what is happening with a humanitarian aid and the situation in gaza. you have a lot more republicans vote on the vote for israel or the bill for israel and a lot
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more democratic votes. they are well over the threshold, 308, 310 total votes on this. this is all going to pass. they will have past four of these. what they do is they put all these bills in a congressional blender and they get wrapped together and sent in one convenient package to the senate. the senate will sync up on tuesday afternoon. this is where we are now. passing this bill, we will know whether or not marjorie taylor greene tries to remove the speaker of the house. griff: if the motion to vacate from marjorie taylor greene doesn't come forward, how endangered is johnson's speakership even beyond that? you have guys like matt gaetz saying ukraine was a dealbreaker. i've got 10 seconds. >> reporter: there's a lot of concern. don't know how many republicans will try to take it out on him.
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aishah: griff: we are going to stick it a little bit, we want to see exactly what happens. if you could, just walk us a touch more because it is a bit confusing about the effort for democrats coming to the rescue of speaker johnson if the motion is made by marjorie taylor greene, if democrats force them to be coming up for a vote and democrats would help. >> reporter: democrats, anybody in the house of representatives could bring up this resolution now that she has filed. there was chatter when she talked about or introduced this a couple weeks ago and didn't make it live, that mike johnson what his allies should make it live and say come at us. this is something joe cannon, the white house speaker, there's a reason it named the cannon house office building, across the street from the capital, had a similar
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situation and he forced a vote on his own and prevailed with votes from the other side. that we can him as a speaker because it was viewed that he was beholden to the other party and mike johnson could be in the same situation but i don't think as many would come to rescue mike johnson as they rescued joe cannon a hundred years ago in the house of representatives. there's a building now named after joe cannon on capitol hill. yesterday, to help republicans to put the rule on the floor, and had to go back to the 1960s for an example that so profound, and for republicans
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and washington's work together and they are opposed to this. >> if democrats possibly could be in the situation where they may try to help speaker johnson keep his job and so much of this comes down to the vote on ukraine and not getting the border in their, coming to the floor, going outside of decorah him, waving those flags, they are trying to show support for ukraine, but isn't that a thumb in the eye to republicans who are frustrated with the speaker? >> reporter: there was a little of that but also to demonstrate their unity on this issue and the fact they have been steadfast in pushing aid to ukraine. griff: all right, doing great work appear as we continue to watch any moment, we could indeed the motion to vacate or we won't. we see history being made with $95 million in foreign aid, and
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divesting the tiktok bill. it was great to be with you. busy day on capitol hill. weren't even tortured by taylor swift. see what i did? by my top five list. save that for another day. allysia: it has been a busy day, great to see you. that's all for us this hour. stay with us. fox news live continues with arthel. griff: our team is staying with chad pergram on a historic day on capitol hill in washington. we will bring you the latest and give you the fact. thanks for being with us. arthel: we begin with major develop it's on capito


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