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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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controversial 95 billion-dollar foreign aid package with bipartisan support for the senate has scheduled a vote for tuesday afternoon. the bill provides funding for ukraine, israel, and taiwan they advance despite a threat from conservative republicans to remove speaker michael johnson over the ukraine aided. welcome to bring our "fox news live" i am arthel neville, height bill. bill: i am bill melugin in for sean today. it's been a busy saturday. that aid package includes over 60 package for ukraine. only 101 republicans voting in favor for part 112 voted against it. georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene led the gop effort to kill the ukraine agent. she filed a motion last month to vacate speaker michael johnson and vowed to introduce it if ukraine aid past, which i did today big green did not follow through with her threat today. she did speak after the rare saturday vote.
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take a listen. >> you have the strongest loudest voices and republican movements, grassroots it. calling for mike johnson to be vacated. that people here, my colleagues have not heard the message but this is a sellout of america today. members of congress in their waving the ukrainian flag on the nine states house of representatives floor. while we are doing and nothing to secure our border i think every american in this country should be furious. he was going to vote for these people? how can we vote for these people they can serve our country for. >> gop congresswoman claudia tenney joins us in a moment on today's high drama in the house. first epoxy team coverage. greg palkot it and keep what ukrainian president zelenskyy has spoken out on today's vote right now senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill following all the drama today.
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chat? >> good afternoon. the package made it through that house for individuals bills one for taiwan one for is right one for ukraine when to curb the use of tiktok in the u.s. house speaker mike johnson was determined to get aid to israel. >> it is the only way that we could've got democrats to support aid to israel i want to make one point about one issue that has drawn a lot of attention. could any of this funding go to hamas or to terrorist organizations or what have you? we put safeguards in the legislation to ensure unread is not funded request conservatives are upset johnson put the ukrainian plan on the floor. they were especially incensed the speaker did not attach a border security package to the plan. that likely would have torched the overall package in the senate. >> i am frustrated there is z zero. let's be very clear that border the hr to that was voted on today will have no force of law.
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was not part of the package. this done and gave cover to five democrats voted for. it is mind bogglingly stupid to put that on the floor. >> johnson also dodged an effort to unseat him marjorie taylor greene has a resolution to remove him from the speakership but never went forward. >> this is the third but trailed by michael johnson. i am thankful the america get to see who this man is. i'm thankful america gets to see who the people that voted for this is. this is the only way it is going to change people have to see it. >> and green is now curating and narrative that johnson is not fit for the job. during that likely would've lost a vote had she come for johnson today. why democrats may have bailed him out thanks in part to his support for ukraine. back to you. arthel: chad pergram will take it back to hear. >> with arthel's russia invasion in 30 or it forces exhaust
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ukrainian president zelenskyy has been pleading for more u.s. help. now he is on track to get it. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is live with reaction to today's hohouse voted. i imagine he is breathing a sigh of relief right now. >> absolutely put all you can here's a sigh of relief coming from the government quarters here ukrainian capitol of kyiv the united states has come true bringing down on all 600-mile front. the massive advantage and artillery ukraine is short of air defense missiles the infrastructure it has been battered here. we spoke early with one american veteran who has been training and fighting alongside the ukrainian spread he said the troops are brave and strong and courageous they are just missing one thing, bullets, weaponry. officials have been talk on the last few days about losing this war for the first time. they were getting assistance
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from other countries the u.s. is come through feeling a gaping hole and out with $61 billion worth of gears some of that to replenish the vast ammunition stocks that have been emptied inside the united states because of this. other direct strategic aid to the country there aren't more loans and humanitarian assistance here is a bit of what a very grateful president zelenskyy had to say tonight. >> today we got the decision we were expecting the american support package. for which we fought so much. a very weighty package that we felt by our soldiers on the front lines, our cities and villages that suffer from russian terror. >> the package as a chad has noted has got to be okayed by the senate, by president biden that is expected by the pentagon the last couple of days has been saying this could get into the country pretty soon coming from depots just on the other side of the border. but bill, it still has to get
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into the hands of the troops. they have been very desperate and are hoping it is not too late. back to you. >> they have speaker johnson defending that bill by saying it is not a blank check. greg palkot live in hezbollah to kyiv. arthel: for more on the dramatic house book u.s. congressman claudia tenney member of the house ways and means committee. first of all, congressman how does this day reflect on the u.s. house of representatives? >> it is a better day for us and it just shows the speaker has the courage he has the integrity and he is not going to be threatened by a very small minority but where we govern with the very, very narrow majority one or two votes. as of today it will be decided by one vote. it's a good day for the speaker. it's a good day for america. it is good that we are showing that we are getting things done on this side. i did not approve of the entire package i did not vote for the
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ukraine funding for number of reasons. i think we've got to look at something. i heard you cite earlier we have the conservatives voting against it. i consider myself a conservative. i also consider myself a constitutional conservative much like the speaker. there is a lot in our party and very vague. we have people who are libertarian, isolationist and that is not necessarily constitutionalists. our country was founded on certain principles. i come from an original colonies of this means a lot to me as a new yorker. i think it would be good for the people in our conference to go back and study our founders and the what the true meaning is and what they meant for us to do. i do not think we can continue to say it just because you are libertarian isolationism into her constitutional conservative. that's going to be an interesting issue going forward but. >> will get back to that in a moment. you did say you voted no to the $61 billion for ukraine. believe you voted yes to israel.
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what was short thinking on that no vote to ukraine? >> first of all been very consistent on this. i do support the people of ukraine. know this has been a horrible portal or by putin and turbo for ukraine and europe. there's a couple of reasons i vvoted no. cosponsored a bill we had to have a plan of action to forgive give any money to ukraine. i credit this speaker and the sponsor for putting that plan of action in this bill. unfortunately that money goes without having the plan done. i know we could have done a further ukraine package. secondly, part of the recent putin has so much leverage part of the reason he is able to do this is because terrible energy policies radical green energy policies in europe but also by president biden have forced european into being leveraged by putin with commonsense issues like and not cutting off lng
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exports to our allies who vitally needed in europe getting a realistic all about strategy to defend and protect themselves against putin's leverage of something i want to put more pressure back on that europeans to stand up and pay their fair share of this bill. if t these the sigs are included certainly support the people of ukraine. i think that is something that could continue on this floor it's not going to be over soon. what we did something to help them today although i did support one 100% of it. arthel: may be some of your points can be raised again and taken up at a later date. maybe not too far in the future we will see it. again the senate is going to vote the aid package and they are going to vote on it tuesday. that is confirmed. it will likely land on a president biden's desk possibly the same day. of course then comes accountability and oversight. will you be following the money? >> of course. that is why i voted for the traps that are actually in this bill.
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again, kudos to the speaker for his courage, his humility and understanding of the problems we face. and his leadership for their people on our side may be honest with you my side, remember when i got into politics my son said this is not about political science this is like a war you are in. all i could think about reading sun tzu as a political person is tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. we are engaging in tactics which many on our side are doing at the expense of strategy you are going to see failure on our side. we have to win the seats back it is so important. it's why i support the speaker and i give him a lot of kudos for his courage, his humility and his hard work and tried to everything he could brace clip earlier we did not do the border security bill. that is because three republicans on our side in the very slim majority of our rules committee did not vote for
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border security. we had to send it to the floor on suspension. we cannot get the two thirds vote to those republicans and others prevented us from getting border security which is so critically important to my part of the world. height reps at the northern border. 85% of people on that chart watches are coming across. they cut us off be and forgot to send anything to the senate which is tragic in the situation. especially for the american people. >> is all about the american people should be at least. i may come back to that if i have time but let me go here for a second part would like to as play remarks from marjorie taylor green on a y she has not called the motion to vacate speaker johnson. then back up and play sound from congressman dan crenshaw on why he is not worried about the speaker's future. let's listen. >> there are some people ration irresponsible. they are sent like what happened last time, i am not that person. i did not come here to congress
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to hurt our institution. hurt our majority. i'm allowing the process. the american people are going to have voters are going to make their voices heard. mike johnson is a lame-duck. >> is a section of the conference it is a fundamentally different views. as a speakership in trouble? i do not see evidence of that right now. if they wanted to leave bring their motion to vacate their be immediately a motion to table. nobody once chaos except very few. >> know at once chaos. i gather from your comment earlier she keep his job. marjorie taylor green and thomas
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massie. >> i absently support speaker johnson. he is the only person to lead this fight. we have casualties by administration made we cannot just throw them away but we have to stand up and lead it. you're not going to hit one 100% of everything you want to be just because you don't get it does not mean you can eliminate everyone else. take our boat away. speaker johnson is terrific. he's got you amazing humility has aheis a strong leader and ty prove that today with the heroic efforts he made being held across by people who i do not think understand what a constitutional conservative really means. >> near congresswoman claudia tenet we thank you for joining us. we will leave it there hello to your son he sounds like a wise young man. >> he is awesome. he is a marine. >> even better. i love him even more now.
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absolutely. thank you congresswoman. >> president biden is spending his weekend in delaware. he is praising house lawmakers for passing 95 billing our foreign aid package. lucas tomlinson joining us live at the white house today. lucas it sounds like the president wants us package on his desk asap. >> that is right the president was excitedly foreign aid bill was passed quick to release a statement saying in part it comes at a moment of great urgency of israel facing on precedent attacks are my ron and ukraine under constant bombardment from a russia party want to thank speaker johnson leader jeffries and coalition of lawmakers in the house who voted to put our national security first. i urge the senate to quickly send this a package to my desk i can sign into law we can quickly send weapons and equipment into ukraine to meet the urgent need needswe also heard from nato secretary-general saying quote i welcome the u.s. house of
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representatives has approved a major new package of aid to ukraine. susan the weapons promoted by allied to destroy russian combat capabilities this makes us all safer in europe and north america. some perspective 95 billion-dollar aid package of biden $7.3 trillion budget for next year. it also comes with some conditions. calls for the present to articulate a strategy to create and 45 days. jokes about two years to see the goal for ukraine to win his press by ukraine journalists at the white house alongside zelenzelenskyy in december many lawmakers want to know what to success in winning look like return to 1991 ports that means crimea and ukraine that goal has never been articulated from the white house with the pentagon. the ukrainians had an seeing all those drones a missile shot out of the sky at last weekends as the russian stepped up its bombardment of ukraine the $61 billion will shore up air defenses to shoot down incoming
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russian missiles in the aircraft and a ronnie made drones and includes as you just see here at this russian supersonic nuclear capable back fire bomber the first bomber shot down in the war. it is notab a notable vice prest harrison national security adviser jake sullivan recently told ukraine's president not to strike russian oil refineries. perhaps some critics say it's because the gas prices are to a six month height was how the sanctions announced against iran at the white house a few days ago that did not include sanctions on iran's energy infrastructure. >> the president call for the ukraine aid during his state of the union speech and now it looks like he is teed up to get it. lucas tho thompson live in the e house today. >> day four of the angry protest protests at columbia university demanding a cease-fire in gaza police have arrested more than 100 people in just the past couple of days. we'll go there live for the very latest. that is up next.
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arthel: today marks 25 years the massacre at columbine high school in colorado. twelve students one teacher were shot and killed more than 20 others injured. it brought the nation to its knees. at the time it was a deadliest mass shooting at a school in u.s. history. a vigil was held last night were
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moral concert will be held tonight at columbine high. for to patrol agents are warning about migrants linked to international gains in crossing the southern border. right now you're taking a live look at el paso, texas you see groups of dozens potentially about 100 migrants who cross the border illegally waiting to be processed by border patrol. the latest numbers show more than 270 gang affiliated apprehensions just since october experts say migrant gang members are infiltrating all across the country. we are live in el paso with a more today. we're looking at the drone looks like you have a pretty busy day out there. >> that is right. we are seeing some activity people get to that in just a bit. first we know chief of border patrol now getting out a stark warning about the venezuelan gang. in terms of what we saw today about 58 -- 100 migrants on the
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other side of the razor wire on american soil waiting to be processed i want to highlight some new numbers we are getting. just yesterday el paso sector saw over 1400 encounters with over 450 of them being from venezuela. now making it the largest population of people crossing here and el paso. earlier this week a venezuelan man arrested with tattoos associated to that gang. one of six people apprehended from the gang according to u.s. border patrol. police have linked the venezuelan gang to organize crime affect texas, florida, chicago and new york city it meant there were involved in a high-profile assault on nypd officers appeared in georgia federal prosecutors they are at save the brother of the suspected killer of georgia nursing student lake and riley has ties to that gang. >> forever the venezuelan population ha has traveled in extensive numbers, they have also embedded themselves in
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these populations as well to continue to migrate with them to take advantage and perhaps explore new criminal economic opportunities elsewhere. >> the expert ut el paso said it's not like of this group will take over territory compete with well-established eggs in places like new york and chicago. rather continue to perform petty crime spree also points out the majority of venezuelan migrants are fleeing awful and violent circumstances trying to start a new life. it is a narrow population looking for criminal activity as first topic that is will it gangs asking them to make the gang and transnational criminal organization which would then help the government restrict their travel here. >> the thing about venezuelans as they cannot be deported the venezuelan government is refusing all repatriation flights from the u.s. it complicates it even further proved will get back with you
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soon. >> today is a day four of protest at columbia university calling for a cease-fire in gaza. many demonstrators refused to leave campus even after police arrested more than 100 of them for trespassing jewish students on fox news they feel they are not wanted at the ivy league institution. cb cotton is at the university with the latest. >> the crowd of community protesters hasn't grown since we last spoke. take a look i would say they're about to hunter people here outside of columbia university who have gathered in support of student protesters on campus who as you just mentioned have occupied a green space for four days the tents are gone. they did stay overnight they plan to stay that we got up close look at yesterday we saw sleeping bags, blankets and a constant rotation of food which was brought to the area students are calling this a liberated zone. student protesters say on social
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media they have been told they can stay as long as there are no tents according to columbia university demonstration protests are supposed to run from 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on weekdays only. we have asked the university no word yet more than one heart of their peers who were resting on thursday. nypd were issued summonses. congresswoman omar's daughter was among those who were arrested and later released the congress will meant writing she was proud of her daughter on x and add a quote stepping up to what change what you cannot tell her is what we have the country have a right to speech, assembly and petition and tried at our constitution. like we have come to see at this gathering some big hollywood names are spotted. also winning actress susan surrounded was an actress outside club at university yesterday. we have tried to speak of some of the pro- palestinian student demonstrators but most have declined to talk on camera.
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meanwhile jewish students tell us how they feel. >> i feel like i'm not wanted here. i was talking to a friend and i was so excited to come because i felt like it would be a place where i would be opened up two different perspectives and different people with different ideas. it kinda feels like everyone who is not exactly like me hates me and doesn't care to have to say. >> is his protests continue both off and on campus we will be monitoring. i can tell you this probably fewer nypd officers here than i have seen in recent days we will see what happens as wit closer we closer tonighttime back to y. arthel: cb cotton live from columbia university, thank you. >> michael johnson has survived a threat from conservative republicans to oust him as speaker of ukraine aid the question is for how long. plus the latest on the campaign trail and a key state decides
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♪ ingrezza ♪ bill: back now to the top story high drum of the past as a passive foreign aid package and a rare saturday session despite some republican opposition. a handful gop lawmakers are threatening to remove the speaker michael johnson over funding for ukraine. let's check back in with chad pergram on capitol hill placement guiding us through this all day. so what is for this bill and what's next for the speaker? >> it has to go to the senate by the senate majority leader chuck schumer announced on tuesday afternoon put this bill on the floor there is a procedural vote at least one and the afternoon killing 60 votes. keep in mind the house and
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senate have to align here. even though the house of past four individual bills the house will roll these bills over the senate very similar bill passed in february it was 70 boat so they should not have any problems getting this through. even though some conservatives are concerned. now, you asked about house speaker mike johnson, what his next? he stays in his job there was no threat to him today from marjorie taylor greene. in fact the boat on ukraine that may in fact have been the test the fact that michael johnson put that bill on the floor and marjorie taylor green did not come after him. he stays in the speakership. that might have been the test of mike johnson's leadership he was able to put the bill on the floor. she would not have had the votes to remove him from the speakership he continues to be speaker of the house. >> glad we've got you, no one knows about her up there. nice job on capitol hill. >> thank you. arthel: i agree pennsylvania voters gear up for tuesday's primary, former president trump is looking to shore up support
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for his all but certain rematch with president biden. that latest fox news a poll show them and a dead heat in the key battleground states at 48% each. bryan llenas is alive in scranton, pennsylvania with all of the details. >> pennsylvania go so to goes the u.s. senate and the white house. that is the thought. the primary here is on tuesday but both senate candidates are running unopposed so we are in general election mode here. democrat senator bob casey was sent to kick off 20 plus stop bus tour of pennsylvania today. right here in his hometown of scranton instead he is in washington d.c. waiting to vote on the foreign aid package. meanwhile his republican challenger david mccormick had an event today at state college and a u.s. olympic wrestling team trials event with pennsylvania native beau nichol. mccormick is eager to tie casey
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to president biden. blaming both for inflation and immigration crisis. casey is running ads blaming inflation not on biden but so-called shrinkflation and greed inflation sink greedy companies are driving up prices for profits. democrats are on defense on the economy a new fox news polling shows it is the number one issue for voters in pennsylvania voters here trust former president trump to do a better job on the economy over biden by 12 points. it is not just the economy democrats are also concerned about independent candidate robert f kennedy jr.'s appeal to latino and young voters the former bernie sanders pollster telling the "new york times" quote i am raising the alarm young voters and latinos respond really well to a hard edge economic populist message that is not biden's message. meantime republican groups are working to convince republicans to vote early which you can only
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do by mail here in the commonwealth are in c says it is a top priority for republicans who cannot just rely on election day voting but convincing republicans to trust mail ballots is a tough task given trunk continues to attack mail voting is fraudulent. >> we are getting outvoted with essentially the early vote right margin of three -- one, sometimes more. it's very hard to win elections when you're going down three -- one. >> since 1948 no democrat is when the white house without winning pennsylvania for that is why president biden has been in the state eight times so far this year. arthel: bryan llenas, thank you. bill: for more in the spring and washington examiner political reporter is joining us now. selena thank you so much for coming on. >> thanks for having me. sue for pennsylvania and all important state you recently wrote an article talking about some of the voter registration trends you are seeing in the state and why some alarm bells
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should maybe be going off or democrats. what specifically are you seeing? >> a voter registration for democrats and republicans has changed dramatically in that democrats even in 2020 when joe biden one they had a 600,000 plus more than the republicans. that is down now to 389,000. so it shows there is an enthusiasm in the state for the republicans democrats still have a huge -- a lot more voters registered as democrats. you always look for signs outside of the big stories to tell you where a state is going and what is moving voters. and in my home state of pennsylvania, i just did a 67 county tour i feel like a
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politician. it is the economy, the economy, the economy. i find it important to take a look at what each candidate is running on and who is understanding how much that is impacting the voter when they go into the booth. >> at the shift of about 200,000 voters that is pretty remarkable. if we can call up number two recent fox news polling several of the battleground states. it also includes rfk junior in the polling. the polls show donald trump essentially had in all states except wisconsin. circling back to pennsylvania you in another piece identified about 10 counties in the state you think this race is going to come down to in 2024. neither of them include philly or pittsburgh, why is that? >> philly and pittsburgh are
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always around the same amounts. there is not traditionally a big jump in either place they are all going to be majority for democrats. it's the rural counties the postindustrial world counties like erie county, northampton, beaver county, bucks county that are going to make the diff difference. in the same way they made the difference in 2016. which candidate is able to reach those voters? that's the one it's going to end pennsylvania. it's interesting for us to watch to see which of the two candidates are paying attention to this. biden's choice to go into the very same places of pittsburgh and pennsylvania was telling us he needs to draw out his space. but watching trump go out to lehigh valley means he understands he needs to draw out
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the postindustrial counties. i think of both the men seem to understand what they need. i think biden needs to spend much more time in those counties that swing back and forth and get those voters excited. because right now those voters are bleeding towards trump. >> real quick, 20 seconds left in your opinion will get your reaction to the house votes with the bills in the foreign aid package who comes on top with that in terms of their basis? >> i think there is so much going on for the voter. this were a midterm election there be handwringing among the voters. right now they are so exhausted by everything else it is not as important as it traditionally is. to forgot it, think of your time today we will talk soon. arthel: separatist state antony blinken heads to china next week as beijing and washington seem
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to be an arms race this is over one specific type of weapon you want to stick around for those details next on "fox news live." (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change.
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bill: welcome back pretty soaking rain hand to the south the today flush funding from heavy dampers f fox weather and meteorologist adam klotz has the forecast. what are folks looking at down there? what sees a really big storms really work in the way across the south and southeast here over the next 12 hours or so prevention work in the way up along the coast. currently you are looking at the really big storms pushing across texas, dallas is one of the areas it's really been getting involved here as this is all going to continue to sweep itself off toward the east. at times this is really big rain there is at least some risk of this becoming severe across the entire region but everything here in the orange you or talk about damaging winds, hail, obviously this very heavy rain and i do think the amount of rainfall really is the largest concern here. you are looking to pretty big area with at least some sort of
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risk of flash flooding today. the shower sweep on through. why do spread two -- 3 inches some areas three -- five coming down. you can rented this in the overnight hours you do see your timestamp up in the corner. it doesn't move pretty slowly to begin at before overnight getting to sweep across the south in the southeast. you do see the storms ultimately getting up into places like georgia, the carolinas that's more so by tomorrow. it is serial it still several inches of rain for the next few hours folks need to be careful. so for the slow moving storms a problem it comes a flash flooding. adam thank you. arthel: indeed, indeed drone technology is a fueling the u.s./china arms race the use of artificial intelligence in drones has some asking showed the two superpowers work together to discourage ai arms proliferation let's bring in michael is a senior fellow in the pacific studies at the american foreign policy council. how do you see it question what
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should the u.s. and china work in concert or compete? >> arthel, trying to cooperate with the chinese communist party on something as sensitive as a militarized drone technology would be one of the dumbest things america could do. the chinese communist party has a track record of making promises to america they subsequently break over and over and over again but xi jinping a promise to barack obama he would not militarize the south china sea. china did that he promised china would stop stealing intellectual property from american companies. that has continued it is a fools errand to try to cooperate with your greatest geopolitical adversary we have got to outcompete them. >> you are saying exactly what i was going to ask it's all about oversights you would not know if china is holding up any agreement they were to make according to what you are saying you should figure they would not be holding up any sort of
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agreement. then explain to us, how has ai arms to change the game if it is not contained what is the future of kinetic wars as well as cyber warfare? >> the future of warfare in a lot of ways is going be on demand the actual physical soldier is still the crux of the fighting force. with artificial intelligence and drone technology the united states and china are working on this concept called swarming. you get a large number of drones to work in concert together on a mission. at least on the american side we have drones that can maneuver about 40 miles an hour that are caring like 1000-pound payload and on the chinese side they conducted an interesting experiment they cut off their drones from gps. the drones is self healed and
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were able to initial their search and destroy mission. this is really advanced stuff. we have got to be the ones who win this fight because let's face it, china is looking to use this stuff on the battlefield they are looking at taiwan in particular. we've got to be able to protect our friends. arthel: indeed. if i i am understanding what you just said china is more advanced with the ai enabled weapons than we are, we being the u.s. how can we catch up and pass the production? >> it depends upon who you asked by some measures of china it may be more advanced on their drone hardware america might be a little more advance on the site for side of things but it is neck and neck. if we aren't looking for an advantage i think the united states is got to be working very closely with our closest military allies. if you look at other problem sets with china if it's 5g
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telecommunications or biotechnology china has the ability to throw billions and billions of dollars of strategic sectors that's an authoritarian country. the united states is a free market economy. so we do not have the economy of scale but we can work in concert with our partners around the world. got to start doing that. arthel: closing up in 30 seconds here would you say ai enabled weapons are more threatening than nuclear weapons? >> in nuclear weapons when it comes to destruction. artificial intelligence holds a huge potential because you can remove the human from the equation. which makes escalation more likely if we're going to win this game i literally wrote a book countering china's great game if we're going to we are go outcompete china we've got to go on the offense and have the result to win a war. arthel: thank you for that clarification. thank you very much and will be back after this, take care.
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we will be back. nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun.
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super welcome back taylor swift dropped her last album tortured poets and a british bank is warning hundreds of fans have already been duped into buying fake tickets for her upcoming uk
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europe tour. stephanie bennett live in london with the details on this. stephanie, ho how is a scam goig on? >> it's complicated in impacting everyone. a lot to cover today. all uk dates are sold out like all the dates she has been having forcing desperate fans who tried to fulfill their love story by turning to resale sites and social media for tickets for thousands of fearless fans have been tricked into buying this fake tickets. in fact at lloyds bank here in the uk it said in a statement this week their fans have been scammed out of an estimated 1 million pounds so far but losing on average 332 pounds. and in some cases more than $1200 but the bank says those scam started on facebook. there's likely thousands of others out there who are battling the same thing but to be aware and check the authenticity before paying out.
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of course he the start releaser double album yesterday. swift's 11 studio albums she dropped the expected 16 tracks but then a couple hours later a surprise additional 15 songs were released. setting social media into a frenzy. lots of secret messages and easter eggs and in those songso including for a south london pub who did not think of their wildest dreams they would be named in swift's new album. of course would end up having to turn away customers after being mobbed by sw swift decent. fans quickly spotted tract 17, the black dog which is referencing that very specific pub. in out staff told local outlets they do not really the star visiting the venue but are delighted for the unexpected attention. if you are ready for the errors tour is going to head to paris that will be in about three weeks time. may 9 and the uk june and august. so if i heard the ponds i'll add it one of my own hopefully police can resolve the scamming cases swiftly. stephanie bennett live ie
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linen, thank you. arthel: you are on the ball. i just think you are so fast, so swift. >> there you go. arthel: i enjoyed it will have you back. but tomorrow eric shawn and i will be back noon eastern.ensu thanks everybody, enjoy the rest of your day. ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are
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bill barr a special guest. congressmen where we go next. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone i'm sandra smith along


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