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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  April 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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course a vital tool and asset in combating the fentanyl crisis myth, marijuana, that is a verym good boy. we th thank you for service. >> i want to mention something to sander your husband just tex. me. [laughter]u wh he wanted me too ask you why you miss that flight that you are supposed to beyond where he was supposed to propose for what happened that night? was as kind to get really close as i always used to. sandra:s it's eu have kid really easy to fly i used to i show up at the gate. i don't know five minister for the shut the door. i was five minutes late this time. and i missed it i would only learned later that was the night he would propose proxies as that is not what you told him. [laughter] are right that does it for us. thank you very therapeutic. that is it for us have a great night everybody. jon: phone three major story for president trump such hold a rally in north carolina next
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hour as he returns to the campaign trail after spending the week in a courtroom. plus this. free, free, free palestine. >> anti- israel protests resume newark columbia at university we are live at the school's jewish students tell us they feel unsafe and unwanted. crucial aid for israel ukraine, and taiwan passes in that u.s. house despite opposition from some gop hardliners who threaten to booth the house speaker over the ukraine bill the matter is tabled for the moment but it might not be over good evening i am jon scott this is the fox report. ♪. jon: team coverage for you this evening but lucas thomas in his life at the white house with the reaction from the bite administration over the passage of the foreign aid package. but first chad pergram is live on capitol hill with more on
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today's highly charged foreign aid votes. chad? >> jon, good evening the house approved three major foreign aid bills today. $61 billion for ukraine for 26 billion for israel 9 billion for taiwan. only a fraction of house republicans supported money for ukraine. democrats carried the freight that infuriated the right. >> and then he did this in the house floor foreign or package that does nothing for america i'm going to let my collies go home and tear from their constituents. people are obsessed with the voting of foreign wars in the industry here in america. >> great threat to oust house speaker mike johnson who put the ukraine bill on the floor. johnson called greens a bluff pass the aid package with democratic support. green never triggered her resolution to remove the speaker. because i do not walk around
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this building being worried about a motion to vacate. i have to do my job. we did, i've done here what i believe to be the right thing that's it to allow the house to work its will and as i said you do the right thing of the chips fall where they may. i will continue to do that. >> some conservatives are angry with johnson but in effect the ukraine bill was a test of johnson's power he passed the bill and no one challenged the speaker. meantime while conservatives oppose a dig ukraine that left opposed money for israel. >> this bill that passed today is a death warrant. it is a death warrant. for palestinians. it means that apparently it means palestinians are not as valued. that their lives are not as valuable. as is rarely lives for. >> the bill is not finished just
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yet the senate needs to align with the house on tuesday. the senate must clear a filibuster but a similar plan passed the senate with 70 votes over the winter. jon: chad pergram i suppose a marjorie taylor greene could still bring forward that motion to vacate, right? >> it is still in play she could bring it up or a michael johnson or one of its allies could bring it up and try to force the boat and euthanize this once and for good. jon: with that be interesting? chad pergram from the drum munch on capitol hill thank you. president biden spending his weekend and delaware as he prices house lawmakers for passing the $95 billion foreign aid package. lulucas at thomason's white life at the white house with more. >> quickset is right president biden hitting the house of representatives or pass any foreign aid bill the white house quick to release a statement after swift passage this afternoon at writing quote that
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comes at eight moment of great urgency of israel facing on precedent attacks from our brawn and ukraine under continued bombardment from russia with the thank speaker johnson, leader jeffries the bipartisan causation of lawmakers in the house who voted to put national security first to urge the senate to quickly send this package to my desk i can sign into law we can quickly send weapons and equipment to ukraine to meet the urgent battlefield needs. for some perspective 95 billion-dollar aid package represents 1.3% of biden $7.3 trillion budget for next year. it also comes with some conditions or calls for the president articulated strategy in ukraine in 45 days. took about two years to say the goal frequent is to win the war that's what impressed by ukrainian journalists are at the white house during a press conference alongside zelenskyy in december. many lawmakers want to know what does that look like? is it a return to 1991 that means crimea and ukraine.
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that goal has never been articulated from the white house for the pentagon. a few days after announcing new sanctions from my ron actos is reporting the bite administration is expected to announce new sanctions on israel. specifically one of the military units for human rights violation in the west bank would mark the first time the u.s. is ever sanctioned as israeli military unit comes after the house approved sending 26 have billion dollars to israel earlier today put the white house has ignored requests for comment. vice president harris national security adviser jake sullivan recently criticized ukraine and presidepresent zelenskyy for lag strikes against russia oil infrastructure and refineries. new sanctions against iran and did not include any sanctions if the energy sector this is all because gas is at 86 month high. >> help thank you. >> give the strongest loudest voices calling to be vacated.
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my colleagues have not heard the message. >> i have to do my job. we did. i believe to be the right thing that's the house to do its wil. as a said of the chips fall where they may. >> adjourned without a motion threats from republican congressman marjorie taylor greene to offer that motion if the aid to ukraine should pass and pass it did as part of a $95 billion foreign aid package also covers israel and taiwan. for more on this from an south his selfcoined republican congrn nancy mason. she serves on the house armed services committee. your party has been through an awful lot of circus i guess you
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could say trying to at a speaker elected first of the former speaker then he served in office for six months or not much more than them. and now they're threatening to do it again marjorie taylor greatest threatening to vacate the speakership your thoughts? >> i understand the frustrations on the hill. when sober going to put a border security first i'd much rather seen border security bill put into this package today to show the american people we are serious about the border. i understand that. i'm not ready for another run. i'd much rather see the republican party coalesce work to oust and kick joe biden out of the white house right now will have a few months until november election that should be our focus in electing donald trump. got shut down.
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>> is in the senate side. what you saw were the american people sifting through the bill, reading its pages understanding the loopholes in that bill every good idea is moot on the next page there is a loophole there is to get brian fitzpatrick's into the foreign aid package this weekend. we have curbed 80% of border crossings t and remain in mexic. something very simple that make a big difference at the border. leadership decided not to do that i would much rather have seen that happen. that could have been bipartisan. >> chris would have somebody in the white house who seems very interested in border security what good does it do to pass all the bills in the world from the house of representatives? >> watching chuck schumer on the left turned a blind eye in the nose at the southern border during the tenure over 9 million
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illegals cross the southern border. have fhoping to show we are sers about report we have to continue doing bills that do that. just this bill introduced a bill violence against women by illegal aliens act. an illegal raped a woman or assaulted a woman he should be immediately deported it is not hard. it's very easy it's very hard to get anything done these days. >> it seems like what happened to lake and arrived late to beat off a lot of support for that kind of thing. >> it seems like there would be. we tried to do an amendment on the border bill today but the against the illegal aliens against habit was ruled out of order which does not make any sense to us at all b partly sevn and that meant set of three to 19 that were allowed on any of the bills what's really was not an open amendment process like we are promised. so i am frustrated i've a lot of great ideas to protect the southern border and protect women. we couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time it's up to
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republicans to show the american people how to do that. >> republican party is clearly divided if there is so much anger directed at speaker johnson over passing the ukraine aid bill with help of democrats. it hasn't been the case in the past and american history both parties work together to do what was best for america. >> and protecting the southern border is what is best for america. i can say i voted against ukraine aid portion of the package should i voted for israel. i cannot tell you how i rate sink $61 billion go overseas and seek both parties turn a blind eye to the southern border. it's not just lakin riley it's mattie hines a 40 year old girl was in october of last year. a trafficking we see in south carolina people see what's going on in their hometown and their states that they are angry.
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but the southern border and the pete rigby would've been a lighthearted route right now all we are seeing is a lot of angered people across the country. working-class american what are we doing for american citizens first? it goes to american arms manufacturers does it not? does an employee american people? >> some of it does. some of it does replenish our reserves we can give more to ukraine. obviously that is very important. but the american people want to see us do something about the southern border. again, there are bills out there like brian fitzpatrick in title 42 you just do those are two things to curb about 80% of illegal crossings coming across the border immediately. but we did not do any of that today for. >> the situation at the southern border is pure chaos.
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>> it is dire congresswoman nancy mason south carolina thank you. anti- israel protesters at columbia university in new york city is undeterred by the intervention they chant more than 110 people have been arrested since thursday. cb cotton is live outside the school now. >> good evening for the crowd of pro- palestinian demonstrators outside columbia university has only grown in the past several hours per take a look at. i want to set the scene for you. mrs. out from the iron gate a clear view of the students inside the two groups are fueling each other with their
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chance and their messages. this is why some jewish students tell us they started a petition to the columbia administration they don't feel they can attend classes in person anymore. the students writing quote columbia university fell categorically threatened by unaffiliated protesters on and off campus britain of the position they wrote those of us living on and off campus cannot come and go from our homes to campus as we please without fear of being threatened, harassed or assaulted. as such we urged administration to allow us to attend classes virtually until the situation has entirely de- escalated. we try to get some of the pro- palestinian protesters or the community protesters to speak with us. several have declined to talk on camera but yesterday we were on the ground inside campus the student protest is heading into date for her here's what happen. watch.
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>> if you would not stop it recording i can direct you to them they have to stop recording first. >> the student protesters may not talk to our cameras but on social media they say they are not deterred by the arrest of more than 100 students who spent more than a day camped out in tents on the lawn protesting the conflict in the middle east demanded university divest from companies connected to his report nypd moves in the universituniversity's request ar students were given repeated warnings. protest happening off campus are encouraging these students someone captured these comments overheard this week. >> 's sethe seventh of october. [inaudible] one more time, 10 more times. not a thousand more times. [inaudible]
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we spoke to the jewish students at those comments were directed to her, listen. >> it was scary. it was really like -- like the fact some it would really say that. we have come to the terms with the fact is really something people feel. and i know that it is for the fact someone outwardly set it to us was really scary. it feels very reminiscent of a different time that we should never go back to you. >> jon it is safe to assume this crowd here outside the university will only grow there is a protest plan to start at 9:00 p.m. eastern called flood columbia for gaza. back to you. >> a very brave protester did not want to be recorded spouting her opinions? >> jon, no she did not want to speak with us. it's interesting because as you
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can hear behind me a lot of the demonstrators have a lot to say. the minute you try to talk with them they do not want to chat they're very selective in who they speak with her there were cameras in the recording they did not to speak with fox news. they did not want to share their views with fox news and viewership. in terms of counter protesters there has been no counter protesters out here. no pro israel voices. maybe that is because of the size of the crowds this can be intimidating sometimes for people to walk up towards. >> she keeps her face covered this not want to be recorded on camera. that's the bravery of her ideals. cb cotton outside new york city club at university, thank you. coming up presidents current and former face an important test and a key battleground states biden and trump will hear from the voters of pennsylvania in that state's primary election tuesday.
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♪ >> since 1948 no democrat has won that the white house without winning pennsylvania. the primaries on tuesday the general election has started we are live from scranton, next. it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, bbq, smoke and air fry. backyard bashes are better with pizza ovens that give you crispy crust. 700° high heat roasting, and bbq smoking. it's better outside with ninja.
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jon: next our former president trumbull kick off a campaign rally in wilmington, north carolina the fuller president returned to the trail after a week of contentious jury selection in his new york city hush money trial. opening arguments are set for monday. pennsylvania gearing up for primary debris president invited reactive former president trump to face the voters of the keystone state on tuesday what could be a prelude to their big rematch in november. bryan llenas is live in scranton, pennsylvania president biden's hometown. correct jon, good evening. scranton is also the hometown onetime democratic senator bob casey's kicks are the general
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election campaign already tomorrow with a 20 stop tour of pennsylvania. casey and his challenger republican david mccormick are running unopposed in tuesday's primaries of the general election has already started in this race. that is likely to determine control of the u.s. senate. mccormick today stopped at state college at an event penn state legend emmett may writer nickel part former hedge fund ceo talked about how his own high school and at west point wrestling career showed him the kind of leadership needed to be in the senate. now mccormick is trying to blame inflation on president biden and senator casey the economy is the number one issue in pennsylvania. fox news and polling shows just 14% of pennsylvania's voters say their families have been getting ahead financially. we spoke to business owners in scranton including the owner of the comics on the green shop who says he does not blame one
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individual for inflation but certainly the top issue for him. >> i mean as far as a business goes there's consumer confidence going into the rest of the year. a lot of people now the rising costs of just about everything else they may not have as much money to spend on nonessential things like their hobbies and things like that we rely on that of course. >> is not just inflation for the biden campaign is playing defense against independent candidate robert f kennedy jr.'s appeal to a liberal vote is a former bernie sander polster telling the "new york times" quote i'm raising the alarm young voters and latinos respond really well to a hard edge economic populist message that is not biden's message fox news polling shows a biden and trump are in a dead heat here in pennsylvania. when you are at rfk junior to the ballot, trump wins this state that seen as a near must win for president biden. jon: bryan llenas in scranton,
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pa the president's hometown thanks. >> see it ready to choose freedom over democracy because that is america. [applause] >> my uncle amber is the calm bows that he got shot down in new guinea. they never found the body there were a lot of cannibals for real in that part of new guinea. jon: president biden getting roundly mocked for a series of gaffes or stories this week including a one it would she confuse the name of a port city and israel with the city in the gaza strip while talking about that middle east war. meanwhile his republican challenger former president trump finished off the first week of his hush money trial in new york city. as a mentioned opening sam's in the case are expected to start monday after the court wrapped up selection of a full 12 member jury and the six alternates on friday. sarah bedford is a political investigative reporter for the
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washington examiner. sarah, you could say neither one of these men had a particularly good week. how do you size it up? who's week was better or worse? >> it is hard to say this was a good week for donald trump. time is a really precious commodity when it comes to presidential races. the fact that donald trump is going to have to spend as much as eight weeks sitting in the courtroom, not campaigning in swing states is going be costly for them this is an important stretch of the race leading up to the party conventions. that's going to be tougher donald trump but this week highlights the fundamental problem and vulnerability for the joe biden camp which is the more joe biden is put out there for voters to see on the campaign trail, the more evident his cognitive decline is to voters for that something for the white house to cover up. this week underscored that challenge for them. jon: 's un is uncle spy was nott
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down it apparently ditched in the water off of new guinea but there is absolutely no evidence according to the records that we have seen that there is any cannibalism involved. he probably went in the water and never surfaced again. >> that is right this is far from the first time joe biden has spun some sort of yarn about his background or said something completely nonsensical about foreign policy or his own platform. this is a problem that comes up again and again for the white house is an eight lose/lose situation of the keep joe biden behind closed doors, something they tried before questions about his ability really start to fester. when they put him out there to say the president is fine, he is maintaining an aggressive campaigning schedule things like this tend to pop up and string them all together is hard for voters to shake that image of a president in decline. biden is not done himself any
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favors and attempting to rid himself of that perception. jon: former president trump is going to be appearing in pennsylvania tonight. it appears this is a neck and neck race in that state right now. biden at 48% trump at 48% according to the latest fox news poll there is a 3% margin of error. pennsylvania is going to be key to the white house for one of these two men. >> that is right. his white things like the rfk junior factor and the trump trial factor are so important particulate date last when the trial factor. there are polls that suggest a small number of voters who are planning on voting for donald trump might reevaluate if he is convicted of one of these crimes. but in these states that are statistical ties it only takes a few thousand voters changing their minds to tip the outcome. likewise with rfk junior he still polling under 10% in a lot of the states. that is still enough to tip the
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margin of these races away from joe biederman rfk is primarily peeling voters away from biden's of some of these sideshows to the 2024 election could end up being really consequential to the outcome. jon: rococo above the results are fox news polling on three other critical swing states. president trump, former president trump leads a president bite 51 -- 45 in georgia. forty-nine/46 in michigan. and again in wisconsin it's 48 -- 48 type. sarah bedford we have to leave it there. thank you. >> thank you. space this coming up with the federal reserve cut interest slides that write later this year? inflation worries are casting a bit of doubt on that possibility. economist steve moore is here with his take on a potential rates cut in the state of the economy are hard-working americans. steven moore is next. ♪
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jon: by the administration said the economy is strong. so why are americans not more optimistic? one big reason, inflation slowed but seems to be taking up again that is also keeping interest rates in place at a higher than expected levels the prices of overall goods up almost 19% since biden took office average annual living costs also increased while the real wages are down. food prices have risen 25% prices at the pump up more than 50%. freedom works chief economist steven moore is here to weigh in. steven, will people go to the voting booth the economy is usually the number one issue. that is the case there's some powerful headwinds against this biden administration or by
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didn't reelection it would seem. >> you better believe it. he thought a few months ago we solve the inflation problem but it is back big time. we are headed at looks like back about 5% inflation but don't forget it was only 1.6% inflation when trump left office. even statistics you are just deciding about price is up 18 or 19% if you look at the essentials americans have to buy if you look at groceries prettyu look at gas prices you look at rent or electric utility bills, mortgages. i think for average americans the average costs are up about 30%. that means americans are getting financially squeezed. if you believe joe biden when he says it's a good economy you probably think ojeh simpson was innocent. jon: runaways cementing is what critics say is responsible for all of this. too few dollars or too many dollars i should say chasing too
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few goods. thus the definition i learned in my econ classes in college i guess i was too long ago. >> you get an a in economics today that it's exactly right. the problem is too many economists in washington get enough they keep thinking we could run truly to half-dollar deficits. print off this money. flesh of the economy was cheap dollars is not going to cause inflation but of course it has. i'm old enough to remember when ronald reagan won a landslide election he gets another incumbent democrat jimmy carter and the reason jimmy carter lost was because americans hate inflation where they feel it every day they're angry at the cash register. i would not want to be joe biden right now i do not understand why keeps running around telling people good things are. it's a pretty good job's market right now but when your paycheck is shrinking relative to what you can afford that's not a good news story for the economy. jon: of much of the u.s. economy is driven by the housing market because of people can buy a house and they want to buy
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carpeting, lamps, refrigerators and all that kind of thing. with interest rates of that high people are not buying houses these days the prospect of mortal rates cuts from the federal reserve they were supposed to be three more this year, right? >> let's a very unlikely at this point. look at the mortgage rate adjustment back over 7%. again to go back under trump we were at 3% mortgage rate. what you are seeing now is the average payment on the 30 year mortgage if you buy a new house right now 50, 60, 80% higher than what you had to pay three or four years ago. this is a double killer of higher inflation and higher interest rates that are making everything more expensive. at the same time how are people dealing with this the running of credit cards we have a record credit card debt. sorry, it's not a pretty picture right now. >> for the average family you say it is about $2500 the
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average family is about $2500 pour this year compared with last year. >> that is because of the inflation. when people's paychecks do not keep up with inflation they get poorer, they cannot afford more and by the way the same number was positive 6000 versus negative 2000 -- 2500. when he does siesta look in the camera and asked the american people are you better off today than you were four years ago? for most americans they answer that question right now is no. jon: there are the numbers but overall goods prices since 2021 up almost 19% and real wages down to an half percent. steven moore it's good to have you on, talk to you soon. >> thank you. jon: will back with more fox report right after this. at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors,
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jon: lawmakers in the u.s. house approving more than $60 billion in aid for ukraine. >> this vote is 366 and the nays are 56 the bill passed for cooks work support could give you create a critical boost in its fight against russia. senior foreign affairs correspondent dave alcott is alive in kyiv with the latest there. >> jon, there's a huge sigh of relief here in kyiv for the united states has come through. it has been truly desperate here more than two years into the war russia is getting ground with a massive advantage in artillery and ukraine short of air defense missiles and the infrastructure is in tatters we spoke with one american veteran fighting in training alongside the ukrainians he said troops are courageous but they are missing
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bullets. officials were even talking about defeat for the first time. the ukraine is getting other assistance without the u.s. there was a gaping hole. now $61 billion worth but some to replenish ammunition stocks more indirect strategic aid to the country, loans, humanitarian assistance, there were some of what a very grateful president zelenskyy had to say overnight. >> today we got the decision we were expecting, the american support package. for which we fought so much. very weighty package that we felt by our soldiers on the front lines, our cities and villages that suffer from russian terror. >> package still has to be okayed by the senate and president biden that is expected. the pentagon says i can start getting near in the coming days but still has to get into the hands of the troops who have been waiting for months. hopefully it's not too late. back to you. jon: greg palkot in kyiv thank
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you. fox news alert former president donald trump's north carolina rally scheduled for tonight's is now canceled. the recent question rick wilmington, north carolina is currently under a severe thunderstorm warning. mr. trump called into the rally asking his supporters to leave and stay safe as they do so. he said he will make it up to the crowd at a later date. coming up,. [background noises] it is not just north carolina and the trump rally part number of states are getting a soaking this weekend. there's even some snow in the forecast. meteorologist adam klotz has details for us, next.
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jon: welcome back. some headlines from around the globe. and iraq authorities investigating an explosion at eight militia base that killed one person. militia calls it an attack but has not blamed any particular body yet the u.s. denies
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involvement. and russia defense ministry said it intercepted 50 ukrainian drones during an attack last night. part of me, fuel depot caught fire into civilians were killed. in north korea officials say they tested a quote super large cruise missile warhead and a new antiaircraft missile off the western coast. they claim they reached a quote search and goal but offered no more specifics. and divide catastrophic closing his close schools and businesses and disrupted air travel reports say about 10 inches of rain fell in a single day at nearly twice what do by gets in a typical year. the heaviest rainfall there in 75 years. an indian prime minister seeking a third term as voting began yesterday. 970 million people expected to head to the polls.
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and in the uk a baby white rhino basks in the sun delighting its zookeepers with antics the six week old calf is named benjamin is only one of about 18000 white winos remaining in the world. cute. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. a springtime snow storm sweeping across colorado this week and with some parts of the state hit with as much as 10 inches. what happens to the system now? fox weather meteorologist adam klotz joins us with america's forecasts. >> across the country including with the folks are seeing in colorado. as we know across portions of north carolina we saw wilmington get to an error they see a severe thunderstorm warning that knelt moving off to the east at 15 miles an art winds at 60 miles an hour quarter size hail. these are individual severe thunderstorms working across the
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southeast up into the northeast that weather is a little more tame but they're still rain we are currently tracking move across the region will continue to watch that. now as you mentioned snow also in the forecast. believe it or not this is not uncommon for this area a lot of these areas across the rockies april is the snowiest month. but by far the largest weather system continues to be across the south eventually here in the southeast. you can see a ton of lightning lighting up across texas it has been raining all day and a lot of these areas and with that flooding is a concern this stretches all the across the south sat southeast. you see more yellow individual boxes everyone is a severe warn of thunderstorm similar to what is just showing in north carolina the wilmington area all of these winds upper and 60 miles per hour we were talking hail and really heavy rain as these make this move. how much moraines on the way question rick it's been raining all day some of the heirs back across the east texas getting into louisiana several inches of rain the ground saturated there's not going to take a whole lot for flooding, flooding is a concern here is the entire system is going to be dragging
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his way there across the south and southeast. timestamp up in the corner we're running overnight her bedtime begin to send it getting on the backside of this across some of the heavier hit areas. we watch the whole system drag across the southeast and now through sunday morning. ultimately you get into sunday afternoon more of that rain is moving to portions of georgia, getting into the carolinas before ultimately clearing off. do you clear out a lid on the backside of the system. i will lead with their temperatures here today at which various sprint like it will take you into sunday's temperatures. a lot of 60s out there a lot of 70s out there. cold air and warm air hit each other this time of year you get all this wild weather. jon: feels like spring in new york most of the time meteorologist adam klotz thanks. up next and cut elite kittens in need of a home got a little help from popstar taylor swift. we will tell you that, ahead.
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breaking news out of brooklyn, new york. please confirm a stabbing on a party boat in brooklyn at the main terminal. number four. at least two stabbings are confirmed, no word on the victims conditions. no motive is clear but police say it's not terror related.
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more on this breaking story as details become available. if you are familiar with harry potter books and films, you know he has an invisibility cloak. this is not that but might be close. a british company introducing a shield it says can make you disappear. it works by using vertically oriented lenses to scatter light horizontally. he said to cause your image to basically vanish. there's more. background light passed through the shield and refracts for the observer. effectively stretching out the background to further mask your presence. prices for different sized invisibility shields from $67 to $870. any swift he knows taylor loves cats and her fans do not two. atlanta, animal shelters said tickets for taylor swift album from party sold out in less than five minutes. all in all, 100 people showed up
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to cuddle kids and listen to new songs on a tortured poet's department. the adorable kids up for adoption. while raising money for the shelter to purchase crucial supplies. sounds like a good way to raise money, you got to hear music and kids at the same time. >> for me right now down back, smallest and, i like the song peter, nor more a fan of the second half the elbow, i know the kids opinions on this. >> you are a taylor swift band. >> i am into it. >> i like her music, just can't name all the songs like you can. >> will get you listening. >> that's how fox reports this saturday april 20, 2024. i am jon scott, the "big weekend show" is next. ♪


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