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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 21, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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taking place. we are destroying our constitutional system, our justice system eviscerated trying to but the former president in prison before the election. we are undermining stabbing in the back, closest ally state of israel while we are funding 200 billion and islamists regime in iran to build nukes. what is going on in this country? i'll take was going on. the democrat party hates america. yes, it does. it allows america, it has a funny way of showing it. but for the same brain and they're doing all this to our country. god forbid. i'll see you t ♪
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♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪
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will: we begin with a fox news alert. the house voting the pass the $95 billion. foreign aid package yesterday. >> house speaker mike johnson dodging his ouster vote for now despite the bill already receiving backlash from both sides of the aisle. pete: madeleine rivera is live in washington with the details. >> reporter: house speaker johnson is calling the world a tinder box that needs american leadership. the $95 billion aid package if includes money for israel, ukraine and the indo-pacific. it passed with rare bipartisan support. but funding for ukraine, about $60 billion, was the most contentious in the bill. a red line for hard-line conservatives and the reason for a months-long stalemate. the vote on ukraine was 311-112 with all a democrats in support and more than half of ore palin opposed. -- republicans opposed. house democrats began waving the
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ukrainian flag on the floor causing the chair to call for decorum. kentucky senator rand paul slammed the move calling it a society to send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime, and just like that they shout ukraine, ukraine while happily working to secure ukraine's borders, not ours. but cori bush was inaccident adds well -- incensed as well, joining a protest to rail against the israel bill even though the package does include money for gaza. >> this bill pa -- that passed today is a death warrant. it's a death warrant for palestiniansment it -- palestinians. it means that -- >> reporter: notably, no one has triggered a vote to oust johnson just yet, marking a major win for the speaker after a few bumpy months in the role. guys, back to you. will: thank you. pete: it was a staggering thing, to see a foreign aid package
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passed, brought forward by a republican speaker but with the overwhelming support of democrats who then busted out their trusty ukrainian flag to wave on the floor. it's almost, it was -- can you know, waving that in the face of the american people, also demonstrating, as a rand a paul pointed out, where their real priorities lie. kayleigh: house speaker mike johnson said there's only one flag that should be waving on the floor, and that is, in fact, the american flag if. to your point, pete, it reminds me of the state of the union. when i get to watch it, okay, what's the president gown to hit first, the economy, border? no, he went straight to ukraine as if that is the top of the priority for every single american voter. and there you go, democrats again. will: it's a top of mind priority for the american congress, and it does leave behind what almost every poll suggests is the top-line priority for the american
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people, the southern border. bill melugin tweeted out sol -- some of the responses from if border patrol members he spoke to. after i asked for their response to the $95 billion foreign aid passing the house, but nothing in this package for us, border security as border numbers begin to rise again. here's those responses. unbelievable. we're screwed. so messed up. pete: yeah. they must feel abandoned. how can they not? i mean, especially when this speaker said nothing else is going to happen until we secure the border. he said it right here on couch. i don't know what happened. i don't know if it's a cloakroom thing, if it's an intelligence agencies thing, if it's a uniparty pressure thing, but when you're the speaker, you get to choose what bills come to the floor. and if your caucus doesn't support, clearly, this, then you shouldn't have to. but he felt compelled to without bringing, without forcing the issue to include border security. will: so much so that he's
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prepared to have a throwdown on a motion to south korea candidate his position as speaker -- vacate. kayleigh: i think democrats will never vote on the border security funding. and he said last night one of the keys for him was the fact that a this was the only way to get aid through for israel. it was unpalatable for democrats to ever pass anything israel stand-alone, so this had to go forward in order to protect the national security of our country in his calculation. pete: i guess. [laughter] i've herald that. i have heard that. you know, i feel like -- yeah. he's dealing with a lot of factors that a morning show host isn't dealing with, so i get that. but you'd love to stand your ground, make your statement and say, hey, we support israel. we're going to put the bill forward. you don't want to deal with it? we'll fight that out in the media. here's our border bill. i know it's not that simple, but that's certainly what people expected. kayleigh: that is the saw sausage making of the legislature.
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it is not easy. will: yesterday we told you about the protests at a places like columbia, yale, harvard. it continued yesterday afternoon. watch. [inaudible conversations] [background sounds] >> shame on you! shame on you! [inaudible conversations] >> from the river to the sea -- >> from the if live to the sea -- >> [inaudible] >> and i don't say just palestinians, i say palestine. [cheers and applause] [inaudible conversations] >> get the hell oi of ear! get the hell out of here! >> don't say that to someone.
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that's so horrible. will: those were videos from yale and columbia yesterday. just a couple of quick ons sayingses. -- observations. these take place at really, honestly, some of the most far-left corners of american society. i mean, they're doing this at columbia which is already one of the places where if you wanted to find sympathies for palestinian causes, you would find it most likely at yale and columbia. they're not downing it, you know, in the middle of a suburb of dallas, texas, they're doing it right there the at a place where they have you would think a friendly audience to some extent. not at all friendly, because some jewish students are saying, hey -- pete: not even close. will: -- we don't want to show up to class. in fact, they put up a petition to move back to virtual classes. they told our own, i believe,
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c.b. cotton, those of us living on and off campus cannot go as we please for fear of being threatened, harassed or assaulted. as such, we urge the administration to allow us the attend classes virtually. if i saw a video of them celebrating an american flag being taken down. so make no mistake. not just pro-palestinian. anti-american. pete: absolutely. absolutely. the hole thing is anti-american and anti-israel at etc. core. masquerading as anti-war or proto-palestinian or palestine, as you heard that one woman talk about. yeah, it's happening on these campuses because they're safe spaces the kick around, will, to express their angst about the world they live in that they don't understand because while they rejected god a long time ago and they don't have a narrative ant their own history. so they've been told that the oppressor is the west, and it's america and israel. and they fight back byawaying these flags -- waving these
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flags and making these signs. and shame on the administration of places like columbia where their own students don't feel safe going to class. what, are jewish i students second class citizens? you're scared to walk across campus? that's the kind of thing that should be a fireable offense. i know the columbia president went to capitol hill recently and said some of the right words, but that doesn't matter if your own students are afraid. kayleigh: at a time when there is still a professor there who called the october 7th attack awesome. he used the word awesome. a terrorist attack where babies are found in ovens. i say that repeatedly. it is hard to hear, but people forget this. we've played the clean sound bites for you. we haven't played the ones where they're shouting and cursing out police officers saying your mother was a bleep, i will leave that to your imagination, shouting down a police officer if or the one where a new york city protester said october 7th will happen not one more time, not five more times, not ten
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more times, not one hundred more times but 10,000 more times. october 7th. babies were killed, babies were slaughtered. that's what this is about a, and these are hamas sympathizers, many of them. pete: for sure. you mentioned the environment inside the so-called liberation zone. so they feel comfortable inside the campus of columbia. we mentioned it a little bit yesterday. we want the play some more footage from the ingram angle on friday night. our own c.b. cotton had a microphone and camera, she's allowed to be there, walked into the liberation zone, and here's the response she got. >> reporter: wondering, can we talk to you guys about your demands for the university? >> we have -- do you mind, we have, like, a media team if you're interested in talking to people -- >> reporter: can we speak with that media team? >> could you stop recording for a second? would that be okay? >> reporter: well, i see there are other cameras here. >> if you would mind stopping record, we could connect you -- >> >> reporter: we just want to talk to you all about your
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demands for the university. we're with fox news. >> fox news? >> reporter: yes, that's correct. >> okay. yeah, we do have a press team. >> if you wouldn't with mind stopping recording, i can direct you to them, but you have to stop the -- >> reporter: well, pete, we tried to speak with some of the students, but they don't want to speak with us, and they're very selective about who they allow into this liberated zone. there are other cameras in there right now. we can see those cameras but, again, our camera is not allowed in. will: she did a great job. one last point i want to make on this, they're asking or -- whatever their demands may be, we're taking turns trying to estimate what their goals are, pro-hamas, anti-american. and pete and i have been working on this to some extent. i'm comfortable. one of the things that people have a lot of ignorance about when it comes to this war it should be pointed out quickly, the estimates number of civil civilian and combatant dead from institutions that would flayed
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facilitate the numbers, probably incorrect. even if you take their numbers and if then minus out the number of combatants that the idf says they've taken out, the civilian to combatant death ratio that israel has managed to accomplish if in an urban warfare environment, while t sad that any if civilian ever dies in war, it is a fact of war, it is markedly lower than almost any other war in history. the efforts that israel has gone to reduce civilian deaths are historically an outlier if compared to any other war. kayleigh: interesting. pete: you're exactly right. and i've heard -- that's the numbers. i've heard the same thing from the folks that just analyze these things on the military side. they say we've never seen neck like it. yes, people get killed, you're exactly right, the numbers are a lie from the gaza health ministry or or but the steps the israeli military have been taken will be 12ued in the pooch because of the consideration for civilians.
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kay key of course, israel gets all the blame, and the united nations wants to focus entirely on israel. at least 2 people are dead and 15 hurt after a driver plowed into a children's beth day party in michigan on saturday -- birth day. will: this story is so sad. >> reporter: it's a tough one, guys. the or horror unfolded about 3 p.m. saturday afternoon when a 66-year-old. suspected drunk driver plowed through the swan creek boat club during a children's birthday party. at least 15 people were hurt, 6 adults and 3 children sustained life-threatening injuries and are fighting for their lives this morning. two other children's seven lippings died at the scene -- siblings. the monroe county sheriff was visibly shakeen during a press conference. >> the scene was described by the first responders as extremely chaotic with high level of emotions of those directly involved and and those who witnessed this or risk
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incident. horrific incident. >> reporter: authorities are not identifying the driver of the suv that plunged 25 feet into the building causing extreme chaos, scattered balloons and party cups laid among the, rubble. the woman that was arrested, she was booked for suspicion of operating a vehicle while causing death and intoxicated, and we are expecting additional charges to come very soon for her, guys. kayleigh: tragic. wow. that just breaks your heart. pete: 5 -year-old and an 8-year-old. i can't imagine. return now to a fox news alert. michael avenatti is reportedly talking to former president trump's defense team with opening arguments in the hush money trial set to begin tomorrow. avenatti confirming the talks with the new york post saying, quote, the defense has contacted me. i'd be more than happy to testify. i don't know what i will -- that i will be called to testify, but i have been in touch with
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trump's defense for the better part of the year. the guy just won't go away. kaye ea kay no, he won't. [laughter] will: it'll be hard to put him on the stand. pete: yeah. it's interesting -- will: now he's acting like he would say something in defense of trump and saying -- pete: such a loose cannon, i don't trust him, but he gets the headlines, and that's what he wants. a full jury has been selected with alternate jurors chosen on friday. former presidential candidate and governor of south carolina nikki haley welcoming home her husband michael from his year-long deployment with the state's national guard on saturday. haley posting photo on x with the caption, quote, that moment when you finally take a breath. it's been a long year but even longer without each other. and amazing footage shows a taco bell manager in pennsylvania springing into action to save a baby's life after the child's mother realized her baby boy wasn't
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breathing. the manager rushing into action and giving the choking boy chest compressions. thankfully, baby miles started breathe withing -- breathing shortly after the employee's heroic actions. kayleigh: he needs a raise, wow. pete: finally, eating in bed is becoming an increasingly popular trend among young people -- will: gross. kayleigh: what? why not? will: are you serious, kayleigh? kayleigh: yes. my daughter and i do it all the time. [laughter] pete: 58% of americans between 18 and 24 say their bed is their preferred place to eat when they get hungry late at night while nearly 44% of adults of all ages admit to doing the same. so we want to know, do you like to eat where you sleep, or is snacking in the snack a no go? e-mail us, the more color areful and descriptive, the better.
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will: okay. here's my -- first of all, never saw that one coming, kayleigh. [laughter] kayleigh: i didn't see this coming. of. will: i'm going to bet this is one of the places we're on the same side, this is a no-no. pete: bigtime. will: it's just gross. pete: it's gross. if you do it, your kids do it and there's stiff of in your sheets. just get up -- will: in your sheets. of. kayleigh: my husband agrees with you, and my daughter blake and i, we lap it up. we bring cake to bed, ice cream -- will: cake in bed? if. [laughter] kayleigh: yes. pete: i don't even leak are it on the couch, okay? will: new york i'm not -- pete: i'm a two skips away guy -- steps away. will: i have a rule with my boy withs, also their complete pigs. eat it, i don't want iten on the floor and on the couch and trust them, then i would be with okay. but i can't trust them -- [laughter] kayleigh: there's something special about laying in bed with food, i've just got to say. someone out there agrees with
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me, i know. will: you know the food you take to the living room is chips and dip, football game? i hate it. you know why? if here's my youngest son. chip, pull -- could you make that go any further? pete: boone is over here, like, cracking chips and everything over the top of the dip. it's the only time we -- will: i'd prefer him do that, lean over, as opposed to the expansion of the couch and the floor, then drag -- [laughter] and then it gets on their shirt and why are you surprised? you're leaning back. kayleigh: you remember the day of the pouches, the little pouches that babies suck out of? my son goes around the house everywhere. i have it worse than you. will: all right. so, again, pete: and, kayleigh, or it's great to see you. look at this, will. not only does she rock the green, but even a matching green can be pen. kayleigh: it is not st. patrick's day, but you have license to have a beer. will: all right.
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biden bulldozes title ix rules but sidesteps the issue of trans-athletes in women's sports. kayleigh: riley gaines says the overhaul only hurts female students. she's next. ♪ what if i fall? ♪ i won't let you fall. ♪ what if i cry? ♪ i'll never let you cry ♪ if what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you.
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kayleigh: president biden rolling how out new title ix rules with more protections to lgbt students, but he avoids e addressing trans-gender athletes. our next guest says new regulation threatens decades of advancement for women, former ncaa swimmer riley gaines joins us now. rially -- can. [laughter] i read -- riley, the -- i read the extra a nation and it down con founded me. here's what miguel cardona had the awe audacity to say. built on the legacy of title ix9 by clarifying all our nation's students can access schools that are welcoming and respect hair rights. so according to the biden administration if, pushing women out of women's sports builds on the legacy of title ix? and help me understand. >> exactly. that's exactly what they're saying. they're saying all are welcome
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except for women. this is the most as a nine -- as nine, i would say the most anti-woman, anti-reality pursuit we have seen from this administration thus far. it is something that not only abolishing women's sport as we know it, this would allow men in women's locker room, bathroom, changing spaces, potentially allow men to be housed in dorm rooms with women, and this would compel or our stephen. students and faculty would be forced, required to use preferred pronounce, and if we don't or if you, a 17-year-old girl who's randomly housed with a male in your dorm room, if you go to your administration and express your discomfort, under this new proposal, this new rewrite, you would be guilty and charged with sexual harassment. not the man praigd around your locker room. no, to piped opinion that's considered brave, that's considered inspiring and stunning and whatever other very white house word he wants -- virtuous word he wants to use with.
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but you calling a spade if a spade is grounds for sexual harassment. kayleigh: you know, i read a washington post poll last year, and it was on these transgender issues, and it was astounding, riley. i look at a lot of political can issues, and a lot of them are 50-50 or 40-60, these were astounding. i mean, to the tune of measure 60% saying -- more than 60% saying they do not believe biological men could compete in women's sport. do you get the sense across the country that people are with you on this issue regardless of party identification? >> of course i do which is why, honestly, i was mind-blown that he pursued this in an election year, honestly. but the way he did it was pretty strategic. you mentioned leading up to this hit that he has a separate rollout for sports. basically, what he was doing was winking at normal, sane people saying, hey, we're with you, but also winking at the progressive left saying, hey, we're with you. in doing that, really standing on the fence we know that this is a way the alienate both
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sides. so, of course, this is an issue that 90, i would say 95% of common sense, everyday americans, parents, coaches or, medical professionals, female athletes themselves, they see this happening and certainly turns them away. this really isn't a battle of red versus blue. really what this is is sane versus insane, really moral versus evil. kayleigh: riley gaines, you have billion if on the forefront of this issue fighting for people across the country, people like my daughter who i hope in women's sports one day. thank you for very much from a brother -- mother -- >> thank you, kayleigh. be sure and tell your daughter i say hi. key. kayleigh: i will. the $955 a billion foreign aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan -- $99 -- 95 -- and could it mean the end of an era? the forced sale of tiktok a step closer to reality. jason chaffetz on the fall of
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pete: we're back with a fox news alert. a 95 billion foreign aid package is headed to the senate floor after passing in the house overnight. the bill includes more than $60 billion for ukraine, $26 billion for israel but there's gaza money in there too, and $8.1 billion for the indo-pacific renal. . of note, nothing for our southern border. here to the break it down is fox news contributor jason chaffetz. jason, thanks for being here. help me out because there were a lot of people in powerful positions for a long time saying we have to do something on the border. the border is the priority. how then do we get this outcome with lots of money for other people's border but nothing to enforce ours?
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>> i can't help you out there, pete, because i don't understand it. i'm not in congress anymore, but if i was there, i would vote no. i just, i couldn't. yeah, do i want to help israel? absolutely. do i want to help ukraine? if yes. do i want to push back against, i guess, or russia, china and other nefarious forces, absolutely. but our number one priority if you put it on my table, i look at that and say it's protecting the southern border of the united states of america. now, the only reason that a doesn't happen is because democrats said noment -- no. and the republicans have to go out there and make that case and remind people that's how adamant they are. democrats will not do anything to help lock down the border. but i still think you have to hold the line. and i have great respect for the people who did vote for this, but it is just wrong to not prioritize the southern border. pete: jason, you've been a chairman. you know what that pressure's like. is it just so much pressure, i mean, to stare down the other
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side and say, no, we're not going to let you wave your little ukrainian flags until we secure our border here? is it just over time they wear people down like speaker johnson? how does that -- i know you said you don't know, but what's that pressure like? >> the pressure is immense. you want to go along to get along there in washington d.c. but you have a lot of principled people who voted no. and, again, i think there are some good people who probably voted yes who do care most about a ukraine. the number of flags the ukrainian flags flown on the floor of the house of representatives, are you kidding me? i just don't understand. i mean, that's where where you have to hold the line and say, new york i'm not going to vote for -- no, i'm not going to vote for this until we take care of america first. that's where i would be, but not enough of them, pete. pete: not even close. you're exactly right. i mean, it's a demonstration of what the democrat party is most interested in. it is ukrainian funding and not our people. >> yeah.
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pete: if i want to get to one other portion of what passed in that bill as well. here's the headline from the new york post, tiktok ban now ineffable after house overwhelmingly -- enevident,, after a bill passed forcing a sale. well, here's a quote also from a tiktoker who says, talking about what he's seeing on tiktok. he's saying in regard to the israel-palestine conflict for all the biggest sources of misinformation, tiktok is just a gold mine. it seems like there is something happening in the algorithm that is very much trying to soil the west. is -- what do you make of this kind of ban of tiktok and that they'll have to sell to an american company? >> i think it should have happened a long time ago. i think it's good. it's controlled by the chinese communist party. the office of propaganda there in china uses it as a tool indirectly through tiktok. they have a major impact, and i understand such a major portion of american are using it.
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but this is a good bill to actually thwart what the chinese are doing and pushing them out. and all it's doing is forcing the divestiture, so it's owned by somebody else. and by the way, one other quick thing, pete. we had this discussion about tiktok but also about the other funding aid, how can we never have a discussion in this country about where we're going to cut spending in other places to fund these types of priorities? pete: oh, yeah. [laughter] >> we never have that discussion. pete: that's a whole other thing. we're $35 trillion, i think is the number now, we're so far gone from reality that i think they've just stopped caring about it, stopped discussing it, and someday those chickenningses are going to -- can chickens are going to come home to roost. jason, thanks for your time. >> thanks, peeve. pete: the student exchange program swapping red and blue state e teens to find new perspectives and common ground across america. interesting. i'm intrigued. i'm going to come back after the commercial break and watch.
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>> what if students from palo alto and the bronx got to taste the best barbecue in texas? what if teenagers from jackson, mississippi, and jackson, georgia, could summit a rocky mountain? what if an american adulthood
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began with an adventure that a brought us all closer together? will: the american exchange project if swaps teens in red and blue states to give them a new perspective. all in the mission to help connect our divided country. joining us now is two of the project alumni, brooke rosen from south dakota and traveled to new york city and c.j. schwartz is from oakland, california, and had the chance to visit south dakota. thank you both for being with us this morning. i think this is fascinating. first, let me talk about your personal experiences. brooke, how'd you hear about this program? if i mean, an exchange program in america between the states. fascinating. how'd you learn about the american exchange program? >> yeah. so we had a representative to our high school, and they just basically e gave us the spiel, gave us the well talk, told us that we could go on a completely free trip, and that's how i heard about it, and i was super excited. will: c.j., kind of the same question to you. what about this appealed to you
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in the beginning? you heard about it and and you're, like, yeah. i want to sign up for something like this. >> yeah. i mean, it's kind of hard to say no to a free trip, but i have this obsession with just seeing everywhere i can especially parts of the country, you know, it's amazing to see especially the midwest. like, i grew up in a very populated area, so seeing huge fields, farms, just stuff that i never thought i'd get to see, those are kind of the best experiences because, you know, it's a whole new part of the country. it's almost like another country. will: all right. so we've both established that you guys were in on a free trip. [laughter] brook, you go from south dakota to new york city and, look, i grew up in a small town in texas, and i ended up living here for 15 years. i know the type of things that are in your head, right? if what did you think before you got to new york city and how did it compare to what you experienced? >> so i tried to go into it with
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an open mind, but i had a lot of people telling me, oh, you're going to get your things stolen. these people that you're staying with are going to hurt you. so many kind of absurd things. so i was a little nervous, i definitely was a little scared. will: but then what was it like when you got here? >> it was so amazing. it was, honestly, the best experience of my life, and i would not trade it for anything. i met such amazing people during it that just my heart is full because of it. will: zj, in reverse now. you group, i believe it's in oakland, california, and then you went to, you know, brook's home state of south dakota. what did you have in your mind, what'd you expect and what was reality? >> i kind of just expected this, like, barren landscape of farms and maybe one house every once in a while. [laughter] which was kind of what it was in a lot of parts of the state. when we flew in, we flew into sioux falls which is this beautiful, vibrant city, and
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then we -- it's this tiny town, but it's absolutely beautiful. you know, there's shops lining every street, lots of farms with, like, you know, lots of farms with alpaca, bison, stuff you'd never expect to see up there. and then, you know, just all of the amazing people and so welcoming. got to see a baseball game, got to do all these things that i didn't really think about what people do for fun. will: right. i want to ask you both before we run out of time, what changed? like, i mean, about you and the way you view other place or, more importantly, how you view other people? what changed true this experience? i'll start with you, zj. >> i -- there's so much that makes all of us different and similar, but the best things about this program are just kind of understanding that we with all want to get along. nobody wants to be against each other. we're trying to find ways to connect to each other, and the
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best way is just to go talk. will: and, brook, what would you say, what did this experience change in you? >> i would definitely say that it made me a lot more open to, honestly, everything. we are very much similar people no matter who you meet p. i was able the find a correlation between any single person i met. and i think that's something we just need to realize, is we all are the same, we all bleed red. it's what we are. will: yeah. i hope also, zj, you got a chance to have, like are, real barbecue. i'm sure somewhere along the line you got a good brisket and you understand now and you can take the message and the gospel back to california of. [laughter] all right, zj, brook -- >> i'm doing my best. will: thank you both for meating with us morning. kayleigh, over to you. kayleigh: great segment. turning now to your headlines, former secretary of state hillary clinton in a recent podcast stated what direction she believes the country would go in former president trump is elected for a second term.
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>> trump was, like, you know, just gaga over putin because putin does what he would like to do, kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive, you know, journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance. that's what trump really wants. kayleigh: looks like she found her way out of that forest she was roaming in after the 2016 election. clinton did go on to also admit she feels president joe biden is too old to be running for president. a high school soccer game in new york city had to be canceled after a large group of migrants took over the field at harlem's thomas jefferson park. the coach for the manhattan kickers says that he asked what appeared to be 30 or so migrants to leave the field, but the group still refused despite police arriving. the coach told the post that the team felt unsafe and left and that the team doesn't plan on returning to that a field anytime soon.
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now to some spring football. the ufl san antonio brahmas dominating the michigan panthers in a 19-9 victory yesterday at the alamo dome. meanwhile, the birmingham stallions taking down the d.c. defenders 20-18 in front of an electric birmingham crowd. the win keeps the stallions undefeated in the ufl's inaugural season. tune in to fs1 later this afternoon when the arlington renegades take on the houston roughnecks at 2 p.m. eastern, and those are your headlines. well, spring is in full swing. we've got the top tips to keep any garden in full bloom all season long, but first, rick reichmuth is revving up ahead of today's geico 50 only fox. he's live from until keg georgia next. talladega next. ♪
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pete: today is the geico e 500 live on fox. kayleigh: and rick reichmuth is live in talladega helping us gear up for race day. watched today's race at 3 p.m. eastern time on fox. rick, over to you. pete: it's raining.
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rick: pete, you wanted this gig, right in. pete: yeah, i did. i did, rick, and now it's raining. sorry. [laughter] rick: yeah. thanks. no, i'm glad i got it. [laughter] makes sense if i'm here for the rain. really rainy night last night, really rainy morning, and i think the it's all -- it'll all be done for the race, so i think everything is going to be fine. obviously, it would cause more problems even potentially delaying the race, that's not going to happen. the rain will be done, but this morning things are looking pretty gloomy here. talladega, everybody loves this race, obviously, daytona, the start of the season, and now we're here already. this is the longest track, and it is also fun. i say last might if i was here in the infield, here at talladega, i would just is call it special. it has a very different vibe later in the even aing out here at talladega. we're going to be here all morning long talking the people at pods moving and storage and
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because pro shops, later on we've got richard childress and austin dillon and figure out who everybody thinks will win. as they say about talladega, this is the a race that anybody can win with, and that probably is going to be the case today. guys? if with. will: thank you, rick. pete: thank you, rick. kayleigh: yeah. thanks, rick. spring has sprung, and it's the perfect time to get gardening. pete: here with tips to keep your plants in bloom, lisa, the en-- owner of bountiful gardens in new jersey. hey, lisa. kayleigh: thanks for being here. >> yeah, thanks for having me. pete: what are your tips? i've failed on gardens before and not really succeeded. how do i do that? >> it's really easy, and that's why i brought these planters. so you can do container gardening to get started if you don't really -- if you feel intimidated by land. you know, it could be a lot. pete: yeah. >> so get a planter. you can do a little planter, but i love these the stack planters because these are amazing.
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you can have 42 vegetables in 2x2, so 4 square feet. jalapenos, cabbages, tomatoes, lettuce, you can have your kids harvesting, you can do all vegetable, all herbs, you can do flowers, everything. you can't really get 42 plants in such a small space, so vertical gardens are, like, the new thing, the way to go. and these planters are so different because they're really deep. and so -- pete: and just water them from the top and they go down? >> yeah. will: built in. >> yeah. you can get automatic irrigation or water manually from the top, but it will water itself. it has this trickle down effect, so you put the water in here, and it has has a cup every tier, so it just trickles into each planter. these are, like, no fail. and they're made in america, tennessee, they're called green stock garden. kayleigh: opinion tsaic e. will: i like gardening -- pete: you do? will: yeah, i really do. i have an orange tree that i
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babied. food. >> that's why i brought this. organic food is the way to go. it adds nutrients, and there's a lot going on in your soil that a lot of people don't realize. the soil is the most important for gardennenning tips. will: how often do you feed? >> spring and fall usually. yeah. for outdoors. indoors -- pete: just mix it into the dirt? >> you just mix it in, and when you water, it'll slowly get down into the soil so your a plants just grab it. kayleigh: yesterday there were these beautiful multicolored tulips. is that hard to achieve? >> no. you have to plant them in the fallen, if so you plant them ahead. they come in bags usually with all different colors, so you can buy multicolors, straight colors. tulips are really easy. in my area, the deer eat them, so a lot of people don't plant them. but deer are usually challenging, so these vertical planter s are the way to go with that as well because deer don't usually come on your patio. pete: you brought some for us.
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>> yeah. i brought for you guys to pick from. i have a strawberry jar for somebody. you can pick vegetables, and this one is an herb garden. has anybody if planted a container garden before? kayleigh: no. >> it's really easy. so do you want to do kale in. oh, yes, i love kale. pete: i want to do cock late mint. >> you shove it in. it's already done, you just backfill. you're already are doing it right. [laughter] pete: will's a green thumb. will, i didn't know you were a green thumb guy. i didn't have you as a green thumb guy, i didn't. ♪ ♪ spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted
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