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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 21, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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kayleigh: it's the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, fox news alert, anti-israel protests raging across college campuses. it's gotten so bad that the jewish students at columbia are asking to attend classes virtually. we'll talk to an activist speak out. pete: plus, opening statements set to begin tomorrow in president donald trump's hush money trial. as disgraced lawyer michael avenatti offers to testify for the former president. a former prosecutor on that we can expect this week. will: and, haven are, start your engines -- ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. we're gearing up for the geico 500 on fox. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ i'm on top of the world, eh. ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ pete: if all right, kayleigh, we play this game, name the skyline, all right? we're looking at i've got to say
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probably west coast because the lights are off. kayleigh: okay. pete: sun's not up yet -- will: some topography in the background -- can. pete: i think i see water on the right. kayleigh: los angeles? i'm going with l.a., and i'm probably wrong. pete: i think it's too maul to be l.a. will: i don't know. kayleigh: could be denver? pete: portland? i'm going to go portland -- kayleigh: oh, seattle. pete: where's the needle? kayleigh: oh, you can see it there. pete: really? the water gave it away -- will: i'll give you some crept, pete, you got in the right -- pete: thank you, brother. i'm starting to feel i'm a bit of a connoisseur. will: you're the best. i'm willing to admit -- [laughter] kayleigh: if only we could be that good. will: and it really came as a surprise -- [laughter] pete: because you --
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will: i win geography. i even house rick on geography. pete: will is really good at geography. he rivals the weather man. it's not clear we've decided -- will: we had a contest and we decided it. president we had a highly flawed contest on the big wall. i'd like to do it again and watch you and rick go at it -- kayleigh: i don't think guessing a skyline is the same as geography. pete: which one's more important? if. kayleigh: geography, obviously. pete: fine. you've picked your side. kayleigh: i have. i regate it. [laughter] -- regret it. pete: we start with a fox news alert. a full jury is seated for the beginning of opening argument as in former president donald trump's trial tomorrow. will: it comes as we learn that michael avenatti is reportedly talking to trump's legal defense team from his jail cell. kayleigh: yep, that's him. madeleine rivera joins us now with more. >> reporter: just one day e to
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go before opening arguments, former president trump is blasting the trial with a series of new posts on his platform, truth social. he says in part: this scam, rushed trial taking place in a 95% democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed. instead, they waited and brought it right in the id middle of my presidential campaign. the post comes one day after an appeals court rejected the trump team's motion to delay the trial as they try to move the case out of manhattan. it appears the president's getting some backup from michael avenatti. the former attorney of adult film star stormy daniels. he's in federal prison in los angeles serving a 19-year sentence for extortion, tags evasion, 'em -- tax evasion. he's called for trump's indictment in 2018, but he tells "the new york post" he's been in contact with trump's attorneys and says he'd be willing to
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testify for the former president. avenatti says there's no question the trial is politically motivated because they're concerned that he may be reelected. if the defendant was anyone other than donald trump, this case would not have been brought at this time. also happening this week the supreme court is set to hear arguments on trump's claims of presidential immunity as he fights the federal criminal case accusing him of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results. will, kayleigh and pete. will: thank you, madeleine. earlier we were like, wow -- and we'll talk about this. i want to put the question to will hard a of, he'll come up on the show at a 9 a.m. eastern time, how can he trust putting michael avenatti on the stand? how can you trust his testimony in he's been on every side with donald trump, you know, pro, anti, pro again. and, you know, by the very nature of his criminal charges, it's not one that inspires trust. but you point out, there is perhaps an incentive that you can trust. kayleigh: uh-huh. and what is that? the incentive is maybe a pardon.
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pete: could be. listen, if mike avenatti's sitting in a jail cell and he feels he has information that could benefit the future president of the united states who has been willing to give pardons just like every other president -- kayleigh: yes. pete: -- why not? why wouldn't that be his play? and you know what? his reputation is terrible, but so is michael cohen's. he has no credibility -- will: none. pete: and he's the star witness for the prosecution. so use what you got. if he's got information that helps donald trump, i didn't see it coming, but -- kayleigh: i will say, michael avenatti has a denied that is his motive. however, he went from in 2018 publicly calling for trump to be indicted to now defending him and pretty vociferous terms. and he an a eyeses his legal troubles with trump's, they are knoll nothing aligning. michael avenatti is convicted of multiple crime cans. president trump, this is a sham, unprecedented legal battle being waged against him.
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don't take it from me, take it from "the new york times" that did an analysis of this hush money case. but, michael avenatti, your legal troubles are very different from trump's. will: so let's move to an issue that i think we always are sensitive to. let's not overemphasize new york city, but in this case, pete, my think new york city serves as a great illustration the of something that's happening across the country, and that is the way that illegal immigration impacts your daily life. the fact is new york city's such a tightly congested place that it's hard for people who previously didn't experience stuff like this to avoid experiencing the impact of illegal immigration. so there is a soccer field in east harlem, thomas jefferson park. and i believe we have a map. i think my sons played there when we lived inside new york city often. well, thomas jefferson park has been, it's on the east side highway. i'm looking at it now. my sons definitely had gapes there. -- games there. it's one of the places where where illegal immigrants have sort of taken over.
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camps and hangouts, it just metastasizes. so the manhattan kickers, travel soccer team, also familiar with them, had a game scheduled, and and they couldn't play because the -- pete: the illegals said, no, we're not leaving the field. will: that's right. pete: here's the coach of the manhattan kickers. they're a 17-year-old boys' travel team, as will mentioned. this is what they told "the new york post." i directly asked them to leave, and some of them kind of took it into consideration, but then four or five of them said, you know what? we don't have to leave. we can do whatever we want. when you show up with two teams in uniform, a ref and two coaches, usually nobody is asking to see your permit. even when the game is over, you don't know if they're waiting for you. so even if the cops kicked them out, it may not be over. so we just all agreed this is too dangerous. i have seen this before, i know how bad it can get. will: so he's referencing there
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that he is from swedenen, and he's seeing this type of migrant impact on a society. i've seen this before and i know how bad it can get. they've had a huge problem across -- pete: sure is. he's saying, you know, we could play the game and when the game's over and the cops are gone, maybe they target us. will i'll well, even during the game. so my point is how this impacts people and their changing outlook on the world. here's a good example. you're familiar with barstool sports, the most popular sported cast out there, pardon my take, and there is a guy on that the character, billy football. billy football is from long island, and he's running for congress. on long island. and he was on the will cain show this week, and we had some fun talking about, oh, billy football's running for congress, but he's serious. he's taking it e serious, and he has some serious issues. he articulates it very well. i asked him what inspired this run for congress, and this exact type of situation situation is
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what he said made it so obvious that something needs to change. >> that was supposed to be a kid where you drop -- a place where you drop your keyed off and you could go and come back. now, you know, you can't leave your kid for two seconds because there's people that we don't, we did not vet who got through the southern border, and we don't know their criminal history. we're in a situation where, you know, we need to figure out who all these individuals are, what their intentions are and give them an easy path to citizenship is one way, but just insure there is a system they have to go through to get citizenship. just a system in general. just some sort of processing facility, some sort of containment of this total unregulated, honestly, out of control border. will: he's talking about randalls island. it's a huge sports complex for kids, and it's taken over by i illegals as well. even if you play, you can't really lee your kid, you don't feel safe. these guys wander from one field
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to another -- kayleigh: this is a trend. look, the theme here is the united states citizen always comes last. the child in particular always comes last whether it's migrant credit cards, whether it's migrant hotel rooms, it's randall island where your filed -- child plays sports. they put migrants in gyms next to students in schools. wrap your head around that. single adult, male migrants. i remember seeing a local news story in boston, a recreation center taken over by migrants, and there was a youth soccer, track and field program. and i saw the coach of the team say, look, this is one of the few stable times in these kids' lives, but they're pushed out. the migrant comes first. pete: yeah. i'm hearing more stories too of just the impacts inside classrooms or, you know? american parents who send their kids to a school and now there's twice as many kids in the class most of which are not english speaks, and so whose kids get less attention? the tax-paying citizen's kids. and if now we see is it on fields as well.
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kayleigh: there you go. pete: what'd you guys do yesterday? kayleigh: know what you did. pete: thank you. will doesn't know. will: i do too. pete: i told you what i was spending. i spent 8-9 hours in a little booth with a microphone reading my audio book yesterday -- kayleigh: that's a marathon. pete: yes. i was told, will e, i was told i set a record for the most pages ever read in an audio book in one day. kayleigh: 8-9 hours is unheard of. pete: it's 150 payments. will: wow. pete: it must be a good read. it must be an easy read. will: that's exhausting. pete: here's a tiny portion, about 30 seconds that i phoned -- filmed with my if iphone. ing the sun was now up. the neighborhood was waking up. we moved quickly. we consolidated our detainees and evidence at the original house and moved to the hasty ps. the four birds came back and we loaded in.
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al tide hog tied and at -- al-qaeda hog tied and president at a our feet. this feeling on this ride is different as the blackhawks lifted off. my body swelled with relief. all a men accounted for, mission complete. that a wasn't quite the video. maybe we'll play it in another hour. but what i meant to share with that is it's not just a book about all the a things going on9 the pentagon. i tell a bunch of stories about my own service as well. that was one particular mission, a night raid e on an al-qaeda cell that we did x. if those moments informed my feelings about what brotherhood9 and the military the should look like. what it looks like when it's operating properly versus what we see now because of the policies being pursued fist under obama and then under biden. kayleigh: wow, how powerful. when does this come out? pete: june 4th, so it's preorder right now. but, yeah, i've got about 5 more hours to read today after the show. [laughter] will: [inaudible]
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pete: i've lost my if voice before reading audio books, but this one i'm feeling good. kayleigh: i've only done half of that. four hours. nine hours, that's impressive. pete: you get pretty sick of your own -- will: and then somebody's going to mitt at one-and-a-half speed mode. pete: yes, they are. will: fox news let's turn now to your headlines, at least 2 people are dead and 15 more hurt after a driver plowed into a children's birthday party in michigan yesterday. six cults and three children -- adults and three children are in critical condition. police say they have the suspect, the driver in custody, but this is no word yet on charges. -- there's no word yet on charges. kayleigh: the uaw winning a historic union vote in chattanooga, tennessee, this weekend with more than 70% of eligible workers cast ballots in favor of joining the union. the chattanooga factory is the
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first auto plant in the south to unionize through an election since the 1940s. will: and the spice girls are giving fans what they really, really want, a reunion. a famous british -- the famous british pop group coming together to celebrate victoria beckham, aka posh if spice. it's her 50th birthday last night. the group even performing the iconic choreography for their 1997 hit stop during the party. kayleigh: i watched the wannabe music video last night with my -- pete: the what? kayleigh: wannabe by the spice girls? will: stop in that's the one they did last night. kayleigh: i don't know about a stop is. yeah, it was big. pete: i'm just glad they're still friends. a lot of pop groups, they go sideways. kayleigh: that does happen a lot. [laughter] kayleigh: i was just thinking about who was your favorite spice if girl? kayleigh: who was your favorite? will: back then? pete: it was --
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will: ginger spice. pete: i think it was probably sporty spice -- kayleigh: i'm missing one. who was the blond one? will: baby. pete: you know 'em all? that recall shows a level of commitment, i didn't know you were a big fan. kay a kay i didn't know you were a gardener either. will: it's not about being a fan. if you give us four and they're in, you know, categories, that's the point. we're supposed to pick our -- that's why we do this. [laughter] kayleigh: i did not -- pete: i thought it was about the much music. will: yes. [laughter] it's about -- kayleigh: a gardening, spice girl lover. that's will cain. pete: i didn't know he was a gardener either. he's got a green thumb. really -- will: renaissance man. pete: all right. we're moving on. get out the friendship bracelets. obama appearing in a new ad a blitz in biden's push for small dollar donations. >> some things just go together like me and joe. >> folks, we really need you on
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our side. kayleigh: aren't they chummy? they haven't always been that way. [laughter] joe concha reacts to this live next. ♪ ♪
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♪ kayleigh: here we go. hillary clinton taking another shot at president trump ahead of the 2024 election. >> trump was, like, you know, just gaga over putin because putin does what he would like to do, kill his opposition,. imprison his opposition, drive, you know, journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance. that's what trump really wants. kayleigh: hmm. here to react a, fox news contributor, joe concha. joe, i'm glad she found her way out of the forest after a losing the 2015 election. you would expect this kind of hyperbole for -- from, let's say, joe scarborough who has intimated that donald trump wants to execute generals. but from a former democratic nominee, to have this -- >> yeah. hillary clinton as a lot of spare if time since losing eight years ago. she's been on a constant the public therapy tour, right, where he does these interviews still talking about what donald
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trump will do when he is president. wow, if only we knew what donald trump would do when he's president. anticipator, he was president. [laughter] no one was imprisoned. and if you recall, 35 solo press conferences donald trump gave in his final year in office. how many has joe biden given this year or in the past nine hospitals? 0.0. because they know if you take joe biden out of the teleprompter, it will be clean up on aisle 5. you're a former press secretary. we'll get stories about how his uncle bowser was killed by can -- can billions, right? hillary clinton can talk about what a danger donald trump will be. what they never talk about is policy, that donald trump is on the right side when it comes to bringing down inflation or gas price or crime or the border and immigration. they can't talk about policy, so they go with fear mongering, and it shows you how desperate things are at this point because democrats can read polls, and they know that jeff bind is trailing in north carolina --
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joe biden is trailing in new jersey, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan. if that happens and donald trump wins half those statements, he's the next president. kaye kay and to that point, you're looking at our polls, +3 in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. all of these numbers, interestingly, shaking it -- shaken up when you add in rfk jr. trump, he'll be in court ail day, and he'll gout go out to speak with reporters with fluidity. and president biden, i mean, if i'm his press person, you can't trust him to be with reporters for more than 30 seconds. >> precisely. and while the state of the union, yeah, joe biden can still read a teleprompter, but you take him outside his scripted remarks, and suddenly you see what everybody else sees which is an 81-year-old man who, if he wins re-election, imagine the 86-year-old version of joe biden in the oval office. that's something that even democrats can't stomach. kiln kay we have a little more cringe for you. joe and obama, the campaign ad.
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>> some things go together like me and joe. if. >> ice cream on a hot summer day. a strong grassroots team and a winning campaign. folks, we really need you on our side. kayleigh: here's what i'm interested in here, joe. >> yeah. kayleigh: they do this fundraiser together, with but you know this, you studied the media. it wasn't long ago where we had headlines like this back when bind was vice president, the poignant but complicated friendship of joe biden and barack obama. they say this describing a tweet where joe biden put out a friendship bracelet with barack obama. the between was full of longing on national best friends' day, joe biden posted a barack and joe friendship bracelet with the greeting happy best friends day to my friend, barack obama, but obama, he was silent, no reply, nothing. [laughter] >> that's true. look, will lives in texas, pete lives now in tennessee. i'm a jersey guy. we will all tell you that when it comes to our friends, guys,
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whether it was a fraternity house or whether it be high school friends we played football with, none of us share friendship bracelets. [laughter] that's not a thing among guys, right? the whole bff thing, i have never thought. -- bought. it's the first line in my book, come on, man, where barack obama never said -- said never if underestimate joe biden's ability to [bleep] things up. biden was chosen by obama for foreign policy experience which, as we know, he's been wrong basically on everything, but that's the reason why they are even connected in any way, shape or form. and, look, obama's still relatively popular among democrats, right? so that's why we're seeing ads like this. but obama and his people like david axlerod know that this president is in serious trouble when it comes to election. hence, why you have to bring in these sort of ads. there's no authenticity to it, and people like that. kaye kay no. >> you can like or dislike donald trump, the guy is who with he is, he's authentic, and
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nobody likes a phony politician, and that seems so establishment. kayleigh: it does. and they're trying to bring in small dollar donations, and they congregated the three presidents, obama, clinton and biden, they broke a record of $25 million, and then trump broke the record next weekend at mar rah rag go, $50 million. cash on hand, $192 million versus trump's $93 million, so some ground to mange for republicans. but trunk, you know, he had that $50 million fundraiser. >> kim ooh not sure money means as much as it used to, buying ads in key swing statement ises. social media drives elections more and more as we're seeing, and that's basically free. hillary clinton outraised donald trump 2 to 1 in 2016, and trump still won. i'm not saying money isn't important, but it isn't as important as it used to be. i think donald trump will close that gap regardless because enthusiasm's on his side. kayleigh: and as you know, trump is driving the narrative.
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every time he walks in and out of the courtroom, he's demanding attention -- >> and he's going to do a rally at the jersey shore, wildwood, new jersey. new jersey's in play. he's within the margin of error. donald trump in new jersey, that's going to make biden spend money and time in states he doesn't want to like virginia or jersey or other places that he may have taken for granted in the past. kayleigh: trump needs to keep making stops at harlem bodegas. powerful moments. >> you look great in green. kayleigh: thank you. happy st. patrick's day. not really but i look like it. all rise. opening arguments are just one day away in trump's hush money trial. we'll talk to a former state prosecutor about what to expect next. brands you trust. whether you need paint or stain get our best deals of the season, like buy two get one free. from projects big to small, we've got it all so you can paint it all. hurry in and shop paint deals now at lowe's. they need their lawn back fast
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will: opening statements set to begin tomorrow for president trump's bookkeeping/hush money trial. the president slamming the time thing of the case on truth social writing, quote, this scam-rushed trial taking place in a 95% democrat area is planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought eight year a -- years ago. our next guest is skeptical trump won't be getting a fair trial, a former state prosecutor who also worked in the manhattan district attorney's office. thank you so much for being with us. >> good morning. will: we can expect opening statements, prosecution and defense. how long do you expect that to go. >> i think it'll take up less than the full day. opening statements a are a lot less juicy than summations. they're supposed to be just the facts, so the prosecution is just supposed to present a preview of what the evidence is going to show. the defense doesn't even have to do an opening statement. they will. the judge will try to rein it in, they always do, and say just a preview of the evidence. that being said though, the
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lawyers are always a going if to be setting up their case. so they're that going to pent the fact for their arguments with a particular slant to prepare the jury for what the jury's going to hear when the evidence actually comes in. will: i'm curious. i went to law school are, been around lawyers much of my life. if i asked you, a lot of people say the trial is over once the jury is sworn in. that shows the importance of voir dire, of picking the secure. -- jury with. but after that, opening or, closing, examination, how would you rank the most important parts of the trial? >> the most important part, i think, is how the prosecution's case goes in. when we were trying cases, we would come back and say how'd the case go in? how did it go in terms of the witnesses -- did the witnesses do better or worse than expected? did the jury seem focused on your exhibits. how your case goes in can vary tremendously. you have that sense of confidence or less confidence at the end when the people say say the people rest. will: do you feel like -- what we'll start with tomorrow, do opening statements really frame
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the jury's mind? i mean, as you're -- as a prosecutor sitting there, is there a lot of weight for you on the first things i say here? if by the way, you've always already said lot in jury selection. >> right. for me it was always about an overall central. so everything from the moment i started picking a jury through opening statement was where is this going to end up, what are my vulnerabilities, how do i prep the jury, what are my strong point, how do i prep them for the strong points, so it's all a part of if they're doing their job correctly an overall theme that's been planned out. will: again, it's a trial, and you think it's all about a evidence, but it's answer helping people make what is -- about helping people make what is often emotional decisions. what is the theme of both sides in this? >> so it's the an unusual case on so many levels. but for the defense, they're going to argue at the the end that even if every single fact that the prosecution presented is accepted as truthful and fact, they're going to say it still doesn't make it a crime.
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that's why they have two lawyers on the jury, actually, both lawyers yiewrnlly don't want lawyers on the jury. in this case, both sides consented to having two lawyers on the jury. that's unusual, and for the defense it's setting up their technical defense fence that, hey, even if you accept all the facts, it still doesn't make it a crime. will: and your hope is that those lawyers guide the jury in a direction. >> it's very risky, but the defense clearly is hoping that the lawyers are going to agree with that and use their power of persuasion to convince the other jurors. will: and the theme of the prosecution. >>some. >> that it was all a planned, that it was a scheme, that the it was a scheme to be fraud, and they're going to say from the day they first made the man, it was all a for the purpose of enabling another crime. that's how they get it to a felony. will: you think opening statements will take not the full day tomorrow perhaps if half the day. what will happen after opening statements? >> the prosecution has to call
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their first witness, we don't know who it is, certainly michael cohen is one of the the star witnesses, but a guy with a lot of baggage. then comes the cross-examination which is going to be the much more telling part, how does he do on cross in how does a guy with that much baggage do on cross-examination? will: you expect expect that perhaps on day two in. >> or the second day of his testimony. will: that'll be fireworks. you would expect the cross-examination of michael cohen to be something else. >> look, it's a guy who's admitted to lying under oath on at least two occasions previously. will: all right. elliot, thank you so much. >> thank you. will: fox news alert, a massive anti-israel protest takes over columbia university. over 100 jewish studentses are calling on administrators to let them attend class virtually. lizzie rallied in support of those students, and he joins us
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pete: we're back with a fox news alert as anti-israel protest it is rage across college campuses. jewish students at columbia are asking to attend classes
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virtually. in a letter to administrators, over 100 students write, quote, those of us living on and off campus cannot come and go from our homes to campus as we please without fear of being threatened, harassed or assaulted. as such, we urge the administration to allow us to attend classes virtually until the situation has entirely deescalated. our next guest led a rally in support of these students last week at columbia. israel activist lizzie joins us now with more. lizzie, not only were you on the columbia campus recently, i but you were in israel on october 7th as well. you know this issue very well. in fact, the protest protester yelling we are hamas if was yelling that at you. so you understand these kids are saying we have to attend class virtually. how unsafe do you have to feel to say we're out of class completely in. >> the situation is not going to
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deescalate itself. it needs to be deescalated by the leaders, and they are not doing their job. we are actually seeing hamas on campus. don't take my word for it, you can take theirs as that protester screamed to me and my husband. we are hamas, we're all hamas, pig. they were holding up a flag of hamas on their phone. we saw one student last night on campus holding up a sign calling on a hamas' armed we think to murder -- wing to murder if jewish students that were standing behind her. they're not israeli. they were singing a song, the hope, and this is shapg -- happening on columbia's campus. it's no wonder these students don't feel safe. they're not protected. pete: here are those protesters yelling we are hamas at you. watch. bleep. >> we are hamas. >> you're what? you're hamas? >> yes. we're all hamas, pig. pete: we're all hamas, pig.
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at this point, if you're protesting this, you know who you're -- i mean, to that point, if you're protesting the pro-palestinian cause, you know you're advocating for hamas. they openly on a college campus, and the leadership is doing what about it in. >> the leadership is doing nothing. you know, it's been five days since the president testified before congress about anti-semitism on campus. she then made this whole show of having the nypd come on campus and arrest students that were taking part in this illegal encampment, but they're still there. we saw last night the complete and utter chaos. why is nardin if e, the head of of the within our lifetime organization, a pro-terror group, on campus at columbia? how did she get onto the campus leading genocidal chants against the jewish people, against -- calling for the destruction of israel on columbia's campus? why is this happening in the students are are not protected,
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but the administration is not taking action -- pete: answer that question. why is it happening in on a, in a major american city? >> you know, this is the not isolated to columbia, and this is also a not isolated to a post-october. th -- 7th world. this has been happening for a long time. there's two factors at play here. there's the institutionalization of anti-semitism where professors and leadership have allowed this to go on for so long, they've turned a blind eye. they've called it free speech that is context-dependent. and then there is the culture of anti-semitism on campus where professors are encouraging and participating in these demonstrations. and the students don't feel safe because they, you know, not only do they have to go to class and worry about the person sitting next to them calling for their death -- pete: their destruction. >> -- but also they have to or worry that the professor who is totaling -- holding their future in the palm of their hand is going to penalize them for being
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jewish. pete: for who they are. >> for who they are or being born. pete: lizzie, thanks for standing up, for what you're doing. appreciate your fight and hope you come back. >> thank you so much. pete: you got it. i'm going to toss it over to kayleigh with some headlines. kayleigh: thank you, pete. starting with a fox news alert, the house voting to pass a $95 billion foreign aid package yesterday. the bill includes millions of dollars of assistance for ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific. knoll for the -- nothing for the southern border, however. the legislation would also ban tiktok in the united states if the platform's china-based owner doesn't sell its stake within a year. former presidential candidate and governor of south carolina nikki haley welcoming home her husband michael from his year-long deployment with the state's national guard on saturday. haley posting this photo on x with the caption, quote, that moment when you peoplely take a breath. -- finally take a breath. it's been a long year but even longer without each other. amazing footage shows a taco
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bell manager in pennsylvania helping to save a baby's life. take a look at that. that's after the child's mom realized that her baby boy wasn't breathing. the manager rushing into action and getting the choking -- giving the choking boy chest compressions. thank any, baby miles started breathing, look at him, soon after the fast food employee's heroic action. that woman deserves a raise. well done, a local hero. those are your headlines. all right. well, start your engines, we're counting down to the geico 500 on fox. the food to fuel your race, can't wait for that. ♪ finish. ♪ >> let's go racing, boys! ♪ let's go racing, boys ♪ ♪
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kayleigh: all morning long we are gearing up for the geico 500 live on fox. president our own rick reichmuth, the chief, is getting a preview who joins us live from victory lane in talladega. rick, what up? rick: guys, i'm in the infield now and about to have some really good breakfast. it is so cold right now, you can see your breath, and the temps are going to plummet later this evening. it's going to go down into the upper 0s, so -- 30s but this rain that we're dealing with is
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going to be done by race time. i don't think there's going to be interruptions with, like, rape delays per if isn't throughout the racing -- rain delays. we've got to get to probably about the time "fox & friends" ends before the rain is out of here, unfortunately for us. all right. i want to bring in our friends, the mclemore boys, john and john. let's go. there you go, that wasn't rehearsed. you guys are are at all of these places. we go someplace, and you end up showing up i. tell me about it. >> it's been an amazing weekend. al talladega 20 this, it is crazy -- 2024. the rain does not stop people from partying o orsing cooing. we've been cooking briskets, baked beans, low country seafood boil, and we've got a really good recipe that's in our cookbook, just happens to be named rick's barbecue slaw dog. reduction inning rick all right. you've got a in cookbook, gather and grill. >> it's about a father and son
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is, it's about 50 years of stories and recipes. the mclemore if family is here in full force. all of the recipes are all the things that we've done over or the course our history. master built grills and smokers, and it's all about gather and grill. the recipes are great recipes, but it's about doing it with your friends and family. all the stories in there. rick, will, pete, ainsley, steve wrote the forward to the book. even 's got a story in the -- everybody's got a story in the book. of it's about gathering, having a good time and eating. rick: all right. let's talk about this one right here. >> all right. so this is your slaw recipe that is pretty amazing. what we do is we take our triple threat barbecue, and we've smoked it up. and the reason the triple threat's important is because it's got that steak marinated in there. we've pulled the barbecue, pit on the dog, put a little cheese on there, and then we transfer it back to the grill. so what i'm going to do is take that back -- this is our buddy
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back here. >> [inaudible] >> so grill master, if you have not seen this guy, he is one of the most famous barbecue guys out there on social media, tim van dohrn. he's got us a a hot dog on the grill. now that we've melted the cheese on there, we a take your slaw and we add a little slaw to the top of that. and then what makes this super good, and we actually had a vot. we've got to put this in a boat. put that in a boat. and then we are going to top that off with lane's southbound barbecue sauce on the top. ooh! john's a little messy right there. and i tell you what's made this also super fun, camping here at talladega is as a good as -- you gonna eat? rick: of course. >> you eat, i'll talk. let me old your microphone. there you go. coming here to talladega is super fun. same thing at day tone ya.
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pyreside set -- fireside sets up with camp pers here -- will: make rick talk! e. pete: how's it taste? rick: heir saying make me talk. he's saying make me talk. kayleigh: look at that. >> you ain't first, you're last. should i sign hisser forehead? rick: this is the size of napkin you need after that. pete: it is. i can confirm that. >> gather and grill, check it out. it launches may 7th. we'll be in new york in about two weeks -- rick: you can get all of our recipes that are in here on this. this is coming out soon. >> all major retailers. rick: there you go. guys, my recipe there, honestly, it's really good. >> it's really good. pete: rick, tell 'em when they come to new york -- >> [inaudible] kayleigh: wish you were here. pete: the biggest meat spread we've ever seen for the launch of their book, that's what we
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expect here in new york city. kayleigh: andsome jalapeno mac and cheese. pete: for sure. i want a meat palace. [laughter] rick: okay. challenge is on. i'm going to tell them, and i promise you they will deliver. they can't hear you, so i will make it happen. these guys always are up for a challenge. okay? will: rick, proud of you. a second buy. super proud of you, rick. pete: he's a pro. will: all right. watch today's race at 3 p.m. eastern time on fox. rick says it's going the dry up, and they're going to start their engines. all right, more "fox & friends", shannon in bream, march yea bartiromo and, of course, nascar driver austin dillon will join is us live. ♪ ♪ spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage...
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not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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pete: we're back early. it is the 8 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this. a fox news alert the house voting to pass 95 billion dollars worth of a foreign aid package yesterday. but still nothing to secure our southern border. what top republicans are attempting to stay this morning. will: plus hillary clinton raising eye eyebrows with these comments about her former opponent. >> trump was like gaga over putin. because putin does what he would leak to do kill his opposition imprison his opposition. >> questionable comments there and -- there's an understatement all right and ladies and gentlemen start your engines we're gearing up for the geico 500 on fox the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪


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