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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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pete: we're back early. it is the 8 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this. a fox news alert the house voting to pass 95 billion dollars worth of a foreign aid package yesterday. but still nothing to secure our southern border. what top republicans are attempting to stay this morning. will: plus hillary clinton raising eye eyebrows with these comments about her former opponent. >> trump was like gaga over putin. because putin does what he would leak to do kill his opposition imprison his opposition. >> questionable comments there and -- there's an understatement all right and ladies and gentlemen start your engines we're gearing up for the geico 500 on fox the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪
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pete: another skyline. read that top of the stadium. will: i can't either. >> we try to figure out what skiesline this is. pete did a great job last hour. figuring this out. pete: it said alliance bank maybe. still dark so we're looking west coast here. will: what does that stadium say? pete: not seeing mountains something center. will: pete takes this -- >> denver, phoenix, no mountains. will: in the background, in the dark. pete: not going to denver. >> phoenix i said phoenix. pete: it doesn't count when you change your guess. >> give me a win this morning. pete: that's right i was looking for the mountains. >> up on your knees and monitor. >> close trying to pay
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attention. >> interesting endeavor there. >> that brings me a lot of stress i really enjoy that game. will: our success rate is not as high so i've started to check out. pete: that's what's enjoyable about it. and i think there's probably 40 more skieslines out there that we could put up. >> we've reported phoenix. kayleigh: we said phoenix. pete: in the light you can get it. will: remember that's when carley said it was chicago. kayleigh: i would do that too. yeah. pete: you did mention it for a second. i hope we keep playing because i bet people at home play the game. kayleigh: let's bring in fox news anchor shannon bream she would -- you would shannon. >> i would not and geography was my first class ever in school so i have to defer to will i guess on that. pete: shannon bream's worst class was probably a 94%.
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>> killing my gpa the geography that and p.e.. kayleigh: that's a hard one. pete: what do you make of this house foreign aid package passing will and i were talking about this. the james lankford bill that was scuttled because it was facilitation this one is that same bill just without the border stuff, right? >> so they broke this all down so it would be in slivers and voting for to put it altogether and sending it back to the senate so they voted and a border measure that went nowhere yesterday and volted on israel, and separate things and it will go back. so you saw the votes. it took a ton of democrats and republicans working together to do this. and that's the critique from the far right of the gop that speaker caved and worked with democrats to get things done. like i have a one vote majority over here passed what i can get pass sod weal have to see
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whether it cost him the speakership but it heads to the senate. two senators on the show this morning who will be voting on that probably as early as tuesday and see what they think about what the house sent back over. kayleigh: mike johnson wanted to distinguish this from the funding that passed he said we made it better in the house and 80% is replenishing american arms he said there's a lone mechanism to this how does this defer in terms of the accountability that what senate did. >> 9 billion dollars or so that would have strict controls on it he promises there are ways that it is going to be tracked so he says there are some conservative priorities that were built that are different from the senate so see if it is so different that it cost votes or loses votes in the senate. but you know there's plenty of skepticism you have jd vance out there who wrote a piece in "the new york times" saying we have to level with the american
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people even if all of this money that we spend on replenishing here ramping our military industrial complex here, we really can't make a dent in what ukraine says they need to actually win. he also argues that ukraine doesn't have enough humans they don't have enough men -- even given the that's going on there to fill the ranks of soldiers. so we'll debate that too with the senator this is morning about, you know, how do they explain we're sending over tens of billions more if there's no finish line. what is the finish line? >> shannon i want to move on a moment. will: this is the third thing for speak speaker omnibus spending bill there's the fisa bill and now there's this. where his right flank is like what's going on. like what -- why is it that you seem to be so out of debate with debates or this wing of the party what would the answer be? shannon is it what you said a min ago i've got a one vote majority and these -- these are priorities yet still
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in the things that you want to get done i can't get done. he did it is on this couch like pete points out and lay out priorities that are different than what's happening in reality. >> what he'll say is everybody had a seat at the table so the far right that's mad at him they would input he say and change measures and sending them back to the senate or first time they have priorities, and little changes. knew qans to them that republicans wouldn't have had if he were not the speaker i've done what i can on these things we have to get stuff passed and get it done. he's also talked about listen he changed his position on some of these things he said once i saw the intel i sat down, with members of the intel committee, and community and got a different perspective on some of these things regarding fisa regarding ukraine. yes i'll admit i've changed my position a bit on that but he also says we have briefings that members did not come to so they can stangsd and criticize some of this stuff but if they didn't come and see what i saw, then it is tough for them to question
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what i did. but he's under a ton of pressure and there's a growing list of people who say they may push for that motion to vacate. >> he's got a rocky road ahead shannon it is week two coming up of the trump trial in new york city we have a jury alternate jurors opening arguments start on monday. there's one thing i didn't see coming which is bubbling into the news is this morning which s michael avenatti potentially working with the trump team on their defense. here's the new york post writing about that. pete: he said michael avenatti the defense has contacted me i would be more than happy to testify. i don't know that i will be called to testify but i have been in touch with trump's defense for the better part of the year. this was like he pedaled to the media being trump's number one opponent. and now he might be might testify. help us out? >> i was shocked to read this as well i've interviewed avenatti and scorched ertz back in those days on trump. what i think is interesting is
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yeah what if he took the l witness stand he and stormy daniels had a falling out she had legal charges against him and that didn't go well and he claims she lies and can be a credible witness. it would be very interesting to see him coming to the rescue in some way of donald trump. but he talks too about the fact that he sees them as being alike both a threat to the establishment him to democrats. donald trump to republicans, and that -- he was taken down and that seem to be fueling his feeling that trump the same attempt the legal system to take him down and his estimation so wow if she shows up on the -- witness stand could be very interesting. kayleigh: very interesting especially because 2018 calling for trump to be indicted what a turnaround now shannon tomorrow a big day everyone is beginning to be watching. i know the court i believe it closes 2 p.m. for passover, and they have to get through some initial issues with the gag order. do you think we will get through opening arguments tomorrow? what should our viewers expect?
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>> i don't know i feel like you want to have the momentum as prosecutors to fully lay out your case do you want to be abruptly stopped in the middle of it. it depends how far they think they can get and cover a lot of grounds from 10 to 2 with lunch break in there so interesting to see. but yeah that gag order hearing was set for tuesday. then this judge said they're not going to meet on wednesday so may feel like hurry up and wait this week but we're going get to real arguments and find out first witnesses are and of course remind folks on thursday at the supreme court. the big arguments over presidential immunity for president trump those are critical to the federal cases that are now pending against him too. will: shannon what do you have coming up on fox news sunday today? >> we've got senator, republican lindsey graham democrat richard blumenthal with us to talk about this funding package ukraine where it goes next and congressman to talk about the fights over israel and charlie and we've got a special piece on pickle ball. and how it is bringing together
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a bipartisan group of senators, i might have played also but it is fair to say i was the weakest link and caused my team to take the l. [laughter] it's true. you'll see it. kayleigh: what a great lineup. >> paid more attention in p.e. it would have paid off. >> i was distracted by studying for geography. will: quick on pickle ball i'm a fan it is fun but i'm a firm believer what goes up must come down and rate of acceleration going up mirrors the rate it is going too fast up. it has to crash. pete: not that fast down. no way. i watched -- i was in hometown a ymca, i mean -- almost hundreds of people playing in the middle of the day pickle ball. kayleigh: a fad -- pete: i know if i jump in i'll want to play it more and resisting it a little bit.
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kayleigh: people are serious about it if they're into it. malls have pickle ball courts. will: serious when she says something completely insane is hillary clinton listen to what he had to say about donald trump. >> trump was like, you know, just gaga over putin because putin does what he would like to do kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive, you know, journalist and others into exile, rule without any she can check or balance that's what trump really wants, so we have to be very conscience how he sees the world. because in that world he only sees strong men leaders he sees putin, he sees xi kim jong-il and we've been down this world in our world history and we sure
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don't want to go down that again. will: i have so much. so -- people genuinely believe this stuff and they believe that he would kill his opposition. threat to -- democracy like this is the last election. but this is why they believe this stuff. because someone like that says that. and by the way, the checks and balances she talks about, i'm sorry but this is another entry into the canon of, you know, accuse others of the sins you commit. the democrat party has undercut checks and balances not donald trump and democrat party said pack the supreme court and democrat party uses executive branch to enforce or not enforce laws pad by congress when it comes to, you know, for example the border. checks and blangses are the number one threat to the party right now, and the party means democrats. kayleigh: so toxic and destruct eve that language and i wonder what hillary clinton does all day i have to believe maybe she
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sits down and watches msnbc because there was a similar comment four, six weeks ago he said that trump would execute generals, he said trump has talked about using seal team six to execute political opponents when i heard this, that was the exact language used on msnbc similar but this is coming from someone who has the democratic nominee -- how incredibly irresponsible you expect that from left wing hack morning host not from someone like her. pete: cartoon they've created of their vision of trump this week there was more news that came out about decisions made around january 6th and that mark milley others refused to sending national guard because they thought it would be trump attempt to send a cue. they've built up that he wants to be authoritarian and dictator even though everything about his track record showed he provided more freedom to people. kayleigh: freedom and process
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pair i by the way that podcast hosted by mark. all of the fellow travelers of the hard left talking to each other. pete: killing your opposition -- from the clintons? a little rich. got a little -- get in lean on that one. and then i feel like will we keep trying to get to why are they waving ukrainian flags on house floor? why is ukraine a big issue for democrats? republicans were split 50/50, 400 votes against all 200 were for ukraine. why is that just hearing hillary clinton talk more and more about putin, putin, putin -- well they built up putin equals trump. i feel like the ukraine war for democrats is a proxy battle. they get to fight putin which is fighting trump. and we're going to fund all of this money because putin and trump are the same thing i think that psychology of democrats in the ukraine war is more wrapped up in that than we think this was the antiwar party.
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kayleigh: deep psychoanalysis. will: neocons were conservative. pete: they were but then neocons now retired back to instincts utopians. will: the movement was converted conservatives to the 70s and 80s when it happened. pete: crystals that's where it whatted. anyway. kayleigh: interesting stuff. pete: it devolved. kayleigh: yesterday 12 years since columbine shooting and honored his daughter's legacy with a remarkable organization that saves lives . he joins us next. (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators,
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including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, bbq, smoke and air fry. backyard bashes are better with pizza ovens that give you crispy crust. 700° high heat roasting, and bbq smoking. it's better outside with ninja. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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kayleigh: it's been 25 years science the tragic shooting a the columbine high school and legacy of 17-year-old rachel joy scott who was kilted in that shooting has changed lives including my own. the organization raven's challenge founded by her father darell scott trained more than 30 million students educators and parents on school violence prevention, and preventing
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self-harm saving listen to this, 150 lives annually averting nine school shootings. joining us now is founder of rachel's challenge darell scott. darrell you and i are friend a it is a honor to have you on. i want to begin by sharing with you and bringing up impact rachel joy scott had on my life she changed my life and my walk as a christian, and i want to put forward some of her journal entries you discovered six of her journals after her passing and here's some of the things that she wrote. she really had a kind of i would say premonition of what lied ahead she wrote this 11 minutes before and this will be my last year i have gotten what i can. that was in her journal she also traced her hand and you'll see this here for our viewers he's hands belong rachel joy scott, and will someday touch millions of people's hearts indead they have. she enwrote this, i am dying we cannily my soul leaves, slowly my body withers i consider it
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homicide and go on to lose her life in columbine and final picture darrell is a picture of two eyes, and 13 what you believed were tears but now seeds this was drawing shortly before she lost her life and, of course, 13 innocence died in columbine darrell tell us about rachel. >> rachel was my middle child a one that was always bringing home stray cat or dog and standing up for the person that was picked on or teased or bullied so much of our program is centered around what she did when she was at columbine before she was killed. >> rachel's challenge it is incredible i think our viewers a lot of them we hear about these school shootings. they strike our hearts and people want answers and they want change. and they want to make sure they never happen and rachel's challenge tell us how you avert nine school shootings -- that a quite a track record 150
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suicides per year. >> centers for disease control tell us that the number one reason for suicide is -- is kids not being connected not feeling a part of something. and almost every school shooting is a suicide with homicides involved. the young men or young women that go into the school know they're going die. it is a suicide and homicide kind of approach. so we go into schools and we share rachel's story through assembly with training we create what's called friends of rachel clubs 10,000 of those across america and those clubs do amazing things to help kids connect with each other pep and it is through those connections that we see young people actually turn themselves in or friends turn them in when they find out that there's a plan to blow up a school or shoot a school. so we have prevented mean one of them prevented last month a young man had planned and friend turned him in after assembly and
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more importantly as we see about 150 suicides that we know of prevented every year, and that's because we bring connection to those young people in their schools. and the 150 is only i it of the iceburg for every child like my daughter who was killed at columbine there's 3 62 children who commit suicide. kayleigh: i remember vividly her funeral friend after friend getting up and saying how rachel joy scott changed their life she had a message. a life code a chain reaction of compassion would be initiated if we were all kind to one another pin deed we've seen the legacy of that in rachel's challenge you wrote a book about her life. i read about every page of it. an incredible book can you hold it up and share with us about what it's about. >> it's about 300 pages long it's a detailed -- account of not only her life and death, but the aftermatt legacy she's left behind. the millions 31 children that
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have been affected bid her life and her story over the last 25 years. and it has over 60qr codes that lead to videos so it is not just a book. it is also full of video clips, that young people can go to ponged out more about her life and legacy. >> rachel has changed saved many lives. there's a lot of darkness on the day of columbine but it is changing lyes today so are you thank you darell scott. >> thank you. >> over to you thank you. turning to headlines anti-israel protesters floodings the streets of new york city. near columbia university into the night. the had beens of protesters gathering for a fourth straight day. meanwhile more than 100 jewish students at columbia signed petition they're asking the administration for permission to attend classes virtually until the situation on campus calms down. and police rescuing 20 climate
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protesters for blocking runway outside of boston on saturday group protesting against plans to add 47 new hangars to the airport. the group says the expansion would, quote, negate carbon benefits gained from solar power in the state. and spring football, here quo go yes. arch manny dominating in texas spring game yesterday -- he went 19 for 25 for 355 yards and three touchdowns including this 75-yard bomb. >> going deep. now what is honed in by deandre moore for the touchdown. white squad is on the board. manning to moore. pete: awesome. will: no quarterback controversy he'll be opening august 21st
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against colorado state. and that's what the national media do. trying to make it a controversy. it is not. not yet a long horn next year. all right, we're gearing up for today's geico 500 race right here on fox. what better way to get in the spirit than go-cart racing. pete takes on joe concha straight ahead. i get kicked off the go-cart race? [laughter]
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the people who come here and people who want to watch this race get off. so i don't know if you were watching on friday but we started packing up with our pods moving storage container good thing it is water resis tapght because we put our stuff in there and now we have all of this rain so pods moving in storage and great deal going on right now through may 20th national moving month is may, and you can get 25% off on your move so make sure you go to fox weather beast we pulled this in here and by the way we're out here just right outside the track. and we're in front of the international motor sports hall of fame. these guys use pods because they've just moved into this place and they used the pods mooing storage containers. to get here, so amazing stuff that they're doing. we're so glad they're here helping us be here. and this big race day and i promise this rain will be done by the time the race starts it is just for us this morning we have to deal with this nasty weather. guys. will: thank you rick by the way
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race is 3 p.m. on fox. kayleigh: check it out thank you very much the geico 500 is on fox leader today but revving up our engines in our "fox & friends" 500 go-cart race right now. will: thomas executive sales manager of supercharge new jersey brought in -- our own superspeedway right here on fox square, and we're going to have a little race these things go i've done this. these things go. >> exceed 40 mile an hour there are safety features so everybody will be all right. >> how do they handle the turns? >> make them wide they'll be fine. will: caylee and i will race later and five laps but it is pete and joe concha but thomas there's a gas and a brake. there's a little slide turn you can put in there. >> you're competitors. kayleigh: i have my money on pete i have to say. >> come on --
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in the break. >> thomas will keep talking as we let these guys get started where's the green flag. right in front of them. >> there you go. all right concha ready set, go -- >> would wow. what's the secret slam down on the gas? >> okay. oh come on. >> get it. okay. got you. so what happens if you lose control? >> you have to take him on the inside. [laughter] >> okay. that'll be me. >> i got him. i got him. wow. pete you're good at this. >> a sunday drive. come on. what are we doing here? >> their skills. >> i need some competition here this is pure speed -- >> taking it nice and wide.
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taking it nice and wide. >> road track -- >> oh. there you go here it is right here. take it will. >> winner is -- good effort joe. >> good effort joe. >> joe i got some tips for you you can't say you barely passed your driving test by the way. >> yeah. remember -- thomas and supercharged entertainment can be checked out supercharged >> nascar experience. >> i wouldn't win here. with will and caylee next hour. >> i'll be riding that side. >> almost killed somebody last time. kayleigh: that will be me. will: stay tuned for the "fox & friends" 500 round two coming up in just a little bit. >> friends -- fox news 5 -- that will work. supercharger will be back a
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little bit later. biden and trump turning their focus to pennsylvania as brand new polling shows them neck and neck in the battle growngsd we're going off the wall to show you how both parties are strategizing, next.
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>> some things just go together. like me and joe. >> ice cream on a hot summer day. a strong grassroots and winning campaign. folks we need you on our side. >> and off the wall. >> you can't have a pete without a will. obama joining president biden in cringey new ads to small donors as we draw closer to convention tuesday pennsylvania primary marks final battle ground in the nominating calendar. i didn't realize it was still going on. one more state on tuesday and also be among first battle ground states for the senate primaries of 2024. will: off the wall to better understand what the democrats aren playing there -- and beyond. here is your calendar as pete pointed out still going on. the primary -- pete: something to being the last state? will: not much attention. well but there's a lot of attention on pennsylvania because it is a swing state more on that in a moment and this sets up convention calendars
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with a republican national convention in milwaukee in july and democrats in chicago -- pete: three months away from this convention which is in wisconsin strategically, in milwaukee, and then four months away from the democrats doing it usually historically, i think it is swaps back and forth but historically helps to be last party to be the convention that's a big spotlight on your candidates basically four day commercial for your candidate this one is democrats are in chicago -- just interesting. it's a five decades removed from, you know, a chicago convention that was chaos, and look -- pete: they have a base this year saying they want to do the same thing at the democratic convention this one could be interesting. put that on your calendar as sthig to watch because if biden is where he is right now there could be things going down there in august who knows. will: here's how biden is doing right now take a look at battle ground states pennsylvania take a look at georgia and michigan,
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wisconsin as well trump leading in georgia, and in michigan and it is all knotted up in wisconsin. >> biden camp they're looking at michigan, rust collar blue state with a shot where you have to win because you're going to see a lot of national polls for next few months leading up to election none of that matters. what matters are these key states, and this horse race and then you add rfk jr. as well and these numbers change a little bit and differently in certain states in michigan what happens to arab american vote and jewish vote base on reliable constituents for democrats numbers are going get real interesting. trump ahead. will: focus on pennsylvania, primarily is this week and look at 2016 and 2020 you can see in '16 trump wins by a little over a point over hillary clinton there's the map of counties in pennsylvania. but then in 2020, biden with the
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1.2 percentage point win and there's the same matt change there is. it is not just -- pete: not sure why this is green i think it is a glitch. will: not just red to blue and pennsylvania -- pete: right here this is the place where democrats count on getting ballots but you mention criss-crossing pennsylvania and joe biden was there for three days this week already on the campaign drill three days in a row said went to his hometown here's joe. >> we have the best economy in the world my predecessor roll back protections for american workers. we've had my back ab my promise i have your back. we made that happen while my predecessor never lifted a finger to help. predecessor who is busy right now -- [laughter] pennsylvania lost 275,000 jobs. i mean this look at the facts. >> busy right now the way we want him in a courthouse in new york city. by the way, the biden administration has put his continued a lot of trump tariffs
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will because a lot of those tariffs are on steel which they believe helps them in pennsylvania. will: in front of the steel workers union there and here's trump in pennsylvania. >> turned out everything he touches turns to [bleep] when i'm back in the white house we will end joe biden's inflation train wreck and we will tell pennsylvania, drill baby, drill. get back to drilling. pete: there's an issue that joe can't say anything about because trump has been clearing all of the above energy approach let's unleash it and democrats on climate side having a lot of explaining to do to very same steel work ergs and others who say while we've had a lot of other jobs have left our state. so it is not just the presidential race that's a focus, though, when it comes to primary calendar specifically pennsylvania as well you can see dave mccormick looks like he's headed towards -- challenging incumbent bob casey.
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pete: cleared the deck of other candidates in pennsylvania has support of president trump. in west virginia there's a large field joe manchin is retiring so this is probably flipping to -- well it is flipping to republicans so the game in town is may 14th the republican primary. so there's a lot of things happening that will control the future of the senate. will: kari lake and one watching jim here, incumbent could that be a blue seat that flips red? pete: primaries primary are an y to kick tires and demonstrate support by bringing your base out because in place like michigan, however, it hasn't been resolved so republicans are going to ballot on august 6th to determine who that candidate will be strong candidates will determine the future of whether or not the senate goes -- the republican direction. it should be a good year for republicans in the senate. because this is six years from
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2018 which was a waive for democrats midterm election during trump presidency so -- will: hoping and others an opportunity for republicans to peck up a lot of seats in the ?ats. senate. all right that sets you up for the calendar over the next couple of months as we head to the big date. pete: it felt so far away and look at this like that this is going to come fast and -- with this trial too weferg that's going on with sham. it is going to get interesting. kayleigh: over thank you both. turning now to your headlines today show anchor al and production company are being sued. accused of failing to follow a dei mandate former executive producer says company disregarded the program that was implemented by pbs to include minority writers on tv production teams. they're commanding al roker entertainment pay $10 million in damages and lawyer feels neither al roker or entertainment have
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commented on the issue. well student exchange program is swapping kids in red and blue states to give them a new perspective. we have two of the students on earlier to tell us how it works. >> i had a lot of people around me telling me like oh you're going to get your things stolen these fife random people you're staying with are going to hurt you it was the best experience of my leaf and i wouldn't trade it for anything. >> i expected bear in landscape arms because it is a tiny town but absolutely beautiful. you know, there's shops lining every street. >> well since 0 20* 19, 400 kids have participated in the american exchange projects. the rare double brewed cicadas as south and west get ready to welcome millions of the noisy bugs you see it there in chicago ringing in the historical invasion with a cicada parade and tomorrow it is the rare event with art and sculptures of
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the bugs made by tiny artists with proceeds gong to local insect asylum and those are your headlines keeping christ in the classroom. remarkable academy empowering thousands of public school students to study their faith. that's next. weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor
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when people are fed, futures are nourished. join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. visit every week, more than 30,000 students attend bible classes at public schools across the nation. if you'd no idea i didn't either and it is all thanks to life wise academy. founder ceo of that organization joel pennton joins us now. joel thank you so much for being here. i wrote a whole book about how the left is taken over the k-12 education system and kicked god out somehow you found a way to bring god back into public schools. how? >> well, a few people realize is that in 1952, the supreme court ruled that public school
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students can be released from public school during school hours if the program is off school property privately funded and students have parental permission called release time religious instruction we were aware of this a few years ago sew we created a plug and play program that any community across the country can implement and as you said it is really started to tack off. >> so you provide everything. you basically only thing you coordinate with the school is this is the release time and once you've got that agreed upon from enough parents, then, they get on your bus you take them somewhere else they get religious instruction and they come back. is that how it works? >> that's exactly right we provide tools, template coaches to communities across the country, but local communities come together they form a steering committee they form a leadership board, we help them talk to the school and yes, logistically we pick students up at the school usually in a big life wise bus take them to a facility usually a church teach
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them a bible lesson bring them back and often seeing huge participation rates often more than 50% of the entire school enroll and get a bible class as part of their school day. >> joel i love this. is this i've got to maiming all across the spectrum it is city, it is rural everywhere, people are craving god back in school. >> that's exactly right. we're seeing everywhere. i'm in columbus, ohio most inner city high crime rates and life wise up in the most remote rural communities and affluent suburbs confirmed next year to be live in los angeles, california of all places. pete: american people are with you recent polling shows that 56% of americans support teaching public school students biblical values. it was ripped the you're right supreme court codify rejecting those things in schools but you found a place where the supreme
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court said it can still happen if our viewers out there are watching and they're interested for something like this for their kids or grandkids, where do they find more information and how -- walk us through a little bit about how you do get this started. >> yes well it all starts with a signature campaign must be a grassroots effort through our website you can find any school district in the nation whether it is your district where you live work or worship go to our website life find your school district and voice your support. it starts with collecting 50 signatures in your community so add your name to the list shear it with your friends once we see 50 signatures now we can begin the process of getting that steering committee together, putting the plan together, and before long there could be -- a bible education program during school hours, in every community across the nation. >> that's really neat for release time real quick is there a certain time of day it happens and subject how do you figure
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out it is released for mandatory instruction inside of a school? >> great question it cannot infringe upon core class it is can't take the place of a english math or something like that so we work with the school usually part of their special rotation like art, music, gym class built into that rotation maybe kids are opting out of an ungraded library time or maybe they're coming down a lunch and recess time but basically we work with the school to put together a plan that works for everybody. pete: really cool you figured out the constitutional path but what brought you to this path, this journey? >> inspired by a program in my hometown that started from a small town in northwest, ohio they started a release time program in 2012, saw -- nearly every student enroll 95 prkt of the entire school enroll that he came to me said joel how come there isn't a program like
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this in every community coast to coast. what i think you need is a plug and play program that any community can implement to remove the barriers to entry because it is hard to pull off. they said that sounds like a good idea we think you should do that and that's how it got started. pete: i'm inspired bringing christ back to public sphere one school district at a time. organization is life check it out. you can do it in your backyard as well. appreciate you. >> thank you. pete: thank you don't move trump attorney will scharf joins us live ahead of opening arguments in the trump trial and gearing up for talladega geico 500 on fox and next round will and caylee hit the go-carts, coming up. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining.
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