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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 21, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. it's better outside with ninja. cookouts are better with master grills that char, bbq, smoke and air fry. backyard bashes are better with pizza ovens that give you crispy crust. 700° high heat roasting, and bbq smoking. it's better outside with ninja. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done.
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>> it's the 9:00 a.m. hour of"" all rise, things are set to begin tomorrow in trump's hush money trial. his attorney joins us in minutes, house passes the $95 billion foreign aid package, no aid for our borer in the package. what top republicans are saying. >> start your engines, we're reving up for talladega, the geico 500 on fox. richard childress and austin dillon join us live just ahead. the final hour of "fox & friends weekend" starts right now. ♪ >> what is the skyline? >> oh, man. i feel like i know this one. i'm going -- i've got you. >> i'm going. >> i got you. >> chattanooga, tennessee. >> i'm going oklahoma city,
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baby. >> i'm going to go with tennessee as well. >> oh, vehicle out. >> indianapolis. wow. >> that middle building in oklahoma city is so much taller. >> the oklahoma city skyline has a tall building. that wasn't tall enough so i took a snack at it. stab at it.>> chattanooga -- >> that looked like a big downtown for me. >> that's indianapolis. >> chattanooga is 300,000 people. >> it's not that big. >> lucas oil stadium, that would have been an indicator. >> you didn't see it, did you? >> no, i didn't. >> that's the fun game we play with "fox & friends weekend." may your skyline make our -- we'll leave it there. >> we don't need -- >> i maintain -- i got phoenix
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last hour. >> you get phoenix. >> we had seattle, phoenix and indianapolis this morning. i almost got seattle. i called it portland. play along at home. >> keep sending photos, we'll play with our national anthem. >> a full jury is seated for tomorrow's opening arguments in former president donald trump's hush money trial. >> this comes as we learn michael avenatti is reportedly talking to trump's legal defense team from his jail cell. >> madeleine rivera joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning. just one day to go before opening arguments former president trump is blasting the trial with a series of new posts on his platform, truth social. he says in part the scam rush trial taking place a 95% democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought eight years ago but everybody passed. they waited and brought it right in the middle of my presidential
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campaign. the post comes one day after an appeals court rejected the trump team's motion to delay the trial as they tried to move the case out of manhattan where they argue folks are too biased to give the former president a a fr shake. he's getting backup from michael avenatti, the former attorney of stormy daniels. he's in federal prison, serving a 19 years sentence for extortion, em he be sellment, ag other crimes. he tells the new york post he's been in contact with trump's attorneys and says he would be willing to testify for the former president. avenatti says there's no question the trial is politically motivated because they're concerned that he may be reelected. if the defendant was anyone other than donald trump, this case would not have been brought at the time. also happening this week, the supreme court is set to hear arguments on trump's claims of presidental immunity as he fights the federal criminal case you accusing him of conspiring
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to overturn the 2020 election results, let's bring in trump team attorney, will sharp. opening statements set to begin this week. before we get into particular, set the scene. what's the strategy? what is the trump defense going to look like? >> look, while the prosecution and the media are hell-bent on sensationalizing this case, we're focusing on the facts because the facts show that president trump did absolutely thouing wrong. this is a bess records case. the business records accurately reflected payments to one of president trump's lawyers as legal retainer fees. add does nailly, those records weren't -- additionally those records weren't entered by president trump, he was busy running things at the white house while this was happening in new york. the facts are on our side, they exonerate the president and as long as the jury focuses on the facts, as long as the jury can see through all the media coverage and the sensationalism
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and focus on the facts at issue in the case we believe we have a winning case and that's what you'll see play out tomorrow with opening argument. >> i had a former prosecutor on the show earlier. he talked about the fact there's two lawyers on the jury. that's an unconventional move by the prosecution and the defense team. his suspicion was, the argument and the theme therefore from the defense in looking at those two lawyers on the jury is making the technical argument that no matter the facts, this doesn't add up to a crime as they go back to that jury room to argue. is that a rational theme to explain the presence of two lawyers on the jury? >> well, look, i think a lot of aspects of jury selection in this case have been highly abnormal. you saw a huge number of jurors being excused for cause because they admitted that they couldn't be fair and impartial and unyou biased as -- unbiased as we
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expect of jurors. it's unusual to have lawyers seated on a jury. that's one of the least unusual aspects of the case. the case should never have been brought, certainly shouldn't be tried in new york. the made media capital of the wt the height of election season. we moved to recuse the judge, a change o of venue. there are a lot of aspects of the case that are unregular. this is in the new york times. they said new york state prosecutors have never before filed an election law case involving a federal campaign. the trustee talked about how they elevated a misdemeanor to a felony, something that's historically you unique and you will never see it gone. it strikes me as unbelievable there's nos precedent for this. i have to believe at least one juror even in a blue jurisdiction like manhattan will have the wherewithal to say something is happening here, this is unprecedented.
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>> yeah, you know, james madison in the federalist papers wrote about the cruise of political faction of new-fangled and artificial treasons to oppress political opponents. i think that's what we're seeing play out in courtrooms across america, we're seeing prosecutors hell-bent on interfereing with the 2024 election bringing unprecedented he legal theories against president trump all because of what he's doing, because he's running for president. it's an outrageous abuse of the legal system. i think alvin bragg's prosecution they in new york that we're seeing play out in court this week is example a of that phenomenon and it's outrageous, should offend all americans of all political stripes. >> you're not the only one saying that. here is cnn's top legal analyst saying pretty much the same thing. watch. >> on a scale of caseses that prosecutors charge, it's mid lane. there's stuff we don't know. but it's middle of the pack and
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i'm not saying that to hedge. i've seen enough to know one to ten it's a five, four and-a-half. if they were trying this case in a jurisdiction that had gone 50/50, trump biden, i would say there's no chance of a conviction. >> if it was actually fair. >> yeah. >> yeah, i wouldn't rate this case a five. i would rate this case a zero. the fact that this case is seeing the inside of a courtroom at all is an absolute outrage and speaks to the politicization of the system of law enforcement under the biden administration and their political allies across the country. i mean, again, we have the leading candidate for president being forced to take time off the campaign trail for a totally inhaven'ted legal theory that has you said has never seen the light of day in the a courtroom before. it's absolutely outrageous and i think any fair and i impartial jury will see through the sensationalism and media coverage and would feel honor
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bound to acquit here. >> it's a hypothetical that this would be brought in another jurisdiction. the case wouldn't be brought in any other jurisdiction. one more question for you. i know you're not going to lay out a playbook on the sunday before the trial starts. it will not only be opening statements , if the first week e anticipate probably the first prosecution witness and that could be michael cohen. what would be in what you could share the cross examination theme or strategy with michael cohen? >> well, look, that's a little bit of a complicated question to answer because of the wildly unconstitutional unilateral gag order in this case. with respect to michael cohen, this is a man who has been found liable for perjure by a number of courts previously and that's going to be a key theme here is the fact that the prosecution's witnesses are simply not credible people.
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the actual facts here, fully support president trump because he did nothing wrong. >> all right. >> thank you very much,. >> will, thank you. >> thank you guys. >> that's impeaching the witness in legalese, it's establishing that the witness is inherently untrustworthy, a proven track record of not just lying but of perjury. it should undercut any credibility of a witness with a jury. >> hearing him talk about the facts and everything you just laid out, just wonder are these people capable of being fair? that's what i really want to know. maybe it's a curve ball strategy of saying hey, a lawyer's sitting there. i mean, it depends. if you have a hyper partisan couple lawyers they'll get in the jury room and spin it the way they want with legal language that other jurors won't have acassess to. maybe it goes in the other direction. maybe that's the play the trump team is making. if a lawyer sees it all - as a former attorney for p
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diddy, all you need is one juror. he called it a disrupter. you need a juror to break through the morase, you need one, you get a hung jury. this could backfire of democrats. if he's acquitted, hung jury, i mean, take tail wind perhaps behind the former president politically. >> all that means is you have two people who should know better, understand the arguments, how they apply to the law and the failures of this particular prosecution but that doesn't mean they will be that one. it just means the they're not, they should know better. >> just need one. >> speaking of should know better, we talked about this yesterday but you would think by now given all the evidence of the problems that come with men pretending to be would of men and being in women's spaces we might be backing off of those thongs. not the biden administration. they cash-things. not the biden administration. they et completed the rules of
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title 9 which basically replace biological sex with gender identity. all the title 9 protections according to that guy right there a afforded to women for decades now also belong to men who think they're women or pretending to be women. we were talking about how that rule actually hurts females. >> they're saying all are welcome except for women. this is the m most assinine, a anti-reality pursuit from this administration so far. this would allow men in women's locker rooms, bathrooms, changing spaces, potentially allow men to be housed in dorm rooms with women. i would say 95% of common sense, everyday americans, parents, coaches, medical professionals, female a athletes, they see it
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happen whatting. it turns the them away. this isn't a battle of red versus blue. this is sane versus insane, moral versus evil. >> you have the secretary of education, i'm paraphrasing, he says it furthers title 9 whose entire purpose was to further females in sports. ththis issue is a common sense issue. i was enthused to see washington post polling that came out that showed north of 60% say biological men should not be in women's sports. people gravitate towards fairness on this. >> i expected to poll to be closer to 90. riley's estimation, it's beyond red and blue, it's common sense. people see it as a dividing line as sanity versus insanity. if you can't acknowledge basic biology and sacrifice this to
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the ideology. you're not fit for leadership. you're not fit family room decent conversation. there's -- not fit for decent conversation. i can't believe the democratic party is giving in to the insanity. >> as we were talking about this issue, you could take every word you just said, will, and we said, a and apply it to the military and other institutions. we've lost our minds. common sense that have made sense for a listening time. i'm transitioning to my book, the war on warriors, some of the things you don't expect it, they're on hyper drive and that's the pentagon where trans ideology is pushed into units. but it didn't just happen immediately. it's happened over the course of a couple administrations. yesterday i was in an audio booth had for nine hours, readiy audio book for the war on warriors. it must be an easy read.
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i flowed. i filmed a portion to share with you guys, talking about basically that last issue. as it applies to combat. watch. >> a man who acts differently in combat gets people killed. a woman who can't do the same job as a man in combat gets people killed. a trans soldier who doesn't have his/her meds is combat ineffective and gets people killed. a competent, experienced white soldier who leaves the army because he's told he's the problem gets people killed. likewise, a black or female soldier who gets promoted primarily because of the color of their skin or the genitalia between their legs gets people killed. the only thing that matters is mission accomplishment. trained individuals, trained teams, shared missions, no distractions, maximum lethality.
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anything else is [bleep] and right now we have a steaming pile of it. [laughter] >> wow. >> you talked to guys still serving, i talked to dozens for this book on active duty as well, they say the exact same thing. our job is to be lethal. our diversity is not our strength. our unity is our strength. our leadership is pushing this garbage down the throats of our units which nobody wants and it divides us and we're walking on egg shells as commanders and it headaches the environment more dangerous and people will die as a result. in the previous hour i shared a combat story of mine. in the book you'll hear about missions i went on, the brotherhood, the reality of the dangers of combat and you see this stuff, why are women coming into men's combat units? and the military did studies. the marine corpses did a full study that showed all menu knits versus men and women units in direct combat.
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what do you think happened? >> what do you think russia and china is doing? do you think they're focused on this. >> what do you think the obama administration did with the you city you i did? thanks for the city you i did. study. the book will tick some people out. >> you can apply it to a nation, unity in a nation is our strength. it's all the more on the nose as you read there very eloquently, the military unit where it gets people killed. s that's the end result of a lack of unity, it gets people killed. >> check the book out, available right now, preorder it. thank you. >> turning to your headlines, we'll start with a fox news alert. at least two people are dead, 15 hurt after a driver plowed into a children's birthday party in michigan yesterday, six adults and three children are fighting for their lives in the hospital in critical condition. police say they have suspected driver in custody. there's no word yet on any charges. a 5-year-old and 8-year-old are dead in that party. hey school soccer game in new york city was canceled after a large group of illegal
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immigrants took over the field at harlem's thomas jefferson park. the coach said he was asked what appeared to be 30 or so illegal immigrants to leave the field. the group refused despite police arriving on the scene. >> the police arrived and they still refused? >> the coach told the new york post the team felt unsafe and left and they don't plan to return to the field any time soon. >> that's brazen. >> we received hundreds and hundreds of e-mails. eating in bed is becoming increasingly popular trend among young people. data shows 58% of americans between 8 and 24 say their bed is the preferred place to eat when they get hungry late at night. >> i love gen z. >> 54% of adults of all ages admit to doing the same thing. earlier we asked our viewers their thoughts. caylee's pro and pete and i think it's disgusting.
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>> gross. >.>> helen agreed with caylee d said she has dinner in bed every night. joseph says no food should ever be in the bed. we're picking up a gender -- >> there's a theme here. elizabeth seems to think gender is a factor, saying it's gross unless you're a woman, will because they're neater. >> doesn't sound like you're neater. >>eding that men eat over the sink. >> for a reason. elizabeth is right. >> the kitchen sink. >> you eat over the sink? >> like if i'm grabbing a thing from the fridge, going to eat it real quick. that shows my conscientiousness that crumbs would fall in the sink. follow? >> i do follow. but i don't eat over the sink. >> you plate every piece of food you get? >> i do. >> intense. >> i plate everything. i mean jen walks around with a napkin, and there's crumbs
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falling. >> the napkin is fake. doesn't work. that's why you go to the sink. >> oh, no, you go to the sink p. >> that's one step away from the trash can. do you do that too in. >> also acceptable. >> but not in bed, not even cold stone? >> you're a conscientious neanderthal. >> thank you. >> fox news alert. massive aid to israel protests take over columbia university's campus, one jewish activist tells us why unity is the most important mess. message this passoverseason, ne. ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer
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>> [chanting [. >> nypd, kkk. >> they're all the same. >> there is only one solution. >> there is only one solution. >> we are hamas. >> you're hamas? wow. i didn't know that you're what? you're hamas. >> yes, we're all hamas. >> there is only one solution. and we are hamas. massive anti-israel, pro-is la
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pro-islamists protests are breaking out on ivy league campuses. what does is say about the state of the country. what does it say about the state of our nation right now? >> it says our nation is incredibly divided and is really frightening for jewish students and students who want peace to be at columbia and to be at so many campuses and it's outrageous that being a jewish student in college is frightening. it shouldn't be happening. the schools need to take control of it. and the truth is that there can be peace if people start listening to each other instead of screaming for hamas who who areterrorists. >> no doubt. if you would -- let's just jump into it. you've got a book in your hand. we're heading into passover.
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it's an opportunity for people to have conversations. >> passover is the greatest holiday in the jewish calendar, the most widely celebrated jew belong is an organization that i started. it's not too late to celebrate passover. online you can go and download our hagata and that is the booklet you follow for passover. >> you've got it right in front of you, called passover, the world's most complicated continuerer party. -- dinner party.>> people get . we have it for you. go to and we explain it. there's a baby moses centerpiece people can put on their table, there's fun things people can do to tell the story. one very important thing that jew belong added this year is to have a cup of coffee and we added the 10 plagues of anti-semitism. because there's n -- most people
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will sit down at passover and they'll talk about anti-semitism. it's never been like this in this country. one of the plagues, on 31 of the hagata, and it's hamas because that's a terrible -- that's anti-semetic and one of them is small mindedness. if people could just realize that palestinians and israelis could find peace, we're calling for peace instead of murder, instead of inde ef ata. >>s what's the website? >> >> thank you for being here. >> i'm so happy and really happy passover to you and to everybody and it's not -- just one more word. it doesn't have to be intimidating to have a passover
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seder. we have it on jewblorg.>> still ahead,. molly: joins us live. >> last hour, i took down joe concha in the go cart race on fox square. geico 500 is on fox but this is the fox to and friends five lapse. up next, will and caylee hit the course to see who can challenge me. no your yard is your sanctuary. where you should feel free. i know... i was talking about the dogs. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it's revolutionary mix of seed and fertilizer that grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. release the hounds! smell that freedom, eh? i smell it! i'm still talking to the dogs. get scotts turf builder rapid grass today,
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it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever.
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the earnhardt family has always trusted bass pro shops for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones... that's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on. >> today is talladega, the geico 500 live on fox. rick reichmuth is in tel t talla with austin austin dillon and d
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childress. >> the rain has stopped. it's great news. it's cold but it will get better. i have austin and richard here. the rain is gone. you're going to be fine for the race. you've never won talladega. break the race down. do you have a shot. >> we're starting fifth today. kyle busch was able to win last year. hopefully we can get together and bring home the first talladega happy. >> you would make gra grandpa happy. >> we're riding the momentum. >> i want to talk about the race coming up, throwback weekend in darlington. tell me about the race and the tradition of it. >> may 12 on fox, we'll be in darlington. he we've been doing throwback weekends for a while. we have a special paint scheme from bass pro shops and johnnie morris. >> this has special meaning for
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you, right? >> johnnie morris and the anglers and hunters, men and women, we did it as a tribute to the men and women, out doorsmen. 1998, myself, johnny morris and we gave millions of dollars to conservation. >> we want to see, this is the paint job that was on the race in 1998. >> yes. it was. and johnnie morris us one of the greatest conservationists that we've ever -- that's ever known, he's done so much to build a legacy but i think his legacy will go down as the greatest conservationist. >> joh johnnie morris is the founder of bass pro shops. it's hunting, fish, but it's also conservation. i don't know people know that story about him and what he's done. >> he's done so much.
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everything that's out there, johnnie is involved with, clean water acts and fishing and so many things he will go down in history as one of the greatest conservationists. >> i grew up as a boy scout, grew up in the outdoors hiking and you always left it better than you found it and that's the whole point of all of this. >> that's what conservation is all about, it's for the kids in the future, the great grandchildren, grandchildren. i remember taking austin and tyler on their first hunting and fishing trips. it's unbelievable, the memories you leave for them and to see austin with his son out turkey hunting and a fishing is just amazing. >> there's nothing better than being out doors with family. pretty amazing your grandpa is taking you out here, being outside. >> i grew up hunterring with my grandfather, my -- hunting with my grandfather and family. i took my son for his first 2ur turkey hunt. it's about creating memories. the country allows us to get out
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in the outdoor and this car is special to me. dale earnhardt senior made it famous. i remember watching the race and they wheeled it out and watching it they've got a lot of -- we've got a lot of pressure for darlington. it's been a decent track for us. >> you have a little pressure today, take talladega today and best of luck in your race. thank you for being here this morning and telling your story. back to you in the studio. >> rick, watch today's race at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on fox and gear up to go fishing attar your local bass pro shops or visit tore nor -- for more information. last hour joe concha and i took to the track and i got the dub. now it's time for will and kayleigh to hit the famous fox square, what is it, maybe 200-foot -- 200-foot track,
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called the fox five. executive sales manager of super charge new jersey, thomas hool joins us as they race. i'm going to wave the green flag and then we'll talk about super charge which is in edison, new jersey. anybody can check it out. >> will, kayleigh, the "fox & friends" five, may the best driver win. go. let's go. [laughter] >> ladies first. >> going to give her a little -- will was out practicing. can anybody drive these things? >> you have to be over 4'10" to drive it. >> kayleigh is showing better form man's than i dark-better performance than i thought. will ran into the building. are these hard to control? these go fast, don't they. >> they do. they get to 40 miles an hour. not here today, though. >> how fast is will going right now? >> will's going about seven. >> kayleigh going on a casual
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sunday drive. will destroyed the course. b i don't know what the rules are about that. you can't take down every center cone. is this the fifth lap p? ?>> one more ma more. that's four. take it kayleigh. oh, yes, oh, yes! man down. >> kayleigh, i love the effort at the end. >> hey, i was trying. >> if will's taking out cones, why can't you. >> exactly. >> will, i don't know -- >> everybody okay? everybody good? [laughter] >> all right. maria bartiromo -- >> two years in a row, will almost knocked out the spectators. they didn't sign a waiver. maria bartiromo is next.
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>> we're back with your headlines. starting with this. new overnight, at least two people are dead, six others are hurt, after a shooting broke out at a memphis block party late last night. police believe two people opened fire at the party and are still on the hunt for the suspects. >> we stand together to denounce the senseless acts of violence in our community. we are working tirelessly
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tonight to identify the individuals who were involved in this shooting. >> the shooting remains under investigation. opening arguments in former president trump's trial begin monday. tomorrow. the full jury being seated with alternatives sworn in on friday. trump saying the trial is being unfairly rushed. it is unprecedented. calling it, quote, planned and coordinated witch hunt in his post to truth social yesterday. this after an appeals court rejected his lawyer's motion to delay the trial. michael avenatti of all people i'll reportedly talking to trump's legal defense team from his jail cell saying he would testify on his behalf. interesting. and former secretary of state hillary clinton in a recent podcast stating what direction she believes the country would go if donald trump heads back to the white house.
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>> trump was like just gaga over putin because putin does what he would like to do, kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalistsnd others into exile, rule without any check or of balance. that's what trump really wants. >> that's pretty rich coming from a clinton. clinton did go on to also admit she feels president joe biden is too old to be running for president. that convention in chicago in august could be pretty interesting and those are your headlines. going t to toss it to will, future competitor in the fox five, he almost took out the audience. >> i'm swearing off the competition. fox news you aletter, the 95 -- alert, the foreign aid package sends to the senate floor.
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it includes more than $60 billion for ukraine, 26 billion for israel and more than 8 million for the indo-pacific region, nothing for the southern border. here to break it down, sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo. you always focus so well on these things on sunday and i'm just curious as you're talking to so many different lawmakers, what the feedback will be especially among republicans about this bill. maria: well, look, good morning to you, will and the team. this is expected to become law next week. its is expected to pass the senate on tuesday and the president signing et it into lat that time. there's a lot of debate amongst republicans because we're sitting here watching no new security at the southern border. i mean, even brandon judd, the head of the border patrol union, says i'm incredibly disappointed, i can't believe taxpayer dollars are going to this foreign aid and no concentration on the southern border. he said you could have changed policy. we didn't need any money, just a
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policy change to actually alleviate what's going on, 10 million illegals on joe biden's watch, 2 million got aways, we have no idea what their intentions are. having said that it passed with the help of democrats and despite lots of threats from marjorie taylor greene and two others who joined her effort to threaten to file a motion to vacate the speaker. now, at the end of the day, marjorie taylor greene gave this a thumbs down but she stopped short of actually filing that motion to take out speaker johnson because she did not have the support. she had two other people who were willing to go with her but she knew she's was not going to get anywhere doing that. i'm talking with her today because she is going to be answering her critics, a lot of criticism around marjorie taylor greene from republicans who say we don't want all of this new drama in an election year. keep the speaker as is and let's just move forward. having said that, it is a head scratcher that the republicans cannot actually move the needle
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on securing the border when we've got fentanyl flowing through, killing american citizens, we've got 10 million iillegals, human trafficing, drg trafficking, i'll talk to senator cruz and senator lee about this and why it's so difficult tore the republicans to actually make a change, move the needle at the border and we've got an exclusive with the president of poland, he sat down with me on thursday when he was in new york. he had a meeting with president trump, two plus hour meeting with president trump. i want to talk to him about what they discussed and also president duda makes the case that all nato countries have got to increase their spending on defense. he's already at 4% of gdp in poland, actually a little more than 4%, 4 and a quarter percent. this is something president trump talked about so much. he wants all of the members to the raise their exposure to defense, their spending on
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defense by at least 3%. he's talking about what he calls russian imperialism. he has no doubt that you have to consider the fact that once pew ton is done within he's going to -- with ukraine, he's going to go into the other regions nearby, including poland. they're worried about world war iii, they're worried about another soviet union taking place with putin. here we are, the same place we were last month, last year. same thing, 10 of million people on joe biden's watch, we see the implications every state being a border state, crime skyrocketing, some of it migrant crime and they still have yet to actually move the needle because they don't have a willing partner. the white house won't do it. the democrats won't do it. >> will be fascinating to hear your interview with the leader of poland on sunday morning futures many thanks so much, maria. maria: i'll see you in ten minutes, we're gearing up for the geico 500 on fox and we're
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revving up our own engines on fox square. i'm supposed to take on pete in a race but i've got to admit, i'm rattled. i'm a safet -- safety hazard real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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>> we've been gearing up for the geico 500 all morning with our own "fox & friends" 500 go cart race and the final round it is will versus pete. we welcome back thomas hall, executive sales manager of super charge new jersey. they brought the superspeedway to fox square this morning. and i'm quite frightened to wave this green flag because will cain is out of control and i might lose my life, nevertheless i will take one for the team. on your mark, get set, go. >> he got a head start. >> i'm moving out of the way. >> you took the inside. >> whoa, whoa. >> look at will. >> will did that. will did that. >> look out, look out. >> oh, my goodness. i did not have this on my bingo card. will in the lead. >> i didn't --
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>> you had your money on he pete, i know. >> i did. >> this is shocking. >> i can't catch him. >> you've got to take out some cone, pete. you've got to take out some cones. >> i know. >> how many is that? >> that's four. >> last one. >> i believe. okay. all right. here we go. here we go. oh, will is the winner! >> oh, my goodness. >> wow. >> victory lap. >> wow, wow, wow. >> it wasn't even close. >> thomas? >> i don't know what happened. >> you can do the honors. >> will cain. vast improvement from 20 minutes ago. >> i don't know what happened. ism going to say some sort of equipment malfunction. >> i think he had more speed. >> on be had behalf of super ce entertainment, the world's largest indoor track --
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>> this is the best moment ever. >> congratulations. >> more "fox & friends" moments away. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd.
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7:00 am
abbvie could help you save. ♪ at the car wash -- will: that's a reminder, the geico 500 is today, 3 p.m. thank you, thomas, and supercharged entertainment. if this is a lot of fun. it's -- kayleigh: a blast. will: -- so much fun, it's dangerous. [laughter] pete: this trophy is bigger than you probably win if you win talladega. will: it might be. [laughter] kayleigh: enormous. pete: "fox & friends" five champ thanks to supercharged. zero people were injured. ran me into the railing but, thankfully -- will: thank you, kayleigh, you were great. pete: have a great sunday, everybody. first, go to church, and then check out the race on fox at 3:00. [inaudible conversations] ♪ ♪
7:01 am
maria: good sunday


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