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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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months of standstill intentions within the house republican conference. notably did not include security provisions but welcome to fox news like i amark emmanuel. she is not backing off her plan to try to oust a speaker johnson though she did not give specifics about timing or how he would be replaced. madeleine rivera is light on capitol hill following all of this weakens congressional drama. >> good afternoon. motion to vacate speaker michael johnson just yet. marking a major victory what is been otherwise in his leadership are today he's getting a bipartisan praise for getting that 95 at billion-dollar 95 bin aid package through the house. >> said to have you back
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america. >> he became the man from the district in louisiana to the speaker of the united states. and look at the entire world had to carry the burden of that and make the right decision. >> rank and file member at johnson largely oppose funding for ukraine. he cited his debriefings from intelligence officials as the reason for his 180 and why he decided to move ahead with a floor vote on the 60 billion-dollar ukraine bill on saturday. more democrats voted to pass that which angered hard-line conservatives who did not want to advance it without measures for the southern border. as lawmakers had to a weeklong recess congresswoman marjorie taylor green leaves it will feel the anger from their constituents and back the effort to oust johnson. she said on "sunday morning futures" with maria this morning johnson should step down or he will be vacated. some democrats may be willing to cross the aisle and save it jjohnsonif that does happen.
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>> i disagree many issues and been very critical of him for he did the right thing to keep his job until the end of this term. >> $95 billion foreign aid package $26 billion for a fourth bill would ban tiktok was its parent company divests its interest in the app. president biden said light on capitol hill thank you very much more on this spring and political manual carbon dividends and m in managing dirr chris johnson democratic strategist. welcome to both of you. >> thanks for having me. >> the house of passes for an eight on ukraine for taiwan and of course israel because we have heard are not happy let's play some more marjorie taylor gr
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greene. >> passed the biden administration's policies and fully funded them. we are going to fight in congress to do everything we can of unipart eat leadership. leadership.mike johnson speakers over. >> is this a serious threat or will democrats have the speakers and back through this congress? >> i do not believe this threat of the speaker johnson being ousted is a real one. as we have seen, what congresswoman greene has said most recently she will not move forward to more forcibly oust him. we can take that signal to mean this is likely not there's crisis on the world stage and house democrats and house republicans have shown they can work together to move this back and forward and get something done and get an infectiousness in this moment and putting marjorie taylor green and others waiting behind the scenes for this ouster moment on the wrong side of history. and so i think it's really important to know this is probably not a real threat, a credible one, and the house
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should be, should be glad they're able to move this forward to the senate. >> so far key democrats are not jumping in with the effort to oust the speaker. let's play this clip. marjory stay lori harmon careen is not a -- marjorie taylor marr green is not a serious person and not a serious threat. lori harmoning to fight with democrats and create for that and it's fun and ultimately what we're seeing happen that was done laryngoly because of years and years and years that are issues of kevin mccarthy's personal relationship on the hill and drove a lot of ammunition for histoouster and
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speaking of fighting and how much the opposite is a reality of where relationships matter almost more than politics or policy. >> interesting. so 2024, there's a presidential campaign happening. let's take a look at choice if voiting for president now in some of the key battleground states and there you have georgia, 51-45 for trump, michigan, 49-46 for trump. pennsylvania, tight race, 48 all and wisconsin very tight as well. so, janae, does this mean we can expect to see biden and trump in pennsylvania crisscrosses and a lot of times going to wisconsin as well? >> well, i'll say that it is still too early to be relying on polling and ail the battleground
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states, there's close races and this neck and neck and head-to-head and numbers aren't shocking and they knew all along in the campaign they were going to have to be battling it out in the states and they're very, very close margins. what i think you'll continue to see is president biden on the campaign trail talking about his record and the issues that americans care about. i think you're going to see him in pennsylvania, you're going to see him back in georgia and see him doing the work of a president on the campaign trail. while donald trump is doing what donald trump is doing, i think you'll see president biden in these key battleground states really rebuilding this coalition that got him to the white house in 2020. >> also, also from the fox poll, we've got assessment of the president's job points for maya and some of those key battleground states. 42% approval in georgia, 43% in michigan, 45% in pennsylvania, 44% in wisconsin. chris, what is your assessment at this stage of the campaign? >> those are unprecedented numbers for disapproval for an
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incumbent president that is hoping to win. these are jimmy carter numbers and the president isn't nervous but should be. one of the fox poll numbers was michigan. if he's down in michigan and can't pull off a victory there, there's almost no way for a path to the presidency and generally feels like he has to make the gestures to the protests cpi dearborn chanting death to americans and that shows how bad and tight this race is and ultimately he's in really bad shape. if he wants to actually fix this, this will take time. but conservatives should take this as a opportunity to continue push and go on offense and force biden to make the unpopular decisions on how to address israel and how to address all the other economic issue ands all those kind of things. >> jonae and chris, thank you both for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> because of this aid, ukraine
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has a chance fire fighter victory. greg palkot is live from kyiv. hello, greg. reporter: hey, u.s. aid on capitol hill about to be released and full rush shohei ra boroughing down and this help is critical. there's a leading member of the parliament for his opinion. here is what he said. >> thanksgiving the question of life and death. so from there, this decision will help to save, i think, thousands of lives plus it give a chance for ukraine to continue the fight. >> to continue the fight in part. new aid is direct military and
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humanitarian grants to the country. it's also replenishing the ammo stocks depleted in the u.s.. it's giving the folks a new reason to believe. look and listen. >> cold day in kyiv and war me mural and gratitude for u.s. aid to military here and the grim reality, this bat 18 far from over. >> more money and more aid. >> this is my country and people are dying, young people, and this is very scary for this generation and doesn't know what to expect, what what it'll be tomorrow and we need it's the problem of the world and russia is moving all the threats. >> russia is a problem for the
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world the young lady says. for its part, the kremlin is granting a new road to escalation and will deepen the crisis and at least for some folks here, it's a possible way out. back to you, mike. greg live in kyiv, greg, many thanks. jot prime minister thanked the house for passing 26 billion in foreign aid for israel. trey yingst is in tel aviv with the very latest. hello, trey. reporter: mike, the war in gaza approaches the 200 day mark. israel is on track to receive new funding from the united states. the u.s. house of representatives passing a bill with $26 billion israeli
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officials say it couldn't come soon enough and threats against the country evolve and rising tension twine israel and iran, there's concern that the largest proxy, hezbollah could increase the ongoing attacks. >> hezbollah is strong enough to make these coalitions before they go into confrontation. reporter: a mid new threats from hezbollah, israeli forces remain on high alert across the country and rockets were sounding across the border from lebanon and fresh israeli strikes from hezbollah overnight and unit continues to work behind the scenes to deescalate attention along the northern border and tracking more developments out of the west bank and israeli military wrapped up a raid. 14 people were killed according to the palestinian red crescent and entire middle east is on the brink of a larger conflict and united states and israel going to remain in close coordination in the days ahead.
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mike. >> trey yingst live in tel aviv. trey, thanks very much. mixer the white house touting it's passage on the house following the strikes in israel and iran. lucas tomlinson live on the north lawn with details. hello, lucas. reporter: hello, mike. on sunday lindsey graham had a message for jd vance, if you don't like the $60 billion going to ukraine, go there yourself and take a look for the stand. >> getting a briefing and talk to the ukrainian people and tell me what you think. >> maybe you won't put it together. go on your next trip. >> you're welcome to come. reporter: the strike on aurone and applauded the house passing
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a $60 billion aid to ukraine and more for israel and taiwan and the white houssaying "at this critical inflection point, they came together to answer history's call passing urgently needed national security legislation that i have fought months to secure". biden is now requiring the new bill to articulate the ukraine strategy in the next 45 days and white house state department nor the pentagon said if the goal for ukraine was to return to 1991 boarders. assuming that might help ukraine take crimea and destroy the bridge connecting to russia and american lawm lawmakers are tacg ballistic missiles and the biden administration withheld for two years and mark warner said they're heading to the battlefield. >> i hope once the president signs, we've been told there's the president's cig sure making sure that congress does its job and that these materials will be in transit by the end of the week.
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one more thing about the air defense and ukrainians for the first time in the war shot down a russian bomber for the first time. mike. mike: fascinating. lucas tomlinson live on the north lawn. lucas, thanks very much. more on this, here with me the ceo of fun disagreement of defensive democracy -- defensive democracy. more aid to ukraine and israel seen. here's president soft and average linn i can offering reaction -- president zelensky offering words today. >> united states standing with ukraine and protecting the ukrainians and they'll protect democracy in the world. this is the shell of leadership and strength of the united states.
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i think indeed now we've reached this important moment. mike: what's the impact of the aid in this conflict? >> it's critical and demonstrates we have the backs of our al allies and no better present and worse enemy and worse troops and allies fighting and dying in their own defense and both need critical aid. that money going to u.s. defense contractors and it's creating u.s. jobs and helping our allies fight against two of america's most dangerous enemies, vladamir putin's russia and iran. mike: back from israel and weave seen a back and forth between israelis and iranians and do you think this @ for tat continues.
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it'll continue and israeli strike reminded iran's supreme leader these air defenses don't work and he's very vulnerable. mike: do you worry about this making unpopular regime in iran with the iranian people like more popular like basically igniting iranian nationalism? >> no, there's no rally around the islamic republic flag and rally around the american flag and a lot hate this and very
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resilient and ready to fight in the own defense and young generation is remarkable and incredibly patriotic and on the battlefield and they're out there defending their parents and their sisters. it's a society that will continue to thrive and needs u.s. support to do the own fighting and against a very dangerous enemy and very dangerous time. mike: is there a message for american policymakers and you're back from there? you've seen it firsthand in terms of where things are in the conflict. >> i think my mayor message is just back the israelis in the fight against radical islam because radical islam is not only coming to our streets, mike, it's already here. if the israelis lose, we lose. again, they consider america to be the great satan. israel is a little satan. they chant death to america and burn american flags as they do israeli flags and israel's fight is our fight. mike: we've seen more conflict on college campuses and columbia
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university being the latest example. what do you make of that? >> in 2024, jewish kids can't go to college and afraid and requesting they study from home because they're so afraid of being harassed. this is a function of the radical left, it's also a function of billions of dollars being spent by the cut reigns leadings and other arab -- qatar and other arab countries and people that turned a behind eye and they've benefited from the billions of dollars flowing into the coffers and here we are in 2024 where it's not safe to go to school. mike: thank you for your time and analysis today. >> thanks, mike, for having me. mike: new arrests as pro palestinian demonstrators at columbia took to the streets for the forth straight day and new protests are brewing this afternoon. live from the campus of new york city, next. ♪ they have you surrounded. just gonna stand there? or are you gonna take your lawn back! we are gonna take it back.
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mike: cb cotton is live on the campus of columbia university. hello, cb. reporter: hi, mike. we learned an orthodox rabbi from columbia recommended jewish students return home as soon as possible. the rabbi sent a message to
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student this is morning saying after last night's protests, it was clear at least to him that campus public safety and nypd could no longer ensure that the safety of jewish students. mike, we've been watching crowds of pro palestinian demonstrators come here on a daily basis and see the one behind me and at last night's protest here just off campus, we saw the numbers swell to about 300 people where people set off flares with the chants. listen. reporter: three people were detained and issued court summonses and this is more than 100 jewish students protest the columbia administration for virtual classes and a jewish student telling us she's living in fear. >> it's very sad that on campus and it's terrifying that i'm
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given the choice of either hiding my identity or being subject to harassment and assault, and i just won't give into that. i think about it all the time, will someone look at me and hurt me because of that? plies moved us a bit of a ways away and it indicates they're expecting this crowd to continue to grow. back to you. mike: a mass shooting saturday
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night during a block party that left two people dead and six others injured. madison scarpino live with the details. reporter: hello, mike. the latest from memphis police a few hours ago is all of the hospitalized surviving victims are now in stable condition. police say that there were hundreds of people at this unlicensed party while shooting broke out. there's a major violent crime issue in the city. there were nearly 400 homicides last year and a new record. one woman heard all the gunshots from the block party and fed up with the crime. >> it's so unjust to the people for our mayor to get on the news and state that our crime is down. it is not down. we have kids dying and teens
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steady dying and adult steady dying. reporter: police arrived at the shooting scene before 7:20 last night. if you're familiar with memphis, the shooting was at orange mound park, just south of the stadium where the memphis tiger football team plays. video of the block party that's circling around social media shows large crowds of people at the park. one shows doughnuts going around and continuous shots being fired and people running and screaming and another video shows several people in the crowd pointing large guns at the sky before you once again hear the shooting and here's what another women at the crime scene was. they need to take the gun away.
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is looking for the suspects and believe there are two of them and no word yet on a motive. madison, thank you very much. mike: the former president's hush money case, that's next. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. las vegas grand prix choose t-mobile for business for 5g solutions. because t-mobile is helping power operations and experiences for hundreds of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business. (music playing)
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mike: the north carolina rally rained out last night after president trump spent a week off the campaign trial at the hush money trial. brian llenas is live in allentown, pennsylvania, with details. hello, brian. reporter: hey, mike. former president trump will be at a new york city courtroom tomorrow for day one of his historic trial. this despite repeated attempts by trump attorneys to delay that trial including latest appeal and judge juan rushed through
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jury selection and cannot get a fair trial in manhattan. this trial is expected to last 6-8 weeks right in the middle of this year's tight, close presidential election. last night underscored the pearls of balancing -- perils of campaigning and the rally since the start of his trial yesterday due to inclement weather in wilmington, north carolina. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is donald trump, your favorite president of all time hopefully. as you can see, there's some very bad weather heading in and we're flying in in a few minutes. they really would prefer we not come in because it's a certain danger to all of us. we want everyone to be safe above all. reporter: former first lady melania trump will step up her campaigning and melania headlined an event at mar-a-lago yesterday hosted by log cabin
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republicans, a pro lgbtq group and they're focused on getting gay voters to turn out in swing states. fox was told the event was sold out and raised more than $1 million. l trump told fox news, we must unit in our effort to establish a society of quality and every day experience and unifying principles and ultimately establishing our american way. new march fec filings show president biden's campaign has more than $85 million of cash on hand and february filings show trump has $33 million. all of this is in the new nbc national poll and registered voters finds trump's lead over biden is trump has a two point advantage of five point advantage in january and that same poll, mike, found that the number one issue for voters nationally is inflation and
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having spoke ton voters here in pennsylvania ahead of the primary on tuesday and it is in fact inflation. mike: brian, thank you very much. former president trump in a new york city courtroom on monday and opening statements are set to begin and hush money trial and for more bring in washington times legal reporter. we got a preview of defense strategy from the trump team, play that. jot fact that president trump did absolutely nothing wrong and this is a business records case and those business records accurately reflected payments to one of president trump's lawyers and legal retainer fees. >> i think trump's team should renew a motion for change and that's on the record and point to some jurors that were sworn in and had to be excused saying
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it was difficult to find an impartial jury and another interesting part of this is in a come flex felony case it can take two weeks to find a jury. this judge ensured it happened in four to five days. mike: what do you anticipate and what about the uncertainty in terms of witnesses called to the stand and seems like there may be surprised? >> yes, i've seen reports that michael avenatti is talking to trump's defense team and wants to come in as a witness and maybe looking at pardon in the future and should trump win the election. trump himself talked about testifying which might be a good thing and could talk about paying michael cohen and his personal attorney for years and wasn't abnormal and following own lawyer's advice along with accountants and i don't know how this jury reacts to seeing trump on the stand but it's a strategy
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they might have to use. mike: what's your analysis of the jury including several lawyers? >> some of the description, it looks like we could have young jurors and some got news from tiktok, gen z, millennials and some lawyers on the jury, that could go back and forth. usually when you're pick ago jury, a lawyer would be able to look at things procedurally and different elements of the crime and standards the prosecution has to reach and that's a high standard beyond a reasonable doubt and that could play well for a defendant and as legal affairs attorney and it's easy to talk to various attorneys that lean one way or another and make an argument however if they're elmore passioned about a case. mitigating circumstance there's a presidential immunity case and
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getting your reaction on that . >> it's doubtful and aidoo grow with tom they're going all the way with the president went in terms of absolute claims of immunity. mike: what do you make of immunity case? >> yes, i think what he's getting at from my experience covering the court since 2017, chief justice roberts could split the baby hair where they say certain acts might be shielded and have immunity and others aren't and not clearly defining what an act is and we could see this come back to the court on various charges and does this constitute something that trump could have immunity for? so any of the delay would be a win for trump. even if it's not a flat out win, absolute immunity and anything that pushes this past the election would be considering a win. and on average in dc specifically, it takes about 26 months usually for indictment to the end of a jury trial and we're seeing this within a year, jack smith wanting to go to
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trial on this. mike: alex, thank you for your time and analysis. great to see you. >> thank you. mike: a young boy and his sister dead in michigan of a 66-year-old woman allegedly drove drunk into a birthday party at a book club. christina coleman is tracking this tragic story for us. hello, christina. reporter: that's right. a 5-year-old boy and 8-year-old sister died after a suspected drunk driver crashed into a birthday party book club yesterday afternoon. nine of the victims taken to area hospitals with life threatening injuries and it happened in mono-rendition of anthony counties berlin township about 30 miles south of detroit. >> unfortunately in tragedy, two of the victims pronounced deceased at the scene. this includes an 8-year-old female and a 5-year-old male who are siblings of each other.
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reporter: authorities say the suspect's vehicle struck the north wall of the building and stopped after it was approximately 25 feet inside. >> the scene was described by the first responders as extremely chaotic with high level of emotions of those directly involved and those who witnessed this horrific incident. reporter: this horrific incident now under investigation. deputies are processing evidence and the woman suspected of causing the crash was taken into custody. >> the 66-year-old female driver of the vehicle -- excuse me, who will not be identified that the time has been taken into police custody for operating while intoxicate asked causing death and she's in the county jail. reporter: additional criminal charges filed against the suspected driver as this investigation continues. mike.
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mike: devastating story. christina coleman, thanks very much. what we're learning about the demographics of migrants arriving in one particular stretch of the southern border, that's next. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants,
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they did speak to the commander of el paso county sheriff's office saying they're having to pitch in and transport those migrants. >> we redirected the funding with the federal government and using for transport and it's been very, very beneficial and keeps federal agents on the lines doing their job, and it gives us the opportunity to use this money to help them with this crisis that's ongoing. reporter: it was a very busy week for customs and border protection here in el paso who made 24 drug seizures and caught 25 wanted individuals at the ports of entry. $20 million worth of meth, cocaine, heroin and fentanyl was seized by uspbp off the streets of&it was a constant -- usbp and we got a two week-recap of what was going on and they busted 500
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migrants and separate smuggling schemes and found 19 different stash houses. mike. mike: danamarie, thanks very much. possible severe storms across the south could bring flooding to the region and meteorologist adam klotz has your fox weather forecast. hello, adam. >> hey, mike. big storms moving across the south and cooling off as well and temperatures abnormally cool considering the time of year and 62 degrees in new orleans, 50 degrees in atlanta and much cooler air and it's all being driven by those storms and cold front moving through and when i say more like march in some ways out there and again, more typically than it's being driven by the storms we're talking about and only big weather maker across the country on this shower coming down and severity of them a bit more overnight and yesterday at this point, more just lingering rain showers that are going to be moving across
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the region on your sunday and flooding is a possibility and it's been very soggy here in the regions so far this season. but additional rainfall at this point, not a whole lot left under a half inch and largely across places of florida and running up across the coast here in the southeast. you're still going to see some of the rain move through and take the rest of the day to do s. time stamps in the corner by 6:00 p.m. you're still watching some of the showers lingering through and by the time you get late this evening, this system is pushed and you have we're going to be clearing out here for a couple of days. afterwards and once this system moves on through, the temperatures do rebound in a way bay and suddenly you're getting back by tomorrow up into the upper 60s and those continue to climb and 74 in atlanta and 27 up in louisville and that heat continues to build for a lot of folks and that's true not just across the south, southeast, but even running up here in the northeast as well, new york city getting back up to 65 and closer
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to 70 and it's been cold as well there lately, mike. mike: adam klotz, many thanks. coming up, how the first unmanned solar-powered aircraft could change the future of warfare, that's next. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just
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complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever.
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mike: first for aerospace industry and the first fully autonomous flight of solar powered aircraft and capable of heavy payloads and staying airborne for 90 days and for more on this possibly game changing aircraft, bring in ceo of sky dweller aero, robert walker. >> good to be here mike: how big is this and this is the largest
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aircraft to date unmanned and carrying up to 800 pounds and imagine taking off for mississippi, flying all the way to dangerous places in the world like in niger being asked to leave and surveil for weeks to months and then come back and land in mississippi. it's just a really game changing cameable. mike: how big could this be for the united states military intelligence. >> allowing us to reach very far out from continental united states and imagine launching out of san diego and flying all the way to the south china sea, observe the chinese beating up on the filipeno fishermen, capture that so we can show the world what's going on there. i think it's a significant capability that the u.s. military and allies are looking very closely at utilizing.
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mike: to that point, there's hot spots in the world: ukraine, israel, middle east. could this play in either of those conflicts? >> certainly in the middle east this. is a great asset and stuff in the red sea with the houthis and stuff that's in israel and persian gulf with iran and delivering interesting capability to the u.s. and allies. mike: a big expense for conventional aircraft is fuel w. a solar acraft, what kind of savings are you making with this invention? >> this is part of the real game changing calculation here.
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mike: what are you hearing from policymakers on how badly they want to get their hands on this new care craft? >> senator wicker is a big fan, congressman whitman and senator mullen from home where we're headquartered and we're all very, very big fans and i had a discussion with tom cole recently and they're all big fans of us, of this capability we're bringing lots of very cutting edge technologies to these communities. really well paying jobs in that respect. mike: fascinating, robert miller, thank you for your time today. >> thank you, mike. mike: on fox news sunday,
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shannon bream has interviews with lindsay gram and exclusive with democrat from florida, jared moschcowitz senator of tornado affaired and stay tuned if you want to watch it later. that's all for fox news live. i'm mike emmanuel. thanks for watching, haven a awesome day. nking: eddie, no fr, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ i am a shannon bream after months of delay billions of ai


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