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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  April 21, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ i am a shannon bream after months of delay billions of aid
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into ukraine, israel and taiwan passes the house and heads to the senate. potentially high costs for speaker mike johnson. ♪ >> we turn our backs right now the consequences will be devastating. i do not support mike johnson is a lame-duck >>. shannon: risks his leadership position to work with democrats to pass contentious foreign aid legislation. as ukraine struggles to hold the line against russia and israel strikes back at iran but here at home anti-semitism on campus will stick with senators from both sides of the isle republican lindsey graham democrat richard blumenthal. house a democrat jared moskowitz whether members of his party will step in to help speaker johnson overcome a leadership battle. then. >> is a rigged case is the case there is similarly. >> the jury that will decide president trump's fate is set
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the unprecedented criminal trial of a former u.s. president. we'll break down what is on the horizon for opening arguments and beyond. and >> donald trump's vision is one of anger, hate, revenge and retribution for good express and bite hits a swing state trail as new numbers show him neck and neck and key battlegrounds with donald trump but could our fk junior shake up the race? we'll bring in our sunday panel to discuss. plus code one of america's fastest-growing sports help bring washington together? >> and senate pickleball caucus solve the world's problem of the country? >> it is a start >> all right now on "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪. shannon: hello from foxnews in washington but praise from israel and ukraine and condemnation out of russia at the house passed billions more in funding for israel, ukraine,
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taiwan and aid for gaza on saturday. a coalition of democrats and republicans apostate 95 billion-dollar foreign aid package with nearly $61 billion for ukraine. more than 26 billion for israel and 8 billion for taiwan and other indo pacific allies. another bill passed in the house would force china to divest from the u.s. version of tiktok and it imposes new sanctions on beijing, russia and iran. in a moment we'll talk with two senators who will begin debating those bills tuesday republican lindsey graham democrat richard blumenthal. but first team coverage from his right with trey yingst and from ukraine fox news senior foreign affairs correspondent greg greg palkot in kyiv. greg, were going to start with you. >> shanna, the kremlin reacting very, very quickly to the word more u.s. military aid is being sent to ukraine. they call it a road to escalation which will deepen the crisis around the world.
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but as we found out, on the ground here for the past couple of days that funding is coming just in time. >> desperate times in ukraine more than two years into the war rushes getting out ground with a massive advantage in artillery, ukraine is short of air defenses limiting infrastructure shattered the locals are desperate. >> it is like a lifeline for ukraine and ukrainian army. this is getting critical for outsiders concern this american military veteran is fighting and training alongside ukrainians. he speaks of the front line in the country's easter. >> we need aid right now to stop the current russian offensive actions that are happening. we need the aid right now to just hold that back >> are getting along with help to israel and taiwan the house of representatives okaying $61 billion in aid stuck in congress for months for punishing ncm a stock's loans. despite resistance, many saw the
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threats. >> it is a dangerous time. three of our primary adversaries russia and iran and china are working together and they are being aggressors around the globe. >> not soon enough ukrainian president zelenskyy and his team as they tangle with arch phot russian president putin without american help they've been warning they will lose, now they have hope. >> thanks to each and everyone who supported our package. this is a solution to protect lives. >> while this new u.s. military assistance to ukraine does not include any american boots on the ground, a new report this morning finds the military staff at that u.s. embassy will be beefed up to as many as 60 service members. not in combat roles but in a crunch they could get the job done. thirty-six greg palkot in ukraine think it we wanted her to fox's foreign correspondent trey yingst in tel aviv, israel.
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hello. >> shanna, good morning for the conflict in the middle east develops, israel is likely to receive billions in new u.s. funding to support their war efforts. >> this vote three to 66 art 58 the bill is passed. [cheering] >> critical funding bill for israel pass in the house of representatives on saturday the plan to send 26,000,000,002 america's key middle east l.a. now has to the senate and is expected to reach president biden's desk. >> we also have language that prevents it from any of the funding going to hamas or any other bad actors that's a very important element of oversight pick house speaker mike johnson assuring those skeptical of the bill that money won't end up in the hands of israel's enemies. as israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu thanked lawmakers for their support, netanyahu poster 2x sega u.s. congress just overwhelmingly passed a much appreciated aid bill that demonstrates strong bipartisan support for israel
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defense of western civilization, thank you friends, thank you america. nearly 200 days into the war between israel and hamas that are emerging regional threats is really leadership says must be immediately addressed name like that up iran and its proxies to file the hundreds of missiles and drones into israel earlier this month. >> would been very, very clear from hear from the beginning we do not want to see this conflict escalate >> invited administration continues to support israel, amid calls for de-escalation reports indicate u.s. state department plans to sanction in israeli military battalion for human rights violations. the sanctions will prevent the unit from receiving american training or support due to their actions in the west bank before the current war began. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu reacted to the sanctions that are expected. colic than the height of absurdity. shannon: will talk more about
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this. trey yingst from israel, thank you majority of south al qaeda republican senator lindsey graham and connecticut democrat senator richard blumenthal. thank you all for being here this morning. no you travel to ukraine together but let's talk about what is going on there you have this package coming back to the senate. your fellow colleague republican jd vance has got questions about this. he says in a piece in the "new york times" the map does not add up he said ukraine needs more soldiers that it can fields even with draconian policies and need some more material than the united states can provide the sooner americans confront this truth the sooner we can fix this mess and broker for pc set them with us ramping up industrial production were not getting a fraction of what ukraine says it needs. so why prolong this? >> that pessimism underestimates america. where the strongest greatest country in the history of the world. we can produce the kind of artillery shells, the long-range
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artillery, that are necessary the air defense, patriot systems, that iran needs many more of them to protect its cities. we also can enforce sanctions seize and sell russian assets to provide more resources to ukraine. we are building. this measure strongly bipartisan sends a message to the world the ford minister of lithuania yesterday said good at to have you back america. i think america is back on offense. this sign that we can come together in a bipartisan way for our national security and to send a message to putin, to she, to the dictators of the world ttocentury popping the champagne corks, americans going to defend democracy. 3600 vance works the number succumb to patriot missiles 100 millimeters shells he talks about all these things even if we ramp up to the goals that we have for next year, we are not going to get to one third of
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what ukraine says they need. this morning we've got the russian foreign ministry saying it's going to be a fiasco it's turning into vietnam. we are finding something this just going to lead to more it lost lives. >> if you want american military members to stay out of the fight with russia, help ukraine. if they go into a nato nation, we are in a fight. with all due respect to senator vance he is wrong. we were told within four days kyiv would fall pickwick to see wrong about the math? is he wrong about the production or capability? >> he is wrong about the whole concept that we cannot deal with multiple problems and part of world war ii we fought the germans and the japanese. we have an industrial bass base that is to be retooled but the ukrainian military, with our help has killed about 50% of the combat power of the russians. this is that year more they're going to have more weapons but we want them to have new weapons. atac comes to not knock that
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british damage and crummy in russia there would have f-16s. this idea, give up on ukraine makes the world safer. if you pull the plug on ukraine because you don't have enough capability, there goes taiwan. ukrainians are fighting like tigers. this aid package has eight loan component to it. this would not have passed without donald trump. i wanted to thank the house speaker and hakeem jeffries to work together bipartisan fashion to give weapons to ukraine to let matters to us. president trump has great a loan component to this package the gives us leverage down the road. we cannot help ukraine, israel and taiwan at the same time, i reject that. i rejected that totally. >> he struck on the numbers because the defense production act which we used in the korean war and convert civilian production capacity to produce the artillery, the vehicles, all
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of the stuff the industrial base it can't and will produce if given the right demand signal. we know on the armed services committee or i serve a consistent can man signal is necessary to produce the investments that is necessary for the summer to change. shannon: we are not there. >> thank god our parents and grandparents did not have that attitude in world war ii. we can only fight one thing at a time no one is dying frequency is not saying that he is saying ukrsentukraine does not have the manpower it needs. and that our pickwick site was just there two weeks ago. they change the conscription laws they've got all of the manpower they needed. they'd eat weapons is what they don't have as weapons. they added 200,000 people to the army by changing their conscription laws. it is one thing to talk about ukraine over here. it's another thing to go. i challenge jd vance to go to ukraine and get a briefing from the ukrainian military and talk
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with the ukrainian people didn't tell me what you think. shannon: maybe you could all go together he could go in your next trip. >> we are going back you're welcome to come quit talking about things you don't really think about until you go progress await to hear his response on that i want to ask for something else that you all have worked on that passing by set. this happened late friday night there's a lot of blowback to that. your colleague mike lee it was a conservative and in some ways have a lead or tarrant very worried about where this is going to go like you all he is an attorney. he said this as a warning about pfizer getting passed without a wart required were americans. >> not only are the bi bills of purported reforms mostly fake and where they are not fake they are woefully inadequate and gracious fourth amendment violations. against u.s. citizens will increase dramatically but not just a conservative center it's the aclu joining ranks with him saying this lesson congress reauthorize expanded section sevens are to creating even more
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ways for the government to secretly surveilled us. our leadership protect our rights not make it easier for the government to trample on them so say you're both attorneys how do you answer this question about the fourth amendment warrantless searches for americans who know there's evidence out there in the public, tens of thousands of time this has been abusing its american citizens. >> have great respect for mike lee as i do for jd vance. and for the aclu. the problem here is the adversaries we have around the world who want to do us harm have to be stopped. this kind of surveillance of foreign adversaries, not americans it applies only to americans if they are in touch with those of foreign adversaries is absolute necessary paid 60% of the presidents morning briefing what he sees when he comes in first
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thing in the morning comes from this kind of surveillance. it is not a bill. in an ideal world we would not need it. i think the department of justice has shown that it will eliminate some of the abuses met that a been a source of complaints justifiably it is necessary in today's really dangerous daunting world. shannon: at t top democrat had n amendment to plug in the warranty piece of this. you all both voted against that. so yes, we all understand the struggles of national security those kind of things. constitutional rights are sacred for a reason. >> we are at war in case you missed it. i've never seen more threats to the homeland than i do right now by the fbi director says everywhere he looks he sees linking lights. 702 applies to foreign people on foreign soil that we believe
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meet us harbor. >> often scoops up americans and the searches. >> yes we are following some guy overseas who we think to be a terrorist. if he is talking to somebody in the united states we can query the system to find out what is up. maybe they are threatening me i am on the threat list. one of the reasons they told me about what they want to do to me is they captured something overseas. if two foreigners are talking about boeing or lindsey graham we can query the system and find out what they are talking about. if they think i am involved with them they have to get a warrant. but before 911 the fbi and the cia could not talk to each other we are at war. they are coming to kill us all we have a broken border. i want to know what they are talking about over there before they kill us here at if you shut this thing down you have turned the war into a crime. we are not fighting a crime we are fighting a bunch of people
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who would kill all of us if they could get here. so when intercept information from a foreigner overseas talk about attacking america i want to know what they are talking about. if you believe americans involved you have to get a warrant we are at war this is intelligence gathering. these people also what is out of afghanistan. i love mike lee i'd like jd vance but they all said we need to leave afghanistan. here is what i will tell you. if you give putin ukraine he will not stop. this is not about containing nato. if you give him ukraine there goes taiwan because china is watching to see what we do. and if you shut down so easy for the terrorist to talk to each other about killing us we are at war. shannon: a different talk about shutting at 702 it instituted a wart requirement involving americans. >> the warrant shuts it down is what i'm trying to tell you. if there is information about american picked up you have to get a warrant if you think the american is up to no good helping the terrorist but i want
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to know what they are talking about when it comes to lindsey graham for. >> two quick points. first of all been a prosecutor for most of my career as u.s. attorney in connecticut then attorney general of connecticut for 20 years. i know what it takes to get a warrant. and often these kinds of surveillance activities have to be done quickly, expeditiously without going to the foreign intelligence court to get a warrant. i have great respect for that need to have strong oversight. we need to do a better job in the congress of overseeing these programs so there are no potential because there's nothing more important privacy. shannon: exactly got to live that you could understand their number of americans concerned about the conflict between those things and the fact the fisa court has had abuses. we know that you all can have lunch with hattersley and vance for. >> we could be attacked any minute now. shannon: was hope that such use editors, go to see about three
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we know they are imposing threats at all times thank you for joining snow for democratic congressman jared moskowitz. congressman welcome to "fox news sunday." >> good morning chana, how you doing? what is good to have you with ausalso with israel that is a bg part of the a package passed yesterday as well as number of your fellow democrats voted against it. joint statement saying this at benjamin netanyahu appears willing to sacrifice the hostages want that's extraordinary suffering of the people of gaza. he is willing to expend this conflict to preserve his power. most americans do not want our government to write a blank check to for that prime minister netanyahu war in gaza. how do you answer those concerns? >> this war that is going on right now in gaza is not about one man it's about the survival of the state of israel. we have iran launching ballistic missiles 130 of them towards the state of israel remember ballistic missiles could carry a nuclear payload if iran ever got
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nuclear weapons. when people think this is the first time israel and iran are at war, those were the first attacks directly. but iran has got proxies all over surrounding israel between the houthis and yemen you had hezbollah in lebanon. this is really about israel's survival. as far as my colleagues on the left that voted against it i would say the same thing to the 20 republicans that voted against aid to israel. now is not the time to abandon our allies. everyone is watching but rush is watching, china's watching, iran is watching in fact the russian foreign minister statement would pass the aid package was not just about ukraine. the spokeswoman for the russian foreign minister said the united states standing by its allies taiwan, israel, and ukraine. they put it together but that is what we have known all the time but we know these things are connected we note russia and china are trying to destabilize
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the country. trying to destabilize the world we have to make sure the united states stands for western democracy. look at is no surprise to me the left and the rights found themselves. usually when that happens that means the rest of congress passed a pretty good bill. shannon: one of the concerns is the $9 billion for a deal flow into gaza the speaker sisters guard ra rail studies confidentt to the right place. defense for democracies has some reporting on this for they look into it and said there is a video the idf has taken of hamas taking aid trucks as they come over they say hamas is starting people, some with death if they help israel distribute this aid are you confident you can tell the american taxpayer what we are spending instead sending over there's not going to end up in the hands of terrorists? >> that is why from the very beginning i favor defunding on right and making sure we could put steps in place to get the humanitarian aid in without it
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winding up in the hands of hamas. the unites is and is really going do the best they can along with their allies in the region egypt and jordan make sure the humanitarian aid gets to the innocent palestinians in the region. but again this is about hamas wanting to hurt innocent palestinians hamas taking aid away from the innocent palestinians just like they put weapons in the hospitals and in schools. just like they tell innocent palestinians not to leave otherwise they will be shot. just like fighting that located themselves hamas fighters amongst the population using them as human shields. we will do everything we can i do think it is critical we make sure we get humanitarian aid into gaza. right now there is a notion out there that israel's committing genocide which is a one 100% false as a genocide going on in sudan which we don't hear a lot about. there is no genocide in gaza but we do need to make sure we prevent famine. we get that aid in is critical.
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shannon: i want to play something to happen on the house floor yesterday. this is a moment when things are getting passed, people rallied waving the ukrainian flags there was a cheering. numerous times are told this is against protocol they could not be doing this. congress await marjorie taylor greed was maybe her nemesis at this point she said that showed a salad of america. folks in congress raving the o'grady of the leg of the house of representatives floor while doing nothing to secure the u.s. border. your response? >> listen, first of all marjorie taylor greene is not a serious person but she's not a serious legislator. quite frankly that is why i think the way we have been treating her now as she is pooch and special envoy to congress. the idea she would criticize anybody else that somehow we are not respecting america by the way you disrespect america's not by standing by our allies not by strengthening us through it
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marjorie taylor greene and what thomas massie and paul are trying to accomplish by removing the speaker of the house in this very moment after october 7 would only embolden china it would only embolden russia. only embolden iran. she would let the ayatollah and arent take israel and she was that putin take europe. not just ukraine i do not want to be lectured by marjorie taylor greene. that being said listen, there are protocols on the house floor i think it was a big moment democrats or republicans came together but i understand waving flags on the fl floors is proto. shannon: has a lot to accuse her of giving up israel to iran and ukraine to putin. she is welcome to come on the show for it but she is voted against all those packages. quickset that leap up from there she is welcome to come at you guys can have a debate too. congressman we always appreciate your time. quick sufficient, thank you. shannon: up next to juries been selected opening arguments set for tomorrow. former prison terms criminal trial in your sierra legal panel
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looks they are taking away my constitutional rights to speak up or that include speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you and i'm not allowed to say. i'm the only one part everyone else can say whatever they want about me. they can say anything they want they continue to make up lies and everything else. cooks for president trump lashing out against the gag order placed on him in the new york hush money trial. a subnet for the legal panel george washington university law professor fox news contributor jonathan turley former principal deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree. welcome back gentleman. which of the hush money trial we think arguments will start up
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tomorrow for their sit back and forth about the fact of the defense says they do not know with the witnesses are going to be an excuse but "washington post" reported on the said two sides had sparked the reserve the issue with prosecutors saying they would not provide witness names in advance because of trump's repeated violations of the gag order barring him from talking about witnesses in the case we have a look at some of the potential witnesses who could show up for jonathan, how do you prep for day one if you don't know who might be on the witness stand? >> is a promised criminal promise criminal defenseattornea standard problem of a prosecutor's holding on until the last minute to make disclosures what concerns me about this is the judge's response. the judges should have said you should err on the side of disclosure and also should point out whatever sanctions they are for the gag order those will come at my judgment after we have a hearing this is not on the menu of options for you. you could not restrict the fairness of the trial or disclosures of witnesses because you think he violated an order
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prevents up to me. the court could have done that this is one of those times i feel at the judge could have done more per there's no reason to do this in my view. it really works against due process and a fair trial. you want the parties to be prepared. here you got the district attorney sam going to unilaterally withhold because i think there's a violation here. works with jurors will get to we think witnesses who we don't know starting tomorrow potentially opening arguments. check with the jury seated includes multiple lawyers politico said trumps legal team might see a silver lining and havhave employers on the jury ty are not emotional thinkers this whole trial consultant said profession requires them to do analysis and emotional thinkers can more easily swayed by the side that goes first, the side that shows a good story to the +-plus-minus-sign? works to plus for knesset lawyers on the jury and here's why. prosecutors notoriously do not like seeing lawyers on juries
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precisely because they are independent thinkers who often think they know better than a prosecutors they can be a bit of a wild card for the come to jurr jury service with a lot of legal education. you never know it was on the jury room. having chosen juries, having tried cases in front of juries lawyers are going to spend the next six week trying to read the tea leaves watch the jury's reaction to the witness testimonies it comes in. no one is ever going to show the jurors are truly thinking until this time to deliberate and render a verdict the fact there will be lawyers participating in deliberations and rendering the verdict definitely a plus for the defense. quest for the few times tom and i disagree. i have long opposed lawyers being allowed on juries this case it could be highly damaging because the medics are still debating what this indictment means we are not convinced or certain what the crime as that was the motivation of the alleged what was a misdemeanor under state law. to have lawyers and there they y
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can be given undue influence with the jury if they say this is clear, this is standard that may sway them that's on some states like illinois that used to say if you had even more than one year of law school you would not be on a jury. i think it's not a good thing for a defendant because the influencing of the exercise progressed like it's got me out of jury duty many times that being a member of the media. the second but the other case it's not getting as much attention can be very critical to the federal cases the supreme court on thursday has added this expedited argument about immunity. whether president trump has immunity. the atlantic says that that's granted the cult and most dangerous assertions as they presently have license to do things like use in the u.s. military to subvert democracy. for example endeavoring to stay in power passes to her before to build in the country of little to no recourse. >> this case it may not be getting big attention a courtroom does it's a critical case for franklin the future of
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our republic. but how much presidents can do an office without potentially criminal jeopardy it's a question the supreme court so it's a brightly is not definitively resolved our nation's history. liquid to be wrestling with thorny questions the seal team six you have the present order a political assassination everything to get present some degree of protection. granting absolute immunity carte blanche to any president. mid-may said the district court interpretation of immunity was too narrow, and possibly send it back for the dis district courto make a closer examination of whether president trump should be immune. >> even further they descended back to the trial court what with those all caps listings present trump of social mesas s of immunity is not granted to a president, every president leaves off office will be immede and guided by the opposing party without complete immunity of president of the united states would not be able to properly function but how does that land with the justices?
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>> everything is contextual at these moments. the democratic district attorney's have really made the case for trunk. they have shown how presidents can be taken from pillar to post across the country being hit civilly and criminally with these types of chargers for they have made the case for some protection it is doubtful and i agree with tom they're going to all the way the court could simply say look, we think you went too far you did not give us a record and create a meaningful approach. that will throw a wrench to hold the trial in d.c. with special counsel. i think there are dangers on both side. i think some of these justices will be as concerned with the sweeping quality of the district court opinion as they are the claims of the former president. shannon: lc of their thursday print lease in spirit if not
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there in person. johnson, tom thank you very much always appreciate your time. up next new fox news polling shows biden and trump in tight races in several battleground states. the former president pulling ahead in key races that propel president biden to victory in 2020. our panel is next on the state of the race. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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in. we are flying in and in a few minutes. they really would prefer that we not come in because there's a certain danger to all of us. we want to make sure everyone is safe above all. shannon: disappointed crowded wilmington, storms and lightning world and shutting down the planet trump rally many have been gathered for hours for president promising a rain check it is time now for the said a group posted a guy benson show fox news contributor guy benson. usa today correspondent francesca chambers forbes writer in fox news contributor richard value heritage foundation president kevin roberts print welcome to all of you made it safely which is a good thing. have a slew of new fox pulls out we all want to put these up from some swing states at a very important to both of these campaigns georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin gun editor president trump in georgia and michigan. pennsylvania and wisconsin, tied up at this point. we did the polls would tighten a spigot down to the actual
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campaign. >> the trump campaign went very happily take all of those numbers at this particular moment up to six in georgia, seven if you include the wider field. in savannah is a tough state for a public that has been for a long time to be tied that wisconsin is not surprising it's always tight and wisconsin. it feels like in a recent decade or decade and a half of it i continue to believe that if this election were held this coming tuesday the day after tomorrow i think trump would win. or at least would be favored to win. we have six months ago one of the key issues here are the the trumpcampaign is to grapples the democrats in bite have an advantage when it comes to the likeliest voters the people who aptly turn out. polling suggests trump supporters might be less reliable voters are right now unregistered voters that is going to take a lot of work they want to solidify the position they're in right now and get people to the polls to materialize a win. shannon: one of the arguments as theisthe issues that matter thet
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are the ones where president trump's favor he got another post that coming up. again looking against the battleground states you look at disapproval for the president he is way underwater in all of these states georgia, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. richard, by 10 points or more. quickset is the telling thing and were guy is right is for the trump campaign with the trouble is, and the last election 2020 trump us to make up 7 million vote gap that's what it lost biden is going to have to figure out a way to turn up his base. the good news for biden if you're tied in pennsylvania are tied in wisconsin and you are also 10 points in the hole when it comes her approval rating for with the biden campaign has to do in this moment is go to these states, this of the states on the regular begin to talk about things you are doing that are going to be popular to your most unlikely boater. during the state of the unit i spent some time with voters who are not sure what they're going to do this election print what i find is after 45 minutes of the president getting the address the loudest applause line he's going to cap late fees on credit
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cards to $8. deal for these voters when the president can go to the states and have these conversations with those voters that could be all the difference. beyond that in many of the states for the biden campaign in the state of florida for example with abortion being on the ballot there, the abortion law in arizona being a big issue for those voters that will also help support for the biting. he does not mean they don't have to work with this. they're going to do a lot of work on the ground to get these unlikely voters out in places like georgia. in places like ohio, in places like michigan. shannon: let's get to the issues that you mention abortion for we know the economy. here in one of the states and wisconsin how people rate who is better to handle these issues. biden has advantage on abortion, healthcare, election integrity. trump has the advantage on foreign policy, economy, immigration and the border. kevin it is a a mashup of things people care about and who they think is better equipped to handle them. quickset really is. one of the consistencies you see
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across several fox polls and polls we don't heritage every munch and polls of other outlets the election is going to turn on a couple of issues. it's going to turn on the economy which are present biden's performance has been terrible. it's going to turn onto lawlessness. that lawlessness of the southern border and the lawlessness in cities. on those issues president trump is widely ahead. but there's nothing present biden is going to do to change his performance on those two things. i am very confident about president trump's ability to win this election. he spoke to him about a week ago present overconfident he is resolved. ultimately the american people when they wake up each day the american dream is slipping away when they turn on the news last night they see the border is still open and democrats are waving the ukrainian flag we send $60 billion to protect another country's border but not our own, president biden is in deep trouble this election and he deserves every bit of it.
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shannon: another headache from rfk junior continue to add on to other state bells including michigan which is one of the very critical states or he has had trouble the hill reported this yesterday kennedy secure that spot on about in michigan about a gown state by desperately needs to when he appears quite vulnerable. if candidate wins even a small sliver voters there could be lights out for the president. francesca that's got to be giving them some heartburn over the white house. >> the biting campaign at this point is waiting to see what happens after the labor day time. but what i would expect you to hear from democrats is that if you are settlement who wanted to abandon biden in the democratic primary they will argue rfk is not your candidate he is a staunch supporter of israel. he has reiterated that repeatedly he is not your guy if you are up south president biden about that issue. the biting campaign is trying to overcome this difficulty by turning on his support among black voters. turning out his support among union voters but he does have a problem in that state with young
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people and that is something i wrote about this week. he is having difficulty with young people in the state of michigan as well as in nevada in a bunch of other states that is absolute something the biting campaign is going to have to focus on in these battleground states including michigan, wisconsin, nevada and elsewhere bring back some of the do output rfk or junior but stay home and that's a critical problem too. panel do not go anywhere up next anti- israel approach has sparked trouble across the country including at columbia university this week. plaintive dozens of arrests in a showdown over free speech and campus safety. none on dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world.
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shannon: just a sampling of anti-'s are protesters near columbia university this week. more than one pattern of them were arrested thursday after being repeatedly asked to break down the encampment on campus but which by the way came back very quickly. he came back with the panel but will also journal editorial board talked about this problem and how it's going to be a problem probably through december 2 bit liberal democratic leaders have tolerated such behavior for too long. the test is simple liberal elites especially democratic mayors have the encouraged hooper for storms to protect the public, their own city and their nominating convention protesters are betting they don't. kevin we talked about what this could mean for the convention during the commercial publics i'm not looking forward to the one i am attending if invited to the other what i would not look forward to that either for the r reasons the point is anti-semitism is running rampant hate crimes he is jewish americans are at a 30 year high. for all of us across the political spectrum from left to right we ought to find this
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abhorrent. as a recovering academic as you know having let it institution of higher learning i have seen the societal rocks in colleges and universities for a long time. it is not just anti-semitism it is the long march to the institutions the radical left has done. we need to recognize as a society whether it's concerning colleges or conventions as you mentioned it's really time for us to stand out. maybe cast our gaze a little higher than washington d.c. and the policy and politics here and in our own communities and neighborhoods get back to getting to know one another pretty exterminating this hatred and making sure we are taking back our institutions. shannon: on the issue of higher education than there is another big issue making headlines changes to title ix but the biden administration. this is a w a white riley gaineo is probably very familiar to a lot of folks out there, a college athlete superstar who was speaking on issues of gender in sports she says the bite administration is just officially abolished title ix as we knew it.
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now equals gender identity the nutshell the new rewrite means they can take academic and though have access to bathrooms, walkable men could be house and storm rooms with women students and faculty must compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred programs of guidelines and are ignored or questioned you can be charged with harassment. francesca there have been questions about whether or not the administration would go this far or kind of softened this an election year but not so much. >> it is not action include sports that is one thing we are still waiting to see in terms of a rule but what if they quench about that whether or not the bite administration decides to even act on that said this to deal specifically with sex discrimination prevents the harassment the bite administration says if women were pregnant and a whole host of other things. it's important to separate this from that ruled the biting menstruation is looking at as to whether or not there could be transgender athletes playing in sports. shannon: is some of the same of
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the regulation official statement in the final regulation help to ensure all students receive appropriate support when they experience sex discrimination recipients procedures for investigating and resolving complaints of sex discrimination are fair to all involved. guide this provoke this conversation again about due process and away the trump error rules work versus what this is going to do. looks a lot of people say under the obama administration it was a kangaroo court system where there is a massive amount of deference given to the accuser and not due process to the accused without a change in a president trump and secretary devos the biden team is split back to the obama model here on this. i think that is an important debate the trump team was a lot closer to getting it right this is a regression in the name of progress and i think francesca's point is really important on the sports piece of it. politically speaking because i don't think it is a coincidence the biden team decided they're going to sidestep the question
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of sports because it is politically toxic because they probably see some internal data showing. let's go not go that far before it election for the might be a second term project for this president if he earns one. >> i want to make sure we get this other controversy we been coming for days that with regard to npr which is publicly funded with your tax dollars. wrote he was at the time eight senior editor over npr for 25 years but he wrote and lifted the curtain sank this open minded spirit no longer exists within npr that would not be a problem for openly political outlets outlet serving a niche e but npr reports to consider all things it is devastating for its journalism and its business model. richard he was suspended. he quit and other questions on capitol hill and new calls to defund or scrape back some of the funding for something to a lot of people does not seem to be a neutral outlet. >> this is a tough position. i think you have to zoom out and
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go out to beyond npr and have te journalism. as a professor talked to my journalism students we have a conversation about what it means to be objective. what it means to be a journalist called balls and strikes and put things in context your audience that is what journalism is about. i think because the polarized nature of our country we, as journalist have been caught in the middle of the sigs and also as commentators been caught in the middle of these two things we have been forced to question the conversation around truth. i'll be remiss if not talking about this and having the conversation this week congress is very likely congress will ban tiktok which is also part of freedom of expression and freedom of speech it's a slippery slope what happens in other countries decide to ban facebook or decide to ban ex ex-which is and american propers and what do we do? is a question have to ask ourselves how do we have this conversation questioned how do we have free speech in this country? shannon: we are paying for that change in the conversation to bring thank you very much see you next sunday put up next will take you behind the scenes for a look at how efforts of bipartisanship in the nation's
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capitol are taking a form of, one of the fastest growing sports, yes i played i'm terrible. you will see for yourself, next.
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shannon: most americans agree there's too much that divides red and blue america these days, but i spent an afternoon with a bipartisan group of senators trying to the the bridge that gap on the pickleball court. here's our sunday special. >> i would just say to my republican friends, if you don't like listening to me -- >> gentleman's time has expired. >> i see nothing but complete hypocrisy on the other side of the aisle. shannon: on capitol hill, you often see lawmakers settling scores. but what most don't get to see are the debates settled on the fifth floor of the dirksen senate building on the pickleball court. >> we just thought it would be a good away for us to do bipartisan things together that are fun. doesn't take a whole lot of time, and it's not too complicated. >> senator shelley moore capito cochairs the pickleball caucus with fellow republican thom tillis. they say it's a way to get off the a talking points and to connect with their colleagues from both sides of the aisle. >> we're always looking for other ways to kind of lower the
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temperature and do what's best for the american people, and you do that by working. to. shannon: on this day, democrat john with hickenlooper joined them on the courts. >> when i first came to the senate, i thought it was going to be all hardball but, of course, pickleball's a softball. >> the father of pickle ball even once served in the halls of congress. its creation in 1965 by joel pritchard who was then serving in the washington state senate and was later elected to the u.s. house had the goal of curing summer boredom. steve value januaries and maya ben david are cofound possessor of the d.c. pickleball league. they explain why this is the nation 's fastest growing sport. >> you can play as slow or fast as you want. it's so social, and it really breaks any, you know, different socioeconomic backgrounds. it's really fun. shannon: san the game really took off during the pandemic. >> when covid hit and everybody went outside, simultaneously all
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across country at the same time, there were groups of hundreds of people every day all over the country playing this game outside. shannon: it soon took hold on capitol hill. how did this whole thing get started anyway. >> weal -- well, we're always looking for a way to get active and find a way for members to come together. shannon: do you discuss things here? is it a chance to get your aggression out? >> well, we razz each other, that's a good thing. shannon: this bipartisan group of lawmakers admits they've learned a lot about one another and built bonds that carry over off the courts. >> it builds some positive energy, let's put it that a way. >> and there's also a certain level of humanity -- hue humility has absolutely required, because in the course of an hour, awe all of us are going to do something silly. >> sports has a way of being the great equalizer. >> there you go. shannon: and despite the competitive desire to crush their opponents, these lawmakers say the caucus really is about forging relationships. >> you serve. shannon: connections that have
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strengthened even in the short time the caucus has been around. >> nice. oh! serve and point. zahn zap they even let me play a point or two. >> that's game. good game. >> game! if. shannon: and just a note, my team lost solely because of me. also my podcast is out torqued living the bream drops this afternoon. -- i sat down with candace cameron, but re to discuss the new film, unsung hero, that that a tells the story of a family that lost nearly everything except their faith and each other. it is a fantastic filmment it's out friday. i'm shannon bream. have a great week. play some pickleball, and we'll see you next "fox fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday


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