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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 21, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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[background noises] super rabbi at colombia university chapter of the jewish campus organization is warding jewish students at the university, to stay home. anti- israeli protests are gripping the ivy league institution for a fifth straight day. some jewish students tell us they fear for their safety. hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news led by merrick sean. arthel: hello everyone i'm arthel neville. nypd has made more than 100 arrests at these protests over the last few days. meanwhile some jewish students are warning columbia's president they feel violence against them is eminence. cb cotton is alive with the great latest. >> hi beat this is arthel, can you hear me we are live. >> hi arthel, i apologize about that is hearing people in the control of him instead of you.
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my apologies. as you can see and hear behind me protesters continue here outside of columbia university. this comes they are here in support of the student demonstrators who were arrested on thursday for participating in an encampment on campus which was later dismembered her were told those students have begun receiving suspension notices. we have learned a new encampment has emerged today. according to students who are involved with this new set of tents, they are posting on social media they have been told these tents will be allowed to remain on campus. the university would only tell us in part quote, columbia students have the right to protest. they are not allowed to disrupt campus life or harass and intimidate fellow students and members of our community. as the protests continue on and off campus we are watching very tense moments between pro-israel and pro- palestinian voices.
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watch what we saw here last night. [background noises] more than 100 jewish students are petitioning the columbia administration for a virtual class is the jewish student site a series of examples including an incident which we showed you here on fox news a man is heard bowing to repeat october 7. 10,000 more times the students write in part quote those of us living on and off campus could not come and go from our homes to campus as we please without fear being threatened, harassed or assaulted. as such we urge the administration to allows to attend classes virtually until the situation has entirely de- escalated." israel activists tell fox these afffears are a culmination of
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neglect to combat anti-semitism. >> professors and leadership have allowed this to go on for so long, they have turned a blind eye. they called it free speech that is context dependent. then there is a culture of anti-semitism where professors are encouraging and participating in these demonstrations. the students do not feel safe not only do they have to go to class and were the person sitting next to them is calling for their death and destruction, but also they have to worry the professor whose holy their future in the palm of their hand is going to penalize them for being jewish. >> as for the request for jewish students for accommodations to complete coursework, columbia university tells us it is acting on those concerns. arthel: cb cotton light at columbia university. thank you.
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>> and memphis lens that there's a shooting left two people dead and several more wounded. plpolice are searching for at least two gunmen they say madison in atlanta with the very latest on this. >> hello eric, less than one hour ago at memphis police put out a new statement urging anyone with any information to come forward. they said they want to bring justice and closure to the victims and their families. the police department also says they are working to increase the reward money in this case thankfully we know all of the surviving victims are now in stable condition for the shooting happened at a block party last night in a private park. police say they were hundreds of people there. police arrived at the shooting scene just before 7:20 p.m. last night if you are promote memphis memphis's babbitt orange found a park south of the stadium where that university of memphis football plays. violent crime is a major issue in the city. police data shows memphis had
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nearly 400 homicides last year. i do record countless people who live in the city are fed up with the crime. >> they need to take the guns away. take them away. stop killing each other. stop doing it. >> video circulating around social media of the block party it shows a giant crowd of people in the park. one video actually shows a sports car doing donuts on a basketball court. then you can start to hear continuous rounds of shots being fired for another video shows a several people in the crowd appointing a large guns in the air. one woman at the crime scene last night said something has to change it is calling on city leaders for action. >> this is ridiculous. this is ridiculous. until we really come together this is what we are going to have. i don't know how were going to
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get these "guns out" of their hands there are too many. >> no word yet on a motive as mentioned police are still looking for suspects they believe there are several in this case back to you guys. eric: alright medicine thank you. arthel: no word from president biden on israel's retaliatory strike on ironic. the white house said the president spent yesterday monitoring the house as it voted on $95 billion in aid for israel, ukraine and taiwan. team coverage today trey yingst in tel aviv, break greg pal caught in it kyiv first lucas tomlinson live at the white house. >> that is right. no word from president biden israel strike on iran but moments ago we did receive a statement from the white house about the anti- israel protests on columbia university campus and going to read the statement in its entirety. it reads quotes, while every american has the right for
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peacefully protest calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting jewish students in the jewish community are blatantly anti-semitic. unconscionable and dangerous. they have absolutely no place on any college campus or anywhere in the united states of america. that echoing that rhetoric to terrorist organizations in the wake of the orson massacre committed against the jewish people since the holocaust is despicable. we condemn the statements in the strongest terms. that is the first public statement on anti-semitism since february but many republican lawmakers say not only is it not safe on columbia university's campus and campuses across the country, but also it is not safe in the world. >> the broader issue, particularly between biden and trump right now, where are we? is the world a safer place for the united states and our allies today as it was four years ago? i think the answer to that is unequivocably no. but she mentioned present but is not talked about israel strike on ironic did release the
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statement when the foreign aid bill passed the house yesterday's" at this critical inflection point they all came together to answer histories call passing urgently needed national security legislation that i have fought for months to secure. ukraine was a push russian forces out of the country go back to 19 net 91 borders which includes crimea, american long-range tactical ballistic missiles which did by the administration has withheld over the past two plus years could help with that. and destroyed putin's prize bridge that connects cr crimea o russia senator mark warner said these weapons are headed to the battlefield soon. exiled once the president signs we have been told there it is the president's signature make sure congress does its job these materials will be in transit by the end of the week. >> ukrainians looked on with envy israeli forces blasted those drones in missiles out of the sky. more air defense systems are expected to head to ukraine just a few days ago the ukrainian
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forces shot down a russian strategic bomber for the first time in this war. >> lucas tomlinson, thank you. c4 present zones of the publicly thanking us for the $61 billion in u.s. aid from the united states. supporters say ukraine needs our help to get the final push to win the war against vladimir putin illegal barbaric invasion. greg palkot has been very latest from kyiv with that. >> it is the day after the big reveal of new help for ukraine tens of billions of dollars and u.s. military aid held up on capitol hill for months should soon be released. pro- russian attack in several affronts that help us credibly as a leading member of parliament earlier today for his opinion, here is what he said. >> mc question of life and death. so from a humanitarian point of
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view this decision will help to save thousands of lives. plus it will get a chance for ukraine to continue the fight. >> impart the new aid will beat much needed direct military humanitarian grants to the country. but also replenish the mo stock sorely depleted in the u.s. regardless it has given president zelensky and the folks here a new reason to believe. take a look and listen. >> is cold great day and kyiv at this war memorial some gratitude to the new u.s. aid package to the military here at the grim reality this battle is far from over. >> america said they will give more money. is that good? what yes that is good for this is very good. >> this is my country. our people are dying. young people. this is for this generation does not know what to expect. what it will be tomorrow. >> we need help very much
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because we don't do it alone. i think it's a problem of the world. >> russia is a problem for the whole world. for its part the kremlin ranked the new aid a road to escalation which will deepen the crisis. politicians and people here to see it as a way out. back to you. >> greg palkot thank you. arthel: unto the middle east now where israeli prime minister netanyahu is thanking the u.s. house for passing in aid bill and a lashing out at reports of potential u.s. sanctions against idf soldiers. trey yingst live in tel aviv with the very latest. >> arthel, good afternoon. as the war inside gaza approaches the 200 day mark israel is on track to receive new funding support from the united states the house of representatives passing a 26 and
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billion dollar package for its key middle east ally on saturday the legislation will go to the senate as it is expected to make to the president's desk israeli officials say it could not come soon enough threats against their country involved with raising tension between israel and iran there is concern around largest proxy could increase her ongoing attacks. >> make lots of declarations before they go into any kind of open confrontation. >> amid new threats israeli forces remain on high alert across the country early today at rocket sirens were sounding along the border with lebanon after fresh israeli airstrikes against hezbollah overnight unite essays continues to work behind the scenes to de-escalate tension along the northern border where we are also tracking your development of the west bank the israeli military wrapped up a rate in city. so far 14 people have been killed according to the palestinian red crescent. right now the middle east
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remains on the brink of a much larger conflict it is part of the reason we will continue to see clear coordination between the united states and israel. steven live in tel aviv, thanks. >> on capitol hill yesterday the foreign aid approved, there is a nether battle speaker mike johnson survived that threat from his own party but what is this future looking like? we will have that, speaker johnson anmyd his job is "fox n- livea-" continues. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning.
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arthel: tragedy in chicago. an off-duty cop was shot and killed he came home from work two days before his birthday. officer luis was shot multiple times around 3:00 a.m. this morning. he was 38 years old. no word yet on any arrests. superhigh drama capitol hill yesterday were ukraine, israel to want sharply divided support. he survived a threat from gop congresswoman marjorie taylor greene to remove him for now. madeleine rivera has more. >> to oust house speaker mike johnson marking a major victory what has been a bumpy a few months of his leadership he's
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getting bipartisan praise today for pushing $95 billion foreign aid bill through the house. >> this admeasure strongly bipartisan i think sends a message to the world with warrant minister of lithuania yesterday said good to have you back america. >> he became the man that went from a district in louisiana to the speaker of the united states for two also someone going to look at the entire world and had to carry the burden of that and make the right decision. >> is it rank and file member johnson largely post funding for ukryour grady site's briefings m intelligence officials as a reason for his 180 and why he decided to move ahead with a vote on the 60 billion-dollar ukraine bill on saturday. more democrats voted to pass it which angered hartline conservatives who did not to advance and without measures for the southern border. whilemonmonaco central weeklongs congresswoman marjorie taylor greene believes they will feel the anger from their constituents it back the effort to oust johnson.
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she told maria on "sunday morning futures" that josh and should stepped out who will be vacated. >> mike johnson's speakership is over. he needs to do the right thing to resign in a controlled process. if he does not do so he will be vacated or correct some democrats may be willing to cross the aisle and save johnson if it does happen because i disagree speaker johnson on many issues and have been very critical of him but he did the right thing here and deserves to keep his job until the end of this term. >> 95 billion-dollar foreign aid package includes $26 billion for israel $8 billion for the endo pacific bring forth bill would ban tiktok is its apparent parent company divests is interest on the app. >> president biden said he will sign it. >> thanks. arthel: for more on this right fox news contributor leslie marshall. so how do you see it? what you think of speaker
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johnson's decision and is he out of hot water? cook so not sure he is out of hot water it yet. i do know at whatever my party, the democrats decide to do it will be unified. i have to say i would agree with the leader of lithuania who set america, welcome back. whether you are democrat or a republican elect our officials to work together and be able to pass a bipartisan legislation. return to come down to democrats. this came down to democrats for democrats have been helping mike johnson get over the finish line. i think the american people are seeing hakeem jeffries is leading a unified coalition. and democrats are look at the best interest of america not just the best interest of their party pray that is what speaker johnson did his he came around to the best interest of america. not just the best interest of his party as we have seen in the past. >> i want to play some sound of
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marjorie taylor greene on "sunday morning futures" and let's listen. click speaker johnson refuses to use his power as speaker of the house to do any type of negotiating. to secure the southern border and stop the madness in our country. the people criticizing me are not the american people by the republican party as the party that needs to change and may need to start reflecting the will of their voters might actually do the job instead of just running their mouth constantly every single campaign cycle. arthel: leslie, what do you make of her remarks? >> i criticized her a lot and i am american, i was born here as i'm a proud card-carrying american, if you will put her antics are not going to work and i will tell you why. either way. if she fails in ousting johnson if my party comes to his rescue which may very well happen she's going to fill yet again with the minority within her party, within the house to do this. but if she succeeds in getting rid of johnson, hakeem jeffries
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is going to end up being speaker. i'if someone in the republican party -- but he's going to have the votes and that's what many republicans and said they're going to do there are republicans that have talked about walking away if she has this. i certainly don't think she has the votes i do think democrats are going to come together and back speaker johnson because they are now working together they see that's not just in the best interest of america but it's also the best interest of their party and their political lifelines. marjorie taylor should not be a no politician left or right. she be any chamber, house included hostage over their personal views she does not have the majority on this. arthel: let's us in florida congressman on "fox news sunday." >> marjorie taylor greene is not a serious person but she's not a serious legislator. quite frankly it marjorie taylor greene elect thomas a massie and paul are trying to accomplish by removing the speaker of the house and this very moment after
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october 7 to only embolden china it would only embolden russia it would only embolden iran. she would let the ayat ayatollaf iran take israel and she was that putin take europe. not just ukraine. i do not want to be lectured by marjorie taylor greene. >> what you make of his remarks? >> i would say she is not serious. what she is serious about doing and she has been successful in doing is weaving chaos into the situation part we have a lot of chaos right now throughout the world. this is honestly more helpful to my party because there are many voters especially independents or republicans were not captive with the presumptive gop nominee former president trump who will look at this and say this is a party in disarray but this is a party that has extreme dysfunction and this is chaos. nobody, democrat or republican nobody going into a general election once this much chaos and that is what she is hoping to do. not just for johnson vote for
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republicans running across the board state-by-state. >> there on the other side there are people who are not excited about president biden. that cuts both ways be just mention the election we are seven months away. if this drama continues, might it have any impact on voters or maybe even voter turnout? >> yes absolutely. if there are voters that went to vote republican but do not want to vote for donald trump or people that love donald trump like marjorie taylor greene. they do not want to go back to the lack of decorum into the chaos that she is so aptly showing everyone right now they might stay home if they do not want to vote for joe biden. then have people that support nikki haley that did not want donald trump and i think this may push them over too biden. with the election that we have right now the numbers that we have right now is pretty much a dead heat between the two. it's very, very close is going to come down to a five or six days is going to come down to independent voters in the states.
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if you just have a few republicans vote for joe biden over donald trump especially in states like michigan or wisconsin, or georgia, or arizona, that will put joe biden over the finish line. if you get the magic number. >> it is going to be a long seven months leslie marshall part we will see you around. thank you so much. >> thank you arthel. shannon: busy week at former president trump and his legal team. set for tomorrow morning here in new york city opening statements of his hush money case. but we'll be here? what will prosecutors say and how will defense respond? we'll have that in a moment's "fox news live" continues. he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets.
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with more details. >> hi eric, this case is just heartbreaking. five year old boy and his 8-year-old sister died. at least 50 people were injured after suspected drunk driver crashed into a child's birthday party at a boat club yesterday afternoon. nine of the victims were taken to area hospitals with life-threatening injuries. the crash happened in monroe counties berlin township. about 30 miles south of detroit. >> unfortunately in tragedy two victims were pronounced deceased at the scene. this includes an 8-year-old female, and a 5-year-old mail. who are siblings of each other. >> the suspects vehicle struck the north wall of the building and stopped after it was approximate 25 feet inside. >> this scene was described by
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the first responders as extremely chaotic with a high level of emotions of those directly involved in those who witness this horrific incident. >> this horrific incident now under investigation. authorities are processing evidence from the scene and the woman suspected of causing the crash was taken into custody. >> the 66-year-old female driver of the vehicle who will not be identified at this time has been taken into police custody operating while intoxicated which causes death and she is at the monroe county jail for additional criminal charges will likely be filed against the suspected driver as this investigation continues. suva right christina, thank you. arthel: we move on to politics, former president trump had to cancel a campaign rally in north carolina last night because of a threat of a severe thunderstorm.
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meanwhile opening statements in his hush money trail are set to begin tomorrow, lesson 24 hours before primary day in a key swing state. brian ens is in allentown, pennsylvania with more. >> arthel, that rally that was set to happen in battleground state north carolina would set to be the first campaign rally the former president was going to have since his criminal trial in new york city started last week. that trial is set to last anywhere from six -- eight weeks. this is an example of just how complicated it is going to be for the former president to campaign while also balancing his time inside courtrooms for yesterday trump called in from his private plane to let supporters know the event was canceled due to severe weather. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is donald trump your favorite president of all time, hopefully. as you can see there's some very bad weather heading in. we are flying in, in a few
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minutes they would really prefer we not come in because there's a certain danger to all of us. we want to make sure everybody is safe above all. >> a date to nbt news national poll of registered voters find trump's lead over biden has narrowed and nationally trump is a two-point advantage dropping from a five-point advantage she had in january. the same poll reinforced the two most important issues for voters nationwide are inflation and immigration paired fox polling has found the economy is the most important issue right here in pennsylvania ahead of the primary here on tuesday, today pro- palestinian protesters interrupted a campaign stop for a long time democrat senator bob casey. casey is facing republican challenger dave mccormick. both men running unopposed ahead of tuesday's primary and are all in on the pivotal senate race come november. today casey blamed inflation, not on biden but on corporations.
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>> but here is what it is but you have big food conglomerates at other multinational corporations and jacking up the price of food. jacking up the household items is not the local gro groceries g it these big corporations. >> republicans meantime are countering democrats by targeting pennsylvania fast growing latino population in cities like allentown, the center-right grassroots organization that libra initiative is on the ground is speaking to latinos in grocery stores. >> are trying to meet them right here and educate them. i know you feel inflation but can we tell you why? why are we feeling this inflation question at what policies are making inflation? it is high spending. >> while trump was spending time in court every single day it last week president biden was right here in pennsylvania for three days campaigning in the largest battleground state in the nation. see fort bryan llenas, thank
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you. >> for president trump's legal team will get the name of one witness in the hush money trial prosecutors wanted to withhold all of the witnesses names at lease in the beginning fearing trump would put them on social media and attack them. but agreed to give one of them with the warning that if the name ends up online prosecutors will provide no more names to the defense. they fear the president is interfering with the trial by his posting and attacking the month "truth social." mercedes joins us criminal defense attorney first, let's say they get the name to date. opening arguments is tomorrow is that too late? and what you make of this type of delay the prosecutors are waiting? >> a great question. it's always wonderful to be on your show. it is certainly key for the defense to know what the witnesses are going to be the following day. why do i say that? it's all about preparations. preparing for cross-examination. having said that i am fairly certain this defense attorney and this team probably know with
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some level of accuracy whom might be testifying. whether or not they know which a sesequence they're going to testify. but fairly certain they at least know the universe of individuals that might come into the fray. see for the case is 34 counts of filing false business instruments as the checks president trump the trump organization paid to former lawyer michael cohen do they say reimburse the stormy daniels or to reimburse colum cohen for him paying stormy daniels précis a complicated question work at the same time alvin bragg said it's about election interference the former president orchestrated all this to buy stormy daniels sounds over their alleged affair. how does election interference case and up in a local new york court courtroom if that is not ? >> you're going to follow the money. it's looking at the purpose
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behind those payments. and it is fairly easy once you have instruments as you are saying if you have 34 checks you look at the source of the 34 checks a new look to see who is the recipient of those monies you have michael quote would clearly take the sandy's going to make the assertion like you said already these repayments were made to silence stormy daniels to that not to be disclosed during the electoral process. having said that, the biggest issue, you look at the statute itself it has to show intent. it has to show former president trump have the intention of interfering with the electoral process. and he has already stated he intends to take the stand which obviously is a very complicated issue but any defense attorney will tell you this is a very strategic and dangerous move for the individual being charged criminally to take the stand. and to testify on his behalf if he says that is able to convince
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that jury it was not to integrate the electoral process it was in fact to disguise and hide the fact he had this extra marital affair when he was married to melania trump it's a complicated issue, complicated process and complicated with the fact very high profile defendant in the midst of it. >> to your knowledge has there been any evidence it would make it some tomorrow from the opening statements of the prosecution. has there's been any evidence the former president did have that intent to make these alleged payments to interfere with the election as opposed to what you just said what he has been saying he had in accountant do it he thought they were legal expenses. >> it's he said, he said. it's going to boil down to a former president trump takes the stand it's going to see whether or not the jury believes him. and michael cohen presumably is going to testify on behalf of the prosecution and explain the underlying reasons why he was
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reimbursed for the monies paid to stormy daniels. it's really going to come down to who the jury decides is telling the truth. one key issue for former president trump to decide obviously the defense team has to consider this izzy going to have his family sitting behind him in the defense? do we seek melania trump there? is a balk at trump going to be there? is it bayern trump going to be there? if his family was there any defense attorney will tell you it can sway the jury at least understanding he has support for what he is saying sitting right behind him. >> from notes are but what is your prediction the traveled about six weeks or so. and with a potential verdict of some sort at the end of next month or in june. what do you think? >> eric, if i had that should be able to tell you i would be able to say this all might trump clients will retry their cases. my best trial experiences for
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judge kaplan in front of cordy said to meet which is what i would love to tell your audience. all i can tell you is i will run on estimate judge kaplan i have lived with that statement for end of time since i was a baby lawyer he said that to me. it really is up to chance. you will have to look to see what evidence gets in. there's a lot of moving parts or because there will be motions to forgo some of the evidence. who knows what witnesses will come forward and those that may not even testify. as of today rumblings that michael avenatti intends to testify on behalf of the defensive. there is rumblings of it whether or not he actually gets to testify there's a attorney client issues will attach is not going to build to testify about conversations have a st stormy y in a presumptively because he represented her as his counsel. we'll have to see. a lot to be said surely all eyes will be on this trial.
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support that's for sure the prosecution will lay out its case against donald j trump the defense will lay out its rebuttal to it over the prosecution has. great to see you, thank you. >> thank you so much eric. spew have no need to remind you it has been over 22 years since the terror attacks of 911. thousands of people are still suffering from the effects of the toxic air inhaled in the aftermath. next will take a look at the advanced technology used to detect cancer and those impacted by the attacks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) can you get this board to tony hawk? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. so i actually got it to tony. woah! and he even sent one back. but in the future, i'm gonna need an address and a zip code.
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our rescue shelter has been inundated with over 500 dogs in our care for the last three years. the cost to feed them is staggering, but thanks to the puppy food bank, we can financially care for them until they get adopted. support from the puppy food bank is a small miracle. so won't you join me? please go to puppy food bank dot org. your $15 a month donation will help puppy food bank support pet rescue shelters with pet food. donate now and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift. arthel: do dr. in manhattan is using advanced technology to detect canc cancers linked to inhaling toxic fumes in new york city from the 911 attacks. the world trade center health program has reported more than 35000 cancer related cases linked it to those of terror attacks but let's bring fox news contributor dr. marc siegel.
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so first of all how does this technology work? >> the technology we are talking about is called 3d ultrasound with doppler. it's what it sounds like it's using it ultrasound want to look at various aspects at the same time of an organ and doppler to figure with the blood flow to that is. if you see an abnormality you want to know right away is it cystic? is it solid? is it fluid? how much blood flow is going to a part of a lot of blood flow is going there it makes you suspicious that it could be a malignancy or cancer. a top radiologist can look at the differences of the structure in sight this looks malignant, this looks benign. one word of caution for the viewer i think it works the best in major medical center yep other modalities available besides just ultrasound. at nyu the world trade center
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units all over the city there world trade center used units we use a cat scan to look at longs of first responders has a high incidence now of lung cancer and skin cancer as what we used to top dermatological evaluations for ultrasound is an amazing tool that doctor bard in othersn others hands has really evolved. and it's really useful in this too. arthel: i was going to ask your comment sounds really advanced and wondering how do you access that technology and isn't covered by health insurance? i'm sure people come as you pointed out maybe watching us, listening to us from a smaller market that perhaps may not have these technologies so what do they do in that case? >> ami bear down on that for a minutes. 911 aside when it comes to breast, ultrasound is usually important if a mammogram does not give you the answer. just this kind of ultrasound may be useful. but it may not be covered by insurance and sometimes we have to fight for that insurance
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coverage. top breast radiologist like our own nicole saphier note when it ultrasound is needed. thyroid two. thyroid is a gland you have to have a really great ultrasound to tell you. the last one is prostate we use mri but we also use ultrasound. this piece of equipment tells us is it liquid? is it solid? is it cystic? does it look unusual? does it look like a malignancy question it does more and more sophisticated modern technology put that together with artificial intelligence we are going to get beyond where we are right now but we are heading into a great diagnostic era. arthel: that's great i want to show a full-screen graphic the top 10 including those impacted by the 911 attacks at that we are talking about but my mind is going to this when you get this is all successful could this be introduced to detect other types of cancers i think you just went
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over that very idea. >> yes, exactly. i'm glad you brought up prostate is something we think has increased after 911. skin, definitely there is a debate about blood cancers but there is reason to believe like lymphoma and leukemia could be increased as well impressed. some of these areas you cannot get a definite answer without introducing this advanced technology. breast to being one example of that part with long it's easier you've got the air in the lungs that help you contrast. we need all of these tools together at once. 911 some of it is insidious. you had a 60000 responders that have some kind of medical problem coming out of 911. over 10,000 cases of cancer. a lot of them are missed initially. people don't want to believe they could have this so advanced reading is the way to go.
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see five very good advice dr. marc siegel thank you very much. >> great to see you, thank you. arthel: will be right back after this. gh protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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eric: we mentioned earlier severe weather canceled a rally in north carolina the strong
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storms continue to roll around the southeast. from the carolinas, to florida fox meteorologist adam klotz with the forecast and how bad those storms were at last night. >> really it is been the main weather feature throughout the entire weekend for the storms moving across the south for the poorly cooled off the south as well 57 degrees currently in the atlanta area. this is way below the temperature you typically see this time of year. pretty much across most of the south. you are looking at temperatures down into the 50s, the 60s even 70 degrees. it does feel like february across the region because of all of the cool air ushered and because of the storms would be gone through. but it still the major weather feature here. close to the end of the week and we are getting to the tail end of the storms now pushing across portions of florida. the heaviest rain currently across the georgia coast to put that up across the carolinas still very soggy for them. this is going to continue through the evening hours before pushing off of. lot more rain still on the way everything you're looking at here and that lighter green shade maybe half an inch great
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ground to saturate in these areas so if some flooding will still occur it's been raining fairly consistently off and on throughout the weekend. here's the future cast it does take a little while but by the time you get later into the evening hours you are really starting to see this clear off it. dries up on the backside finally he starts look at the week ahead temperatures bounce back up. looking into it monday and tuesday of this is tuesday's forecast temperatures are climbing back up into the 70s. not just across the southeast but for a lot of folks across the country. eric: i hope it goes up to the 70s, good trend adam thank you. arthel: and an iconic '90s reun with a lot of girl power. all five of the spice girls were together last night in london to celebrate the 50th birthday of posh spice also known as victoria. soccer legend government postedf them showing off their dance moves.
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the five members have not performed since the closing ceremony at the london olympics in 2012. spice girls have been around 30 years. but don't expect a reunion to mark the occasion. eric: they should have one i think it. arthel: my favorite spice girl, arthel: my favorite spice girl, david beckham.. [laughter] >> that figures. [laughter] some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy.
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within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation, you're kidding. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews
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living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need.
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this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ♪ >> i am jimmy failla and this is
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fox news saturday night.


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