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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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printed although the maternal child told charles part for us since an event skin they still have nerves and can feel they are being touched. he likes to scratch pretty to have john had to look was shocked that i an idea about the internal field shall and that is complete news to me is fascinating. >> i was a little bit surprised as well and how about those five baby elephants, coming up with that to kansas, that will be one baby party. >> that is the kansas he will be in hit in the next year and it is not love to see the benefit of baby animals of this investment spark. >> there such doting mother some of those mama elephants and all right, it's good to see you out and walks reports, the sunday april 21st 2024 from i am john scotty think you were joining us see you next week and big weekend shelf is up next. the big weekend show. >> hello everybody and enjoy
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council long with lisa who and others walk of the big cat show, we have a big story tonight pretty in iso testers across america's elite university. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> from an orthodox rabbi, columbia university is urging the jewish students currently campus i go home "fox news" course, sending it is likely columbia tonight. >> hi and good evening, and is tense they bounded to state in the mental columbia university because ties with israel and calls for permanent cease-fire in gaza in new york city merrick
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and an egg adams that kathy local both releasing statements late this evening to say in part of the sum of the interactions, that we have it during this ongoing process, they are anti-semitic and i mean also is adding that he is horrified and disgusted by some things he seen and heard we started. kelly: a few with protesters a couple of days ago and here's what happened. >> thank you guys about the university. >> we have well really committee team here summa can we speak with media team. >> without be okay. >> we just want talk about your demands for the university we know that we will we are with "fox news" correct. >> okay, yes we do have a press team. >> we would not mind stop
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recording first that i will direct you to them. >> we got a live look here in the second round up tents on campus and meanwhile, suspension notices are being handed out, to the students arrested on thursday, for the same behavior. yes university the latest set up makeshift housing we were told part about columbia students have the right to protest they're not allowed to disrupt campus like about or harass and intimidate students and members of our community. in essence continues to unfold and orthodox rabbi had columbia center messages morning jewish students running in part about how to protest happened last night off-campus, and the events of the last few days, especially us like have made it clear and columbia universities public safety in the nypd, cannot guarantee jewish student safety in the face of extreme anti-semitism and anarchy pretty any continue to say, it deeply
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pains me to say that i would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and ren home itself the reality in and around campus has dramatically. congresswoman on wednesday, her testimony from columbia's president about to combat anti-semitism on campus stephani citizens media today, it was a cover-up, there, abject failure to enforce their own campus rules and she added that president must immediately resign columbia board, they must appoint a president who will protect the jewish students had force school policies. the white house is weighing in on the protest now, with a statement which reads in part, while every american has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and physical intimidation, targeting jewish students about jewish community are blatantly anti- somatic, unquestionable and dangerous.
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in a jewish, who is a sophomore here: be university is told us how she feels. >> she's not wanted here they say this and they don't care they just hate jews. that's obviously very important but we are not going anywhere. >> no more than 100 jewish students have created a petition asking the columbia administration to consider allowing them to continue the process virtually while office continues to play out on campus. be university telling us that it is acting students concerns about back to you. >> thank you. i lisa cannot help but to remember what a like told me that when it spoke to college and she ran out of there and the justification was the college was a safe and peaceful environment that she brought for the hateful message and because of that god's word she was
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disinvited from the universities for going and he wanted to speak in public of the same treatment, when the video here, and this is just a week find the people not pro- palestinian in this literally simile holding of design and he cannot be that, it says she's her next target and because all the militant wing of hamas and is calling for murder of the jewish supporters protesters ending his counter protesters behind them. what you make of this. >> will the jewish it students be asked to our yellow start next row the colleges and the university. lisa: across american, i mean, i was causing after these terror attacks happened on october 7 and 370 people slaughtered the moment that never music festival and women that were raped next to the bodies of the dead friends and if these people they support that you know hamas leadership over the next after saying this is just the beginning but have a second and the third and fourth until israel is annihilated.
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and then you get to groups of people students, then doing this yesterday as i come from families that come from countries that hate the jews in america to be perfectly honest. they have the group of these rich liberals who have faced know at this early life so they think the virtua signaling they have no virtue at all. and i think about all good to joe biden the white house finally deciding to do nociceptive they danced early as you, for months. now joe biden watches candidacy off of the charms feel like, when trump at donald trump it actually explicitly date out the kkk and neo-nazi joe biden lied about it and took months for any sort of denouncement of these people. shame on everybody involved in this new people are discussing. >> lisa talks about july to resolve a statement from white house, and from what we have this to protect the republicans it impress apple actually support israel initially supports terrorists to crews was
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on this what he had to say about the democratic party is on this. >> we see visions anti-semitism in a vicious hatred of israel. enter university said sadly, monger the party at this party, has turned hard anti- israel because were terrified of the rapid core and on campus, you see really the ed, the party expressed you want to know why this is happening, this tragically, his cultural marxism in our universities are indoctrinating young people and cultural marxism ranks the world into a pressures him comes they have defined, the jews as oppressors and then define palestinians as victims is la coming it is really manifestation we see in the streets of new york and across the country and universities. >> he makes a great point is not just like the squad this pro- palestinians the idea then i will take oppressor and holidays are and that is something the democrat rubble liberal it is indoctrinated into universities
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all people, that's all we are. >> will that was a great interview and i watch the entire interview and at one point about ted cruz also made us about chuck schumer, new york senator, nancy pelosi and others where are they are desperate and by the way coming point about the white house charlottesville like, kareem jean-pierre repeated again at the podium but i think it will talking to peter doozy, and so they posted light in the thing about cultural marxism. and into a lot of the several years, so i started looking at the groups are there with these testers and you psl party for socialism and liberation and they are there on site. i've been there with you know encompassing coming them over the years and you have revolution very communism and another but for you watching good boxes they launch a new york about six weeks ago, the telecast of the country and gatherings in dallas, and other
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areas, there are about to launch internationally this is rca revolutionary communist america. groups that are using this as well is energy in this case the target is the jews. but he is really this cultural marxism mixed it with a common hatred of jews. if you think about it, that is what is caused the death of or jews rope worldwide just about anything. heather's and ozzie, you communist sick if you if you in the politics of this red hatred is never affected what they are trying to do, to create effective at about people college of you understand what it's like to have children college-age in college this is not just something happening in columbia, you will see how to think about hundred valedictorian of the states with upcoming commitment because she's pro- palestinian and they were afraid to sort of incite reaction the remarks and then he yelled, today, student was stabbed in the eye now described as a jewish student journalist by the new york post, this is
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why she had to say is you've got have the ark there's hundreds of people telling me and weaving the middle finger at me this person waves the palestinian flag in my face and jabs it in my eyebrow 20 young go after him, the protesters the line is something new york post talks about how the police works, they would october but could not help her this very concerning. lisa: the lack of humanity for the people stood between her, and the cops the people got in line. they did not even go to help her, is a significant lack of metadata thank you so happening also, since october 7th, we have seen these protests throughout the country different college campuses, and correct me if i'm wrong, but if you like the last 48 hours, something else has changed and it is gotten so much worse where such an infection point about where it is so dangerous that it requires more white house and just a statement pretty because now we are talking about a rabbi, coming out of telling
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jewish students, to leave as soon as possible is a report of them i only hear those words from state leaders in the telling people to get out of the waiver hurricane or tornado rising water users would be applied news their life a must immediately but this being told to the service to make it into the ivy league appears their families, so proud of the work so hard come of the biggest for them should be academic about whether or not going to survive across campus something has changed last 48 hours in the white house needs to acknowledge it. >> i love your description because yes doesn't hurricane his work or does not and can't this in the tensions lower from this works is yell student getting 70 are becoming the first series of violence and welcome no violence comes from this and all tensions are combating a right jampacked big rig it shows coming up including this, is president biden is planning play sanctions on the idea. plus from his forces in a come the depressed champagne but who
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend so, his ropes criticizing possible sanctions, the basin becoming the biden administration secretary of state antony blinken, could announced thank you so a gets an idea the tally this week in the meantime on the eagle passover is really per minister benjamin netanyahu is announcing a new push against hamas, coming soon to numeric sick incentive the extreme positions of hamas scaling a riff among us.
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[speaking in native tongue] >> in the coming days, we will increase the military and diplomatic pressure on hamas because this is the only way to free our hostages and achieve our victory. >> "fox news" correspondent trey from tel aviv tonight. >> this recommends the word gaza approaches that 200 a mark coming his route is on track, to receive funding support from the united states. >> the bill is best suited as a representatives tested $26 billion any go, for his humility satellite on saturday. legislation will go to the senate and ultimately to the president's desk is really official say that it cannot come soon enough and is oppressing is our country evolve. the rising tension, between israel in iraq is concerned that iran's largest pepsi has bullets hundred hundred has bought could increase attack. >> is enough to make these conditions before they go into the open confrontations be back amid new presidents really
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forces under tyler some appetizers severance were sending it and is really strikes overnight united states continues to her behind the scenes, to de-escalate tension, on the northern border and were also tracking new developments at westbank with israeli military wrapped up rated in the city of hope road support for making 14 people killed according to the palestinian red crescent and the region is in the middle and unpredictable chapter with a real possibility the situation unraveling into a more broad regional war. >> thank you très. no joy want to start with this statement, from the idea book if we can pull that up and okay, his as this, response possible sanctions, divorce regarding sanctions against the battalion are not currently known to the idea and should such a decision be made on this matter is consequences will be reviewed the idea of remains committed to
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continue to examine exceptions incidents professionally and according to law and you know joey, you been to war new interest in the world's and engagement in your opinion how is israel conducted this out so far. >> of battlefield at ellicott media reports of what websites as of the other side says in the recent weather put that out is that this is assess. joey: this is red meat of the book, present try to serve two masters and he read the book of matthew it tells you that is not good because you and heading to so this two masters are people that are pro-israel of people that are pro palestinian and fourthly hamas no end up hating 70 and hurting somebody print and he needs to stick with the necessarily villages but a policy. people report consistency and if he is worried about the november election, be consistent and people will report that regardless they like what you doing enough and decided that he is going to for the same time
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approving funding and championing funding from the house, it just shows that he does not have a strategy and he simply trying to say popular to remain president whatever happens in israel happens. >> and rice questions because we also saw the ice happened white house and as prior to the terror attacks that it was unfreezing $6 billion to iraq as part of the prisoner swap and also david sanctions after the terror attacks with sanctioning the idf numbing pretty square that. >> right of those sanctions that they are talking about here the possibility they save his battalion dead before october 7th itself to reach back is questionable in terms of the timing especially when you look at it through political and city struggling your politically and to trey point he does not want to broader regional problem of course but he's a local the that he is dealing with a small enjoys trying to serve two masters and what seems to be
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surfacing here david. >> with their it is two masters iraq eastern serve to agendas think the point, and he is trying to say in this run nuclear deal for some for jc poa needs of the appeaser so that's what he goes for. david: is controlled with the rdf does they do not want us finding the work. and i spent enough time of the of the last 20 years, i've into their it is something that i know a little bit more and probably some of the people the white house about how they operate, and why they operate that way they do. so he has no control but he is trying to appease his left-wing trying to appease iran i don't carry, the white house. >> you will see what it does politically. >> and also, just timing wise because on friday also announced other sanctions that are like adjacent to israel, this is all coming up and i think people are paying attention to what is this happening. >> they shorted next on the big weekend show. trump: i'm sitting here for days
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cleaning. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ we can show, the jury said murmuring from a return city program for opening statements and his hush money trial is the same new "fox news" following chosen people over biden on the
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economy allentown tonight. >> fox polling shows the economy is the number one issue of the nation's largest battleground state and he can understand why, people are hurting the number show and if you like they are getting ahead financially, right now in pennsylvania and 44 percent of the family say, that they are falling behind financially the numbers of the same story battlegrounds, georgia, michigan in the center of casing children they are general here in pennsylvania and one another on inflation about most of the primary and tuesday in the meantime former president trump will be in new york city on monday trial as well admit that would not have happened if he was reached back to responsibility and because the
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senate actually gone through the impeachment of donald trump, we would not be in the situation is caps attorneys continue to bless the case see if we have a leading candidate for president, veeck forced to take time off of the campaign trail. personally invented legal theory, that is as you said see the light of day before is absolutely outrageous, that is city file expected loss, six - eight weeks. >> thank you brian stuck in new york city campaign in your post, is the trials sign is a presidential sham is assess champ but despite that difference ever to sideline from from he's getting more welcome matter where he goes like when he stopped at a bodega in new york. [background sounds].
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[background sounds]. >> biden appeared to try to take a page out of trump's playbook, and it did not go so well people did not seem to enthusiastic, to see him edit pittsburgh last week away then there was this exchange, that the next day. >> c7 wanted to, think. thanks you have whatever you like and we can customize it swiss movies, milkshakes and refreshers. >> will how about. [inaudible]. >> you can take that one. biden: i will order this. >> that's pretty obvious the conferences pretty big. >> and would you be excited to see joe biden. >> i would not.
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>> we know what i think that on trump is going to god bodega is genius when he received the endorsement of the new york city bodega owner and also emerson college bowl workshop is doing better with people over the hours for me to people out there who are actually working hard for living you know it also draws attention to longer which is been a key issue for him as a bodega where he was forced to defend himself against the next on. in self-defense rights would raise about a bunch of different issues but there are two different types of media and cafés and working cafés at politics for a number of years, the state military tv advertisement is ready in the media, where doing things like truck bodega impressed generating headlines trump is a genius new you mean about 20 ceasing, billions of dollars for the presidential campaign in her media is working camera is a crowd.
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just kind of a special sauce he's making the best of it but it is an election interference with the rest of the freighted with the thing a product sick david let's get back to the trial because there's an off ed by michael goodwin came out on saturday and reason part them and had a child on top begins in earnest this week but the verdict is already in, prosecutors just going up election interference of the case has proved that we have entered a new dark era government power is openly videos for partisan purposes, men had a charges are so blatantly cooked up, that is hardly the trials really happy about times because when a mountain of evidence be enough to convict trump headline opening statements of the people of the state of new york versus j trump overseas casing strong conviction is far from a shirt and he go down and you read into that article, there's a lot of
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their of the heaviness, the challenges prosecution house and making witnesses seem credible. >> yes. in the right headlines they can the story think it is supported in the fact and i was later to vertex here in everett michael goodwin for years. he is pretty measured in level and how he presents his arguments come up there's another verdict that is the public verdict, the people going to go to the polls. not only is it unfair to target of a foreign the president in this case donald trump, but is also an attempt to make a federal charge that was rejected. by the federal agencies the federal elections commission state level charge in america's get that. so public verdict is when we were damaging this wife said that while trump is in new york born sort of new york city in terms new york city, long before they were care before alvin bragg official james and trump
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is new york city and he's amended save the woman pretty was buildings property owned him this is telling me she don't because the public is going to give you joey for this up so i can get a comment from your this, this is notable these are like questions the answers, who hot dog eating contest if you president trump president biden 29 natalie 49 percent from 27 percent braided 24 percent karen family feud about 40 percent 20 percent provided so these are lighthearted in nature but if you like this the kind of think they can be very telling because not everybody but supposing seem to really dog dogs that they played natalie wash family feud this goes back to when you start of the segment with where trump goes to the bodega but he goes the wolof in his has grown this conference, perfectly for this campaign. urine lincoln riley side and
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white house putting any semen out it all for your either on ts side or new york city politicians that pretty magellan set of those that i do that crime again is a trump has absolutely done this right i'm scared that's why they're going to go everywhere they can to give off the campaign trail because what they can really solidify thanks, for people when he comes to president trump. >> that is pretty amazing speaking of buses, it may be time for sean did he comes over the face the music. that is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> that is one genre of music's announced go to another one welcome back to the big weekend show and tragedy at a birthday party in michigan when a suspected drunk driver plowed into the party in a boat killed a young boy and boy it is sister fox news course monica christina coleman has the update tonight. >> david my five year olds what is eight -year-old sister died in at least 15 people were injured after suspected driver crashed into a child's birthday party at boat club yesterday afternoon and the victims were taking to area hospitals with life-threatening injuries across happening the rope county about 30 miles south of detroit and authority say the suspect vehicle struck the north wall of the building stopped after it was approximately 25 feet inside. >> the scene was described by the first responders as an
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extremely chaotic with high level of a devotions of those directly involved in those who witnessed this horrific incident. joy: the prissy horrific investigation and authorities are processing evidence missing woman suspected of causing crash was taken into custody. >> the 66 -year-old female driver, who will not be identified about this time has been taken into police custody. for intoxicated causing death and see is at the monroe county jail. >> using traditional charges will likely be filed as this invasive investigation continues to. david: thank you christina now to this, hip-hop sean diddy combs map to appear in court to face some of the accusations against him the latest for some the music producer who accuses him of misconduct and sean diddy combs team has 30 days to respond it to shut communist him
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on stage, during her surprise coachella performance. by changing the opening lyrics oversaw to talk about we get, to quote, wake up in the morning like fp ditty in a new fox takes it deep dive into what did he do. [laughter] [laughter] >> that was his career and you can say, that it was tough on shaun. in fact, 2023, despite all of these allegations, he was given the key to new york city. >> and it was like welcome to the gift and the key to new york and then was doing some meeting said i was reading about that fall of the angels now angels full and when he fall, it's going to be so hard that everything around him is wonderful into the hole with him. >> and that is exactly what appears to be happening.
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david: will you know, the music industry certainly has fair share of hunter versus alicea about where we know the story. >> all right now, he is under federal trafficking investigation was outrageous that his home in los angeles, and in miami we have not seen you are charges, no indictments, and a lot of gossip and a lot of leaks this one thing we have not from a legal standpoint nothing as we move forward so there are questions over the timing we now in this race like what is happening and why have we not heard more to joy, they don't just show up for lease that is it is supposed to two rates simultaneously, usually there's evidence involved i think alicia may points be back there's multiple stories are, there is what is accused of doing himself. joey: there's the allegation and sorghum that he must recording
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of the people transgressions as a mother billing estimate i really think that opens up a big story for americans to understand or to consume which is this perhaps hollywood as this connection this kind of a partial evilness to it. i would just environments i can remember danny masterson and harvey weinstein and jeffrey epstein, they'll elevator hollywood link people, who had in plain sight for decades with a transgressions finally, post me to work held accountable that is this the next shoe to drop what is it exposing head of the decide with a exposer children to and what content they get to see that these estimates also be allegations who left they are true, who knew you write because some of jeffrey and harvey weinstein this a lot of people do it in every do anything about it and then of the other way because is a serve their financial interests printed coming up sean diddy combs have a lot of issues when him and
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jennifer lopez for rusted and there's a shooting in a club in from jay, that's when it ended up serving ten years in jail for that you can go to 2015 and he was arrested for allegedly swinging and calvo an assistant ucla football coach and you can go to 17 that shelf accused him of forcing people in the regularly make students are he and his gospel they were acts taking place around them. so i do not know and look everybody is innocent until proven guilty. but you know there's a lot of smoke surrounding him and then you have the allegations from his ex-girlfriend essentially accusing them of running shorts jeffrey epstein type of rig so i don't know it will see obviously this going to enfold you much what sean diddy combs we did he do on fox nation .com coming up about dog and cat lovers this enough, you printer or a friend before anything in life, you're not alone none of us are
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changing decision that people make it work coming up tomorrow and fox and friends we have great jared former acting attorney general matt whitaker we don't forget dvr the show if you cannot catch a live. >> political ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show owners low production cuts to be a make or break in the dating world kind of like it was in the muscle dogs from must love dogs, and yet i'm still mad i must've done something right to be have 18 responses. >> you listened to the business use like three, 11, and 14 and michael like them all to decide for yourself. >> the pet owners tequila for the furry friends new heights in this is a work in recent poll
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found that when intent pet parents, they left a job to find anyone in order to take better care of their pets about 40 percent willing to take a pay cut, the work in a pet friendly workplace. and david come i'm really curious with the numbers look like pre- covid-19, with the folks work so used to leaving the present home going to the office and now, we change kind of everything about her life and that includes her past like we will leave them anymore c1 well want to see more about this. when he went pre- covid-19 but will come i said that charity american humane, i love animals the dogs human animal bond is really important for warriors in our first responders when people have gotten attached to the present walking them around and baby carriage like thanks. this is getting a little bit crazy for me pretty think that's a great and think everybody should have that experience especially children. care for them and you learn responsibility i think people taking this a little bit way
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over the top job, just based on your pets, maybe there are other considerations a little bit more important. >> will lisa booth bring her dog to work me, work there he is six years ago. [laughter] i'm there with my little baby bella some 40 percent of said that they be willing to take a pay cut beverly environment, whether wrong so i did that of easily as evidenced by the father, a fellow officer freaking mind of the greenroom look for the show them my brother in psychology center when the cohost she's not an aggressive government think she just had it you do not get the duck i need to get the dog it deserved which is very sweet and loving she has very sassy side to her love you bella even though she's not watching mac. >> she might be watching the talking to your doctor the team you don't know pretty soon they feeling a little bit judged right now to me to and about fillmore judged when asked joey jones ability is like dozen
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planes and like. joey: this is a decay of utmost importance let me explain to you why number one, i love my dogs about my love for my dogs changed when my daughter was born and is baby to take care of it i cannot have the love madame so used to because my baby is now supported thing he was know my almost five -year-old daughter was we live in a society that has told everybody that you gotta go to college and go to work married to your career it takes two or three cups pretty household single varied her with kids so people cannot they don't have time to have because they don't have time for personal connection to be put the other version think it is this unhealthy relationship with the coming to single apartment to whatever pet is there and a great waiting on them guilty about living about in the great looking for job then with are not doing is going out and getting whatever jobs and whatever small town away from these abominations of cities that put you in a slave
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environment where you cannot do anything but your job pretty and this is an absolute effect of people living to work rather than working to live. they don't have connections with people they don't have kids and they do not have the family and brought them into a home in it is really good be best friend this is not about you know traditional family this is just about having a connection with human beings and circumvented fire past and it is unhealthy. >> to tell me something maybe i should watch sick a look dogs or cats. >> please stick around. [laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ e lenrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents
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and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is time now for the big four. our bics for the biggest stories everyone will be talked about this week. i will go first and i love this one. los angeles mayor karen bass revealed an intruder broke into her home through a window around 6:00 a.m. this morning. now joey, i'm tossing this to you, what with this thought when it comes home to roost for the mayor who supports letting criminals out of jail, you are next trip i don't if that's true though. i don't know but i don't know if they care. early this morning on this topic off duty cop was a shot and
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killed in chicago. officer luis was only 30 years old. as a matter fact this was just a few days before his 31st birthday. he was already off duty he responded to is called a shot spark their shots he responded to it and was murdered we need to honor him and remember him and know that every man in blue and woman in blue goes to work every day with the idea they could give their life for us progress we pray for their family. never some good news good samaritans in minnesota pulled a driver from his car that was engulfed in flames after crash pads have i 94 at 6:30 p.m. where the good samaritan said they're being >> in the face with the flames but good to see that. quickset is incredible. illinois governor is the latest democrat running cover for buying ahead of november. >> whenever i look at donald trump's debating style, heat lies and lies and lies it is so
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hard to respond to that. but i also think joe biden is a terrific debater. [laughter] so he's also making the argument, i knew you guys would love that he's making the argument biden will have to decide whether or not to spend time making his own point or fact checking former president. >> biden did do wellin this debate against paul wright he did pretty well against trump this last time >> wheat never know and we won't know this actually debate which is the point. >> there were three debates will he show up? probably not requested want him to debate want to encourage that paragraphs i would love to see it. so it america that does it for us. we will see you next weekend. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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