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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 22, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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sense of love, sense of purpose, where you earn your success, ind other words hard work and responsibility, you tried to be rewarded and the knowledge to serve other people. you see your work as an offering to other people. that is what you need, service to others here that is what will bring meaning from work and that will solve a lot ok anf our prot out. >> trey: dr. arthur brooks, iyo tell you, friends, if you aret e not following him, if you are not reading come if you are not listening to him, you are doing yourself a disservice. thank you for joining us again and we love talking to you. we will s see you soon. >> thanks, >> trey: thank you for spending your sunday with us.nd i hope you have a great weekend and you can find us on line >> carley: a fox news alert, opening statements are set to begin just hours from now in
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donald trump's new york hush money trial trial. >> todd: david packer will be first witness to steak t take te stand, stormy daniels, and michael cohen could take the stand, among others. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. a long and tedious process. brooke singman is here with det details. >> brooke: before opening statements begin, the judge is expected to rule on what prosecutors can bring up from previous cases. manhattan district attorney's office is looking to cross-order about the judgement will in the new york city trial and bring up the verdict from the carroll
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case. the first witness will be david packer, meings ads mited to burying negative stories about trump. he is expected to recount several stories he had with mr. trump about the hush money. packer's company paid 250,000 to stormy daniels. michael cohen made the payments to daniels and will be a key witness in the case. the prosecution must prove trump was involved in the cover-up. listen to his attorneys. >> we believe the president will
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be exonerated. the jury can see through the media coverage and focus on facts at issue in this case, we believe we have a winning case. >> brooke: the former president said virtually every legal scholar says there is no case, this is a sham that should have never been brought. final jurors were seated on friday. trial is expected to wrap up by 2:00 p.m. today to akccommodate passover. >> carley: california governor gavin newsom worries this could give trump a boost come election time. >> this guy does not care if he's the hero or the heel, he just wants to be the star in the
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blight brietd /* briet bright s spotlight. i am concerned about over ind indulgence around the day-to-day criminal trial, it is profound but not more outsized than democracy. >> carley: trump is leading in georgia and michigan and tied in pennsylvania and wisconsin. group of people in minnesota jumping in to save a driver trapped in a burning car. the car crashed into a light pole. they heard the driver screaming for help and rushed to save him. a highway worker was able to shatter a window and pull him to safety in the nick of time. no one was hurt including the
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driver. >> todd: sunday's talladega 500. >> there he is goes to make his move and switch back over. the block and around goes 34 and reddick steals one. >> todd: right at the end. mic michael mcdowell's first win of the season by 2/10 of a second. recognize that guy? co-owner of 2311 racing, michael jordan, holding reddick's son in his arms. if you are not "fox and friends," you're last. number one golfer scottie scheffler looking to win hthe tournament s
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the rbc resumes after a three-hour weather delay yesterday. scottie scheffler holds five-stroke lead, only has three holes to go. he will make history as two masters champions to win a week after the masters. he is going into potentially tiger territory. >> carley: did his wife have the baby? >> todd: unclear. he said he is off for a while after this tournament. >> carley: before the first child. >> todd: hillary clinton doing her best to make sure trump does not get re-elected. >> trump was gaga over putin, he does what trump want to dos
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drive journalists into exile, rule without any check or b balance, that is what trumpun was. >> carley: what? yeah. psychotic. >> todd: joe concha will give us his take. >> carley: shoulds homeless people be allowed to camp out on public property? we will get reaction.
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>> carley: investigators are still searching for a suspect who shot and killed an off-duty chicago police officeri returnig home from work sunday morning. jackie ibanez joins us. >> he was still in uniform when he was gunned down just before 3:00 a.m. yesterday. atf and sheriff's office have joined the search. he was taken to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead. his car was stolen and they are investigating whether a c carjacking could have led to the deadly shooting. >> there are people who are brazen and cowardly in the way they go about their days and carry out violent acts against
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decent, hard-working people living the right way. we doll everything we can to bring justice to every family victimize by this type of crime. >> he attended police officer with lasso, who was killed a year ago in the same neighborhood. >> andres was the american dream, he came to this country and looked for a way to move upward, stepped away from meedock rite and did what others would not do in their lifetime and succeeded in this country. he deserved the star. >> tomorrow would be louis's
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31st birthday. >> carley: thank you so much. los angeles police arresting a man accused of breaking into mayor karen bass's home. he smashed a window to get into the house triggering an alarm. the mayor and her family were home at the time, but no one was hurt. the mayor's home was also broken into in 2022 >> the case will likely go to the l.a. county d.a.'s office this week. >> todd: case you need to hear about now, supreme court will hear case whether cities have a ri right to block home lsz encampments.
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a homeless woman claims the rule violates her amendments. two business owners have dealt with homelessness and join me now. david was attacked and paul was attacked with human excrement. the law punishes people who camp in public, that is what we're getting at here. do you think that is good way of dealing with homelessness. >> the numbers 175,000 homeless, you have to imagine how many are truly home lsz, how many are drug tourists or guys that decide to get off the grid and not be accounted for anything
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and mentally ill and psychotic. what they are saying, it is ridiculous, we are not allowed to enforce existing laws. if we pass judgement and create discomfort for them, 50 % will get a life somewhere else. all we want to do is enforce existing laws. >> todd: david, do you agree with paul's assessment? >> it is one view, which i do agree with. i like to find out why we're paying so many taxes for the h homeless and what is upon haing. i don't see it getting any better. where is the money going? we have a lot of smart people
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elected and all these smart people can't find the answer to what to do with homeless people. it will have to be a biblical answer and try to train everyone how to fish and not give them a fish. give them a trade. and say hypothetically, we get 50% of people off the street by giving them a trade, that would be huge. >> todd: on the screen is video of you getting attacked, h homeless industrial complex, where does all the money go that is pumped into home less, yet h
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homel homelessness rose. paul, unless we get ahold of the h homeless industrial complex, no laws are going to change a thing. what say you? >> we have only spent $141,000 per homeless person and the problem is increasing. there is no interest in solving the problem. h homeless ness and crime are separate issues. h homelessness involves 10,000 to 15,000 that we can help. rest of this problem, 80%, are people in town from out of town doing no good. i think and i sent you a picture of a guy sitting on a step, doing drugs, littering, cursing,
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five ordinances he is breaking that we could be writing tickets on. we can arrest our way out of 80% of this problem and we have available jail cells. >> todd: why are you on the street? what are you trying to show us? >> i'm on ventura boulevard and you can see the tents, they are allo allowing tents. how many propane tanks does that guy have in that tent and how many does it take to red flag a freeway, i've heard as few as
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six, i got a problem with that. >> todd: i have a problem with that. david and paul, thank you. thanks for being advocates on this topic. pro-palestinian student workers plan to walk out of columbia university today and jewish students were warned to leave campus and not come back. >> carley: we will break down the campus craziness across the country next. ♪ ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product.
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[whistling kettle sound] no? good! mother is buried in the yard. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals have no privacy, try one that has no one but you. >> secretary of state blinken san
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sanctioning israeli defense forces in the west bank. prime minister netanyahu condemning sanctions. if anyone thinks they upon sanction the idf, i will fight with all my might. israel planned a bigger strike on iran and scaled back after pressure from allies. this would ban aid to unitses. idf head of intill igence director resigns after 38 years. students plan to walk out of columbia university today. >> carley: madeleine rivera has details. >> madeleine: good morning. columbia university is out with a statement saying she's deeply saddened saying to deescalate rank and give us chance to consider next steps, all classes
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will be held on monday, first day of passover. protests raising safety concern. told jewish students to go home saying columbia university public safety cannot guarantee safety in the face of antisemitism and anarchy. it pains me to say i recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home until reality in and around campus has improved. the university is. raing up security guards and peri perimeter. new new york city mayor says nypd will step in saying i'm horrified and disgusted with antisemitism. nypd will not hesitate to arrest anyone found breaking the law. 100 people were arrested thursday after some students
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began receiving suspension notices. the white house is condemning it saying silence is som plicity. this antisemitism is r reprehensible and dangerous and has no place on college campuses. protesters are seem undeterred, they are holding a walk aught at 1:00 p.m. eastern time today. >> carley: thank you. bring in tudor dixon, host of tudor dixon podcast. good morning to you. michigan is where we heard death to america chants over the weekend and heard a protester in new york say we are hamas. another protest are was holding
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a sign that said they should be hamas next tarrget. how did we get here? not just on the campus of ivy league colleges, how did we get here as a country. >> not just how did we get here, there are groups that in infiltrated our university, they are radicalizing students. average american college students have been radical ized by folks we don't know who they are, they have their faces covered with just eyes showing 6. they are using american laws to come in and fund radicalization of american students. they are calling for intifada. these are not protesters, they
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are calling for war. this is different than the 1960s when students were saying make love, not war. these students are calling for war, we have never seen this in the united states and it is time the fbi get involve and say how deep is this. >> todd: protesting is protected under the constitution, what we are seeing is crossing the line into i into. how would columbia respond if students took over in support of kkk, would columbia support it for commitment of free speech or would code of conduct have operative impact? talking about the school's code
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of conduct and illegality, how should university presidents deal with protests going forward? what they are doing right now is not working. >> we know the answer to his question. the president of columbia saying they are holding class virtually because it is not safe. if it is not safe, it is not protest. if students are no longer safe on campus, this is not a peaceful protest. if you go beyond peace, you have to be taken away. campus needs to be safe for students. we don't know who these people are, we don't know if they are students, you cannot there faces. university presidents waffling on this, what does this say
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about liberalism that has invaded universities? this is incredibly dangerous in the united states. >> it is dangerous and andrew baits released a statement condemning antisemitism. at time we are hearing death to america chants and jewish students are afraid to go to class, there will be virtual learning. people are scared. people would want to hear from president biden himself. last time he made an address was after october 7. do you think we will hear from the president in white house capacity over this, as well? >> i think we should hear from the president, i don't think we will because of state of michigan. he wants power and control and that is more importance to him than safety of students.
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he is concerned with votels in michigan and minnesota. he will stay silent to win votes. >> carley: thank you. tiktokers for trump. it's a thing. more gen-z voters are planning to vote for the former president. >> todd: a couple of them are here to tell us why. hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at
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>> janice: happy monday. if you live across the eastern third of the country, you are waking up wondering when spring will arrive. 44 in new york. a lot of places feeling cooler than average. frost and freeze alerts for cincinnati to nashville and hartford, connecticut. here is forecast lows for this morning and tomorrow morning not much change, going to be cooler than average and we have another reinforcing shot of cold air arriving on wednesday for upper
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midwest and great lakes. there is better days ahead. look at future radar. we have frontal systems moving through. we could see rain and wintry mix going through the work week. pr providence, pittsburgh, new york city and philadelphia, top five here, very wet start. we don't have severe weather, could see thunderstorms for sections of florida. thursday and friday, potential of stronger storms. that will be a highlight gets through the work week. it is chilly. there are better days ahead. >> carley: you are inspiration to us. >> carley: open ing statements
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are set to begin in the hush money trial. first witness is expected to be david pecker, who admitted to run a catch and kill scheme to negative stories about trump ahead of 2016 election. >> todd: attorney general ashley moody joins us now. help me out, why is the judge entertaining one, any of trump's other trials? this is new trial and should be based on evidence presented in court and nothing from the other cases should get in the record. have you ever heard the defense that doesn't know the name of prosecution witnesses unless the 11th hour? this does not make sense.
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>> this is turning into trial by ambush. we are waiting to see if other things can be considered wliel trump is deciding if he can take the stand and be treated fairly. i am a former judge, i have tried cases, this is not fair. pivotal moment in history, you have to have a judge and d.a. that is cautious about the p perception of fairness. not knowing what witnesses are going to be called, dozens of witnesses have been put forward. that is ncommon. as a former judge and former
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prose prosecutor, i saw someone commenting trump seems to be losing his patience. wouldn't you? you have a judge who should have recused himself for the perceived conflict of interest. you have a d.a. that is only giving witness names the night be before. . a gag order when witnesses do not have one. new york does not allow cameras in the courtroom. this is perception of fairness. you have to be doubting whether f fairness is issuing offered in
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this trial. >> carley: there is legal side of things and political side and you have consult governor gavin newsom making reluctant admission on msnbc that this trial could benefit the former president politically. what do you think about that? >> i think everyday this goes on and every turn where either the d.a. or judge does something that undermines the public. we are dealing with a case that is a house of cards built on quick sand. this case would never have been brought if not for the fact the defendant was donald trump. everyday this goes on and undermines fairness of this process. you have to doubt whether this is trueeck zooing of justice or
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whether or not this is political power play and doing the bidding of joe biden leading up to november. >> todd: today i address all 12 jurors and alternatives and the two lawyers on the panel to make them understand arguments ag moody just put forth. >> carley: president trump dealing with legal battle and former president seeing surge in gen-z support nharvard polling shows the former president is up 9 points for voters 18 to 29. biden down six points. university of florida student joins me now. good morning to you. why is donald trump becoming more popular among union people? >> good morning. i'm so excited to see that independent thinking happening on social media, this is no
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longer happening in classrooms or college campuses, gen-enteris -- gen-z is voicing their opinion. gen-z value donald trump auth en t tis ity and openness talking about north korea, gen-z realize donald trump is type of leader we want in the white house because my generation are waking up and realizing our lives were better under donald trump than under president biden. >> carley: president biden is cancelling student debts, supporters say he is listening to concerns of young people, do you think it will work when it comes to getting support from
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young people now that he is losing ground in that group of voters? >> i think gen-z is smarter than that and not falling for plea deals and promise from the biden administration, gen-z is fed up with draft rus economic plsz policy. we reported sky rocketing tuition rates and that specifically impacting generation z. we can barely make our apartment rent, how could we put a down payment on a car or raise a child. the american dream seems like a foreign concept to my generation. we benefited more under donald trump, our wallets benefited under donald trump and my generation is going to show up and force support for donald trump. >> carley: do you think gen-z is
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the new swing voter? >> absolutely, i think gen-z has been hit hard by the biden administration policy. many of us can't fathom owning a home and that idea of the american dream is far out of reach, we want a president who is going to bring leadership back into the white house. gen-z realizes 2024 election is security of our border and homes and realize donald trump dominates in every category and biden is not the man to have in office if we want safety on those fronts. >> carley: thank you, we appreciate you. have a good day. great job. hollywood knows how to come to defense of democrats. here is michael douglas and what
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he said about president biden. >> people that i talk to and everybody that i have, say he is -- sharp as a tack, he is fine. we all have issue of memories, we forget names. >> todd: that is all it is, joe concha on deck. 50 lawrence jones will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." just names, lawrence. >> lawrence: he's a good actor, for sure. coming up on "fox and friends," all rise, opening arguments begin today in former president trump's hush money trial and what can we expect to see in the courtroom today? we have top legal analysis all morning long. anarchy on columbia university campus. they are pushing classes online. who students, one nearly burned when protesters lit the american flag, will join us live.
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heartbreak in chicago, a young officer shot and killed just days observe his 31st birthday. the growing impact leaving law enforcement officers just behind and turf turnover, new york high school soccer game cancelled after migrants refuse to leave the field. how america's youth is affected. we have a busy show this monday morning, see you at the top of the hour. i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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>> todd: no shock here one of president biden's hollywood supporters coming to his defense over age and fitness. >> everybody i talk to and everybody that i have say he's as sharp as a tack. he is find. we all have problems with memories as we get older. we forget names. he has overcome a stunner in his life and sometimes he might. but, um, let's just say that his -- his entire cabinet, including his vice president, everybody in his cabinet would be more than happy to work with him more than again in a next term. i cannot say that about the other candidate running. >> carley: joe concha is a fox news contributor and he joins us now. i'm sure the president appreciated those comments from michael douglas. when people have to constantly assure others of your mental
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capacity, it's never a good place to be, especially when you are in the president of the united states. >> wow, carley. great point. look, gordon gecko was relevant nearly 40 years ago. i can quote wall street without a second thought, greed, for lack of a better word is good. greed is right. greed works. clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. trust me outside of shawshank redemption it's my all-time favorite movie and michael douglas was once a great an tore and played a president himself. i couldn't care less what -- 81-year-old actual president if you look at poll after poll, believes should not be running for a second term, including a majority of democrats. so, it's great that cnn had michael douglass on to assure us that joe biden is sharp as a tack. how often do they get together exactly? i haven't seen any video of that
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hollywood supports democratic presidential candidate. go figure. >> i'm glad you mentioned he played a president in a movie. in no movie have i ever seen as the president blundered the way joe biden did just last week. watch. >> my uncle, called am am brothers, called him bozie. he got shot down in new guinea, and they never found the body because it used to be -- there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of new guinea. >> i see a future of the planet, save the planet, as this guy busting his neck doing from climate change, literally. climate crisis in america. >> i'm going to go order a milkshake. >> order a milkshake. >> be right back. >> i thought did you it right there. >> with all due respect to spartan tuesday's son. >> who are these people that michael douglas was talking with
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saying he is as sharp as a tack. second part of the question how dull is that tack? >> well, good questions, todd. look, the whole cannibal thing as far as his uncle bowser being eaten by cannibals and the president saying that his uncle was shot down curing world war ii. he was not shot down. the plane was lost. he said it was a single engine plane no. it was a double-engine plane. unless cannibals swam out to the bottom of the uncle to eat uncle bowser that never happened. the big question is why. why do i have to share the same first name as this person, as joe biden. it's just amazing. and, look, to use a bidenism. here's the deal. donald trump was more accessible than any president in history. he took more questions than any president in the modern era. he did 35 so he press conferences alone in final year of office. joe biden has yet to do one this year going well into last year
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as far as solo press conferences are concerned. so, if we're talking about joe biden's sharpness and if he really wants the job. maybe he could sit down and actually take questions from a real journalist or from actual journalists during a press conference where it isn't hand picked reporters. that's never going to happen before this election day. and that all -- that's all you have to know about joe biden now at this point. >> carley: hillary clinton also said this about former president trump that is both surprising and not surprising at the same time. watch. >> trump was like, you know, just gaga over putin. because putin does what he would like to do, kill his opposition. imprison his opposition. drive, you know, journalists and others into exile. rule without any check or balance that's what trump really wants. >> carley: so, ironic that she brings up the imprisonment of the political opposition, which is exactly what democrats are
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trying to do to a former president. this is the farthest she has ever gone with killing the political opposition. usually when she says things like this it does not work out well for her. >> no. carley. look. hillary clearly has ample spare time when she isn't in therapy over her loss nearly 8 years ago. obviously she is watching another cable news network that starts with ms and ends with nbc. because the morning show over there keeps saying that donald trump, if it gets back into office, will execute journalists. this is utterly and totally ridiculous at this point. and hillary just looks so foolish. i feel sorry for her at this point to be quite honest with you, todd. >> todd: you said joe biden's uncle was bowser. boozey is the uncle's name. "fox & friends" agains right now. >> carley: have a great week, everybody. >> ainsley: 6:00 a.m. on the


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