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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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they say that means it is not secure. the ceo of knight insurance company has previously told me he is sure he has the collateral for this bond. of course you may recall an appeals court previously reduced the amount of bond to $175 million from roughly $464 million. that was a move legal experts suggest appellate judges may be sympathetic. but it's engoron who will be deciding this issue. we'll see whether he keeps the bond. >> lawrence: all endale michigan, this morning. we have three diners this week. >> ainsley: bye, everyone.
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[chanting] >> free, free, free palestinian. >> dana: unfolding this morning police responding at yale university where students are staging anti-israel protests. that's not the only elite school with problems. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. this is "america's newsroom." anti-israel protests intensifying at columbia university once again. the situation so bad the ivy league school's president says that classes are going to be held virtually. think about the ramifications of that and who is winning here. she also is calling for a reset not sure what that means, safety concerns are so high that a rabbi is urging jewish students to stay away from campus as passover begins today at su sundown. >> dana: how are things shaping up for today, alexis? >> no major action here at
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columbia university's campus. not the case at campuses across the country as far out as australia. we want to give you a live look what is happening at yale university. protests bringing out their near campus this morning. we heard there are dozens of protestors outthere chanting to free palestine and calling on their university to di vest from israel in new haven, connecticut this morning. columbia crowds continue to gather waving the flags and chanting slogans on and off campus. police give students a warning to get off. >> free, free, free palestine. >> free, free palestine. >> at columbia the protests are so bad a rabbi said judge students aren't safe telling them to go home and leave
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campus. >> people have been saying for a while they don't feel safe. it had to do with the rhetoric. i want to be clear, this has gotten into physical safety. i no longer feel physically safe on my campus. >> overnight the president of this university calling for a reset here. the president shifted to virtual classes to de-escalate what's going on on campus and consider next steps. we'll have to see what place out. she is deeply saddened by what is happening. tensions remain high at columbia. the university called in the nypd to sweep the so-called gaza solidarity encampment. 100 students were arrested and then suspended. students and outside groups are planning a walk-out today demanding amnesty for students and faculty protestors calling on this university to di vest from israel. what is new york city saying about it? mayor eric adams is saying he is
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horrified and disgusted by the anti-semitism around the campus here and condemns this speech saying it is hate speech in the strongest of terms. back out here live to give you an idea how unsafe a lot of people at columbia university and other campuses, there is a jewish professor here posted an social media he will ask for a police escort to walk around the campus. imagine how students feel. other jewish groups are calling for students and the university to speak out. >> dana: columbia rabbi warning students to stay home with extreme anti-semitism on campus. how would columbia respond if the students took over campus and caused for the genocide of other ethnic minorities? would the university's code of conduct suddenly have operative impact.
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some of these comparisons are very good. >> martha: i do, too. think about the fact in other cases you have had police clearing the way so that students back in the 60s during the civil rights strife so that black students could go to school, right? why are these schools shutting down and in some ways acquiescing to allow the power to be these students who are protesting and to take away the rights of others to go to class? i really have a hard time understanding why that seems to be the best option here. we hear these students and we'll speak to one later poked in the eye with a flagpole which is a horrific situation. they are starting to feel physically threatened in these situations. >> dana: all of the students have to go virtual today? we know how well that works, not well at all. so i'm sure the parents are very upset and frustrated. breaking news story and we'll see what happens today and as martha mentions passover begins
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at sundown. >> martha: the trump hush money trial moving full steam ahead. opening statements underway in a few minutes from now. team fox coverage. andy mccarthy who has written on this is joining us in a moment. eric shawn is standing by outside the courthouse this morning in new york city. hi, eric. >> good morning, martha. the first witness in the trial expected to be david pecker. he was the publisher of the "national enquirer" and friend of former president trump expected to testify against him according to reports. pecker, when he takes the stand, is expected to outline the so-called catch and kill scheme was cooked up with trump running for president at the time and his long time lawyer michael cohen. ami admitted it tried to influence the 2016 presidential election by paying former playmate mcdougal $150,000 to
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keep the story of her alleged affair with trump under wraps during the campaign on top of the $130,000 cohen says he paid stormy daniels. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg said trump said they were for cohen's legal fees. >> the grand jury found 34 documents with this critical false statement. why did donald trump repeatedly make these false statements? the evidence will show that he did so to cover up crimes relating to the 2016 election. >> but the former president and defendant has been harshly criticizing the case saying he left everything to his accountants because he was busy being president when he started signs those checks in february of 2017 a few weeks after his
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inauguration. >> i was paying a lawyer and wrote it down as legal expense. an accountant marked it down as a legal expense. that's what it was. you get indicted over that? >> the trial is beginning now. the president came in, did not make any comments when he arrived at the courthouse. if he does comment on what david pecker says it would be a violation of the gag order. under that gag order he has strongly protested not allowed to comment about any of the witnesses in the case, including his friend david pecker. martha, back to you. >> dana: andy mccarthy a former assistant district attorney for the southern district of new york. eric shawn mentioned david pecker will be the first witness and "the new york times" reporting that pecker, who ran a company that owned the "national
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enquirer" set to go first and expected to recount for the jury several conversations with mr. trump about the hush money and that's according to a person familiar with the plan. how do you see this shaping up as leading statements get underway today? >> i think the problem here is that we have a legal dispute. i don't think there will be much dispute about what actually factually happened. what i was struck when you played that clip from alvin grog he says trump made these book entries which he claims were false in order to cover up crimes leading up to the 2016 election. if trump committed crimes leading up to the 2016 election, why didn't bragg just charge him with those? the reason that we keep calling this is hush money trial is they don't have a crime. if trump had robbed a bank we would call it his bank robbery trial or shot someone on fifth avenue that he famously said
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back in 2015 and 2016 they would charge him with that. we keep calling this the hush money trial because they don't have a crime for what they say he did. bragg in essence accuses trump of stealing the 2016 election and suppressing politically damaging information. it is not a crime to suppress politically damaging information and if he could charge trump with stealing the 2016 election, he would have charged him with that. instead, he is charged 34 crimes he alleges were committed in 2017, which he is trying to convince people somehow stole the 2016 election, as if you could actually do things in 2017 to steal something that happened in 2016. so i really think it is more of a legal dispute than a factual one. >> martha: i'm curious what is revealed by the fact before all this gets started this morning,
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we'll hear arguments for what the circumstances would look like if the former president decides that he is going to take the stand. and if he takes the stand, the prosecution wants to be able to raise issues around the real estate evaluation fraud case and also the carroll cases. what would be the relevance from those cases in this case. >> when a witness testifies, anything that goes to his credibility is fair game. so if they have -- you know, if they can prove he made false statements about the evaluation of his asset prices, or if they can prove -- i don't think the judge will let them get into allegations of sexual misconduct. but if they can prove misstatements and misconduct
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that go to his veracity as a witness that's fair game. >> martha: thank you, andy. >> dana: great to have you. we'll see a lot of you and we're glad of it. thank you so much. >> thanks. >> that officer was a victim of the type of crime that he was working against to keep people safe in this city. >> dana: an off duty police officer shot and killed in chicago. we have the litest on the search for the suspect. >> bill: police investigating a shocking break in at the los angeles mayor karen bass. what happened here and who is being charged? >> dana: we will bring you any news from trump's trial as it happens. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah
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>> dana: you're looking at yale university here where we're paying close attention to these protests. they're basically pro-palestinian, pro-hamas and anti-israel protests happening at yale university this morning. the police were there earlier. they are still there. looks fairly peaceful right now. we're expecting more activity here and you can imagine how upset the students are. this is a big developing story today. you'll have updates from us all day long at yale and columbia. you see president trump -- we saw him earlier walk into the courtroom. the space where he often stops and talk to the press before court begins. opening statements are to get underway today and the first witness will be called. it is david pecker, the president's friend, formerly of the "national enquirer." we're watching all that as we get ready for a big news day
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today. >> martha: off duty chicago police officer was shot and killed minutes away from his home. he had just finished his shift on sunday morning before bullets rang out and his car was stolen. the search is on for a suspect. mike tobin live in chicago with the tragic story for us. hi, mike. >> sadly here we are again talking about another chicago police officer who just finished his shift. uniform still on and he was gunned down. sunday morning the officer was returning from work at 3:00 a.m. to gauge park, a neighborhood near midway airport. it was a violent carjacking. the shot spotter alerted officers guns were fired. they found him riddled with bullets and pronounced dead at the medical center. the new superintendent of the chicago police force said he was two days shy of his 31st birthday. >> it has got to stop.
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we have got to focus on the things that matter in this city right now. what matters in this city are the good people who are just trying to live their lives the right way, trying to raise their children, and there are those who don't care. they don't care about the lives of those individuals. >> just over a year ago the man spoke in a memorial video for another fallen officer who was also shot to death in gauge park. the circumstances of his death are similar to those of officer preston shot and killed by a rampaging robbery crew also on her way from work and also still in her uniform. in 2021 chicago police officer ella french was shot and killed during a traffic stop. we don't have all the numbers from the weekend. so far over the weekend eight people in chicago were shot, three were killed.
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>> martha: mike, thank you very much. mike tobin. >> dana: the passage of a 61 billion ukraine aid package in the house. greg palkot got a look at where the money is going and he is live from kiev. good morning, greg. >> yeah, that u.s. military aid package for ukraine should be arriving here just in time. i repeat just in time. the russians have been outfiring the ukrainian artillery of ten to one. air defense missiles are sparse allowing russian rockets to wreak havoc on ukraine infrastrike tour. moscow had taken over big swaths of ukraine territory. no wonder ukraine's president was thrilled over the weekend to see how republicans with a huge help from democrats pass that aid bill. experts here with the knowledge of weaponry were happy, too.
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>> it's critical. according it was straight forward. no package was provided we were on the verge of russian breakthrough. >> the verge of a russian breakthrough. congressional delegation from the house, two republicans and two democrats are now right here in kiev aiming to get an exact idea of where your taxpayer dollars are going. the bill isn't there quite yet. senate has to okay that. that's set for tuesday the and then president biden has to sign it, one would imagine soon after that and the weapons can start rolling. back to you. >> dana: thank you for the update. >> martha: the supreme court hearing oral arguments on homeless encampments and how to address this crisis. whether people have a right to sleep on the streets and in the parks. it will be a very major issue when that one comes down. we'll stay on that four. plus we're waiting to see if
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former president trump will speak any time during this morning if they take a break as they come and go from the courtroom. huge day as this trial the first ever for a former united states president, criminal trial is underway now. also north dakota governor doug burgum went from running against the former president to backing his campaign and will weigh in on all of us and join us on set coming up. i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling.
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shame and comes out of washington in coordination with washington, everything including the d.a.'s office. in coordination with washington. i just want people to understand that. this is done for purposes of hurting the opponent of the worst president in the history of our country. second of all we have another trial going on right now that is letitia james. campaigned on the fact that i will get trump. and it has to do with a bond of $175 million. first of all she doesn't want me to participate with financial companies in new york so we had a company i guess based in california, a bonding company and i put up $175 million in cash but she said the funding companies isn't good. she doesn't like the company because she doesn't know if their collateral is good. i put up $175 million in cash and she is questioning the bonding company. when you push the cash and the number is $175 that what we were supposed to be putting up and
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give it in cash she shouldn't be complaining about the bonding company. the bonding company would be good for it because i put up the money. i have plenty of money to put up. nobody will be putting up with this. nobody will be listening or coming to new york anymore. businesses will be fleeing because people are treated so badly. it has to be the most unfriendly place to do business and that's why businesses are leaving and people are leaving, as migrants come in and take over our schools and everything else. letitia james case, the worst attorney general in the country, by the way, on -- she keeps a lot of business out of new york and businesses that are here are leaving. that means jobs, a lot of revenue. somebody will step in. the governor, somebody has to step in and do something. businesses are fleeing. letitia james, the money was put up, $175 million. i don't think she is complaining about me but complaining about
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the company. why would she be doing that when i put up the money? i just want you to know that's taking place in front of an extremely crazed judge who is the most overturned judge in new york state. he was overturned four or five times on that case alone. you know who it is. i want to be nice and don't mention names. i want to be very nice. a thing like what is going on right here should never be happening. a very sad day in america, i can tell you that. thank you very much. >> dana: those are the first comments of the day from president trump as opening statements get underway in the so-called hush money trial. he had a lot to say, including some comments about the other case and about letitia james who complaining about the bonding company, which he says doesn't make any sense since he put up cash, the amount that she wanted in cash.
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so that doesn't make a lot of sense but he is also -- i think he is even tempered. frustrated but not losing his cool. >> martha: which is remarkable given everything that is going on. the other case is in another courtroom at the same time. it is extraordinary. that was the real estate evaluation issue that was a civil fraud case where he is supposed to pay over $5 hundred million and they whittled it down to $175 for a bond. the attorney general wants them to start all over again. that is stunning. we have joining us now doug burgum, the north dakota governor, also supporting out on the campaign trail president trump. so good morning. great to have you here. you are watching this really surreal scene here as president trump is juggling all of these
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cases and also running for president at the same time. he is calling this election interference. alvin bragg is calling it election interference from 2016. what do you make of it this morning? >> it is incredible. here we are in new york and we've got a president -- former president of the united states in a sham trial. a 7-year-old business filing issue that is being trumped up into 34 felonies. that whole thing is crazy. if it was a business filing case it should have never been dropped, it is not urgent. the idea they can take something that would normally in business be a miss demeanor and turn it into 34 felonies. every step you take is a felony for jaywalking. the whole thing is bizarre. then put that against the fact we have protests going on at columbia and yale and then we have people like saying that oh,
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the world was somehow trump is a threat to democracy? joe biden is a threat to democracy when they think the world at war, we're funding terrorism both apparently -- supporting it at home with protests and funding it across for iran. all of this chaos that's going on, the average citizen understands they were better off under president trump than under joe biden. >> dana: one of the things he made as he made comments before opening statements in the trial. despite all of this, despite me having to be here my poll numbers are going up. there is question on that. biden is tick theing up as well. here was president trump trying to do a rally on the weekends when he is able to travel to a battleground state in north carolina. there was bad weather. listen to him here. >> this is donald trump, your favorite president of all time hopefully. as you can see there is some very bad weather heading in and we're flying in in a few minutes
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but they really would prefer we not come in because there is a certain danger to all of this. we want to make sure that everybody is safe above all. >> dana: he can't buy a break. the weather was bad in a lot of different places. i know you are a supporter of his now. what do you hear from people out there about him being stuck here when he should be campaigning in the battleground states. >> well, this is again back to the sham trial. he would be doing two rallies a day. you know that. he loves getting out and talking to real americans and people and he is campaigning on the issues. one of the reasons why this is election interference. when president trump campaigns, he talks about inflation, he talks about the border, he talks about public safety and stopping the wars and stopping the killing. these are the issues that matter to the voters and so every day that the democrats can keep him sitting in the courtroom is a win for them. so it is absolutely election
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interference and it is so unfair to the public and to our country to let -- to have this happening. >> martha: interesting to see whether the supreme court weighs in on the immunity issue and whether it has an impact on some of the other situations. i want to ask you about the third party issue. dana mentioned the latest polling. let's put up the headline poll here trump versus biden. new nbc poll has trump up two in a head-to-head. in a five-way race that includes kennedy, stein and west, biden is ahead by two points. a lot of discussion over who kennedy helps or hurts. we're seeing mixed bag in the swing state polls with regard to that. what do you think about him in this race as a factor? >> well, i think if you have a kennedy on the ballot, america is going to understand a kennedy on the ballot is a democrat and this is a green new deal loving candidate in terms of kennedy and also in terms of he likes
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taxes. so if he gets on the ballot and in the race that's a win for president trump for sure because you have two democrats biden and kennedy that will be splitting the vote. if kennedy -- i know young people somehow under 30 numbers look like they are going towards him. that's where joe biden is trying to hang onto those votes. those under 30 a lot are shifting to president trump. so it is early in that sense that people don't know really who r.f.k., jr. is. when he is for taxes and spending the same as joe biden, bring it on. let them split the democrat vote. >> dana: when he got on the michigan ballot it was a clever move and the biden team has gone after them. hillary clinton said what president trump wants to do is get rid of his opposition. watch her here. >> trump is like just gaga.
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putin does what he would like to do. kill his opposition, imprison his opposition. drive journalists and others into exile. rule without any check or balance. that's what trump really wants. >> dana: what do you think of her on the campaign trail for biden? >> the height of hip october see. wow, really? the folks that thought the 2016 election was stolen, the original election deniers are trying to make a case that somehow we're safer under biden? the high cost of joe biden's weakness is coming home to roost in all the bills we have to pass now. whether ukraine, israel, taiwan. joe biden's weakness starting with afghanistan, his costing world peace is leading us toward world war iii and she is saying somehow we're less safe? president trump, the world was safer under president trump.
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we weren't at war. we had inflation under control. it is a crazy false argument and american people will see right through it. >> dana: the part also where she says imprison his opposition. >> what's happening now? the whole point of this trial is to try to take president trump off the trail. >> dana: great to have you here. >> martha: a tight race. it will be very interesting. governor, good to see you. thank you for coming here. we have to hot situation developing at yale right now where there are apparently some arrests taking place. this is a live shot in new haven, connecticut. the police -- this was a big discussion over the weekend that the administration would not allow the police to come clear anything. it looks like that has changed. you see a very sort of calm police presence on campus right now from the images we're seeing as they try to get people to pack up these tents and clear this area, it's a violation of yale policy to obstruct some of
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these walkways but they haven't enacted it until it looks like right now. >> dana: it was interesting, too. over the weekend after a lot of pressure, i believe it was yesterday on sunday finally the white house weighed in with a statement because this is not just happening at yale, it is happening at many universities you are seeing this person get led away here. at columbia university where we started the show, extremely terrifying for those jewish students told by their rabbi there to basically go home for passover. don't go to campus and they canceled school. they are having virtual school today as the president of that university says she wants to do a hard reset. we'll be talking to a student, one of them who has gone home for passover and get her take on that in a little bit as well.
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>> martha: there have been some discussion there was another juror who was considering leaving because of the media attention but the juror will remain. we saw this moments ago from president trump he came out and spoke. >> election interference. everybody knows it. i'm here instead of being able to be in pennsylvania, georgia, lots of other places campaigning. and very unfair. fortunately the poll numbers are very good. they have been going up. people understand what's going on. >> dana: then after he made those comments he went into the courtroom and then we got a couple of pieces of news from inside the courtroom where we have a reporter. a couple things. one we know that passover begins today. they were planning to end court at 2:00. instead they'll end at 12:30.
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one of the jurors has a toothache and needs to go to the dentist. we can all understand it. this is the scrutiny on these jurors and everybody knows little details of their life. there is a conversation about that. at the same time there is yet another juror who has expressed concerns about the media attention. they are unsure about serving and they are right now speaking with the juror in a separate room right now. martha, i get it. i understand it. a lot of coverage this weekend as people were dissecting everything they could. they don't have all the information, we don't have names but some of the jurors are concerned that their names will be revealed at some point or that friends, family, or foes will figure out who they are on the jury and make it impossible for them to feel safe doing so. >> it's difficult and why they have five alternates in the jury. sometimes they have as few as three. they may end up needing all five of the alternates part of the entire process and listen to
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every bit of this process. >> dana: the other thing that is supposed to happen today would be opening statements. we have a note from kerri kupec urbahn, our legal correspondent. she said that she doesn't think those will take too long. maybe they will even be able to get through those today. with this juror situation, we don't know for sure. we're paying attention to it as this happens and at the same time this is also unfolding as we speak. you are looking live at columbia university facing this full blown crisis as anti-israel protests ramp up on campus. now with passover set to begin at sundown a rabbi putting out a chilling warning for jewish students recommending they stay home until safety is improved. joining us now is columbia university student and it is wonderful to have you here. i know you have gone home and planning to go home for passover but you had that statement from the rabbi yesterday. how did that make you feel?
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>> thank you so much for having me. the unfortunate reality is that columbia university is not safe right now especially not safe for its jewish students. what we're seeing unfortunately isn't very surprising. we're witnessing the culmination of six months of anti-semitism that is being reinforced by a complete lack of leadership even despite several warnings, lawsuits, and a congressional investigation, this is really inevitable and the result of seething anti-semitism in action and gas lighting from our leadership. >> dana: one of your leaders is columbia president. she said the disbell of disagreement has increased and tensions exploited and amplified by individuals not affiliated to columbia who came to campus to pursue their own agenda. what she is saying about the
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tensions are exploited and amplified by individuals not affiliated with columbia. do you believe that's true? >> i do believe that that's a very big part of it. but i do believe that individuals affiliated with columbia need to be held accountable as well. columbia has conditioned its students and faculty to believe that they can repeatedly violate columbia's policies without consequence and what we've seen over the last six months. now columbia's reputation is paying the price and the students and especially jewish students are paying the price. >> dana: campbell brown is a journalist for a long time and married a good friends of ours and they have two sons not in college yet but she said last night on twitter i'm on my way to israel where my two sons will be safer and feel more welcome than they would be today on the upper west side. i felt -- i felt terrible for her and wondered about that feeling of being insecure.
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and thinking that maybe you are going to need either to make a tough decision about returning to columbia, if they don't get this situation under control. >> it's frightening because anti-semitism is a deeply american issue and what we're seeing now is no longer just about jewish people. it is deeply anti-american, anti-western, and it is completely opposite of columbia's values. we have been sounding the alarm for months and met with nothing but repeated silence from our leadership. i really think that the most disturbing part is that this particular onslaught of anti-semitism, which i think is the worst we've seen on campus since october 7th, was brought on when columbia finally admitted in congress on wednesday that we do have an anti-semitism problem here. but again it isn't just about the jews anymore. this is about america and people that are deeply anti-american.
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>> dana: congresswoman stefanik put out a statement calling for the columbia president to resign saying that over the past few months and the last 24 hours columbia's leadership has lost control of its campus putting jewish student safety at risk. the president must resign immediately, do you agree? >> columbia university is as a whole has proved completely incompetent addressing this issue. what matters is what the leadership does. right now we're witnessing an institutional failure across the board. not just the president at columbia that's the problem. we need an institution that will start leading and clarifying what is acceptable and what is not acceptable and actually following through and enforcing that. unfortunately, we haven't seen that. >> dana: thank you for coming on. may you and your family have a peaceful passover tonight and i hope things get better and you can get back to school and
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studying, what you wanted to do in the first place. eden, thank you. >> martha: breaking news from the trump courtroom in the hush money trial that is about to get underway. we'll hear opening statements, we're told. shortly. we hear from our producer in the courtroom that the judge has now said with regard to -- they're dealing with some housekeeping issues before they get started with regard to whether or not president trump might testify and if he did what kind of things would then come into play in terms of the questions that they could involve here. but with regard to the access hollywood tape which has been talked about, the judge has ruled as expected that the tape will not be played in the courtroom. if the d.a.'s office wants to introduce a transcript of what was said on the access hollywood interview before the 2016 campaign race, i should say, then they can introduce a transcript as long as it accurately summarizes what was stated in that case it will be
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allowed. a lot of this hinges on whether or not former president trump who you say heading to court earlier this morning decides to testify. we he has said he wants to do. in the past he said he wanted to do that and dissuaded by his attorneys. we'll see what happens with this. andy mccarthy is with us as well. andy, give me a sense of your reaction to this. not a big surprise he won't allow the actual tape. >> all this wrangling is being done now before open statements. the lawyers really want to know before they start making commitments to the jury, what they are going to be allowed to do and not to do. i always think the biggest advantage a defense has in a criminal trial is they don't have to do anything. they don't have to prove anything. and i think it would be perilous if they were to promise the jury that they would hear from president trump during the trial. they are better off keeping that
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-- not taking a firm stand on that whether it will happen or it won't happen. but i think what's probably going on is they want to know before they make a decision whether to put him on the stand and before they start making commitments to the jury about what will be proved in the trial, what the judge is going to allow and not allow. >> martha: andy, thank you, stand by for us grateful to have you with us this morning. thanks. >> dana: i'm glad you are here with me today. another fox news alert. protests outside of the supreme court right now because there is a big case being heard. they will hear oral arguments about the homeless encampment controversy and how to address the crisis stemming from one small town in oregon that the justices being asked to weigh in on homelessness. protests there. live at the supreme court. we'll be right back. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america.
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>> dana: you are looking at yale university. the university said that the police are coming and they are going to dismantle this tent city that they've tried to set up. they've seen some of that is happening. some of the students or whoever they are being led away in zip ties as the tents come down one-by-one there finally as the police are getting there. there is also live pictures from columbia university, where there is a march that is about to begin led by a professor, martha, led by a professor, anti-israel march at columbia university. we're watching all of that as it unfolds big time today. passover begins tonight at sundown. >> martha: the biden administration overhauling title ix regulations expanding protection for pregnant student. campus sexual assault victims and lgptq students. education secretary addressing
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the new changes. >> for more than 50 years, title ix has opened doors for generations of girls and women. this landmark civil rights law promises that no person should experience sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, or sexual violence in federally fund edmonton indication. >> martha: we bring in independent women's law center director. explain what this means on college campuses as far as you see it. >> it is not the nice thing that the education secretary thinks that it means. what this means is taking away opportunities for women. title ix was created to give women students on campus. they couldn't have certain majors and had curfews and couldn't play many types of sports. instead of respecting what title ix means, giving women equal opportunities, this now means
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that men who identify as women can take those opportunities from women. so now because you have to treat people in accordance with their gender identity mean have access to women's locker rooms, bathrooms and women's athletics even though the biden administration says it isn't the case. it is the case if you treat sex as gender identity. >> martha: they left out the ban against money going to -- banning transgender women in sports i should say. the definition is so broad as we heard from the education secretary that it easy to see how it could be applied. riley gaines sees the administration trying to see both sides here. >> he was winking at normal sane people saying we're with you but also winking at the progressive left saying hey, we're with you. in doing that, really standing on the fence we know this is a way to alienate both sides.
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this isn't a battle of red versus blue. what this is, is sane versus insane. moral versus evil. >> martha: your take on that? >> she is exactly right. by trying to have it both ways the biden administration isn't just winking and nodding but lying and saying that women can still have their sports but the biden administration has gone into court and said that title ix, the law, demands that women give up their spots for men. so that's what the biden administration is telling federal courts what title ix means. they can't come out and say women can continue to have their sports. part of the big issues is the privacy in the locker room. from riley's stories and paula's story, a lot of other women have experienced men having to be exposed to male genitalia in the locker room. >> martha: thank you very much


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