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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 22, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> harris: at this moment, former president trump's criminal trial, the defense has wrapped up its opening statements to the jury. the nation's 45th president, his lead attorney told jurors the former president is innocent. he claims trump committed no crimes and alvin bragg should never have brought this trial. on the other side, prosecutors called this election fraud and full-blown election conspiracy. >> these are all biden products. everybody knows it. i'm here instead of being able to be in pennsylvania and georgia and lots of other places campaigning. it's very unprepared. this is a witch hunt. it comes out of washington in coordination with washington, everything including the d.a.'s office. it's in coordination with washington. i want people to understand that. this is done for purposes of hurting the opponent of the
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worst president in the history of our country. >> harris: you're watching "outnumbered" here with my cohost of emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany. fox news contributor and the federalist editor and chief mollie hemingway. fox news contributor and retired u.s. marine bomb tech, joey jones. let's go straight to our correspondent who is outside the u.s. supreme court. a big day for trump in court. a lot to catch us up on, eric. >> this morning at new york state supreme court, the defense was blonde. michael cohen who has no criminal they said. michael cohen wants to see president trump go to prison. the prosecution said it was former president trump who broke the law. the defendant sat quietly at that event's table at times, former president trump shook his head and objection to what he was hearing. prosecutor told the hushed
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courtroom that trump orchestrated an illegal plan to corrupt the 2016 presidential election, "this case is about a criminal conspiracy in the cover-up. it was election fraud, pure and simple." he said david packer, the former publisher of the "national enquirer" who is expected to be the first witness will detail how the illegal scheme worked. and what he and trump talk ab about. he will detail how trump desperately wanted to hide his affair with her which is why the tabloid paid for mcdougall story but never ran it. as for stormy daniels, "trump reimbursed his lawyer to pay her money and promise the jury they will hear a tape of trump talking about paying cash. he said the three men, trump, conspired to suppress negative news that could hurt trump's presidential campaign. then trump's lawyer todd blanche responding to what he had by saying the story you just hired,
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you will learn is not true. he told the jury "president trump is innocent. president trump did not commit any crimes. the men hadn't attorney's office should never have brought this trial. you will find he is not guilty." he also said that checks the former president signed where to pay for his legal fees. following his client a frugal businessman saying this was not a payback. he said trump side of the checks he was trying to protect his family and reputation and his brand. we likely going to hear some of david packer's testimony and the next few moments. all the trial will break early today and a half hour from now because one of the alternate jurors as they go to the dentist but certainly we will hear we believe david explain all of this tomorrow as this first trial, criminal trial of a former president has now begun. >> harris: thank you very much. emily, i come to you on this. there's a lot to unpack today.
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one of the big breaking news points just a few minutes ago and the election fraud case within $175 million bond that was put up, letitia james got her plate handed to her. the judge upheld that bond. i want to talk about when trump has a victory, what does it mean for all these other cases? it seems that people are watching and they will poke the bear in one case. does it seem that way or is it that way? >> emily: what the american public how they feel and accept and process and synthesize all of these events and decisions and hearing outcomes. at the end of the day, the jury is prevented from seeing all of that. the reality in terms of how it impacts a potential conviction depends on what the jury itself -- i want to focus for a moment on the defense's statements today. super important, they came out swinging. they said president trump is
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innocent. they said the manhattan district attorney's office never should have brought this trial. they went on to say, the 34 counts are 34 pieces of paper. they went through exactly what the d.a. he is arguing, flipped it over and said why would a frugal businessman pay $420,000 on 130,000 debt? this is president trump's name on it. it was cohen and jarchow the lever. they debunked and went through exactly the allegations. they said hush money is not illegal. they spent a serious amount of time, totally impugning cohen for the serial perjurer that he is. they poked so many holes in his credibility. it remains to be seen what happens next. >> harris: we have some breaking news and we went to go to that. walk us through this a little bit. david pecker is our first witness today. he is taking the stand right now. we aren't going to show it, but we do not have producers in the stands. dropping out of that, forgive
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me. i started listening to this. by that matters is the last hour, what i learned from a former federal prosecutor is that you've got a couple of liars that are witnesses in this case. michael cohen being one, david pecker according to my guest also one of those lawyers on the stand. we are going to watch a person who was accused of doing that catch and kill where you get a negative story during your campaign and you pay somebody some money to speak about it, and you never publish that st story. >> kayleigh: potentially hearing from michael menotti who has a less than sterling reputation is a 12-year sentence. a lot of characters. as i'm watching this report, it occurred to me, the democrats thought this would in meyer trumpian negative coverage, a salacious story that people could grab onto. we are hearing what david pecker said via a reporter. we will hear what any of these
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witnesses say. who do we hear from? we hear from donald trump. he looked strong. he is out there. he is confident. his opponent is sending in a basement somewhere. metaphorical basement. trump is driving the narrative on this. i should be in north carolina and south carolina, et cetera. i wonder if democrats are having a moment where they are reflecting and wondering if this was the wrong way to go. gavin newsom said when we are focusing on trump, i worry electorally as a slight advantage for and i'm worried the overindulgence about this day today. i think this could backfire. get one disruptor on the jury, that's a tail wind trump politically. speak to what i was thinking about as we have been reporting all day to make kayleigh's point even further, emily said this, too. the cauldron of politics is outside the courtroom. that is the place where biden wants to win back. i don't know if he is really keeping up so much with these
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cases. he wants to say, look at me. i'm in pennsylvania for the fifth day. he's making the rounds yet talking about trump molly's doing that. trump is talking about himself. all the networks, trump, trump, trump, trump. just spell my name right. >> joey: part of the problem is trump doesn't get to talk about this. people can hear about what david pecker has to say about they can't hear what trump has to say about their testimony. they can't hear about what trump has to say about the truth in his eyes on this case where that is the biggest action they are taking against him. they know that he's going to win the war of p.r. if he has a chance to talk. is not because he is never done anything wrong. it's not because he's never done anything untoward's that he needs someone to sign an nda for. all of those things are baked into who he is back in 2015 when
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people and made the decision the first time. most people aren't changing their minds because you are relitigating something that happened in that long ago and trying to find a place where he could have maybe been illegal and maybe you can convince a jury from manhattan to believe that. if we look at their presidential politics of it, i don't think it hurts him at all. the problem is, does it get a hung jury? does he have to go back for another six weeks? that he can't go and raise money. i think he can get the votes. he can keep the votes are around in the support. he has to be able to raise money to have a staff that i can have a campaign. if they can keep him away from that, that's the bigger issue. >> harris: we witnesses merrily see that play out before november. mollie, there is a maybe for the former president from his perspective a silver lining. he doesn't get to talk about these cases. it is a gag order after gag order on trump on the cases. he does get to talk about what
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the american people are facing. it's kind of ironic. we see more of biden in pennsylvania. we don't see trump. purely see trump talking about what affects people in pennsylvania and across the country. >> mollie: he is out there talking about issues. he's figuring out a way to campaign despite the fact that his travel and limited. i don't think that we should overlook how serious the situation is and how awful it is just because he and his campaign are handling it well. this is a show trial. it's one of a series of show trials being brought by completely partisan actors. it's in front of a judge he really should have recused himself. it is with a jury that is picked from manhattan. 90% democrat down. the whole point is to secure a quick and easy conviction. when these charges were filed, everybody agreed that they were totally ridiculous. here we are going through this. it's a cost of money and time.
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it really does show the effectiveness of what democrats are doing. closely connected to biden. the one who made the opening statement today. that is how closely connected it is to the biden administration. this is part of a large campaign. i think americans even if they are thankful that maybe the american people aren't falling for it, they should understand how serious this is to what it means to be in this country and not to deal with our political opponents in this manner. >> harris: i didn't think i would never quote espn's stephen a. smith on this. "are you doing this because you can't take a man on based on the merits of a job -- i am paraphrasing. the answer is yes which is the point he made in his youtube video. an outspoken jewish professor at columbia is going after the school for not keeping jewish students at passover safe. it is sundown by the way.
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he has now been refused entry to the main campus. he's asking to provide protection for jews on campus. it is a high holy day. they kick him off. more next. t job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog.
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>> kayleigh: we are following the anti-israel approach us raging across the country's. their support for terrorists in the streets of new york city. >> the 7th of october. never forget the 7th of october. >> ten more times. 100 more times, then 1,000 more times, 10,000 times. >> kayleigh: hard to believe.
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jewish students and faculty don't feel safe. by wednesday? they are fearing for their lives. one jewish columbia university professor has been a vocal critic to the ongoing antistudent protests. he's been blasting the stu student -- administration for not protecting the students. he has been banned from campus. i did not stop him from using his voice. here he is outside columbia university earlier today. >> terrorism is an ideology. when you push that ideology, you become a terrorist. students pushing the ideology are becoming terrorists. all americans, this is happening in every u.s. university. jews are not safe anywhere on college campuses. this is happening to all
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non-jewish students who believe that terrorism is not okay. right now, there are three u.s. hostages that are being held by hamas in gaza. the student -- at columbia and rutgers and at yale, and at stanford, they are cheering on hamas who are holding u.s. citizens. >> kayleigh: emily, we can get to the jewish process. the jewish -- supports of terrorism being yelled out. >> emily: the fact that why are these essentially terrorists improvisers -- why haven't they risen to the level of a terrorist facsimile? pretty close if they are yelling "i am hamas."
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i point out a post on x. if donald trump has to answer for charlottesville, why doesn't joe biden have to answer for columbia university and all campuses? it's all over the country. visibly jewish students are physically attacked because of the visual nature of that, because of their identification. how is that acceptable? i don't understand why this administration has not pulled all mock come out close to. >> we have seen harassments and calls for violence against. it is reprehensible and dangerous. no place on college campuses or anywhere and our country. maybe some on camera remarks will go a long way. >> mollie: that statement i think came from a press secretary at the white house. to the point that emily just made, during the trump administration, everybody would constantly demand in every republican, chief among them
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donald trump announce anything that happens no matter how friends. when he did, they would say you didn't say at the right way. they would do it over and over and over again, month after month. here you have two different groups part of the democrat base of support that are in conflict with each other. obviously, it would be very helpful for prominent democrats, not just john fetterman to come out and say something about it. you are not only not getting people saying it, you not getting the demands for it. speak what you you have that professor that can't get to the jewish protests. last week feeling that the october 7th attacked "awesome." the president of columbia say he was given a stern talking to. he gets a stern talking to and the jewish professor can't even get to the rally. >> harris: he is also calling something else out. there used to be a time in this country where we cared when americans were in harm's way. not only did he journal that
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number down with such certainty, something that all of us in the latter media have been working to do, there are 3 americans that we know of, not the original higher number. he knew all their names. we should know their names. we should say them. it shouldn't just be on "the faulkner focus." i made that point when we picked up the mantle again. i'm serious about that. we use to care. under this president, he walks away from americans in afghanistan. i don't care what continent we are on. we are not as popular as others do him. but we learn from the nypd press or just a little while ago, the news conference was really important. on the deputy commissioner. very much want to start with this key point which is columbia university is private property. the nature of police action, when we can do and what we can do is very, very different on private property than it is on a public street. you know what the university
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city has asked them to do? keep the perimeter. when things go south on the campus, they can move in. why do they keep that bad actors on the campus? why do they keep them there? is it some sort of flex to the rest of the world that everybody is welcome? because jews aren't welcome. it jews aren't welcome, other people are not going to be welcome. they marched with blacks in the '60s. who protects them when something goes wrong? police are really put in a terrible position right now. they will be on the perimeter and when they need to be next to the potential criminals. emily said it. they are telling us. they are telling us they want to kill. they say they are hamas. believe them when they show you who the yard. >> kayleigh: the 1-year-old is still in the hands of hamas. his brother -- maybe they have sold him off. his dad taken on october 7th.
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one of the lines we heard in the protest of new york, "oct "october 7th will not happen one more time, not 1,010,000,000 times. october 7th. literally threatening terrorist activity or encouraging it and cheering for it. "the new york times" headline juxtaposed against that is desperate at columbia, the protests continued with with dancing and pizza. that is the mainstream news organizations headline about what we are seeing. >> joey: a student at yale is reporting she was stabbed in the eyes. she was interviewed in the network. i don't know how severe the injury was is reporting she was physically assaulted. to my knowledge, that is the first instance of physical violence at one of these protests. i sit here, and i go, okay, what's next? do they need a pressure cooker to go off in the middle of a synagogue before they care? we need the boston bombing to be the next level, the next raising
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of the stakes before they care? if i go to a school board and look at the school board member in the face and said if you let my daughter gets sexually assaulted, i will beat your tail. i guarantee there will be an fbi investigation. go after parents who might have used violent where it's because they were so upset. you can go and investigate and use federal authority to go in and take out people who are threatening people's lives through means of terrorism. i white house can make all the statements and the world. your words mean nothing. the word "don't" meant nothing last week. your words mean nothing. your actions and your legal authority that you seem to be averse to when it comes to the border and other things, those that solve this problem. >> kayleigh: the doj is more concerned going after parents, the pro-life community and catholics. >> the next steps with that horrible -- what the next steps would look like.
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keep in mind, i think it is a traceable beginning at columbia university when 100 columbia professors signed on in support of a student letter that proclaims solidarity with hamas after october 7th. they called it a military action. we know these hamas facsimile sympathizers have a safe place to do that. it was started back on october 8th when it all hap happened. >> kayleigh: where is that faculty coming to the defense of these jewish students who can't attend class by the way? democrats celebrate -- more on that next. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed.
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maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. >> kayleigh: there appears to be a priority crisis on capitol hill. billions more to ukraine due to pain this quarter as our southern border remains open.
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the funding bill that passes we can. >> some say well we have to deal with our border first game of the ukrainian russian border is our border. it is the border between depraved autocracy and freedom loving people seeking our democratic way of life. do we have a stake in that outcome? yes. undeniably yes. >> kayleigh: democrats celebrated the presence of the aide to bill this. [cheers and applause] speak out the house be in order. >> changing while waving small ukrainian flags on the house floor. brandon judd is very is telling fox news, "we are beyond disappointed that the white house would give aid to secure the border but nothing to allowe border patrol to secure the safety of the united states. there is nothing more
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backwards." he said i would not have expected tax year dollars are they g that have given us a poly that would have been enough. >> the thing about the ukraine aid package which is like a silent justification among d.c. is a lot of that money is not going to ukraine, because it's going to supply munitions to replenish what we have given. the ones that talk about it, they sound like that as a positive. if you don't want to fund ukraine, you should find us. they have already given it to ukraine. they have made us accessible in doing that. they did that very quietly. no one's going to make this a selling point. the democrats will do it because their constituents get mad that they are funding defense. democrats don't like to defend our country as you see at the border. republicans won't do it. it shows their own complexity. passing this bill, trying to rob
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peter to pay paul. this is money already spent, munitions already since. passing this bill doesn't change the tide of the war today. it does apparently replace the things we have already given away that we couldn't afford to give away. for me, i don't know what my opinion is on the ukraine and our involvement. my opinion is you don't get to send me to work for 20 years and tell me to keep paying for other wars without making it difficult on you. >> it is an added demoralizing layer tara reade bill melugin showing tax from border patrol agents. it's over. it's unbelievable, actually. the american people have been so clear that they want something done about our border. everyone understands the republicans only control one chamber. they just kind of rolled over and got nothing. you had the senate refused to hold the trial for the may arcus impeachment the speaker of the house said, okay. they could have demanded remain
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in mexico or another policy change in order to get some of what the democrats wanted in terms of this ukraine funding. it's a very serious problem for the american people. that guy talking about how our border is the ukraine-russia border. we would see mexican cartels doing human trafficking and funneling over the ukrainian border. they are not. what is your analysis on that house that -- >> kayleigh: some points from both sides. let's take a look at the questions that conservatives have. why is there border funding? why in fact are they waving ukrainian flags on the house floor? is one a flag on the house floor to be the american one. why did biden begin his state of the union with ukraine? most when an answer to inflation. why is that congressional candidate tweeting this? is not the nominee but he is running. quote you lose." that is what he sent out.
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real questions there. on the other side, house speaker and house speaker and mike johnson in a tough spot. he doesn't want to allow russia to redraw the map. is it was the only way to get aid to israel to go through. he said this and that supplemental. we made better because we made this a loan. there are checks and balances in place. mike johnson is in a tough spot. he's a great guy and does not -- >> harris: they split the bills up into 4. mike johnson did. 2 are about ukraine. one was about israel. one in the indo-pacific. 2 are about ukraine. one of them was ukraine solely, one was ukraine with a potential ban on tiktok. you tell me what the priorities are. i think it's in the numbers. i think if you fight for something, and you really mean to fight for something, you take it to the mattresses. i'm not seeing that from either side for our own border as mollie said. if that border fails, the world
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gets hurt. i'm not saying that it won't with ukraine and russia. of course, they are next to our allies. they want for our protection too. you know they can win that war. we set in military and focus. not a general has told me that they can win that war. we are at a stalemate. >> he's got a reputation of making a lot of promises and keeping none of them. >> kayleigh: his district loves him.tera >> more "outnumbered" in a moment. stay with us. eeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> harris: this is breaking news. actor and comedian michael rapaport speaking outside columbia university in favor of israel protesters. >> their sexuality in this city.
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it is an embarrassment. like i said to them and these people were screaming at any other group of people, this would be taking care of. i wishing everybody a happy, happy safe passover. i wishing everybody to pray, to think, to meditate, to scream, yell, bag if you need me to over the freedom of hostages. >> harris: that was michael michaelrapaport. he is also a comedian. he was out there pro israel. you only get half the story, apparently if you are on the other side of that campus -- which is getting all the attention from cops on every body it's dangerous over there. you have people over there who side with hamas. if you walk a few blocks, there are pro israel protesters. look at them. they are carrying american flags. did you see in the american
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among the pro-hamas group that weren't on fire? michael rapaport. this is interesting because you haven't heard that much from celebrities. i think hollywood has been relatively quiet on this. >> kayleigh: susan sarandon joins anti-israel protests at columbia university. >> harris: at sundown, the jewish faith it will celebrate passover. we will show you this, and we will move on. the other half of the story. >> now to this. the judge and former president ---------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------'s civil fraud case has ruled on a new challenge from -- when i do have trump's $175 million bond rejected. the court says his bond will stand. here's what the former president had to say ahead of that ruling this morning. >> we have another trial going on right now. letitia james letitia james. she campaigned on the fact --
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and it has to do with the bond of $175 million. she doesn't want me to participate with financial companies in new york. we have a company based in california. i put out 175 million in cash. she is questioning the bonding company. >> here with more, lydia. >> there have been many appearances in hearings before judge arthur engoron during the course of this civil fraud trial for this one stands out because the parties were surprisingly collaborative. the hearing lasted for about an hour. during that time, the lawyers for trump in the state attorney general's office came to an agreement about the bond. questions that swirled around the company underwriting the bond. my specialty insurance company. it always maintained that trump posted cash as collateral to secure the bond. the attorney general raised questions about how that account was managed and who had access
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to it. and whether night specialty could pay the bond if needed. to address those concerns, here is what both sides agreed. the cash that trump put up as collateral will remain as cash at a charles schwab account. not insurance will have exclusive control of that account. no one will try to withdraw the money. monthly statements to the attorney general's office on the court proving that the balance remains $175 million. we got to speak to the attorney who has counsel for the former president. here is our reaction after the hearing. >> miss james one of the argument say that our cash isn't green enough. the attorney general that judge realized quickly that they had no idea what they were talking about. we came to an agreement that everything would be the same. and that was in it. this is where your taxpayer dollars are going. >> breaking news. the former president for speaking. court is over for the day. let's watch.
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>> thank you. >> they call it a legal x dance. legal expense in the books. another thing that wasn't said is, we never deducted it as a tax deduction. that takes -- most people want to deduct everything. but they call for payment to a lawyer, a legal expense in the books. they then collect construction. they didn't say you are building a building. they called a payment to a law year -- because as you know, cohen is a law year that represented a lot of people over the years. i am not the only one. and wasn't very good in a lot of ways in terms of his representation. but he represented a lot of people. he puts in an invoice or whatever, a bell. they call it a legal expense.
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i got indicted for that. what else would you call it? nobody has been able to say what you're supposed to call it. if a law you're puts a bill or invoice, and you pay the bill, it's a little line this very small little line. i don't know if you can write more than two words. it's not like you can tell a life story. they market down to a legal expense. this is but i got indicted over it. i got indicted -- i'm the leading candidate meeting biden and beating the republicans now. i have the nomination. this is what they try to take me off the trail for. the check is being paid to a law year. he is a lawyer or was a lawyer. also, the things he got in trouble for where things that had nothing to do with me. he got in trouble and went to jail. this had nothing to do with me. this had to do with the taxicab company which he owned which is something he owned.
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borrowing money and a lot of things that has nothing to do with me. he represented a lot of people over the years. but they take this payment, and they call it a legal expense. you heard it today for the first time. this is what i got indicted over. this is what took me off and takes me on the campaign trail. because i should be in georgia and now. i should be in florida now. i should be in a lot of different places right now campaigning. i'm sitting here. this will go for a long time. it's very unfair. the judge is conflicted as you know. it's very unfair what's going on. i should be allowed to campaign. whoever heard of this? got indicted for that. people in the court, i can't believe it. this is the case. we did nothing wrong. the other thing is, if this is such a great case, but i the southern district ring at who looked at it? find it in the numerous other
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agencies and law enforcement groups look at it? because it was shown to everybody. very importantly, widen the federal elections do anything about it? this is federal. it's not state. they are trying to make it a state case. it's not state. as never happened before i believed her never happened before. this has never happened before with a state trial. inserting itself in federal elections. nobody has ever seen it. federal elections took a total pass on it. they said essentially, nothing was done wrong, or they would have done something about it. they would have done something about it. they said nothing, and they s said -- because they couldn't even believe it. if you read their letter, they couldn't even believe it. they were incredulous. and yet, alvin bragg makes it out. if you look, when he first came in, he didn't want to do it. he didn't want to do it. what pomerantz did.
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that is bad stuff. when are they gonna look at all the lies that cohen did in the last trial. can't lying in the last trial. he caught lying. and what are they gonna look at that. another subject because, just a few blocks away, they had a trial, $175 million. that is letitia james. it's all coming out of the white house, by the way. the judge engoron. the judge didn't know anything. he didn't know about the security. he said -- it doesn't go down because its cash. i put up $175 million in cash. we had a bonding company do it. he challenged the bonding company that maybe the bonding company was no good. well, they are good. they also have $175 million of my collateral. the judge didn't know anything about -- he didn't know what
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$175 million cash manager. he had no idea what anything meant. he had no idea what he did in the trial. and he charged me hundreds of millions of dollars on something where i am totally innocent. but if you look at what happened today, judge engoron should not have done that. he should have gone to the business division where they have complex business trials. actually, it should have never been brought. because i didn't overestimate. they said i overestimated. if you look at the numbers, they are underestimated. i underestimated. i did the opposite of what they said. the reason that they tried to -- and they dated for for wrong narrative. they did that million dollar asset $18 billion. in order to build a narrative. they want to build a narrative. if you look -- i have a complete
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record of what happened, judge engoron had no idea what was going on. didn't understand the most simple concepts. this is the man that took a case and said this is why -- they are moving out of new york. because they can't be subject -- put out of business. they are moving out of new york because of it. judge engoron had absolutely no idea what had happened. he didn't realize we put up 175. when he found out we put it up, he said what happens if it goes up or down? it doesn't go up or down. it's cash that we put up, all cash. very few people could do that. the deal was approved. with the attorney general if you can believe that. but the deal was approved. she tried to embarrass every body and tried to embarrass a very good bonding company by saying they work credit where they. they were credit worthy. what was more important as they had a security, $175 million
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that i put up. the point here is that the judge had no idea what was happening. this is the same judge that two months ago, they had a ruling that shook the world. it shook the world. everyone knows according to that trial, i did nothing wrong. over here, i did nothing wrong also. this is a biden witch hunt to keep me off the campaign trail. so far, it's not working, because my poll numbers are higher they have ever been through the public understands that it was a witch end. >> mr. trump, what was it like about the "access hollywood" tape? speak to the president laying it out much like an attorney would. making his point about this c case. you know, kayleigh, the entire time we were watching, everybody wants, like, yeah, we get this. >> kayleigh: he is on message.
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that if someone on message. things i have in my notes. the federal election commission there doubted the case. didn't bring the case. what happened between we can't bring this case, the facts don't match the law and the day, last february when alvin bragg brings the case. in intervening fact happen for donald trump decided to run for president. it is my belief that played into this. how did this case dead as a doornail, unprecedented according to a lawyer. we bring that case after trump decides to run for president. >> joey: you said something earlier this hour. you have been looking for connective tissue to further the political points. who is leading the opening statement today against the president? speak on the number three under merrick garland at the department of justice. he left a cushy job at the department of justice to go be a line prosecutor in a city
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office. that shows how coordinated this is. it's not just him. there was a law firm here in new york city known as a democrat law firm that handed over a few of its attorneys to help bring charges against donald trump. this is part of a widespread and coordinated effort. everyone knows it. it's really interesting to see this man out there today. look at how so many republicans can't even handle a minute of negative coverage from the me media. this guy has people attempting to bankrupt him. you have actual house members trying to remove secret service protection from him. he knows that if he were to be no threat to the regime, it would all gone away and every day he gets out there and keeps making his case. that does a lot to explain why you so beloved beloved by so many americans. >> joey: i want to go back to what you said about he is on message. if you accept the premise, what is happening in georgia, the lawsuits in new york and this trial are politically motivated. they are geared toward helping
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president biden win, we have 2 men running for president. on message, president trump is running this campaign to the american people in a way like he didn't in 2020 or 2016. you are i have a meeting with lake and riley's family are keeping the border open. or you are letting criminals out of jail. you are either donald trump or joe biden. >> a reminder where donald trump was this weekend. he was in north carolina celebrating the legacy of wounded veterans with the independence fund. i'm honoring her husband in the struggle he's going through. amidst this criminal trial being persecuted on different levels, that man is still serving the public. >> harris: focused on merit mes. he is more determined than ' 16 and 'to any. i could see your point on that. more "outnumbered" in the moment.
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>> harris: we have been watching this, and now the crowds are effective. these are anti-israel protests. we are able to hear according to our team, anti-israel chants. basically saying that they will rise. i'm going to paraphrase here. anti-israel protesting outside of columbia university. you can see the police in the forefront of your screen through they are able to be out with the students outside the perimeter of the school. we were explained in the nypd news conference that you won't see cops there until they were called in for some reason by the university. they have to be there as an act of crime like trespass to intervene. on the flip side, we showed you the pro israel protests led by michael rapaport, the actor. "american reports" now. >> they mark it down to a legal


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