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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> harris: we have been watching this, and now the crowds are effective. these are anti-israel protests. we are able to hear according to our team, anti-israel chants. basically saying that they will rise. i'm going to paraphrase here. anti-israel protesting outside of columbia university. you can see the police in the forefront of your screen through they are able to be out with the students outside the perimeter of the school. we were explained in the nypd news conference that you won't see cops there until they were called in for some reason by the university. they have to be there as an act of crime like trespass to intervene. on the flip side, we showed you the pro israel protests led by michael rapaport, the actor. "american reports" now. >> they mark it down to a legal
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expense. this is what i got indicted over it. i am the leading candidate. i'm beating biden, beating the republicans now. i have the nomination. this is what they tried to take me off the trail four. that check is being paid to a lawyer. he is a law euro was a lawyer. also the things he got in trouble for where things that had nothing to do with me. >> john: the first day of opening statements have wrapped in donald trump's new york prosecuting trial for taking their terms laying out their case to a jury of 12 who will decide the outcome of the first criminal prosecution ever of a former u.s. president. with that, welcome to -- did i say wednesday? while dumped on monday. i am john roberts in washington. >> sandra: it's great to have you back. you are looking great. we are happy to have you here. i am sandra smith. >> john: i'm having trouble
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with the days of the week, other than that i'm fine. speak to the prosecutor began opening statements by painting that case as a criminal conspiracy while trump's defense argued the case should never have been brought in the first place. >> john: the prosecution calling david pecker to the stand for the former "national enquirer" publisher who was accused to have a catch and kill scheme. every senior correspondent live outside the state supreme what with all the goings-on. eric. >> hello. welcome back from new york. good to see you back in the studio here. the first witness for today has finished. that was as john said, david pecker. part of the prosecutor's say critical conspiracy with the defendant former president donald trump. pecker, the former head of american media incorporated which is the publisher of the
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"national enquirer" spent on as witness to describe what is called an illegal scheme with donald trump to buy negative stories about him to help the trump election campaign. pecker explain the process at the tabloid how the stories are prepared and their case sometime spot and how it was up to him to okay paying for the "juicy stories." one of those juicy stories was from former "playboy" playmate karen mcdougal to. they claim she had an affair with trump which the inquirer bought for $150,000 but did not run as part of that catch and kill scheme. trump defense lawyer told the jury that the former president did not violate the law. the former president thought that checks to the lawyer michael cohen over his legal expenses and not his prosecutors claim to reimburse cohen to pay stormy daniels. "i have a spoiler alert. there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy.
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they put something sinister on him." prosecutors say is illegal at about 34 checks that trump made out to pay for a species after the first day of testimony, the former president left in the hallway. they said he thought it all went very well. >> you heard it today for the first time. this is what i got indicted over it. this is what takes me off the campaign trail. because i should be in georgia now. i should be in florida now. i should be a lot of different places right now campaigning. >> the former president also criticized his former lawyer, michael cohen nda alvin bragg for bringing this case in the first case. david pecker will be back for a day 2 of his testimony tomorrow. while he testified on the witness stand, the jurors were taking copious notes. they are really paying attention to what is being said in this trial. brief testimony today.
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court has ended because an alternate juror has to go to the dentist. some other things sometimes can interfere with the process of justice. back tomorrow with david pecker. >> john: we look forward to the resumption of court. in new york city, thank you. a lot more just ahead on this as well. >> sandra: jonathan turley as well. a really critical moment in all of this. super depended on anything that comes out of that courtroom. we will certainly bring that to our viewers. >> john: we look forward. >> sandra: anti-israel protests radio beating at ivy league colleges. online at columbia university as arrests are made at growing thre and harassment towards jewish students. fox team coverage right now, leo tirrell digs into whether there is a point free speech orders on hate speech. tensions in london admit
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plaintiff's police forces failing. let's get to alexis mcadams live outside columbia university with the latest. what's happening? >> another day here at columbia university. also a lot of foleys. you can check it out. you can see all of those nypd officers who are on high alert right side of those campus gates. jewish students say they don't feel safe. the police have to wait for the green light to get on the campus. watch. >> and we have to wait until they decide that they want us on the campus. you saw how it worked that day. any of this offices. that is what we want. >> just the other day, they had to go on the campus because the protest like this in a erupted at columbia. now they are popping up at campuses across the country.
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nyu has tense her this morning in new haven, connecticut, there was chaos on a nearby campus. people waving flags and chanting pro-palestinian slogans. police told students either get out or get arrested. >> we will give you a few minutes to clear this area. points of egress are wall wall street. no one most pew from leaving. if you do not leave, you will be arrested. we will give you time to leave. if you do not leave, you will be arrested. >> overnight, the president of columbia university calling for a reset. we are going to have to wait and see. president shifting everything to virtual glasses do de-escalate and consider next steps. telling staff and students, if you can work from out do so. she says she is deeply saddened by what is happening on her campus. tensions remain high. university called in the nypd to sweep the so-called gaza
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solidarity encampment. more than 100 students were arrested for trespassing. those students were suspected. a pulse on how students are feeling and staff who were of the jewish faith are asking for police escorts at the rabbi affiliated with the university thinks he thinks jewish students should go home. parents and students who pay all this money to go to these schools want to know what is going to be done to protect t them. >> sandra: it has been something watching this great incredible to think we have gotten to this point. >> john: let's bring in leo tirrell. here is what was written about this in the free press yesterday. "these campus activists are not simply pro-palestine protesters. there are people who are openly celebrating hamas and physically intimidating identifiably jewish students who came near after they have given into madness refusing to condemn them in his madness. we have heard a pretty strong
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statement from the president of the united states. this is going on in these campuses. >> you heard a statement from president biden, but no action. this is the key. they are getting green-lighted by the administration. talk is cheap. these jewish students have been intimidated. i have been a civil rights attorney for 35 years. this is not free speech. this is intimidation, harassment, and terrorize. these jewish students cannot go to school. they are being denied the same protected class status as everyone else. i'm old enough to remember where presidents in 1957 in 1963 sent federal troops to allow black kids to go to school in little rock and university of alabama. why aren't the jewish kids being protected? i can summarize it in a few words. upper operational win michigan in november. they are not going to alienate their base.
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>> john: on the point of whether or not students feel safe on these campuses, earlier today on fox news, we had a couple of jewish students from yale and columbia on "america's newsroom." >> columbia has conditioned his students and faculty alike to believe that they can repeatedly violate columbia's policies without consequence. that is what we have seen over the past 6 months. let me's reputation is paying the price per dr. october 7th, they absolutely celebrated and justify these events in last. i know those students. i just recognized one of them from class. this is really painful to realize that your peers have joined the nazi party. >> time and time again, we hear from jewish students and other 17 across america that this is looking like 1938 nazi germany. >> it is, john.
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basically, the silence from the college presidents, the mayor, the governor of new york. again, throughout these words, what is happening is jews are not being protected at the university. it is clear. i can't stress it enough. i know what first amendment speech is. you are not seeing free speech. you are seeing people terrorized safely because they are jews. that has to be stopped by the federal and state government. >> john: we saw the exercise of free speech in chicago where people were cheering iran's attack against israel. leading people how to chant "death to america" and "death to israel." he writes sometimes for iranian press tv. here is what he wrote back on april the 13th. "we are at a turning point in history where the zionist entity is met with the various reality of their extension. the morale of the islamic world
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is being restored as iran acts as the harbinger of regional stability. what do you make of that? >> what i make of that is where is the fbi and the investigation? mrs. kelling for the extension of israel and what we have seen the last 7 days, they are out in the open. they are not afraid of being arrested, convicted or in prison. i was on with you and sandra last week when they shut down the golden gate bridge. i'll be curious to see where the governor is. same thing here. where will be the arrests? you won't see it because that is the democrats base of voters in november 2024. >> john: they were all that go. scot-free. leo terrell for us. >> i told you. >> john: good to see you.
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>> i am glad you are back. >> sandra: london police under fire for appearing to cave to pro hamas protesters with one officer threatening to arrest a jewish man are walking near the demonstration claiming his presence would antagonize pe people. benjamin hall is live in london with more on this for us. how does what you are seeing there compared to what we are seeing here? >> you are seeing many of the same arguments being raised. we have had large scale protests and marches. every single saturday, they shut down parts of london. you always see anti-israeli, anti-semitic chance. now there is a growing voice that is saying the police need to be shutting this down. some mp or less are saying that their voice, the police are on the side of the protesters. not doing enough to change it. police have allowed these pro-palestinian marches to continue because they say they
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pose no threat to jews. last week, video emerged showed a london police officer telling a jewish member of the public that he was in danger while he was standing alongside a march wearing a skullcap because he looked openly jewish. he threatened to arrest him. >> this is a pro-palestinian marts. i'm not accusing you of anything. i'm worried about the reaction to your presence. if you choose to remain -- >> if i remain here, you will arrest me? >> your presence is antag antagonizing -- >> germany is the one country in europe taking a slightly different approach. the police are arresting people who cry "from the river to the sea." even on social media. they have been shutting down some palestinian conferences if they make those similar claims. here in the u.k., that move has
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not been made. people are concerned that the police are the ones on the side of the protesters and the jewish people do feel more and more frightened as the days go on. >> sandra: it's hard to believe this is happening. thank you. do those live pictures that we continue to watch outside of columbia university, the number of protesters continue to grow. classes disrupted. this is really something that they did not nip in the bud. it spiraled out of control. >> john: pointing out the nypd which you see there on the street corner. it is limited in what he can do. columbia university is right in the heart of manhattan up there 113th street on the west side. it is private property. they can go on that campus if something is going on and somebody is being hurt or someone is in distress and in need of assistance. they can go on and disrupt this
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protest. the protest for all intents and purposes are occurring on private property unless the university invites them in, they are basically bystanders watching it all. >> sandra: the cops are going to abide by the rules about the protesters did not thursday when the cops build six buses on a city street to haul these people off. the protesters lined up to block them from departing on a public street. there was very little repercussions for that. it's no wonder they are out there again. >> john: leo terrell made the point that he believes that this isn't so much about what is going on in the middle east. it's about what's going on in dearborn, michigan, alex toralwise. >> sandra: a student will be joining us with outrage over what is happening on the college campuses. stay tuned for this. now this. >> this is a witch hunt, and it's a shame. i want people to understand that this is done for purposes of
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hurting the opponent of the worst president in the history of our country. >> john: a witch hunt or criminal conspiracy? opening arguments rushed being up earlier today. against former president donald trump. she joins us coming up next. >> sandra: we are awaiting president biden's arrival in virginia on earth day for this is a live look. he's expected to and their shortly and doubt millions of dollars to go green. who is putting the bell? coming up. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage.
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>> sandra: back to our top story. the opening statements of rev. former president donald trump's
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criminal historic trial. let's bring in fox news legal editor in that courtroom this morning. your topline thoughts as we see day 1 of these opening arguments. >> i was startled to see the former number three at the department of justice was presenting oral arguments today on behalf of the state. that spot is a highly coveted position. typically, it is the path right to being a corporate bigwig. the fact that matthew calendula left that spot to go work for a local prosecutor here in new york means he's got to be a true believer. this is a personal thing. i was shocked to see him be the one to deliver. >> sandra: this is a live look outside of the courthouse. we saw his motorcade a second ago. we keep our eye because we never know when he will step up to that microphone. he did so in the last hour.
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i want to draw our audience attention to that moment but please do continue. >> he was the one presenting opening arguments for the state. another thing, some context in general entering into an nda is not illegal. that is at the heart of this case. the state capital talking about this "conspiracy" to influence the election. this dramatic scary way. sitting there thinking coming conspiracy to influence the election is not a crime. that's called running a cam campaign. as they are referencing a vague new york law, there is a pro problem. secondly like i send them entering into an nda is not illegal. third, trump's defense team said it is someone else at trump tower who characterize these expenses as legal expenses.
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they were legal expenses because it was compensation for an nda. i'm not sure what the crime is. >> sandra: that is pretty remarkable. we saw the former president a moment ago. on his way into court, these were his words. >> these are all biden trials. this is known as election interference. everybody knows it is in coordination with washington. i just want people to understand that. this is known for purposes of hurting the opponents of the worst president in the history of our country. >> sandra: what i do think when you heard that? >> the state made this big to do out of conspiracy to influence the election which again is not a crown. one can look at a lot of things if someone runs a campaign and say it isn't the whole purpose to influence an election so that you win? they go by waves of an illegal
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contribution, campaign contribution and that he report. the department of justice declined to bring that same charge against donald trump. they would be a leap involved in making that argument. what would it be in paying stormy daniels this amount of money in return for this nda, he was somehow making a contribution to his own campaign that he did report. people do this all the time. donald trump could have been making these agreements his whole life. >> sandra: we saw the former president as he left the courthouse and entered trump tower. david pecker. this is the key first witness to take the stand. what do you want people to know about him? >> his testimony has nothing to do with the heart of the case itself. the state is bringing him into paint a picture that this is the kind of scheme that trump
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engaged in. a conspiracy to undermine the election in an unlawful way. a contribution to himself via a hush money payment. if it sounds convoluted, it is hard to follow. david pecker's part in all this has to do with a catch and kill scheme with karen mcdougal. they buy the rights to a story and choose not to publish it. people may not like that but there's nothing illegal about that. the state was arguing that they did that in order to help trump win the election. it has nothing to do with the heart of the case itself against trump. >> sandra: we were very lucky to get you fresh out of that courtroom onset today. we thank you for that. thank you so much. >> john: great for the first person reporting. growing friction between the biden administration and israel as israel's military faces a multi-front war against hamas.
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where the war is heading and is there a possible insight? >> sandra: an update on u.s. aid ukraine. >> with the war on edge here between russia and ukraine, yes, bipartisan show of support for congressman arriving here announcing the deal to get more military aid to this country to military aid to this country to hold it in its fight against a moscow that's coming up. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet!
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>> sandra: now that the $61 billion military aid package for ukraine is back on track, members of congress have just arrived in ukraine for a firsthand look at how our tax dollars are being spent. senior foreign affairs correspondent is live. we are left wondering what exactly they are learning. >> that military aid could be
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arriving here in the next few days according to the pentagon. after it passed in the house over the weekend. the russians have been out firing the ukrainian artillery by a ratio 10 to 1. air defense missiles have been sparse allowing russian rockets to rain down. while this should be on the way. this is ahead of a looming offensive by the russian military. moscow has taken a bunch of land from ukraine in the past couple of months. no wonder president saul alinsky was happy to speak with biden a short time again. congratulating him for the success. weapons experts we have been talking to have been breathing a sigh of relief. take a listen to this. >> and his aid hadn't, god that we seen defeat? >> if we talk about scenarios, for ukraine, more difficult for
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the russian accumulate. at certain point, it would be very difficult to defend of the position. >> we have just come from a press conference with bipartisan congressional delegation from the house. republican from new jersey emanate moran from texas be representative from massachusetts as well as representative of madeleine dean, a democrat from pennsylvania. they united said this has to work. not just for ukraine before the battle against all out there. not just hear about all around the world. they stressed the bipartisan nature of this and stressed the importance of this measure. it still has to be okayed by the senate. president biden is saying he will immediately sign off on it. they should be good to go. those 4 congresspeople here
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basically went from the house of congress right here and hopped a plane and a train to get here. that is how much they cared about this and how much they see that this is important. >> sandra: the update live from ukraine for us. thank you. >> john: now to the war between israel and hamas. israel's military plans to ramp up attacks in gaza proved more pressure on hamas to free the hostages. let's bring in the formal national security advisor to mike pence and fox news contributor. let's get to what might happen in the days ahead in a moment. there was a big move in israel where the idf intelligence chief said that he was going to resign over october the 7th. he said in the letter of resignation, "the intelligence director under my command and not fulfill its task. i carried that black day with me. i will forever bear the terrible pain of the war. he will stay on until a
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successor is chosen for this would seem to be the first accountability for what hap happened. >> it needs to be done. when you look at the history of what has actually happened, they were prealerted. a lot of people watching, saw them rehearsing. i frankly blew off all the reports. this is a responsibility for them. this is not unusual. what happened after pearl harbor under supreme justice roberts responsible because of their election of duty. it's good for the israelis to do it. this is a problem for netanyahu over the long term. this will come back pretty hard. this was a big mistake. usually the israelis don't do that. >> john: there are a lot of people think that either way, netanyahu is done when this is all over. biden, let's take a look at where he is. full support for israel when iran was attacking.
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now there seems to be a glowing split between biden and netanyahu particularly since biden has said that they are going to sanction one unit of the idf for alleged human rights abuses. the sanctions would ban the transfer of u.s. military weaponry or any other forms of assistance to the battalion and all mail made up of ultra-orthodox and religious nationalist jewish recruits. he would be the first time that the u.s. has targeted ten units of the idf directly. not for alleged abuses that happened october 7th but prior. >> they are looking at what happened in the west bank. that is where the battalion primarily operated. it's an ultra-orthodox batt battalion. the israeli military has problems recruiting in that area. they created this battalion. now that you've got ultra-orthodox approaching 60% of the israeli relation, it
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makes sense to do that. netanyahu said his primary competitor from the blue-and-white party, basically said this is really stupid. it creates a seam and a gap between us and the israelis. this goes back quite a few years when they talked about the potential things that actually happened with his battalion. i didn't hear you do the same thing against hamas. and doesn't make any sense to me. support them. don't keep digging in on them. >> john: here is what he said on saturday. "sanctions must not be imposed at a time when our soldiers are fighting the monsters of terror, the intention to pose a sanction is the height of absurdity and amoral loper the government elected by all means against these moves." i don't know what he can do in terms of restoring u.s. support. he's ticked off. >> it creates a gap in schism.
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i don't know why we continue to do this with this administration seems to do it all the time. they take on the israelis and try to be evenhanded. there are clear bad guys in this situation and good guys. i have said repeatedly when you get involved in urban combat, it is tough and dirty and door-to-door and floor to floor. you're going to get collateral damage. you always do. >> john: especially when the enemy is using civilians as human shields. obviously, that's going to happen. great to see you. thanks so much. >> sandra: an update on the growing anti-israel protests playing out on college campuses coast-to-coast. we have just learned robert kraft has pulled his support from columbia university. he released a statement through his philanthropic organization foundation to combat anti-semitism. "and was through the full academic scholarship columbia gave me that i was able to
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attend college and get my start in life. for that i have been tremendously grateful. however, the school i love so much, but one that welcomed me and provided me with so much opportunity is no longer an institution that i recognized. that is certainly a big wake-up call to that university that continues to see growing demonstrations like the one on your screen happening live on their college campus. >> john: money talks. we will see what columbia does now. president biden powering up his green push on earth day but at what cost for the average american taxpayer. our economic panel up next on that. ove to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader
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the podium to announce billions more dollars in grants for solar projects. let's bring in our panel. economic advisor steve moore and former obama economic advisor robert wald for the last time i checked, oldest government spending was causing the historic inflation. why are we not talking about ways to curb this spending? >> we should definitely think it about ways to curb the spending. get every congressman who has a line item, we should have an up-and-down vote on passing all that pork we pass. we would actually have these paid for. steve knows during the obama administration, you want some money, you go pay for it. actually, that actually was removed after the trump administration. i spent $7 trillion on their tax cuts. >> i will let steve respond to that while also asking you, steve, why is it that we are
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talking about widening this green energy push and a time where gas prices are clearly going up and when the administration has asked what we are doing to bring them down, they make bunkers and statements like this. this is the energy secretary on "love you" on friday. listen. >> to lower those prices. we have this big tool called the strategic petroleum reserve. he released oil along with convincing our allies around the world to do the same. we put more supply on the ma market. lisa -- the president is watching this. he's obsessed with it. >> sandra: to the point where he has planned to tap emergency reserve to bring gas prices d down. >> robert had me tilde mary end and i am totally with you. we passed out of the house,
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$100 billion foreign aid bill. not 1 penny of it is paid for. you and i agree on that. i love your idea having line item votes. i would like to see a line item veto. we have an out-of-control budget. here's the thing about the green energy. biden has massively increase ending on the green energy programs like solar energy wind energy and battery energy. we are still using record amounts of fossil fuels. those are the most efficient forms of energy. one day, joe biden is saying how we are transitioning to green energy. the other day, saying we are producing records amounts of oil. the worst way to deal with our high gas prices is to continue to diminish and deplete our strategic petroleum. the best way to do it is to drill. >> sandra: i don't know what the plant has ever been.
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let's remind the tape, robert. early in this administration was asked for the plan to bring prices down. >> what is the plan to increase oil production in america? >> that is hilarious. will that i had the magic wand on this. >> sandra: it is not funny. the middle class is getting hit by these high prices. >> i'm on the other side of what she said on the strategic petroleum reserve. that should only be used in the most desperate situations. similar when trump used it during codefendant biden used it during the supply chain, when bush used it during the persian gulf war. that is not to be used because of gas volatility. i oppose if that is what we are thinking. i don't think that is what the biden administration in their thinking. we just let the reserves go. i think it should be for
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desperate measures during desperate times. there is no question geopolitical risk is front and center. speech and it shouldn't be. we aren't energy rich and nation. we should produce what we consume. >> the positive, we are producing more energy than we have ever produced in the history of america. >> let me respond to that. we are at an impact on robert pretty sounding very sensible today. i wish more democrats out and let you do. we should not use less strategic reserve to try to gerrymander but the price is going to be. we are basically at an all-time low already on the strategic reserves. we are going to need it if we do have a crisis. yes, we are producing a lot of oil right now. we should producing three or 4 million more barrels a day, sandra. we could be if we got back to building the pipelines some of
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the terminals that we need. we are the most energy rich country in the world. that would be a good way of taking on our enemies like russia and iran. >> sandra: i recall not too long ago, geopolitics did not move energy markets, because we were producing what we were consuming, what we needed as a nation. that has significantly changed in 3 years. thanks to both of you. i always appreciate the debate. >> john: president biden's title ix rule changes. does it pave the way for a biological men to be in the women's locker room? we will ask a former college women's lacrosse coach coming up. >> sandra: important story bridges cities have the right to clear homeless encampments from public property? live outside the supreme court on that for us. >> it is a big question in the
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>> john: the supreme court hearing arguments on whether cities have the power to ban homeless encampments on public
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property as homelessness reaches record highs across the united states. one small oregon town where the implications of this case are much larger than that. >> that is exactly right. we are talking about big cities across the country watching how the supreme court actually decides. oral arguments lasted for 2.5 hours behind me. the nine justices seemed divided. this is unique territory for these justices to weigh in on homelessness. someone call an epidemic in this country that's really hitting as i said those cities large and small. there were protests outside the supreme court this morning in favor of creating more housing opportunities for people. they say that the housing crisis needs to be addressed. justices heard arguments on how far municipalities can go to block homeless encampments. anti-camping ordinance aimed at blocking homeless camps in the
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town of grants pass, oregon, violated the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment as the homeless did not have anywhere to access shelter. in san francisco in the west coast city officials said, a court spent more than $672 million to provide shelter to the homeless. clearly a problem these justices will render a decision which has large implications by the end of june. >> the latest on that. we will keep watching. >> sandra: the trial has wrapped for the day. jonathan turley up next to break down the opening arguments and what we heard. >> john: full steam ahead for operation lone star. stop the smuggling of people and drugs across the border into the united states coming up next. cd rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan.
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>> sandra: operation lone star is still going strong as -- from reaching the border.
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live in el paso, texas. she's got more on this for us. what is texas doing to defend the border? >> i can tell you they are doing a lot of different things. lost in 2021, 3 years later, that mission still going strong. behind the border wall, you will see a large pile of razor wire which is part of the plan to continue installing that with the nearly 130 miles of this defense strategy already installed. governor abbott making it very clear texas is holding the line and will continue to add the anti-climb barriers. since the beginning of operation lone star, texas has bused migrants to cities across the u.s. 1200 migrants to washington, d.c. 42,000 migrants to new york city. 34,000 migrants to chicago and over 18,000 migrants to denver among other cities as well. we want to get to our live drone team. you can see a group of 75 migrants right now


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