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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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she's got more on this for us. what is texas doing to defend the border? >> i can tell you they are doing a lot of different things. lost in 2021, 3 years later, that mission still going strong. behind the border wall, you will see a large pile of razor wire which is part of the plan to continue installing that with the nearly 130 miles of this defense strategy already installed. governor abbott making it very clear texas is holding the line and will continue to add the anti-climb barriers. since the beginning of operation lone star, texas has bused migrants to cities across the u.s. 1200 migrants to washington, d.c. 42,000 migrants to new york city. 34,000 migrants to chicago and over 18,000 migrants to denver among other cities as well. we want to get to our live drone team. you can see a group of 75 migrants right now who have
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crossed illegally waiting to be picked up by border patrol. we saw an additional group of about 100 migrants taken to a processing facility in 2 large buses. this has been a constant seeing similar sized groups at this gate every single day prevent numbers from our sources tell us that these migrant crossings are trickling back up one day alone they saw 1400 encounters here in el paso. >> sandra: on that update for us, thank you. >> from the river to the sea. >> palestine will be free. >> palestine will be free. >> israel is a terrorist state. >> this is happening in every u.s. university. jews are not safe anywhere on college campuses. >> literally right outside the
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library, people are calling for your death. >> sandra: we are following all the latest developments coast to coast and american universities. live outside columbia university where hundreds israel protesters have taken to the streets for days now. the fifth consecutive day jewish students say they are afraid for the university's rabbi is now telling them, go home. >> john: this story developing by the minute and the last hour. congresswoman has sent a letter to columbia's president demanding that the president resign. a major donor nfl owner robert kraft has said he will no longer support the university financially until "corrective action" is taken. brand-new video as the anti-israel protest spread to the university of michigan and tent encampments pop up on that. it's a fox news alert.
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>> sandra: former president trump has arrived back at trump tower. after opening statements wrapped in his historic new york criminal case. the former president summing up of the day just a short time ago and said this. >> it's a case as to bookkeeping which is very minor thing in terms of the law. in the legal expense, i got indicted for that. i am the leading candidate. i'm reading biden. i have the nomination. this is what they tried to take me off the trail for. >> sandra: both our top stories as we begin a brand-new hour and a very busy new york city today. >> john: going to be back with you. i'm john roberts and washington. this is "america reports." trump's defense team tried to poke holes in the prosecution's case, specifically attacking the credibility of former attorney for trump, michael cohen.
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>> sandra: jonathan turley is standing by. he has his analysis ready to go. >> john: live outside the new york state supreme court, what do we know about the first witness? >> good afternoon. the first witness is david pecker with him about former ceo of american media which publish the "national enquirer." the d.a.'s office iqs trump of engaging in a criminal conspiracy and cover-up to suppress damaging stories prior to the 2016 presidential election while trump and his lawyers say that he is innocent and did nothing more than pay his lawyer. here is trump after court. >> as to bookkeeping which is a very minor thing in terms of the law, in terms of all the violent crime that's going on outside as we speak, right outside as we speak. this is a case where you pay a law year. he has lawyer. they call it a legal expense.
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>> prosecutors argue that pecker, michael cohen, and trump conspired to influence the election. they have asked pecker about his responsibility. his testimony is set to continue tomorrow. trump paid cohen $420,000 to reimburse him for payments made to adult film actress stormy daniels. cohen received over three times more than what he paid daniels. trump's lawyer proves that was not a reimbursement. cohen is "obsessed with trump and the jury cannot trust cohen given his history of lying under oath. directed by president joe biden. if trump ends up testifying, prosecutors can ask him about other cases that he's involved in like the new york attorney general civil fraud trial or the e. jean carroll case. another thing of note.
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tomorrow morning, the judge will room if president trump has violated their gag order in this trial and if so what the punishment will be. that will happen first thing in the morning. after that at 11:00, pecker will take the stand once again. we will send it back to you. >> john: a lot that you over. outside the court, thank you. >> sandra: george washington university law professor and fox news contributor. look at the court of public opinion on this. a hush money case that we are watching play out in real time. when asked how americans see the former president trump's behavior in this hush money case, 35% say they see it as a legal 31% say that's -- 14% say nothing wrong. 45% of respondents say they see it as unethical or nothing wrong for more than those who see it as illegal behavior. your thoughts on this day.
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>> that is not unexpected. if you poll people and ask if trump was responsible for the bubonic plague and we would end up with the same 35%. we have these hard numbers on either end of the fold back when it comes to trump. they don't move. no matter what the subject is grid what is clear is in this case, trump is right. this is an embarrassment. the fact that we are actually talking about this case being presented in a new york court room leaves me in utter disbelief. the arguments today did in fact capture all the problems here. you had this misdemeanor under state law. this is going back related to the 2016 election. they zapped it back into life by alleging that there was a campaign finance violations under the federal laws that doesn't exist. the department of justice
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doesn't view it this way. on top of that, you got these tough factual issues that were laid out well by the trump team. someone else designated this as a legal expense. he was made far in excess of this. this was a legal account. keep in mind, this is what hillary clinton's people dead. they found in the steele dossier -- which they denied to reporters. they put it as a legal expense. then they fought the eventual vine they received from the federal government saying that it was a legal expense. now you got some of the same democrats supporting this bizarre theory. >> john: trump says there's coordination between bragg's office and washington. what do we see at trial today? prosecution being led in part by matthew who has no former associate attorney general of the united states who gave up
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that plum position to go back and become a state prosecutor. does not seem a little unusual? >> you can only imagine what trump was thinking. this is like playing poker with someone with their cards facing outward for the first person they bring up is the very guy that they got from the biden justice department who is leading this effort. not only reaffirms and supports this narrative that this is all coordinated. it is a mystery to me why they would do that except there is a chilling reality here. it doesn't matter. it's new york. the fact is that most people in most courts would be, like, let's not start with the former biden justice attorney. in new york, it doesn't matter. not much else matters except the name of the defendant on the caption.
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>> sandra: it as remarkable as we continue to cover events. the optics of president biden out there on the campaign trailt week alone. the former president sitting in a courtroom. he lamented that very point earlier on missing campaigning. listen. >> this is what it takes me off the campaign trail. i should be in georgia now. i should be in florida now. i should be in a lot of different places right now campaigning, and i'm sitting here. this will go on for a long time. it is very unfair. it is very what's going on. i should be allowed to campaign. >> sandra: many times, he said that's very unfair. i should be allowed to campaign. >> he's right. this cage does not have been brought. if it were brought, there is no reason to have this right before the election in my view. this is becoming the split
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screen election. earlier, it was pretty damaging to see the split screen between trump indifferent court rooms. this is more effective when the other side of the screen shows a biden campaigning in key states like pennsylvania while he's held in this courtroom. it really brings home something that bothers a lot of americans and people that don't particularly like trump. this is the weaponization of the criminal legal system and something we should all be able to condemn. in this age of rage, and does not matter too many people. >> john: of the bond that trump put up in court. letitia james pounding the table saying the company that printed up, not qualified. they probably don't have the resources to make good on it. a new york judge by the kibosh on that argument and said no, $175 million is just fine with me. where does this go from here?
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>> it has been unrelenting that james has been constantly hitting on this bond but also on the case. the court said, come on. he put up $175 million in cash. what do you want? i am not going to say that this bond is invalid. it's a perfectly good bond and those sense that he's going to pay this if he has to. what is james going to do next? order pizzas to his house? i don't know. it has been the series of harassing moves by james. >> sandra: jonathan turley, i appreciate you joining us on all of that. >> john: we will see you again soon. secretary antony blinken speaking. we will keep an eye on that for you and bring you any news as it breaks. >> sandra: anti-semitic hate on american college campuses. we are going to speak to a
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jewish student at columbia university who is right here on our new york stat who says fears for his safety. >> you are not seeing free speech. you are seeing people terrorized simply because they are jews. that has to be stopped by the federal and state government. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the red. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> it's a question that i have to ask myself every day. is this what i want to do for the next 3 years? i see it as important. i want my kids to have the ability to go to columbia if they want to. i want jewish students to feel safe. i want the university to uphold their values as a relates to everyone. i want the experience that i signed up for. >> john: a jewish d student as
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"the new york post" covered today's sharing sharing his school rabbis wanting warning for students to return home for passover. if the school asked as all in person classes to "reset." that reset is not stopping patriots owner robert kraft from pulling his donations to the ivy league school. that news breaking moments ago. in jewish phd student at columbia university joins us now in studio with sandra. you did your undergrad at speeds in. you've seen this from 2 different perspectives. how would you describe the environment on the campus of columbia university at this moment? >> thank you very much for having made for the environment on columbia's university is absolutely dreadful. jewish students and non-jewish students feel unsafe being on campus because the nypd is not allowed onto the campus.
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the public security officers -- only several of them on campus when there are 500 people protesting very aggressively on campus are not allowed to do anything when presented with issues ranging from i have just been spat on. i have been yelled at and kicked. people are yelling jewish students die, "jews go back to poland." it feels like anarchy. we are not being supported by her university. >> sandra: have you had threats targeted specifically at you? >> i was going to my lab where i do my research. students partaking in the protest called me out by name. i don't know how they know who i am. they shouted out my i.d. number and knew that i w was a phd student in neuroscience or biology. it was very scary. i was not carrying an israeli flag. i was going about my business. >> john: we saw in london, benjamin hall was reporting on this. there was a person who is wearing a yarmulke who was
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walking past and anti-israel protests, and the police in the u.k. in downtown london threatened to arrest this person because they thought he get potentially antagonized the crowd. the bias seems to be, we have to let these anti-israel protests go forward. any jews who happen to be in the neighborhood at the time is at fault. >> something like that happened this morning. there is a professor at the business school, a jewish israeli professor. he attempted to enter campus to lead a small peaceful counter demonstration. his i.d. card was deactivated by the university. this is very scary because we have students on campus who were suspended for a multitude of reasons, trespassing, actually inciting violence. these students who were arrested and removed from campus are back on campus, probably rejoin this protest. actually swiping people with
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their ideas who don't belong to the university. i campus security has shut down the university and non-affiliates, they brought in god news who subverting the university. it is a very scary, and it does feel like jews at columbia, new york, and across the world are being held to a different standard. that is anti-semitism. that is on the next level. speak to we bump in on a cliff. she is here with you. you know each other. you all know each other. this is an incredibly tight knit community on your campus. what do you fathom the solution? you walked in. we saw the cover of "the new york post" and said that as my rabbi. he says go home. you are not safe here. you consider that? >> i feel very blessed as a jew. during this time when teens are getting horrible going from bad to worse and even worse, we have passover. it is the jewish holiday where
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we celebrate the jewish salvation by god and the exodus from egypt. i will be mostly in synagogue observing this holiday with my friends and family. i don't know what's going to happen in the next 8 days, 10 days until commencement. i'm scared for myself and my friends. something that we say as jews, we are all brothers, the house of israel. >> john: let me ask you about the president of columbia university. she has been called upon by several house and senate members to step down as the president of columbia university. what do you think she should do in this moment? >> the president of columbia university had a fantastic opportunity in front of congress to show the world last wednesday that she stood against anti-semitism. all she did was lie to congress. she said that students have been suspended in several professors who had said vial violent
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inciting things about the jewish people were being removed. it has been turned out that all these students are more than welcome to be on campus. jewish professors are being told they can't come in. jewish students don't feel safe. at this point, it's a mad house on campus. the lunatics are running the asylum. if she doesn't want to resign, she better do something about this. it is going from bad to worse. >> sandra: we see this police presence on your university campus during the public streets, the students are on campus very limited on how they can respond to these growing demonstrations. you suggested just a minute ago. where does this go next? how does this end? you had a very strong response to that. for the national guard? >> that police are not going to be invited on columbia's campus. we tried inviting them out to campus. all that happened was they remove some of the protesters.
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they got booked and released and ended up back on campus. that's not going to work. public safety is unarmed. they are at most three or four on campus at a given time. 500 protesters. i can see no other way than showing in a real show of force that we don't allow anti-semitism and hatred and we don't allow lawlessness. >> john: thank you for joining us and sharing this story. >> sandra: all right, meanwhile, president biden is set to arrive any moment now. we are watching this shot on earth day with plans to announce billions more toward his climate agenda. we are asking the question, who's going to pay for all of this? we will break it down. >> john: small business leaders are looking to level up. dave ramsey's summit in texas with hundreds have driven entrepreneurs. what's going on? >> the energy is great.
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>> sandra: it is a big week for small business entrepreneurs attending dave ramsey's summit in dallas, texas. they search for ways to grow their business amid uncertainty in today's economy. cohost of "the big money show," how is the energy among the attendees today? i can hear them behind you somewhere. >> it is amazing. it has been like this since 6:00 a.m. they are learning up and excited for the day's event. we came here to talk to these business owners. we wanted to get a sense of what is really on their mind. what concerns do they have about
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the economic environment they are working in? one of the big ones was regulation. take a look at this. >> we are starting to see more of the regulations that you would in a corporation. we don't have the same resources that a corporation does. >> people are willing to pay cash for their health care because insurance has so many rules that they don't want to follow anymore. >> is making it increasingly less cost effective to operate business in california. >> let a man work. let him work. >> the last one you heard was the best one. let a man work. even though these business owners face a lot of challenges, we had dave ramsey himself on with us. he said entrepreneurs can still succeed today. listen to what he said. >> in his emotionally difficult right now.
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it is very hard right now. guess what. it always has been. if you were in the '70s, you had the vietnam war. you have the inflation. you just name it. there is always something. overall, mechanically speaking, not psychologically or emotionally, it is the easiest and best time right now. speak on the bottom line here is a tong of realism and determination. that is what it takes to succeed. i think these folks are on that path. i will send it back to you. >> sandra: dave is always right. it is always been tough to start a business from the ground up. a growing number of red tape regulations, taxes is making it harder and harder. where there is a well, there's a way. it sounds exciting. thank you. >> it sure is.
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>> today is earth day. for a president biden go it's a chance to put his claimant agenda. speaking at a national forest in virginia as his administration declaring a national climate emergency. peter doocy is live at the white house with more. >> it's going to be $7 billion of new climate rewards. part -- the money comes from the inflation reduction act and a program called solar for all. and solar panels into low income communities. the hope is 900,000 people lower their energy costs by $400 a year if it works. >> president biden: happy earth day. i'm reminded of the work we must do to protect our future generations and continue the historic progress we are making. today for the first time, americans can apply to join my
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american climate core. everyone has a pathway to a clean energy career. >> it will eventually be 20,000 members strong brother climate core is modeled after fdr's rebellion conservation corps. at the moment, a mere 5% of registered voters are going climate change the most important issue facing the country in a new nbc poll. wondered aloud about the fairness of some of these new conservation efforts. >> this president won't sanction the iranian oil and gas regime. he has no problem sanctioning alaska. this administration has issued 63 executive orders and executive actions singularly focused on alaska that they shot state down. >> president biden is running pretty far behind schedule. we expect to hear from him at some point in the stop from virginia after a weekend there.
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>> john: secured his route to get home. peter doocy for us. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in charlie gasparino. he was over here giving me his best joe biden impression as we await the president. >> i want to join the climate. >> sandra: if we can point that climate shot. as john was introducing peter doocy, luis sierra bernie sanders take to the microphone. those who believe climate change is a hoax, they will lead to the end of the world is how he and joed. >> didn't al gore say that 20 years ago? the two nearly this is an effort to reach out to that younger voting block. will that work? >> i don't know. if you saw that survey that they put up there, climate worries was way down. here's the thing.
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this is the problem that esg and all the stuff from an economic standpoint while people are rebelling against it right now. you see what's going on at the border and you see inflation eating away at your paycheck. you see all the crime in the streets, it's hard to get excited about maybe someday having a cleaner planet with electric vehicles. that is the disconnect that the democrats have on these issues. it is not speaking to the way average americans see the economy and see how they have struggles and they working and living and putting their kids through school and this economy. if he rounds on that, it seems like it is a loser issue. one is also fascinating to me is that usually, during elections, particularly democratic presidents tend to go more in the middle.
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joe biden on economics, on spending, i'm student loan, you can go down the line on the environment is moving so far to the left. it is really fascinating. you do when you look at climate change as a top priority for a five. >> it is a big priority for the left. >> it does show that the former president donald trump is gaining ground with the younger voters compared to 2020. biden at 45% and d3 at 37%. trump is narrowing the gap. people do care about what they see happening at the border and what is happening with prices. this is affecting -- you know want tiktok or instagram. people are posting their receipts. having sticker shock when they go out for a burger or the gas pump. $3.67. every time i do this, i'm gonna get emails from the west coast but i will say that is nothing.
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>> one other thing that is moving some of the younger voted towards trump. you had a segment on it. i never thought i would see what i have seen now about this targeting of people who are religious as evil after in israel, people were murdered and slaughtered. college presidents are allowing this to go on. can you get people -- i don't know what it takes to be a college president other than being a coward. this is insane. >> sandra: a student we had on friday, they are being spent on. they can walk through campus without being threatened. >> those kids because they are younger moving to the middle or the left are moving to the right, because they can't believe what is going on. this is turning logic on its
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head. there's a lot of headwinds against donald trump. he is on trial today. >> sandra: that is what he stepped out of the courtroom is saying i should be campaigning. >> when you put him up against what biden is allowing. they are thinking of having sanctions against part of the israeli military. that is a very stark contrast. in looks like people moving away from that. >> sandra: looking at some of the readout from secretary blinken. he said the u.s. efforts to look into allegations of u.s. rights abuses are ongoing. >> it is really disgusting. >> that is some of what we're hearing coming from that. anything else, charlie? >> anything i will say gets me in trouble right now. >> sandra: we popped up those live pictures. it's hard to believe those
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protests are growing in number. the only solution is to bring in the national guard. >> how many of these are students, and how many are outside? >> sandra: he said for the most part, it has been students. he is gone out there. he has seen firsthand that there's a growing number of people who are joining the demonstrations who are not. >> who is financing them? are they here on visas? send them back home. >> we thank you for joining us today. thank you. >> john: president biden's title ix revamps new protections for transgender students but leaves out trans athletes entirely. the fight for fairness in women's sports divides voters. former college women's lacrosse coach joins us coming up next.
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>> john: major criticism for president biden's title ix rewrite brother rule change was released on friday and include gender identity and-based discrimination for the first time. the concern for the new wording could pave the way for allowing biological men and women locker room and other single-sex spaces. absent from biden's revamp, anything to do with trans athletes. many people are saying the president's heart avoid is all politics as we close in from november. kim russell is the former women's head coach and end up independent women's forum ambassador. great to catch up with you again. as with a former education secretary betsy devos said about the title rewrite. "the biden administration's radical rewrite of title ix gets
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the half-century protections and opportunities for women and callously replaces them with radical gender theory as biden's car left the -- >> betsy devos is right on. while the biden administration has done is basically stripped women of all of our rights. they have stripped women of our opportunities to have single-sex spaces, specifically, they list locker rooms and this new document in this new rule. while they are trying to act like they are going to allow women to still have our single-sex courts, they are not because everything in this new rule says it means gender identity which means males will still be allowed in our locker rooms, which means they will be allowed in our activities, which means sports. opportunities are being taken away from women left and right.
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our safety and protection is being taken away by allowing fully intact males into our locker rooms and private spaces. >> john: they have made title ix incredibly intact though not complicated. now it is 1500 pages long. that may come back to this idea of not including transgender individuals in this. you point out that it will still allow -- in its basic level if you are going to let biological males into women safe spaces, you have to let them onto sports teams as well. i want to stop them? >> that is the problem. you can't. you can protest. you cannot play. we saw five middle school girls in west virginia refused to throw a shot put because of biological male was going to be competing. to me, that is when we have to
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do at this point, unfortunately, because the adults in the room aren't stepping up. again, with this 1500 page document that states that sex is based on gender identity, that means a male can play on a women's sports team. any educational institution that receives federal funding -- that is not just public schools. that is most colleges, even the private winds receive federal funding. that means, they would have to allow them. >> john: when people like yourself stand up in opposition to allowing biological men to compete on women's sports te team -- a hater if you will. if there is a great independent women's forum documentary about what happened to you at oberlin college. now that this is codified into a rule in title ix, people who speak up in opposition, is this going to become more precarious
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for them? >> honestly, i don't think so. i recently spoke to a radical feminist group. guess what, everyone there agrees. every who was in attendance agrees that males should not be allowed to play on women's sports teams. anyone who has a biological male and play on a men's or boys team. while this rewrite of title ix is doing is stripping women's opportunities. the entire purpose of title ix was to give women opportunities that we didn't have. now we have had them for 52 years. i was 5 when title ix was passed. that gave me the opportunity to play 2 division i sports at a college. i played field hockey and lacrosse. i was able to get an athletics ownership which made my college cheaper than my high school. but we are doing now as a trans
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athlete can take that opportunity away from a woman. that means that person will be in the locker room as a fully intact male. i don't think people understand that. girls and women in locker rooms are seeing fully intact male when they get undressed. this is not okay. what is happening is girls and women are being forced to be quiet. where is that me too movement? >> john: we thank you for coming on and sharing your vi views. >> thank you so much. >> john: this is at the very heart of this is that title ix was put in place to protect women's opportunities in education and "activities" which included sports. the rewritten title ix is giving biological men the opportunities
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that women had in education and activities even if it didn't specifically say so. >> sandra: track and field, having done them all through my elementary and middle school high school years, that video of those girls who stood up for themselves in west virginia that the coach just referenced, this is incredible stuff. these girls are so strong. they walked up in a show of protest walked right back out. they were registered as no distance. the 13-year-old biological male transgender female bead nest second place finisher by 3 feet. that very sent through i believe 32 feet. the second place finisher, a girl was at 29 feet. they were standing up for themselves. riley gaines said it's a sad day when 13 and 14-year-old girls have to be the adults in the room. >> there is a huge difference
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between a biological male and biological fee 15 when it comes to a sport like this. >> we are watching a quickck break. we will be right back.e, o balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home
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>> pictured columbia university
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where the protest for anti- israel and pro- palestine, pro hamas to some degree protest continue at columbia university. we are trying to turn the sound but we just heard from aoc at the forest park. she's here with president biden and talk about that power of student organizing saying it's especially important we remember the power of young people shaping the country today of all days as we once again witness the leadership and student led protest on campuses like columbia khaki ale, of berkeley and many others. >> that is remarkable considering the extreme anti-semitism that is actually happening on this campus. we will hear more on that news when we return. oh, why leaffilter?
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12:00 pm
>> today also serves as a reminder of the power of organizing of what we can accomplish when young people, climate advocates, labor organizers and working people of all backgrounds come together to demand the future we all deserve it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness as we see the peaceful student led protest on pete -- campus like columbia khaki ale, berkeley and other. >> peaceful student led protest and cue up the police presence because of the growing threats to students john. >> and yuki up a statement from the white house this blatant anti-semitism is reprehensible and dangerous and has absolutely no place on college campuses. aoc is saying go team. >> thank you for joining us i am sandra smith. >> and i a


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