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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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out. they were asked to leave. they did not. nothing is being done to remove them. to those live pictures outside of nyu, we have the aerials there as well. outside of nyu, you can see someone carrying the israeli flag. you have the counterprotesters that do show up as well for the mayor of new york city was asked about this in a new interview. calling some of the anti-semitic language we are seeing at posters and slurs being used, it is vile and disgusting. his opinion does not determine the law. it is going to be up to these universities to call the police on campus if they want to clear these people out. thanks for your reporting on the ground of thanks for joining us today. you can catch me and john roberts every weekday at 1:00 for "america reports." "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.
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i'm dania korea along with jesse watters and brian kilmeade. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." it ready, everyone. it is the new normal right smack dab in the middle of an election season. the leading presidential candidate is off the trail and on trial for a donald trump was back in the defense table listening to new york prosecutors lay out their case against him and grill their first witness. david pecker the x publisher of the national inquirer. he tried to illegally influence a 2016 presidential election by preventing damaging stories about his personal life from becoming public. covering up a large hush payments to adult film star stormy daniels or as they put it "it was election fraud, pure and simple." lawyers countering that none of this was a crime in the case should never have been brought. it is an attempt to kneecap is
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campaign.president ------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------- nine defending himself was dismissed. >> to keep me up like campaign trail. i should be in georgia now. i should be in florida now. i should be in a lot of different places right now campaigning. i'm sitting here. this will go on for a long time. it is very unfair. it is a case that nobody wanted to bring including alvin bragg. it was just in the last -- this is never happened before. the state tries to insert itself in federal elections. nobody is ever seen. >> dana: in that case is overflowing. some of the media couldn't help themselves they added to it. >> what you have heard about it being a dingy courtroom is real. he slumped his shoulders and, slumped shoulders person. he seems considerably older.
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he seems annoyed, resigned, may be angry. we are a little bit jealous that you are there. >> reporters have observed that trump shut his eyes at one point. viggo and reminds us of something we were talking about all day. he has to sit through these proceedings, often very dull and procedural. >> dana: jesse, let me start with you. the prosecution says this is an election fraud pure and simple. is it? >> jesse: i call it a pure evil. they have taken away his freedom of speech and they have taken away his freedom of movement. he has to sit there all week for six weeks. if he says anything, they will throw him in jail. if he leaves, they throw him in jail. that's crazy. they had more allowances. i think they bought a million-dollar soccer field. i don't know if he was able to visit his son for his high school graduation, but at a
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similar. they are putting them in a meat locker. he says it is 45 degrees in there. they are telling the entire world, this is where the former president is going to be at this date, at this time surrounded by high-rise buildings. and they are seizing his bank accounts with unreasonable bond asks. it is disgusting. they say it is a fraud. under existing election law -- i am the only lawyer at the table. candidates can't use campaign funds for an expense that would exist anyway. even if it benefits the campaign. wait a second. i don't understand. if it is illegal to use campaign funds for personal issues, but it is also illegal to use personal funds for personal issues during a campaign, what was donald trump supposed to do?
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either way, he's going to get prosecuted. that means it is illegal for donald trump to be a candidate. what was he supposed to do? he's going to use donor money to deal with extortion attempt from a woman? this is a woman who owes trump $600,000 for frivolous lawsuits, represented by a guy that is in prison for extortion. the other law here is a lying felon who has been in prison. this is the case. donald trump keeps making the point, this is being directed by joe biden. the media keeps fact-checking him. who gives the opening statement today? joe biden's former acting associate attorney general, matthew. this case was a dead dog. the fec didn't do anything to it. the u.s. attorney didn't do it. this guy parachutes number three
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guy and biden's. cpr's this thing to life. no one can name the crime here. number three justice official gave the opening statement at the trial. i have been fact-checked the fact-checker. >> dana: fox news contributor and former u.s. prosecutors said the point of the dire framing of the case to distract the jury's attention from how trivial the actual charges are. >> kayleigh: that is exactly right. this is a zombie case. it was the case no one wanted to take. the sec chairman doubted the validity of this case. federal prosecutors didn't bring the case. all of a sudden, president trump declared his candidacy for president in april of last year, all of a sudden, alvin bragg brings the case screaming political. especially when you have
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"the new york times" -- they surveyed all the cases out there. no friend of donald trump. the new york state prosecutors have never before filed an election law case involving a federal campaign. jim trusty, something you'll never never see again. trump, here is where he is advantage. speed 40 will be on the campaign trail tomorrow. no one is talking about joe biden. he's driving the narrative. he is on defense when he is talking to reporters. he should go on offense. check out page 14. i'm beating him on inflation in the economy. force the reporters to see that the joe biden presidency -- >> dana: he does command the attention. he did an earth day. you don't see much of that. one of the things from "the washington post" rode, she is a liberal commentator and columnist said, why did this have to be the case that went first and getting all the attention?
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>> a lot of us agree with that. if you look at the 91 criminal indictments donald trump is facing them out rather the first case to be efforts to overturn an election. or the classified documents case when he attempted to destroy classified documents. a lot of democrats will tell you this isn't the perfect one. he has given special treatment. he's under a gag order that any other defendant if they violated repeatedly on twitter, online when i've already been thrown in jail. he is under court orders that in the other defendant would have and he's violating them every single day. he's getting a lot of press attention. the open question in my mind is whether that will be positive for him. all the attention is about paying off the stock. all of the criminal indictments. him acting chaotic. i don't know at the end of the day of that press attention will help them when we know independent voters particularly don't like that chaos. they don't like the moral
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shortcomings and failures of donald trump or that press attention might hurt him. >> dana: if you look at the nvc poll they came out over the weekend, president trump is beating biden by a lot in several of the key issues that matter to people especially inflation. mental capacity, immigration, crime. >> brian: yes. a little bit on the national poll and state polls. that he and pennsylvania. other polls. for the record, kaylee is also a lawyer. >> i would take her in court. the one thing that you said it is interesting that joe biden is on the trail and no one is following him as a good thing for him. playing a little bit later, he gets asked about these questions about columbia. he has no idea what is happ happening. should he be fired? i didn't know she was fired.
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he's totally confused by everything he can't react to anything. they are trying to keep him a away. i don't think president trump has been chaotic at all. he comes out and gives a speech and give some remarks and really frustrated. james trusty told me over the weekend, almost no other defendant that he knows of would be under a gag order right now period. a couple of things that happen today. the prosecution kept saying conspiracy over and over again. conspiracy to promote an election. conspiracy and the more it was in their thought about it, there's really nothing there. the other thing they kept saying is, the defense kept saying, and nda. there's nothing wrong with having an nda. every time he said that every time the defense said that, michelangelo would object. they would say sustained. he would say it again which made her think that the judge didn't have a problem with that. they are trying to break the momentum. having an nda -- there's nothing
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wrong with that. overall it goes to show you that if you have a dental problem, you can end a court case early. an alternate juror leaves with a dentist problem. he's going to graduate from high school. we can go to that. maybe if the president says i have a wisdom tooth, i think we can see him who would certainly stand out in the graduation line. i think every day, it's gonna be interesting to see sketches and accounts of what happens inside the courtroom. >> kayleigh: up next, hillary clinton cannot get donald trump out of her head. the alarming thing she is accusing him of next. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food.
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♪ ♪ >> brian: it looks like a certain somebody is living rent-free and hillary clinton said. making her most unhinged attack yet regarding the guy she lost two in 2016. she did lose. "trump is like gaga over vladimir putin, because putin does what he would like to do. imprisoning his opposition, drive journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance. that is what trump really wants. drowning out president biden's message. some democrats in the media think so. watch this. >> the problem for joe biden and the democrats is trump's crowning outlet trial is crowding out everything else. joe biden does major policy things.
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everything else is crowded out. it is the trump story. >> he doesn't care if he is the hero or the heel. in so many ways, he gets what he wants. i do worry electorally that he has a slight advantage. >> do you think gavin newsom is saying something that is a legitimate worry? >> 2016 at the time, i was at cnn. they were obsessed with donald trump. you might as well call that led donald trump channel. it is the same today. i understand what you're saying about the fact pattern out the case despite being bogus. we are not hearing from the witnesses in the case. we are hearing about what the witnesses are saying from reporters. but other liberal networks are taking them in full. >> i watched it on cnn. >> kayleigh: hillary clinton's comments, taking the most
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extreme portrayal of him. joe scarborough made similar comments saying he would execute generals. he never said that. trump needs to speak directly to the american people every chance he gets. >> don't you think he should take it from the courtroom whether it is a supermarket like you said? >> kayleigh: you can do it every night. i would pick a different grocery store every night. he can do that every night. i do think he should do something in the evenings. let's get pizza. get him out into the city. when he was at the bodega, little kids crying, i got to meet the president. they were incredible. today, he could've gone and done so solidarity with some jewish students at columbia or gone to yale. >> it's not ending. >> it is passover. there are definitely ways that
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he could get involved. what about going to a girls boarding event and supporting them after biden change title ix? how about the fact that we had those migrants who are playing on the kids soccer field. american kids are not allowed to play. go and say, i will make sure that you can play today. there are a lot of things that he could do. what is weird is hillary clinton says that donald trump really was the opposition to be killed. house democrats this week killed any opportunity for president trump to have secret service protection in the future. if he is convicted. that might just be a part of the democrats. they voted for it. i think hillary clinton that. on the podcast is -- why would you do that? if you think trump is in so much trouble, let them hang there by himself. who gets headlines?
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who gets bad headlines? it's hillary clinton every single time. >> brian: i got on microphone l. why not have a rally in the bronx and butterfly garden and do something on a friday night? >> jesse: i went to the gas station on the docks that i would hit staten island and go over to new jersey. staten island is trump country. that guy needs exercise. he's usually gulping. you're going to put a man who is almost 80 sitting for all that time is not healthy. he needs sunlight. he needs activity. he needs to be walking around. it is really cruel and unusual punishment to make a man do that. any time he moves, they threaten to throw in prison. think about how far we have come. i am looking at you. they called bush a cowboy. that is kind of a compliment. a cowboy. they said mccain, the worst
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knock on him was that he wasn't black. obviously lose to the first black president. romney, what did he do? he had a car garage elevator and 47% of the country didn't pay taxes. they went from that to homicidal dictator. what is next? >> the republican party went from normal to homicidal dictator. democrats nasca republicans did. >> who did he kill? >> hillary clinton is not the perfect voice out there. i agree. i don't think she is level and that should be out there prosecuting the case against donald trump. don't ignore what she's saying for the question facing voters or someone who flouts every ethical political legal norm that does things no other republican -- mitt romney would never do these things. i'm sorry that donald trump has a sitting court. he has been accused of a bunch
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of crimes. that's his fault. we also know that voters care about this bill the latest polling, a large number of voters say the future of american democracy, our rights and freedoms that really matters to them. >> there is irony. hillary clinton, the steele dossier disguised as a legal payment. they lied about it and had to pay $130,000 fine. hillary clinton was not prosecuted in new york. >> along with other documents. >> they didn't indict her. >> people don't want to see in the presidential candidate in court. how did he get there? does he deserve to be there? the ivy league is being overrun by pro-hamas lunatics chanting death threats to students and turning violent. don't move.
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♪ ♪ >> the 7th of october. never forget the 7th of october. >> not five more times. not ten more times. not 100 more times. not a thousand more times. 10,000 more times. >> raging across america's ivy league campuses. anti-israel encampments that started at columbia are spreading like a cancer to yale and other universities with passover beginning this weekend. rain washed radical left-wing students are spewing out the most hateful anti-semitic slogans they can think of it jewish students. some are getting physically violent. when the student claims she was stabbed in the eye during protests at yale. things are so bad at columbia, they had to cancel all in person
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classes and go virtual. a rabbi warning them to stay away from campus because it's too dangerous. radical aoc seems to have no problem with the current campus protests. the squad congresswoman was at a biden climate event when she said this. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness the leadership of the most peaceful student led protests on campuses like columbia, yale, berkeley, and so many others. >> leave it to "the new york times" to downplay disgusting displays of anti-semitism. a pizza party for jews haters. check out this headline. the protest continued with dancing and pizza. dana, usually "the new york times" wouldn't describe any sort of violent event here in the united states as a dancing. the party.
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what happened here? >> i think i got damien over the years has graduated people that work in a lot of places, especially the media. this is spreading like wildfire. it's all there. and doesn't just happen overnight. this has been building. when i think is really interesting as these students in the last little bit, they have gone from from a cease-fire to being pro-hamas and being very open of saying, we want jews to die. we want israel to go away. you have a rabbi telling jewish students, for your own safety, you have to leave the university. this is academia in 2024. nate silver used to be "new york times." he does his own thing. he is a real good pollster. he recommended everyone this weekend, stop trying to go to these ivy league schools. go to a state school. will be fine.
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academia and education has been so important in the jewish community. this is a real wake-up call for them. we are all watching this. it's all available for us to see. "the new york times" can have that ridiculous headline for the video and pictures are everyone to see. it's very chilly. the president has put out a statement over the weekend through a spokesperson. that was a pretty decent statement. why isn't he speaking? he had an opportunity today. kayleigh will remember this. the president wants to talk about earth day. i get it. the news of the day is that you have jewish students literally being told to go home because they are in danger of their safety. you know that you should stop the president's earth day speech with something that reassures them that you are on their side? i find that missed opportunity to be very unfortunate to say the least. >> happy earth day by the way. they did catch up to him as he
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was leaving the earth day event. let's listen to what he said. >> do you condemn the anti-semitic protest on college campuses? >> president biden: i condemn the anti-semitic protest. i've set up a program to deal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> did he say they were fine people on both sides? >> with the palestinians, i walked in and closed caption in my office, because there is nothing. it stopped riding. you have to understand what's happening with the palestinians and he slurred 4 are 5 words. he answered, a final question right after that is what do you think should happen with the president? he said i didn't know they resign. he was totally out of the loop. you guys would know. don't you -- this is what they are going to be yelling at you. maybe you should take a look at this video before you go out there. >> dana: why don't you want to be ahead of the news and say i
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am the president. i'm gonna talk about talk about anti-semitism today and lead it. >> i would think a good president would pick up the phone to the columbia president and say get on campus. that's out of control in new york city. don't wait for them to call. say that you are coming in and say that you heard about some type of illegal activity. we watched live this morning on ""fox & friends"." i will fill you in. that was some between segments talk. they block the entrances. you better stop blocking the entrances. they arrested 49 people. i got to be an organized protests. it's not just speech and are columbia students. the students told them today, they are passing out vads and getting onto campus. these are people creating havoc. there are some students there. i think of the president wanted to take control, there is
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anarchy and anti-semitism. i think we can be against anarchy and anti-semitism. this is not a hard one. covid and now anti-semitism have forced like forced the cancellation of in-person learning now. >> kayleigh: we know the consequences of that and how devastating it is. the president was roaming through a forest when he was answering these comments. remember the easter bunny outfit. press and decide the spell stop that. that was not a good luck. they put out this white house statement and aoc, there are she played happened at the earth day event. after that, biden said, i learned a long time ago, listen to that lady. this was right after she made their marks their marks condoning the protest. imagine if this was happening on trump's watch. people are shouting october 7th will not happen one time but 10,000 times.
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babies 10,000 times. marjorie taylor greene endorses that and trump endorses her, but what the headlines be? they don't exist because this is joe biden. >> it did happen when donald trump was president. one of the reasons joe biden said he ran for president, he watched what happened when they shouted "jews will not replace us." the biden administration has made fighting anti-semitism a key part of their agenda the second gentleman is jewish. i agree. i think he should be out here talking more. we have lost in this country any ability to reasonably and rationally debate what is happening right now. it started with, what did the cease-fire look like? what should we do with palestinian refugees? all of that. when it transitions into grow
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hamas come anti-semitic rhetoric wherever that is, i think that is where the line has to be drawn. i was happy to hear the biden statement about it. i would like president trump to weigh in on it. >> i don't think it is a matter of our society being unable to debate. these are crazy radicalized kids that we should ask, who did t this? on tiktok, how many pro palestinian stories have been on? if the average 15-22-year-old has been on tiktok for 90 minutes, 170 million people on a daily basis and maybe even more, what are they learning on their news feed that gets them so incensed about the palestinian cause -- which is not something on the tip of everyone's tongue for the last 15 years. the palestinians have basically elected hamas and nullified their acceptance as a poss possible -- >> we will give brian the last
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word on that. >> nobody is safe from crime and joe biden's in america. even liberal mayors. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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>> new concerns over the safety of ordinary citizens in the second biggest city in america after its mayor became a victim of crime for the second time. a burglar breaking into the home of karen bass by smashing a window while she was inside. the suspect has been arrested. nobody was injured. it is a second time in three years that bas has been the victim of a break-in. she champion progressive policies like no cash bail. >> it's really an embarrassment on our country that we have more people locked up in the united states and any place in their world. if you look at them many, many,
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many people who are locked up, they are locked up because they are poor, because they can't afford bail, or they can't afford proper legal defense. >> this is the official my oral residence. this is in her private home. why didn't she have better security? >> you can ask nancy pelosi the same thing when what was that guy's who broke in? >> what was his name? >> i guess the answer here is that if you are a victim of a property crime in los angeles, you call 911 and say you're part of karen bass' team and get special treatment. i don't want her to be in da danger. i also don't want democrats to keep trying to shame people who are pointing out that crime -- that crime and the quality of life is going down for they will say her murders are down. great, stop breaking into my house.
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this weirdness. we know the statistics are being played with. i don't want her to ever -- i don't want anyone to be part of this. we have to make sure also that somebody like this gets prosecuted. because it was her, well this guy who was arrested be prosecuted, or will he be let out like all the others? >> we see this happen to a lot of democratic elected officials. a victim of crime. the illinois senate majority leader carjacked. congressman carjacked. i wonder if this causes people to reassess their views on cr crime. the facts here are egregious. this guy got to the second floor of her home. she had to hide in a panic room. the guy had no previous criminal history. the suspect had previously been charged with kidnapping and attempted murder for using a hammer and a snow brush to beat a man bloody inside of a van according to the
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"los angeles times." karen bass today didn't answer many questions about it. if you're hiding in a panic room, maybe reassess if people like this should be walking free after attempted murder. >> that crime numbers which democrats do like to talk about homicides are down in l.a. preproperty crimes are up over the last year. even though some of the numbers are going down, people feel unsafe. >> homicide is up. >> not over the last year. >> this is homicide right here at 15%. bigger weaknesses disagree with the number. >> when you go into a panic room, that is your last resort. i use it sometimes to get out of dishes. it is very important that this story isn't underplayed. you have a mayor of the second largest city in the country. this is the second home invasion. she had 2 weapons stolen from her last house.
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they are getting through the second floor of the official residence. on the heels of nancy pelosi's house having a home invasion where this guy knocked paul pelosi in the head with a hammer. everyone is getting carjacked in congress. the secret service detail, there was an attempted carjacking of their suv. they unloaded rounds in the middle of georgetown. they can keep saying crime is down when these high profile incidents keep penetrating the psyche of the american people. it's not going to fly in november. >> you are looking at you today. we were both right in our numbers. the last time she had her home broken into, they stole 2 handguns. >> she fully expected to be evaded again. i'm glad she is okay. the second time he has been charged with murder in 2015. this is the nicest mayor's house
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i have ever seen. even donald trump says that is a step up from mar-a-lago. did you see that place? that is a beautiful mayor's mansion. that is where she lives. this is one thing i hope people understand. if crime is up and prices are down, when politicians say the opposite, when politicians come out and say we've got it under control, bail reform has been a success, we know you are not telling us the truth. you lose total credibility. when it happens to you, say that you had a revelation and understand what the american people think and don't pander and say even though crime is down, people don't feel that w way. i will put guys in camouflage without guns to check through a 50-year-old housewives pocketbook so you will feel better getting on the subway with the muggings and shootings in staffing still happening. >> and punching women in the face. >> 50 women have been punched
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blindly randomly in the streets of new york city. that is the new game. >> got filled has mysteriously been off. >> coming up, president biden suggestions that cannibals ate his uncles in papua new guinea. quite the diplomatic controversy. stay tuned. progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now. visit today.
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♪ ♪ >> why is he saying that his uncle was eaten by cannibals? that is a bad way to go. >> your last line is for a laugh or a funny statement. he takes this very seriously. his uncle who served and protected this country lost his life serving. that should matter. >> kayleigh: it wasn't for a laugh, that is with the president said. the white house said you should not be joking about president biden's tall tale of cannibals. certainly not joking in his response to the president's story saying this. president biden's remarks may
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have been a slip of the tongue. my country does not deserve to be labeled as such. clean up remnants of world war ii. the tall tales about ambrose finnegan coming back to bite them. >> dana: they bit him pretty hard. at once. we can laugh about it. imagine you're the prime minister of papa new guinea. every google search is coming up saying you've got this. he is the leader of his country. he has to deal with this. he is forced to come out and say this didn't happen. there is world war ii mess. he should use that to his advantage and get the biden team did say we are sorry. >> there is an epidemic saying y think it's a good idea that he's a good -- is unacceptable. they wouldn't need any white guy that fell from the sky.
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>> they are sitting around with a knife and i'll forward. i would fold a ambassador if something like this. this huge international incident will have massive implications for the pacific. r.i.p., uncle posey. of all the ways to go, that is probably the worst one. this one reminds me of when trump said haiti was a country and i broke down the funding deal. everybody walked out. how dare he say a country is that country. it has gotten so much better since then. what's worse, a country is in a national country our country that ate your uncle? this is so much worse. >> they signed a defense cooperation agreement. what happened was china's foreign minister met with the prime minister in the capital on sunday. >> tony blinken met with them a number of times. the pack last may.
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>> this helps. to go this where joe biden's tendency to freelance a little bit. you can see people -- >> i thought vital to the region. we need a base there. we lost the solomon items, and islands. these guys are highly insulted. that was one portion of our history deep in our history. we hope that the president will come around and apologize and fix it. keep in mind, lender else i'm story wasn't true. remember he said he gave a purple heart to his uncle who died before he was vice president. he died in 1999. he saw two men kissing out in the street in the 1950s. nobody thinks that is true. there was a happening of the 1950s. that is the one thing -- we can find corn pop either. >> dana: quite a resume of life experiences. "one more thing" is up next.
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♪ ♪ >> it is time now for "one more thing." a horse in connecticut had police officers on a slow speed chase. he went all around connecticut and they said you have to pull over and he is not being held on bail. get it? that was pretty funny. jesse mentioned earlier, it is earth day. we talked about the environment with daniel turner. check it out. >> the book signing was ele electric. people are getting carried away with the hair thing. i said that to be punchy. you can touch my hair.
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you cannot run your fingers through my hair. it has gotten out of hand. >> even if they do that, your hair stays the same. >> i put it back the way it is supposed to be. we had cameo appearances. everybody showed up. i am going to be in vero beach, florida. tonight, jesse watters prime time. >> home game for you on the signing. there is some controversy at a washington nationals game. out of nowhere came the national park announcement, the mascot started attacking the president. i don't know what is behind this, but they must have heavy padding and the heads are empty and they see through their ne
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necks. the tour stops in nevada on saturday night. >> i love taco bell. now i look something else. her name is becky, a manager at a taco bell, a mother came out, her 11-month-old was turning blue and not breathing. becky helped her, gave her cpr. she started breathing and the mother said she was -- nelly cordova is making a splash, saying her tour win timed the record. what a golden age for women's sports. that is it for us. have a great night. >> have you ever wanted to touch jesse's hair? >>


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