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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> 40 years, that blows my mind. things look a little different around here. the thing that looks the most different is me. >> 40 years. kevin bacon returns to the utah high school where "footloose" was filmed. 2024 is the 40th anniversary of the release. the high school is scheduled to be torn down next spring. bacon agreed to return when students said they would put together 5,000 care packages for his charity, 6 degrees. we will cover the trial in new york. if you can't catch us live, set your dvr. thanks for inviting us into your home. that is it for this special report.
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>> laura: this is the ingraham angle from washington. the great reflection. the globalists insisted if the house did not relent and push for the $60 billion for the lead losing effort in ukraine, america would lose credibility. tuten would march to berlin and china would be emboldened to move on to taiwan. now that mike johnson has made zelinski and northrop grumman happy by getting that money for ukraine, we have our respect back as a country. of course not. if you care about the way america is perceived around the world, you should be enraged donald trump is on trial in new york. these are the types of election-year shenanigans that happen in other countries, in
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third world autocracies, not the united states. his press minions are ecstatic. anything to avoid covering the border, gas prices, or food prices. >> he seemed inert. he slumped his shoulders like this. while he was sitting there. he was leaning heavily on the desk. there were times when he leaned from one side to the other. he seems thinner than i have seen him in the past. he seems considerably older and he seems annoyed, resigned, may be angry. he seems like he is miserable to be here. he seems old and tired and mad. >> laura: if that is the
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barometer, what is biden's excuse? if trump is mad, he has a right to be and so do you. an impartial observer knows the new york media is doing everything it can to influence the jury. on the eve of the trial, new york published a piece saying will a mountain of evidence be enough to convict trump? the case is known as the people of the state of new york versus donald trump and the people have the stronger hand. insider witnesses, a favorable jury pool and a lurid set of facts. every juror should have been asked -- i don't think they were -- if he or she read or skimmed or saw that headline, read that article. "the new york times" doesn't pretend to be objective. you have to read to the end to
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read the point about how their star witness has his own credibility issues to overcome. he is a convicted felon and admitted liar. >> you have talked about having a witness you have to rehabilitate when they get on the stand. it is true that michael cohen, along with the documents, but just his personality, he may be a good witness, especially with the jurors. he communicates well. >> he communicates well. lowball. they jughead. the case is the epitome of election meddling. the underlying payments are misdemeanors in the statue of
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limitations has already run out on them. real reporters love covering real campaigns and these people love avoiding them. >> this is the first of 4 potential trials trump could face this year. he needs to talk to voters. >> joe biden is out on the campaign trail. >> i forgot about those packed out biden rallies and the convenience store stops. those are buzzing with enthusiasm. the only one excited was the cameraman.
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almost everything you hear about this trial is propaganda at this point. it is meant to demoralize trump supporter's but it exposes the media. >> his political team has been scrambling, trying to figure out how to improvise. they get one day a week. there is only so much you can do with the time they have. >> a real journalist would be concerned those voters are getting a distorted picture with trump's sidelined. if this practice becomes the norm, we will never have a real election again, just bogus indictments designed to skew the campaign. these phony journalists aren't thinking about the ramifications. they were just relishing the moment and acting as the
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unofficial comms team of the biden campaign. >> biden is closing the gap. they were supposed to have a rally in north carolina, and now with nothing on the schedule there is nothing for about over a week. the reality sinking in that it can't just be wednesday and saturday in this campaign. >> laura: just as biden needed covid as the excuse to keep him in the basement, he needs trump stuck in court and off the trail if he is going to have a prayer of reelection. will this work? not if trump plays his cards right. there is no point in his relitigating it every day outside of the courtroom. instead of talking about the trial, pinned it to the news of the day. put biden on trial. reiterate americans deserve a real campaign, a real agenda for
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prosperity, a real border, and the candidate will deliver all of it. come voting time, voters should reject what is a grand effort at deflection and it is biden's record that is on trial and he should be convicted on multiple counts of aggravated assault, causing grievous injury to the america we knew and still love. joining me now, jonathan. let's start with the first witness, david, the former chair and ceo of american media inc. why is he important to them and what does it tell you about bragg's case? >> he is talking about something that is not part of the indictment. it is like having a bank robbery case and they are starting out
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with a tax evasion witness. if i was a juror, i would be confused. is this part of this odd conspiracy, defrauding effort by the president and the answer is, no. they got the judge to agree to bring this into show a pattern. it has very little to do with the key linchpins they have to establish. does the evidence showed trump had the intent to commit fraud. part of that is the search for what crime trump was trying to conceal. even after the first day of this trial, people are debating with that crime is. the suggestion is he did all of this because he committed a federal election law crime but the department of justice
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rejected that and they did not prosecute or charge and many experts say this is not a federal crime. if you get below the surface by 1 millimeter, you are left with a really confusing case. >> the judge allowed the d.a. to bring up in cross-examination if trump testifies, so of the trump behavior, what did you think of that ruling? to me, it seemed unbelievably political. is that trying to scare trump away from exercising his constitutional right to testify in his own defense? >> i thought it was surprising. he could have allowed that to
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come in and if it became relevant for impeachment, if trump tripped a wire by saying something relevant to those cases, but he went broad. most would say don't take the stand. i am not one of the defense attorneys... let's not take the stand and be a risk adverse. in celebrity cases, you sometimes need to take the stand. after that ruling, i would advise him not to do it. the risk is too high. going on the stand gives the district attorney a chance you are trying to revive it. >> trump will go outside the courtroom and comment on what
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happens inside the courtroom. we had clients that like to do that and as lawyers, no, let us handle it. you are not going to win it outside. on that particular score, what would you suggest if you had to suggest to a client -- does that make sense or could you give some ammo to the other side unwittingly by doing so? >> it is a mistake. they say football games are won by inches. you can give up many yards with one ill considered statement. that stuff can be admissible. you have to be more careful from this point on and what you say. you can talk about a lot of things but you have to be careful because you are in the middle of a minefield and you don't want to misstep.
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>> a mountain of evidence. i don't know if the jurors were asked about this but it laid out the entire prosecution's case, arguing for the prosecution. how do you get an impartial jury? it is like jury tampering by "the new york times." yes, you need a bird's-eye view to see this as a mountain. what i see as a bunch of unconnected facts that are not ultimately linked to a felony crime. we know this is going to happen. even though there have been legal experts who criticize the case and say we don't see the crime either, we have not seen a case like this, the media is expected to become an echo chamber for the district
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attorney. there is no guarantee reporters will ignore the news. they are in a city that is saturated with it. the defense has to go in and assume all of those fail-safes have failed and that you are going to have to make that case even stronger in the courtroom. >> laura: always wonderful to see you. a judge slapped down leticia james poss top attempt to topple trump -- leticia james' attempt to topple trump.
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>> laura: this bogus hush money trial gets way under manhattan and leticia james is on her crusade against trump. she has been trying to have his $175 million bond and validated. a new york judge ruled against her today. >> a few blocks away they had a trial on the $175 million. if you look at the numbers, they are underestimated. they valued an $8 million estimate but the deal wasn't
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approved. she tried to embarrass a good bonding company by saying they were not creditworthy. >> by wednesday of this week, the grand jury testimony transcript is set to be released. thursday is the big one, the supreme court will hear arguments on trump's presidential immunity claim. michael he is with me. let's start with you. the supreme court case, a lot has been said. do you think it would be likely that a majority of this court would say that preside president trump -- presidential immunity applies to these cases? >> it should be likely and will be likely. there can be no dispute no
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matter how loudly they want to shout, no matter how much they are inclined to gossiping around the water cooler about what legal theories they can come up with. donald trump was president of the united states. you have to respect that fact in court unless every president is going to be hobbled by short awareness in anything that he or she may do could wind up bringing that president into court once that president is no longer in office. we don't want that as a country. that is not workable or justifiable. >> laura: she wrote this op-ed arguing that the supreme court should act quickly. the justices should recognize the negative impact they may have if the court does not
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resolve these issues quickly and decisively. she is an unofficial litigant petitioner before the court. >> she is. i would say to louis cheney and these other politicians, this is bigger than donald trump. this is about the presidency. if you can indict a president for his official acts, we are going to destroy the presidency and destroy our country. can they charge president obama for capital murder because his drone strike of two american citizens? can the trump justice system charge biden for his mass parole of illegal migrants into our country. do democrats want to go down this path? >> chief justice roberts is an
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institutionalist and likes to stand for the executive branch and others on the court do as well. this could put an end to these cases. there also might be, through the court wanting this, fear of their own credibility being put at issue, if they short- short-circuit -- the democrats attempt to short-circuit the election. >> you are right. he is an institutionalist and he wants to make sure the constitution is solidified in a way that allows each of these institutions, these three branches to operate as coordinate branches. that is unworkable.
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if the embodiment of the branch of government has to live each moment of a for your presidency under the brooding threat of litigation and criminal charges over official acts taken by that person while that person was president, it does not work. there are political crosscurrents here. legally, this should be a no-brainer. >> thank you both. mom behavior taking over college campuses. a jewish yale student was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag speaks out next. >> we will not stop, we will not rest.
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>> laura: from the river to the tree, is it c? what a waste of a college de degree. >> free palestine. >> palestine will be free. >> laura: forget playing ultimate frisbee or enjoying a coffee outside for study break. this is what students on elite college campuses are doing, setting up gaza solidarity encampments. jewish students are on edge at columbia university, leaving administrators to cancel in person classes to be safe. alexis mcadams, tell us, what is going on tonight?
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>> last time i talked to you, you told me to make friends and i haven't made any yet today. you can see this is that encampment we are talking about. protests continue and the nypd remains on high alert. more tents popping up. the people, the students, the chanting. there are about 100 tents and counting. there is growing calls for the president of columbia to step down. a handful of protesters were arrested in front of the gates just hours after the columbia president shifted all students to virtual classes, calling for a reset. we will see what that means on campus. protests continuing. they started here at columbia but they are popping up at campuses across the country. we have been talking with police
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sources on the ground near nyu saying there will be arrests possible. they have police officers in place and it is private pro property. this video taken on campus over the weekend shows what happens when you enter these encampments. this person trying to take cell phone video as they made a human chain, telling them to get out of the area. we are trying to talk to more students. they don't want to talk to us. they do has media contacts. they have so many things set up. they don't plan on going anywhere. >> laura: do they have bathrooms? this looks like any regular homeless encampment. i could not tell the difference. >> i did not see any bathrooms.
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the last time we talked to the nypd contacts, this is what was set up. they had temporary bathrooms, so none of that in place just yet. they put so many police hours into this and it comes back up a few hours later and that is what is happening at nyu and all over the country. >> laura: you are very friendly and i think you should work on trying to find friends. thanks so much. to yale university, where police swept campus, arresting 47 protesters. the security presence isn't making some feel safe. my next guest has been documenting how jewish students are followed, harassed, and assaulted.
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>> i am just trying to walk around. >> i cannot move forward. >> we will not stop, we will not rest. >> laura: joining me now is the editor in chief of the yale free press. that video abruptly ended as you started yelling. what happened? >> as i was at this protest and was identified as a jewish student, i was blockaded by multiple protest organizers who pinned me between them and they hostile rally attendees that encircled around me and as you saw, they were dancing around me and taunted me and threw things in my face until one of them
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took his palestinian flag and waved it in my face and jabbed me in my left side. i tried to chase him and they stood in front of me so they could protect him. >> laura: you are trying to document what is happening to jewish students and what happened when you are trying to find out the identity of the person who hit you, i want to show this to our viewers. >> what do you really want to get out of this? >> i would like to remove the person who hit me with the palestinian flag. you are stalling and it is taking too long and i am uncomfortable. >> laura: did you find out who hurt you? >> that was one of the many rally organizers that wanted to ensure i did not find out who
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the assailant was and we did not find him in the end. >> laura: yale told us it is investigating and they don't tolerate violence or threats, providing support to a student who made the report and said the yale president sent a message to the community addressing the protest and affirming campus safety, civil discourse. when you listen to the pro-palestinian, pro-hamas protesters, they paint a different picture. one interviewed by nbc, a sophomore from michigan at yale, one of the people arrested said it was brutal. we were crying. we were woken up by shouts and police were here. it was cold.
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i went out with my blanket and we were sitting here singing and crying together. that is what they are saying, they are peaceful, proceeding peacefully, and they are the ones being brutalized and taunted. they are raising free-speech concerns as well. >> i have friends who were assaulted at columbia and the assailants are part of these groups and protected by these groups. they create environments of violence and assault for jewish students and try to claim victimhood when they face the consequences. > >> laura: this is passover. did you get the sense they understood it was the passover holiday about to begin, did they care? >> the only interest they have in jewish holidays is weaponizing them against jewish people.
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the protesters at yale are doing a -- for palestine. >> laura: this is when i am glad i am not on college campuses anymore. we hope you are okay. thank you for being out there and peaceful protest is the answer for all sides. great to see you. happy passover. democrats trying to pull biden out of the debates. the ridiculous reasons why, next. that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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>> if he is going to avoid doing any presidential debates, biden will need a large block and tackle operation or maybe just one large man. >> i look at donald trump's debating style and he lies and lies and it is hard to respond to that but joe biden is a terrific debater. he understands the issues. donald trump doesn't read or understand any of these issues. >> laura: biden reads what, exactly? this one has pinkberry's in it. the debate chatter among the
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corporate press is classic table setting. they are working overtime to dehumanize and denigrate donald trump to say biden shouldn't debate him because to debates from would be to insult and debase the presidency. recall how biden sold himself to voters in 2020, that he would be the protector of institutions, he would end the chaos and return us to normalcy. he did the opposite, right down to gutting title ix to hurt women and girls and help transgendered kids. if he says no to any debates for any reason, it will be the first time a nominee has done so since 1976. joining me now, ned ryan. why does it seem there is
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momentum for biden to mix these debates and will he? >> momentum is coming from the trump campaign. they want to establish demand for a debate. it is unusual, i say this as someone who has covered politics for a lifetime, usually you never hear a winning candidate calling for early debates. the trump campaign has been pushing the idea he is incompetent, a fool, afraid of debates and they are using this to box biden in. if he says no, i am not going to push for early debates and commitments to debates, they will say it is because biden is
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afraid. >> donald trump next one of the debates in 2020. it opens the door to democrats, especially biden in the future. >> i would like to see debates between august 22nd and september 4th. i don't think we are going to see any meaningful presidential debates this year, if any at all. i don't think democrats want biden on the stage for 90 minutes, trying to defend an abysmal record on inflation, the economy. i think they are hoping they are going to get cover on debates and biden being able to say i am not going to debate a convicted felon. i don't think the campaign cares about doing debates. they will get the coverage they
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need from corporate media and they are banking on's mouth-to-mouth politics -- banking on smash mouth politics. >> laura: the country would benefit from seeing both men, with no moderators, may be a moderator comes out and says immigration and one side says his piece and then the other and then go back and forth. to me, that would tell us a lot. >> i love debates. i think the voters likely due to. if you are in the trump campaign and they say we are going to have a debate, the first question is do you think the 2000 election was stolen, where did that come from? you ask what happened on januaro
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talk about my issues. that is not going to be easy for donald trump. he is going to have to say d agree to work with the league of women voters, do you want third party candidates on the stage. those are decisions the trump campaign will have to deal with. >> one of the leading thinkers on the never tromp is a writer, david, from the atlantic. he has justification for having to keep biden from having to debate. >> with the president with the black panthers. you are giving people permission to say, i am not what trump on the overthrowing the constitution by violence but i am worried about these food prices. that should not be up for de debate. >> that is insane they are running on the idea that januarn
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and they are going to try to bank on that. they are both presidents, the american people deserve to see them debate the issues. i don't think we are going to see meaningful debates. we are in the era in which persuasion and votes do not carry the weight they use to. i don't think they care and i don't think corporate media is going to make biden toe the line on this. >> it is tragic for the country. thank you both. biden calls in the celebrities. a megastar is panned anonymously. seen and unseen is next. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now. visit today.
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>> laura: time first seen and unseen where we reveal the stories behind the headlines and we turn to fox news contributor, i was heartened to see that patrick mahomes has joined the
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rock, not endorsing one this presidential season. love it. >> reporter: not everybody got the memo. in fact, some big names have become practical surrogates for the biting campaign. people like john legend and michael douglas. >> the choice is clear, a lot has been said about age and all these things. both of them are old. but one of them is really a decent man who's done a lot to improve the lives in this country and that is joe biden. >> you are about the same age are you one of those people that wished he had bowed out to let the field to somebody else? >> i thing that i walked similarly to him. and the people that i talked to and everybody that i have say he's fine. >> reporter: not to fact check the all-star biting defence league, but this was joe biden earlier at an earth day event. it depends on the attack you use
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for comparison. >> i've seen the devastating toll of climate first hand. i think about climate and i think about not only about health and safety. but if think about jobs. new stanford chemical plants that emit toxic pollution. and now it affected delaware, we have the highest cancer rate in 1977 any state in the nation. and guess what, a lot of us me included, ended up with bronchial asthma. >> reporter: what did he almost say there? bronchial cancer? demand that brought you uncle boise's cuisine last week, cannibal cuisine. that story did not pan out either. he makes this stuff up but to say that this is sharp as a tack, i'd hate to see adult one. >> laura: michael douglas is quite compelling when he offers secondhand observations as well.
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people i know that spend time with him say that he's good. would spend some time with him and then come out after spanning your own time with him and say something. >> reporter: possible deniability, smart. one celebrities who is not out hitting the campaign trail like the rest for joe biden is michelle obama. but she is trying to generate some excitement by engaging the little people with an all-new target run. >> and it's in target. so we are going to go undercover. i have not seen my book actually in a target store. we're going to try and do this low-key. let's see how it goes. should i do a reading here? [ laughter ]
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check. >> reporter: laura, this is like george h. w. bush going to the grocery store, nobody buys is. and i love how aside from her staff she had no interaction with anyone at target. the razzle-dazzle is wearing thin at this point. nobody cares. >> laura: she looks really thin. she looks good, i think. i think she tried to do this before, didn't she just -- during when she was first lady she went, i think a target or walmart, i can't remember but she did this routine before. was a target? she likes to promote target. look, i guess she'll sell a ton of books. people still reading books? >> reporter: it's remarkable to me that she's not out there beating the drum for biting, usually michelle is a vanguard now they're hanging back. laura, there is one celebrities and that that team biden is
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hoping will declare for joe the one taylor swift. but despite her endorsement last time, maybe she's thinking that she should have said no. she focused on a new album which paste magazine panned, did you see that? >> laura: i don't read pace. but some of the young kids, my daughter's age, they love taylor swift but they don't love her new review. but that was brutal, her new album. they gave the tortured poet's department a 3.6 out of 10 claiming that swift is in her thirties. she's in for analysing her own audience more then ever before. >> reporter: it was a pretty brutal take down. what is curious is the editor's note of the paste magazine, they decided to suppress of the author's byline fearing for the safety of the staff, apparently this guy some day before, the earlier albums had reviewed it
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and swift's went crazy. who knew that a review of a taylor swift album would become 2024 charlie abdo. here we are, writers are all here. >> laura: wasn't like 40 songs or 35 songs. now the university of south florida has announced it's launching a new english cast devoted to study of taylor swift. >> it's amazing to me, laura, late in the game, four other universities already beat them to the punch including harvard. i'm glad university southern florida is catching up. look, -- >> laura: we are out of time. [ inaudible ] and other black eye for the english degrees. see her tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to 'jesse


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