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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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who knew that a review of a taylor swift album would become 2024 charlie abdo. here we are, writers are all here. >> laura: wasn't like 40 songs or 35 songs. now the university of south florida has announced it's launching a new english cast devoted to study of taylor swift. >> it's amazing to me, laura, late in the game, four other universities already beat them to the punch including harvard. i'm glad university southern florida is catching up. look, -- >> laura: we are out of time. [ inaudible ] and other black eye for the english degrees. see her tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to 'jesse
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watters primetime'. >> i should be in a lot of different places right now campaigning and i'm standing here. >> jesse: sit down and shut up. democrats treat trump like a terrorist. >> a teenage boy who peed on a little girl, how about -- i come none of the arctic girls said it was a boy attacking a girl. >> jesse: a transgender assault and another media cover up. >> what if that was your daughter? what if that was your daughter? >> i got shot in my [ bleep ]. >> jesse: chris hansen on the hunt. plus... >> why would he take the cripple in the port from other places? do we have [ bleep ] for them because we don't have [ bleep ] for me. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: torture, democrats used to be obsessed. during the war on terror they talked about torture more then victory. new york times in 2005 said,
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please mr president, shut it down. they told us it was immoral, called american soldiers nazis. >> if i read this to you and did not tell you that it was an fbi agent describing what americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have happened by nazis, soviets in their gulags or some mad regime that had no concern for human beings. sadly that is not the case. this with the action of americans and treatment of their own prisoners. >> jesse: terrorist were victimized by american nazis. obama even built them a million-dollar soccer field. >> a million dollars on a soccer field, how do you spend that for soccer field, a level piece of land. throw them a ball and let them play soccer there to play at
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all. why are they playing soccer, is my question. >> jesse: democrats gave terrorist soccer fields, free lawyers and constitutional rights. eric's law firm flew down to represent al qaeda pro bono. are you getting enough time to break? is the food whole all, where the guards mean to you? if you answer the judges questions correctly you'll be on your way back. today the former president of the united states, if you leaves court to go to the restroom, jail. if he calls the prosecutor corrupt, jail. if trump moves or says anything, they scream, jail. did mohammed get slapped with a gate order? trumps not even allowed to complain about the thermostat. it's a meat locker in there. he gets marked for closing his eyes. donald trump been on the move his whole life. golf, rallies, movement, action, sunlight, fresh air, freedom.
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it's not law fair, it's torture. they're making a 77-year-old man sit inside a dingy room for eight hours straight, four days a week. and if he moves or talks, jail. how do you campaign for president if you can't move or talk? >> i should be in georgia now. i should be in florida now, i should be in a lot of different places campaigning but i'm sitting here. and this will go on for a long time, it's unfair i should be allowed to campaign, whoever heard of this to get indicted for that? people in the court said they can't believe it. this is the case. >> jesse: the first time in history opening remarks were delivered in the criminal case against a former president. you won't believe who deliver the opening remarks for the prosecution. joe biden's former acting associate attorney general. wait a second. the media says joe biden has nothing to do with these prosecutions. well, the number 3 guy at the
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biden justice department parachuted in from dc into the office, revived the debt case and gave the opening statement to the jury. matt, left the biden a ministration and franken seen the personal matter years ago into 44 felony counts. the da is not even prosecuting the case. biden's prosecutors are the one prosecuting it. he just shows up to court with doughnuts. he has not argued in front of the judge once he's running on duncan. for the next six weeks trumps in a torture chamber while biden's prosecutor puts on a show trial. the star witness has a podcast and gets to rip trump a new one but trumps gagged. >> he put out another post that attacked me, i'll tell you how i would act on it if i was the judge. i would turn around and i would say, donald grabbed your toothbrush, report to
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500 street, criminal court because you are spending the night in the tombs downstairs. annual spend every day and we'll bring you up for the trial but afterwards you are not going back to your triplex you're going downstairs to the pokey until you learn how to [ bleep ] act like a human being. that's what i would do. >> jesse: star witness that went to prison for lying is torturing trump in bossing the judge around. and if trump says anything, jail. stormy daniels, porn star, who extorted trump and o.'s him 600 g. legal fees and her attorney in prison for extortion, everyone in this case is a liar, porn star or an extortionist or all of the above. they are the faces of the case that is never been tried before the history of the united states. their argument, are you ready? is that trump should have used donor money to stop a woman from shaking him down. and then file the ransom.
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that's a great way protecting the family, no one would ever find out. this was not campaign business, it was personal. campaign finance law specifically states candidates cannot use campaign funds ford expense that would exist anyway. amen if it benefits the campaign. his lawyer paid stormy and after the campaign was over the money was reimbursed and booked as a legal expense. you can't use campaign funds for personal matters and now you can't use personal funds for personal matters during a campaign? i guess the real crime is that trump ran for president and beat hillary. prosecutors are arguing that it's a felony to quiet rumours about your personal life. a lot of presidents have made tabloid rumours disappear. bill clinton had a war room combating bimbo corruptions, senator ted kennedy settled a case with mary jo's family after he left her for dead in the
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waters. alvin briggs arguing that senator kennedy should have used campaign funds and filed it with the fec. that's nonsense. that was personal. biden's former prosecutor told the jury today that trump was trying to influence his own election, oh, my god. trumps a defence attorney told the jury trying to influence the election is called democracy. there is nothing wrong with a nondisclosure agreement. can you believe the democrats still not get over the twice 60 election. it's now crime to beat hillary. the squad admitted its political, saying, if trump had just been impeached would not have to put them in jail. >> i go back to the responsibility of congress year because had the senate actually gone through with the impeachment of donald trump, we would not be in this situation.
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>> jesse: situation, describes talking about biden losing. former president donald trump pulling ahead and biden on every major issue, look at that. looking back, photos remember the trump term and stacked up against the biden term, it's no contest. voters should put aside all the chaos and just look at the biden and trump terms on paper. gavin says the media so hyper focused on trump to get him reelected again. >> it's a guy that does not care if he's the hearer or the heel, he just wants to be the star and in so many ways he gets what he wants. and that the bright spotlight. and focus. focusing on him i do worry electorally that he has a slight advantage, consequential nature of the criminal trial is profound and outsized in some respect but not more outsize than democracy nor outsize perhaps what i thought was one of the biggest stories of the week and that's robert kennedy junior on the ballot in michigan, he gets on more then just that one critical swing state of michigan and gets on
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the ballot in some of these others. i think you have to take that very seriously. >> jesse: elections are one of the ballot box not in the courtroom but this year trump might win in both. so what you do when you're down? republicans are going to pull pregnant women over and make them peons stick. >> almost they or we're going to make it. >> trump republicans want to criminalize young alabama women that travel for reproductive care. >> miss, i'm gonna need you to step out of the vehicle and take a pregnancy test. >> stop them. >> jesse: once you have them scared bringing hollywood to help sell it. >> people that i've talked to everybody that i have say he's it as sharp as attack, he's fine, we all have issues with memories as we get older and forget names, he's overcome a starter in his life and
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sometimes he might. let's just say that his entire cabinet including his vice president would be more then happy to work with him again in the next term. >> jesse: all these people who meet biden privately keep saying that he sharp as attack, weird because he does not act sharp in public. effect the same thing they said about hillary, behind, behind-the-scenes she's so funny. so loose and relatable. they trotted out another actor to try to sell you that trump hates blacks. >> when we protested the killing of george floyd he was advocating for the military to shoot us in the streets. he's made it clear throughout his life that he believes black people are inferior and believes that to his core and his bones, when you hear some of the comments he makes key clearly believes in a genetic hierarchy
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of humanity and racially determined. so he is a tried-and-true died in the wool racist. >> jesse: the try to sell you a script that they rope it does not exist, black women are diving into trump's arms at chick-fil-a, have you seen that one? or john, have you seen biden save that cannibals eight his uncle picked that someone who believes in a genetic hierarchy. that's not someone who's that sharp. trump attorney joins me now. what is going on in this courtroom downtown? >> i think the democrats claimed that trump is a threat to democracy. the real threat to democracy is the willingness to abuse the power of your office to influence what should otherwise be free and fair election and that is what is going on downtown the courtroom, look at this week. you have a hearing in a civil case about nothing. you have a middle trial starting
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and later this week a supreme court argument all in cases made up specifically for the purpose of influencing the outcome of the election. >> jesse: biden's prosecutor leaves washington is putting on the opening argument. while he's popping doughnuts in the back watching. >> all of these cases are similar pattern. you've got the attorney general of the state of new york sitting there in the back watching what is going on, i don't even think after today i'm not sure that they really care what the outcome was. we went downtown and had a hearing to determine $175 million of president trump's cash that he posted is actually worth $175 million. and a bond form that has been in use for 100 years in the state of new york is actually valid. but we wasted time, money and resources and i think that is the goal, let's train the presidents time and during his focus and his resources, all while now president biden is somehow magically out of the
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basement campaigning. >> jesse: he's with aoc in the woods on earth day. there draining his brain and body. i don't like to sit, they say sitting is the new smoking. you'll take a man who's usually golfing or an action and cinnamon a chair in freezing temperatures and just let people rip you and you can't say anything? four days a week? eight hours a day? that takes a toll. >> it does take a toll, i think president trump would withstand that toll because he's in a resilient individual. but it's demonstrative at exactly what they want. democrats have president trump where they want him, trump on trial, president biden on the campaign trail, that's what they're looking to do. they've realized that they are taught always to influence human behaviour, you can inspire it or manipulate it. president trump inspires people but i think democrats have realized that president biden is not can inspire anyone. now we have to manipulate the outcome and that's exactly what they are doing, they are using
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the weapon that they have, the power these court cases in 30 years i've never seen anyone defend and face multiple cases in multiple jurisdictions all the same time. >> jesse: ever happened before in your now defending him in the documents case. and battling the prosecutor for unredacted documents. we just got a batch of these unredacted documents that jack smith, the prosecutor for joe biden has been hiding. what have we learned? >> i think what we learn fundamentally is that the special counsel wants to keep everything secret. and that president trump wants everything open it's probably one of the most consequential trials to come before the american people in the american people deserve to know everything that's going on and deserve to know every aspect of the case and we have fought and continue to fight to make that happen. >> jesse: chris, thank you so much. johnny goes to aoc's district.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: when ronald reagan was california governor and the sixties berkeley was plagued by riots, nothing with antiwar protest the breaking the law infighting police cannot be tolerated. he locked horns with his crew sending 800 officers to the people's park in berkeley to neutralize the rampage, this was his message. >> begin the first time some of you who know better in her old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws that they would it be if they were doing that in the name of social
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protest. >> jesse: and you wave overrides has been stoped on campus, the movement has gone from the antiwar to anti- american to straight up pro terrorism. >> this is a pure you could stay home and do another your high school. >> very funny, dad. looks like your ride is here. you be careful, okay. >> dad. it's just isis. >> take care of her. >> jesse: hamas loving
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undergrads created human chains to block jewish students from moving throughout campus. shrinking war crimes and physically intimidating other students. one jewish student at yale was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag. americas arab spring break is here, fires, mayhem and arrests and threats, student screaming i am hamas. [ chanting ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] >> jesse: york times times characterized university this way. at columbia the protest continued with dancing and pizza. pizza, dancing and yelling death
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to america. times that fox news is pouncing. which means that they know it doesn't look good for democrats. fox news and other conservative outlets show demonstrations that made the country same on edge. i gouge in jewish kids with palestinian flags seems a little bit at g. columbia cancelled classes today. they went back to remote learning. so ivy league anti-semitism is just as powerful as the pandemic. college kids are chanting kkk at black cops. [ chanting ] >> jesse: hate speech, violent anti-semitism are rippling through liberal ivy league institutions and beyond. we know how much joe biden hates anti-semitism he claims he decided to run for president after witnessing people chanting jews will not replace us in charlottesville. >> at that moment i knew i
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cannot stand by and let donald trump, a man who went on to say when asked about what he thought he said were fairy fine people on both sides. quote, very fine people on both sides. no president of the united states of america has ever said anything like that. >> jesse: after weeks of nationally televised, joe biden was asked about the chaos while strolling away from an earth day drum circle with aoc. he said, there's fine people on both sides. >> do you condemn the anti-semitic protest on college campuses? >> i condemned the anti-semitic protest that's why i started a program to deal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with palestinians. >> jesse: fun people on both sides they just don't understand each other. and happy earth day. ohio senator joins me now, this is now gone to extreme levels
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this campus chaos. at what point is the president gonna call the university of columbia and the university of el it's time to knock it off? >> it should have happened yesterday, this is the convergence of two factors that the left has been openly cultivating for years now on one hand you have well educated limousines, self hating liberals they get very good education but getting good induction asians and they're not getting an education in anything. and then on the flipside you have the importation of millions of people, some of whom are vetted in some of whom hate this country. and those forces are joining in columbia and yale and producing this incredible campus violence, we condemn anti-semitism. but i don't care what you are underlying ideology is. if you are harassing fellow students and preventing people from getting to class, stabbing your fellow students in the ei with flags gag you should go to prison. i don't know why joe biden and
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the democrats cannot just out of the simple basic truth that if you violate the law in set up a tent city in turner cities or campuses into garbage dumps for your political protest, you need to be forced to comply with the law, that's what we did in the sixties and what we need to do today or it's gonna keep on getting weirder and weirder. >> jesse: they have a ride geared strap police out at nyu and it's gotten dark here in new york city so will monitor that. there they are standing guard, it's gotten gnarly down here, do you think joe biden is soft pedaling this pro hamas movement on university campuses? because he's afraid of losing the muslim vote in michigan? >> that's absolutely right, not just michigan but pennsylvania and a couple of important states as well. the democrats have box themselves into a hole here, they need moderate jewish voters and places all over the country to vote democratic in big
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numbers and they also need a lot of air about voters to vote democratic in a lot of places all over the country in those groups of people very often do not ci on this israel question on the gaza question and the democrats have to lay in the bed that they've made for themselves, the fact that joe biden cannot straightforwardly condemn terrorism and attacks on the craziness that's going on in our campuses is evidence that the guy has two masters. he needs to pick one and if he does not the american people need to give them the boot. can you imagine if donald trump was president right now, can you imagine how swiftly we would respond to this lawlessness and chaos, we just need to get back to common sense. i'm not asking for anything. people have the right to peacefully protest, i'm not asking for anything other than simple law in order and obeying the law, if you can ask that of college kids, what can you ask. >> jesse: could you imagine if a mag shot wearing college could took out someone's ionic campus with the flag?
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i can't even. >> of course it would be national news, the thing i do find funny about this is that you see a lot of these kids wearing masks. they want to go join israel but they are worried about getting a bad cold. >> jesse: no masks, that's a good policy. thank you so much. chris hansen is on deck. ! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping...
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man in handcuffs right there. it's getting pretty ugly, looked like some of the officersd like some of the officers were assaulted and now they're trying to move this crowd back. push them back this comes on the heels of columbia university who had to send in i think hundreds of police officers to make mass arrests the quad was overrun with tenants, occupiers, pro- palestinian protesters, refusing to obey campus safety instructions and again this is bleeding down into this south of manhattan in nyu and the village area. where there is a lot of drum banging, and nasty anti- american chance, tons of hostility. you can see this was well-financed and well-planned out, it does not look like it stopping anytime soon.
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even looks like some of the protesters could be faculty. they look a little older than you're typical college student. we will continue to monitor is more arrests are made and if anybody is hurt. last week chris hansen exposed a migrant drug operation in california. sanctuary city policies embolden migrant drug dealer so much that they have now set up shop pushing fenton already in front of san francisco's federal courthouse. as well as in front of city hall. hansen went in with retired detective, caught the fentanyl dealers slinging dope innovating police by just blending in with the rest of the homeless, watch. >> tell me about the fentanyl trait here in front of the building in san francisco. >> it was so bad for a period of time civilian workers that were cured told them they could work from home because there's so many sellers and users out here, they may come back out at night
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but they put a fence in this whole area has been fenced off. >> how hard is it to detect fentanyl being smuggled in. >> it's hard because there is so much product and trucking coming in that you can't test all or check them all. >> jesse: joining me now host of takedown with chris hansen on true blue and predators i've caught, chris hansen. there's so many advantages to these migrant drug dealers, especially in a place like san francisco, why? [ shouting ] it's an open air market, nobody knows this better then rick? you just heard from, 25 years undercover, thousand buys of drugs and weapons. you have a situation here where this is not just a ragtag group of honduran immigrants, these are merchants of death. each one of these 350 to 400 illegal immigrants, fentanyl dealers is making three to
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$400,000 a year and as we discussed, some of that money, most of that money is going back to honduras where they are building mansions. in the meantime give a situation where the current da has taken this seriously, the last da was recalled. and al brooke jenkins is taking it seriously. but the judges are not, according to them and many other law enforcement officers i spoke with while you're on the streets of san francisco. >> jesse: and their blending with the homeless. you're seeing them intense are not allowed to touch an illegal alien you can even mess up their hair in san francisco and you can't move the homeless out. they've infested inside the cities. >> they are not afraid. we rolled up as far away as you and i are on this set to people doing fentanyl on the streets. on their knees. they light lighters under tinfoil with the fentanyl in it. and inhale the fumes. and walk around like zombies and the other side of this is to get money they steal from retail
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stores all over san francisco and the suburbs, taking public transportation down to sam and stealing and bring the stuff back and we saw open air markets where the fencing was taken place. another threshold and at the only steal $900 worth of merchandise they won't face consequences in the get a ticket. >> jesse: i bet they will pay back. some of the more comical things do seem to unfold with you, chris hansen, while you are there. one of the misfires, listen to this. >> just to everybody knows i got shot in my [ bleep ] with a 380 so it does not work right. >> i'm sorry what? >> excuse my language. i got shot with a full medal jacket 380 through my private parts through my leg. so does not work right i can have kids. >> just for contacts this is a predator investigation, first. we do the whole interview with a guy that is in court, in a courtroom for criminal hearing
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and he's texting the decoy in the investigation in alabama. he makes a date, shows up and we go through the whole routine and 90 gate and, sheriff's detective interrogate him and spontaneously he tells me he could not have done anything anyway because he shot himself in his private parts with his gallant -- gun while cleaning a. you will see the entire episode on true blue. but every time i think i've seen it all, i see something else. >> jesse: one alibi we have not heard yet. thank you very much. joe biden has a cannibal problem. right. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve! ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. pretty raucous and scene down in nyu. it's been a lot of arrest, accounting two at least so far as pro hamas protesters clashing with what looked like nypd officers in right gear. helmets with the masks and one woman right there getting arrested and handcuffed and led away. it looks like they are doing preemptive action after what happened with columbia when the tents went up in the quad,
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they're not getting ahead of that. and tearing down tenants before they can spread. and why you probably, one of the more radical campuses in the country and this is, i guess, days after a jewish yield student had their eye punctured. with a palestinian flagpole. up in new haven. things are getting violent, as you can see. many angry students lashing out at officers, you heard chance of kkk to some of the nypd officers and in the two played up in columbia just 48 hours ago. very tense seen if we can listen in. >> we out here, free palestine. [ bleep ] joe biden. >> jesse: they are chanting free palestine, obviously. very emotional down there, will
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take you back if more arrests occur in the tents do get uprooted. in 2018 the media lost its mind would former president trump asked why the united states would accept more immigrants from countries like haiti. >> this is someone that has chosen a path that is absolutely racism with steroids. >> is a racist. and for all of you over the last figures have altered the tired, lazy, unformed, uneducated ignorant response of calling mean others who point out racist behaviour racist, you know what you can do? i can't say that. >> on this day when the president has that what he is said about haitians we hope that people in haiti that are listening tonight, we hope they know that hour thoughts are with them and their love is with them as well. >> jesse: democrats clutch their pearls and use the comment as an excuse to blew up the border wall negotiations.
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leaving the country spread eagle invulnerable. six years later 8 million migrants later in half haiti's here. copy? and raises an interesting question, what is worse, calling a place like haiti or accusing an entire country of eating her uncle? >> he got shot down in new guinea. and they never found the body because the race to be a lot of cannibals. >> jesse: a pretty culturally insensitive accusation from the commander-in-chief. pentagon says its a big fat lie. the media has no problem with it. none of the major networks even covered the tail. except for one cnn commentator who seemed to believe the big guy. >> like joe biden's poor uncle, i think mike johnson's going to avoid the cannibals in his own party. >> jesse: papua new guinea president not laughing,'s people
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are not a bunch of south pacific cannibal actors. president barton's remarks may been asleep at the time, however, my country does not deserve to be labelled as such. and he's not alone, historians taking issue saying that local people would not just eat any white man that fell from the sky. radio talkshow host joins prime time, they were not just eat any old white man it has to be a specific tender, maybe medium rare white man? >> they have to have a little sun on him, have to be baked a little bit, i just figured what she was gonna say that he's not talking about new guinea been talking about the old one. >> that's right. >> what about one and said that haiti was initial country and all hell broke loose. and cnn apologized to haiti, no one on cnn has apologized new guinea. >> listen, they look at the get
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to label it as an old man yelling at the sun, old man yelling at the sky and shaking his fist every time he said something online they label it as well that he's old, they get to use it and not using, you're right, collapse gets away with a lot of stuff that we have to remember where thinking about the left is the same party that doesn't believe in the death penalty but does believe in abortion even though we know that the child is innocent and the person is probably not. >> jesse: poor uncle jack what a way to go, tom and, of all the ways, fire, plane crash, shot in the phase, i would say being eaten alive in papua new guinea is probably the worst. >> me tell you this, won the questions i should have asked the people out there since he's going to accuse them, did he taste like chicken? or did he taste like watermelon? it should be a question that is asked especially if you hung out
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with corn pop, we never know. >> jesse: another great character in the long line of joe biden details, corncob, the uncle. i wonder who will be next. >> he tells the best that he has to be great during thanksgiving or christmas dinner, you know you're gonna get one of those tales pales in comparison. >> jesse: uncle joe, he is the best. thank you so much. [ ♪♪ ] johnny hits the streets. >> what has joe biden done for the latino community. >> i can't name a single thing. ooo, that looks complicated. that's why visionworks organizes our frames by shape and price so it's simple to find a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference.
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anti- somatic, city. at the campus down there permit several arrests and it looks like they're starting to clear out a mob of pro- hamas protesters. we will circle back with you as a situation can mean this man continues to a violent way. >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: on friday primetime be a visit to aoc's district and he wasn't doing well. crime, illegal vendors, prostitutes running wild. weather is good news for aoc how the president's listening to her concern. >> president biden: representative alexandria ocasio-cortez in new york -- i learned a long time ago -- >> jesse: joe biden and aoc were forced the thing which i support frolicking in the woods, celebrating earth day. happy earth day everybody. and that is the most important issue, global warming, i -- we understand what is that what her
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constituents care about? johnny went to her district in queens to find out. >> ♪ ♪ >> how what all this inflation [bleep] >> it's out of control. >> it's horrible. >> it's crazy. >> everything is going up. >> is getting worse every day. >> what issue in this country is impacting your life the most? >> the rent. >> prices. >> job market. >> economic issues are number 1f ourselves. >> that's true because it's true. >> and headed to the polls this november, how important is the issue of january six? >> january 6, what are you talking about january 6? >> i don't recall. >> there are more important things to be worrying about in january 6. >> simply not true. >> should be secure the border? >> of course, yes. i'm latino but all these people coming here having and doing crime. >> there are too many people here already. >> you don't think in the huddled masses -- >> is a load of bogus. why would we take the purple and the poor from other places?
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we have lived before them because we don't have the before me? >> mr. trump: people said all this by mix more like the wall, i think they like them. >> if joe biden to soft on crime? >> soft. >> supersoft. >> he is soft. he is off. >> i'm old person has a similar but the other in person. >> how old are you? >> eighty-three. >> you want to be president? >> not now. >> these people -- why don't you what i do it? >> i go to the pharmacy and i'm get something. >> twenty minutes to get my [bleep] deodorant. >> i get that ship to jesse watters how. >> let me know how i can get on the program. >> ♪ ♪ >> donald trump is leading in some polls with latinos. what happened there? >> we came here to work, you know, to pack -- p. taxes. that have everybody free. >> you defend the country in a way. >> latinos are tired of biden. ascending money and money and money right to help the
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ukraine people. they should stop a little bit. >> what has joe biden done for the latino community? >> i don't see anything. >> i don't get anything. >> i can't name something. >> president biden: how dare you say that. >> helping the borders. we have to stop giving our money away. there's no money going to ukraine that should stop all this money going to israel collection stop. that's my money. >> president biden: not anymore. >> joe biden called latinos tacos. >> not -- >> very racist. >> everybody here think that spanish people in the same. we are not. >> she said she visited the bogotá's. was of a not? >> bogotá of the bronx. >> over digger. that explore. >> mr. trump: i went to able to go. >> who did you work for in 2020? >> i didn't vote but clearly there was a mistake and joe biden is horrible. >> trump. >> donald trump. >> joe biden. >> i'm a democrat,. >> would you work for? >> like mexico liberty >> could it be joe biden?
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>> definitely not. >> of course, donald trump. [cheering] >> ♪ ♪ >> you're going to be on jesse watters primetime. what you want to tell jesse watters? >> hello, jesse got how you? >> i appreciate it, come up to jackson heights, queens. >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: ice lunch today, five minutes 50 degrees, it was sort transcendental i went to the scheme afterwards and went to such another dimension i lost a time came out 30 minutes later, felt amazing hard -- had he brought all over my upper thighs i have to check out when i got home it was still there but really great stuff, i'm taking about making it a daily thing. let me know what you think i'll text me. grace from florida "alvin bragg austin king contact me go to subway. funny willis costume lickety-split's." lives from portsmouth new
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hampshire, "i would like to nominate michael douglas for another oscar. show is just so sure." lara from utah, "i wonder how many of those student protesters have their loans forgiven we go james from virginia, "under -- uncle boules last word before being eaten by cannibals. don't." kelly from pennsylvania, "aspirin hanson to investigate the cannibals that it uncle busy -- uncle boozy." all right. pete fry for the, "sam's club has your book at the bottom of the shell, i moved into our level. you're welcome." i want to encourage everyone to see that if you see my book being less than prominent places in some of these book places, you move it up to a level. annexing move it -- just i level. i am jesse watters, and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity."


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