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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 22, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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and in as good of shape when you are 90 years old if you consume a full spectrum of minerals every day. the 70 minerals are the key, order now. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: we have been monitoring all night tonight protesters now have made their way to one police plaza in new york city, that is nypd headquarters. anyway after a day of -- protesters at nyu. will have more than a moral. let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face. [cheering and applause] >> ♪ ♪
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[cheering] before thank you. thank you! happy monday everyone! happy monday. >> everyone: [chanting] before so nice of you all. this is television history in the making, everyone. happy monday everyone, welcome to our special edition of. >> everyone: gutfeld!." i'm joe machi filling in, he's in south america try to find a doctor dooley -- [laughter] anyway, today is earth day. so to celebrate we are only using recycled jokes. [laughter] tech startup is pitching and a i powered home security camera that can be upgraded to shoot paintballs. so if your home is being invited by a homicidal man maniac, at least you can ruin the guy's shirt.
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[laughter] for the second week in a row, civil war is the number 1 movie in north america. antivirus calling it the feel-good head of the season. [laughter] the new atlas robot from boston dynamics has a face like a ringlet. hopefully that gives social media influencers something to look at while mechanical hands crush their throats. [laughter] no was a julie vignola joke everyone. sorry about that. [laughter] a new study found that americans -- 144 times a day. and for one american that is just like himself at his phone's camera. [laughter] is student in north carolina was arrested for slapping his teacher in the face. is a far cry from other high schools where students slap their teachers on the ass after they have sex with th them. [coughing]
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let's due the monologue. [laughter] [cheering] in case you missed it mike johnson broke his word and teemed with democrats to give a way our freedom and then give a way our money. on saturday the house passed a 61 billion-dollar aid package for ukraine. and if you're not sure why, here's some historical background on the war. >> so ukraine is a country in europe to mark it exists next to another country called russia. russia is a bigger country crusher is a powerful country. russia decided to invade another country called ukraine. so basically, that's wrong. [laughter] >> joe: okay but what does that have to do with america cume records virginia congressman joey connolly before sunday's board going up to republicans who oppose the aid. >> some say wally have to deal with our border
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first the ukrainian russian border is our border. is the border between depraved autocracy and freedom loving people seeking our democratic way of life. do we have a stake in the outcome? yes. undeniably, yes. >> joe: in their border is our border? against expense the millions of ukrainians coming in through taxes. [laughter] and why democrats were weaving tiny flags instead of tiny maps seriously after the vote this happened. >> joe: so those democrats were cheering and waving ukrainian
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flags on the house floor remember things that waive american flags, someone would've gotten arrested. [laughter] but we just keep being told just send more cash and they can win and be free. but they can't win and they weren't really fr free. lasky has thrown up position in jail, band churches and postpone elections. he is practically a biden. maybe that's why ukraine pays his son. [laughter] and just because you keep pouring money into something, doesn't mean they'll win. just look at the mets. [laughter] the same government telling us ukraine can win has lied to us countless times before. wmds in iraq, afghanistan waterfall like south nam meg russia's economy is going to collapse. putin is thicker than me after i overdo it at golden corral. [laughter] in our media is just as bad. they said that was a desk -- while biden has
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been dead and he just can't find the door. but slowly the media is coming around. the abductor report on friday detailing how russia is winning the battlefield, ukrainian trips are getting pounded like a kardashian after the nba all-star game. [laughter] [cheering and applause] >> joe: and that's just not running out of our money and our weapons counter running out of their people. they just passed a law that will make it easier to identify every draft eligible man in the country. meanwhile, we're constantly told we have to stop putting or helping over europe. he is no great man but in 25 years, he's invaded 50% you were countries in america. the real fight for freedom right -- now is in the west. we're seeing a two-tiered justice system, censorship and hate speech lost or destroyed the freedom of disfigured groups. if we don't fall here and then there will be nowhere else to go. especially with the
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surveillance state allowed. on saturday the senate we always a section of the foreign intelligence surveillance act which allows -- some of you before we keep asking for more of your money to make sure ukrainians free, we should be asking if america is toll-free. [applause] >> ♪ ♪ >> joe: us welcome tonight's guests! this truly is more hurt then a seat on the view. checks -- fox news contributor, charlie hurt! ' the smauley has more points than pete davidson's license, editor-in-chief in the federalists, molly hemingway. [applause] >> joe: she's like paper, white and often get stuck in a coffee machine. new york times best any other and fox news conservator, kat timpf! '. >> joe: he's like a laundry basket because when men seem they throw in the towel. new york times best-selling
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author committed and smack [inaudible] [cheering and applause] >> joe: charlie paquette how are you. >> i'm great. how are you. >> joe: doing great, not nervous in the least. [laughter] >> we're here for your. >> joe: i'm -- i appreciate that. >> you got a full joe chan. >> joe: of never heard a full greg kading. >> joe: room let's get to the question before -- greg tells me. charlie, why is it the united states has the parade is completely wrong? shouldn't america compress? >> you would think. and the most remarkable thing about that especially with the clip you showed is the problem that republicans had was the flag-waving on the floor. you just said -- sensed $60 billion to ukraine and the problem they have is the flag-waving and it got me to thinking, you know, if you
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want to send the $60 billion and no flag-waving i would be fine with that. but the problem smack, you know, the seriousness of it is that, you know, republicans -- you get the stupid party and the evil party in the stupid party simply is not -- are incapable of fighting for americans and doing what they want and quite frankly i don't know, you know, what is the incentive for public and voters to keyboarding for them if this is what they get? i don't know. >> joe: sometimes it feels like they're just republicans because that's where the gunman in that state but i have to say if there was a stupid party or evil party that were parties i would probably rather go with the stupid party, right? >> well that's what they're backing on. >> joe: it will be more fun. >> i would rather be evil. and be evil. >> joe: you better go for the evil party? >> you stupid, i rather be evil.
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>> joe: paris what's your take on this? is the same thing we always see. camouflage -- i like the one bill will. thing that should be across-the-board. and you can always tell when smack what the side hustle is or who -- where his money going. we can cover the money that wasn't originally to ukraine, we still have stuff missing, park never got delivered et cetera but were still standing and so it goes back to smack what is this really for? and what i'm looking -- this is real but degree newspapers for these lobbyists and the american people are irrelevant. you keep putting -- doesn't matter if the stomach or public image keyboarding it in because the americans want to blame everything on the top, is the president. this is where the problems are and we have to start being dangerous as much attention of what old joe is saying, and what president reagan is saying i want is everything other than because you're seeing where that 60 billion dollars could've went to so many places in this country right now. our school systems our
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veterans, our borders. what is going off to wear -- to be longer to come back here "it's the same [bleep] [applause] >> joe: molly, two tyrus' point, nikki haley just got a job in the think tank. it almost seems like what is the incentive for republicans that you going along with this if they lose their light indicated can get a great job. >> honestly was a very this when we can but were asked and we -- every democrat voted for this more than half of the republicans voted against it. there is actually what makes it so awful is that it came out of the house which is ostensibly controlled by the republicans and the majority of republicans voted against it. and so as frustrating as it is it does show that there is some positive developments in terms of a foreign policy that puts our national interests first and foremost that says yes, we want a strong defence but we want one more -- we want to have a strategy for how to win them we need to make sure that
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they are a good thing to be doing. going nowhere complex in ukraine and russia and we've got the middle east and we have china. so the american people actually are much more serious than their electoral representatives. will have any statesmen right now that are currently in offence but my office for the american people they are being hurt and that is a great point prim a more of an amount and i thought. i thought kat would be the optimist. kat at what is your take on this? >> i strongly disagree with your optimism. [laughter] i just think in general that is much focus on which politicians and which party and the parties arguing not enough focus on the power that the politicians have, and a general guiding principle, whenever -- and this applies to both war and it applies to pfizer, whenever the government is trying to use fear mongering, trying to make me afraid of something, instead of getting stuck up in that i asked myself okay if they succeed, then what do they gain? if they succeed in making me operate? and a case of faiza amin is a whole lot of power. okay find that should have
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never been -- this actually expands pfizer. and it was overwhelmingly bipartisan and it is reading about the fourth amendment and the surveillance policy, it can be a little dry, it can be much more fun to say that your team and look at what the idiot said and this and that and back and forth. but really i would encourage anybody who isn't familiar to look at it. i mean, expanded the government's ability to serve value without a warrant but should not be happening in the first place. >> joe: i thought we had a fourth amendment -- >> i thought so too. >> joe: and is following along with that, you know, obviously republicans are kind of wandering through the desert right now in their lost. buddy have so much to build on inviting something like fisa is a great way to start. or taking that, you know, actual concern was training on this money, you know, when you're lost adhesion always ask yourself one question. what are you willing to die for? what are you willing to lose everything in order to fight for?
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and republicans have a german this opportunity right now. fight for the border to be willing to lose it all for the border. but there -- you don't have the leadership. >> joe: they give away all of their leverage, tyrus seemed to me like mike johnson! what you think happened? >> that same thing that always happens. bc one thing to ice and then go back and make deals and then this and this and if you do this for us will do this for you. because everybody wants to be reelected. to your point when they start actually doing their job, is a good job at it with the right way that they won't in the next election. but they do their job and serve the country and can move on honourably if that's what it this is really about but the only going to do things to get reelected so they give us little nooks and crannies of hopes and dreams that are going to come to but it never actually does. >> but i'm willing to bet that if they were to follow their passion and follow their conviction on something it would end up rewarding them in the end. >> absolutely but that thing where they say are you still care about the fourth
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amendment, i used to care about the constitution but then i got classified briefing any change my mind. that is so insulting to hear and also i sort of assume that our intelligence services are just showing them pictures of themselves doing bad things. [laughter] >> joe: it makes me wonder how much dirt you have on greg gutfeld. [laughter] up next, hillary is back and on the attack. [applause] >> announcer: if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to go see "gutfeld!" go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> ♪ ♪ looking so good? i do have a secret, a very special secret. it's organic soil from miracle-gro. you're great too, ryan. not as great as the soil, though. okay... you said it. [ryan laughs]
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[cheering and applause] >> joe: hillary one but from her self and tired the -- grudge. financial -- hillary clinton popped up on a podcast and it's language trump -- she said trump wants to kill his foes just like vladdy. "trump is like, you know, just gaga over putin because putin does what he would like to kill his opposition. imprison his opposition, drivers nonetheless another into exile, world without any check or balance, that's what trump really wants. trump wants to kill people? we'll look who's talking. [laughter] high little cattle campus in the park. where's my gun? [laughter] meanwhile democrat congressman any thompson introduced a bill that would strip secret service protection from former presidents convicted of a felony. gi wonder who that would target? yup, donald trump.
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i got a better idea. how about a bill man's grown men from calling themselves any. [laughter] so the dems want to go away trump's prevention phishing protection, what you take from the? >> i mean coming from hillary especially disagree on historical. literally a woman who got a verb made out of to be so excited that hillary clinton invented that. but -- and this is not a conspiracy theory, this is actually true, if jeffrey epstein has secret service he would still be alive. that's all i'm going to say. >> joe: that's a good point. maybe those cameras would've worked too and the card -- guard wouldn't have fallen asleep. >> -- >> joe: a lot of coincidences. molly, with this build descriptive circuit service protection have been introduced if trump wasn't girly on file -- crowd for felonies? >> is that we're amazing what we are dealing with. there so many cases up and
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down the eastern part of the country trying to imprison donald trump and bankrupt him and his family and to help people kill him -- i mean, these actual trial so he's going to get a conviction, right? is not like whether he would get a commission. he would be convicted of something it doesn't matter how absurd it is, it doesn't matter how ridiculous the prosecution is. and then to remove the secret service protection, this is complete projection, one hilla kerner glenn talks about what donald trump while want to do with his enemies. we sought for careers of ben crump administers him to be like and we saw -- see what the biden and minister anand like and we see the -- >> joe: that's a good point, they are on the east coast too. best -- kat do you think hillary is going to get over 2016? >> no. i mean, who what? i mean, i don't talk -- it was a real tough one. [laughter] at least she said something
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new about it, you know, that he wants to kill people. before that it was just, you know, that he didn't care about democracy and all that stuff that they've been using for years and years and then people get kind of i guess maybe jaded to hearing those kind of things? but i guess she thought maybe she would up the ante element and say, you know, you wants to kill his opponents. i don't know. but i think it's really harmful because of the way that it turns our political debates okay if you're a trump supporting your not just -- you're a person who wants to support the guy who wants to kill the guy that i supports. and were not even really that close to november yet and we've already gotten to. >> everyone: you want to kill people." >> joe: there's really nowhere else to go. >> see i would've said that but i would never say that because -- i don't think we even -- is going to get more stupid and i can't tell you how because it's probably something we can even conceive of yet. >> joe: it was such a bad threat, like, as a fan of pro wrestling okay they know how
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to do it right. >> oh, yeah, but this -- i think this was more in the spirit of oj. [laughter] [applause] >> go on. >> probably -- follow me on this one. [laughter] hillary was kind of doing like a facetious admission of something. that's why there were so many pauses and if you put "i" in those pauses, it pretty much -- i used to go before, i want to -- so i think that's what it is. is always i would -- i would say the left always tell them themselves by saying -- is just what republicans are doing and. so i think she just was -- she just confessed to everyone -- she wasn't wearing gloves --'. [applause] >> joe: that's why we can get the rights to the podcasts. [laughter] molly, hillary also said that trimester imprison -- or
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exile generalist but it was under -- sanche and snowden had to leave the country are get imprisoned in ecuador. >> have been a lot of problems for during that under a lot of different administrations but the biden admission is also back on the obama administration has been bad and what's amazing to though is that the corporate media have become just such arms of the democratic establishment that they don't get any glory by how they are treating them. >> joe: yeah, i never would've thought that censorship would've been cheered or but is not a big deal but it seems like it's not a big problem at all. >> we have, like, there were censorship situation in this country's is to be right now. you have the china administration with her multiple lawsuits the federalist is one of the past outlets that is suing the state department for the ongoing censorship not being done against american newspapers and reporters. about our psychopathic corporate media not care about any of that. >> and where in a time in the
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world where censorship -- it's really hard to censor things today. there so many avenues, so many redundancies in terms of people communicating with each other, and i think that it leads to -- it doesn't happen unless you have a compliant media that are desperate to do the bidding of the powerful. but then other thing is, those in power are not much more desperate and say they come up with things like, you know, taking away somebody's secret service protection as they put them in jail. >> joe: yeah, and censorship in real a lot of my peeps about my comedy shows up in shadowland. that's why there's been so many empty seats. [laughter] before we go quick announcement you can see me perform live this weekend in cleveland and neck suite in royal oak, michigan. think that, censorship. go to joe for tickets. [applause] up next, did taylor commit a fully to calling him a bully? [applause]
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[applause] >> announcer: should we be concerned? >> joe: tonight on "should we be concerned we go this taylor swift new cut this new girl with a golden but? [laughter] -- taylor swift and kim kardashian is growing after taylor released a new song that called came out. the kids call that you distract, tyrus. >> think you will. >> joe: kimmer poorly lost more than 100,000 social media flock -- followers over. taylor's song is named "thank you amy -- which bells came. it's all about a nasty bully fans claim is came. call me old-fashioned but should indeed? settled it in the ring with pillows? [laughter] kat it goes back to kim's ex-con u.s., she claimed that
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taylor knew about a lyric that kanye wrote in a song about her calculator night and then kim defended her man, it kind of excellent after that. what's your take? >> oh man. speaking of things that just keep going on, i mean -- but the thing is if you ever see something bad about taylor swift, the swifties will make you wish you were never born. like, people love her so much and she is somehow -- people still see her as an underdog of sorts which i don't understand given the fact that she's a billionaire. but i mean, i can't -- not a fan of her general but i'm not going to knock her because, like, liking first of all i don't -- i don't want to wish i was never born but also because using material from, you know, build relationships that would be very not self-aware of me to slam don't -- someone for doing that but it's weird that kim has not responded. i guess she think it's better to not do anything. >> joe: that could be a good one but you know who is the litmus practising taylor
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swift anesthetist? is comedian joe devito. [laughter] >> could you get a picture of that bastard up on the screen so you -- they know what to look for? >> joe: back tyrus, two kat's point it does -- >> i haven't slept in days. [laughter] i spent my whole weekend, are not watching the great prize by this weekend or the nba playoffs, what to do, what to do as a black man am i going with the kardashians or the swifts? because if i go against the kardashians i'll end up like every other brother that do does, crazy loss or weird and if i go against the swifties at a lumber to go to a jamboree again. [laughter] [screaming] [screaming] you know, i wish they can just hug it out, man. i just wish we could get along. >> joe: that's reindel? back together, will have them on a panel, they can work it out. charlie, to me it seems like
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taylor has the x., she can right a song about kim and what all can kim -- kim can do is take a picture of her but. [laughter] >> want to answer your question i'm not concerned about this. [laughter] at any level. >> joe: this is really important! >> but i do -- you do have to give the corrections props, you know, what are they famous for? defending oj and having sex on tape. and they made a lot of money out of it. so good for them. [laughter] >> the sarcasm is just thick right now, ladies and gentlemen. >> joe: that's why i'll never be that famous. [laughter] >> because you would never defend organisms and? >> that's right. >> joe: molly, should weaken -- is going to lead to world war iii? >> i just really want to complement taylor on the subtlety of the message, you know, the capitalization of
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k., i am. it so subtly might not pick it up. and so it shows what a great writer she is. i don't -- i don't like to be personally involved in drama but i am one of those people who sort of gets excited, like, other people are involved in drama so i did read, like, every story i could and this situation today. i think they're going to -- i think that i trust the kardashian family to capitalize on this in the right way. they do know how to kind of keep things cold and then at the right moment come out and make a big deal out of it. >> joe: is remarkable -- [laughter] >> i just wish i could have seen chris jenner when this happened, screaming in to a cell phone. [laughter] for sure. >> i don't know mike i did my
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best last time. you came around twice on this but i am -- [laughter] i came -- came here on my day off to support you and you laid on to me constantly. [laughter] how deep can we go on this. how far do you want to go on despite? we going to go to -- both end up getting death threats over this, you're happy now? >> joe: al upset -- i've upset tyrus so we'll call it a wrap on that up it woman lost her seating over breast-feeding. >> ♪ ♪ [applause]
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than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. [applause] >> announcer: "hero or jerk." [applause] >> joe: she took serious black for breeding her rack. [laughter] and a comedy show westerly over the weekend american comedian arch mark robert lately kicked out of mother whose breast-feeding her newborn during a performance. i know how distracting it can be trying to perform well woman exporting the rest. [laughter] i don't know which would bother me more. seeing an exposed breast or being charlie -- he asked the --
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was making distracting noises, he later offered her if we refund and he went -- this was a 15 and up show. whose side are you on? >> amicably undercutting -- comedians i hear and i love babies. a love babies on airplanes, i love babies in any situation. i love babies. but if you're going to take a baby to a nightclub cap and then -- you know full well people are going to judge you for taking a baby to the nightclub and then you go -- get upset because the nightclub tells you or somebody at the nightclub tells you believe then the problem is mommy. >> joe: yeah, i agree. it's a tough situation may be you should get a babysitter. what your take up mommy? >> it's ridiculous and i'm one of those people who are extremely easily distracted. exit in the front view -- front pew unchurched because i'm so easily distracted by other kids hammering! yammering and whatnot not that i don't love them being there but like a comedy show? it just bad mothering. very -- >> joe: it maybe think of
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how sometimes on a plane when i'm not even -- matter how much -- if a baby is cheering its very difficult. kat, you're a human woman. [laughter] >> thank you. that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on this show. [laughter] >> joe: how would you handle ab speed -- a breast-feeding on your show? >> with the gloves? >> well the best reading i don't even think that breast-feeding was issued so much as the noise, right? he said the baby was making gurgling noises. and the mom defended it being okay well that's just a baby being a baby. yes, ma'am, no one is disputing that. no one is disputing that babies are nobody's but that's why they should not be in a comedy so interest in and out. where you draw the line there? what if the baby repeat everywhere? right? well that just like a baby being a baby. also true! babies [bleep] everywhere sometimes!
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but that's why you let your baby [bleep] everywhere at home! [laughter] >> joe: eloquently put. >> thank you. [applause] thank you. thank you so much. thank you. screen nine about 700 billion members got only 12 look -- walked out. it seemed like the ticket sight. >> you know what i'm never going to have a problem with a breast-feeding mom, ever. so if she wants to bring baby and whip them up, so be it, it's her right. i will never besmirch their names. because i was a brisk leader and i appreciate the fact that i was breast-fed and my brother wasn't because i wouldn't share an inept 6-foot 8, big and and he got [bleep] left over so i'm very -- i will never burst perch and, you know, there was like an hr for breast-feeding i would've been -- i had auntie's effort to come over to the house because -- there was an indian word for me
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called niche and it was breast-feeding okay i was just -- didn't matter who it was. i would just -- [laughter] seriously. >> joe: you remember this? [laughter] >> yeah. i used to have dreams about, like, mom i dreamed that i was on a cow and there was in other -- yeah, that happened. >> at what age did this stop? had to stop? >> four was the first time on the fire department came and said you have to start -- you have to stop. >> the fire department? >> they we the babysitter. [laughter] >> joe: have completely lost the whole. >> us what you get for that last segment. [laughter] >> joe: i wonder what kim kardashian were doing the situation. >> she would have been intrigued. [laughter] >> sure made a tape out of it i think. >> u9 you make a good point about being distracted. it almost makes when someone is going to out of something and have one of the person shouting numbers except you add the rest involved in their which i mean, i'm a
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pretty cool customer but still that might throw me off a little bit. >> but best aside the mom knew what she was getting into when she took the child in there. you're going to get black and then to act like the victim because you got black for it? >> first of all, the last thing a child once when he's breast-feeding is slack actually stop that right there. [laughter] we need to stop besmirching a mom doing a wonderful favour for child. like, that's -- shaman everybody in here for judging your. you know what you meant maybe she needed to laugh more than anybody else in the audience. [laughter] you know? she just gave birth, she's by herself, you know, where his dad? did run -- that he run off with her sister? we don't know. the lease that we can do is -- and baby is making booze and artists. it's fine. when i hear typically i leave not necessarily kick them out. >> joe: i mean she can go to the concession stand -- not the concession stand -- >> she was the concession stand. [laughter]
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>> joe: i don't know, maybe is the comedian and me but i thought that the baby had a ticket. >> right. [laughter] >> joe: but i don't think it would ever come up the measure because the crowds are laughing to a lot got out the screaming baby. [laughter] >> joe: up next, dams get drastic over cheese wrapped in plastic. [cheering and applause] you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it!
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[ryan laughs]
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not -- a story in five words. >> ♪ ♪ >> joe: no more plastic wrapped cheese. charlie, -- individually wrapped cheese slices to reduce plastic waste, what is the government focus on something so frivolous? >> i don't know especially if they're trying to save the planet. why are you being so ridiculous and focusing on something so ridiculous? according to this story, the average new yorker produces 5 p. the state produces 15 million tons of trash every year. i just wonder how much of that is the plastic between. slices of cheese?
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>> joe: that's a good point capital income for my cheese. molly the legislation is being juiced by environmental or any of its past it could have a far-reaching effect on food freshness which could actually make food spoil more catalysts said grocery prices are. what do you think? >> mostly i have just forgotten about this form of cheese. and he was a major part of my adolescence and it was an enjoyable part, you know? don't necessarily even call it cheese, it's more like! more like a food product of some kind. it melted very nicely -- i know this isn't really dealing with the legislation. but -- [simultaneous talking] but i'm suddenly overcome with a desire to do nothing but it is a teenager where have not chosen a put the ski slices -- no one? >> joe: it used to do that. >> and you can rip it like this and unfolded? >> was part of the process too and it was nice that it kept it all separate and in the right size know i have to actually -- i buy a really
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nice cheese and have really good cheese graders and everything -- anyway, it's ridiculous. >> joe: all of us can't afford with all that -- [laughter] kat him is as government overreaching? >> yeah, as a new yorker, you know, my number 1 thing that bothers me is having the option to buy cheese with plastic on it. [laughter] i mean get this is what they do is that of solving problems. where is my tax 20 go? to pay people to come up with this stuff. and then to enforce it. i mean, i just have the option to buy plastic -- how do you think of this? how do you think of this? how you look around new york and say you know what we need to tackle? the option to buy cheese with plastic on it. >> joe: your right and no one -- no one is running on a platform to make cheese more expensive anyway and they would lose in this country. tyrus, are they going after american she's because it's american? >> good one. >> 1000% because of they were really going to -- you do
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something about the cheese. about that you at least know what it is. [laughter] that she's got here's the thing even whether it's -- the plastic is pulled back the cheese will still work if it left outside for a day or two. so that's not cheese you know what i'm saying? like, -- i don't know how to say but we've been bambo bamboozled. [laughter] okay? would rank. we been tripped. we think we have the -- they have the charity to tell us to listen to will -- to think about the author cheese. that's not cheese. that's not cheese. [applause] >> can you imagine ending up at rikers and they're like what are you in for? i violated the no plastic cheese law. [laughter] you going to need secret service. >> yep. >> joe: would be the most popular guy there and they think he's the one guy he stood up for our right to have cheese. probably -- >> i think you would be popular.
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[laughter] [cheering and applause] i don't know if that would be why. [laughter] >> joe: of course, -- my glowing personality they would take me everywhere. >> yes. >> joe: i think we're onto something here, tyrus back that maybe it's the cheese industry is might be partially to blame. why? >> big cheese? >> no little cheese. >> joe: a lot of plans being thrown around here. >> is an accoutrement of little cheese's is that made this all debauchery breakdown. >> joe: i don't know, i just stick to eating the cheese and the plastic at what the heck? don't go anywhere, will be right back. [cheering and applause]
7:56 pm
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and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. >> thanks... [ applause ] >> trace: it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 her


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