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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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ected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. >> thanks... [ applause ] >> trace: it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 here in los
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angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night p. or good is now passover commemorating the jews liberation from slavery in egypt. while jewish families celebrate the fbi now on high alert for potential threats to the jewish community. and here is why. as we look live at some pro- hamas, anti-semitic protesters in new york city, these types of protest have been underway as you know for several days and just a short time ago police in riot gear stormed the protested and were you with protesters yelling free free palestine and comparing the nypd to the kkk. 6 months after the deadliest attack on jewish people since the holocaust, the jewish community remains under attack and far left politicians refuse to call it out. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness the
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leadership of those peaceful student led protests on campus. >> in new york i learned a long time ago to listen to a lady. >> i condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians [ inaudible ] [ inaudible ]
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>> trace: we could keep playing that video on a non. we're live with more on what appears to be a growing movement >> mass arrests now taking place in multiple college campuses where pro- palestinian protesters continue to cause disruptions and jewish students say they do not feel safe watch. >> this is the new york city police department. [ inaudible ] >> this is what was happening moments ago. officials at new york university asked the nypd to help disperse a large group of demonstrators who were calling on the school to divest from israel and publicly support a cease-fire in gaza. police reportedly arrested nearly 50 people at yale
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university after they refused to clear out an encampment there. a jewish student claims she was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag as protesters formed a human blockade around her and her orthodox jewish friend. [ inaudible ] >> tents have popped up on other college campuses including uc berkeley and the university of michigan. they have returned to the columbia university law to spikes -- despite last week's arrest. the turmoil remains front and centre of debate with columbia university president calling for a reset and announcing that all classes would be virtual on monday. they wrote i know that there is much debate about -- about
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whether or not we should use the police on campus. better adherence to our roles effective enforcement mechanisms would abbreviate the need for relying on anyone else to keep our community safe. and the harvard crimson is reporting tonight that the college ordered the harvard undergraduate palestine solidarity committee to cease all organizational activities for the remainder of the spring 2024 term or risk expulsion. they also restricted access to ... in anticipation of the protest. >> trace: ashley thank you. the fox news at night commonsense department prides itself on the abcs of logic but is utterly confused by the aoc of logic. she says the protest at columbia university are peaceful. it's an odd statement considering columbia is so concerned about safety it is mandating remote learning. a rabbi columbia told hashmak
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told students to go home because the school cannot guarantee your safety. prompt and common sense to wonder why students need a safety guarantee during peaceful protests. i jewish professor at columbia who tried to lead a pro- jewish rally is now banned from campus. columbia is sighting safety which brings commonsense back to the aoc of logic. we are now being told the anti-semitic protesters were threatening safety and they are allowed to stay and keep protesting but those whose safety is being threatened need to leave. commonsense read the constitution but doesn't remember the part about removing the freedoms of those being targeted and protecting the freedoms of those doing the targeting. luckily president biting clear this up saying he condemns anti-semitic protests and condemns those who don't know what's going on with palestine. in other words, stop bashing the jews but start sympathizing with palestine, got it?
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why not. it's as easy as aoc. let's bring in a sophomore student at berkeley... thank you both for coming on. i want to play a little sound i will go to you first because i want to hear what's happening up at berkeley and what you are experiencing. here is some sound of some college students around the country. watch. >> violating the rights of the palestinians. >> trace: what is happening and are you concerned for the safety of your fellow students? >> i think today america has a choice to make. you will either allow the fostering of an environment on our campuses that is akin to nazi germany in the late 1930s
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or it will reflect that it's learned from history and we will never allow it to repeat itself again. i think what is most upsetting is the... across america's most prestigious universities. now more than ever as jewish students are being targeted we are being assaulted. i witnessed my friend getting spat at and called a dirty jew. i saw a girl get violently strangled at 1 of our events this february that we held on campus and not shatter the windows of that hall. i think the united states has a decision to make about whether or not it's going to be on the right side of history and first and foremost that starts at our most prestigious institutions here. >> trace: i think you are right. to you because you talk about the politicians propagating this. i want to place a more sound because it's instructive of the praising of the columbia protesters. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today as we once again
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witness the leadership of those peaceful student led protests on campus. >> do you think that she is trying to stir things up or just doesn't really get it? >> i think she is trying to start things up and whether she knows it or not she is an accessory to evil. i don't say that lightly. we are -- what we are seeing unfold is pure evil. there is no grey areas here. my blood is boiling. it's 2024, we are seeing scenes reminiscent of 1933 germany. that is not an exaggeration. in terms of being peaceful like what? i don't think so. does anyone doubt that these pro- hamas terrorist sympathizers will ever get their hands on a jewish student, they would do bodily harm.
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it starts with the jewish people, it never ends with the jewish people. they were also burning american flags at some of these protests in new york city. as a christian i won't remain silent on this. i'm going to make my voice heard and christians around the world ... >> here is a columbia student and apple -- i wonder if you agree with her. >> we've been calling this out for 6 months now. we know that these are anti-semites using anti-semitic. >> since the first set about -- first set of protests. now we see what happens when you don't shut down anti-semitic rhetoric and you allow them to feel entitled. >> trace: they feel entitled. what do you think? >> i think we need to ask who is sponsoring these organizations? who was allowing student organizations such as as jp to feel so comfortable to be able to hold our campuses hostage to
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their violent, anti-semitic, anti-american rhetoric and to go so far as to spread this ideology across the united states. i think as eric mentioned this is a symptom of something greater. i think what's happening is our american values and morals as a country are being attacked and infiltrated with pro- hamas, pro- terrorist sympathizers. if universities don't act now, we're going going to be in great trouble. >> we need to shine a light in this darkness. they were cheering the iranian attack on israel last week. let's call it for what it is. we don't have to accept this. not in 2024. >> trace: thank you both for coming on, we appreciate your time. we are now in passover, a major jewish holiday that continues for 7 days in israel, 8 days in the united states and the fbi is
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on high alert monitoring potential threats to jewish communities here in america. >> i spoke with the fbi here in los angeles tonight and they are asking anyone is always to contact the fbi with any threats made against the jewish community. and here is audio of fbi director christopher gray speaking to a group of nationwide security officials going into detail about the threat against the jewish population right now. >> we remain particularly concerned that lone actors could target gatherings, high profile events or symbolic or religious locations for violence. particularly of concern for us as we look to the start of passover on monday evening. >> they say threats against the jewish community were already above normal before the october 7 the tax. now the number of fbi hate crimes has tripled since that
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heinous day. 1 report says in anti-defamation league audit shows there were 5200 reported anti-semitic incidents between october 7th and december 31st alone. tonight the fbi here in los angeles tells me the fbi has teamed up with local police across the country and an anti- terror task force. the fbi giving this statement tonight. crimes fuelled by anti-semitic 8 can't be tolerated and the fbi is committed to preventing these crimes including acts of terror or violations of the civil liberties. members of faith-based communities should not have to be worried about being targeted with the threat of violence where they live, work or where they pray. you and i were able to watch the video of the attacks. unspeakable crimes to think there are more calls for violence is just unthinkable. >> trace: if more people saw that it would change some perspectives dramatically. let's bring in former fbi special agent... it's great to have you on the show. fbi director said this.
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>> we remain particularly concerned that lone actors can target large gatherings, high profile events or symbolic or religious locations for violence. particularly of concern as we look to the start of passover on monday evening. >> trace: if you are a jewish-american you have got to see what's going on at college campuses. you've got to be concerned. what do you think about this? >> i am looking at what is occurring. it is absolutely a poor in spirit we are in the year 2024 and this should not be happening in the united states of america. christopher rae is correct. we need to be on high alert. with start of passover going through the 30th, everyone needs to be aware, be vigilant but the fact that the hate crimes against jews has just gone up exponentially, this is not okay. what i find very alarming is that these are college campuses
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and universities that i don't even want to know how much money they have spent. they have spent for medicine out of money on their diversity equity and inclusion programs. where is that now? i see very little tolerance and love and respect for 1 another on these campuses. for anyone to say that is a peaceful protest, i looked up the definition and it did not match. thank goodness for nypd and law enforcement to step in and to say enough is enough. unfortunately these students are being released. they have their misdemeanour charges and are being released and they have no respect for law enforcement. i find that disgusting. >> trace: i was amazed at the numbered. this is from the antidefamation league. i thought it was fascinating the fact that these have skyrocketed. there's a bunch of words on the screen but you just have to pay attention to the 8873 anti-semitic cases of assault and harassment and vandalism. it is just growing and growing and they started tracking this
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back in 1979 and it's the worst it's ever been. >> i find that extremely alarming. i was a witness of the 911 terrorist attacks in new york city and to see students on college campuses that are siding with the foreign terrorist organization groups is alarming. i never thought i would see this in my lifetime. not in the united states. they complain they are burning american flags. that is inappropriate. there are people losing their lives. for people who do not like it you do not need to live here. i'm going to be blunt, you don't need to be here. we are doing the best we can to protect our country. the other thing i find alarming are the number of masks that i've seen. people that are wearing masks that these protests, i'm not saying everybody is but i've seen a very large number of them and that is a way for people to cover their faces to not be identified by law enforcement period if you have no shame what they are doing and they have no shame, why are you trying to disguise your appearance? they know what they are doing is
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not right and not appropriate and we cannot let this take over our country. we need to unite and stand together. >> trace: great to see was always pick. thank you. opening statements and therefore -- criminal trial of former president donald trump... in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. nate foy live at the latest. he is in new york city tonight. good evening. >> during opening statements prosecutors claimed that former president donald trump engaged in a criminal conspiracy and cover-up leading up to the 2016 presidential election. he maintains that he is an innocent man and he said tonight that the manhattan district attorney should never have brought this case and he is again criticizing bragg on truth social posting quote da alvin bragg is an election deny a. the same thing they said about me. but i was right. dj t. here is trump calling this trial election interference.
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>> it's a case as to... which is a very minor thing in terms of the law. this is applied in witchhunt to keep me off the campaign trail. so far it's not working because my vote numbers are higher than ever because no 1 understands that it's a witchhunt. >> during opening statements, the prosecutor argued that trump conspired with his former lawyer michael cohen and the states first witness david packer to suppress damaging stories about trump's personal life. it will continue the testimony -- testimony tomorrow morning. they say he participated in a catch and kill scheme by paying for the rights to stories about trump but never publishing them. cohen paid adult film actress stormy daniels $130,000 to suppress her story about an affair that trump denies. the office claims trump fraudulently misrepresented reimbursement payments to cohen as legal expenses but trump attorney said those payments
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were legitimate legal expenses. he also said he is obsessed with trump and reminded the jury about cohen's history of lying under oath. they also noted that trump paid cohen $420,000, that is over three times more than the 130,000 cohen paid daniels. the pledge claims that that discrepancy is proof that the payments were not reimbursement. before packer's testimony continues tomorrow morning trace, the judge will rule on if former president donald trump violated the quartz gag order with several social media posts and if so what the punishment will be. court will end early tomorrow because of the passover holiday. >> thank you. let's bring in former chairman of the house... great to have you on. i'm looking at this stuff, we talk to our legal analyst and they still obsess it just seems like there's no remedy for what
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is -- it's a mockery. your thoughts. >> they can't even articulate what the charges are. supposedly it's a federal campaign finance violation but this is not a federal -- in federal court. it is absurd that they are doing this. i think trump's legal team makes a really good point that when you pay somebody 400 plus thousand dollars as your attorney and they are trying to claim that that was simply reimbursement but that doesn't coincide with the other number, and why is this coming up now? this is years and years after. it's just a coincidence that it's five months before an election. >> trace: you are exactly right. there is no federal election charges. it's not in federal court and there are no charges in federal court... it just sounds crazy. jonathan turley said this about weapon rising the legal system.
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>> earlier it was pretty damaging to see the split screen between trump and different courtrooms. this is even more effective when the other side of the screen shows biden campaigning in key states like pennsylvania while he is held in this courtroom. it really brings home something that bothers a lot of americans including people that don't like trump that this is the weaponization of the criminal legal system. >> trace: infuriates a lot of americans. >> it's law fair they are taking this candidate and for the judge to try to put a gag older on a presidential candidate, that is absurd. he has every right under the first amendment to be able to defend himself, to talk about things and for him to try to put a gag order on the former president of the united states, i think we will see at the end of the day that this was so fundamentally wrong. but the democrats don't care. hillary clinton did some things that were pretty bad in terms of
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campaign-finance. nobody said a peep. then this comes along, are you kidding me? nobody can articulate what is fundamentally wrong here except that they are tying this guy up in court rather then letting him campaign. >> nobody has showed me exactly where the crime is. always great to see you, thank you. coming up we are monitoring anti- israel protests night in new york city. tensions escalating as they march onto police plaza at the nypd headquarters. later what a new poll reveals about young voters in the 2024 election. you will see who they are gravitating toward. we're asking the question that is shortest her up family vacations. do you prefer the beach or the pool when staying at a resort? let us know we will read the best responses coming up in the nightcap.
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speed to breaking now anti- israel protests that began on the campuses of columbia and nyu today then moving through the streets of new york city until demonstrators as you look live here in new york city reached nypd headquarters at one police plaza tonight. they have been going and moving for hours. we expect to see them back on campuses tomorrow. we expect these to grow and as they grow, the concerns over violence also grow. we are now officially in passover. that is the concern for the fbi and many other local police departments around the country. we will keep you posted on the anti-semitic pro- palestine protests around the country. voters and pennsylvania will begin heading in the polls for the presidential primary.
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enthusiasm for november's election has hit a 20 year low. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live with brand-new details on this. >> and what some are calling a pretty -- prelude to the general election in november, on tuesday the commonwealth of pennsylvania is expected to once again offer just a bit of a glimpse of what is motivating voters this election cycle. and perhaps a better idea of what each party and respective standard... that they have precisely the right recipe for a brighter future for our country in 2024 and beyond. however, there are major concerns tonight that democrats and the president in particular are facing. we are talking about blustery political headwinds in particular in pennsylvania with respect to inflation. fresh ring among -- frustration among younger voters and anti- israel protests all weighing on support. brand-new survey finds that inflation and immigration are the most important issues for
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voters but there are certainly others. former president trump continues to lead president by name when it comes to voters impression of who has the necessary mental and physical health to be president. a big margin there for mr trump. meanwhile the number of voters who have a high interest in the 2024 race hit a 20 year low according to that latest survey. while democrats played defence, republicans are trying to win over latino voters in particular which is the fastest growing demographic in the state and they are also making and roads in urban communities in particular among some black voters. mr trump leads mr biden by two points with rfk junior out of the race and he trails him by two with rfk junior in the race, something to keep an eye on. we will have live coverage tomorrow night. >> trace: kevin corke live in dc. let's bring in...
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thank you both for coming on. to you first, congratulations about the new child. it is worth one more look at aoc and joe biden put together. i will let you watch that. >> we've once again witnessed the leadership of those peaceful student led protests on campus. >> biden either wasn't listening or doesn't care. what is your take on this? >> this is politically extremely stupid. joe biden won the election in part because he said he was the normal one, he was going to restore us to normalcy, the adults are back in charge. now all he is trying to do is be an insane leftist and say i need to listen more to the far left flank of the democratic party
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who doesn't realize that calling for the deaths of jewish people in an organized fashion on college campuses is a bad thing. aoc sat there and applauded what is going on on campuses right now. this is not going to be a winning strategy for joe biden. >> trace: nbc poll compared now to september of 2020. here is the categories handling of crisis, trump up four. competent and effective, trump plus nine. necessary mental and physical health, trump plus 19. dealing with inflation and the cost of living, trump plus 22. those are big jumps. >> those are big jumps and they are reflective not only of the failures of joe biden and the continued poor policy decisions that democrats are making whether it's fuelling inflation, whether it's the border crisis, whether it is continuing to see this hateful anti-semitic actions across universities in the united states.
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people are looking back at the trump term and saying my paycheck went further, gas was more affordable, it's easier to say if i felt there was a better chance of tomorrow than today. that look back that people have now of the trump years, that's going to be a problem with joe biden. we couple that with the base issues that joe biden remains persistent we are in the primaries, you have seen the democrat voters saying we don't want joe biden, they are looking at rfk. these are compounding issues for joe biden when he goes into november. trump getting these big leads now. it shows strength and momentum that trump could be building. >> the pole of generation z. and millennial's, biden at 48, trump 52. it was taken last week. interesting to me that you see these generation z. millennial's rabbit sitting towards the former president. what do you make of that?
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>> a lot of this has to do with economic problems. right now young people feel as though joe biden promised them free college and didn't fully deliver on that promise. they can't afford rent, they are still living with their parents. the economic problems that are leading the rest of america to favour trump over biden happen to young people as well. and that said, i want to be a little bit cautious here because of recent poll showed that trump support among young people is the lowest that they have seen in the history of their polling. maybe young people don't actually know what they want shockingly but there is -- it is certainly up for grabs and that's different than 2020. >> trace: gavin newsom warns there's too much attention being focused on the former president. >> when we are focusing on him i do worry electorally that he has a slight advantage and so i'm a little concerned about the overindulgence.
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>> when you put him in court every day, the cameras are on him, he's going to get some attention. >> that's absolutely correct. msnbc loves breakfast coverage of the trump trial and all things trump p. or for gavin newsom to go on that network in particular to say that people are fawning or covering too much of donald trump is very funny in fact. but donald trump has made media outlets a lot of money over the years, especially with the way that he's been able to drive news. that's not going to change. it's a former president of the united states. while gavin newsom things that people can ignore donald trump, that's just never been the reality so he can put that out as a wish and a prayer but it's never going to happen. it's really funny to hear it from him. >> trace: when your daughter is not sleeping you come right back on and we will put you on television. thank you for coming on. anti- israel's protesters marching through the streets of new york city right now. we are monitoring this looking live at new york city.
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11:35 in the big apple. it's not just college campuses dealing with anti- israel protest. they are even being encouraged at the high school level. washington state public school students are planning to walk out to support palestine tomorrow during passover. a man takes his chances wrangling an 8-foot gator in florida and someone decides to give their own take on taylor swift's new music video. the day's best viral videos are next. first alive look at buffalo new york where buffalo wings believe or not -- believe it or not, were invented. we are coming right back. a walk out in washington, high school kids, pro palestine.
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>> trace: continuing coverage, the protesters down in new york city. this is one police plaza. we just saw during the break a police officer walked someone
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across the street. it appears they were releasing that person because whoever that was was clapping and chanting and the person walked over and started smoking a cigarette. we assume that person has been released. the protest continued tonight in new york city. we are watching it live. the camera keeps moving around which is great, that's live television that there are a number of people out there and police are clearly taking some people into custody for at least a short amount of time. passover goes over the next seven or eight days and we will see these things ramp up throughout passover and we will keep it covered and keep you informed on fox news at night. in washington state there is a call for students in high school and college to walk out tomorrow to support palestine. let's bring in the man who knows the pacific northwest better than anyone...
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thank you both for coming on. they say the following here jason, according a student walkout is planned for tuesday tuesday at colleges and schools across our area in protest of the israeli war in gaza. it is something that has members of our areas jewish community concerned. i hate to state the obvious but you think? >> no kidding. i talked to so many people. jewish parents who have kids in various school districts. this is across the state and what they've been telling me is that there jewish students and kids are being taunted. you are seeing vandalism with swastikas. this is 2024 and yet here is where we are. from the crowd that talks about inclusivity. the crowd that talks about how we have to be accepting of absolutely everything and everyone except of course jewish. these students were espousing all these hate, they are taught this. they are taught it by radical educators inside of the classroom and they are taught by progressive parents who seem to
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make no distention between hamas and innocent palestinians. it is so outrageous the fact that this is getting more traction is absurd. >> trace: the same students who talk about needing a safe space are willing to go out and save to the river to the sea. oklahoma students are walking out tomorrow they tell you and it's the first day of passover and they are going to walk out in pro palestine protest. what would you say? >> i would say that's not going to happen in oklahoma. we will not allow it. it is clear that the teachers unions are taking their orders from joe biden. we have never had a pro- terrorist -- a more pro- terrorist, anti-semitic president and joe biden. the teachers unions are there to indoctrinate kids to turn them against our country and against jews. and that's what you are seeing here, the reality is that unions have been the very loyal foot soldiers for joe biden to focus on indoctrinating our kids. joe biden has allowed the jews in israel to not be safe and now
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we have our jewish friends here in the united states not being safe on college campuses or schools. we have to take a stand to protect jews in our country. >> today on x. you compared columbia university to seattle's autonomous zone that we saw during the racial justice stuff eric you wrote quoting there is a new autonomous zone. this time i columbia university. fuelled by hatred of jews, the longer the university allows it to stand the more difficult it will be to dismantle, them or hate it will for meant. >> they are following almost the exact same script where you have won a massive protest that leads to a bunch of arrests and then they want to make the point that you are not going to be able to keep them down and i'm willing to bet that those politicians in charge are cowards and so they do it again. they see what they can get away with until they get to the point where it starts to spread and it gets bigger and there was a sign about the people's university. if you recall a very famous photo of the autonomous zone
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here... it is the same organizers at the end of the day, these are anti- capitalists who are using this to push forward their ideological claims as far as capitalism is concerned. using judaism and using palestinians for that purpose. we know precisely what it is they are about which is why they are following that script. >> trace: to you superintendent lastly because we talk about college campuses going crazy. in the latest edition of the queer student magazine featuring so-called freaks, students at the prestigious university cry for the acceptance of berries, and other fringe sexual preferences and identities into larger lgbt q. community. the colleges are embracing this radical liberal ideology which gets into this whole trouble with all the protesters across the country. >> we have to crack down on this radical ideology on college campuses. we have got to get back to the
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business of learning and academics and what we are fostering now is anti- american hate that is meant to tear this country apart. we have to go back to understanding about where... our college campuses have been fomenting terrorism and it's time for them to stop and get back to the business of teaching about american history and teaching kids to be able to get a job. that's what we need is for kids to be prepared for the workplace >> trace: thank you both. first up into nights viral videos, watch this florida man capture an 8-foot alligator that was disturbing the peace and downtown jacksonville. the man who caught it is an mma fighter. you can see he didn't have any tools or weapons on him but he was able to wrangle the gator with just his bear hands. he said this is one of his wildest catches yet. taylor swift just released a music video, the lead single of
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her new album and that video inspired one viral... with another puppy pile. if you have a viral video to share like that can share with us... coming up would you rather take a dip in the pool or a swim in the ocean? was it bill murray who said the pool of the pond? the beach or the pool on your vacation. the nightcap is next and i can't wait to hear what you guys are thinking about. coming right back. of thousands with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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b2 we are >> trace: tonight's topic fund and the sun. we are asking the question that is sure to heat up family vacations this summer. do you prefer the beach or the pool when staying out of a resort? >> i'm glad you brought this up because i have beef with people who go to the beach and want to set of the pool because you have this beautiful beach, go to the beach. >> trace: it's a fair question >> the perfect combination is if you have a beach house. you can go back and forth. >> trace: that's an expensive
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b's -- and expensive beach house >> trace: pool in the pond or -- as bill murray would say. >> i will be dressed basically like this either way. so i will go for either. i suppose i would go for the pool just because i don't want to get sand everywhere. i feel like better people watching on the beach. >> beach all the way. pool you can... beach for me. >> this one actually doesn't matter that much to me. i'm a fair skinned irish-american girl. anywhere that has an umbrella that i can sit under soy don't burn immediately, if that's a -- if that's the beach or the pool i will be there. >> if it has a slide i'm totally a little 8-year-old -- 8-year-old kid. him all about doing the slide. scoot over i'm going down that
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slide. i like the beach but the slide i prefer that better. >> i'm surprised that nobody asked, which is closer to the bar, the beach or the pool? it's important some of these things. beach 65 percent, instagram 66 percent. like to be at the beach but prefer to swim in the pool. vince says pool. razzle-dazzle, the beach, of course,, especially if tropical pools are a dime a dozen unless they have a swim up bar than it's the pool. and kim, something about waves, sounds and sand. good for the soul. she says enjoy it lot -- lounging at the beach and looking at the pool. we will see you back here tomorrow.
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>> hello everyone...


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