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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 23, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> are you prepared? please tell me that was dirt and swine. animal control versus the swine. it will be for this. oh, so much. really nice. do later. all new this wednesday on fox live coverage reporting trump and his lawyers say that he's innocent. the trial will continue. more protests. parents and students want to know what's going to be done to protect them. >> the war on edge here between russia and ukraine only on fox news channel. >> all right. we have been monitoringrs now all night tonight. protesters now have made their wa havy to one police pla in new york city. that's nypd headquartersa . anyway, after they, of course, removed protesters at nyu. more tomorrow. but night, your heart be trouble troubled crack up, pulse next to put a smile on your face, grldnext t.
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happy monday. e! happy monday. oh, thank you so much, y'all. >> wow. this is television history in the making. everyoneon in happy monday,ryon, everyone. welwelcome to a specia edition. gutfeld. i'm joe machi filling in for greg. he's in south america trying- to find a doctor to label his fevers. >> anyway, today is earth day. so to celebrate, we'rey all using recycled jokes . a tech startup is pitching an ape powered home security camera that can be upgraded to shoot paintballs. so if your home is being invaded by a homicidal mania hc at least you can ruin the guy's shirt for the second weekend
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in a row. civi l war is the numbering it one movie in north america. >> antif ta is calling it the feel good hit of the season. the new atlas robot from boston dynamicse ne has a face like a g light. hopefully that gives social hopea influencers somethingh to look at while mechanical hands crush their throats. >> that was a joe devito joked. everyone sorrye that a new studyameric found that americans checkans their 144 times a and for one american that's just look at himself in the phone's camera. h caroli a student in north carolina was arrested for slapping his teache forg hir in the face. it's a far cry from other high schools where students slappehighhools whd teachers onr they have with them. okay, let's the monologue
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in case. >> you missed it. mike johnson broke his word and teamed with democrat sthen to give away our freedom and then give away our money. wayey.on saturday, the house pd a $61 billion aid package ford f ukraine. >> if you're not sure why. here's some historical>> so uk on the war. >> so ukrainine ise is a countrk in europe. it exists next to anotherher country called russia. russia is a biggertr country. russia is a powerful country. russia decided to invadeuntry a smaller country called ukraine. so basically that'ukraine. s wrong. okay. but what does that have to do with america? here's virginive ta congressman gerry connolly before saturday's vote. going after republicanconnollys who oppose the aid. >> some say, well, we have to
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deal with our border first. >> the ukrainian-russian bordere is our border. it's the bordetweer between depraved autocracy and freedomrr ,people seeking our democratic way of life. n do we have a stake in that outcome? yes, undeniably, yes. they border is our border. i guess that explains comimillions of ukrainians coming in through texas. >> and why democrats were waving tiny flags of tiny maps seriously after the vote this announcing more elaborate plans on the floor. the chair said it. the speaker's repeated lack power. fl those democrats were
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cheering and waving ukrainian flags on the house floor. good thing they didn't wave american flags. someone would have gotten arrestedarrested. >> but we just keep being told, just senbud more cash and they can win and be free. >> but the'ty can't wi win an. and they weren't really free. zelenskyy has thrown oppositiol in jail, banned churches, and postponed elections. >> he's practicall churchy a biden.hy ukrai maybe that's why ukraine pays his, son. and just because you just because you keep pouring moneyea into something doesn't mean they'll win. ju the samet the'll win. government telling us ukraine can win. >> has lied to us countless times beforelieduntless . >> wmd is in iraq. afghanistan won't fall like south vietnam. nomy i russia's economy is going to collapse. putin is sickes r than me after i overdo it at golden corrals jt and our media is just as bad. they said, vlatheyd was at deatn
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door while biden's been dead and he just can't find the doo r . is coming the media around. the ap dropped a report on friday detailing how russia is goingiday det to battlefield where ukrainian troops are getting pounded like a cardassian aftern >> jnba all-star gam ae. and they're not just running out of our money and ourg weapons. they're running out of their people. ou their people.. ry draft >> make it easier to identify every draft eligible man in the countrman iny. meanwhile, we're constantly told we have to stop, pollute, or he'll taktl e europe. g he's no great man, but inyo 25 years, he's invaded 50% fewer countries than countri am. the real fight for freedom now is in the west. t --we are seeing a two tiered e justice system. censorship and hate speech loslg that destroy the freedom of disfavored groups. >> if freedom falls here, there thene else to go, especiallyespe
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with the surveillance state. we've allowecithd. on saturday, the senate reauthorized a section of the foreign intelligenceealways surveillance act, which allows warrantless spying on americans. so maybe before we keep asking u for more of your money to make sure ukraine is freey, we shoulp be asking if america is still free. let's walk i yes, this child is more hurtthen than. the seats on the view. fox news contributor charlie hurtviewfo this morning hason'sl more points than pete davidson, wighton's editor in chief and the fabulous mollieditore hemingway. she's white paper, whiterk times and often gets stuck in the copy machine. york times best selling author and fox contributor captain. j he's like a laundry baskethe. then men see him, they throw in the towel. bestselling author comediaey in
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charlie, how are you?yo i'm great. how are you? i'm doin>> i'm gg great.[laugh >> not nervous in the least. i all here for you.>> joe >> i appreciate that. i've never heard you got a ful:l chat. >> i got a full joe chair. never, never hear a real great cheer. oh, i didn't want to say that, but that was kind of what i was observin g. i think fox is going to be regretting that giant contract you just signed up for. how did do? >> well, let's get to- gr the questions before our strike killegcharlis me. uni charlie, why is it the united states has their priorities completely wrong? sugar chicken america come first? yeah. you would thin>> you wk. and you know, the most remarkable thing about that, especially with the you showed, is the problem that republicans ha sd the flag waving sai on the floor. >> you just said $60 billionense to ukraine. and the probledm they havee is the is the flag waving.
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>> and it got meng to thinking,, you know, you could if you wantn to send these $60 billion and no flag waving, i'd be fin e with that. but -- but but you know, the seriousness of it is that, you know, republicans look, you know, you've got the stupidd party and the evil party. and the stupid party simply is not you know, they're incapable of fightingd o for four americans and doing what they wanty do and quite frankly, i don't you know, i don't know what, you know, what is the incentive for republican votervoterss to t voting for them if this is what they get? i don't know. bes seems like they're just republicans because that's where they can win in that state. that's w ibut i have to say, ifs prstupid party or an evil party ,we're parties. i'd probably rather go to the stupid party. right. stup that's what they're banking on.l yeah. yeah. it'd be more fun il be moref. >> yeah, yeah. >> i'd rather go for the evil
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party, you stupid. i'd rather be evil. >> i can plan. you know, tara's. >> what's your take on this? it's the same thing we always see. isit's. it's we. they camouflage the i hate. i like the bill rule. >> i think that should. be across the board and you canc always tell when they lump everything together what the side sid is or who is where is s money going. gointill can't account for money that was sent originally. ukraine. we still have stuff missing partaine f s, never got delivered,o etc. but we're still sending it. so what's the it goeits back s back to?and what what's what is this really for- in this what i'm looking for? l this is about reelection bids. >> they're doing these favors and these lobbyists and theyou e american people are irrelevant. you keep putting. doesn't matter with democratepnr republican. they they just get voted in because americans want to blame an on the top. wher it's the president this that this is where the problems are anlemswed have to start beig just paying just as much attention of what old joe zane g and president trump is saying is what these guys are saying all the time. evhing othg wherenint is that $60 billion could have went to so many places
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in this country. right now, our school systemouny our schos, our bo our veterans, our borders. but it's going off to wherrdehe to be laundered to come back here. [applause]'s the molly, to travis's point, nikki haley just got a job at a thinke tank, it almost seems like. >> what's the disincentive for republicans? you just s like keep going along with this. if they lose their election, they're just going to get another great jos oub. t >> i do think we want to point out, i mean, obviously, it was a very disappointing weekenda v but whereas every democrat voted for thisd we, more than hr of the republicans voted against it, that's actually what makes it so awful is that it came out of the house, which is ostensiblyt itdy by the republicans, and yet a majority of republicans voted against it. and so as frustrating, frustrating as it is, does posit show that there is some positive development in terms of a foreignvelopmen that putsit our national interest first and foremost that says, yed fore want a strong defense, but we want when we're involved in wars, we want to have a strategyt to for how to win t.
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we need to make sure that they a are that they are a good thing to be dointhing. and right now, we've got conflictgo in ukraine and russia. we've got the middle east sod we'vt the middlewee china l. >> and so the americanca people actually are much more serious than their elected representatives. we don't have any statesme thein right now on the honor that are currently in office, but the american people, they aret is being heard. >> that's a great point. greanoughre of an optimist tha thought. i thought cat was going to be the optimist. yeah. what's your take on thist ka. re >> i strongly disagree with your optimism. on i, i just think in generall that, you know, there's there's is much focus on whichth politicians and which party and the parties are arguing and not enough focusg no on the power that the politicians have. and as a general guidingd a geno whenever and this is applies wh both war and it applies to fisa, whenever the government is trying to use fear mongeringernmen , try to make mesomethin afraid of something instead of getting swept up in that, i as og k myself okay.y su if they succeed, then what do they gain if? a ca they succeed in making me afraid. and in the case of pfizer, i mean, it's a wholef faiz lot
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of power. okay? pfizer should have never been reauthorized at all this expands pfizer, and it was over bipartisan. and it is reading about, you know, the fourth amendment and the surveillance policy. it can be a little drye survicyy it can be much more fun to say,a pick your team and don't look at what this idiotndk at said ad then this and that back and forth. but -- but really,ack and i wos encourage anybody who isn't familiar to look at it. i mean, exceptar to handed the government's ability to surveil you without a warrant, which should not be happening in thrranould notet place. yeah, i thought we had the fourth amendment. i thought so, too. and, and, you know, just following along with that, you know, obviously, republican lokind of wandering through the desert right now and they're lost, but theybuddya have so much to to build on and fighting something likert. pfizer is a great way to toow start for taking the antiactual you know, the actual concern about spending all this money. >> you know when wasg you're loe you should always ask yourself one question. whatset are you willing to die for? what are you willing to loseever everything in ordeytr fight for?
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>> and republicans have a tremendous opportunity to righte now fight for the border, be willing to lose it all for the borderg toll. hav >> but they're just they don't have the leadership they gave away all the other leverage. >> tyreese it seemed to me like mike jones was opposed lik to i. he got that classified briefing. they changed his mind. what do you think happenedwhatot the same thing always happens. they say one thing to us and they go back and they make deals and this is this. bed if you do this ford this us, we'll do this for you because everybody wants to be reelectesd . to your point, when they start actually doing their job, there's a good , chance ifhey won' they do it the right way, that they won't win the next election. t inthxtbut they did their job a their country and can move on honorably. ng that's what it's really about. but it's they're only going to do things to get reelected. so give uso ected so a little nn and crannies of hopes and dreams that are going to come truems going, but it ner actually does. >> but i'm going to bet that if they if they were to folloe toiv their their passion and follow their their conviction on somethingthin would, it woult rewarding them in the end. >> absolutely. they say,heng whereelhing
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i used to care about the fourth amendment, i used to care about the constitutionamendmd te but then i got a classified briefing and it changed my mind. that ibriefinge my mins insultie and also, i just sortelli of assumed that our intelligencegencrvices a are jug them pictures of themselves [l hadbad things, and they him. >> i was the fifth. yeah. it makes me wonder how muc makes mheg gut they'd have on greg.fe >> gutfeld. up next, hillary's in on the attack. t >> if you'll be in the new yorko area and would like free tickets to seetfeld an gutfeld o to fox slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our audience. sean combs built a hip hop and he was the biggest con that's when this house of cards starts collapsing, more people came forward alleging different
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kinds of abuse. they said, you think you can make parallels of epstein? he's the bad reign coming to an end, and when he fall, it's going to be so hard that everything around him is going to fall into that hole with. >> you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt at three in the morning, any time of day. time of day. what people don't know not all dirt is the same. not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the worked of nutrients.s as g look at thisoo new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. >> you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it. there's only 47 aneurism. did he have life insurance? do you know? you've got to get on it.
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>> from her trump inspired grudge. self presidential loserna hillary clinton popped up on the livncial e podcast and explained why trump loves putin so much. she says trump wants she to kill his foes just like brad. quote trump like, you know,, just gaga over putin becausein putin does what he would like to do kill his opposition, impr his drive journalists and others into exile, rule withouanothet any check or balat that's what trump really wants. trump want's s kill people. >> well, look who's talking. of a kettle. this is the pot. where'hittles my gun? meanwhile, democrat bennie thompson introduced a bill that would strip secret service protection former presidentsa convicted of a felony. gee, i wondefelonyr. who that would target? yeah.
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donald trump. yup,i've got a better idea. how about a bill that bans any.n men from killing themselves? >>gh bettyter]. charlie so the dems want to take away trump'sy protection. >> what's your take? tring frommean, coming hillary clinton especially, this is just beyond hysterical. >> i mean, literally a woman who got the word got a verb made of it to be suicided. hillary invented that. but, you know, and this is not a conspiracy theory. this is actually true. if true,ffrey jeffrey epstein hi service, he would still >> alive todayve. >> that's all i'm going to say. that's a good point. maybe those cameras woulood't hv worked, too, and that going to fall in his asleep? >> well, i mean, no matter what, a lot of what have you is in there, a lot of coincidence s. h this >> molly, would this bill,e ciri the strip of secret service protection, have it introducedtd if trump wasn't currently on trial for felonies? um i mean, it's actually just ama amazing here what we're dealing with. therzing aree are so many cases up
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and down the eastern partdonald of the country trying to imprison donald trump and bankrupt tndm and his family ano help people kill him.-- i mean, these these are show trials. so he's going to get a conviction, right? lik it's not like whether he will get a conviction. he will be convictedhelding it of something. it doesn't matter how absurd it is. it doesn't matter how ridiculoussn'tw absurd i the is. and then to remove the secret service protection. protection rvice pr. this is complete projection when hillary clinton talkswant t about donald trump would want to do with his enemies. we saw, what, four years of then trump administration were like. and we see what the crum b is like wtion and we see the lawfare that's being done. >> that's a good point. they all g are on the east coast,- too, doesn't it? >> go out west? yes. >> you thinkt do t hillary's evr going to get over 2016? no, no. who what >> i mean, who would? i don't know. i don't think she is. >> yeah, it was a real tough one, but i just. i at least she said something, t
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about it. >> you know, that he wants to kil peopll people.ow, before that, it was just, c you know, he doesn't care about democracy and all this r year stuff that they've been using for years and years. and then people get kind of, i guess maybd then kind ofe jads those kinds of things. ?but i guess she thought maybea she needed to up the ante a little bit and saysa kno, youw he wants to kill his opponents. i, i don't know, but i think it's -- it's really harmful because of the way that turnsu'e our political debates. like, oh, if you're a trump supporter, you're not just a person who's a republican. you're a person who wants to support the guy who wants pe to kill the guy that i support. and it's we're not even reallyao that close to november yet. and we've already gotten to he l people.kil yeah. there's really nowhere else to go. see, i would have said that, but >> see i thad nei would nevy that because i don't think that we even i know it's going to get more stupid. >> and i can't tell you how hoe it's probably something we can't even conceive of yet. >> yeah, and it was such a bad
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h threat. and like, as a fan of pro wrestling, like they know how to do it right, right?k this oh, yeah. but this i think this was m more in the spirit of. >> o.jit of oj.. go on, follow me on this one where hillary was kind of doing like a facetious admission of some things. >> yeah, that's why there was many pauses. >> and if you put i in those pauses, it pretty was likeo i used to kill people. i want to do. so i think that's what it is. it's always with the i would say the left alway is tells on themselves by saying and they just put republicanyine are doing it. >> so i think she just was shejt west confessed to everyone how she wasn't wearing gloves but that that's we couldn'to get the rights to the podcast they're going to show podcghter]. inks >> molly hillary also said that
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biden wants to imprison an exiled journalist,st but but itn under obama that assange and snowden hahad tod had to fle the country or get imprisoned in ecuador. but ther thee been a lotoblems of problems with journalists under a lot of different administration. that's true but thea biden administration is also bad. the obama administrationt of dis bad. and you know what's amazing, too, though, is thatd what corpt media have become just such arms of the democrat establishment that they they don't get any glory by howh they're them. >> yeah, i would have never thought that censorship would have been cheered or, i neve thg poohed is not a big deal. but it seems like it's -- it's no. nsorshipoblem at allke we have like the worst censorship situation in this country's history right nocounw you have the biden administration, their multiple lawsuits. actuallyefedera is on, the fedet of the press outlets that is that is suins g the state department for the ongoing censorship that's being done, it american newspapers and reporters. but our sycophantirica c corporate media do not care about any of that. and we'rt.e at time in thee
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world where censorship it's really hard to censor thingsd wher- today. it's so many avenues, so manyy n redundanuet in terms of people communicating with each other. and i think that it leads to itt doesn't happen unless you have a compliant media that are desperate to do the bidding of the powerful. but then the other thingng i ism power. those in power are that much more desperate. and so they come say up with, you know, things like, you know, taking away somebody, secret servicey so as they put in jail. >> yeah. and censorship is real. a loyeah, andt of my tweets aboy comedy shows have been shadow people. that'sshadowla there's been so ] empty seats. before we go click announcement you can see me perform live this weekend this in cleveland and hilarity for next week in royal oak michigan. take that sentence. go to joe mckee.e ma that comes from word three. and up next, did taylor a foley to calling him a bully?
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bingo. blitz. now that the bingo will be concerned, we >> and should we be concerned, does taylor swift's new cutgirlw this the girl with a golden? lo >> the years long feud between nw lor swift and kim kardashia is growing after taylor released a new song that called kim. >> the kids call that to distract iris. thank you. and kim reportedly lost more than 100,000 social media followers over it. taylor'sn 100,00al song is namee you, amy with a k the i in thee. end and letters which spells kim and it's all about a nasty bully. fan's claim is kim call me oldlt fashioned but she needs to settle it in the ring i with pillowsh . carrie goes back. kim's ex, kanye west. she claimed it t taylor knewa
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about a lyric that kanye wrote in a song about heanyer. taylor denied it, and then kim defended her man. imdeit's of exploded after thats what's your take? oh, man, i speaking of thingsngo that just keep going on. i mean, but tht juste is if your say something bad about taylor swift, the swifties will make wr you wish you were never born. >> like, people love her soh much and she somehow people still see her as an underdog of sorts, which of s givenderstandn un the fact that she's a billionaire. but i mean, i can'meant. i'm not a fan of herto in general, but i'm not going to, like, knock her because like herin, know having me.i i don't first of all, i do want my life, you know, to wish i was never bornwant t, but also because like using material from, you know, failed relationshipngrial fros that wod be very not self-aware of me. to slam someone for doing that. of mm that kim has nots responded. it's weird that there's been i guess she thinks it's better to just nonot gotht do anything. that could be a good point. but you know who's always dissinod kno
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g taylor? >> behind the scenes, it's comedian joe devito. .h [laugh, by. but we had a picture of that back in the spring so they knowe who to look for but tires? to catch point it does seem like an unfair oh i know i've have been just i haven't slept in days i mean i spent my wholew week and now i'm notho watching the great prize fight this weekend or the nba t,yoffs like what to do what do as a black man, am i going with the kardashiansn ? the. because if i go againstuse the kardashianift s, i'll end up like every other brother that does. and crazy lost or weird if i gos against the swifties i'll never be able to go to a gymboree again. >> oh, you know, i just i wish e they'd just hug it out, man. >> can't we justjust hug get al? >> yeah. let's. let's bring those two back together. we'll haveong.'s reindel? them . >> they how to work it out, charlie. aho me, to me. she
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>> it seems like taylor's got the edge. she can write a song about kimaa ,but all i can do is take a picture of her. >>icture but.ghter] well, to answer your question, i'm nowet concerned about this at any level. >> this is really important. >> but.o -- but i do. you do have to give the do kardashians, you know, what are they famous for, defending o.j.h and having on tape. and they've made a lot of money at it. soeya good for them. >> that's the just fake right now. >> that's that's why i'll never] be that famous, because you enjoy because you would you woun. d o.j. simpso >> that's that's right. oh, my. what's your take on the show would be concerned. this is going to leamoll sd to t war three. >> yeah. i just really want to complimeno le tiii?t taylor n the subtlety of the message. you know, the the
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capitalization of k i am it's so subtlecapitali you might pick it up and so she it shows what great writer she is. >> i don't i don't like to bei m personally involved in drama, but i am o one of those people who sort of gets excited when other people are involved in drama excit. ke co i did read like every story i could on this situation today. >> i think they're going to i think i think that i trustily to the kardashian family, to capitalize on this in the right way. kepithey do know how to kind of keep things cold and thenep t justhe at the right moment comed out and like make a big deal about it. it's remarkablig deae. >> much they've succeeded with absolutely no discernible talent. >> i but you make a great point. my bullies were not subtle. you know, like i knew i was being bully. >> i have to, like, figure out a code. is i just wish i could have seen kris jenner when this happened s screaming into a cell phone for . re ty, i don't know.
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i did my best last time i heaug] came round twice on the i came here to drop my day off - to support you and you laid it u on me like, how did how deep do we go in this by how far you want to go in this fight? t we're going to both end up getting death threats overpy now this. >> you happy now? i've upset tyrus, so we're going to call it a rap? joe: all that coming up, a woman who lost her seeding over breastfeeding the people, you know, the voices you trust. >> all new fox nation exclusives available. now, silicon valley is now at the heart of some of today's sharpest political debates. there's a deep concern the data will be misused. tech companies acting
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to ask the mom to leave because the baby was making distracting noises. was acting he later offered her a free refund and he point out was a 15 and up show. >> whose side are you on? s i am. i am completelhow. y on the comedian side here, i think. and i love babies. i love babies on airplanes. >> i love babies in any situation. i love babielove buation. s. goin >> and but if you're goinga to take a baby to a nightclub and then you know full well people are going to judge you for taking a baby to the nightclub. >> and then you get upsenightcll because the nightclub tells you or somebody at the nightclub tells you to leave. thens body anightclu problem is, is m? >> yeah, i agree.>> i mean joe, it's a tough situat. maybe she can get a babysitter. ld gy? r ta take, momm >> no, it's ridiculous. and i mean, i am one of thos e people who's extremely easily distracted. >> like i sit at the front pew r at churconh because i'm so easiy distracted by all of the kids yammering and whatnot. don't not that i don't love them b being there, but like a comedy show. it's just baei there d mothering. >> very. yeah. yeah. veryade me think of ho
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wi'm no i sometimes on a plane where i'm not even performing stand up comedy at the tim -ereo matter how much the people ask you for babies cheering, it's just very difficult. cat your human me thank you.nk . how is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to meic on the shoest th evew? >> how, how would you handle a o feeder at your show?n your s oh, i love the breastfeeding. >> i mean, i don't eventh the breastfeeding was the issue so much as the noise. right. the baby was like makingakin gurgling noises. >> and the mom defendeg d being like, well, that's just, o a baby being a baby. yes, ma'am. no one'ss disputing that. disputing that babies are noisy, but why the baby shouldn't be in a comedy show that is 15 and up.ere yo i read like, where do you draw the line there? thf the baby like,ght? everywhere, right? >> and you're like, well, that's jus that jut a baby beina baby. >> oh, oh, baby.where everywhere sometimes.
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but that's why you let your babsometimet that'sy every! >> ella eloquently put in here.] thank you. thank you so much. thank you, congressman. >> 700 audience members, only 12 walked out. it seems like they took his side. yeah, you know what? i'm not going to ever have a>> k problem. ding m a breastfeeding mom, ever. e wantsos, bring the baby and whip him out, so be it. it's her right.r i will never besmirch their names because i was a fact feeder and i appreciated the fact that i wast-feds breasd and my brother wasn't because i wouldn't share. >> i ended up six, eight,g an big and famous and he goty left over. so i'm very comfortable. --l neh. wasbesmirc and, you know, if there was h like an h r for breastfeeding, i would have been in it as a child. but i had aunties afraid to comto comto te the house bec- a little there was an indian word for me called mitche and ia
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was feeder. like i would just didn't matter who it was okay i would seriout was, i would yeah my god i likeh i used to have dreams about like mom. wadreamt that i was on a cow and was the other. and they're like, you have this happen? yes. at what age. at whaed tt did this stop has ii for was the first time the fire department came and saidto you got to stop fire department. i treat babysitter.we the >> b it was a i have completely lost control of this. i that's it you get foraughte that last segmenr]t. i wonder what kim kardashian would in this situation. >> she had been up>> in that tre and she even made a tape out tap of it. i think when you make a good a point about the being distracted. it's almost like when whenood pg someone's trying to add up something and you have another person shouting number s, excepte you had a involved in there, ,'
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which i mean, i'm a pretty cool customer, but still, that might throw me off l cu a little bit. >> but the aside, the mom knew what she was getting into when she took the child in there. you're going to get you're going to get flack thenb to act like the victim because you got flack for it. it's okay. k ? >> firstfirst of all, it's the t thing a child wants when he's breastfeeding his flack . >> so let's stop that right there will never really stopchi besmirching a mom doing a wonderful favor fo r her child's - like that. you got shame on everybody in here for judgin- shamanevery. >> you know what? t maybe she needed to laugh more than anybody elsehaanybody just gave birth. h she's by herself, like, where's dad? did ruh? run >> dad? running off with her sister? we don't kno w. i and the least we could do bab is look and maybe is making coveisr. >> and odds is fine when i hear it. typically i leave. ssaril >> not necessarily kick them out. yeah, i mean, couldn't she have gony out. e to the concessione stand or at the concession stand? that'snd what the concession speech. edia
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>> i don't know. but maybe it's the comedian in me, but i just thought if the baby had a ticket. >> right. well, i don't think you woul d have it would ever come up at my show because the crowds are laughing, toe croware lao. >> i wouldn't even hear the screaming, baby. and r] i. up next, things get drasticge over cheese wrapped in plastic shoes, advil, liquid gels for lasting relief than tylenol. rapid release gelsad lasting relief than tylenol. advil targets pain and the source of inflammation. soyour braealth? for pain relie) the pain away can the reverse your brain health. merry janet. merry janet. hey, eddie. >> now razor frank. frank.
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thousands of patients need a donor like, learn how you can help it be. >> the match story. a story in five words. no more plastic cheese, charlie. >> a bill in new york seeks to ban individual cheese slicesi to reduce plastic waste. >> why does the governmentto focus on something so frivolous? >> yeah, so i don't know. especially if you're tryin >>ally ig to save the planet. why are you being so ridiculous and focusing something soous? ridiculous? so according to this story , the the average new yorker produces £5 of trash every day. the state produces million tonsn of trash every year.h and i just wonder how muche pl of that is the plasticasti betwn two slices of cheese.
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>> that's a great point. don't come? for my cheese. molly, the legislation is beingy pushed by left wing environmentalists, and if passed, it could have a far-reaching effect on food freshness, which could actually make food spoiled more. it's goingake spoil more to sey prices up. >> what do you think? mostly, i just hadwhat d forgotten about this form, and it was a major part of my adolescence and it was an enjoyable part.t, you know, like i wouldn't necessarily even call it cheese. n't nece call it's more like a it's more likek a food product of some kind. >> iodt melted very nicely. >> i know this isn't really dealing with the legislationt r but i do suddenly, like, overcome with a desire to doin that thing i did as a teenager where i had nachos, where i put like these, cheese slices.i >> now, anyone know that? yeah, i'm. rip >> well, you could whip it like this and unfold it. yeah nd unfol, i that was part of the process too. and it was nice like that. it, that it keptal all separate and in in the right size. now i have to like to actually e
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buy really nice cheese and i have really good cheese grateres and everything. >> anyway, it's ridiculous. a lot of us can't afford ofl that fancy chees e, which i felt pays us.s >> how does this government overreach here? well, i mean, like, as again, ,o a new yorker, you know, my my number one thing that botherr s me is having the option to buyc. cheese with plastic on it. i mean, that's what they do, is that it's solving problems. y >> it's like, where's my tax money going to go to pay people to come up with this stufeoplomh f and then to, like, t enforce it? i mean, i just to have how the option to buy plastic. how do you think of this? do youhow do you like how do thk you think of this? how do of you around new york a toy, you know what, we need to tackle the option to buy cheese with plastic on it? you're right. and no one's running >>. no one's running on a platform to make cheese more expensive in any way. they loshees nsive ane this country, paris. are they going after american cheese in america then? >> 1000 percent. and because if they were realliy to do something about it, they'd do something about the
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cheese, the plasti g--c. >> you at least know what it is. the cheese. here's the thing. even[laughtethat whether it's ef the plastics pulled back, the cheese will still l work if it's left outside for a day or two. >> sy oro it's not cheese.what m you know, i'm saying like, i don't know how to sa iy it, but we've been bamboozled and hoodwinked. we'v'e been tricked. we think we have to have the temerity to us that, listen,to s we're going to take the plastic off the cheese. that'sill -- not cheese, goat ce like we need to. you can can you imagine windingr up at rikers? >> and they're like, what are you in a évalué? [laughte >> the no plastic cheese law? >> you're going to need secret service. eed secreti i'd be the most popy there. >> he's the one. he's still's up for a right to have cheese. probably right? >> i think you would be popular
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. i don't know if that would be like. of course, once i got to know my growing personal city, me they'd love me everywhere. >> yes, i think. i think we're on to something here. tires that maybe it's the cheese industr maybey might be partially to blame, but big cheese. >> no little cheese. a lot of puns being thrown around. >> it's an accouterment of evil cheese businesses that made this all debauchery breakdown. o >> well, i don't know. i'll just stick to it now. cheese in the plastic. what then'just sti thecheese a.o don't go away. we'll be right back. >> the people, you know, the voices you trust.
12:56 am
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