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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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the 2024 -- but the writers and in hiding. >> laura: it is like '40s, wasn't it like 40 or 35 albums of the song? and south florida, raymond wanting a new class devoted to the study of taylor swift. >> you know, it is amazing to me, laura, they are late in the game actually.un four whether universities already beat them to the pound including harvard. the university ofatch florida is catching up. but >> laura: we are out of time. we are out of time, repayment. >> a london pub. >> laura: raymond, thiothes is another black >> israel --
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[chanting] >> free, free palestinian! >> carley: fox news alert, new chaos on college campuses across the country with police making dozenings of arrests at columbia and yale. harvard shutting doors to the public and learning at columbia will be hybrid for the remainder of the semester. lawmakers say the president of the college should step down for failing to keep students safe. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. todd is live from yale's new haven, connecticut campus this morning. hi, todd. >> todd: carley, good morning, pretty calm scene right now. some police officers behind me getting ready for potentially what it to come when the sun comes up. we saw 15 students in sleeping
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bags, not tents, close to our location. behind us is where events unfolded yesterday and those events got violent. massive protest breaking out at yale. police arrived and issued a warning to students opening tents on campus. >> no one will stop you from leaving, if you do not leave, you will be arrested. we will give you time to leave. >> todd: the new haven police department says 47 anti-israel protesters were arrested. yufsht saying students who were arrested will be referred for yale disciplinary action, sanctions, reprimand, probation or suspension. in new york city, dozens of nyu students arrested >> protesters breached barriers
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and we witnessed antagonizing behavior. clear the area to take action to remove the protesters. and columbia university making classes hybrid over protests. columbia president saying the tensions have been explored and amplified by individuals not affiliated who have come to campus for their own agenda. we need a reset. she is being accused of failing to keep students safe. >> i never thought i'd see what is going on in america and happening right now. it really pains me to see it. we can't have this intimidation that is filtering through the colleges and the hate continue to grow and multiply the way it is. >> todd: and multiply is the key word there.
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protests are spreading across the country. today at rice university in texas, there will be organizing of liberated zone in the next couple hours. >> carley: quiet at yale because of police presence, it was not tired yesterday. anti-israel protesters harassing alec baldwin, demanding he say free palestine on camera and refusing to leave the shop when asked by employees. >> one time, please, and i will leave you alone. free palestine. please say it. one time. >> carley: my goodness, she continued shouting at him asking why did you kill that lady in
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reference to the death of helenahut huchinson. a protester got into a shouting match with baldwin after asking if he supports israel. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is praising anti-israel protesters calling them peaceful during an earth day event with president biden. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days, as we witness leadership of peaceful student-led protests at columbia, yale, berkeley and many others. >> carley: peaceful protesters incl including ilhan omar's daughter who said she was kicked out of her dorm room after she was arrested during a campus
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protest. she said, we had so many people born female in our group they didn't have enough space for us. i was zip tied for seven hours and not released for hour. iran proxies attacking in the middle east again. five rockets fired at coa ligsz base in syria yesterday and two drones shot down near al asad base. this is the second attack onus bases since february 4th and 172nd since october 17th. and calls for columbia university president to step down. we'll tell you what pennsylvania senator john fetterman has to say and national championship basketball star angel reese has
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. how are you? it is cold across east coast. 46 in new york, 45 in d.c., 50 in cleveland and chicago. frost and freeze alerts from fayetteville ha to hartford and boston. here is tuesday, wet for a lot of folks. we could see a wintry mix across the great lakes and will travel south and east and be a wet drive and wet weather travel day for parts of the northeast on wednesday as we get into the latter part of april. talking about the wettest april on record for pittsburgh and top 10 for buffalo, rochester,
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harrisburg, another round of rain moves in midweek. potential for thunderstorms for parts of north texas and fairly q quiet until wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday, multi-severe weather event including tornados for central and southern plains. wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday for all big cities. we call it tornado alley and we'll definitely see potential for tornados getting into latter part of the week and weekend. i'll go to todd who is in connecticut right now, todd, over to you. >> todd: jd, thank you. the president of columbia university facing bipartisan calls to resign over her handling of antisemitism
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protests on campus. john fetterman said it is charlottesville for the jewish students. do your job or resign so columbia can find xhn who will. con congresswoman tinney called for the president to step down and she joins me now. despite shafik's words, protests are escalating, why do you and other lawmakers feel she has reached point of no return? >> she is not able to contain people, today, it violates title six of the education act which requires safe environment for learning and can be contingent on them continuing to receive federal funds. columbia, and i believe you are at yale, i can't see the camera,
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this started with cornell university professor saying it was exhilarating with raping of children and burning families alive and i called for expulsion of this professor, i wrote to the president and you see what transpired since them, virginia fox and elise stefanik, this letter was led by elise stefanik, conference chair of the republican party. there are some democrats joining in. words of alexandria ocasio-cortez are disturbing. this puts jewish students at risk. we started passover season yesterday and this is a holy time for jewish people. i think it is deliberate. if this president can't maintain the peace, she has to be fired
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and the students have to be expelled, faculty have to be fired and we have to consider whether or not this board can take control of what is happening and i give credit also to mayor adams for at least getting police in there, nypd. the situation is escalating because of money coming to these people. my firm belief these are not grassroots, they are funded by outside groups through hamas. >> todd: definitely some funding here. from the president of columbia to the president of the united states, here is joe biden's take on the protests we've seen. listen. >> do you condemn the antisemitic protest on college campuses? >> president biden: i condemn the protests, i set up a program to deal with that. i condemn those who don't understand what is going on with
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the palestinians. >> should the columbia president resign? >> president biden: i didn't know that, i will have to find out more. >> should she resign? >> todd: joe biden's charlottesville moment, i listen to an answer like that and it is clear why there is no sense of right or wrong, the president of the united states is wishy washy on it. your thoughts. >> look, the president is not telling the truth, he is worried about getting re-elected, this antisemitic movement is because of one district in michigan, which could cost him the entire election. it is pure politic says, it is diabolical this president can't support israel, jewish students and bring clarity to this issue. this is a moral clarity moment
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for joe biden and he's failed, failed on this issue and failed to support students under siege by a terrorist enemy. it is sad for our country and dangerous, as you can see, students and families, many are suffering through in period and we have to stand biden our jewish friends and against antisemitism, something biden administration is not doing. >> todd: let's face it, if you have the word president in your title, you should be unequivocal when it comes to this issue. when you hear the president of columbia and president of the united states, they are not and that is the reason we're in this situation. thank you for your moral clarity on this issue. we appreciate it. over to you. >> carley: thank you. police are searching for a suspect in the brutal killing of chicago police officer weska. the city's mayor faces criticism
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for skipping the press conversation about his death. mayor johnson did attend a ceremony at o'hare airport, we'll have details on this coming up next.
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you are getting 18 bottles for the price of 12, which means you get six, five hour energy shots for free. with today's deal, go to five hour energy ecom slash deal, stock up and make sure you're getting all the liquid motivation you and your family need. feeling alert, energized and focused is really the key to success. get in the game. 100%. mind and body. try five hour energy today. ♪ grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. ♪ >> carley: no arrests made in the murder of chicago police officer luis huesca. chicago pd released this video
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offed suspected killer warning he is believed to be armed and dangerous. mayor johnson did not attend the press conversation but did make time to be part of the groundbreaking ceremony at chi chicago's o'hare airport and pushing a migrant housing plan despite spending $300 million. a retired police lieutenant joins me now. johns, it is luis huesca's birthday today, he would have been 31 years old, if not killed in this apparent carjacking while driving home from work still in his uniform. what went through your head over this? >> it is awful, number one
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priority is for our officers to get home safe to their families. this is second time in a year we've had an officer literally executed on their way from work. your day is done, you are done crime fighting for the day and for this to happen is heart breaking. >> carley: we have video of a suspect, we don't know anything about him, from your experience, what are chances somebody who murders a police officer are a first-time offender? >> almost as if they see the uniform and levelling up from robbery to murder. these criminals are predators. they are out in the streets, car carjackings are through the
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roof. we are double 1300 carjackings last year, double what we were before the pandemic. >> carley: look at city leadership, mayor johnson did not attend the press conference, instead he released a statement and attended an airport groun groundbreaking at chicago's o'hare airport. >> it is disgraceful he couldn't take time to get out there to show respect for a fallen officer. i don't ever remember a mayor missing a street press conference. usually takes place after the investigation. there is nothing else he could
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have been doing than showing respect for the officer and his family and fellow officers. >> carley: chicago crime on the rise with aggravated battery, criminal sexual assault, 131 murders and over 2500 robberies. what needs to change? >> we need to change and take politics out of law enforcement and let the officers do the job they are hired to do and to -- politicians need to back up officers. just him missing that press conference sends a message to officers that we're not the priority. that has to change. they are having a hard time hiring officers, losing officers in droves. officers are retiring or
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resigning. a lot of lateral transfers leaving chicago police. >> carley: larry sneling said officer huesca was a victim of the type of crime he was working against. absolute trajectory, he would have turned 31 years old today. his mom is remembering day he was born two days after he died, it was a horrific loss. thank you for joining us. >> carley: moving to san francisco. signatures have poured in from city residents demanding tough on crime be put on the ballot and smubmitted 900,000 signatures. the ballot initiative would change prop 27 and adding
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tougher penalty for retail theft. one group rejecting the policy are chinese americans after being victims of hate crimes. tom wong joins me now. good morning, are people fed up with the crime in san francisco? >> thank you for having me. yes, we are totally fed up with the crime, prop 47 need to be repealed, it is hurting small business and big business, as well. equality by stealing, it does not work, we are tired of it, sick of it, we will do something. we are voicing out and will speak up to voting power and repeal prop 47. >> carley: we just showed "wall
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street journal" piece. many are turning against the left over issues like andy mccarthy -- anti-asian crime. what is upon haing making people shift political perspective? >> yes, an asian woman, 91 years old was stabbed. she survived. the suspect was released back into the asian community, nobody stood up against the asian hate or condemned the judge for releasing the person back into our community without consulting with us. we're tired of that. we're tired of our business being broken into. when we send our kids to school, kids are being punished for studying and we're fed up. we didn't leave politicians, we
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voted for them because they made promises to us. we will vote somebody conservative, something that has family values. >> carley: yeah. you see chipping away at this for a few years now. in 2022, there was recall of those ultra-left school board members and recall of district attorney boudin. do you think days of ultra-left progressive ideology in san francisco are coming to an end? >> yes, i see it coming to an end very soon. we will elect more conservative politicians and take our city back. soft on crime does not work. equality dei stuff does not
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work. make education great again. set higher staindards for the next generation. who will be your doctor? do you want somebody who has a d to be your doctor? i don't. >> carley: i don't think anybody would. once beautiful city, residents are speaking out. thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate you. our top story with todd live in new haven, connecticut on yale university campus. hi, todd. >> todd: yale, like so many universities, at an inflection point with some people saying this harkens back to 1930s germany, the way jews were treated them. yet you have leaders across our country refusing to acknowledge
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what is happening, this is not first amendment activity protected, this is violence, we'll make sense of it with former alum jeremy hunt, right after this. with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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[chanting] >> free, free, free palestine. [chanting] >> palestine will live forever. [cheering] >> todd: anti-israel protest sweeping college campuses including yale university. police arrested 47 people yesterday. jeremy hunt is a former army captain who attended yale university. as someone who walked these campus buildings, 20 yards to my right, what is your reaction to what you are seeing? >> many people may be watching and thinking this is normal
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ca campus craziness, something we should expect. that is not what we're seeing here. what we're seeing here is far worse than that. one thing i learned being in classroom with students for three years, they genuinely believe the nonceasefsense you heard. they believe up and down and down is up. look at the atrocities on october 7th and they think it was justified. what is concerning, these folks are using their ivy league degrees to become leaders in academia, business, politics and rest of us have to make sure they never get anywhere close to power. they have a distorted view of justice.
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veterans on duty, we promote folks who care about the constitution and our country and make sure those folks have a shot. we don't want people in places like yale. when i got here, i thought i was going to build bridges and find common ground. there is no common ground for those who think our jewish brothers and sisters deserve what happened on october 7. we have to defeat them and make sure these people do not lead our country in the future. >> todd: how do you want to see yale university leadership respond to what they saw yesterday and the coming days? >> have a babackbone, arrest th. if you get on campus and spout antisemitic remarks and be here saying horrible things about
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people who are classmates, that is the crazy thing. you will sit right next to them in class and they are protesting you. this is not a hard lead ership test, there is one solution, make sure these folks are no longer enrolled at the school if they say horrible things about jewish people. what is ies ironic, if they car about peace in the middle east and peace for palestine, they would protest hamas, not israel. there is one way to peace, israel finishes the fight, finish hamas and free palestinians from hamas. that is one reason vets on duty support the financial aid package to send to middle east and east your honor europe to
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give them resources to defeat those who want to defeat united states. >> todd: what i can't wrap my head around, yale and columbia, they are the bastions much d of dei, think of all the money going to e doo, yet that does not ashpply to our jewish broths and sisters, but does apply to ha hamas. >> we have a spirit of hate that is clearly embedded in a lot of students and what they believe about people who think differently from them, people who are proud of their jewish heritage and proud to stand with israel, they hate those that think differently. that is result of dei. we need to make sure dei has no place in any institution in this country again.
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>> todd: i understand you said the individuals believe what they are doing, despite how insane it seems to us. if they believe, why are they all wearing masks? i don't see a lot of covid floating around. >> that is one of the most perplexing things, why are people still obsessed with masks, i don't know. we're outside. >> todd: are they embarrassed? they are proud of their belief, they don't want the world to see? >> some of them, they are aren't here because of peer pressure or because they think it is a cool fad to be a part of. they believe what they are standing on is the right thing. that is disturbing, they are totally bass akward the way they approach everything in our culture. they wear the mask, they have
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theories floating around why they do that. it is not something, they are proud of what they believe. >> todd: has to be difficult as a veteran to experience that. it is tough for americans to see what is going on and say is this our country now. thank you for fighting for our country, we appreciate your time. >> carley: some are chanting, we are hamas. thank you so much. today is primary election day in pennsylvania. voters will cast in the last battleground primary ahead of the november election. donald trump will appear on the gop ballot with 67 delegates at stake and president biden on the democratic ballot with 159 delegates at stake. there could be trouble for the president, the group is urging republicans to write uncommit
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said. another race is pennsylvania senate race between bob casey and dave mccormack who are both running unopposed, this could decide control of the upper chamber. a few competitive house races could make or break the gop narrow majority. seventh district will select a nominee to take on inkcumbent susan wild in november. district eight, republican rob preshan is looking to unseat matt cartwright in district that supported donald trump in 2016 and 2020. polls open 7:00 a.m. eastern time and close at 8:00 p.m. to golf, just one week after earning second green jacket in the master, scottie scheffler adding another title to his
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collection, winning the rbc heritage since 1985. >> domination, the run continues. >> carley: this is scottie scheffler's fourth win in five tournaments, incredible, they tell me golf is hard. lsu star angel reese sharing a message. the basketball player writing on x, protect young women in sports, that simple post earned 6 million views. president biden changed title 9 to include transgender athletes. and taking shots at tom brady
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next month in a live-streamed roast. >> the man, the arena, the roast of tom brady, live on netflix, no brady rule. >> no -- problem. >> carley: wow, tom brady greatest roast of all time is netflix first live roast on may 5 as part of the joke festival. kevin hart will serve as roast master. fun to watch. former president trump back in court today for day six of new york hush money trial. tomi lahren will weigh in next. lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends in michigan with a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: good morning, my
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friend. big day in michigan, a lot going on, protest erupting for pro-palestine and pro-hamas, we'll talk about the campus cr craziness, we'll talk to folks here about what they think about this. donald trump under prosecution, what is going on as they continue to mount out a case against the former president. we have a big show coming up herert on "fox and friends," se you in a bit. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. k baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ it's hard to explain what this feels like. ♪ moving piles of earth, just by moving a lever. ♪ towing up to 4,000 lbs with a machine that weighs less than half that.
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>> former president trump will be back in court this morning for day six of his new york hush money trial. but, before testimonies continue, there will be arizona ha on whether the former president violated his gag order. brooke singman is here with more. >> hey, carley. yeah, trial resumes at 9:30 eastern when judge will hear arguments from the prosecutors when they say former president trump violated gag order. it trump talking about jurors and witnesses in the case. trump violated the gag order 10 times by posted to social media about people connected to the case. now, the prosecution is asking the court to not only fine the former president $1,000 for violation but also hold him in contempt of court. trump has repeated called for the gag order to be dropped saying it's unfair for people to attack him without allowing him to respond.
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trump's attorney says this all boils down to the election. listen. >> the democrats claim that trump is a threat to democracy. the real threat to democracy is the willingness to abuse the power of your office to influence what should otherwise be a fair free and fair election. that's exactly what is going on downtown in the courtroom. look at just this week. you've got a hearing in the civil case about essentially nothing. you've got a criminal trial starting and later this week there will be a supreme court argument all in cases made up specifically for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election. >> if it is not finished by 11:00 it will be continued at a later date. jurors will not be brought in until after that everything ha. david pecker will continue his testimony after taking the stand for less than 30 minutes yesterday. so, pecker is the former publisher of the national inquirer and testified about using so-called checkbook journalism to pay for stories that boosted former president trump ahead of the 2016 election. now, he is expected to tell the jury about conversations he
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allegedly had with trump about hush money payments that were allegedly made to cover up negative stories about him. the trial wrapped up earlier than expected on monday after a juror had an emergency dentist appointment. the court is expected to wrap up at 2:00 p.m. today. carley? >> carley: brooke singman live for us. thank you for keeping it all straight for us. bring in tomi lahren to talk more about this. tomi, about this gag order, donald trump is not allowed to talk about any of the witnesses. and that would include michael cohen who is at this point a public figure and who is on a media tour bashing donald trump. how is that fair? >> it's not fair. and he is also a known liar, michael cohen is so i think all of this -- i mean it's so comical. i know we talked about how this is going to be such a circus and new yorkers are getting so tired of the circus involved in this. imagine how president trump feels about this. he would much rather be on the campaign trail. he would much rather be in need
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to win states talking to average americans will about how he wants to make this country great again. he would much rather be doing all of that and sharing his vision for restoring america. unfortunately because of these endless indictments, witch-hunts and trials. he is stuck in a courtroom in new york city where the city is no friend to him, unfortunately. and, you know, again, the fact that donald trump continues to go on truth social and to speak his mind i think shows just how badly donald trump wants to control this narrative but also speak directly to his supporters. because there is so much misinformation. so many lies being told about him, he absolutely deserves the ability and he has the duty, in my opinion, to respond so that the american voter knows what really is going on. to keep him silenced is so unamerican, it's so unfair but i wouldn't expect anything less at this point. >> carley: yeah. and, you know, he could be held in contempt which could hold jail time for him or a massive violation nobody wants that to happen. at the same time, imagine what that imagery would do for his
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political campaign. so, also, tomi, somewhat of a side bar to this but interesting nonetheless business owners in downtown manhattan are now speaking out against this circus this court hearing. you think it would be good for business but it's not because all the streets are blocked off around the courthouse so no one can get into their stores. new york is sick of the circus. new york city and middle america don't really agree on much looking like they are starting to agree on this. >> well, again, you know, i spend a lot of time in new york city. so i think the least circus element is probably the trump trial. there is a lot of bigger issues and probably more important issues that are destroying businesses and making it difficult for average people to get around and to enjoy their lives and their businesses. but i will also say this. because i feel for these new yorkers that are being de-prioritized by the d.a. and by the court system when the court system and the d.a. they
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could actually be spending their time in the resources and tax dollars to go after actual thugs, felons and degenerates making it hard to live in new york city. instead they are going after the former president because the trump derangement syndrome is so strong they can't get over this hill. these businesses have every right to be upset. should be more upset that this is being prioritized over keeping their city, safe, clean, and maybe in some sort of functioning reality unfortunately, new york city is far from that these days. >> carley: great point. tomi, we want to ask you about this today. tiktok facing a potential ban as part of the foreign aid bills that pass the house over the weekend. now it's heading other to the senate. and that could pass the senate as early as today. president biden has said he would sign this tiktok potential ban if it doesn't divest from china into law. at the same time, man, does he want that youth vote. so, what is going to happen here? >> well, i tell you this.
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i think it's going to be very difficult for president biden to sign something like this given that he himself is on tiktok or at least his handlers are and there is a slew of other democrats that also utilize tiktok to connect with young voters. but i will say this. i'm no fan of tiktok. i'm not on tiktok. i never will be on tiktok. i hope that parents get their children off tiktok because it is digital fentanyl; however, i will tell you, carley, it makes me very nervous when the government forces the sale of a company or when the government moves to ban a social media platform. i see this as a very slippery slope. i wish we could trust the go. to stop at chinese communist tied platform. unfortunately i don't trust the government to do it. i'm very concerned that this precedent will be set with a tiktok ban and only a short jump to oh, elon musk is threatening democracy. he must sell x. this is a real slippery slope we are headed into. so i'm very cautious about this. >> carley: interesting perspectives from you, tomi, as always. thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪


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