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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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sign something like this given that he himself is on tiktok or at least his handlers are and there is a slew of other democrats that also utilize tiktok to connect with young voters. but i will say this. i'm no fan of tiktok. i'm not on tiktok. i never will be on tiktok. i hope that parents get their children off tiktok because it is digital fentanyl; however, i will tell you, carley, it makes me very nervous when the government forces the sale of a company or when the government moves to ban a social media platform. i see this as a very slippery slope. i wish we could trust the go. to stop at chinese communist tied platform. unfortunately i don't trust the government to do it. i'm very concerned that this precedent will be set with a tiktok ban and only a short jump to oh, elon musk is threatening democracy. he must sell x. this is a real slippery slope we are headed into. so i'm very cautious about this. >> carley: interesting perspectives from you, tomi, as always. thank you so much. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪
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>> brian: #:00 a.m. on the east coast. tuesday, april 23rd, this is "fox & friends." fox news alert. an think israeli nyu protesters march towards police with flares as dozens are arrested. columbia making classes hybrid as a big name alumni yank their support. >> when i went to columbia, it was a place where people listened. i never thought i would see what's going on in america. >> will: plus, new york vs. trump. the former president facing contempt charges as prosecutors say he violated his gag order. >> ainsley: what do voters think. lawrence is live in michigan getting the pulse of the people. "fox & friends" begins right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> will: fox news alert. chaos unfolding on college campuses from coast to coast with police making dozens of arrests at nyu, columbia and
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yale. >> brian: harvard shutting the gates of harvard yard to the public until friday as officials expect more pro-palestinian protests on campus. >> ainsley: we are learning columbia university will be hybrid for the remainder of the semester. lawmakers are calling for the president of the university now to step down for failing to keep the students safe. right now todd piro is on campus at yale where hundreds were protesting yesterday, but we're going to begin with alexis mcadams live at columbia university. alexis? >> good morning. well, we were out here all day yesterday at columbia university trying to talk to pro-palestinian protesters who weren't interested in really talking about their point of view. jewish students told us right away they don't feel safe on this campus and they want to see real change here and so do their parents, right, that pay all this money to send them to ivy league university. the protests continue again today in column i can't understand across new york. and it's not just here, right? take a look on your screen. this happened at nyu overnight.
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the nypd was actually called on to that campus which is private property. the school said please come in and help us because they add up although encampments and tents following in the footsteps of columbia. comes as growing calls for the before the columbia university to resign. >> this is not the new york way. this is an embarrassment to new york city. these are bullies, these are cowards. these are pathetic low life scum bag. it's as bad as i'm going to curse. it's embarrassing. agenda number one is to free our hostages. >> so this week the new york delegation led by house conference republican chairman elise certify than nic sent a letter to that dinucci someone can step up to meet the moment this crisis demands. protests continue to rage on as the jewish professor at columbia university who says he was planning a counter protest this week told us he was not allowed
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on campus due to their safety protocols but pro-palestinian protesters have sure set up camp. watch. >> not safe anywhere on college campuses this is happening to all non-jewish students who believe that terrorism is not okay. >> so remote learning will continue here at columbia university. it's not mandatory. but they are asking students and staff who can take their classes or tests online this do so to avoid the campus. there still are all of those tents. nypd guys cleared hundreds ever tents out and arrested more than 100 people. we will see what happens today. >> brian: alexis can't go in unless they're invited. nyu invited them. at columbia they didn't. they did thursday 7:00 they ripped all the tents out. they went right back. unless they hear about a crime taking place beyond the gates. so, being that they made the decision on the hybrid classrooms, do you think they will make the decision on
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letting the nypd in today to rip up the tents and clear out the square? >> yeah. we'll have to see. i asked the nypd yesterday, they had their top brass out here i said when are you going to get that call? have you been in comowngs with the president they said they hadn't heard from her just yet. they are expecting they could get that call and have to jump into action like they did last night nyu. those camps are already set up so much they have temporary bathrooms. they have tons of food in there it doesn't look like they are planning on going anywhere. they are kind of there to stay. we will have to see what happens. >> ainsley: thank you. be careful out there. only a few more weeks of school. now think are going to hybrid. >> will: turn now to todd piro live at yale. is he tracking the latest on the protests disrupting its campus. good morning, todd. >> todd: good morning to all of you. and when you walk through the campus today, there is a massive police presence. yale ph.d., lining the streets, making sure that over the overnight hours, nothing got out of happened, and, as you can see right now, a smattering of
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people on this green here in the center of campus. people in sleeping bags basically just waking up. but it was a much different scene yesterday. massive protests breaking out at yale when police arrived they issued a warning to students who were occupying those tentsd on campus. >> no one will stop me from leaving. if you do not leave. you will be arrested. we will give you time to leave. >> new haven ph.d. says 47 anti-israel protesters were arrested. students who were arrested will be referred for yale disciplinary action which includes a range of sanctions such as reprimand, probation or suspension. but, new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is praising the anti-israel protesters calling them peaceful. during an earth day event with president biden. >> it is especially important
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that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campus like columbia, yale, berkeley and many others. >> and these protests are spreading across the country. rice university in texas is expected to have a protest today. and the massachusetts schools are getting into the act, tufts, emerson and mit. it's not stopping, guys. back to you. >> todd: i think that's notable you just said it's happened at rice. up to this moment, it's been my impression that these protests are taking place at colleges largely on the coast in the northeast, in california. now, and rice is in houston, texas. have you seen that it has kind of grown to college campuses throughout, you know, the heartland? >> todd: it is. and that's the concern. i mean, take your education
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experience, right? you think of texas, you think red. you think protests like this would be quashed. but you went to u.t. at austin for law school, if i'm not mistaken. and you know there is a sense, an anti establishment, a hard core far left faction there. and when you have a groundswell of protests like this at the ivy leagues, at the coastal schools, it's just a matter of time before it spreads into the heartland. and that is why this is so concerning and, will, i will just add one thing, when you look at the numbers, when you say who supports israel? who supports the hamas terrorists in this, young people have a far too great a number siding with the hamas terrorists over israel. it's a shocking number. it just shows how the youth are so able to be manipulated, not only in our colleges and universities but even at the ground swell, the bottom education level. high school and the like. and it really sort of underscores why this is so
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concerning. >> will: thanks, todd. we appreciate that this morning. >> brian: the fact is there is two things. they want to divest from israel. israeli's can. gets high and low. and now kind of before october 7th was kind of simmering. now that comes up. so, how much these universities invest in israel and those companies are one thing. number two is they are pro-palestinian. they are anti-israel. and i think that the big story is if you're not happy with the school and investment strategy. if you are not happy with the policy, maybe middle eastern studies department, go to another school. these people are not happy with the management of these universities. so why are they even there at tufts and rice and mit at emerson. you are seeing this pop up at berkeley, you are hearing about all these other smaller protests. but the one that got out of control yesterday was nyu. you are seeing it. >> ainsley: nypd deputy commissioner said they received a letter from nyu requesting to
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clear this gould plaza and individuals refused to comply. they repeated this request to disperse, and they didn't listen. some of them were arrested. let's bring in lawrence jones, is he having breakfast with our friends, he is in allen dale, michigan. if you are in that area, go out and talk to him at the nest egg a diner in that area. lawrence, i'm sure you saw last night robert kraft the patriot's owner he was on with sean last night. the school he grew up. he was born in observant jewish home. the school i loved so much. the one that welcomed me and provided me with so much opportunity is no longer an institution i recognized and he announced he was pulling his support. let's take a listen to this and get your reaction on the other side, lawrence. >> when i went to columbia, it was a place where people listened. where empathetic and had compassion. now, you know, we have professors who, instead of teaching how to think, they're trying to tell our young people
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what they should think. and i think one of the biggest problems that we have to do something about is really tenure in these universities where people can do things and don't have a accountability. >> brian: great point. can't fire them. >> lawrence: you know, it's interesting. yeah. you know, i'm sure he is saddened as someone that gives so much to the college and not have the college in return to stand up for basic human rights, which is saying we want to exist. you know, will made the point earlier when he was ask asking , is this just a regional thing or are these regional universities or happening -- no, it's happenings all across the country. one of my professors on my university, the university of north texas sent me a message yesterday. he was like, lawrence, it's hang here in texas well. i would never give a dollar to university of north texas until they fix this issue.
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you've got kids all over the country that are suddenly wearing keffiyehs all over like is there sand in america now all over? is there sudden is unlike the middle east? and then you got the blue hair liberals that are suddenly with the cause of the palestinians? meanwhile they wouldn't be able to live there in gaza. i mean, we have lost our minds. i'm wondering of the parents of these children paying for the college. i guess we are paying for the college now since biden want to build back better are they seeing their kids in the middle of the street calling their fellow americans death to them? we are in michigan now whereas dearborn they were saying death to our country. we have lost it, guys. >> will: you know, lawrence, that's the operative point for me. we can and we should analyze by the way why so many young people poll disproportionate anywhere else in this country on the side of the palestinians and we can talk about the fact that it has
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to do with the teaching from the professors, the role of tiktok. whatever it may be. these movements, whether or not the university of north texas, berkeley yale or harvard need to understand is if young people want to have a debate, an earnest debate about you know israel and the palestinians, they're going to have to have some ability to distinguish that from death to america and support from hamas. that's the problem. it's all wrapped up -- your protest is chanting an be at this fad da. you are not simply saying and by the way when you say will, you are using the proverbial you. it's not everybody in the crowd. you know what? i think it was you lawrence the other day car. kk member standing next to you in the rally you want to disavow the member of the kkk. all of these protests are veering into anti-semitism and hatred of america. >> ainsley: didn't it start out, didn't you feel like it was we need a cease-fire, we are
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worried about the innocent women and children that are living in that area. we need to send them south because the north is getting bombed. everyone was worried about humanitarian aid. then it evolved into really what this is about and we are hearing death to america in michigan. we are hearing "i am hamas. i am hamas "on one of the college campuses. and we are hearing from the river to the sea and we know what that means. >> brian: nypd kkk is another phrase coming out of nyu yesterday? really? it's a minority force. most of those officers last night are black and you are telling them they are kkk. get yourself educated. number two understand. this the palestinians are run by hamas. 80% of the palestinians in gaza supported the october 7th attack. they continue to elect hamas and the last election that they had and they popular was bank. can't distinguish. corrupt as the day is long. i don't want any innocent people killed. but the idf is going out of their way the best they can extremely dense population to
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weed out the terrorists from the innocence. it's an impossible situation. we are making it worse by trying to sanction certain divisions of the idf yesterday, which is insane. telling them not to finish off hamas in rafah. so think about from the israeli perspective. they are a democracy as imperfect as all are working their way through. now find out number one ally has a next generation that seems to be pro-palestinian, which for the most part. support the terrorists. >> lawrence: two things on that, brian, how insulting not only to the idf but the american military. guys, we train with them. their hostage rescue team we adopted a lot of the policies and the tactics that they did. we are linkedin arms. we do training exercises all the time. so, it's not just a direct assault on the israeli military. but on our military as well. the second think is.
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look, i have no problem with people having points of views and, you know, when people are younger they are radical views and then they grow up and understand what the real world is, the problem what is happening in america right now is the ideology the professing it's not just a liberal ideology, it's anti-american. it's not congruent with the value system. my question is how did we adopted an ideology that is in the middle east? people are leaving the middle east, to come to america because of our freedom ideology. and we want to be their -- we want to be them. that makes no sense to me. i'm not willing to negotiate with those types of people. >> brian: i wonder how many of these are transfer students or overseas students that are coming over here creating havoc. lawrence, don't move. we're going to check in with eric shawn. >> will: yeah. former president trump will be back in court this morning for day six of his new york criminal trial. >> ainsley: but, before testimony resumes there, will be a hearing on whether the former
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president violated his gag order. >> brian: day two will start with three hours of gag talk. eric shawn is live outside the new york state supreme court. hey, eric. >> gag talk, brian, good morning. good morning, guys, yes. former president trump could find out this morning whether he has to pay up if judge juan merchan decides and rules that he did violate the gag order here. before we hear testimony resuming in the trial today, there will be that hearing held on the 10 violations the district attorney alvin bragg's office said trump violated by attacking witnesses and court staff. the former president could be fined $1,000 for each one. and the penalty could be up to one month in jail. though no one seriously thinks the judge will lock him up. the hearing follows the first witness. trump friend and former national inquirer punisher david pecker. pecker, prosecutors expect. will later today outline for the jury what they say was the illegal scheme to suede the 2016 presidential election for the
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president by burying negative stories about trump trump's lawyer said those nondisclosure agreements were legal. and he thought he was paying his lawyer, michael cohen for legal services. >> this is a case where you pay a lawyer. he's a lawyer. and they call it a legal expense. that's the exact term they use, legal expense in the books. >> well blanch blasted cohen calling him a criminal obsessed with trump who wants to see his former boss in prison. prosecutors say cohen paid stormy daniels $130,000 to buy her silence about her alleged affair with trump. trump reimbursing cohen by paying him back. cohen responded to blanch's attacks by telling fox news, quoted: the facts will come out at the time of trial that contradicts todd blanche's mischaracterizations of me.
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but the next witness after david pecker is expected to be karen macdougall the former playboy playmate who adding that she had an affair with trump that went on to 10 months. the allegations she was paid not to reveal it paid by the national inquirer part of that catch and kill scheme not to harm president trump in 2016. testimony resuming this morning after that gag order hearing. back to you. >> brian: is he testifying because he got subpoenaed. he might have some type of deal with the feds. i don't know if david pecker is in trouble. he cut some kind of deem. we will see what happens today. stop at 2:00 because of passover and they don't do anything except gag order until 11:00. >> will: david pecker runs the risk of boring the your. overarching theme. complicated case and better get to the facts quick. i would have expected michael cohen but they start with david
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pecker of the national inquirer. see how its resonating with people. lawrence is there he has been talking to diners. it's a confusing case to the point, lawrence, i don't know how this is going to land with a jury much less the public. >> lawrence: you make an interesting point you talk about the case. as you know the former president continues to make this theme they're after you, the american public. this is not about me. this is about targeting a political opponent. i was talking to this young lady right here. how are you doing? good morning. we were talking about the former president being under prosecution right now. what do you make of it or do you think that it's fair. >> no. i don't think it's fair. it's ridiculous. just trying to -- keep him busy so he can't run. >> >> lawrence: you were telling me yesterday as you thought about the case and you were watching about what was going on in new york, it brought you to tears. why is that? >> to tears because we need trump back or else we are going to lose our country. we are going to lose our country. and what is happening with these
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protesters is heart-breaking. it's history happening all over again and they don't understand how bad it could get or will get if we don't get trump back. in. >> lawrence: thank you so much. let's talk with some more folks here. sir, how are you doing? >> good. >> i see you got your maga shirt on. >> i do. >> lawrence: there is all these cases but we are starting in new york. what do do you feel about it? do you think that it's fair? >> not at all. they are going after him just to keep him off the trail. and if it was anybody else, it wouldn't even be a case, just because he is the president, they are going after him. only way they can win. >> lawrence: the question is, guys, can donald trump get a fair process in new york city? sir, what do you think about that? you got donald trump. he is in manhattan, you got a d.a. that made a campaign promise to go after him. the area that is seating the jury only 80% of them are democrats and only 20% of them voted for donald trump. do you feel like they can be fair? >> absolutely not.
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i think that the media as a whole has made it their mission to try and come together against donald trump and that's all they are concerned about is beating him. >> lawrence: that seems to be a general theme, guys. why this is modern michigan is a swing state. the big question that is on voters minds as well, guys, why the timing? why wait until the election? you had like three and a half years come up with some sort of case it. just seems mighty convenient that they are doing it during election season, guys. i will send it back to you guys. >> brian: just a coincidence, lawrence, please. just a coincidence. >> carley: yesterday we were interviewing kerri kupec urbahn. we keep hearing they are legal fees. they marked them legal fees really it's hush money. she said what else are you supposed to call it. you are paying your attorney. that is called a legal fee. >> lawrence: yeah, that's
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exactly right. she also talked about that this can open pandora's box. there is a lot of politicians and elected officials and cabinet members that have paid a lot of people off and have a lot of nondisclosures. and if this was already expired according to the statute of limitation, are they all fair game? >> will: all right, lawrence, we'll be he can whiching in with you throughout the morning nest egg cafe in allen dale. thank you so much. >> ainsley: washington state police are still searching for that guy, an armed and dangerous former police officer accused of shooting and killing a woman outside of an elementary school yesterday. authorities say a second body was found inside his house. state police believe the two victims are the suspect's ex-wife and girlfriend. they have also issued an amber alert for the suspect's 1-year-old son who has been missing since sunday. baltimore leaders are blaming the deadly collapse of the francis scott key bridge on the owners of that container ship
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which slammed into it. court papers filed yesterday on behalf of the mayor and the city council accused both of those companies that own the do dollyf negligence. they should have realized the dali was not fit for the sea and manned it competent crew members. the two companies filed a petition asking the court to cap their liability after the collapse. wild brawls breaking out at the annual orange crush festival on georgia's taibbi island. several women reported punching each other, ripping hair, wrestling on the pier. the crowd was estimated to have around 6,000 people for that celebration. it's unclear how many, if any, were arrested. and those are your headlines. >> brian: fox news search right now and it's an alert for a suspect who shot an l.a. deputy in the back while he was at a red light
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♪ >> brian: back with a fox news alert now. deputies in los angeles are looking folk are a suspect shot a deputy in the back yesterday in broad daylight. the motorcycle deputy samuel esper row red light training session hit by a single bullet. thankfully authorities say a protective vest saved his life. the deputy called for help and was taken to a local hospital where he is in stable condition.
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authorities detained several persons of interest miles away from the shooting scene the sheriff's office says they don't necessarily consider them suspect and are releasing the group. officials are turning to the public to bring the shooter to justice. >> he's a serving vanity and he was shot in the back. and we consider this, this individual to be a public safety risk at this point. right now there is somebody out there armed with a firearm who shot one of our deputies in the back and if he's willing to do that, i'm sure is he willing to shoot at anybody else. bine brian the sheriff's office says they have identified a vehicle of interest. it's a white sedan with tinted windows. we will stay on top of this story. hopefully something will develop throughout the show. now over to carley with headlines. >> carley: thankful for the bullet proof vest a mistrial declared in the case of an arizona rancher charged with murder for allegedly killing unarmed migrant on his property. jurors could not reach a verdict after three days of
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deliberation. the suspect, george allen kelly did not testify. a hearing will be held on monday to determine if prosecutors will seek a knew trial. a varney call cruise ship rescuing 27 migrants stranded on a boat on monday. look at that right there. wow. the migrants were making their way to florida from cuba. the bridge team on the crews spotted them and the ship which was heading to honduras, turned around and brought them on board. they were given food and examined by a medical team. the crew notified the u.s. coast guard and officials in honduras. will, over to you. >> will: outrage erupting in west virginia a transgender middle schooler dominated the shot putt competition so girls from the rival school what they did is they walked off in protest. as 13-year-old becky pepper jackson won the meet over 3 feet. this is just days after a federal appeals court ruled against west virginia's 2021 save women's in sports acted, which allowed pepper jackson to
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compete as a girl. joining us now is host of outkick, the morning on it's charly arnolt. charlie, great to see you this morning. outrageous. i mean, once again by the way you want to see how outrageous look at the shot putt meet results the transgender student threw it 32.9. the closest competitor, female was 29.6. but they all refused to kind of meet the acknowledgment that this becky pepper johnson was the winner and i think in the end, this is the only thing, not the court, not the administration, this is the only thing that's going to reintroduce sanity, women standing up. >> yeah. it's really upsetting that these middle school girls have to forfeit their opportunities in order to take aened that. i mean, that takes a lot of courage, especially at that age. but they are doing this for the greater good. it's not just for themselves.
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i think back to when i was an athlete i would want nothing more to compete never single meet that i was able to. these girls decide, you know what? we want to make sure that people are paying attention. this is the only way. and the only way for, i think, the government to really start paying attention and especially that federal appeals court that just struck down the law in west virginia that bans transgender athletes from competing in female sports. it's the only way they are going to start saying okay, maybe we aring doing something incorrectly here. >> will: i'm not quite as optimistic. i don't think the court is going to notice the impacts on real life. they are caught up in identity -- >> -- i'm saying if more girls start to do this will, it will be take more than be five athletes. >> will: the courts follow the biden administration and title ix and only thing is driven by identity politics and somehow gender has superseded women. angel reese went 9th in the wnba draft against lsu she tweeted protect young women in sports.
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not a lot of explanation beyond that. that's an example. if that is about m invading women's sports that is what necessary. >> angel reese has a massive platform. again, we don't know what direction she necessarily meant this post to go in. whether or not she was requesting for people to start listening up to keep trans athletes out of women's sports or she was meaning something a little bit more fluffy instead. the fact remains people are starting to notice. this conversation is growing even louder. and i commend every single athlete whether they are young girl or full grown adult athletes for taking a stand. it truly does take a lot of courage at this point in time because i know that every time, for example, even i have opened my mouth i get called the worst names in the world. it's a horrible thing but you know that you are doing something for the greater good and that's what matters right now. >> will: the schizophrenic absurdity of our leaders, the biden administration allowing men to evade women's women's
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sports. the cause she would like to take up is caitlin clark's pay salary in the wnba as compared to nba. her fight there is not against gender but about simple economics. >> this is the fight of our leaders in america. absurd. catch charlie on outkick the morning every weekday 8:00 a.m. go to and watch outkick the morning. thank you, charlie. >> thanks, will. >> will: protesters at nyu march towards police with flares as dozens are arrested. holocaust survivor calls this absolutely frightening and she't next. a orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors.
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[chanting israel go to hell] [chanting free, free palestine] [no more for israel's crime.
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[. [chanting antifad da revolution, there is only one solution] [we are hamas] you are hamas? wow. you are a what? you are hamas? >> yes, we're all hamas, pig. >> that's nyu. >> ainsley: nyu following in the footsteps of the ivy league as anti-israel protesters charge toward police with those flares this happened last night leading to dozens of arrests. here to react is toba freidman a holocaust survivor who shares her stories on tiktok with the help of her grandson. she also wrote a "new york times" best seller list it was number one for several weeks "the daughter of auschwitz." you were five and a half when you were taken and put in concentration camp with your mom. >> right. >> ainsley: you were liberated a year later at 6 and a half.
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you remember. >> a lot. >> ainsley: you were showing me in the commercial break tattoo on your arm. >> yeah. >> what did they tell you. >> they told me i don't have a name. this is my name. the name was very long. 27633. and i couldn't remember it. so they tried to teach me to remember it because this was my name from now on. >> ainsley: your name. you were a number. you were just a number. >> i was number. >> ainsley: at painful at 5 and a half to do that. >> painful. i was fascinated the woman said to me if you ever survive just wear a long sleeve shirt and nobody will know. >> ainsley: wow. you want people to know. >> i want people to know. absolutely. >> ainsley: protest in america. anti-semitic. what is your response. >> it is shocking. utterly shocking. when i walked out of auschwitz with my mother, walking through these gates, i said to my 6 and a half and very adult 6 and a
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half not like a child, you know. i said i will never, never have anybody call me a dirty jew or anything else again. i am free now. and when i came to america at 11 and a half. it's like i came to the promise land. and it was just -- it was just fabulous experience and here it is today. i am shocked. i am pained. i'm scared. i'm scared both for america. i'm scared for the jews and very painful for your young people. i have two children. two grandchildren washu and one at cornell. i can't imagine living through. this it reminds me -- well, i was too young -- i wasn't alive then but i heard about exactly what happened in -- before the
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holocaust and what is shocking most of all is that the professors, some of them, are on board. >> ainsley: what is your message to them who didn't live through the holocaust? you have all of these college students. some of them are deniers of it. what is your message if they are watching? >> you mean the jews or the non-jews? >> ainsley: non-jews, ones protesting and yelling things like death to america or i am hamas? >> i just want to say if this isn't contained. if they don't think about it, what is going to be the end product? what is the end product of any hatred and prejudice? it is death to somebody. could be death to themselves. death to their opponents. because we didn't stop hitler. like we had a chance we could have stopped it. but nobody did. so i ended up in auschwitz. and a million and a half of
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jewish children w gassed that te of behavior and anger and hatred can only end up in tragedy. tragedy for everybody. not only tragedy for the jews god forbid. tragedy for themselves. which is -- it's going to be a terrible clash. we have to find a way to stop it. you know, i think of it as a virus or like a cancer. if you don't stop it early, it kills the body. >> ainsley: metastasizes. it's killing our country. >> ainsley: it is. tova, thank you so much. i know you have your second saider dinner tonight. i hope you enjoy that with your family. nikki haley put on instagram on passover a tyrant was told let my people go. the same applies to hamas today. thank you so much, tova. >> ainsley: we are going to go back out to lawrence who is having breakfast with friends and tudor dixon in the battleground state of michigan. stay with us.
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over the great lakes and the midwest. here is what i'm concerned with on thursday and friday. this area of low pressure that lingers across the plain states and brings many days of severe weather. including hail, including damaging winds and heavy rainfall and tornadoes. that's going to be our biggest story. look at this, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. some of the same areas getting hit by the potential of very destructive weather. fox for all of your latest details. we will keep you up to date. i'm going to toss it over to carley. >> carley: thank you so much. more news to get here. google reportedly firing 20 additional workers in connection with last week's sit-in protest at offices in new york and california. the employees were protesting against the company's cloud computing contract with the israeli government. this comes after the company dismissed 28 pro-palestinian employees last week. oh, boy, listen to this. new york may soon ban the sale of individually wrapped cheese slices. it's part of a democrat-led push
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to reduce the use of single use plastics. the new bill would require companies with over a million dollars in annual income to reduce consumer packaging and improve recycling. if approved, those in violation would be hit with a $100,000 fine each day. here we go again, guys. new york lawmakers really making those critical changes that impact new yorkers the most. going after kraft singles. >> ainsley: no. i love those. good on cheese grits. >> brian: who has the patience to individually wrap? >> ainsley: i think a machine is involved. will will i think ainsley is on it. >> brian: you think it's a machine? >> will: president biden now trails trump by two points after robert f. kennedy jr. makes it on the state's ballot. >> brian: that's where lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends. joining him is michigan candidate tudor dixon. great podcast and great guy.
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lawrence, take it away. >> lawrence: thanks, brian, appreciate it. so we are on our first state of our three state tour of all the wing states. got tudor dixon here. when you look at the fox news polling. you have got donald trump at 42% here in michigan. joe biden at 40%. but, what about the senate? what about the house? do you see republicans being able to take back the state? >> i think that's going to be tough. we're going to have to work really hard. we have to get a strong ground game in place. trump is always different. when trump is on the ticket, he lifters up the ticket. so there is a really good chance that trump winning the state of michigan will be the answer for the down ticket races. now, i was talking to you about chris christie saying there is not a trump voter. there is a trump voter. the trump voters didn't come out for me in '22. he wasn't on the ballot. that means this time the candidates have a huge advantage. they are going to come out and we want them to vote down ticket. >> lawrence: one of the biggest concerns is the issue of
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abortion. democrats ran on that issue. we saw this recent ad of democrats using this as an issue. let's play a little bit of it. >> trump republicans want to criminalize young alabama women who travel for reproductive care. >> miss, i'm going to need to you step out of the vehicle, take a pregnancy test. >> stop them. >> lawrence: they are going to run on this issue. and they are going to use fear. what can republicans do to message this the right way? >> i think donald trump has done a great job of making gretchen whitmer's argument obsolete. i think that was devastating for her. she is the queen of abortion. she took this issue and ran with it like crazy in 2022. she did a great job. you are right. fear was the best motivator to get people to the polls. and i think that ad is so corny i think people are starting to step away from the idea. look, donald trump has even said this is going to be a states
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issue. states are going to choose. it's on the ballot in those states where it's on the ballot, people will choose that and they can choose their candidate independently. that is really going to be hard for democrats because they can't run on this issue anymore. republicans on this issue, they need to understand that we can do things to provide families what they need to russ abortions. since the dobbs decision, abortions are the highest they have ever been in america. people need to understand there are more than one way to skin a cat in this issue. have you got to come around families and provide ways to keep a babies, to make it easier to adopt. >> to give families a chance rather than allow these democrats to just railroad people into fear and force them into abortion. >> lawrence: such a good point. do you think that there is something that you could have done differently in your race regarding that issue on the ballot? >> you know, i go back and forth
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so many times and like monday morning quarterback, my race. i mean, sure, i think if there were alternative then potentially people would change their minds. i don't think we can go back. i think we have to learn from it and go forward. >> lawrence: so powerful. tudor dixon, thank you for joining us. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪
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♪ >> will: it's the 7:00 a.m. hour on the east coast. it's tuesday


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