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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> will: it's the 7:00 a.m. hour on the east coast. it's tuesday, april 23rd. and this is "fox & friends."
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fox news alert. anti-israel nyu protesters march towards police with flares and dozens are arrested. president biden has mixed messaging on the campus chaos. >> do you condemn the anti-semitic protests on college campuses? >> i condemn the anti-semitic protests. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> ainsley: plus, new york vs. donald trump. the former president facing contempt charges now as prosecutors say he violated his gag order. >> brian: i guess we're going to talk about the gag order and he has made all of america laugh for decades. >> do you have my reservation. >> yes, we do unfortunately. we ran out of cars. >> but the reservation keeps the car here. that's why you have the reservation. >> i know why we have reservations. >> i don't think you do. >> brian: jerry seinfeld now opening up on hollywood movies losing relevance as well as anti-semitism. the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now and,
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remember, your mornings are better because you are with friends. you know that ♪ >> will: former president trump is going to be back in court this morning for day six of his new york criminal trial. day two of the beginning of the trial but after jury selection we are on to day 6 of the story. >> ainsley: before all the testimony starts, will, there will be a hearing on whether the former president violated his gag order. allowed to talk about it. >> brian: we are allowed to talk about a gag order. debate it until 11:00 today. eric shawn is all ready to talk about the gag order and not worry about being fined or jailed. hi, eric. >> yeah. we are not gagged here at "fox & friends" this morning. you are right, as you say, brian and guys, there will be that hearing held today. we will find out potentially this morning whether john merchan will hold former president trump in contempt of court and whether or not he will be fined. that gag order hearing will start before the testimony here
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in court this morning. the former president may be on the hook later this morning for up to $10,000 in fines if the judge rules that he did violate his instructions not to attack witnesses. and he also potentially could face 30 days in jail, though no one here thinks that would be a real possibility. then, after that hearing over. the first witness in this trial back on the stand. david pecker, the former publisher of the national inquirer, expected to detail the so-called catch and kill scheme where the tabloid paid two people to keep negative stories about trump out of the public eye during the 2016 presidential race. yesterday, prosecutors described this as a sweeping case involving what they say was a criminal election conspiracy between trump, his lawyer, michael cohen and pecker to suppress negative stories that could hurt -- could have hurt trump's presidential campaign. but, the former president insists that the checks that he paid to michael cohen were not to shut up stormy daniels about
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their alleged affair but to pay cohen as a lawyer. >> that check being paid to a lawyer. he is a lawyer or was a lawyer. and also the things he got in trouble for were things that had nothing to do with me. he got in trouble. he went to jail. this had nothing to do with me. >> the trump defense michael cohen a centerpiece of this. >> in court trump's defense attorneyed to blanche blasted cohen calling him up saysed with criminal and lawyer who can't be trusted. michael cohen tells fox news, quote the facts will come out at the time of trial that contradicts todd blanche's mischaracterizations of pee. afterme.second witness karen mal former playboy playmate who alleged she had a 10 month
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affair with donald trump and she was paid $150,000 according to prosecutors by the national inquirer to keep that story out of the public eye. expected to detail not only her alleged affair but how prosecutors say she was muzzled not to damage the former president's campaign back in 2016. so, court starts in a couple hours we'll have the very latest. back to you. >> brian: you can have an nda. that's common and allowed. the whole thing is the second half of your sentence did. they do it to help his election fortunes, perhaps. and then what bank account did he write the check from, his personal account or from the -- or from the campaign account, right? >> ainsley: eric, couldn't he also add on that, couldn't he take the stand and say. >> brian: karen macdougall? >> ainsley: talk about the women. what man if he has made this mistake wants the world to know about this? it had nothing to do with the elections it was just because i was ashamed of this. or maybe he says i guess he is
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going to remain he says he didn't do it. >> well, that's exactly what todd blanche told the jury yesterday in his opening statement for the defense saying that the nda certainly is legal. that the former president was attempting to protect his brand, protect his family. >> ainsley: his family and wife. >> his reputation that certainly is the defense' view. the president we heard him say look, he had accountants and lawyers they told him what to do. he was president at the time. he was in the oval office dealing with those issues that it is not what prosecutors say, that according to the former president. >> brian: he kept on saying objections. any time he said ndas are not illegal. then the other side colangelo would object. and the judge would just let him go, i guess. and they keep saying it over and over again. >> ainsley: say to the jury, look, you might not like the act. you might not like that it was done. it's not illegal. he already won be -- america knew about both of these stories
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before he won the election. will i will thanks, eric, we're going to move to college campuses where these protests continue, brian. >> brian: fox news alert. chaos on college campuses and it's plural, with police making dozens of arrests at nyu later. but, first, columbia and then yale. >> ainsley: listen to this. what is happening on harvard's campus? they shut their gates ever the harvard yard to the public until friday as officials are expecting more pro-palestinian protests on campus. remember the president resigned there. and fetterman wants mitt romney to be the president. we are learning columbia university will be hybrid for the remainder of the semester a few more weeks left of class. lawmakers are calling for the presidents of the university to step down. >> will: peter doocy live at the white house with reaction. todd piro at yale and begin with alexis mcadams who is at columbia. good morning, alexis. >> will, good morning from columbia university where more protests are expected again here not just at this campus but
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across new york city and across the country as though protests continue and there is more tents set up right here behind me on this campus. there are very powerful alumni like the owner of the new england patriots bob kraft who say they are going to pull their money out of this university because of the ongoing hate that's been spewed. watch. >> i met with -- i see what is going on in america. what's happening right now. and it really pains me to see it. we can't have this intimidation that's filtering through all these colleges and the hate continue to grow and multiply the way it is. >> and that's exactly what students say who are of the jewish faith that they feel intimidated on their own campus. just last night the nypd was called onto the campus of nyu. arresting dozens of protesters who were asked to get out by the university but they didn't comply. even making these announcements for hours telling them they
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needed to clear the area. they didn't go. they set up tents in the so-called gaza solidarity encampment. as they followed in the it footsteps of columbia university growing calls for the president of columbia to resign. >> this is not the new york way. this is an embarrassment to new york city. these are bullies. these are cowards, these are pathetic low life scum bag. it's as bad as i'm going to curse. agenda number one is to free our hostages. with less than a month until graduation, ainsley, they are going to shift to hybrid learning, so, they can either take their tests or continue their classes online if they don't want to come to the campus because things are pretty disruptive when you walk around in there. send it back to you. >> will: thank you, alex isis. todd piro at yale tracking the protest at new haven. good morning, todd. >> todd: good morning, will. it is cold.
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it is quiet here on the new haven campus of yale university. a smattering of individuals on this green here you can see as i step out of the shot, they are arein tents they are in sleeping bags. it was pretty cold as well. can you imagine not a lot of individuals out here if you will. one thing we did see this morning, we saw a fair number of police and also saw a fair number of police/security officials interacting with these protesters in and around this green area. but that was a far cry from what we saw yesterday. massive protests breaking out here at yale when police arrived. they issued a warning to students who are occupying tents at the time on campus. >> no one will stop you from leaving. if you do not leave you will be arrested. we will give you time to leave. >> the enough haven police department says 47 anti-israel protesters were arrested. the university adding, quote: students who were arrested also
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will be referred for yale disciplinary action which includes a range of sanctions, such as reprimand, probation, or suspension. meantime at uc berkeley students are planning a sit-in protest pitching tents in the center of campus there calling on the university to end financial ties to companies connected with israel. dan, university spokesperson saying quote: with three weeks left in the semester, berkeley is prioritizing students' academic interests. we will take the stepping necessary to ensure the protests does not disrupt the university's operations. and these protests are spreading nationwide at rice university in texas they are establishing a liberation zone today. we have also seen in massachusetts tufts, nit and emerson also planning protests today and will, you asked me in the last hour, what about the middle of the country? well, by my count, we see some type of encampment activity at university of michigan, ativan der built, of course, in tennessee. and in washington university in
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st. louis. so the middle of the country not spared from this. the question now becomes how much further does it spread? back to you. >> will: good stuff. thank you, todd. >> ainsley: chaos goes beyond all of these college campuses. anti-israel protester actually harassing alec baldwin at new york city coffee shop demanding that he just says the words free palestine. say it once. please just say it once asking him this on camera. then he refuses to leave the shop when asked by the employees. watch. >> one time. just one time. please. and i will leave you alone. prepalestine. [bleep] israel. zionism. please say it. one time. >> so he takes -- go ahead. >> that person, the protester continued shouting at baldwin as he headed toward the door started out with why did you kill that lady talking about the
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involuntary manslaughter charge in the death of rust cinematographer alina hutchins. continues on what you saw. >> brian: i do not blame him at all. >> this is the not first time protesters have confronted the actor. back in december, activist in manhattan got into a shouting match with baldwin after asking if he supports israel. >> yes, for this discussion of everything going on across the country. let's bring in lawrence jones michigan at the nest egg diner this morning. you know, i will put this to you, lawrence. this is a conversation you and i had a little bit earlier about distancing yourself from certain elements of these protests. i want to read you a tweet from congresswoman cori bush. she said as a ferguson activist i know what it's like to have agitators infiltrate our movement. fuel dissension by public officials and law enforcement. we must reject these tactics to silence antiwar activists demanding divestment and genocide. the problem, lawrence, cori bush needs to understand is, as we
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have talked about it's inseparable. the quote unquote agitators are the protests. the coherent debate is not taking place. instead, it is a call for antifad da. >> the notion that this movement has been infiltrated with people so he pictures of the people trying to block incidents congratulation. that's where these people are going to be in the history books columbia professor key card deactivated because the
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university said they could not protect him. that's in america. and the fact that they are allowing all of these tents to be little gazans all over the country the reality is, guys, this is not gaza. you would think that the law enforcement officials would be able to enforce the law and say, look, you guys are openly intimidating jewish people in the country. and i say this fact all the time. when you have the fbi director saying that 60% of the hate crimes are against jews and then you got the president of the united states that wants to hold some type of bipartisan meeting to talk about islamophobia. these people are out of their minds. >> brian: right. saying -- they always say there is some jewish americans on that campus protesting, too. which they should have their head examined. back to alec baldwin for a second. i watched the whole thing. is he going to a coffee shop by himself, right? he is getting screamed at. why did you shoot that woman? en then is he getting screamed
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at say free palestine, say free palestine. she literally right in his face. and at the very end he grabs the phone. he asks the manager call the cops. the manager sits there with a mask on so you know where he stands. answered sits there, puts his hand over it and takes the phone and you will see it in a second. he kind of does a half -- he will turn around and now he asks her to leave. she will not leave. and then is he going to put hand up. >> ainsley: trying to remain calm. >> brian: i know he has a temper, but anybody would have reacted like this. this is something that we have to deal with. i had a similar situation happen. you say to yourself i do want to make this a bigger situation or i do want to just walk away and is he trying to walk away and tell her to come out. and then finally is he going to put up and is he just going to grab the phone right out. watch, there it goes. >> ainsley: he was just minding his business. >> brian: same thing happened to seinfeld, too. they are protesting his appearance. not only are you not doing a
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sit-in on the lawn but because you are not saying free palestine that's now an issue in new york city. >> lawrence: guys, it's not just free palestine in michigan down the street in dearborn they were chanting death to america. okay? you are saying death to america. this is a country that has welcomed you in. and i know we have to say the same thing over again of like there is peaceful muslims in the country. but i have to ask the question, when you have radical islamists within the country that are talking about the destruction, where are all these peaceful loving no, we do not stand for this. >> our president was taking a slow walk in the woods mumbling about i'm against anti-semitism instead of grabbing a podium opening up your speech look we are here for earth day. i understand there is 12 campuses with riots. >> ainsley: he didn't just say i'm anti-semitism. i also want us to understand the palestinian people and their
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point of view. >> brian: you mean there is good people on both sides? >> ainsley: interviewing holocaust survivors. five and a half when she got the tattoo. there with her mother. six and a half. she was actually released when she was a year later. little girl. she remembers it all. everything she saw was horrific. and it is still with her. she wrote a "new york times" best seller, the daughter of auschwitz which i just downloaded. i can't wait to read it. i didn't know she wrote this book until i was talking with her and chatting with her about it. she said it was interesting when we were liberated. we moved to israel. and we have our own country. we didn't fight back. we just -- we were minding our own business and having our own country. and all of a sudden on october 7th. they come in and invade our country and she said and we have to finally fight back. and we do. but they made the decision to interrupt this nova music festival that we all do here in america. she now is raising her family and her grandkids in america. she said i never thought i would see something like this here in
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our own country. >> will: to ainsley's point, people are characterizing it as a very fine people moment people on both sides. he said yeah, i have set up a center to combat anti-semitism. i'm upset that people don't understand the cause of the palestinians, he is seemingly trying to play it both ways, lawrence. >> brian: can you imagine me doing a talking point. is anti-semitism a problem? will, i don't know, is it yeah anti-semitism is really bad. i got to go. what's happened yeah there is good palestinians, got run. that will be great. that's how is he running our country. is he not talking to us. he won't give a speech. he won't give an interview. he won't set up a policy. you got scream at him in the woods to get a ridiculous hardly audible comment. >> ainsley: i will tell you why, he doesn't want to answer the question. when he does he wants to play both sides now because he saw what happened where you are, lawrence. and he knows he needs that state. >> lawrence: ainsley, you are so right. hit the nail on the head. worried about the votes in
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michigan. number one area for the arab vote. and so a lot of them voted noncommitted to send a message to joe biden. let's see what the folks here in michigan have to say about that, hello, hello. >> bret: 's talk with some veterans. when you see what happened here in dearborn, the chants death to america. and you have aoc, the president of the united states haven't addressed the matter. they did release a statement. but they haven't taken it on. what runs through your mind? >> what runs through my mind is that our government, our leaders of this country are supporting the wrong agenda. our agenda should be to be supportive of america, not of hamas, not of people that go and murder babies and women and then we stand behind it. we should not have anybody in our government that says we support that we shouldn't have our students here supporting our students, giving them free things in their tuition or education so they can stand out
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and support a country that wants to kill mothers and women and say death to jews. that's what hitler did. hitler said that to jews. we went and fought for that. our penal gave their lives for our freedom in this country. >> lawrence: such a good point. sir, i want to go to you. he hits the nail on the head. he talks about -- this is what we fought for. we fought against this, when you see american students on college campuses. when you see folks in dearborn, michigan saying death to america. what do you want to say to them? >> i'm a veteran, and i love this country. it's just appalling what is going on. back in my day during the vietnam war, they didn't tolerate this stuff. there was tear gas and they put it down. i don't know what's wrong with our government anymore. and yeah. it's just appalling what offense going on. they shouldn't allow it. our january 6 people are in
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prison for literally nothing. and these people can get away with that and shout death to america when these prisoners that were in washington, d.c. they sing the national anthem every day. they are patriotic. they love this country. it's just -- the justice system is backwards. >> lawrence: what do you think about this now the fact that our young people, some of them it appears like they have been radicalized? >> they have been and you know, i have had children and they have grown up in this country. we have all been incredibly blessed. and so it is just real -- it's a real shame how our country, our children have changed. their motives, the ideas. we need the lord to get back to where we need to be. >> lawrence: guys, this what we continue to hear. this is the epicenter of those chants. the population for arab americans is the most here in michigan. where this state is gonna go, you see joe biden already changing his policy.
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based on that uncommitted voter. guys. i will send it back to you in new york. >> brian: we will talk later is that untuckit shirt with triangle on the bottom. it's a perfect cut. carley, take it away. >> carley: more news to get to here starting with this a fox news alert. washington state police are still searching for the armed and dangerous police officer accused of shooting a woman outside elementary school. yesterday authorities say a second body was found in his home. state police believe the two victims are the suspect's ex-wife and girlfriend. they also issued an amber alert for the suspect's 1-year-old son who hebrew missing since sunday. to another alert, authorities in los angeles are looking for a suspect who shot a deputy in the back yesterday. this took place in broad daylight. a motorcycle deputy was at a red light while heading to a training session when he was hit with a single bullet. he called for help and was taken
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to a local hospital where thankfully he is in stable condition. authorities detained several persons of interest at a home just miles away from the shooting scene before releasing the group. now officials are turning to the public to bring this shoot tore justice. el paso judge has dismissed charges against the group of 140 migrants who caused a riot at the southern border earlier this month. the county judge throwing out the case saying there was no probable cause. the migrants now released from state custody but all of them are being turned over to federal custody to face illegal entry charges. guys, those your headlines. back over to you. >> will: new york vs. trump. the former president facing contempt charges today over that gag order. that's next to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy.
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>> ainsley: the judge in bryan kohberger's quadruple murder trial will allow his legal team to resume jury poll surveys only if they do not violate kohberger's gag order. kohberger's lawyers hired a consultant to conduct community phone polling before his trial. last month the judge paused the surveys. kohberger faces four counts of first degree murder and one count of burglary for allegedly stabbing four university of
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idaho students to death. on capitol hill, the senate could vote today on the $95 billion foreign aid package for israel, ukraine, and taiwan. the bill is expected to easily pass after clearing the house over the weekend. the package also includes a potential tiktok ban here in the united states. and jerry seinfeld is set to make his directorial debut new netflix movie called unfrosted. the comedian says the movie business is finished telling gq is. this it was totally new to me. i thought i had done some cool stuff. it was nothing like the way these people work. they are so dead serious. they don't have any idea that the movie business is over. they have no idea. so we want to know. do you think the film industry is dead? can you email us at and those are your headlines. i will turn it over to you, brian. >> brian: it's a very good feature and he really wants you to watch the movie. thank you very much, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> brian: former president trump will be back in court for day
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six of his trial. a hearing on whether trump will be held in contempt. prosecutors accusing him of violating his gag order 10 times. following that expublisher of the national inquirer david pecker will be back on the stand to testify in the so-called catch and kill scheme, which is not illegal. where the tabloid paid to suppress negative stories about trump. here to react, fox news editor kerri kupec urbahn. before we talk about the gag order and the hearing for a couple hours today, kerri, what was your big take away from yesterday as the prosecution and defense had their opening statements. >> one, i was startled to see that the former number three at the department of justice one presenting opening arguments for alvin bragg yesterday. that's a very coveted spot at the department of justice, one that people take and go on to become a corporate big wig. so for this particular man to have that job and then go and work for alvin bragg and to be presenting opening arguments right from biden's doj to the
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courtroom in new york city was quite something. the other point that stuck out to me the defense kept making which was that ndas and you said this earlier are not illegal. compensation for nur ndas are nt illegal. the prosecution did focus a lot from david pecker who we will be hearing today from on the stand. he is not exactly part of this case because this case focuses on stormy daniels and he had much more to do can karen macdougall. using him to paint the picture of trump's general mindset it's not specific to the case before them. >> brian: i have to tell everyone, the reason why i was so brilliant in my talking point is because i talked to kerri before the show and she helped me with it. just outline this. the reason you brought that up about matt colangelo makes no sense to you. he is at this prominent position at the justice department. he leaves it to go work this new york case. and, yet, they don't care about the perception that trump keeps saying this is a biden
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instigated trial, they go it's absolutely not. and everyone says it's unfounded. when matt colangelo leaves the justice department of joe biden and goes and takes a job beneath him, leading the investigation, the prosecution of donald trump, that is saying i don't care about perceptions. i'm just going for it. >> i agree. and objectively, it's a career downgrade. for instance, my colleague who held the position when i was at the doj. she is now a top person at walmart. rudy giuliani when he held that position in the early 1980s he went on to head fdny. people typically go up and not down. objectively to take this career downgrade means it's pretty personal. you're a true believer. >> brian: talk about david pecker. is he there because this could be part of a plea deal. he was there because he was subpoenaed. he was taking a lot of questioning. next thing you know he is a state's witness. do you as a defense attorney say hey, david pecker, why are you here? are you here? did you cut a deal in order to testify against donald trump?
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does that come up? is that allowed? >> they did give him immunity to your point and that's why we know what we know now. and apparently he told trump years ago that he would be his eyes and ears on the campaign. he said he would keep his ears open for bad stories, potentially about him. and then help to kill them. which is not illegal. now, look, does it feel dirty and sleazy to some extent? sure. it's the national inquirer. but, also, you know, one thing we used to contend with all the time when i was at the doj. people would ocome to bill barr and say to him i want to prosecute this person and this person. typically fan favorites of the right. bill barr would always ask two very simple questions. what is the crime and what is the evidence? just because something feels dirty doesn't make it illegal. and people need to keep that in mind in this case. >> brian: karen macdougall will be on the stand today we expect david pecker wraps up. they only have 11 to 2. she was in the overflow room which he told me even better to
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being in court because you can see the whole thing. thanks, kerri. coming up saturday night 7:00 i will be in las vegas at technically henderson, nevada, that will be the 27th. the history liberty and laughs tour, also co-sponsored by fox nation. so, you are able to get specials, if you go, go to brian, next month after that in indianapolis. hope to see everybody in person. it's a lot of fun. meanwhile, coming up next. anti-israel protesters erupting on campuses, and the cities across america. so, who are these groups and who is funding them? we dive into it. [chanting israel go to hell] ♪ chanting free, free palestine] [there is only one solution] we are hamas.
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. president biden and lawmakers on capitol hill are reacting to all the chaos that's unfolding on our college campuses. peter doocy joins us from the white house with the latest, peter? >> peter: and president biden had an opportunity to pick a side when he was asked about these on campus anti-semitic protests the way that a white house spokesperson did over the weekend. but, instead, he did say he sees problems on both sides of what's happening. >> do you condemn the anti-semitic protests on college campuses? >> i condemn the anti-semitic protests. that's why i have set up a program to deal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> should the columbia university president resign? >> this way, mr. president. >> i didn't know that. >> did she resign. >> president biden also said he learned during his time in
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office to listen to alexandria ocasio-cortez and yesterday he listened to her give air cover to the anti-israel protesters. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today, of all days, as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campus. like columbia, yale, berkeley, and many others. >> peter: so where does this all stop. think columbia's president must resign. anarchy engulfed the campus of columbia university. go on to say recent events testimony in front of congress we have no confidence in your leadership of this once esteemed institution. we are going to hear from president biden later on today in tampa, of all places. his political team thinks that proposed limits on abortion access in florida have put the sunshine state in play in november. that's why he is going. brian? >> brian: all right.
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thanks so much. pete. very interesting. i always listen to a.o.c. , too that's something we have in common with the president. thanks, pete. i will with will hard to see which side is biden on? >> brian: let's break down where these protests are coming from. who started them. actually where the dollars are going. all right, will. let's begin. conspiracy off, they are everywhere. will will they are everywhere, brian, but often under one banner. this is what to know behind these protests you are seeing. on campus organizations students for justice in palestine. brian, it's basically behind most of the major campus protests we have seen. and as i pointed out, as i mentioned, it's everywhere. it's all across the country. >> brian: yeah, 200 plus chapters various sizes, smaller ones over emerson bigger in the ivy league schools. how do they communicate? you could get it. they go through the cell phone. go through text messages. go through certain sites. these are. so colleges that have gotten our attention. >> will: these are the notable chapters making the most noise.
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nyu, berkeley, columbia. 200 plus chapters across the country for students for justice in palestine. >> brian: so they have been there. they have been simmering underneath waiting since octobe. there has been a lot of talk about the pro-israel because of the massacre they suffered but, believe it or not, if you go on tiktok, there are more things to stand with palestine from october 7th. even the following week than there was stand with israel. bar and grill. >> will: the big question is, who is behind students for justice in palestine? well, here are some of the groups funding that organization. this west pack stands for west chester foundation. headed by anti-zionist exorthodox jew. they sponsors all these sjp, students justice palestine. seen some of their chants. what are their resources when they go to jail? what are their resources when they get kicked off campus like ilhan omar's daughter.
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this is where they can go. a lot of the funding is. >> will: go to a 15 bail legal defense fund. they are not only organizing putting it together. what happens to you if you are arrested at the protest. >> brian: a mom i got drunk last night in prison. drunk driving ticket. they know exactly where to go when they get themselves in trouble and know exactly their rights when they get themselves on campus. this leads to. >> will: other funding, student governments, talk how the protests self-fund dollars, american muslims for palestine. a lot opaque stuff. >> brian: used to pick stand up comedians and went to a pier and what venue to go. there they are doing protests. this might be the most important wall. >> off campus stuff. students for justice forever palestine, that's on campus student organizations. then you have got stuff that's happening off of campus like american muslims for palestine. the parent organization informally of sjp. >> brian: right. you see a lot of these campus. get paid. that's where the money comes from. we see a lot of their antics on
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monday al quds day, they stopped the golden gate bridge. they maybe blocked traffic in your tunnel in your area to make the point that they're powerful, that they have something to say. and al quds, not a positive organization. >> will: what is it a reference of. >> brian: they're the outgrowth of the islamic republic of iran. al quds force kills our people in iraq and tries to bomb them out in syria as late as two days ago. >> will: named after the al quds committee death to america chants. that's this group who also has big plans come this summer. >> brian: the worst is yet to comfort dnc. in chicago, plans are already in place to create chaos in the streets inside or outside. and they are not pro-republican. they are just anti-democratic party unless they change and become pro-palestinian. >> will: that's the astro turf behind a lot of these protests that you see that look like students. it does attract students. this is the funding, the organization behind these student protests across campus.
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>> brian: like a good story we end where we start at this very spot. >> will: that's right. >> brian: a brand new poll spelsz big trouble for president biden. >> will: that's mine. we almost stuck the landing but you messed it up. lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends in battleground, michigan. ♪ ♪ crocodile rock the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool...
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. it is beautiful day here in new york city. take a look at the maps though because we have some storms that are on the way that i want to warn you in advance about. 48 right now cooler than average. frost and freeze alerts mid-atlantic up towards the northeast much cooler than average. then we have this area of low pressure that's going to travel across the great lakes in towards the northeast for the next couple of days bringing another day of wet weather. and then the severe weather threat is going to start on thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. for all of these areas across the central u.s. so you need to take note of it, make sure you're watching your local forecast and fox will keep you up to date. all right, ainsley over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. >> janice: you got it. >> ainsley: new poll voters have more confidence in donald trump
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than joe biden as we inch close tort election. that includes dealing with inflation where the former president is pulling ahead of biden by 22 percentage points. then when it comes to handling a crisis, trump is leading by 4. so how do michigan voters feel? lawrence is having breakfast with our friends in allen dale, michigan and he is finding out. hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, my friend. of course, there is a lot of issues impacting this election. you went into the polling of where the former president is ranking against joe biden. let's talk with the people. sir, how are you? >> i'm doing great this morning. how are you? >> lawrence: tell me who do you think is best fit to handle the economy? >> donald trump. >> why is that? >> because everything that he did while he was in, the economy was doing well. everybody was doing well financially. and now it has turned upside down. >> sir, what is the number one issue facing the country right now? >> i would have to say immigration. it scares me what is happening at the border. it really does.
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and it doesn't make any sense, i just can't wrap my head around why they are letting this happen. >> lawrence: thank you so much, sir. he was talking about immigration. i met this young lady earlier today. she is an immigrant and upset about what is happening at the border. how are you ma'am? >> good and you. >> lawrence: what's your name in? >> sonia. >> lawrence: tell me about your story quickly and how do you feel about the president and his actions at the border right now. >> i was born [inaudible] adopted when i was 10 years old. this is my dad. his name is mark. and what's happening with the immigration here it's just not good. and biden is not dealing with the border very good. he should be, you know, stopping everybody coming to this country. i came here legally, you know. everybody should come here legally. you know, i love and like this country. i'm proud of this country. and i'm proud to be here, you know. >> lawrence: we're proud to have you here, ma'am. thank you so much. you have an immigrant that did
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it the right way. you have got people insulting the legal immigrants in the country. we hear a lot about that on the border as well. he you know how we feel about men and women in blue. talk about two former cops. what do you think is the number one issue facing the country right now. >> the border. got to get secure. bring safety back to the border and stop the drugs from flowing over into america. >> lawrence: sir, we was talking about the attack on law enforcement. a lot of guys don't want to do the job anymore because of what's happening. you got a cop that was shot yesterday. in the back. and then you have got a cop that was shot in chicago and killed. what do you think about the state of law enforcement? >> well, it's really we are at one of the biggest lows now. we are having a very difficult time recruiting and retaining cops. nobody wants to come into this profession and how can you blame them? you know, that's why we need the support of not only the public but we need presidential support. this country is in serious decline and the migrant situation is only crippling us. >> lawrence: men and women in blue we definitely support them here at fox. later on in the hour, we're
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going to talk with some law enforcement. they are endorsing the former president. we're going to tell you why, that's coming up on "fox & friends."te more "fox & friends"d. coming on up. t, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just the click of this button. a button? no mask? no hose? just sleep. yeah but you need the hose, you need the air, you need the whoooooosh... inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more, and view important safety information at
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