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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 23, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at >> ainsley: it is it's 8:00 in the morning on the east coast,
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this is "fox and friends." anti-israel nyu protesters marching toward police with flairs and dozens arrested and and columbia making classes hybrid as big-name alumni yanks his support. >> when i went to columbia, people listened. i never thought i would see this in america. >> brian: activists chanting hate across america. remember this. >> [chanting] >> brian: that happened in ba battleground state of deerborn, where lawrence is this morning. >> will: new york versus trump. prosecutors say he violated his
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gag order. remember, mornings are better with friends. >> brian: fox news alert. chaos on college campuses. police making doz ens of rests at nyu and yale. >> and harvard shutting their gates until friday and learning columbia university will be hybrid for remainder of the semester. lawmakers are calling for the president of the university to step down. >> will: we'll get to todd, we'll start with alex us. >> more protests are expected, we saw hundreds necessary r inside the solid ary arty encampment. there are growing callings for
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the president of columbia university to step down and have someone else handle this crisis. >> this is not the new york way, this is an comboorsment. these are bullies, pathetic low-life scum bags. it is embarrassing. agenda number one, free our hostages. >> this morning more tents back up on campus, you can see from above this morning. looks similar to the other day after they cleared campus and arrested 100 students for trespassing. nypd was called on to the campus, arresting dozens who were asked to get out. they did not comply setting up camp. >> this is new york city police department, you have been warned by new york university to leave
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the area, leave the plaza or you will be arrested for trespass. >> this is happening across the country, not just new york, we'll check in with yale. so many jewish students and their parents who pay all this money are looking to the president. keep close eye on if she will resign. back to you. >> will: check in with yale, now we'll go toed todd piro live the tracking the latest with protest in new haven. todd. >> todd: we are starting to see more people out on the town green. a group in the circle, they were sitting in a circle five minutes ago. more people in the general area. you are not seeing hundreds, maybe a few dozen, a much different scene yesterday, massive protest break ing out
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here. police issued a warning to students occupy ing tents on campus. >> no one will stop you from leaving, if you do not leave, you will be arrest said. >> todd: new haven police department says 47 anti-israel protesters were arrested. the university said students will be referred for yale disciplinary action, sanctions such as reprimand, probation or suspension and the president is facing bipartisan calls to resign over her handling of the antisemitic protest on her campus. democrat john fetterman says this is dangerous, add tiki torches and it is -- new york
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congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is praising the anti-israel protesters calling them peaceful during an earth day event with president biden. listen. >> it is especially important to remember the power of young people shaping this country today as all days as we witness student-led protests at yale, berkeley and many others. >> todd: protests are not just confined to those schools, they are spreading at rice university in texas, there is a liberated zone set up and a few scother schools having protest activity today. i have gotten an opportunity to talk to people walking throughout the campus. one word that stands out, it is
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not protests were so violent, it is they were organized, something we've suspected and reported on, there is element of organization here. it seems like yesterday followed a plan, there was a bus and individuals there with cameras, that is what i expected at universities. >> brian: a lot get federal funding. >> ainsley: how will this affect the election. >> brian: virginia fox said they better get their act together at columbia or federal funding will be jeopardized. >> will: both on campus and off campus. let's bring in lawrence jones with us this morning, checking in with diners. one reason you are in michigan this morning is that it was just a couple days ago, april 9th, we saw this type of protest in
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michigan. it stood out, watch this. [chanting] >> will: she is references activism on climate change and college campuses, fine, young people are powerful. powerful toward what? what movement? powerful toward what change? what you saw in michigan, it is pretty frightening where the power is directed, death to america. lawrence will, you make such a good point when you talk about young people, this is my generation. i have debated them on ideology when it comes to climate, i
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don't wish to debate them with terrorism on the homeland. they were protesting where the towers were, where shut down and attacked by terrorists and now march like there is no sand here, no scorching temperature here. no reason to have it on here. they are talking about exterminating jews, it is anti-american. we can debate on the issues, i'm not willing to debate when they want to destroy us all. you think they stop at jews? they are coming after americans. same people that hate jewish people hate americans, as well. fact we have people in 2020 that say we need more clarity and protest for equal justice on the
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law and sit back and watch them go after our jewish brothers, i'm over it. >> ainsley: protests look different than march, february and january when we were seeing primary elections. we were seeing uncommitted, where you are in michigan, i am curious to find out what this would look like right now, would they now vote uncompmitted? he is in the woods say they are fine people on both sides, condemning antisemitism, but saying he understands what the palestinians are going through. robert kraft, is jewish, gives and combats antisemitism and he said columbia, the school he went to, i love that school and
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it provided so much opportunity, it is no longer the school i recognize, i am pulling my funding. >> when i went to columbia, people listened, were empathetic, had compassion, now we have professors who instead of teaching how to think, they are trying to tell our young people what they should think and i think one of the biggest problems we have to do something about is tenure in universities, where people can do things and don't have accountability. lawrence i got a message from one of my professors at university of north texas, it is happening there, as well. not just college campuses, it is happening in communities and the question i have at the college
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is when it enough enough? when does it cross the line from free speech to acts of terrorism? the masks need to come off, the tents need to come down. why can they be on private property and call death to america? >> brian: it is up to the presidents, harvard shut their gates and locked off until friday. columbia, they have not shut it down and have not invite the law enforcement in. that is why everyone is saying the president should be fired. they arrested 60 at harvard, 50 at yale, 43 -- over 100 at columbia and major unrest at tuft
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tufts emerson and mit and saying pr p anti-israel, for divesting from israel as a college, all of them. i'm sure others, too. and they are pro-palestinian and for free palestine. if you're for palestine, you're for hamas. they are chanting for hamas. if you are not for hamas, you are going against what the palestinian people want. 80% in gaza approve of october 7, massacre of israelis. you can't have it both ways. >> will: lawrence, we'll check in with you in a little bit, you'll be talking about diners about their reaction. you can call for the job of the president of columbia. there was a call for the presidents of several other institutions. you are treating symptoms, this did not happen overnight, it is
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every institution, not just ivy league, bought into critical theory, type of learning that divides the world on identity politics and everything is according to superficial and oppressor and oppressed and? is funded, the rest is funded through education and all the kids see the world this way. israel is white and palestine is the oppressed minority. this will happen over and over until you fix the core route. >> ainsley: she spoke in front of congress. two of the professors -- head of the school, presidents had to resign. she goes in front of congress, she was hesitant, she did condemn antisemitism. she has not taken the next step
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where you shut down campus and tell them get out of here and these antisemitic messages are not welcome here. kathy hochul, politicians were asking her to send in the national guard and she refused. >> brian: the president wants to meet with the vakt activists. >> ainsley: you could stand to lose your job. >> will: just over an hour, former president trump will be back in court. >> ainsley: there will be a hearing on whether the former president violated his gag order. >> brian: eric is live outside the new york state supreme court. >> former president trump could be hit with $10,000 in fines. prosecutors from alvin bragg's
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office wants the judge to warn the former president. the hearing will kickoff before testimony resumes in the trial this morning over mr. trump's at attacks employs judge's daughter works for a firm that advises many prominent democrats, among them joe biden. yesterday centered on michael cohen, who says he paid off stormy daniels and prosecutors told the jury was a criminal election conspiracy to help trump during the 2016 race. president trump said he thought the payments to cohen were legal expenses. >> he represented a lot of people through the years.
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this is what i got indicted over. >> in opening statement, trump's lawyer called cohen a criminal obsessed with trump who wants to see his former boss in prison. he said cohen cannot be trusted. cohen insisted he is telling the truth and he was just doing trump's bidding. cohen told fox news, facts will come out at time of trial that contradicts his lawyer's mischaracterization of me. david pecker, former publisher of national enquirer will testify about the catch and kill scheme and the second witness later this week, karenk mdoyou go -- mcdougel.
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back to you. >> will: i'm struck by the choice to put david pecker on the stand first. >> david: david pecker is speaking about a scheme, not about the payments of stormy daniels. i think you risk losing the jury instead of getting into the details of the case. jonathan turley said the idea is for trump to testify make it trump versus cohen, they were so bad on opening statement, maybe trump doesn't testify. >> brian: i don't think he should. >> ainsley: they must have thought david pecker was coming with major allegations, trump told me if i withhold the story, i could win election, that did not happen. >> brian: they are building to
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it. they talked 30 minutes and then one juror had a dentist appointment and they ended early. they will go back in today and if they don't take a lunch break, end at 2:00. david pecker and then karen mcdll dougel. the prosecution kept saying this is a conspiracy to win an election. they kept saying that and wanted everybody to think something ominous was happening. cut a deal with him. they know michael cohen's problem. you lied five or six times, roll the tape. >> ainsley: who will want to run for president? if you are successful and have a major business --
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>> brian: ted would. >> ainsley: politicians come here and i say, do you think you will run for president? no, i have too many skeletons in the closet. if you have a business and someone sued you, maybe you gave them money so it is not public. >> brian: will, do you skr skeletons? would you run? >> will: never know. >> ainsley: if you pay your attorneys, it is a legal fee and not illegal to have nda. >> brian: if you use the wrong account, it is a misdemeanor and trial. >> ainsley: is joe biden hiding anything? >> brian: he does not hide anything, pure as snow. >> carley: never know about me. >> brian: tell us what you don't want to come out. >> carley: what if donald trump
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wants to go to barron's appoi appointment, tell them you have a dental appointment. washington state police are searching for the armed and dangerous, former police officer accused of killing an woman and a second body found in his home, the two suspects are believed to be his ex-wife and girlfriend. they are looking for his child. luke bryan wants to offer con condolences to riley gaines fa family. the bar says the student was served one alcoholic drink before he was asked to leave.
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strains death appears to be accidental. group of 140 migrants caused a riot this month. county judge saying there was no probably cause and migrants released and turned over to federal custody. on capitol hill the senate could vote on 95 billion foreign aid package for israel, ukraine and taiwan. it is expected to pass, the package includes potential tiktok ban in the u.s. finally, a couple wild encounters with alligators. one big fella walked under a plane in tampa. they placed ropes around the reptile before removing him.
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brave people. speaking of brave, in jacksonville, barefoot mma fighter caught an alligator in the middle of the road with his bare hands. that is called being that that is man. >> brian: you jump on the back from behind? >> carley: then you got to trap the jaw. >> brian: how do you practice? >> ainsley: he's jacked. >> brian: you want to practice? >> will: i trust the experts, an expert would walk you through it. >> ainsley: you want to try this on fox square? >> brian: they have eyes on top of their head. >> will: on fox square? that was a little one. >> carley: eight feet. >> ainsley: gillian michaels
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will join us, she's jacked. >> brian: plus trump is backing blue and blue backing him. >> will: lawrence jones joined by president of a police union endorsing donald trump. >> brian: those people are jacked. ♪ ♪ dfrm dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now. let him in. join me and millions of others on the number one prayer app in the world. hallow. let's grow a little closer to jesus together. try hallow for free today. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days.
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>> will: many law enforcement officers supporting trump including in the battleground state of michigan. >> ainsley: lawrence is joining us from allendale with the michigan police union. >> bring jim in, jim, you decided to endorse the former president. why? and what is reaction from your members? >> very positive. this is first time -- i've been voting for more than 50 years, this is first time we've had two candidates that have both served in the office. law >> lawrence: was it a hard decision to make? >> it was not, open border is
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critical to public safety. our guys are gets beat up, we're losing the fight. director wray says it is the maeft domost dangerous he's see. when trump was in, we had -- now we have a president that sues texas for guard bing the abo border. who would stay home? >> lawrence: in the office, jim, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> lawrence: let's talk with diners before we leave michigan. sir, you serve this country, what do you say is number one issue facing this country? >> the border, michigan is fourth in the nation for accepting illegal immigrants and
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people breaking the law to come here. i am marine corps veteran, my wife is a marine, my daughter is in the corps. i am running for michigan state house of representatives. we should not have kids chanting death to america, especially under a flag that gives them a right to be here. >> lawrence: i wouldn't mess with a marine. young guy over here. what's up? what is number one issue facing this country today? >> people not appreciating everything that came before them. if you don't want to be here, go move somewhere else, appreciate and share the freedom you have in the united states. >> lawrence: when you see kids protesting, saying death to america, what runs through your mind? >> it makes me mad, to be h
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honest. everything we've been given, how can you not be thankful for what you have. you go to a different country, you'll be pushed away in a second. be thank frl for people who came before you. >> why are you proud to be an american? >> because i've got freedom. it is that simple. this is where the chant death to america was brought. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you. if this sounds like you, you will not be surprised, coffee consumption has hit a record high. >> i need coffee in an iv. >> how many cups have you had this morning? >> none. >> plus? >> five. >> brian: jeff is waking us up this morning.
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i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at hi, i'm kim, and i lost 67 pounds on golo.
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>> janice: good morning, i want to introduce you to special people. >> bob. from florida. >> janice: what do you do every year since your grandson was four? >> started coming to the yankee game, this is our 16th year in a row, we have not missed. >> janice: say hi to anybody? >> hi, mom.
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>> janice: nicely done. perfect baseball weather. cooler, but lots of sunshine. a system will move to the northeast and mid-atlantic. this is the one i'm concerned about, this area of low pressure move across plain states. fox, for latest details. say hi to america. >> hello. >> hito will and brian and ain ainsley. >> brian: new survey revealing 67% of americans say they have had coffee in the past day, more than a 20-year high. congratulationings. >> ainsley: jeff flock joins us now. >> it is incredible, i've had three cups of coffee in my life, i don't understand coffee, a lot
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of people do. you come into a coffee shop, you don't get maxwell house, you have costa rica. >> those are roasted beans, this group met in a coffee shop, you didn't know each other? >> we didn't know each other, saw each other here and got friendly. >> this coffee costs a lot of money, how much do you spend on coffee? >> i couldn't tell you, if i kept track, it would make me feel bad. >> how much did this thing cost? >> iced americano and here it is about $5. >> you drink these everyday? >> just about.
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>> are you rich? >> depends, rich in love and ha happiness or money. >> i give myself an almond croissant, i paused on eating it, they are messy. >> take a bite, "fox and friends" like to see people messy. go ahead. >> i won't do it. >> break it off. come on. >> fine, okay. this is about coffee. i want to quickly get back. sorry, dan. tangled up here. they get coffees from everywhere, this just came in. dan, hold the microphone real quick. these beans, i mean, this stuff is expensive, like how much? >> it varies.
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green coffee we buy somewhere between $5 and $25 or $30 a pound. >> prices have been going up, prices through the roof, problems with harvesting in brazil and weather in vietnam, as well. that is the latest on the coffee bean. >> will: i have a take on this, people aren't drinking more coffee, they are pretending it is coffee, it is ice cream, all cream and sugar. they are having desert. >> brian: it does look like a shake. >> ainsley: we'll ub be talking to jillian michaels about that. >> brian: building on your point. >> will: my theory, carley. >> carley: i just met jillian michaels, who is lovely. i didn't know, i was eating a
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kit kat. >> brian: they are good. >> carley: i love sugary coffee, as well. fox news alert, nypd confirming 133 people were arrested at the nyu protest last night. arrests come after nyu spokesperson said they were behaving in an antagonizing manner. this just in. new photograph taken by kate released, it is his sixth birthday. it was taken in windsor and not edited. happy 6th birthday. >> ainsley: so cute.
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thank you, carley. our favorite trainer jillian michaels is here. come on out! >> brian: there she is. ♪ ♪ why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. come on, scout. now, there's librela.
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>> ainsley: a transgender athlete taking home first place in middle school event beating her competitors by three feet. >> brian: girls protested by refusing to throw. it came days after appeals court ruled she could not be removed from girls sports. >> will: here is trainer jillian michaels. what do you think? >> there are two competing goals in sports. one is inclusion, the second goal in direct opposition is going to be fair competition. and if you -- if that is your priority is fairness over inclusion, turn to data and data
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i irrefutably shows biological males are 10 to 30% stronger, faster, better endurance across the board. >> ainsley: this child has gone through puberty blockers. >> if we defer to the studies, they show on puberty blockers and cross-sex hear monies, trivial. to give you example, if you look at a biological man, transgender female with grip strength with a transgender male, both on blockers, the transgender female grip strength was 17th greater than the female on puberty
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blockers. >> brian: volleyball, soccer, this is out of control. another area of expertise is obesity. you help people slim down. do you think this should be an election issue? >> absolutely, but it never has been. it requires policy change and you will never get policy change, big food, big pharma and big insurance have powerful lobbies, that is true problem. >> brian: no push to purifiy food and get sugar and additives out? >> who is fantastic is gentlemen by name of cally means, harvard business school grad. he can break down the system and how it is broken, to make change, you have to change funding in politics, get rid of
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citizens united. >> ainsley: in italy, you eat food and don't gain weight, what are we doing in america? >> so many different ingredients in food here that is not allowed in the uk, eu, canada. bottle of ketchup will have different ingredients. the system is set up for failure to make us overweight, get us coming and going. we do have self-agency and that is the message that gets shut down, we canopt out. >> brian: good food is good for you. >> or eat less of bad stuff and that does work. again, all the data shows while
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food may not be ideal. eat less. >> brian: i wish my ancestors did not leave italy. >> ainsley: we wouldn't have heard your wonderful stories about your grandfather who had the eye glass store. >> brian: we have a problem here. we need vacation. >> ainsley: america would not have camouflage if not for your family. >> whoa, who knew. >> will: in summer, boys are stronger than girls, if you make wise choices, less chance of being obese. >> brian: all on the keep it real podcast. end on high note. >> will: jillian is sticking around for a fiction versus fact quick. check in with dana perino. >> dana: i like how you summed that up, will. thank you. to this antisemitism spreading
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like wildfire and students arrested. what is fuelling all this? is tiktok making it worse? will president biden find moral clarity when needed most? trump in court this morning, is his gag order fair and will it stand? and election hopes primary day and karl rove will tell us who has edge in pennsylvania on. lots of news we'll get you up to speed on at 9:00. see you then. ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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>> ainsley: with all the latest diets and tiktok trends who can keep up with the latest in health and fitness? >> jillian michaels is back with us. >> is fasted cardio -- >> you are doing your cardio without eating? >> i have a better work-out if i eat after my work-out. >> fasting cardio. >> you're right. in fact, absolutely does. you do not experience more
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overall body fat loss doing fasting cardio , the opposite is generally true. the argument. they think the mechanism is you have more energy while working out. next question. you can diet based on body or blood type. >> brian: i would say that's true. >> no. do we need to go back diet books? cracking your knuckles is safe. >> ainsley: terrible. it's awful. doesn't it make your knuckles bigger? >> brian: true it's safe. >> it's safe unless you aggressively pull or push and injure the ten don. it doesn't increase arthritis. >> brian: it drives me crazy. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: see you all tomorrow. [shouting and chanting


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