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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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overall body fat loss doing fasting cardio , the opposite is generally true. the argument. they think the mechanism is you have more energy while working out. next question. you can diet based on body or blood type. >> brian: i would say that's true. >> no. do we need to go back diet books? cracking your knuckles is safe. >> ainsley: terrible. it's awful. doesn't it make your knuckles bigger? >> brian: true it's safe. >> it's safe unless you aggressively pull or push and injure the ten don. it doesn't increase arthritis. >> brian: it drives me crazy. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: see you all tomorrow. [shouting and chanting]
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>> dana: campuses erupting in kay cost. it's prompting police crackdowns and forcing some schools to go remote for the rest of the semester. i'm dana perino. bill is off. hi to you, bret. >> bret: this is "america's newsroom." police in riot gear clearing an impactment at new york university arresting more than 100 protestors there. take a look. [shouting and chanting] >> dana: police leading students and faculty away in zip ties. we saw similar scenes at campuses across the country. some protestors chanting anti-semitic slogans and threatening their jewish classmates. >> bret: here is what he said. >> you condemn the anti-semitic
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protests on college campuses? >> i condemn the protests -- i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians and how they are being -- >> should columbia university resign? >> president biden: i will have to find out more. >> bret: former education secretary bill bennett is here. let's go to alexis mcadams at columbia university. good morning. >> a wild night at campuses across new york city and across the country. nyu last night nypd sources arrested 133 people at that nyu protest after they wouldn't get after the campus and kept setting up tents. the police had to go in in riot gear to try to remove the students and faculty protest theing after the school called them and asked for help. watch. >> this is the new york city
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police department. you have been warned by new york university to leave the area. please leave the plaza now or you will be arrested for trespass. >> protestors lighting flares and chanting in support of the palestinians. nypd had to use zip ties to cuff the student protestors. they are spreading to more campuses across the country and across the globe from new york to north carolina, michigan and in california. back out here live at columbia this morning very powerful alumni, the owner of the new england patriots are pulling money from this university not liking what they are seeing. there is so much hate on this campus. >> we can't have this intimidation that is filtering through all these colleges and the hate continue to grow and multiply the way it is. >> just the other day they
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removed all these tents at columbia but again this morning they are back up. we counted more than 100 set up there with food and supplies. these students plan on staying there. this comes days after the nypd cleared the campus and arrested more than 100 students on trespassing charges. >> at this point, if this president can't maintain the peace, she has to be eliminated and fired and these students have to be expelled. faculty have to be fired, and we have to consider whether or not this board can take control of what's happening. >> take a live look at nyu. a plywood wall going up around the campus eight feet tall. in the same area where they set up the gaza encampments calling for their schools to di vest from israel. back live more calls and growing calls for the president of columbia university to step down. we'll see if the nypd, still on
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high alert, ends up moving into this campus next. bret. >> dana: let's bring in former education secretary bill bennett. put up a map for everyone to show this is where anti-israel protests are happening at top 50 universities across the country. you can see it on the map. wondering what your thoughts are and what you think president biden could and should do at this point. >> well, it's a rite of passage for a lot of these students and a lot of people are not student. the president should condemn in totally unambiguous terms. he was very wishy-washy yesterday. authority has to be asserted on the campuses. it is not enough for the presidents to maintain peace. they need to maintain the order and to assert their authority and say this is a university. we do not do this here. you people are ignorant.
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go to the library if you are students enrolled here and read about what happened in the holocaust. go to the newspaper rack and read about what happened on october 7th in israel. authority is what we need. i was involved in this in the 70s where boston university they wouldn't let the marines on campus. we had to assert that authority. you are not in charge, we are in charge. good for bob craft. that's a good thing to do. these alums to withhold their support but you have to make it plain that the university does not belong to the demonstrators and last thing if i can, i hope that when these demonstrators are arrested they aren't just released the next day as seems to be the case. otherwise you are just running an in and out system. >> bret: this has essentially shut down columbia. they still had school but it was
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online, which is pretty amazing. "wall street journal" editorial board. the meltdown. this crisis in liberal education has been decades in the making. these schools have sown the intolerance their students are demonstrating by putting identity and left wing politics above the free exchange of ideas. here is another sound bite. >> i see what's going on in america, what is happening right now. what i went to columbia, it was a place where people listened and empathetic, had compassion. and now, you know, we have professors instead of teaching how to think, they are trying to tell our young people what they should think. >> bret: it seemed to go from anti-israel to anti-semitic pretty quickly. >> yeah. it seems to be that way in history, doesn't it?
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the jewish people keep telling us that. you make a great point. there is a win for the protestors, bret. what you point out the university, columbia has gone remote. you just have to take your classes remote. you can't go on campus. again the president of that university should say we are open. we are open for business. anybody who tries to interfere with our students coming on campus will be arrested and hopefully for a long time. you have to decide here who has got the authority, who has the right to do what. and again, education of these people who are students is essential. go to the library, go to the newspaper rack, find out what happened. find out when eisenhower was reviewing the concentration camps and insisted that photos be taken. people said why? he said people will deny this ever happened. the critics said no, no, everyone will know. no, there will come a time when
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people will forget these. these idiots in the street are forgetting it. we cannot let students who are paying -- whose parents are paying $66,000 a year for this education to get a miseducation. >> dana: last question from me do you think it's the right thing to do at this point for the current president of columbia to resign? >> well yes, either to find what's the word i'm looking for, the strength to affirm the authority of her office and to say, you know, i've thought about it and look, i'm the president of the university. we work here, we study here, our students come here, if she can't do that and clear the decks, and clear the yard of those tents, then someone else should step in. someone who has a clear sense of what needs to be done.
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>> bret: thank you very much. >> dana: thank you so much. >> bret: i'm wondering in your old job how you would look at this from the podium, from the presidency, from -- how this would be handled in different administrations. >> dana: here is the thing. president biden said we set up a program for that. last october after october 7th i think october 23rd, the white house put forward a specific anti-semitism campus program. it is obviously working very well, isn't it? not. and yesterday when the president was at the earth day event you can't have him top his speech about the planet with something about this happening right now? where you have students not fearful and need a safe space because somebody used the wrong pro noun in class and jewish students told to go home and the reels of the semester is on hold because your safety is not insured by the university. and the president of the united states doesn't say i'm going to
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speak up on that? he takes a question from the press. if you watch what happened when the reporters shout a question at the president he repeats what they said and then answers it and declines to answer anything further. i think it is not good enough. i think that the students at these universities and the parents, citizens of this country, need to hear from the president and i don't know if you will hear from him today. he will be talking about abortion and ivf. this is an issue that is really needing his attention. >> bret: it seems like low hanging fruit and seems like politically the president, this administration, maybe the campaign is trying to just be careful and in being careful, they are not forcefully addressing what we're seeing day-to-day. >> dana: carefulness is not leadership. >> bret: moving on. former president donald trump back in court for day six of his criminal trial. testimony will resume this morning but first the judge will hear a request to hold the former president in contempt for violating a gag order.
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eric shawn is outside the courthouse this morning. good morning, eric. >> good morning, bret. prosecutors want donald trump to cut it out. that hearing underway in just under half an hour from now. we'll find out if judge merchan does hold the former president in contempt of court. he could be fined. prosecutors from alvin bragg's office want the judge to warn the former president he could go to jail for up to 30 days if he does not stop. the former president could be socked with fines up to $10,000 as he has continued to attack witnesses in this case. one example that prosecutors have cited is this truth social post saying quote, as disgraced attorney and michael cohen been prosecuted for lying? only trump people get prosecuted by the judge and these thugs. michael cohen is the star witness about what -- the criminal election conspiracy
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carried out by trump and the "national enquirer" publisher to corrupt the 2016 presidential race by helping to suppress news of trump's sex scandals. the former president thought he the checks were for cohen's legal work but not to pay off stormy daniels to buy her silence. >> the checks being paid to a lawyer. he is a lawyer, was a lawyer. and also the things he got in trouble for were things that had nothing to do with me. he got in trouble and went to jail and had nothing to do with me. >> in court trump's defense attorney went after cohen saying he is obsessed with trump and can't be trusted. but in response michael cohen tells fox news this. that quote, the facts will come out at the time of trial that contradicts the
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mischaracterizations of me. after the gag order hearing is completed we'll know if the former president could be fined. the testimony will continue. that from david pecker, the publisher of the "national enquirer" who will testify about the so-called catch and kill scheme in order to hide information damaging to the former president. then witness number two later this week, mcdougal, the former playboy playmate who claims she had a ten month affair with the president and paid for her silence by the "national enquirer" so voters would not find out about it during the 2016 presidential race. bret, back to you. >> bret: we don't have specific timing how long this will take to get this ruling, whatever it is this morning. >> no, we don't know if the judge will immediately rule on the bench or if he will take it under consideration. he will hear the arguments from both sides, prosecutors citing ten of those truth social posts
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and comments by the president saying he violated the gag order and should be punished for that. >> bret: eric, thanks. >> dana: we're waiting for president biden to hit the campaign trail today and he could get questions about the anti-israel protests on college campuses. we'll monitor that. plus there is this. >> it has to stop. we have to focus on the things that matter in this city right now. and what matters in this city are the good people who are just trying to live their lives. >> dana: the search for a cop killer, chicago police releasing surveillance video of the suspect wanted in the shooting death of an officer. we have details for you next. and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit
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what if you see for yourself who we are, what we believe and what we stand for? our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world. so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. >> bret: chicago police with a new lead in their hunt for the
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cop killer releasing this surveillance footage of a suspect wanted in the murder of police officer. officials warning the suspect should be considered armed and dangerous. the officer was gunned down and robbed over the weekend on his way home after his shift. crimestoppers is offering a cash reward up to $10,000 for information leading to an arrest. >> dana: arizona judge declaring a mistrial in the case of an arizona rancher accused of fatally shooting a migrant on his property near the u.s./mexico border. we talked about this story before. we're live in l.a. and we have more is where the case goes next. >> the question is will the county attorney retry the case that had no physical evidence linking kelly to the murder and a single witness, a former drug runner with major holes in his story. after four weeks of testimony the jury deliberated 16 hours before telling the judge they could not reach a verdict.
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on either the murder charge or one count of aggravated assault. >> i believe we would still be deadlocked and not able to reach a verdict. >> is the jury deadlocked and not able to render a unanimous decision on any of the counts? >> yes, sir. >> prosecutors say the 75-year-old rancher saw migrants on his land and grabs a rifle and fires nine shots at two unarmed migrants walking back to mexico killing 48-year-old mexican. kelly tried to cover up the murder by failing to tell law enforcement what he did. >> he has to give you something, he gives you this mysterious shot. even his wife does not hear. no drugs, guns, struggle, robbery, anything. >> the events said kelly saw
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five armed drug runners and he fires shots in the air and immediately reports it to the border patrol. no bullet was ever recovered. >> they have to prove to you that allen shot this person and they have not done that. the ballistics don't prove it, the witness statements don't prove it, allen's own statements don't prove it. the facts on the ground do not prove it. >> as for the jury. border towns on tricky. residents with strong ties with mexico, on the other illegal immigration overwhelming these small towns becoming more violent so you have strong opinions, deadlock no surprise, monday we find out if the county attorney retries the case. back to you. >> dana: thanks for the story. >> i will win and we'll win. up and down the ticket. we have to win the white house.
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we have to win the senate seat and the down ballot congressional seats. we have to win to get things moving in the right direction. >> that was pennsylvania senate candidate dave mccormick. it is primary day for the keystone state. his eyes are trained on the general election looking to unseat incumbent bob casey. a flip in pennsylvania could decide control of the senate. karl rove joins us now. good morning, karl. we talk about the senate, how important it is. just to refresh everybody how close it is we talk about the house all the time. the majority in the senate 51-49. three independents caucus with the democrats. essentially republicans looking at the map see a pretty good picture this election cycle, pennsylvania possibly one of those seats. >> right. let's start with west virginia where joe manchin, democrat is retiring. governor justice is running.
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that would make the senate 50/50 and republicans need to pick up one more seat to take control and pennsylvania will be a key target. ohio, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, nevada. are we talking familiar names? montana. we're talking -- maryland, we're talking unfamiliar names there but we have a president overlap between the presidential battlegrounds and senate battlegrounds that will cover a great many of these contests. >> dana: last week president biden spent three days in pennsylvania. it's a toss-up. how do you see it right now after biden took time there. i don't know if there is a specific i shall ooh you that would help for either candidate to -- >> the biden administration has come out against natural gas. we won't have any more natural gas export facilities approved.
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in the western part of the state it's being driven by a boom in natural gas production which also has an effect on the steel industry because if you are going for natural gas and piping natural gas you need steel. a problem for the biden administration and why he is spending such a large amount of time there. let's look at it like this. in 2020, donald trump got 232 electoral votes and in 2024 if he wins the same states because of reapportionment those would generate 235 electoral votes. texas and florida gained votes in the electoral college. states like pennsylvania and michigan lost votes there. if he had 235 and 119. he is 254. >> dana: fox news alert. president trump about to walk into court and see if he says anything to the press here.
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>> thank you very much. it's a big day in pennsylvania and we want people to get out there and vote. it is important to vote to let them know we're coming on november 5th and coming big. today is the the preliminary but still very important and maybe they'll think also about the very big person running for the senate in pennsylvania, dave mccormick, and he is doing a good job and working very hard. successful man wants to put his success to the country and be a very good senator. hopefully they will be behind dave and vote today. so pennsylvania, get out and vote. what is going on at the college level in the colleges, columbia, nyu and others is a disgrace and it is really on biden. he has a wrong signal and the wrong tone and the wrong words. he doesn't know who he is backing and it's a mess. if this were me -- what's going
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on is a disgrace to our country. and it is all biden's fault and everybody knows it. he has no message. he has no compassion. he doesn't know what he is doing. he can't put two sentences together frankly. he is the the worst president in the history of our country and again, what is going on is a disgrace. it's interesting outside where great americans, people that want to come down and protest at the court and they want to protest peacefully. we have more police presence here than anyone has seen. you can't get near the courthouse and yet nobody up at a college where you have radical people trying to rip the colleges and universities down. that's a shame. it all starts with joe biden. the signals he puts out are so bad and i can tell you he is no friend of israel, that's for sure. he is no friend of the arab world, either. you take a look at what he said.
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he is no friend -- he doesn't know what to do. he doesn't know what to do. he wants to take a middle ground. that doesn't work but it is not working here. but what he has done to the israel is abandon them and he is trying to be as nice as he can to the other side. call it the arab world but that's not working, either. because they get him. he is an incompetent man. peace will never happen with a guy like this. thank you very much. [inaudible question] >> dana: we'll see if president trump takes any of the shouted questions. he often talks before he goes into court and said important things today. we kept karl rove around. i believe you are still there with us. president trump, the first thing he did was tell everybody to go out and vote in pennsylvania on primary day and a full throated endorsement for dave mccormick.
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notable they had not a great relationship in 2022. president trump was against him and for dr. oz. looks like he is for dave mccormick but president trump took time to talk about the campus protests. as we mentioned yesterday biden only took a shouted question and released a statement through a deputy spokesperson on sunday. your thoughts on both of those things as we were just talking to you about the importance of pennsylvania for both candidates. >> right. first of all i thought it was very important he not talk about the case. he talked about things that are bigger than the case. vote in pennsylvania and then condemnation of the protests on campuses and attack on joe biden. i think that is the smart political move for him to make rather than making it all about him and the grievances he has how he feels he is being treated. >> dana: bret, we had a window with karl until 9:30. you and i get to use this time
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for your thoughts about what president trump just said. >> bret: listen, he hit on pennsylvania obviously. but he also -- we were talking about before said how in his words the horrific the anti-semitic protests, anti-israel protests are at columbia and other universities. as we talked about, low hanging fruit, one would think. it is interesting to see -- i would have liked to have heard what karl thinks the impact of that big picture for the election is. president biden today, dana, is going to be in florida talking about abortion and obviously abortion is a major issue for democrats not only in florida but around the country that they see a good issue for them. but counter that to how this plays and the protests and how he is reacting to it. it is very interesting to see how the polls shift. >> dana: absolutely it is.
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you saw president trump heading in there now and they will talk about the gag order. we might be a ruling on that today, eric shawn is there at the courthouse for us. all of that is coming up, bret. >> bret: okay. we'll be right back to "america's newsroom" after this. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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and where things go as we watch these protests increase, anti-israel protests around the country. >> dana: pretty incredible. back to zoom school. former president trump walking into court moments ago. right now the judge is hearing the prosecution's request to hold trump in contempt for violating a gag order, former assistant u.s. attorney andy mccarthy is here. people are confused about the gag order. why is everyone -- this is something he said yesterday. why is everyone allowed to say things about him in the media but he is not allowed to say things about them? >> that shouldn't be the case, dana. and this order, i think, is objectionable in two ways. first on the four corners of it you are right. it creates this uneven balance where people can talk about him and he can't talk about them. now i think that probably stems from the fact that it is legally settled that the court has some authority over the parties to the case, particularly the
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lawyers in the case. the court generally doesn't have that kind of authority over witnesses. so it is easier for the court to make those requirements on people who are actually formally parties to the case than outside the case. but the problem here is when you have a situation -- if what you are trying to do is shield the jury from this kind of information, you can't tolerate a situation where one side is allowed to talk and the other side isn't. going back to what karl said a few minutes ago, the unimportant tans or relative unimportant tans of the case compared to other things. there is an election going on here and trump is in a situation where everybody he is competing with in the contest is able to talk to their heart's content about all the allegations about him and he can't speak about them. that's a problem not for the administration of justice, that's a problem for the principle that the public should
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have robust debate in connection with a political campaign and that we want our elections decided at the ballot box and not the courtroom. these courts have not had any -- given any sense that they understand that the administration of justice, as important as it is, has to make accommodations for other constitutional interests in this system. >> dana: a tweet from michael cohen, who is one of the -- used to be trump's lawyer. he will be one of the witnesses and been called the star witnesses tweeted this. your attacks of me stink of desperation. we're hoping you take the stand in your defense. what is the judge deciding on today about holding trump in contempt? >> basically that he violated the four corners of judge merchan's order, which was we refer to it as the gag order. it is not a total gag order but severely limits what trump is
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per permitted to say. if i'm one of the prosecutors i don't think today is the day to get aggressive with trump on, when you have michael cohen saying the things he is saying. that got a lot of attention. he does a podcast two or three days a week he rails about trump for however long the podcast lasts. i think stormy daniels was the subject of a documentary that came out a week or two ago. so there is plenty of attention being drawn to participants in the case and they certainly have a lot to say about donald trump. and to my mind, because of the political implications of this, the constitutional implications of it, i really think judge merchan should have contented himself with the limitations on speech that exist in the law. i think trump should be allowed the say whatever he wants to say but if he crosses the line of
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incitement he can be prosecuted. if he crosses the line of defamation he can be sued. if he says things that will be damaging to him, the prosecutors can use it to cross-examine him in the case. that ought to be enough given all of the different interests that are attendant to this case. >> dana: all right. andy mccarthy, there is a lot coming today. i'm sure we'll see you and grateful for it. thank you so much. >> thanks, dana. >> dana reads sports. >> he has two, with one, he puts it up for a tie. he missed it. that's the ballgame. >> dana: i don't know if you knew this the new york nix completed the comeback beating the philadelphia 76ers 104-101 in the first round playoff series. the knicks lead the best of seven zeros 2-0. knicks fans celebrated the
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victory outside of madison square garden. it was a big time. >> bret: i bet you watched every minute. >> dana: they had a double-header, is that possible in basketball? >> bret: on tv. two different teams. not the same team. >> dana: i had to read that. i read the headlines and don't go too deep. >> bret: chris rock and ben stiller at the game. looks like they were having a good time. >> dana: it does look like fun. nothing like hockey, right? >> bret: hockey playoffs now. protestors rage across america's elite universities. we'll talk to yale student about what she is experiencing on campus, plus watch this.
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>> dana: new pictures as we do every day, so far, in this trial. president trump in court today. that's the one that we have so far. there is another one. sitting there alone as he has the last couple of days. his lawyers are there with him, of course. he gave comments before he went into court. these are the latest photos we have as court gets underway today, bret. >> bret: okay, dana.
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[shouting and chanting] >> bret: anti-israel protests raging at yale university in connecticut. police arrested dozens of protestors about violence and harassment toward jewish students. what is your experience over the past few days? >> thank you for having me. the past few days on yale's campus it is clear that this campus has been taken hostage by the palestinian demonstrations. the center part of campus, the plaza, has been taken over with tents, morning, noon and night with protestors that claim that this is a movement to divest within yale's finances for israel military even though there is no direct connection
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between those. they have made it clear this is a protest against israel and american values. they have shown this time and time again with a few days ago they took down the american flag on the world war ii monument that is in memory of the soldiers that lost their lives fighting for this country. they have glorified and praised a terrorist who has murdered and castrated an israeli my age, 19 years old. i have to walk by that image, two large images of his vigils glorifying him as a martyr. when the yale jewish community put up a countersign to say it is a murderer or terrorist they took it down. i support the right to protest but i do not support -- >> bret: you feel threatened.
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what do you think about the university what's happening, what they are doing and saying? >> yesterday they took over and obstructed a major intersection within new haven and the university didn't really do anything to prevent it. >> bret: so you would like to see more. you think it's a weak response? >> it's not enough. it is clearly not enough. american students in the rotc program don't feel comfortable wearing their uniform after they finished training. jewish students, they have blocked jewish students access to center parts of campus just because of their religion. it is really unacceptable. the lack of administration support or repercussions is very, very concerning. >> bret: you aren't alone.
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a fellow yale student was on with us and said this about what's happening. >> after october 7th, they absolutely celebrated and, of course, justified these events en masse. i know those students. sorry, i just recognized one of them from class. this is really -- it is really painful to realize that your peers have joined the nazi party. >> bret: it is quite something to watch. we'll continue to follow it. we appreciate your time today. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: we're monitoring the white house as president biden heads to tampa for a campaign event later today. will he answer questions that are shouted at him over the blades of the helicopter on threats breaking out at american universities? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays
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>> bret: today is the deadline for california to add a tough on crime ballot initiative coming as dell officials are starting
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to clear out a billion dollar drug market there and washington, d.c. police talked about its new drug-free zone. >> just a couple of years ago we started to see these places experiment with decriminalizing elicit drugs. now you have these blue cities and states admitting it hasn't exactly worked. the most notable is oregon. the governor signed into law that recriminalized drug possession. in d.c. under the new crime bill temporary drug-free zones are established on a rolling basis. this allows police to engage with groups of people who appear to be involved with distribution. then there is philadelphia where the democratic mayor there has recently announced plans to completely dismantle the city's kensington drug market. >> open air drug markets, the widespread addiction, deep despair that it is unacceptable
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and change is on the way. >> in california, residents have taken charge. today is the deadline for proposed ballot initiative to toughen drug crimes and theft penalties. california's for safer community submitted 900,000 signatures the get it on the ballot in november. >> they need to take a breathe and feel free to say that. what we're doing is not working. dumping state money into ininturbos that give housing first and no accountability. allow constant theft with no accountability is not working. >> it would create a new category of drug crime called treatment mandated. people have had enough. >> bret: they really have. alex, thanks. [chanting and shouting


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