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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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and change is on the way. >> in california, residents have taken charge. today is the deadline for proposed ballot initiative to toughen drug crimes and theft penalties. california's for safer community submitted 900,000 signatures the get it on the ballot in november. >> they need to take a breathe and feel free to say that. what we're doing is not working. dumping state money into ininturbos that give housing first and no accountability. allow constant theft with no accountability is not working. >> it would create a new category of drug crime called treatment mandated. people have had enough. >> bret: they really have. alex, thanks. [chanting and shouting]
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>> dana: world war ii era anti-semitism erupts across college campuses and the president is pandering to both sides. i'm dana perino, bill hemmer is off today. good morning, bret. >> bret: i'm bret baier. former president trump starting the day talking about the protests on college campuses. >> interesting outside we're great americans. people that want to come down and protest at the court and they want to protest peacefully. we have more police presence here than anyone has ever seen. you can't get near this courthouse. yet you have nobody up in a college where you have very radical people wanting to rip the colleges down, universities down. and that's a shame. but it all starts with joe biden and the signals he puts out are so bad. i can tell you, he is no friend of israel, that's for sure and
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no friend of the arab world, either. you look at what he said. he is no friend -- he doesn't know what to do. he doesn't know what to do. he wants to take a middle ground. oftentimes that doesn't work but it is certainly not working here. what he has done to israel is abandon them and he is trying to be as nice as he can to the other side. call it the arab world but that's not working, either. because they get him and he is a an incompetent man. peace will never happen with a guy like this. thank you very much. >> bret: new jersey's democrat congressman will join us in a moment. peter doocy is live at the white house with the latest. >> bret, president biden had a lay-up. he was given a clear opportunity to pick a side in these anti-semitic on-campus college protests but instead he said he has problems with both sides. >> do you condemn the
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anti-semitic protests on college campuses? >> president biden: i condemn protests and i have set a program to deal with this and i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> some at the white house see it as black and white. they are blatantly anti-semitic and dangerous and no place on any college campus or anywhere in the united states of america. president biden also mentioned that earth day event that he set up a program to deal with anti-semitic protests and when you go to the webpage for that program right at the top in november it says we can't stand by and stand silent in the wake of anti-semitic and islamic phobic incident. we must denounce anti-semitism and denounce islamaphobia. that program that he is tolding
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up as proof that he takes the issue seriously he instructs the justice department and education department to keep an eye on things is clearly not working. bret. >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn. >> dana: new jersey congressman gotheimer is joining us today. it is painful time for you to see what has happening at the university and what your own eyes what you witnessed yesterday. >> i mean, good to see you, thank you for having me and shocking to say the least of what i saw yesterday and all i heard from the students about being threatened and you heard about students being punched and shoved and intimidated and screamed and yelled at and what people are chanting is not the kind of civil discourse that we should be having on any university campus. instructive debate is one thing. what they are doing right now
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and threatening and intimidating students is another. >> bret: do you think that president biden should be saying more? >> i think he made a very strong statement yesterday in condemning anti-semitism. you look at what we'll pass this week out of the senate i'm hoping today or tomorrow is what we did in the house over the weekend we'll sign into law this week makes clear we stand by our ally, israel, and how important the u.s. relationship is. getting humanitarian aid in as well but i think overall we have made very clear statements as a congress coming out of the white house that there is no place for hate or anti-semitism and no place for islamaphobia, either. >> dana: congressman, you are a speech writer for bill clinton and know communications very well. i know you well in terms of public relations. do you really think that statement by president biden yesterday was a strong one? he was just answering a question that was shouted at him at an
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earth day event. he didn't even top his speech by saying something strong with moral clarity. >> did you see also the white house put out a clear statement >> dana: on sunday from the deputy press secretary. do you not think the president of the united states needs to say with conviction? you saw former president trump. we played it in the sound bite in his package. >> i think the president will continue to make strong statements, dana. the bottom line at this campus and every campus across the country we have to make it clear that this is unacceptable. you can't have encampments like this threatening and intimidating other students. we need to make sure the federal government and the department of education and title vi investigations make it clear all students must feel welcome. no one can be discriminated against and everybody regardless of their religion and race has to feel safe. it is up to the presidents of
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the universities to do the right thing. you saw what people are screaming. i that i she certainly better step up right now. i leave it to the trustees to make that decision. what i said clearly yesterday on campus was this is the moment you either will step up and do the right thing and there has to be strong accountability. you saw, dana, i'm sure you saw some of these comments over the last days people screaming we are all hamas, never forget october 7th, it won't happen one more time or a thousand more times. i saw that. it is -- >> dana: let's get bret in here. i'm monopolizing. >> bret: those are all questions i would ask, too. we see on these campuses these green and gray tents. they are all the same. this funding for this effort is coming from somewhere. do you know where it's coming from? do you wonder who is funding these operations? >> i don't know but i'm sure
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that overall a lot of these college campuses we have to see where the money is coming from. the bottom line, though, is, bret. what will the colleges do about it? discipline harassers and encourage peaceful constructive civil dialogue and restore civility? that's the question. you saw yale take action yesterday. taking down the encampment. columbia initially acted and had strong words before congress last week or the week before. this is about actions, not just words. that's the key here. what will they do to restore civility and make it very clear that students of all religions and races and backgrounds shouldn't feel threatened and let education go on. nobody should be scared to walk across campus or go to the library. the bottom line this is what is expected from all these college presidents to restore civility. >> dana: one of the things that i wanted to just end with and have you comment on quickly. there was a tweet from, a post
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from senator john fetterman, if we could pull that up here. the junior senator from pennsylvania, democrat. i fully agree with the white house, these protests are anti-semitic, unconscionable and dangerous and add particulary torches and it is like charlottesville. for the president of the university resign so -- is he right to make the compareson to the charlottesville. >> he is right to say the universities stère to act and the hate you are seeing in this country is out of control and unacceptable. the bottom line is all these college presidents have to act and that's why frankly you see what we've been doing in the congress these last weeks of just making it very clear it's unacceptable on any part in any corner of our country and the bottom line is we have to keep making that statement. i think it's great senator fetterman has been so strong and others are speaking out.
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we have to keep speaking out. now is a time for the university presidents to act. rhetoric is not enough. it is action that matters. >> dana: congressman gotheimer, thank you for being with us today. >> bret: take you back to the trump trial in new york. a man was just arrested outside of the overflow room after being escorted out of the room as court went into session. handful of police officers appeared to be arguing with them over where he was standing or sitting in the room, about how he could get into the courtroom itself. police asked him to step out in the hallway and leave after a long conversation with him. he refused to go and was detained. the gag order violation hearing is going on. the prosecution is arguing that former president trump should be held in contempt for violating a gag order not once but several times. up to ten times actually the violations. the d.a.'s office has handed the court ten different posts from
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truth social. they allege violate the gag order. eight of the posts were on truth social the other two on the campaign website and the prosecutor says the posts pose a real threat to the proceedings. we're monitoring this as it goes on and we are getting information from inside the courtroom. we expect the judge to make a ruling on whether this is a violation, whether the former president of the united states will be held in contempt and what that means, which is a big deal. >> dana: certainly is. one thing that has not been lost amidst the hate is power of prayer. the university of florida coming together to hoist the largest passover seder last night. the feast was held in the gators home arena. 1200 students and staff were in attendance. defiant message to protestors at colleges around the country and great to see that indeed. the state department has listed israel at the top of its annual
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report of human rights abusers. the designation comes on the documents' first page, secretary of state antony blinken is seen defending the decision yesterday. >> do we have a double standard? the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general, as we're looking at human rights and the condition of human rights around the world we apply the same standard to everyone. >> dana: gillian turner live at the state department. hi, gillian. >> as you know, yesterday was also the beginning of passover. a major jewish holiday. it is notable the state department condemned what it says are israel's human rights abuses that very same day. rolling out this report yesterday state officials tried to explain the decision to equate israel's government with some of the worst abusers around the world. listen to this. >> we've been clear with israel own the moral obligations to
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protect civilians and the human rights of civilians and firm in stating that israel must abide by humanitarian law. >> this from the report about israel quote, we continue to raise concerns surrounding the deaths and injuries to tens of thousands of palestinian civilians in gaza including women, children, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons. the state department report features israel among the world's most deadly regimes on page one. this includes hamas in gaza, taliban in afghanistan, vladimir putin in russia and chinese communists carrying out genocide today. >> when it comes to allegations of incidents of whether it's violations of international humanitarian law, rights abuses, you name it, we have processes within the department that are looking at incidents that have been raised. >> critics, though, are
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insisting that this approach perverts the actual truth. >> they take on the israelis and try to be even handed it is really not. there are bad guys and good guys in the situation. israelis are the good guys this this situation. >> so as the fallout from this human rights report is continuing to reverberate here at the state department, secretary blinken, speaking of the world's most egregious human rights abusers is headed to china later today. >> dana: isn't that ironic. thanks from the state department. >> bret: live on capitol hill the u.s. senate floor is open for business and there you see senator mitch mcconnell getting things ready. the votes are expected as soon as today on the $95 billion foreign aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan after months of delay it is expected the senate will approve that bill passed in the house. votes are expected to begin, as we mentioned, early this
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afternoon. it's primary day in pennsylvania. will uncommitted voters vent their anger and frustration at president biden in a key battleground state again like we saw in wisconsin? we'll see. >> dana: remember when the world had israel's back on hamas terror attacks on october 7th. fast forward to today . anti-israel protest thes are the norm on college campuses and elsewhere. >> we need to maintain the order and assert their authority and say this is a university. we do not do this here. you people are ignorant. go to the library if you are students enrolled here and read about what happened in the holocaust. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets.
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the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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every day millions of people ask, "what is scientology?" here's an idea, what if you just take a look? what if you see for yourself who we are, what we believe and what we stand for? our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world.
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so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. >> republicans need to pick up
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one more seat to take control and pennsylvania will be a key target. we have a president overlap between the presidential battlegrounds and senate battlegrounds that will cover a great many of these contests. >> bret: karl rove last hour on the last battleground primary of 2024. pennsylvania voters casting ballots today. how will president biden compete against his biggest threat, the uncommitted vote? we have seen that before. bryan llenas is in pennsylvania, polls are now open. >> good morning. the uncommitted campaign's goal is to get over 40,000 voters to write in uncommitted rather than to vote for president biden in a protest calling for a permanent cease-fire in gaza and the end to all u.s. aid to israel. we're also watching today pennsylvania's democratic primary in the 12th district. represented by congresswoman summer lee. can she win again despite
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opposing house resolutions, condemning anti-semitism and condemning hamas? she was endorsed by bob casey. the senate race has already begun. casey's campaign event was interrupted by anti-israel's protestors over the weekend. dave mccormick campaigned yesterday alongside congressman jim jordan. mccormick telling us the anti-israel protests are a disgrace. >> i think it's really important our public officials be very clear and strong with their moral clarity. john fetterman has been a clear voice. bob casey has been very unclear and in part he has endorsed summer lee who is really a good example of the anti-semitism we don't want in our leadership and our representatives. >> but ultimately voters we've spoken to in pennsylvania over the last week at church and protests tell us the most important issue to them is inflation. >> economy.
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it's kind of tough right now. all the prices are all the way through the roof and basically -- it is challenging. >> my grocery bill has more than doubled and i get less. every single thing has gone up under biden, everything. >> i'm not voting for biden, i'll tell you that. i would lean more for trump, to be honest. i don't like a lot of the january 6th stuff. >> today is a close primary. independent voters cannot participate. the polls close at 8:00 p.m. >> bret: thank you. >> dana: a meltdown on campuses, anti-israel protests breaking out on college campuses spreading like wildfire. the world largely backed israel in october 7th in its fight to wipe out hamas. charlie hurt, an opinion editor of the washington times. listen to ocasio-cortez at an earth day event and said this.
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>> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today, of all days, as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campus like columbia, yale, berkeley and many others. >> dana: mostly peaceful including being told to go back to poland and also the other thing, charlie, a shift where college campuses were really for a cease-fire. now they've gone beyond that. they just don't want cease-fire they want hamas to win. >> they really are. a real shift there. when i look at these college kids and try to imagine how did they get into the situation, it starts because they have concern for palestinian children. everybody has concern for palestinian children. anybody who has concern for palestinian children wants to destroy hamas because hamas is the number one problem that
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palestinian children have. they are a terrorist organization. you are right. the problem with these students is they don't go and read a book. they don't learn anything about history. they don't know anything so they get led along by liars like aoc and president biden and moral equivalent -- not even that. it's more all ambivalence or a disregard for any sort of morality. and you wind up with these kids supporting a -- openly supporting terrorist organizations. go back to poland, burn tel aviv to the ground and hamas we love your rockets? this is insane. the fact that the idea that both political leaders and college campus leaders don't react with absolute ferocity to put this down i think shows the incredible spot we're in both politically and academically in
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america today. >> dana: teen vogue, i'm sure you look at this often. they did an interview with ilhan omar's daughter and she said that it's really frustrating because when we were arrested, we were literally sitting in a circle singing songs, sharing a meal together. you don't get arrested for things like that, charlie. the one thing is they'll get arrested but will they be prosecuted? the likely answer is no. >> this is so frustrating to me. could you be more of a privileged person than someone who grow us up in america, the daughter of a sitting congress person. you could not be more privileged. you could not have more access to information. you are going to one of the most prestigious universities in the country. you have access to knowledge and yet you reject it and make it all about yourself and it is all performance. then you wind up supporting a terrorist -- openly supporting a
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terrorist organization against jews. and, of course, the net result is at a time when universities seem to care so much about safe spaces -- i think a lot of it is lunacy -- but where are the safe spaces that universities care so much about for jewish students? they don't exist. they are redoing the schedule for the end of the year. they are telling students to go home. jewish students to go home for the rest of the year because you are not going to be safe on campus? holy smokes, this is insane. >> dana: i have been really thinking about that and worry they weren't safe but also this is the wrong answer, make them safe. >> exactly. >> dana: that's what we do in this country. >> that's the price of free speech is we make it safe for free speech. this is not safe for free speech. >> dana: charlie hurt, thank you for being with us today. >> bret: country singer luke
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brian is the latest victim of fan foolishness. watch this. ♪ >> bret: oh, the crash on stage slipping on an awed yen member's phone in the middle of his performance. put the phone on the stage. he slipped on it. he laughed it off but warning someone could have seriously gotten hurt. that was a big spill. you can't leave the phone on the stage. >> dana: you can't. i think at some point one of these stars -- i know they don't want to. these are fans that pay a lot of money to be there up close and personal. someone has to have charges brought against them or be sued for doing something foolish so you can stop it. also i think there should be a trend of not taking your phone to a concert so you can enjoy the moment. >> bret: and stop taking pictures of what you are seeing. >> dana: i'm sure nobody watches
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videos they take on their phones. it's a one person survey of myself. i have percy videos but not all the time. >> bret: i've seen them. >> dana: a judge unsealing records on the trump classified documents case. what they reveal about the raid on mar-a-lago. at the same time in new york the former president is currently in a hearing whether he violated a gag order. how much the prosecution wants to fine him for that as our coverage continues. where your retirement money and investment portfolio could go up with the stock market lock in your gains? and when the market goes down, you don't lose anything. forward with your money. never backwards would have that investment strategy, that product actually existed? good news! it does! if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein!
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>> bret: bringing you back to the trump trial. you look at one of the pictures we've received of the former president sitting in there. he is listening to a judge. the prosecution has finished its argument that the former president should be held in contempt for violating a gag order. prosecutors want the judge to fine former president trump $10,000 for a total of ten violations. now, the defense is giving its rebuttal. the judge seems a bit perturbed.
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they are going point by point on each one of these ten violations. and with the defense, the judge is interrupting them saying -- kind of annoyed asking for specific examples on one of these points. the judge just pointed out that it's 10:30 and the jury arrives at 11:00. he wants to move on. the defense saying that the prosecution got as much time as they wanted, to which the judge said, quote, they were answering my questions. a little testy there inside the courtroom as we wait on what's going to happen with this gag order violation aggregation in the trump trial. >> dana: a different judge unsealing 400 pages of records in the trump classified documents case. revealing new details on the f.b.i.'s raid of mar-a-lago. let's get to david spunt at d.o.j. >> the official name of the
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early stages of this investigation into those documents taken from the white house to mar-a-lago. this information being revealed publicly for the first time in a large document dump last night. more than 350 pages revealing new details about the f.b.i. raid on mar-a-lago, the place mick echo investigation including a conversation with someone close to trump as person number 16 who refused to be recorded. person 16 refused recording of the interview despite being advised that not recording the interview would be anomalous compared to other witness interviews. he said it was far bigger risk for him in the trump world. the f.b.i. raided mar-a-lago in august of 2022. the trump team says the f.b.i. was working hand in glosh with the white house to coordinate the raid. garland says he and only he authorized the raid independent from the white house.
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he authorized the full probe into the matter in march of 2022, five months before the raid. more of a detailed timeline. raid relating to the f.b.i. they entered at 8:59 on august 8, 2022, and gone by 6:39 p.m. we're told the f.b.i. there were efforts to have trump's kids try to convince him to return the documents someone telling the f.b.i. there are issues with the boxes. they belong to the government. talk to your dad about giving them back. it is not worth the aggravation. the judge in this case has yet to move the trial back. it is still set for may 20th. both sides expect it to be given the push given the volume of evidence in this case. >> dana: not sure how you keep it straight but i'm glad you do. thank you so much. >> bret: kerri kupecc urbahn joins us in washington. what is your take on this. plasmic echo, where do these
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names come from? what is your take on this. >> this whole thing is and was such an unforced error by the former president. totally unnecessary. if you look at the documents unsealed it began with a simple straight forward request from the archives asked for three things. the asked for a letter left by former president obama on his way out for incoming president trump and they asked for the map related to hurricane. trump marked up with a sharpie. those are the three things. for whatever reason trump and his team gave them the runaround for months. as a result of that they got frustrated and started wondering if there were other things. turned out there was. subpoena led to a raid and here we are. >> bret: there is an anonymous trump associate speaking to the former president, an f.b.i. interview, whatever you have, give everything back, let them come here and get everything.
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don't give them a noble reason to indict you because they will. there was knowledge inside. >> that's what i've heard all along from people involved. if i had to give one piece of advice to the former president it would be let them go after you for doing the right thing, not for making unnecessary mistakes or doing the wrong thing. these are not his to have. they weren't. i know it's frustrating for him. it was largely driven by ego. >> bret: he is as the presidential records act, all of that. >> even then that doesn't mean they belong to him. he had control over them. they belong to the american people at the end of the day. with respect to the classified documents that now have become at issue are generated by agencies and those belong to agencies. you know having covered the issues over the years. and so it's really a shame that we're here but we are. >> bret: we're not really here yet. we don't have a trial date and we don't know how far this is going to go. if it will get adjudicated
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before the election. >> i wondered why this judge decided to unzoo el the documents. reading them i don't know if it helps one side or the other. they can draw their own conclusions but wonder if she is trying to run out the clock to your point and not have it go to trial before the election. >> bret: what the prosecution needs to prove in the criminal case in manhattan. it exceeded federal campaign contribution limits. the payments violated state election law to help trump influence the 2016 election and payments to michael cohen violated state tax laws. it seems like it is cobbled together there in the 34 counts. how does it go? >> cobbled together while taking giant leaps of the imagination to even get there. i think bringing the case. there are a couple of key issues here. one entering into an nda is not
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illegal. non-disclosure agreement is not illegal. doesn't matter with a porn star or anyone else. maybe sleazey but not illegal. that's one issue. another one is classifying or labeling that payment as a legal expense, well, what is it exactly? is it not a legal expense? and also did trump have actual knowledge of what an associate at trump tower labeled as such? even if they did, what's the problem exactly? >> bret: it will be a challenge. we'll see. we have a lot to cover all days so thank you for coming in. dana. >> dana: so good to have kerri on that for us. tiktok under fire for allowing anti-semitic content. a follower is terrified of what he is seeing. here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority
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>> bret: former president trump walking out of the courtroom in manhattan here momentarily as this criminal trial continues. the gag order, the defense is presenting its counter argument was. now the court is in recess until 11:00. the judge was not having any of
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the defense pushback on these violations. the prosecution wants a violation for gag order and the judge was asking for specifics from the defense attorney blanch and numerous times the judge is clearly frustrated according to the reporting inside the courtroom. merchan says that the d.a.'s office has presented ten exhibits. the defense nothing. eight or nine times show me the exact post he was responding to and you haven't been able to do that once. it is clear that this judge is upset with what he is hearing from the defense side. how he is going to rule on the gag order is up in the air but if you were to read through the tea leaves here it is not probably going the former president's way from judge merchan. dana. >> dana: all right, thank you, bret for that update. we have a political battle on our hands over tiktok on capitol
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hill comes at anti-semitism and hate spread rapidly on the platform. a prominent influencer on that app is my guest and ivy league degree and says what he is seeing terrifies him. zach sage fox, i'm so glad to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> dana: tiktok, you are on it and make a lot of money on there. you are a comedian and you get a lot of views there but what are you seeing there that makes you so much so that terrified so much you want to come here and talk about it and tell people what's going on? >> totally. there was always this feeling are we making a deal with the devil knowing this is a chinese-owned app. especially coming out of covid such a great way to go viral, such a great way to get followers. not only a comedian but ceo of a production company in new york. me and my business partner got sent to the same fat camp when
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we were kids. we knew they were making a deal with the devil. there is good that comes out of it, too. i host a mental health talk show on there. just as much good can go viral you have seen since october 7th especially the algorithm taking a bad turn. when i got terrified you saw again z supporting osama bin laden. this has again in a crazy direction. you see the most misinformation. the last couple months i trimmed my plat form to do as much good to combatant i semitism and anti-israel propaganda. when you speak to young people and interview them on the
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streets about the misinformation they are hearing right now, it is 90% coming from tiktok. >> dana: if you look at tiktok this is where people are getting their information. 42 or 44% getting it there. this chart here conflict related videos, pro-palestinian. 2800. neither side 1200. pro-israel 699. there is a belief amongst people who follow tiktok closely that the chinese are happy to have this kind of chaos here in america. you mentioned osama bin laden. people not remember his letter goes viral all of a sudden why is everyone talking about this? it was pushed on tiktok. are you for congress passing this ban on tiktok that would still athrough videos to exist but take ownership away from the chinese? >> i said in a recent "new york post" article the main thing i feel is conflict. i feel conflicted.
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on one hand i built a brand on their. my company is able to work with big brands to help them get their message out. it is a way to get messaging out that can be positive. ultimately it needs to be sold to an american company so we can at least have some regulation on it. they all need regulation the social media platforms. we can only regulate it so much if it's in the hands of the ccp. >> dana: tell everyone what you promised the holl cast survivor you met. >> i was in auschwitz a few years ago, five years ago at this point. it was an amazing story. you can see the clip on my social media. i am walking and all of a sudden this old man in a wheelchair stops me and tells me you look like my brother. i said that's so nice. where is your brother? he said my brother died right here. my entire family died here. this is the first time i'm coming to this ground where my family was masker.
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we both started crying and i said. someone was filming this in our group. we hugged and cried and i told him i said i promise i will make sure nothing like that ever happens again. but when i said that promise, i meant it. i meant it. it was hard to imagine that it would really come into play like this. that what we're seeing on these college campuses right now could actually happen. i never understood how the holocaust could happen. you knew it happened and why but it felt like a dystopian past, not a present. it is no coincidence that you are seeing gen z again the z stands for zombie. free speech is super important, but it is not fair to young people who are so impressionable people in the world. i feel bad for college students because they've been brainwashed by something out of their hands and sadly right now outside of
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our government's hands to be able to rein it in. >> dana: you are here keeping your promise. love to see you again. >> bret: fox exclusive footage capturing patrol units awaiting the daily texas border surge as a neighboring state clamps down their legal battle against the cartels. we'll bring you that next. thei. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives. so won't you join me. donate now. and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift.
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so it's simple to find a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference. >> harris: jewish students across america wondering if they're safe on campus. anti-israel protests spreading like wildfire. a columbia university student on what he is seeing and feeling. president biden with his own both sides moment. critics say he has done exactly what he attacked trump for doing after a deadly 2017 protest. plus trump back in that new york courtroom, congresswoman virginia foxx joining us on "focus" today. leo terrell, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour.
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>> bret: earlier this month a group of migrants seen storming border agents in an attempt to enter the u.s. illegally. are no longer in custody. dana marie mcnicholl is in texas with that. >> good morning, bret. a large group of migrants accused of cutting razor wire and rushing government fencing and crossing illegally are no longer in the hands of the el paso jail. the incident happened april 12th. let's look at the video two days after this. layers of layers of razor wire and fencing installed to reinforce the area. 140 migrants were arrested by texas dps for rioting. el paso judge dropped the state misdemeanor charges saying not enough evidence to prove they were in a riot. they'll be placed to ice to face charges for illegal entry in the
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united states. just behind the border wall we have seen migrants cross daily in large numbers and we've been hearing from border patrol that over 1,000 encounters just yesterday. a group of 20 migrants now waiting to be processed. >> bret: thanks. >> dana: before we go, bret, prince louie turned six years old. for the occasion they released the new portrait taken a few days after his mother had announced that she has cancer and there he is, a sweet little boy. isn't he cute? >> bret: what a way to end. >> dana: yesterday i talked to daniel turner from power for the future on my podcast, it was a barn burner if i say so myself. we talk about pennsylvania and natural gas and energy jobs. see you on special report? >> bret: you bet, 6:00. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we have a big hour of news.
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