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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 23, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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have seen migrants cross daily in large numbers and we've been hearing from border patrol that over 1,000 encounters just yesterday. a group of 20 migrants now waiting to be processed. >> bret: thanks. >> dana: before we go, bret, prince louie turned six years old. for the occasion they released the new portrait taken a few days after his mother had announced that she has cancer and there he is, a sweet little boy. isn't he cute? >> bret: what a way to end. >> dana: yesterday i talked to daniel turner from power for the future on my podcast, it was a barn burner if i say so myself. we talk about pennsylvania and natural gas and energy jobs. see you on special report? >> bret: you bet, 6:00. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we have a big hour of news. we begin with this.
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anti-israel protestors upending some of america's elite university. columbia has switched all of its main campus classes to what are called hybrid learning. for the rest of the semester. these hate-filled protests are spreading like wildfire. the fear among jewish students is growing as well. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." this is america where you can say what is protected speech. this is america where you cannot threaten to kill people and get away with it. and threaten to put people in spaces where they can't have their freedom. that is not free speech. anti-israel demonstrations and encampments have expanded to schools across america. this scene in reaction to arrests at new york university just last night. [shouting and chanting]
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>> harris: there they are hating. hating israel, and some of them chanting they stand with hamas. the blood thirsty raping, killers on october 7th on our streets in america armed with flares and waving palestinian flags descending on nypd headquarters last night. just watch it. this is who we are becoming in this country. it is happening quickly. all of this happened after police in riot gear made more than 100 arrests on nyu's campus. the school requested police to help. they needed help citing safety concerns. more and more lawmakers are demanding columbia university's president step down. house democrats and republicans made campus visits hours before the beginning of the high holy day we're in now, passover.
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>> every single one of these college and university presidents who refuse to take action should immediately resign in disgrace. >> we believe it is systemic problem that needs leadership. >> what we're seeing on these campuses is an absolute abomb nation. these children engaged in anti-semitic hate should be expelled immediately. >> harris: i want you to see this. it is from holocaust survivor ms. friedman. >> it is utterly shocking. when i walked out of auschwitz with my mother walking through these gates i said i will never, ever have anybody call me a dirty jew or anything else
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again. i am free now. and here it is today. i am shocked. i am pained. i am scared. i am scared both for america, i'm scared for the jews. >> harris: let's begin with fox news correspondent alexis mcadams at columbia university. this is days of this coverage by you now. what's the latest? >> no major action out here this morning but as you just heard from that holocaust survivor, people are afraid on these campuses. people of the jewish faith, professors or students are worried for their safety. it started at columbia university. it has spread to campuses across the country. we now know more than half of the top 50 universities in this country have had these anti-israel protests. watch. [shouting and chanting]
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>> right now these large plywood boards are going up around the nyu campus. it comes after 133 people were arrested at nyu last night booked on trespassing and disorderly conduct charges according to police sources. after the university asked the police to come in and help this is what happened. watch. >> this is the new york city police department. you need to leave the area. you need to leave the plaza now or you will be arrested for trespassing. this is the new york city police department. you have been warned. >> the nypd says there are professional agitators mixed into the crowds looking into the possibility that someone is funding these protests. >> they all were the same type of tents, same ones we saw on
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nyu. the same in columbia. to me i think somebody is funding this. also, they are professional agitators in there that are looking for something to be agitated about, which is to protest. >> so as police deal with the agitators in the crowds back at columbia there are growing calls for the president of this university to step down people saying she can't handle the chaos on her own campus even she has called for a reset. powerful alumni like bob craft who owns the patriots is done sending money here. >> we can't have this intimidation that is filtering through all these colleges and the hate continue to grow and multiply the way it is. >> just the other day you saw nypd went on campus and took out the tents. this morning there are 100 tents
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back up and counting even though students were arrested. one was ilhan omar's daughter who talked to teen vogue magazine saying she feels like she is homeless and can't even get food from the dining hall and doesn't know where she will go next. >> harris: you have shown the one sound bite. we had a guest on yesterday, a former federal prosecutor who said the same thing, the uniform tee of those tents and so many of the similarities among the protests we see. it is wondering now if that doesn't propel these people to do worse things. in his experience, that is what he has found. when you get that kind of organization and that kind of putback like today. they put their stuff light back, that's what you have to watch for for things escalating and we will. great job covering it. one column argues at columbia and beyond jews must not hide or apologize. the "wall street journal"
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editorial board calls out the ivy league's meltdown. they reap what they have sown and this quote. anyone who thinks concerns about anti semitism are overdone is not paying attention. protestors carried banners and pointing to pro-israel protest are the next target. the military wing of hamas that obviously is a call to kill jews. all of hamas are all killers, terrorists. plus they have a military wing. these anti-israel protests have broken out all over at the top five ranked u.s. universities. look at your screen. princeton, mitt, harvard, stanford, yale and half of the top 50 only counting just the past week. david pomerantz, sophomore at
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columbia university. we have spoken in the past and talked about hostages and all sorts of things. we're in a different lane right now and i wish on this passover that it were different. please tell me what you were experiencing on the campus of columbia. >> sure. first thanks for having me and thanks for doing this segment. it is important the entire country is aware of what is happening at columbia and campuses across the country. what i am experiencing now is a state of chaos, disorder, the university is no longer become a place where students can learn and study and prepare for finals. it has become the home of these rapid anti-israel protests. we have an encampment which is filled not just with students but with outside agitators. i was talking to a columbia public servant agent yesterday they can guarantee for a fact people inside the tents on campus not students, no affiliation with the university, who are chanting to attack and
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kill jewish students. >> harris: david, that's particularly a problem because the nypd held its news conference with their deputy commissioner yesterday just off the campus of columbia explaining why they don't have a bigger presence on campus because it is private and the school has to call them. what you are telling me is that some of the people in those tents, agitators, if they aren't students, what are they doing on that campus, don't belong there. the university has every right to kick them off. police actually that would be a trespass because they aren't students. they have every right to go get them. >> not have a right but an obligation to get them and preserve the safety of the students and the faculty who are trying to learn there. the contempt that these protestors have is not just limited to israel and zionists. i'm listening to them every day. they hate the united states. there is a lot of venom towards police officers there.
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public safety agents chanting vile chants toward them. they had a list of demands. if these demands aren't met we aren't leaving. divestment was to eliminate and defund the columbia safety department. they want no public safety agents on campus. >> harris: talk to me about the columbia safety agents and what they are doing. >> the nypd is no longer allowed on campus, a decision by the president. they are there to keep the peace but limited in terms of what they can do. >> harris: are they armed? >> no. >> harris: how are they keeping the peace? >> standing around telling me they wish they could do more. >> harris: thoughts and prayers. they probably aren't even praying at that point. they know there is nothing they can do. i hope they would be. last quick just topic with you. you aren't on campus today. what will happen with this hybrid situation? are you making a decision kind of realtime of whether i'm going to study from home, online, or
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go in person? >> yes. i think not just me, every student is making that decision right now. it depends how the university handles it. as of right now it is toxic, unsafe and unstable and people are inclined to stay away. if the encampments get cleared people will be more comfortable coming back to campus. >> harris: how shocked are you that people on campus feel this way? you know some of those kids. >> i do. i'm disappointed but not shocked because i can feel the ideology and the venom. it has been building up for quite a while. this is indicative of their broader worldview. they don't think the united states is a force for good. cheer on enemies like iran and hamas and houthis over us. it is disappointing, not shocking, i will tell you that. >> harris: we're in this with you as americans. everybody i run into right now, they get it. and some people are marching just to -- they'll go to
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anything, an envelope opening. we saw that after many things in this country but particularly george floyd. i wish the bells for you, god bless you and happy passover. have a peaceful and sweet one. former president trump is back in court now for day six of his new york criminal trial and the judge overseeing that trial is waiting to rule on whether trump violated his gag order and trump says this is not where the presumptive republican nominee for president should be. >> i should be in georgia now. i should be in florida now. i should be in a lot of different places right now campaigning and i'm sitting here. this will go on for a long time. it is very unfair. >> harris: former magazine publisher david pecker returns to the stand for a second day of testimony. we'll get into all of it with friend of the show in "focus" leo terrell next. what if there is an investment strategy, a product,
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>> harris: breaking news. a russian court has rejected the latest appeal by "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovitch. his detention is extended to june 30th. he has been held in a russian prison for more than one year. he was arrested last march on spying charges. both the "wall street journal" and the federal government vehemently deny those charges. our prayers are with evan and his family. former president trump is in court for day six of his new york criminal trial set to get underway at any moment. former tabloid publisher david pecker, he will continue his testimony from yesterday. earlier today the judge, they
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were still in court just hadn't gotten to testimony. now they will. earlier today the judge took up the gag order of the former president. bragg says he violated ten times and wants trump find for each violation. $10,000, for ten times. he wants 100 grand. he also wants trump held in contempt and for the judge to consider jailing the president for future violations. wait a minute. you can put somebody in prison for something they haven't done? they are rich. the judge says he will rule on that a little bit later today. a former justice department official said this. >> the judge has specified lists of people who are possible target for insult and people off limits. this is a judge sensitive to the need to preserve the integrity of this proceeding. protecting witnesses from attacks and jurors from attacks and he may well fine trump.
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i don't think he will throw trump in jail. he may have stern language and a warning and may impose a nominal fine. >> harris: the former president really went after the people pressing up against him as court wrapped yesterday. >> this is what takes me off the campaign trail. i should be in georgia now. i should be in florida now. i should be a lot of different places now campaigning. it is very unfair what's going on. i should be allowed to campaign. this has never happened before. when the state tries to insert itself in federal elections. nobody has ever seen it. >> harris: notice how disciplined his comments were there. never a name or title. talking about the process. gregg jarrett, writing in a new op-ed, manhattan d.a. bragg hocus-pocus case exposed on the first day. he argues it is a neat trick called law fare.
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weaponizing the law. that was a quote by gregg jarrett. let's go now to leo terrell, fox news contributor and attorney. leo, you saw the president there. he laid out the case, he seemed to stay within the confines of any sort of gag order that -- he is getting better at this. the judge and it seems the prosecution are just -- i don't know, how would you describe what is going on? >> very simple, harris, the goal of this legal proceeding is to inflict as much political damage on president trump. that's the whole purpose of it. this is an attempt to harm president trump's election chances in november 2024. nothing more, nothing less. i will tell you right now, it would make a difference if the gag order is unconstitutional or if michael cohen can basically
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say whatever he wants. the goal is to hurt trump chances to win this election. the public realizes with but it's the goal of this proceeding. >> harris: the part that caught my ear is how do you put somebody in jail for future violations. that's a nation not run by a president, not even a dictator, but a terrorist. >> harris, i have never in my 35 years of practicing law seen any legal proceeding such as the one we're witnessing right now. again, they want to do -- they want not only this case but other cases to go after trump. we talked about it before and i apologize. this is all to hurt trump politically and they will do anything. this judge, i think he is compromised and quite interesting to see his ruling on gag order. >> harris: you think the judge is compromised? >> he is compromised because he
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should have been recused from this case. he was placed in this position to inflict this type of political damage to trump and i will tell you right now, he cannot be impartial given the fact his daughter, given the fact of his situation with the district attorney, how he was selected for this particular case. >> harris: you know, i mentioned before, it feels like legal terrorism. it really does. i'm still looking for the victim. i'm still looking, as we have in these other cases, still looking for any fairness in this process. he is within the gag order confines and they want to go after him. then they were so contentious. i don't know if you saw some of the coverage we had this morning. the judge was contentious reportedly with the defense telling them to hurry up but giving the prosecution as much time as they needed. your last thought on this and we'll move forward. >> very simply the judge is hostile to president trump. he has a dislike towards president trump. i will tell you right now the
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fix is in. the prosecution will get every break possible. the defendants will have to jump over every hurdle that has been imposed by this judge. >> harris: well, let's go to this. the u.s. supreme court will hear argument in a landmark case this week. trump is arguing he is immune from prosecution on charges he tried to overturn the 2020 election. and trump's test case there is richard nixon in 1982 the supreme court ruled nixon could not be held liable for official actions because civil suits are too distracting for a president. judicial watch president with this prediction. >> i think they will come up with decisions that effectively put the resolution of these issues past the election. however they do it, i don't know. but the supreme court want to endorse putting the former president and number one candidate on trial a month before the election? i have a feeling a majority
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won't want to do that. >> harris: so if he is right about that, what has to happen? >> what has to happen, harris, is a situation where the court will send instructions. in my opinion the oral arguments are important on thursday. what i'm predicting is something in between absolute immunity and immunity that has to be decided by the district judge. this case will never see daylight as a trial before the election. the supreme court will send instructions down to the lower court. >> harris: leo terrell, thank you. all eyes on thursday. appreciate it. critics are calling it a slap in the face to police officers. president biden is set to campaign in upstate new york. two police officers in that area were just killed in the line of duty and the community is asking mr. president, can you just give them a minute to grieve? they say they just need a pause. they aren't going to get it because politics are too important. plus chicago democrats voting to
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spend tens of millions of additional money to care for thousands of illegal immigrants. people who actually live there are very angry. >> the city doesn't feel the same anymore. all mismanaging this, failing. >> we need that money in my neighborhood. >> harris: you are mismanaging this. new truer words were spoken. now there is a push to recall the city's democrat mayor. chicago native and fox news political analyst gianno caldwell is next. this will be good. stay tuned.
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>> harris: the citizens of chicago have a lot to say after the city council approved an extra $70 million to care for illegal immigrants. nearly 40,000 have arrived since august of 2022.
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try out millions in texas. they are a sanctuary city and what do they expect? they put out the shingle. tax paying chicagoans showed up in force ahead of the city council vote. >> the city doesn't feel the same anymore. >> you are failing. >> we need that money in my neighborhood. >> $70 million? y'all won't even put a million dollars in one neighborhood. >> vote for the money for the immigrants today and we're come for them seats. >> harris: they are coming for somebody else's seat, too. the democratic mayor brandon johnson. organizers of the recall movement need 56,000 signatures too get the recall on the ballot later this year. we'll be watching. gianno caldwell is here. i did notice some anger in the room but i also noticed some people with a plan. >> absolutely. and they are doing the right thing by saying we're coming directly for your seats
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including you, mayor brandon johnson, mayor brandon johnson's message to chicago is quite clear. get on the back of the bus especially the black voters who are the reason he is mayor today. get on the back of the bus. these voters in chicago, i speak to a lot of them pretty regularly, weekly. they are serious about voting for trump and handing the election to donald trump as you only need 20% of cook county, within chicago. cook county, the county that encompasses the suburbs as well. he can win illinois. the problem for many of the people in chicago there they've been destitute for many years with services from the city. since i was a kid, 14 years old working in politics people are asking for help and resources saying they didn't have any until now. >> harris: they had the resources, not spending them on you the citizens. you mentioned trump and blacks
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in particular taking a look at voting in their own interest. i had life long chicago woman on. let's revisit. >> where is chicago at? we're so angry with pritzker and president biden and with our mayor that we have decided that we are going to vote republican this time around. that's just how angry we are. we are so angry that we are willing and going to turn our backs on the democratic party. >> harris: so what do you predict will happen? i know they want to unseat people. will that actually happen? typically, as you get closer to voting day, everybody goes back to their silos and get a few goodies or whatever from democrats and reminded black
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people vote democrat and if you don't you aren't really black, president biden said that. what do you think will happen? >> well, just look at the sentiment across the country. in denver there was an asylum seeking group give us six months of rent, food, cash, all these other things is a slap in the face. for people who never committed a tax dollar ever it is a slap in the face. you turn that same mirror in chicago and they see folks in their neighborhood, places where they used to send their kids to be safe. park districts, a number of different entities taken over by the migrant class and people are upset and rightfully so. i think we should be watching very closely what will happen in the dnc. that message right there before the election is going to resonate very clear about how chicagoans are feeling about the democratic party especially bringing the migrants to the city but many other issues like crime and others. >> harris: what about the economy? gas pricesing back up.
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food prices going up. energy prices sitting high and going higher as we creep up again with inflation while the man in the white house simply says i guess we're imagining it all. president biden still plans to make a scheduled trip to syracuse, new york today. this is a head scratcher. so that will happen on thursday. and despite pleas from local police, it will happen. people there in that community are grieving the loss of two police officers, one police officer and a sheriff's deputy killed in the line of duty during a shoot-out last week. the local police union president with this: the department expressed their concerns to the biden administration regarding his visit and the quick turn you around after two officers are being buried. and then the manpower that it would take and everything that our members have been through in the past week. those concerns were expressed and biden administration elected
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to move forward with the visit is a quote. update new york republican lawmakers are condemning the move. congresswoman stefanik said i ask biden to postpone his poorly timed visit to upstate new york. claudey tenney calls the decision misguided and truly. >> a slap in the face i think you said it so well, harris, when you think about the fact that 136 police officers were murdered last year on duty. when you think about almost 400 police officers shot across our nation last year. when you think about jonathan diller and trump going to the funeral and now when you have so many officers across the country that are mourning the loss of their brothers and sisters in blue and you see a president who simply does not have their back and you know this to be the case because even last year he was supposed to speak at the fop for
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fallen soldiers and printed his name on the billboard and he pulled out at the last minute. this president doesn't have a back of law enforcements officers and including our military officers who all put their lives on the line for us. that is exactly why there is a need to change the commander-in-chief in the house. he has failed and dear elect in his duties. >> harris: are there other african-americans across the country who sound like this woman? >> a lot of folks are very, very upset. to go back to your last question where you said what is the result going to be? i believe the ramification will be a surge in black votes for republicans. republicans need to take note. i think they are voting for trump, not necessarily the republican party. if he gets all these big numbers as some people are predicting and expecting how do republicans
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continue to take the ball forward to keep these voters on board. that's a very important point. >> harris: that's excellent. you have to make that work down ticket. it might be easier than republican candidates in other positions would even guess because of what is going on, unfortunately, for the citizens. now they will potentially vote in their own interest and that's good for everybody. we should all do that no matter what lane we drive in. thank you very much. voting is underway in a key swing state primary today and it could decide the balance of power in the u.s. senate. plus president biden has finally spoken out about all those campus anti-israel protests and critics say he did exactly what he condemned former president trump for saying about charlottesville. >> president biden: i condemn the anti israel protests and condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> there is blame on both sides. you also had people that were
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very fine people on both sides. >> harris: wow, if you want to know whether or not biden is reading trump's playbook, he criticizes him for one thing and he turns around and does exactly what he criticized him for. we'll dig into it. great debate next. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or
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>> you condemn the anti-semitic protests on college campuses? >> i condemn them and i set up a program for that. also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> harris: well, people who are analyzing his words and his politics are calling the president's both sides moment unbelievable. condemn anti-semitic campus protests but before quickly defending the palestinian cause. some of that palestinian cause on the ground here in new york has been pro-hamas. remember, biden has repeatedly gone after former president trump for comments like this after the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in charlottesville, virginia. >> i think there is blame on
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both sides. you had people, very fine people on both sides. >> those words, the president of the united states assigned a moral he -- at that moment i knew the threat to this nation was unlike any i had ever seen in my lifetime. >> harris: while he is president since he just said basically the same thing, is the threat greater than any other point in our when is tree under his watch? jacque heinrich is at the white house. >> the president has not taken it upon himself to speak out against the anti-semitic protests that broke out on college campuses this weekend forcing columbia university to have classes remotely. he tweeted 25 times since saturday, including nine times about climate, no mention of any of this. there was a strong white house statement over the weekend but
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it was written by the deputy press secretary and yesterday's event biden issued a both sides condemnation. in his remarks at the earth day event he was with alexandria ocasio-cortez and framed the protests as peaceful and biden appeared to affirm that. >> it is especially important we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campus like columbia, yale, berkeley and many others. >> president biden: representative ocasio-cortez of new york, i learned a long time ago to listen to that lady. >> when we asked him yesterday the president declined to weigh in on whether columbia university's president should resign. he said he needed to find out more about that. pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman did not mince
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words posting on ex-i agree with the white house. the frozes are anti-semitic and dangerous. a add -- president biden said charlottesville was the reason he ran for president but now that he is president, so far silence from the top on this particular issue. harris. >> harris: i would imagine they'll try to do the walk back on that. we'll cover every second of it. thank you, jacque. a great debate now targeted victory executive president matt gorman is here and former biden campaign surrogate kevin walling. gentlemen, we may, i will ask my team. can we see those live pictures what's going on at columbia university right now? in the meantime, i want to talk about this both sides comment. there it is. okay. so we're rocking a new day here and the protestors have now gotten back on the columbia
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campus. the campus is allowing this. this is private property. they've told police to keep a perimeter around the school, the college, but not to come on unless they call. jewish students like the one i had on set with me earlier this hour say they are too afraid to go back to school and take advantage of the hybrid situation, a day-by-day calling whether or not they feel safe enough to go on campus. no cops, they do have the columbia safety agents with young david telling me earlier this hour they don't make him feel safe. so we'll see what happens. there is a movement afoot demanding protestors to eliminate safety agents. they'll own the campus. that's what's going on right now. let's get back to biden's both sides comments. it fits this conversation. what he is saying is the jewish students being made to fear for their lives are the equivalent, both sides should be heard to the people occupying at least this university and threatening
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to kill people with their words like we're with hamas. matt. >> you are right. he talks a lot about charlottesville. what you see here is that same exact thing. you are right. we all know the reason why. he is scared of his political base and knows what it means if he takes a strong stance in places like michigan. so you see this equivocating, the both sides, all the excuses. when a republican did this you had reporters chasing republican members of congress down the halls for their reaction. i don't see that same reaction for democrats. you have fetterman taking it pro-actively, which i appreciate. it is completely the same sort of comment but the media reaction is totally different. >> harris: kevin, why is that? >> harris, number one the president has been very clear since taking office that he condemns any kind of hate, especially anti-semitism. he traveled in the hours after the horrific massacre of
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october 7th to stand shoulder to shoulder with the israelis. to your point has gotten flak from the left side of my party, arab american democrats and palestinian democrats for his support of the state of israel and his support for jewish americans that goes back to the 1 1970s with -- he condemned protests on college campuses. the interview with david was powerful to hear the voices of those students and what they are going through and we all need to stand together. >> harris: not powerful enough for columbia university to listen to them and rectify the situation. >> they absolutely need to. >> harris: i want to get back to the issue matt was pointing out. the equivalents between what biden said then. by saying both sides you basically equivocating them. is that what biden is also doing when he says both sides, jewish students fighting and protestors on the ground threatening them
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are good people on both sides. what hypocrisy on the part of joe biden. >> i don't think it's a comparison with regards to what donald trump said in the wake of charlottesville. he was praising the people with tiki torches chanting jews will not replace us. he is not standing with hamas, he is drawing attention to the cause of the palestinians. >> say you can condemn anti-semitism. make the statement period. those jewish students are suffering under the threat. >> harris: pennsylvania primary today. another big test for president biden. a group wants 50,000 democrats to vote uncommitted. we have seen the uncommitted movement wrack up thousands of
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votes in michigan, minnesota and several other states. president trump has this message to voters. let's watch. >> our country has never been in trouble like this. we have never had a situation where millions and millions of people are pouring in at levels never seen before. we are not respected. you look at energy prices and inflation and a bad economy, you look at all of the things that they've done. everybody get out and vote and vote republican. >> harris: the pennsylvania house race testing the fallout from the israel/hamas war highlighting a key contest. liberal squad member summer lee is the first high-profile progressive to face a primary challenge this year. others are coming up. opponent is a small town city council member targeted lee over her repeated calls for a cease-fire in gaza. kevin, i'll start with you. your reaction. >> listen, i'm a joe biden democrat not a squad democrat. i always will work for and support democrats that stand
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lock step with the state of israel in support for that jewish state. >> harris: do you think biden is a squad democrat, matt? >> he wants to pretend he is. summer lee is the -- nrcc is using her to tie them to other vulnerable democrats in the area. something to watch as well. >> harris: all right. gentlemen, we're leave this hour taking a look at something that the at least one former federal prosecutor has said to me and seen it said actually on more liberal networks where they've had liberal guests on. look at the conformity and uniformty of the tents and want the signage and the sorts of things. that's what legal experts are watching now to see if it will become a more organized and potentially worse situation in terms of violence against jewish students. we're watching all of it. keep it on fox.
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