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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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making small amount possession a crime once again. these temporary drug free zones popping up on a rolling basis it returns power to police with people appearing to be with distribution. to come i would plan to shut down the market. >> the open air drug markets the widespread addiction comes a deep despair that it is unacceptable and changes on the way. >> in california residents have taken charge to bipartisan group for safer communities had until today to submit signatures for a measure to be added to the november ballot. they say they got 900,000 to strengthen drug and theft penalties, listen. >> i think everyone needs to take a breath and say what we are doing is not helping. dumping save date money into initiatives that do not require sobriety that give housing first
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with no accountability that allow constant theft with no accountability that is not working. >> a lot of changes. people had enough. >> john: i mean it i would say it's a good idea at the time but it wasn't, thank you. now this. >> radical people wanting to rip the colleges down and that is a shame. but it also with the signals he puts out her so bad. i can tell you he is no friend of israel, that's for sure. >> sandra: former president donald trump weapon president biden president biden from anti-israel protests happening on his watch. we expect to see the former president potentially any moment now on the left side of your screen as court reps for the day for new york city. we are watching that end if he speaks we will certainly have that for you. >> john: i would imagine he certainly does have something to say and just moments from now president biden will be in florida to campaign on abortion
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rights. we expect the press will try to shout more questions to him about anti-israel protests that have been raging coast-to-coast. >> sandra: and of course we are keeping our eye on the growing number of protests happening at u.s. colleges and universities right on your screen is the scene at nyu. this is washington square park here in new york city. why are the crowds going there, john, hello and welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york right to be with you. >> john: great to be with you as well i am john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." we start this afternoon in lower manhattan were former "national enquirer" david -- publisher david pecker was back on the stand today in donald trump's criminal trial record detailed with the former president in years. >> sandra: outside of the u.s. supreme court what came from today's testimony? >> sandra court wrapped up in the past minutes we will keep an
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eye out for president trump to see if he speaks but one of the most notable moment so far today is prosecutor joshua steinbach identifying the so-called "other crime" president trump is told was committing and identify the law that reads "conspiracy to promote or prevent election any turtle or more persons who conspired to prevent the election of someone by unlawful means in which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto shall be guilty of a misdemeanor" it's worth pointing out, sandra, that these records that former president trump is accused of falsifying were internal business records area rather than external records and the d.a.'s office argued he did that to promote a conspiracy to when the white house as you see form president trump leave court now, sandra.
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>> these are articles over the last day at a hash are very good articles. they say the case is a sham. and it should not have been submitted or tried. i don't even no, we have a gag order which to me is totally unconstitutional. i am not allowed to talk but people are are allowed talk about me. they can say whatever they want, they can lie but i am not allowed to say anything. i just have to sit back and look at it can why a conflicted judge is ordering me not to say anything i'm not sure anyone will say anything about this. i would love to say everything that is on my mind to you people but i am restricted because i have a gag order. and i am not sure anybody has ever seen anything like this before. and even having to do with articles. if someone writes an article if i read every single one of these
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articles, i will look at headlines and this case is a sham. but i can't grieve the whole thing. this is like reading a novel. so i put an article and it and somebody's name is mentioned and i am in violation of the gag order. i think it is a disgrace. it is totally unconstitutional. not to this extent ever happening before, i am not allowed to defend myself and other people are allowed to say whatever they want about me. very, very unfair. having to do with the schools that are biden's fault and by the way this trial, this is all by them in case anybody has any question. and they are keeping me, and the court room day long. he is out campaigning because he
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can't campaign nobody knows what he is doing he can't put two sentences together. he is out campaigning. he is out campaigning and i am sitting here sitting up as straight as i can because you know what? it's a very unfair situation. so we are locked up in a courtroom at this guy is out there campaigning. every time he opens his mouth he gets himself into trouble. so, that is the story about the in constitutional gag order, very simple. from the schools should have never happened. what is going on in this country now should have never happened. i mean but in the ukraine war would've never happened. inflation would've never happened. we have the worst president in history of our country and he is the one that has all of these different problems thank you very much.
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>> john: all right there the former president walking in from court which is done for the day because of the passover holiday. he has not allowed to say anything about the case itself. although he kind of talked around it in ways he got his point across. he has not been able to campaign because he is in court every day so campaigning a little bit they are smacking around his opponent calling him "the worst president there is ever been" that the ukraine war, the attack on israel would never have happened if he had been president. >> sandra: bag with his legal team which the audio is a little better toward the end there, you heard the former president called the judge in this case highly conflicted. and a judge that should recuse himself. as expected, we did hear from the former president but john, a bit shorter than we have heard him in days past as you stepped
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out of the courthouse in the noon hour yesterday he went much longer. >> one of the points he keeps making about this gag order. what he sees as the unfairness of it but nobody else in this case is free to say whatever they want including michael cohen. who is the state's star witness but he is not allowed to say anything. right now, the judge one where sean is deliberating over whether or not to charge him with violating the gag order. there is talk about can trump land in jail for it from things he has posted on social media and truth social. he says there will be an answer may be later on maybe tomorrow. >> sandra: he maintained that he called this gag order unconstitutional, john. >> people who peacefully protest are not throwing bottles and chairs. is very fire sale on those tents? there are some organizing going on. >> look at the tents.
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they were all the same color. to me, i think somebody is funding this. >> these encampments did not spring up spontaneously. it looks to me like they have some pretty expensive camping equipment out there as well. i think it is worth asking who is funding these organizations violating the law? >> john: the tents, look at the tents. nypd and city officials raising concerns and professional agitators as anti-israel protesters raged across college campuses nationwide. jewish students living in fear as columbia goes to hybrid learning and nyu students as you see on the screen there staged a walkout. steve harrigan live outside of nyu near washington square park with the latest, what does hybrid learning mean for the students now between now and the end of the year? >> john, hybrid learning is a fancy term for zoom calls. so parents will pay $66,000 in tuition while on campus learning will be pretty much shut down. you see the crowd behind me at
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nyu has been getting bigger the past hour or so. they are calling it a nationwide strike. there were 100 arrests outside nyu last night. it is not clear how many were students and outsiders, when you look at the arrest record some ages 24, 25, 27, that is no college freshmen. as far as critics of the movement go, when you hear chants like "we are all hamas" it shows sympathy with the terrorist group that showed killing people on october 7th it also shows ignorance of history. >> they need to maintain order and their authority and say this is a university. we do not do this here. you people are ignorant. go to the library if you are students that enrolled here and read about what happened in the holocaust. go to the newspaper rack and read about what happened on october 7th. in israel. that affirmation of authority is what we need.
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>> this movement continues to spread from elite campuses in the northeast all the way out to berkeley and california. those tents you talked about, they took them away in columbia last week. they are back up today. john, back to you. >> john: so i know this probably only a couple of weeks of instruction left but what does it say the protesters pinched their tents and officials folded theirs? >> you have a few hundred people able to shut down an entire university and you are right. this is likely to go through the end of the term, may 10th, and probably through graduation as well, may 15th. >> steve harrigan for us in the latest in washington square park, look at that. steve, thank you we will get back to you. sandra? >> sandra: lovely music quite combing in the background let's bring in brian brenberg host of the big money show, what is not calming is the point we have seen these protesters get. anti-semitic slurs, threats being made, people getting spit
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on, we had two students on site yesterday who feared for their safety. we fear for their lives walking on their campus. how is it gotten to this point? what is going to happen now with these big donors bob kraft saying this is not a university in the case of columbia that he can recognize any longer. >> how it has gotten here it is hard to say but this has been brewing for decades now, sandor. when i look at what is happening at columbia specifically i think why is the head of school not shutting it down? not saying there's an appropriate way to protest and have your voice be heard, this is not it. pandering to students and protesters is essentially by saying you can have hybrid learning the rest of the year is not the answer. it is slapping a band-aid on something. i was at a seder last night and the whole topic of conversation on a holy day of passover was to talk about what is going on in new york city and on campuses across the country. and the way's anti-semitism has reared its ugly head. people can't believe it.
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>> sandra: let's see what happens with the dollars when you start to see the dollars go somewhere else other than these universities, money talks. they will have to make changes. you have billionaire -- the billionaire robert kraft stopping his cash flow into columbia university calling the anti-israel mob "fn crazy" thee will be more. >> there will be a lot more and he says you should on tenure these professors employed for life they have to go. you can't employ them forever because you happened to hire them at one point but you know what has to change, it can't be private donor money. that's a big part of what these universities get funded by but so much of their money comes directly in from the government. from taxpayers. i really don't hear a lot of people out there saying why does joe taxpayer who never went to
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college, does not get a say whether these colleges get money, it just gets thrown at them. i say give the money back to taxpayers if they want to be donors, go right ahead. but they should not be forced to give money to institutions like columbia, like yale, who don't need a number one and number two are ceasing to function like colleges at this point. >> if you cut them off on both sides private and public this will stop. >> sandra: i'm sorry, live picks, okay. okay. the continued picture is out of columbia university with the tents that are up, a lot of people questioning who is buying these tents. they look brand spanking new. robert kraft speaking of columbia on the problem with tenure on your point, brian, listen. >> a response -- we are professors who instead of teaching how to think that they are trying to tell our young people what they should think.
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i think one of the biggest problems that we have to do something about his really tenure and these universities where people can do things and don't have accountability. >> sandra: bingo that was kraft on hannity last night. another voice on this is leon cooperman. here he is this morning reacting to the protestant columbia, listen. >> responsibility of the university to create a safe and welcoming environment. for many universities including columbia they failed in doing that. the shorthand view is few are an anti-semite you are ignorant. easiest way to do with a is education. the only changes specifying my gifts and i specify all my giving has to do with the business school. >> sandra: how can they allow these kids to feel unsafe? scroll the list of these colleges with these anti-semitic anti-israel protests from
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princeton to mit, university of virginia, the ohio state and become it is happening now almost everywhere, brian. >> i taught at the college level for my 15 years and i will tell you two things. one, we did not have tenure and it made a difference because every year i had to ask myself if i'm doing my job and so did my boss. that was really important. number two, if you want free speech, you have to create very clear boundaries. these schools have failed because they have not created clear boundaries. when policies have been violated, the kids get to stick around. you have expulsion for a reason. use it now and you will save the college. failed to use it, and this will keep spiraling. >> sandra: and you know i think about the professors when you read this is according to "the new york post" reporting on this money drying up, donors are not issuing an ultimatum, it's just they are not writing the checks anymore. guess what? it won't be the staff and the professors. they are not taking the pay cuts. i don't know, it will be potential scholarships not
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issued and aid is not going out. this will hurt the students that are currently attending or wish to attend. >> absolutely. those who give into this progressive poison rot will bear the brunt of it. ultimately i think it will be the downfall to the institutions but you made the point of the tents and the color fullness and they all match. did you organize that way in college because i certainly couldn't. there something going on here. todd piro was at yale this morning and he said that the common thread was the word organization. there is something large going on here. >> sandra: i don't know you see this and you're like can you imagine if you pitched a tent in your college quad? >> i wouldn't dream. >> sandra: you said no i had the right to be here do you kid me? >> no one has room to store a tent in manhattan and you can't buy that many tent so they are coming in from the outside. >> they all match it's hard disheartening. >> sandra: someone was joking fire sale at rei it has to be something, i don't know.
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thank you very much. we know you ran over from your show, appreciated good to see you. john? >> john: somebody was me. just moments from now the pentagon will provide an update as irani and proxies launch new attacks against u.s. troops for the first time in nearly three months. >> sandra: plus former president donald trump speaking moments ago you heard it here alive after day two of testimony. we will dig in, carrier bond with her take aways in just a moment. >> it's not a statutory crime to suppress politically embarrassing information. it's kind of what political campaigns do. it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> we have a gag order which to me is unconstitutional and not allowed to talk with people
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while they talk about me so they can talk about me and say whatever they want, they can lie, but i'm not allowed to say anything. i just have to sit back while the judge orders me to have a gag order. >> john: that's former president donald trump moments ago speaking to reporters after court finished for the day about the gag order he has got against him. so far the judge holding off on ruling whether or not trump has violated that order. let's bring in fox news legal editor back from new york who spent the day yesterday or what there was of it in court watching all the proceedings. even watching it all today and you were still left with the same question and that is? >> what is the crime? i sat there thinking i don't know what the crime is. the former number three from doj was presenting or opening arguments on behalf of the state which is also very surprising by the way, and he was saying this is election fraud pure and simple and i sat there thinking what is election fraud exactly
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because one, entering into a nondisclosure agreement is not illegal. it's not. weather with a porn star or anyone else may be it is seedy or unseemly but it's not. secondly catch and kill schemes with people in the media do to buy the rights to a story and choose not to publish it also not illegal. i don't see what the problem is. >> john: and the reimbursement to call when after he was president and company and was paid more than ever let out to keep stormy daniels quiet. >> they would say that's part of his elaborate cover-up but what's the cover up? because paying someone in return for an nda is not illegal, and labeling it in a ledger as a legal expense, is it not a legal expense? i mean if the state wants to say reimbursement for x, y, and z but i think the defense team is
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arguing this that trump even knew how it was labeled in the book apparently it was made by somebody else a lower level associate at trump tower told to do so by her boss. again this leaves us with what is a problem exactly? >> john: the other big issue in all of this is the gag order against trump. he does not like it at all. here's what "the wall street journal" opinion said about it. so the witness can go on national tv and call the defendant a liar but the defendant can't will apply that the witness is a liar? the asymmetry does not boast of the trial's integrity or fairness. house and possibly fair in modern society for everybody else to say everything they want about this case but the guy on trial can't? >> i don't know. the fact michael cohen continues to speak out and did so even yesterday about donald trump he has a podcast where he talks about donald trump apparently obsessively and yet no gag order imposed against him and trump makes an interesting argument
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that this is unconstitutional reign of political speech and it's an interesting argument everything he is saying is political because it's only happening to him because he is running for president and everything matters and running for office everything matters for campaign. let's not forget the aclu no friend of donald trump's last year in civil fraud trial filed an amicus brief also arguing that a gag order against trump was unconstitutional and a problem. >> john: they had to be consistent they can't always be political end of the documents case that the judge released 400 pages of investigative records and among them an interview with a trump associate who apparently warned trump give the stuff back, this person is quoted saying whatever you have come to give everything back, let them come here and get everything. don't give them a noble reason to indict you because they will. there was also minute-by-minute timeline of the fbi search and an fbi memo that memorializes the fact that merrick garland signed off on this being elevated to a full investigation. >> yes, this is just really
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unfortunate in terms of it being an unnecessary and unforced error by the former president. that advice he was given by whomever was interviewing with the fbi was correct, just give them the documents back. >> john: you surprise me with what the original archives request was for and it was for three things. >> they only wanted three things that is how this all began which is why it's really unfortunate this is where it has gotten to. they asked for the kim jong un letter, remember that letter? they asked for a letter former president obama left in the white house president trump on his first day which is tradition and third there was a map you remember that he drew on with sharpie. they only ask for those three things and for months trump and his team give them the run around. so as they were doing that, the people at the archives got frustrated and thought oh, well there must be other stuff. we think there's more information too and there was which led to a subpoena which led to a raid in here we are.
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>> john: this started with two letters and a hurricane forecast map? wow. we love having you want. giving this fabulous infor information. >> sandra: she always does great to have her. by the way fox news alert we are monitoring situations like this columbia university in new york city all the way up to nyu, college campuses are seeing these protests erupt. columbia's campus is obviously the scene of tense that popped up on the campus in a growing number of demonstrations, michael lawlor was just there and will join us to react. >> plus president biden campaigning on abortion and son sunshine state, because that term florida blue? where mark meredith is standing by. >> president biden has touched down in tampa and will take the stage right here behind me within the hour. as you said, he is going to be talking about the abortion issue will it resonate in the state
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or visit >> sandra: a live look at capitol hill where mitch mcconnell will speak up of on the foreign aid bill we will keep an eye on that for news for you and the state department is putting our israeli allies in the company of the world's most gracious regimes and their annual human rights reports. secretary of state antony blinken claiming we apply the same standard to everyone ally or enemy. gillian turner at the state department for us. chili in this report condemning israel did not come out on just any day, and it'd? >> it did not, send her. yesterday as you know was the beginning of pay stock, a major jewish holiday so it is notable that the state department would condemn what it says are israel abuses the same day and out rolling out this report yesterday human rights support
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secretary blinken said the decision to equate israel's government with some of the worst of users around the world this way. >> do we have a double standard the answer is no. as this report makes clear in general, as we are looking at human rights and the condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to everyone. >> just a moment ago and today's state department briefing he is president biden's special envoy for humanitarian affairs in the middle east directly contradicted secretary blinken's statement yesterday it says there is a very different standard to israel's conduct on my conduct take a listen to what he told me. >> with respect israel. we require from israel. because it is the right and moral thing to do. a very different standard of conflict. and as i noted in my remarks the
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president made clear on his visit to israel shortly after october 6th it is not to trust a strategically important for you to do this. it is the morally right thing to do. >> the state department report features israel among the world's worst most deadly regimes on the first page. this includes hamas and gaza. and vladimir putin and russian and chinese communist right now carrying out genocide in chin jang. they say we raise concerns around the death and injuries in tens of thousands of palestinian civilians in gaza including women, children, persons of disabilities and other vulnerable persons. critics insisting this approach actually the truth, listen. >> to take on the israelis and try to be "evenhanded" it is really not. there are bad guys and good guys in the situation and the israelis are the good guys in
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this one. >> still parsing through the transcripts coming out of the state department briefing with a moment ago, sandra buddy pretty, pretty explosive contradiction there from resident biden's humanitarian ambassador to secretary blinken. again he said the u.s. does in fact apply what he calls a very different standard to israel's humanitarian conduct versus hamas and the palestinians. more as we get it. >> gillian turner, john? >> john: president biden set to speak on abortion rights to stop in tampa on the six-week abortion ban. mark meredith is live in tampa along with the president and democrats really believe could be in play this november? >> john democrats say they have a chance but republicans think that it will remain solid red. when president biden takes the stage behind me in the next few minutes he will be talking about abortion trying to make this
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issue front and center in florida where as you mentioned the mcmansion and a couple of days there will be new rules on how the pager could take place in the state. the president will go at great lengths on the campaign trail in his speech today expected to talk about what he says are limits that are unnecessary in swing states places like arizona and georgia and as i mentioned florida. reporters just asked the president on monday that if he believes it is too politicized. >> do you need the abortion issue to win the election? >> no. >> what will your legacy be on abortion? >> what will your legacy be as a news person. >> fox news poll of registered voters say it is a top issue but far below concerns about the economy, election integrity, and immigration. republicans in florida say floridians are not listening to biden's page. they write and said "instead of coming to talk about
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manufactured issues he should talk about real issues he has failed to lead us" that has made florida a beacon of freedom in the rest of the country and republican say by the time election day comes they will have plenty to celebrate with a little bit different this year is it is this bout initiative which allows them to put abortion protection in the constitution and john that could bring down some more democratic voters at the state. >> john: certainly a noisy crowd behind you there fired up about this issue. we will see how it goes come november, mark meredith for us, thank you. center? >> sandra: jason chase to form the president of the house committee good to see you, sir. what is your response to what you just heard from the president and him on this issue of abortion and hitting it so hard there in florida? >> first of all florida is staying red. i think ron desantis proved he
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can move it read in big, big numbers. even though he took a very tough stance on abortion. i think the democrats all of them have to answer at what point should there be in limits to abortion? if you have a healthy mother and a healthy baby, right up to the moment the baby is born are you okay with abortions? where is the limit these democrats think there should be? in florida it is much more stringent than a lot of places but do they believe there should be any limit? do they believe in infanticide even after the baby is born they should be able to kill the baby? those are the questions democrats really need to answer if they are going to be truthful about this issue. >> this is the polling on the top issues facing floridians right now. immigration as we saw in the primary season is the top of the list. for voters in that state as well
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economy 23%, cost-of-living 15%. i want those together as obviously the economy is a major important issue for voters their abortion pulse of 13% so why do you see the president focusing so much there and not on the pocketbook issues that are affecting everyone, jason? >> i don't think joe biden has an answer. if you said yourself quick what is joe biden doing to them fight inflation? what is he trying to do to drag down the cost of goods and make life more tenable for people? what is his energy plan? he does not have any of these answers to the american people. he wants to go back and talk about the one issue democrats think they lead on. when it comes to the economy, the cost of living, immigration, they implemented bidenomics and it failed. that's why they are not talking about bidenomics because it did not work. >> sandra: that does seem to be missing from the economic speeches we will hear from the
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president and days and weeks this is the deputy press secretary this is brand-new on president biden and abortion. this is on air force one it happened last hour, listen. speak of the president has put reproductive freedom at his agenda, it's something you hear him speak about frequently and when he does that he mentions the word abortion. and he calls out republican officials for their draconian attacks on basic freedoms that are having heartbreaking impact all across this country. >> jason, i want you to react to that attack on the republicans there from andrew bates and this from gavin newsom from california. on republicans and abortion, listen. >> trumpet republicans want to criminalize young alabama women who travel for reproductive care. >> mess? i'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle. take a pregnancy test. >> sandra: how should republicans respond and not lose when it comes to this issue come
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november? >> that at his ridiculous end and over-the-top. there is no sheriff pulling over women to give them pregnancy tests. that is absurd. again, i think the oneness is on the democrats whose say that is where there should be some limits and republicans have to talk about it with compassion like look, some states have a heart beat. some have a pain threshold. at what point do you actually believe there should be some limitations? there are lots of us that believe in the right to life. and as we talk probably about that and not shy away from it. >> sandra: i just want to speak about our growing of the protests, we watch them play out in new york city, columbia as well as nyu and we now note this goes on, that was a split screen we are monitoring remember the golden gate bridge was happening and as that was happening they sort of let them stop traffic for hours and have it back up for miles. we covered it live and ron desantis pointed out the
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split screen that was florida where they were seen dragging off the street when blocking traffic. how should this be handled? i know you are watching this play out in new york city. >> nothing more american than protesting your government and positioning your government. if you do so peacefully. the moment you step over the line you start impeding others ability and are threatening them with death. you are supporting a terrorist organization that is currently holding americans who are hostages, then you stepped over the line and there should be consequences. i think they should be deported if they are here illegally. if they are in these colleges they should probably be expelled. if you are going to go out and blocking a street and impede a ability to get to a hospital or something else you should be arrested. you should give these kids out of school. if you start having consequences, you won't have a problem. speech unfortunately the kids getting kicked out of school are trying to go to class and to the right thing. jason come appreciate you joining us on that, thank you.
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>> thank you, sandra. >> john? >> john: calling for columbia's protest on my president resigned as they close on caps is nationwide. what lawler is calling the most disgraceful act has ever seen coming up next. choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events. now is the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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close continue. we are also monitoring a walkout at yale. obviously the situation at nyu as it developed overnight we believe this is the yale campus in new haven, connecticut. john as they also are in the middle of a walkout there as well. >> john: we see the pictures from washington square park where steve harrigan is where an awful lot of nyu students have walked out of classes. class ends i guess the second week of may and it looks like a lot of these universities will be going to virtual learning for the remainder of the term. and you think if you are a student or a parent paying 60 or $70,000 for your child to go to these prestigious universities to learn in person, even the fact it is 2.5 or three weeks, that will still really can take you off that you can't finish the year in your actual classroom. >> sandra: considering so many of these signs you see they are organized they were made earlier we saw a pile of them put in front of the protesters and some of the students there and they
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simply went over and grabbed them and raised them. very organized a lot of these protests we have seen so far, john. >> john: lawler was up there yesterday we will take a quick break and be up back with him right after this. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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>> john: more now on the growing anti-semitic rhetoric and violence on college campuses nationwide. let's bring in new york congressman mike lawler, congressman you were in new york yesterday. the mayor of the city says he thinks something is fishy about everything going on. listen to what he said earlier. >> why is everyone's tent the same? is there a fire sale on those tents? there is some organizing going on. there is a well conserved organizing effort. what is the goal of that organizing? that is what we need to be asking ourselves. and of using discussing terminology. >> john: he says there are some organizing going on here. it appears the university presidents are not doing anything about it. you've called for them to either resign or be fired. >> no question. i think the mayor is onto something.
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i mean you look back to occupy wall street, the far left has an organized concerted effort to disrupt and to agitate. and what we are seeing on college campuses not just at columbia or nyu is this concerted effort to disrupt and to paddle and anti-semitism. this is why it is so critical these institutions crackdown on what is happening. if they fail to do so, there has to be accountability. i have called for the president of columbia university to resign. if she refuses to do so she should be removed. >> john: president biden was asked about this yesterday when he was in virginia, listen to his response. >> i condemn anti-semitic protests that's why i've set up programs to deal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> john: he is trying to have it both ways hear what you think
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of what he said yesterday? >> here is the problem in the democratic party right now. it's why chuck schumer all for regime change in israel. they are trying to placate the far left aggressive base that is pro-hamas in minnesota and michigan and other parts of the country and on college campuses. they are trying to have it both ways. we have to be clear we will not tolerate this. it is why i have introduced two bills to stop it. the anti-semitism awareness act and the stop anti-semitism on college campuses act. congressman needs the time for this it is long past over. >> john: we will keep watching to see that goes to the house thank you for joining us. >> thanks, john. >> sandra: that does it for us, it flew by think of returning a signed sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts to >> john: i'm john roberts to "the story" with martha starts next. fit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: goo


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