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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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the u.s.? you know it is polarized. if you check out my x feed, it can be a dark place from time to time. but, we look at history and i look at history a lot. we have been in some really dark places for our country and managed to pull through. so there is hope. next up, cynthia wonders it seems that in the u.s. and abroad there is turmoil would china now make a move on taiwan before the elections? if so what significant role would or could the u.s. play? it's a great question. most of the experts say say it's a couple years away them to kind of make that kind of mo. china is in a tougher spot economically. i have enjoyed reading your history books what topic are you going to tackle next? i can't tell you there is a surprise. there assault books. check them out. favor, balanced and unafraid of the ingraham angle is next. ♪ ♪ hour lawyer hi, everyone i'm laura ingraham. this the ingraham angle.
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thank you for joining us tonight. the conspiracy of dunces. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> you know it's bad for the trump hush money prosecution when the "new york times" feels compelled to publish a piece calling out the case's weakness. jed sugarman a law professor at boston university called alvin bragg's case an historic mistake writing: their vegas allegation about a criminal scheme to corrupt the 201 presidential election has him more concerned than ever about their unprecedented use of state law and their persistent avoidance of specifying an election crime or about area of fraud. that's all. now, beyond that he rightly notes that it is legal for a candidate to pay a nondisclosure agreement. pay for a nondisclosure agreement, hush money is unseemly but it is legal. all right.
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bottom line here. as honest objective legal minds have concluded, the underlying conduct alleged, in figure, is a violation of federal campaign finance rules. but, one little problem with that. the fec looked at the case years ago and decided against pursuing it. now, from day one, alvin bragg was a man on a political, not a legal mission. it was to charge trump with whatever just to keep him in court. maybe, maybe get lucky and get a conviction. the truth is the underlying conduct doesn't even merit a misdemeanor charge. because there's no intent to defraud, without a federal crime in this case. this is the political hit job being run by one of biden's doj's former top officials. are we to actually believe that the lead prosecutor, matthew colangelo just so happened to land this job at this time by
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accident? all right. one of the former top officials in the biden doj this has biden's fingerprints all over it. it is all a sloppy mess to boot. colangelo is trying to convince the jury that the case is about a criminal conspiracy and a cover-up. trump, david pecker, and michael cohen, former trump attorney formed a conspiracy, he argued, to influence the election. well, this guy is a piece of work. colangelo should be sanctioned for trying to argue that there a conspiracy here when he never charged trump with a conspiracy. you can't prove this case without proving the facts on federal election law. and this is not a big revelation to any of you, but state courts have no jurisdiction over federal election law matters. i think it's becoming clear to all of you now. plus, if they were going to start charging conspiracies to
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effect an election, i have a question, why wasn't hillary clinton and fusion gps charged under that same theory? the set-up, the surveillance of trump, the salacious and unverified steele dossier? all of it? for goodness sakes a million dollars went from the clinton campaign and the dnc to a law firm, perkins coie that funneled it to steele who then dug up the dirt. that was real election interference, my friends. if there's any conspiracy here, it would be, i don't know, kind of reasonable to find one inside biden world. where somehow one of merrick garland's top dogs wound up in bragg's office as lead counsel against trump. by the way, as their media coconspirators are right there with them in the echo chamber. now, listen for the word conspiracy and scheme. >> the testimony you are already hearing about a catch and kill, about a pattern of behavior,
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about this trying to influence an election, that's where you want this jury focused for this witness. >> pecker is very important witness because he's at the center of the scheme to influence the election. >> this was a conspiracy to help donald trump win the election. >> laura: again, there's no evidence of a scheme or a conspiracy. if there was, we know darn well that bragg could have charged it. he would have charged it or the fec or the doj would have charged it. but, let's not lose the forest for the trees here. although colangelo and bragg, yeah, they -- of course they want a conviction. they're going to consider the case successful if it hurts trump in november. take him off the trail for, i don't know, six or seven weeks. exhaust him, any of us would be exhausted just being forced to sit there day after day. that is a victory for the left.
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but, this may be wishful thinking. today trump did some remote campaigning outside the courtroom. >> it's a big day in pennsylvania. and we hoped people get out there and vote. it's important to vote to let them know that we're coming on november 5th. we're coming big. maybe they will think also about the very big person who is running for the senate in pennsylvania. dave mccormick. so, pennsylvania, get out and vote. >> laura: i love the fact that he pushed for dave mccormick in pennsylvania. smart move. but the reality here is ugly. donald trump is on trial in manhattan not for what he did with his checkbook before the 2016 election. he's on trial because he beat hillary clinton in 2016 and now they are really worried that he could beat biden, too. so, if i were trump, i would lean into this. and outcampaign biden right in his own backyard. why not a tuesday night rally in
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scranton? >> scranton fills me with enormous pride. my mom didn't live in scranton permanently since 1954. i swear to god, whenever she was asked, no matter where we were, ms. biden where dual? where are you from? she said scranton. [laughter] do you know anybody who is from scranton that still doesn't brag about being from scranton? >> laura: yeah. i simply don't know how trump can possibly match that energy and that excitement. and that's the angle. >> laura: joining me now my legal eagles mike davis, former claw clerk to justice gorsuch and brett tolman former u.s. attorney and executive director on right on crime. mike, let's start with you. i want to jen psaki it for a moment. circle back to one of the prosecutors that i mentioned in the angle. matthew colangelo. watch. >> why matthew colangelo? why would he give the opening? >> one of the things that alvin
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bragg has done extremely well to pick prosecutors not only who are experienced but also who have experience and knowledge about donald trump. and michael colangelo is another example of someone who helped to prosecute the trump organization. this is someone who san extremely experienced prosecutor. and knows his way around the courtroom. >> laura: ha ha. mike, he mentions nothing of the fact that colangelo, of course, previously one of the top officials at doj and he also worked for letitia james. so no involvement at all, not the appearance of involvement from this administration? >> yeah. so matthew colangelo, as we have talked about for a long time, laura, on your show he was a senior political appointee in the biden justice department. he was the acting number three. he was on the parachute team and then he was the number two to the number three. before that he worked for the obama justice department. he worked for the obama white house for tom perez for eric holder.
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this guy is the forrest gump of this lawfare against president trump. he just seems to keep popping up everywhere. >> laura: wewell, breath, i want breadtbreath bidenobama justiceg really as lead prosecutor running this case and for intents and pursuances i think mike would agree with me, colangelo is running this case. is he doing the nuts and bolts work to develop the arguments if we're going to call them arguments, certainly not valid day in and day out. what's the appearance of that? what does that say to the rest of the country? >> let's ignore the fact that it typically would be a step down for, you know, a federal prosecutor to leave the lofty heights of doj to then jump into a district attorney's office but not in this case. this case it was a step up
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because the objective here is to take down donald trump. but, i sat and i listened to the opening remarks and the opening statements and i have listened to the questions and what's been asked of the witness so far. and, laura, i have to say it makes me wonder if this prosecutor has even read his own indictment. i have never seen an individual be more off track than this prosecutor in this courtroom. the conspiracies, the effort to bring in evidence that i think later is going to be a real problem for them if it does go to appeal if they do happen to get a conviction. it would be absurd to convict in this case. but, you're not hearing about the falsification of business records. you're not hearing about any of the elements that he has to prove in order to get a conviction on what he's charged. instead, you're hearing about what they want to talk about which is the conspiracy. but, i would say this, laura:
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what political candidate is not trying to influence an election? they have yet to even articulate facts that suggest a crime or criminal intent. even close on this president. >> laura: yeah. that's what that "new york times" no conservative law professor argued today. i was shocked the "times" reported it. i think they kind of see what's coming down the pike here. mike, one thing that made me howl laughing today when the other nets were just desperate to try make this day of trial conch seem interesting when they are outside of the courtroom. watch this. >> yeah. here we have an update. so right now trump is passing a note with -- to his attorney who put it in his pocket. >> right now david pecker, we're told, is inside the courtroom. is he at the witness stand. he is sipping water. >> trump attorney todd blanche grabbed a binder from the defendant's table. >> at one point our team said it was so quiet in the room that you could only hear trump thumbing through that stack of papers.
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>> laura: mike, is he thumbing through things. he put a note in his pocket. did someone burden of proof at burp am so the point intime. >> they reported this was a dog of a case. they know this is a dog of a case. but, yet, here we are in this trial because the other cases, the other three criminal prosecutions couldn't get to trial like they wanted. so this is the case they are stuck with. their worst case and so they are trying to put the best possible gloss on it. they are putting lipstick on a pig. >> they are trying to argue that this gag order is like basically a threat to the trial if it's violated by trump. so they're trying to bootstrap a violation of a gag order that, in my mind is the fruit of the poisonous tree from the actual fraudulent case itself to try to, i don't know, continue this farce a little longer? >> well, laura, i have had cases
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in which a gag order was -- was ordered by a judge. and a few of them. they are very infrequent. but i have never, in 25 years in the criminal justice system seen a gag order that was applied actually to the defendant. it's typically applied in order to protect the defendant in a case. and if it is applied it's applied to everyone. everyone in the case. but now you have michael cohen who can say anything i want to say about the president and then the president who can't respond. >> laura: all the rules can be bent. all the rules can be bent like or used like silly putty when trump is involved. mike and bret, thank you both. all right. remember the summer of love, 2020, what happened then? are we about to see a new summer of love? i'll explain it, next. ♪
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>> laura: anti-israel protests spreading coast to coast and tonight we start at nyu where students staged a walkout after 130 were arrested last night. fox's steve harrigan has all the latest. steve? >> laura, it's been peaceful here so far today at its peak there were about 1500 protesters out here. still a few hundred left so we will watch and see what happens
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as the night goes down. police officers all around the park. try and push them out or not, you mentioned 100 plus arrested overnight. they were zip tied by police and arrested. it's not clear how many of those were students. how many were outsiders. the arrest records show many of them arrested were in their late 20's. the effect overall has been to shut down on campus learning in a number of places. really because the atmosphere that's created. we just walked through the crowd a short time ago. and they were singing from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. it's basically a call for the destruction of the state of israel. and to hear that being sung here in the heart of new york at a great university, it's really stunning. laura, back to you. >> laura: all right, steve, thanks so much. and things have gotten so bad at columbia university that the school is going to go hybrid, so part online, i guess part in person for the rest of the semester. oh tuition dollars at work. here's what students are dealing with now on campus.
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>> walk and take a step forward. [walk and take a step forward. >> so that we can. >> so that we can. >> start to push them. >> outs of the camp. >> out of the camp. >> i'm bored. we would like to you leave. >> we would like to you leave. >> laura: joining me now is jessica schwab. she took that video. she is a columbia student and writer with the columbia daily spectator. jessica, what's happening exactly. you hear the chants in that video. what on campus is this feeling like? >> it's honestly quite scary. i mean, i pay at love money to go to this institution. and to think that i don't have equal access to the lawns like everyone else is really unfortunate and even borderline discriminatory, especially because you should be able to believe in what you believe in. and still have your rights preserved as a student.
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>> laura: well, jessica, one of the protest organizers spoke last night on msnbc. watch. >> with every social movement they're unfortunately outside detractors who come and try to spread their hateful rhetoric. we stand completely against. this it's hard to see. we stand for liberation and human rights for jewish people and palestinians and that's what we are calling for. >> laura: well, your response? i mean, they are arguing they are not there to hurt anyone. they are there to get their point across. >> and i'm all for the right to peacefully protest. however, when you start denying students access to certain spaces on campus through unilaterally making unilateral decisions that to me is extremely unfair. i had no say in what their community guidelines were and those are the guidelines that they tell everyone who enters the encampment that they must agree to in order to enter. so, it's just -- it's unfair. >> laura: jessica, i would argue
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that it's harder to get to your dorm or your classes as the columbia than it is to cross the u.s. border. southern border now. right? you have to go through the gauntlet, show i.d., get -- like, just walk right across the border you are here. how much does it cost, if you don't mind my asking, for tuition, approximately in room and board annually at columbia? >> i believe each year i pay closer to $90,000. so, again, for me. >> laura: ha ha ha. >> for me to not have access to a lawn i have walked on a thousand times to me is absurd. >> laura: beyond a lawn, jessica, i'm thinking of what it was like in those final weeks before final exams. i mean, i'm not a young -- i'm not an old person but i still do remember what it was like to get yesterday for finals. and especially the seniors. a senior wants to finish out their experience on campus and
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just have a good time, study hard. that's all gone. so they are depriving other students of their own, you know, hard-fought, you know, academic gains and celebrations. >> yeah. actually i think this whole encampment really started the day or the night that we had a party on the lawn where everyone was having a katie time and sort of like the last party, maybe before final season really set. in and it was considered unauthorized so then we were yelled off of the lawn and everyone dispersed. so there is also a question like if this protest is also unauthorized. why is this not being dismantled as well? >> laura: well, jessica, this is why a lot of kids are heading south to college, big article today. so, but we wish you the best of luck. thank you for speaking out and informing us of what is happening there. joining me now newt gingrich, former speaker of the house. fox news political analyst.
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newt, everything we're seeing right now, it kind of reminds me a little bit of the ramp up to what we saw in 2020. i'm not talking about the death of, you know, of african-americans at the hands of a cop. but texa tensions are running h. are you concerned that this could morph into something bigger and more dangerous? >> well, look, i think it's already big enough and dangerous enough. i'm reminded of then governor reagan dealing with the students at berkeley, u ultimately callig out the national guard, taking control. insisting on law and order. i look at these universities presidents who are cowards. the whole idea columbia can't guaranty safety. thought it was physically dangerous you go down the list
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there are clear steps that can be taken. people who violate the rules can be expelled. people who are there who are not u.s. citizens can be deported. we do not want to run a risk of the gradual rise of essentially a nazi like anti-jewish movement and that's what it is. this is largely driven by anti-semitism and all across the country it is jewish americans who are being faced with a level of discrimination as one said to me yesterday, his grandparents came here seeking a country with a wooden face, a program in russia. they faced the holocaust in germany and watching the signs start once again. i think we have to be very tough and very direct that we will not going to tolerate this kind of anti-semitism. >> laura: yeah. makes me more excited to go a
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say derseder tonight which i'm o be in solidarity with our jewish brothers and sisters. newt, the solidarity zones as they are calling them are basically, they are basically just encampments that end up completely wrecking the experience at colleges and universities for kids who just actually want to go and learn. they didn't major in the protest culture. those kids are just having their entire experience for now, it will be weeks by the end of this, just destroyed. and they don't care. >> look, if you go back and you look at reagan. and how he handled berkeley and he had to because the people of california were so angry. it was their first real experience of this kind of student militancy and the fact is none of these encampments are legal. none of these encampments are authorized by the college or the university. all of them involve trespassing. all of them should be closed down tonight.
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people who insist on staying should be arrested. this is not complicated. it's hard. the fact is these are people breaking the law. and risking real threats to their jewish fellow students. >> laura: newt, we have said this before but it doesn't get any traction. let's say it again. why is congress continuing to fund these universities that allow this kind of -- it's like theft from one student group, harassment, obviously. but theft from one student group to another student group. and, yet, our tax dollars are supporting research at these schools. why? best research centers in the world. but there is a ton of money that goes to a place like harvard or columbia or yale and more fundamentally, i think we have to have an accountability and i want to come back, i noticed that senators hawley and cotton
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today called on president biden to call out the national guard. i think that's essentially right. i think what you're seeing here and these university presidents should be told flat out. if you are not going to insist on the rule of law. then we are going to come in. and we're going to impose it. and that is what happened with reagan. people think of reagan as this. >> laura: biden will never do it. >> plenty guy morning in america. >> laura: he cracked down. >> very tough about this kind of law breaking. >> laura: biden will never do it, newt. biden wants the youth vote. is he worried about michigan. he will never ever call out the national guard, okay? i don't ever believe that's going to happen. if he listened to, newt, he would be a lot more popular. great to see you as always. all right. well america is distracted by the sham trump trial, the border raging out of control. video that will shock you, again, next. ♪
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>> laura: you know the democrats are hoping that the trump trial, the propal mania at college campuses that's enough to distract you from the disaster that continues to unfold at our southern border. now this weekend in laredo, texas state troopers led on high-speed chase by apparent human smuggler seen on dash cam footage slowing down to allow suspected illegal aliens to jump out. you see them there tumbling out the door and out of the street. then the smuggler ends up speeding off and drove into the rio grande. yes, into. and it gets better. the smuggler then swam to mexico, to evade arrest. meanwhile, this was the scene in central mexico. [speaking spanish]
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all aboard the biden express. that train was headed to northern mexico where investigative journalists adam cabello says those illegals usually hop on a train to the border. joining me now lt. chris olivares, texas dps spokesman. lt. al varies, walk us through what happens in biden's america when those individuals hopping on the train, very dangerous, what they're doing, make it across the border? >> well, look, first off, i want to say that you are right, as far as the distraction that the american people are having to face. everything taking across the country from former president trump's trial to the wars taking place in israel, ukraine. and what's happened in new york. obviously a distraction for the american people. one thing for certain is we have a serious situation on our border as you see right there. some of these trains -- this is a transportation for illegal immigrants to get further through mexico to make it
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through the northern border in texas or anywhere else that they may want to cross. this is a reality of the situation. this is what we are facing every single day. not only in texas but across the southwest border. so, when you look at the optics of it. the federal government obviously know what they are doing by showing different activities across the country, trying to distract the american people what is taking place. at the end of the day we have a serious situation on our border and we see it every day. exactly. [shouting] >> laura: they are coming in. they are getting processed. many of them are being released unless can you find out, you know, if they have a record or anything. but this is the biden express. now, i want to bring in this el paso county judge, lt., because charges were just dropped against 140 illegals accused of storming the border on april 12th, a and this riot, after determining there was no probable cause for their arrest. lt. al varies, no probable cause. i think we had had officer was
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injured. they busted through the barrier there. and but no probable cause. >> you know, law, was that the second event that took place in el paso where we had a large mass gathering of illegal immigrants that breached through our physical barriers by damaging state property. and also as you mentioned using violence against our national guard soldiers. they need to be held accountable. that's why we made the arrest. now, of course, we have probable cause to make those arrests and present the evidence to the district attorney's office, which accepted the case. now, that was cat ace and we didn't have probable cause they would not accept the case and we would not be able to arrest those illegal immigrants. of course, we have to respect the decision of the judge. at the end of the day, it does not help us as far as what we are trying to do trying to hold people accountable that violate state law. and that's what we have been doing the past three years in texas. now, of course, that's not going to stop us. you know, we are still going to continue arrest and taking people to i will gentleman. at the end of the day there, needs to be consequences from the judicial system to hold
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these people accountable so they don't commit these crimes. >> laura: yeah. well, americans feel like strangers in their own land. as strangers come, in and act like they own the place. lt. al varies, thank you. >> exactly. >> laura: coming up, new proof, yeah, the media coordinating against trump. i will show it to you, next. ♪ my name is ruth, i've done 10 rounds of prolon. growing up, i went on all kinds of diets. my weight would yo-yo. i started researching fasting. so, i wanted something that was science-based,
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♪ >> laura: yeah, there is an epidemic on tv. a contagion spread among sufferers of trump derangement syndrome. one that makes people with actual law degrees sound like anymore come poops when discussing the case. 'the producer swadz serious matter. the most serious. democracy. influencing election, they will take it seriously. and they are more likely to return a verdict. >> the falsification of the business records is really just a means to the end of corrupting the 2016 election. >> zero acknowledgment that the fec passed on the trump case. the state courts don't have jurisdiction here or that even liberal scholars are also a iser rating the d.a.'s office for contorting that new york business fraud law to fit this trump set of facts. and if you have ever wondered
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why the never trump legal panelists on other cable nets sound like they are sharing talking points, we may have found an explanation. according to this new report from politico. most -- okay of the country's most prominent legal commentators are holding off-the-record sessions to hash out the latest twist and turns of the trump legal saga. every friday they meet on zoom to intellectually stress test the arguments facing trump. the group's host is cnn's norm eyesen you just saw him earlier. some of the regular attendees, andrew weissman, jeffrey toobin, lawrence tribe, john dean, oh my goodness, barbara mcquade, that's friday night? that's your friday night? i would rather spend a friday night listening to a continuous loop of this. [laughing]
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>> laura: norm eyesen. joining me now mike eiglarsh, mollie hemingway, i'm being naughty there all this time, didn't hillary warn the country that there was a vast right wing conspiracy out there trying to take down her husband? i think we found the conspiracy or at least the community. >> yeah. this article from politico is amazing. it describes in detail part of the conspiracy to use lawfare against donald trump. and the reporter keeps saying that he is worried that this will give credence to all the times that republicans have complained that there sure seems to be a conspiracy here involved in this effort to take president trump off the ballot or to bankrupt him and his family or to put him in prison. i mean, i don't think it's that shocking for feel see that there are these aspects of this conspiracy to interfere in the 2024 election. but it's still pretty interesting to see who is involved. >> laura: i just think you are winding down your weak mark, friday comes around, you want to
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kick back and spend some time with norm eyesen, this group of legal pundits part of a bid to send them to prison or derail his presidential campaign. mark it's just an intellectual chat system about legal theory. >> it may be. i'm not jumping on your outrage bandwagon right now. if talking heads are getting together and saying let's forget my notions of what i should say about trump, wait, what did you have to say about it? well, get it together, and this conspiracy will be complete then, yeah it's outrageous and sad and that they thick. i heard they are debating issues. not how i would spend my friday night. debating issues. having discussions like a law school seminar and not just on trump. on abortion, on immigration and
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other topics. if that's what they are doing, that's okay. >> mark, i haven't practiced law in a while i can brush up on it pretty quickly. these guys are the renowned legal scholars, i put that in quotes they are incapable of diseshing that the fact that state courts cannot make fec judgments on activity involving check writing. they have no jurisdiction so, yeah, i i don't share -- i guess you are being quite nice to this is just to share ideas. they know they don't have jurisdiction over a fraud that he claim is an fec violation. come on. >> it doesn't mean they always get it right. obviously. you know, you have independent minds. >> laura: they all get it wrong? not one of them is bringing this up. not one of them is bringing it
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up. >> are you suggesting that all they are doing is sitting around talking about how they can get trump? i don't know that's what happened. they talk about abortion, immigration, they talk about other issues. i don't buy into it. >> laura: okay. sorry, how to be republican and get trump. >> we shouldn't listen to them. >> laura: no, i just think it's funny. i mean, it doesn't surprise anyone, mark i mean, these all could be very wonderful people, nice people. it just when they make the point, mollie, about the vast right wing conspiracy, which they continue to repeat then this comes out and i'm screaming laughing it. doesn't bother me. do whatever you want. >> i have to say there is nothing funny about jeffrey toobin being on a zoom call and look at recent history for more on that. also, these people were involved. >> laura: mark, that's funny. can you laugh, mark. >> ha ha. all right. >> ludicrous cases gone forward. didner working out, hashing out strategy or legal strategy, how did they all get overturned 9-0
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at the supreme court in their effort to remove the republican from the ballot and dis enfranchise tens of millions of americans and remove the ability to vote for the president of their choice. it's a horrible way to spend a friday night and they have not done a very good job with putting all of their legal minds together. >> laura: still waiting for 14th amendment theory to pan out in some other way. mark and mollie, you guys are fun. thank you. all right, barefoot and bare handed, an mma fighter wrestles or rangles an alligator in florida? no, can't be. i guess we have it, next. ♪
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>> america's worst mayor has some competition. kevin corke is here with all the details. >> watch what they do and not what they say and certainly that
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would appear to apply to the mayor from philadelphia. while the sheriff swears that her office is consistently underfunded and is -- this jeopardizes the lives and safety of our civilian personnel,. apparently she's also quite the... how so you ask? for starters according to the philadelphia inquirer she knows how to pony up some cash. $300,000 for example for a pop-up healthcare clinic. forty grand for merchandise. over nine grand foreign office phone mascot. and over 6600 bucks... which wouldn't be so bad if things weren't so bad. with the overdoses and the shootings and the mayhem and the like. in response to the report the sheriff's office there says the office makes purchases consistent with its mission to serve the community.
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goals and law enforcement duties. the constant bashing of the philadelphia sheriff's office and the... and unfortunately for those of you who were hoping for peace and it didn't end there because the sheriff's office added that the inquirer, the newspaper had become a racist, sexist, and libelous organization that fails to investigate or publish the truth of any matter regarding the office. so there. >> i don't know why we give you these stories to do but you did a great job. thanks kevin we appreciated. maybe that's where they got the phrase see you later alligator. thankfully the jacksonville florida resident had the blue-collar brawler in the area
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when the sheriff's office put out an urgent request to trap the large lizard. joining me now is a licensed alligator trapper, professional mma fighter and military veteran. all right mike, unless i'm missing something in that video, you were missing something on your feet in that video. you have no shoes on. i don't see any traffic equipment -- trapping equipment but you did do a good clothesline on that guy. >> happy to be here, you are amazing. you are my father-in-law's favourite. i'm a true florida men and doing what we do out there.
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>> you could get your hand bit off by this alligator. people were screaming, how do you do this? it's amazing. >> thank you. i was at a hockey game with my family and i got an emergency alligator call so i knew i had to respond. almost like i saw the gator signal above do involve county. i knew visiting needed me once again. i left a hockey game, call the alligator and made it back to the hockey game. i didn't do it the most professional way possible because i didn't have my gear with me so i adopted and overcame and caught it with my bear hands. >> did you kick your shoes off? one would thank you don't attend a hockey game barefoot. did you have flip-flops on? >> yes, ma'am. i had flip-flops and kick them off. it safer to catch them barefoot than with that collateral. i did kick them off to catch them barefoot.
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>> did you heard the alligator? is the alligator okay after you manhandle it? >> i didn't heard the alligator at all. i was getting him on camera there. it's what it takes up your you have to time those animals out by pulling them around a little bit to jump on them so nobody gets hurt. you have to make sure they are tired before you do anything crazy like that. >> i want to show a video of what you tell us is the craziest encounter you've ever had that is not with the democrat. watch. >> that was out of school they tell me? >> yes, ma'am,.
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that was at an elementary school last year. that alligator was 10-foot. >> so how long did it take you from the time you got the call to the time you showed up? >> twenty-seven minutes i think from the time that i left a hockey game and made it back to the hockey game to catch that gator. >> that's another hockey game story with the gator? the school video you were at the hockey game as well? that's a lot of hockey. >> i must be misunderstanding which video you showed because i can't see it. >> it's the wild one when you were at the school which is -- you are crazy. we love you but you are completely crazy. thank you for keeping people safe out there, say high to your father-in-law. >> welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonigh


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