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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. [ applause ] >> trace: it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's
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late news, fox news at night breaking tonight at columbia university where hundreds of anti-semitic protesters gathered for a fifth consecutive night jewish students who attended the ivy league school have repeatedly said they fear for their safety and now they have been told by the university and a school rabbi to go home. back to this in moments. the anti- israel pro- hamas protests are now blowing him from coast-to-coast here in the west students at berkeley now establishing a quote free palestine camp in central california, protesters have taken over to university buildings clashing with police and forcing administrators to close campus through wednesday. students for more than two dozen high schools and colleges in washington state also held a pro- palestinian walkout. meantime in the midwest at northwestern university and investigation now underway about
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our campus protests that targeted jewish community centres at the university of michigan's pro- palestinian liberated zone we are told is now getting bigger. we have tune -- team fox coverage. we begin with steve, he is live in new york on the campus of new york university. >> we had about 1500 protesters here at its height just a couple hundred left. it's a peaceful day here so far, we will see if the police move np or cree are getting some breaking news from the president of columbia university p. she sent out an e-mail to all students sing that there would be a deadline of midnight tonight, less than an hour away for the protests to dismantle the tent city that they've set up on columbia's grounds. they have to do that or face uncertain consequences. the president wrote in her e-mail to the students i very much hope these discussions are successful. if they are not we will have to consider alternative options for clearing the west lawn and
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restoring calm to campus so that students can complete the term in graduate. that is the real fear here that this could linger on through final exams and graduation which is now scheduled to be for may 15th. columbia is doing -- they are calling a hybrid education. that means parents are paying $66,000 a year for tuition and what they are doing is going to zoom calls ends to -- and telling student to stay away from campus due to fears for their own safety. this movement continues to spread through the liberal north eastern elite colleges to the west coast and even from colleges to high school's peer. >> trace: thank you. and anti-semitic protests have spread through west coast universities including schools here in california. matt finn live with the latest on those. >> we begin at cal poly in northern california where the school will be closed at --
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until at least tomorrow and classes are moved online after an intense clash between pro- palestinian protesters and police. that was the chaotic and violent scene on campus yesterday that prompted the school to shut down in a statement today they write that the university is concerned about safety as protesters have taken over an academic building. and the community is advised to stay away. it says the protesters are also using zip ties to seal doors creating extreme fire hazards. you can see video here of students barricading a hallway with furniture, locking arms and chanting disclose this vast -- divest. students are demanding the university disclose all holdings with israel and divest all ties with israel including israeli
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companies and universities. and at the university of california berkeley about 40 tents on campus there is part of a pro- palestinian demonstration tonight in a statement to fox news, they say it does not plan to comply with protesters demands to divest. riding we will take the steps necessary to ensure the protest is not disrupting the operations but there are no plans to change the university's investment policies and practices. at a high school in seattle today, students walked out chanting, hey, hey, ho ho the occupation has got to go. seven major high schools had planned walkouts demanding the u.s. and -- and aid to israel. >> trace: thank you. turns out the midwest is not immune to protesting either with schools like michigan and northwestern now saying anti-semitic activity. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is lined with a part of the story. >> for americans of a certain age this of course is all reminiscent of say vietnam war protests or maybe a -- the
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demonstrations from back in the 1980s pertaining to south africa. every generation has it's protest. what is different tonight is the nature of this debate and the resulting fallout over who is to blame for it. obviously where we go from here. take the scenes at both university of michigan and northwestern university percolating with protests. calling for the respective universities to divest from israel over its military actions that have killed tens of thousands of palestinians in retaliation for hamas' attack on israel which included the rape and kidnapping of hundreds of demonstrators -- they insist about demanding change while others worry this is an example of hate. >> being anti- zionist is not anti-semitic. they do not equate each other and we have to make this clear
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for the public and for the students and for everyone who is hijacking our words and intentions basically. >> there is significant fracture within the student body. you are seeing hate speech and pretty violent rhetoric at all levels. >> trace: passion on both sides of this issue. meantime northwestern dean of students has come under fire for joining an anti- israel rally on the campus picture claimed that what she wanted to do was to make sure that demonstrators had the right to protest and that the right was protected. >> trace: kevin thank you. the fox news at night commonsense department is concerned about young people in america, especially in light of a new poll showing that nearly half of generation z. voters are sympathetic towards hamas.
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the same hamas that raped, burned and killed almost 1200 human beings on october 7th. the poll also shows that one third of these voters do not believe that israel has a right to exist. what is happening here? is this some dark decree complements of tiktok and snapchat? is this finally where this meets wtf? commonsense here's young people say that israel is the oppressor and hamas the oppressed. to they realize that israel is the only nation in the middle east where jews, christians and muslims are free to practice their religion and to vote and to run for office. it is the only nation in the middle east where women have the same rights they have in the u.s. there are more muslim women in the israeli parliament than and all of the countries in the middle east combined. the same voters who have sympathy for hamas agree that hamas is a terrorist
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organization. pick a path people. if you chant from the river to the sea at least know what river and what c. commonsense hopes that most 18 to 27 -year-olds are jk because their views are bs. let's bring in a student dealing with this wave of anti-semitic protests. it's great to have you on the show, thank you. i want to know when you hear that half of gen z is sympathetic towards hamas, what does that make you feel? >> it's completely frightening. i don't know what the students don't understand. hamas still holds 133 innocent civilians including a 1-year-old baby hostage. they raped women, they killed everything and everyone insight. they are completely barbaric, they are a designated terrorist organization. it's frightening and it doesn't
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surprise me. there are students on my campus who are waving hamas flags. columbia university students are saying we are hamas. i cannot feel safe to get on campus when this is the case but unfortunately after the past six months and the rhetoric on campus it doesn't surprise me. >> it's interesting because i want to play some sound. one is from your university. these are from students across the country. listen i will get your response.
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>> it's getting ugly, it's been ugly and the fear is that it's going to get uglier, what do you think? >> this is horrible. the one question that i have for the students is what is this doing for anyone in the middle east? chanting burn tel aviv to the ground, chanting for hamas to strike tel aviv. we have zionists who have entered the camp on our communal campus, what is that doing for a single human being in the middle east and the answer is nothing. it is not helping anyone. we -- they are much better to spend their time trying to give money to innocent civilians. hamas won't take over all of that aid that they try to get to palestinians but there are so many ways that they can help in the middle east and saying zionists are not -- not allowed on our campus and calls for intifada, that is doing nothing
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for anybody. it's ridiculous and it needs to stop now. >> trace: we wish you the best of luck. we hope these thanks stop and stop soon. thank you for coming on the show, we appreciate it. join us live onset former 2024 republican presidential candidate and former vice president mike pence. thank you for coming on the show, we appreciate it. your group advancing american freedoms sent a letter to the part -- to the department of justice about these protests. since they have expensive jurisdiction over matters related to anti-semitism on college campuses and around the country, please let us know what specific steps the respective department is taking and plans to take in the near future to affirmatively combat anti-semitism and protect the lives of jewish americans. no time to sit idly by. >> 160 days we've had no response whatsoever. this is after we've witnessed a department of justice that has
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investigated parents who have shown up at school board meetings, considered conservative catholics to be a potential homeland security threat. we organized dozens of conservative groups. there is no place in america for anti-semitism in any form. i have to tell you just seeing what's happening on campuses around the country, it really grieves my heart. i was in israel the first week of this year. i visited the communities along the perimeter. when this horrific attack took place. it's been a little more than a week now since iran engaged in the first direct assault on israel. if there was ever a time when we ought to be sending an unambiguous message of support to israel and the jewish people in this country and around the world, it is now. i must tell you that it's
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important. columbia university and these other schools recognize that these are not simply protests about a political issue. these are pro- terrorist mobs. i would submit that any foreign student in the united states today that is advocating to the destruction of the state of israel, is advocating violence against the jewish people should not only be suspended from the school they are attending in this country, their student visa should be revoked and they all be expelled. >> trace: i want to get your take on this new york times op-ed you wrote on abortion. you wrote quoting here when it comes to abortion policy, america today appears closer to communist china and north korea than to the nations of europe. that's why it was so disheartening for me to see former president trump's recent retreat from the pro-life cause. the majority of republicans have moved on abortion. you have moved on abortion. fifteen week band, you are supporting now.
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what is it you're so disappointed with about the former president on this. >> i'm pro-life i don't apologize for it. i couldn't be more proud to have been vice president at the most pro-life administration and in. i welcome all of the states, half of the states in the country have seen... have moved pro strong -- strong pro-life measures. for the remaining states i think it's come from minimum national standard that would make rolloff in this country more aligned with most of the countries in europe. as i said it was disheartening to see my old running mate, the former president literally abandoned... we have to... i'm going to continue to champion that. i really do believe the society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable. i will always be...
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>> trace: i have to go but i want to know the tiktok thing. senate voted, all the funding, ukraine, israel, money for taiwan also to ben tiktok. twenty-five seconds for you. what you think. >> i think freedom one tonight in the united states senate. want to commend the members of both parties who not only moved critical foreign aid funding for ukraine, for israel, for taiwan. we've reasserted american leadership but we put the privacy and the national security of the american people first by passing legislation that will force the sale of tiktok, our organization was pushing for that over some million dollars on television adds. i'm really proud of members of congress and both parties and the special credit goes to speaker mike johnson who stood in the gap, stood tall, demonstrate a more courage and frankly america and the freedom of the world is more secure as a
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result. >> trace: i'm sure he appreciates that. thank you for coming on the show, we appreciated. it is primary night in pennsylvania for both parties all the keystone state will have zero impact on who the presidential contenders are, it might be very well a deciding factor who becomes the president and who controls the senate. live in philadelphia with the very latest on results. good evening. >> anti- israel democratic congresswoman... won her primary tonight in pittsburgh candidly over her pro-israel challenger appeared she was the first member to face the voters amid these growing anti-semitic protests nationwide. they were also among the first to call for a cease-fire in gaza she opposed house resolutions not condemn anti-semitism and hamas and she voted against aid for israel over the weekend. >> there are a lot of people who want to convince us that we could not be pro- peace in this district.
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this movement is a movement that disavows all forms of page. we disavow and... >> republican brian fitzpatrick easily defeated his challenger, antiabortion activists. this sheet... meanwhile pennsylvania senate race is officially set. republican dave mccormick will take on democrat senator bob casey. both candidates ran unopposed. this race will likely decide the balance of power in the senate. turnout was low today and across the state, given the lack of competitive races this primary, we caught up with voters who explained what motivated them to come to the polls. >> the borders. >> it is the inflation. >> the border and also all this anti-semitism. >> everybody is so mad and angry today. but are they here to vote and say peace?
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no. >> president biden and former president trump won the primaries here. the rematches had and was -- and what is likely to be the most pivotal race for botton's reelection chances. the uncommitted campaign which is pro- palestinian is hoping more than 40,000 voters today wrote in uncommitted in protest vote of president biden stance of israel. we will see. >> trace: brian for us in pennsylvania thank you. let's bring in seen -- steamboats... thank you for coming on. lead to you first. this uncommitted vote. somebody else vote. do you look at that, is not important win you look at pennsylvania because it's early doesn't have much impact on who the contenders are. >> it doesn't have a whole lot of impact but i am looking for those votes that are saying we have no place to go. i think it's actually going to show up one we have third-party candidates on the ticket.
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so it's looking to see what is the impact of rfk junior going to be karafa what is the impact of these other candidates going to be. you look at the polling in pennsylvania it ends up favouring donald trump if rfk junior is on the ticket. if you see a lot of uncommitted commodes and vote it's going to be more likely that this kind of thing is going to favour donald trump when it comes to the general election. >> we've been talking about anti-semitism the whole show. we've been looking to summer league, she's been part of the progressive, she is anti- israel and it appears like she won her democratic primary. are you surprised by that? >> i am a little bit. it's because the leftist movement, this uncommitted movement that's happening right now, it really does represent a fringe minority of voters. the vast majority of public polling shows the majority of americans largely support israel and that they are not all that concerned about the gauze -- gaza conflict in general. my family is a lot like the voters in pennsylvania.
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blue-collar workers who have worked in factories all their lives. this is not of the top of their priority. i am surprised to see that a democrat who has leaned so heavily into the leftist side of the argument is still doing well in that state. we will see, there are still several months left. >> i would like to get both your take on this. it's about the judge in el paso today who let the 140 or so migrants who stormed the fence let them go. they are not putting anybody in jail anymore. >> i think it furthers the narrative that you heard those voters and pennsylvania talking about the number 1 issue that's driving the poles. they are talking about immigration. you say things like this it's going to be more and more concerning to people and the more concerned they are the more it favours donald trump when it comes to general election. this is a real problem for democrats. >> it's not just an assault on our immigration system, it's an assault on law and order. they attacked law enforcement officers at the border. there were reports that several
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of these migrants had knives and that they were hitting officers who were there. that is assault and it should be treated as a crime. it's remarkable to see that no charges have been levelled against these immigrants. >> trace: it happens all the time. thank you both for your time. coming up, we will keep an eye on the anti- israel protests across the country and check back in with steve harrigan and where's the crime? the trial of former president trump has the prosecution, a defence and a defendant but nobody has been able to explain the actual crime. the former president calls it a fake case brought by a corrupt da we will see what john you thinks next. later on new survey says 44 percent of adults like to snack in bed. should they snack embedded? it is -- is it allowed, what do you think? we are coming right back.
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continuing coverage now and breaking news the anti-semitic protests across the country. let's check in -- check in with ... >> one hundred more arrests tonight. this time near brooklyn near chuck schumer's house. they arrested them for blocking traffic. some good aerial views of this. those people were calling for an anti- u.s. military support of israel. many arrested were actually members of a progressive jewish group. and some breaking news about a half hour from now, the president of columbia university has given students that time to negotiate a deal to end the tent encampment on the grounds of columbia university. president of columbia riding i very much hope these discussions are successful. if they are not we will have to consider alternative options for clearing the west lawn and restoring calm to our campus so students can complete the term in graduate.
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graduation is set for may 15th. so really we could see another showdown here between the protesters and the university. they called in police once before to remove those tense, they did so, they popped up even bigger, stronger, more tense just a few days later. back to you. >> trace: steve live for us. thank you. former national enquirer publisher david packer took the stand... live, she's in new york city with the very least on this. >> the first witness former american ceo and president david pecker testifying about an agreement he made in 2015 to publish positive stories about then candidate donald trump and noted -- negative stories about his political of opponents. trump appeared most upset about the quartz gag order which the
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manhattan da's office claims he violated ten times by sharing articles on social media. >> somebody's name is mentioned, someone deep in the article and i end up in violation of a gag order. i think it's a disgrace, it's totally unconstitutional. are not allowed to defend myself other people are allowed to say whatever they want about me. >> the judge... david pecker will take the stand thursday morning. today he talked about his relationship with michael cohen. they work together to identify and suppress stories from people including former playboy model karen mcdougall and a former doorman. when asked why prosecutor why they focused on stories from women, pecker said because trump was known as an eligible bachelor who dated beautiful women. today they also revealed the state law that trump is accused
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of breaking while allegedly falsifying business records. any two or more persons who conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office that unlocked -- by unlawful means in which conspiracies acted upon by one or more of the parties, they shall be guilty of a misdemeanour. the arguments from the office is that trump falsified internal business records to aid a conspiracy to win the 2016 presidential election. >> trace: live for us in new york. thank you. let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney general john you. great to have you on the show. you say the opening statement by the prosecution should doom this case on appeal. what do you mean by that? >> it's because the da here when they made the opening statement made this not about enforcing new york bookkeeping or accounting law which probably is past the statute of limitations anyway. they started out with saying
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trump and the national enquirer michael cohen engaged in a conspiracy to corrupt the 2016 election. but here's the thing you don't hear on places like cnn or msnbc, new york times, it's not up to the da of manhattan to enforce federal election law. that is only up to the united states government and the justice department and the federal elections commission they looked at this case, they dropped it and they decided to bring no charges. state pas just can't start running around and say we are going to place... hillary clinton didn't suffered. she one new york state handily. >> trace: it's interesting because they keep saying prosecutor says this is election fraud. will somebody, please give me a rundown what is election fraud mean in this case? >> there is no election fraud that occurred in new york state. were there any votes that change that would've made any
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difference in new york state by anything that happened here even if it were true. if you took the new york das definition of election fraud than you will open up the floodgates of prosecution. why don't some red state das then prosecute all those intelligence officials whose headhunter biden's laptop was russian misinformation. that's the kind of thing that can go on now if they get away with this kind of prosecution of donald trump. >> meantime you have michael keohane who says this about trump. >> six weeks of having to park his [ bleep ] at the defendants table and keep his [ bleep ] mouth shut is not going to be easy. how is he going to stay awake? no food or drink is allowed in the courtroom. how is he going to get is caffeine fix? >> trace: he just trashes the former president and the former president can't say a word.
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>> this is why the justice department did not bring this case. michael cohen is the star witness. he had pled guilty to federal prosecution and federal felonies and now has changed his story. he might commit perjury during this trial, we might find out whether he keeps the story a or b. i think that this judge has gone way overboard with the gag order. he has said that president trump can't talk about anything outside the courtroom including things that his own lawyers are going to say in the courtroom. the first amendment said we should all be able to hear what's going on in the courtroom. why can't president trump repeat the same defences, the same criticisms of witnesses that his own lawyers are going to make in front of the judge and the jury. >> trace: good point. great to have you, thank you. coming up, anti- israel protests continue to multiply on campuses across the country. the epicenter all of...
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there might be some sort of confrontation in the next 25 or 30 minutes. first alive look at los angeles california. did you know the hollywood walk of fame has over 2700 stars? we are coming right back. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> i want to play a little set. apparently the governors feeling left out. want to play a little sound of what he said then i will get your take. >> this is a guy that doesn't care if he is the hero or the heel. he wants to be the star and in so many ways and he gets what he wants. that's the price. >> someone's feeling a little
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left out there. he has not been getting it in the past few weeks. >> there was a wall street journal op-ed yesterday from a former reagan senior staffer about where is gavin newsom. he writes all about how he has lost the spotlight period looks like newsom is feeling like he is yesterday's news within the democratic party and for good reason. he is really overdone it and has been doing too many attention seeking behaviours and people are passed and now and i think he's trying to make himself relevant. >> i think people are past him and that's a fact on that. university of california san diego, if you want to study computer science or something like that, here are some of the requirements. let's put these up on the screen. you have to be a california resident, first-generation college students and students from low income families because if you don't hit one of those requirements, their own kinds of isms that you have violated.
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>> let's call it what this is. they are rationing the computer science degrees. rationing them to people who fit there identity politics or check the box methodology. if you are not you can still get yourself a gender studies degree. you can get a master or dr in gender studies. when these kids show up if people have a demand for computer science degrees, then meet the demand. you shouldn't be turning anyone away. these are colleges and universities that say that they can't balance the budgets but they are saying we're going to ration certain degrees based upon woke identity politics. >> trace: sorry you have to do something else. it's baffling to me. drugs and crime apparently not working out very well in the blue states. we talked about drug rehabilitation. the blue cities go read with conservative policies on crime.
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san francisco voters approve measures to expand police surveillance and impose drug screenings on those receiving welfare benefits. oregon is recriminalizing possession of drugs such as heroin, cocaine and fennel three years after becoming the first state to decriminalize possession of those drugs. you know, you are a doctor. this is bad news when you are decriminalizing big-time heavy hard drugs. >> we've seen the consequences of it. people are dying and losing family members and friends. they are watching in the parks in front of them and... people are fed up with this and we are now in an election year. the same people in the past on principle had said let's legalize everything are realizing they are going to lose elections unless they actually do something in a very public way. this is why we have elections in america. if they change the behaviour even -- even if it's not a really honest thing than fine if it leads to good behaviour. >> trace: i go back to when
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the marijuana was legalized in states like california and colorado and oregon. you saw test scores go down and you saw different things. nobody has said to me that is a direct correlation but son of a gun he really is one of those things where we have seen things do this since these drug states went into play. >> you see homelessness bike because we know that homelessness is not an economic issue or housing issue, it's a mental health and substance abuse issue. we did a study a year ago. every single category, gas, housing, food, higher and more expensive in california. there was only one item that we found that was cheaper in california than any other state. the street price of illegal drugs. it so easy to get and we have that open border that the traffickers are allowed to get the goods across the border easily. >> trace: new legislation being proposed in california would ban the expedited security
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screening company clear from operating in the states airports as proponents say the service raises equity issues given it effectively let's wealthier -- it's $180 and people who travel all the time say i want to use it. >> i have it and i travel a lot. united airlines pays for my clear membership and they encourage me to use united. it doesn't cause you to skip the line it just replaces the verification with fingerprints and retina scanners. that's it. so whatever they are talking about totally nonsense whoever's creating this bill doesn't even know what it's about. >> here is a state senator, democrat saying we shouldn't let people skip in the front of the line. senator newman would you like to come down to the border with me and do a tour of a bunch of people skipping the line? let's do something about that be to who could go through with no id... as long as you are in the country illegally you go right
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on the plane. you are good to go, be to thank you both. >> trace: a robotics company gives new meaning to the phrase guard dog, releasing a robotic dog with a flamethrower attached to its you know. the dog can send flames up to 3. flamethrowers federally unregulated and illegal to own in every state except for maryland. come on, who wants to live in maryland? here's an incredible hot wheels track that an online creator spent two days building. the track is 328 feet long, begins inside the home and makes a daring drop to the second-story window and winds around the garden. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us. coming up, do you ever have a late night snack in bed? or is food off-limits in the place you sleep?
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let us know. we will read the best responses and we've got some good ones coming up in the nightcap
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be to back with the nightcap crew.
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>> trace: tonight's topic midnight munchies. new survey finds nearly 44 percent of adults like to have a late night snack in bed. it's generating kind of an online awakening. some say they won't even allow outside clothes on their bed let alone food others say their bed is a comfortable place to relax with a snack. do you ever eat in bed? why or why not? >> i have been known to do this. my mom is going to get mad at me for saying that on national tv but this is why we make washers and dryers. you get crumbs in the bed just throw the sheets in the washer and the dryer and it will be fine. >> trace: good enough. >> no way. i don't need to worry about some cockroach coming in in the middle of the night. >> trace: you wash the sheets. >> not the same night.
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>> if you have a good movie on, popcorn in bed but what happens, popcorn gets inside the bed. you find it a couple of days later it's not good. >> trace: matt finn. >> irony have a tv in my bedroom ... >> trace: it gets in the nooks and crannies. i hear you. kevin corke. >> no eating in bed. i get it but generally speaking no. >> my concern is more for the timing. i don't eat dinner until 9:00 pm because i'm unhinged so i don't really have time for a late night snack and on the cleanliness issue my dog sleeps in bed with me. i don't have much room to talk about this. >> trace: i'm going to go ad libitum. i'm all for it. you eat something in bed... come on. on with carl.
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we asked do you ever eating your bed? yes 30 percent say on ask and 34 on instagram. here are the responses. i don't like sleeping with crumbs. it's a note from ep or she did not mention the food part. as long as you have a vacuum and bug spray. debra says no beds or for sleeping robert says get tired and hungry. i guess that's a yes for robert. lacks says eating in bed's gross and keith says my luck i would spell it all over and yes i'm sure he would. that is it for us. don't forget your common sense mugs by the way. i've had a lot of requests for these things. tune in and buy one. thank you for watching america's late news. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles, we will see you back here tomorrow. >> you open your mailbox and see the envelope
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9:00 pm
i lost 210 pounds with gastric bypass surgery, only to gain it all back. with golo, i have completely transformed my relationship with food. whether you need to lose 10, 20, 50, or over 100 pounds, lose it the right way with golo. you have to be in the stock market, bottom line, you must be in and i will tell you why tomorrow. check me out. here "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello i'm jesse w


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