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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 24, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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fungi now. maximum strength fungi. nail is so powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. plus it has aloe and tea tree oil to restore skin health. >> say goodbye to toe fungus with fungi. now live coverage. >> powerful reporting. former president trump could be hit with $10,000 in fines. u.s. forces had to respond to several rockets. people are afraid on these campuses of the jewish faith are worried for their safety. >> only on fox news channel. >> all right. time flies. unfortunately, that is all the time>> seaies, have left this evening. thank as always, thank you for being with us for making this show possibleinge. dvr >> please your dvr so you never, ever, ever, eve r set up a so, i mean, in the'h meantime, let not travel. >> why does that next to put u a smile on your face
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right every is everyone eve welcome to a very specialfillin edition of. gutfeld. i'm dana perino filling in for greg, who i hear is off hidingif jesse's hairpiece somewhere. so today is email day and some americans are celebrating delet by deleting themin. >> today is also spanish's als language day. and to celebrate, a confused president biden is plannino g to address the nation in french . >> actor michael douglas says joe biden is, quote, sharplas as a tack. >> well, here's the tack. streaming service, cnn plus, f which operated for exactly one month in 2022. it might be a comeback. talk about a twice baked potato
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. ilhan omar, his daughter complains homeless and brokeafte after getting kicked out of college for her anti-semitic views. even worse now, she can't to g get her uncle a gift for father's dayr. and finally, according to a new study, many seniors think 75 is the new 60 five, while others think 150 is a new 120. all right. let's get to the monologue. solet'he. he i saw this over the weekend. axios reported that during his presidency , joe biden has refused to give a single interview to the wash york times", "the washington post" or the wall street journal. >> and he's the only presidentth living memory to refuse an interview with the times. >> sin the timo what happened te biden promise of a return no norms normal would be a president who actually talks to his constituentsa pr in coherent
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sentences without needing closed. captions. you know, things are bad when the best speech the presidentsha given is this one. thi >> i have one word. don't, don't, don't. addrot exactly the gettysburg address. e wo >> joe would struggle recitingu his address. >> his speechwriters must have the easiest on earth. they definitely don't get paidly by the wor do d. on the other hand, at leastat's that's a speech he could remember thepeec. meanwhile, the excuses from the white house press often are laughable ths frome. part of the president's job is actually to hold press conferences. actu tbut this guy comes to worl less than harold ford jr. >> oh, and this was supposed be the most transparent administration ever remember, mr. president. now, was it something we said, you know, like asking a question? >> because the only time joe biden seems willina qu
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gr anyt to answer anything is when marine one is going full blast behind thehihe im. do you think if we fitheli a helicopter in the white house briefing room, thougcoh, he might actually hold a press conference? conferen just dkirby stand behind him and make helicopter noisehind hims. his o >> now, compare this to donaldp trump, who gave us about all th e access we could handle.we almost too much. and no reporten handler ever sa, really? i really wish this trump guy would stop holding back so much . if biden has been ghosting us,d trump was stalking us. but at least you knew where he stood right on your front law lawn wanting to talk. number so where is joe now? s as radicalized college kids with more privilegd e than brains threatened jewish students, shouldn't he take that personall braishy as he grp in jewish temples as well as blackp puerto rican bodegass and chinese laundromats?
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>> has the president ever explained what happened in afghanistan? now, i realize that's a distant memoryhanistan to him. >> but then again, so s or hoday's breakfast or how or how our intel agencies missed the october 7th attack on israel, or why he had no ideaber 7th his secretary of d, lloyd austin, was missing for m over a weeissik. or why his shoes are on the wrong feet. has he ever stood at the lectern and explained his energy policy, his plan on fentanyl, his southern border solution. >> instead, he blathers about an uncle getting eatend hi cannibals when his plane was shot down over gilligan's island. sland. >> and now a big part of the blame here goes to theec committee to reelect a joe biden that's otherwise known as thet joebiden. white house p. these silly helicopter moments should not be the reporter should refusethe to ask questions of a us president over the noise
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of two 5000 horsepower enginesa . and when he does take a question or two, he shields himself by saying this. >>n or saying i a very nice th. your questions are going to come on. what's message? ana: the the only question he takes seriously is would you that a in a cup or a cone? i ju sorry, i just have a little advice. you are the commande havr in chf . >> tell your press office to pound sand if you reallytalk want to talk to reporters. and of course, the rest of the media plays along.ut >> look at the soft headlines in the "new york times" about the campus protest. . the fawning, how kamala gothow her groove back storiekas. is really that what kamala has is a groove. wi thought it was nitrous oxide . i think you just fell out of the coconut tree. tree.
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>> okay. some people in this album talking about heartbeat away, . ems toust a heartbeat away so the white house seems to believe that they just need ju fierybiden giving a fewey more fiery speeches. guys, heads up. that's not working because right now, biden's numbers on health and competency compareds to trump, they're not getting any better. and all this comes as we into washington's most ridiculous week. >> and that is saying somethin rig . it's the white house correspondents dinner this weekend, which is supposed to be about good journalism and students winning scholarships. though i'd be suspicious of any award from columbia universityng ,especially if it's making white a ticking soun hd. m an instead, it's a night of thechoh media fawning all overtick themselves. but it's the perfect chance for the white house press corps to standsound.e up for itselfte and demand more from this white house. >> sss o will they do it? >> well, if you were goinggoin to bet on that happening as aenn very mediocre president once said, don'cet. t
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all right. so happy to be here. want to welcome tonight's guestsan. as a former cop, he likes to spend his free time frisking himself. me fri fox news contributor paul marask ,you know how she smells,arli charlie. any way she wante,s ou t. , char >> host charlie arnold is here to. pack she goes on a rant, she packs a suitcase. "new york times" best selling author and foxa su contributoru. kat timpf writes and his blogs have their own. his cats do not. "new york times" best sellint,g author, comedian and former nwa world champion. all right, guys. >> so we're a little over six months away from the election away and.
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you got the recent polls saying that, you know, it's kind of neck and but trump is ahead by a bit in most of the a battleground states.ound sta do you think that is panic for the democrats? and do you think that biden will debate trump? >> i do. i think the optic is so bad if he doesn't. c but know the problem with thay as you can see, is the overall strategy is a buffer. her when it's like that scene in the godfather who says, yes, senator, it was a lot of buffers. right. a lothere's a buffer at all tims between the leader of the free and the population. >> and the reason is because popu reaso leave them alone, he's going to start talking about corn pop and cannibals. that was quite sick of breakfast cereal withheld. >> i think you must have heard that for breakfast when he came into head. so i don't understand where they think this can go because you can't hide them for another six months. and i think at some point here, they're going to have to bite the bullet and they can say, look, you've got to sink or swim becausecannibal the is so d >> if they continue to hire them, at least one debatt fore,a maybe they just check the box and move on. >> but i think they've got to do at least one. do you thinkmonths st that they
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are hedging their bets, charlie, and trying to get it to a point wheree thbulletsay yt they said it depends. biden said it depends on howthey trump whether he'll debate them. yeah, absolutely. e tohe's trying to pin this on trump rather than his own deviceo s. >> he knows that he can't stand on his own two feet. e.ite literall y, he stumbles can all over himself all the time. he knows that he o can't go off script. >> if you put it into a debate situation, what's going to happe co ofn there? ppen >> and we can only imagine the comedy that would ensue. so he's trying to pin thise cang on donald trump. we'll see how he behaves. in matter of facn t, would i eva want to debate a criminal? that's the kind of argument he's making right now. it makes absolutely no sense. but i think the best thing is constantlits no s thinky andn the only thing they have done, frankly, in his favor up to this point is keep his thim of the public eye and not allow him to do any type of oneone-on on one interviews and up to this point, not debate trump. that's interesting-o resting becaus because i've never seen a poll in a presidential election year onn. competency that is just sort of a given. but now we have these pollsav
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on competency. thesand one way for the white house to show that joe biden is fully competent would be to debate joe ful yeah or not. i was saying months that theyo e were going to try to make the point of, oh, well, you can't normalize trump inthe, this way. and the excuses don't really make sense. i mean that axios, i read that article talking about how doesn he doesn't speak to the media t and white house officials said, okay, well, but his travel schedule is far more demanding than any president. mordemandi don't. that's true. but even if it is, there's like a level of power and prestigit e where i feel like traveling isn't even hard. >> like air force one has a bed on iair force hat. c i mean, i'm tired. i know you can definitely relate to this defin . i mean, my tour schedulemy is really grueling, but the reason for touri don't apply toe biden, like i'm in syracuse and rochester this weekend, notk far from new york city, but i still got to get up really early, take it early flight becausi hae there aren't that my options for flights or otherwise. >> i get there toohere h. he gets a pick when the plane lands. he does have to go through. he jus doenot hat tells him ther him. there's probably a doctor on there to giveprobabr on him,
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whatever i.v. treatments he wants, he just walks on the plane right into the betn . that's easy. sounds awesome. yeahrigh the, it is pretty incr. tavis the think a mean you're a competitor that could get in the ring. bidbiden says he's like a big fighter. >> they like to go out back and fight like they really don't get in the ring in the debate. >> okay. dana he smoked. he would 1,000% debate president trump and he would wipe the floor with him with an anecdote epitaphs and clever gotcha moment. but he does not consortt ca with criminals or a coup because that's the new word. to gou can't let a guy who's going to go jail and he's trying to take away democracy and you're going to give this card, this this upstart cure of platform to speak to the president. >> absolutely not. on my watch as an
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american citizen, no, he killed criminals. shouldn't be allowed to spea nok with. president. i have said this for since this whole conversation even started a year ago. there will be no debate there. no wayate. they've already laidt out. he's a threat to democracy out. he's a dictator. he's going to hillary clinton, although it was ode to o.j.o said that he was going to killse his enemies. so they're running this whole thing to where he is. let' runs whol s luthor is running forthat's president. so that's what it's going to be. there is nt it's go debate becae there can't be. >> okay. so that makes me ask e can'. question paul, if the presidential candidates don't debate, does the vice presidential candidate oh, my god. >> right. because it would be kamala harris versus some unknown person, a train wreck, jill scott, she could debateou some unknown persold debn and sl lose. >> my gosh. listen, you know, think about it for lose.k abou think e substance of this conversation. we're not asking a lot. we're just asking fo r the kind of talk. right. that's not really a lot. if you wanthat's n.t be presiden
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you want to be in charge of nuclear football, coherent s, not that high a bar. >> well, it has been it hasg me been really driving me crazy. ane, me, all ofivin you. indulge me a little bit in the monologue. it's driving me crazy. charlig me ce that the white house press office does not say, mr. president, we neede you to make some news today on anti-semitismo make campusess so top your speech with it or actually maybe take some questionspet , have a repor come and do an interview. instead, they just let shoutedoi questions go to him. >> and then we are supposed we are supposed to close caption it so that you can t all understand what the president ishau saying. i and then the next thing karine jean-pierre will say is the president's been perfectl e presidrfectlyy clear. >> and since we are inastic your presence, you did a fantastic job and your thanks. i was really secretary. you you unfortunately cannot say the same about karine jean-pierre. >> she is god awful at her jobe . i just actually had the opportunity to interview. karoline leavitt runs press i e oppoy other day.wa
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she was mind blowingly smart, so just on top of it in the contrast just blew me away. ewbut also what blows me away is the contrast of just how the candidates are addressing their constituents. >> you saw trump go into a fasct food restaurant. >> everybody coming up to him, he's giving them hugs. u, he high fives, he he's all aboutu it. and you see biden walk intose bd a restaurant and his teamt back is saying, everybody get back. don't come anywhere near. i don't think there are o anywha of people there. >> and also, if you're right, they probably will agree. bill a wah wah with people that can support biden. >> they've got bigger problemsck after the show. i'm going to ask you and kat ca what you are in when i was president, as you were watching. >> all right. s hi next, baldwin stands his ground against an anti-israel . >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join
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free. b o 82 215215 way bay. hey max. >> so amanda israel hack goes on the attack against a democrat flack our video of the day comes to us from a podcast host reportedly known for her ambush interviewpodcassr who harass alec baldwin inside a new york coffee shop and demandediews to repeat thee free palestine watch here. >> ali, can you please the free palestine? can uone why did you kill that lady? ja you kill that lady. got no jail time. no jail time , alec. sorry, no jail time. alec, you putting and people in jail.
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alec baldwin free palestine. lla i'll just one time and i'll leave you alone. i live alone. ve i swear to save free palestine.i one one time, one time. so please, one time.he cri >> you know he's a criminal. yeahmi, he's criminal. >> come on. i'll just say free palestine. one time. one time. just one time. please. i'll leave you alone. free palestine. tineisrael, zionism. >> please say one time you can give me one, four, three. yeah. understandably. alec was confused. y no m usually when activists say no more bombs are protesting his upcoming. but having said that, charlie, the person shot the video posts under the account crackhead barney friends and called alec a, quote, white devil
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on twitter x so crackhead barney is supposed to take her seriously. >> absolutely not. and thisy wa is one of those, you know, play stupid games, win stupid prizes type of thing. >> the facgamest that i learnedt after the fact she goes by the moniker crackhead barneyoe adds another layer to all of the ridiculousness. adds anoth impressed how by how much patience and poisecd that alec baldwin asserted in that moment. >> yeah, i was watching this video. i was getting infuriatedi was w >> i was wanting to grab mys the phone out of that girl's hand myselelf.f and. >> you know, for someone who has anger management issues to get on the internetma get, se everybody on the side of alec baldwin for once. >> yeah, it was prettynthe side shocking. yeah, but this girl was completely out of line. and i thint thisk anybody, no mr the circumstance, if you are ganassed like that, somethin should be done about it. and i commend him for doing he of day.ead bahe endr do yeah.rn crackhead barney, cat made alec baldwin sympathetic. somehow her right because shein
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kept going with it, kept going with it. i think it doesn't help anyone.y when you shut people down. say this thing, say this thing i'm telling you to say, we just going about his day, living his life hy living, the right cl in those situations for anyone, i think, is to not just not say anythingn is s, to pretend, they're not there. except i think there's one thing he could have said that would have been really funny is if he would have just e said, don't talk to me til l i've had my coffee. and then that coffee shop would have been like with customers, the door, like the little meme like that had been actually kind of funny. i >> but i'd like to think i would have thought of that if people were shouting me down in a coffeughtf thate shop. sho. >> but maybe i wouldn't. maybe i've been too stressedt m harassed. >> what would you that he. godf, since brought up the godfather, there's a great scene with sonny in the media. >> handle it like that. you knocked the phone out of it and then the phonein me at the bottom of my shoe. which, by the way, how dare you talk about my cats? okayich hot my? >> and they're not that big.
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i mean, i well, you can't see them, so i got to wear six cushions to sit in a chair without disappearing. >> ox cu th. oh. so you counted how many? just like i did. >>ho jus. i'm no to me, i'm alec baldwin. >> this is when somebody t. here's the par this is how you can tell journalism is dead. okay? she's obviously the individualdn who was doing this was ignorant when someone's not answeringg to your question first, the dumbest question is do you support palestine? itte >> telling them that committed murder is always a good way to get someone to beay like,y, well, now that you put it that way, how do you knowse, my you want to talk about anything else? my wife leaving me for a younger mae leavin an. i haven't spoke to my children in five years. let's just get in the me and i'lld fiveearsto. a little thing like that. the amount of ignorance that we're seeing and the factek that we have to talk about itan and even saying the name crackhead eventhe named burningd away. >> no, don't. because i look at attentio n, i'm going to look it up and they're going to see thisth and hoeyw they continue to do this stuff when someone's
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attacking like that and getting in your face. he knockedgettin your face the r hand, but you didn't take it the next step. you got to take the phone, you got to break it in halnext f and you got to go about youre du day. and then you do. and i'm not condoning and then groudo what sonne i'm oning.y dt a couple of dollars on the ground look him up and down and walk ofhem upf. >> that's what i would have done. so he was saying to call the cops. what would have happened if thec the cops were called that they would have ejected her. but, you know, all i could think of watchinop>> they ejeck about let's review the bidding here. you have a peak obnoxious gazaae protester harassinakg alec in a boutique coffee shop. ladies and gentlemen, the donald trump jury pool, right? yeah, that'sgentleme what he's p against right there. baldwin would be the most favorable. that'sldwin would be bad. ng it is. t now, obviously. look, she's trying to push his buttons. she was looking for a reactionou buttons and t th and he did at least hit the camera. maybe her, i don't know. so there'scamera, maybe he don'e a lawsuit here. >> she's getting more in a situation like that. can she su>> in t cae him? she's got to sue. and we all know that. and all i can say is when they settle, if the officeay thr will pay job on his next movie, don't take iist.
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good advice, as always. and kat, the other thing about this is to so his wife, who is a character unto herself. i mean, when you see your husband like that out dad about in the wil herself set like, as you said, going about his day being attacked, you might want to go after her yourself. yeah, i might. but i also she's very busy pretending to be a spanish lady. >> i see think megastar stuff. l i mean, i don't know all that house, man. i mean, what happens in ther use, whae? t is >> it is a wild house. m maybe we'll get crackhead a big bird to say, get us a camera. look inside thera look inse. but hopefully they never meet again. that's what we hope. all right. up next, how women that mendozan turn other ladies intoto liars. sean combs builds a hip hop empire. diddy was the biggest thing
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going. that's when this house of cards starts collapsing. more people came forward alleging different kinds of abuse. i think you can make parallels of epstein is the bad boys coming to an end when he fall? it's going to be so hard. everything around him is going to fall into that hole with itch. >> itch scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone, tan for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended it works fast and lasts 4 hours of cortisone tap on the creators of revolution. >> this is everything we have. we need to pray. revival begins with family. seems like they get you smile man. >> it's a miracle you don't say unsung hero in theaters friday . yeah, i saw that this week.
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on? >> should we be concerned? hot chicks get honest men men inspired, but turn women into liars. this is accordind bug to new sty that finds attractive women inspire men to tell the truth and women to lie, which might, s make you ask, is she just makin making that up? nog that. 220 men and women were given questionnaires, photos, les attractive and less attractive. female scientists were attache d with participants under the impression that the womet n the photos were the ones asking the questions. turns out women answereds out wo more dishonestly and men more honestly when they thought a pretty woman was asking themg the questionthems which i guess explains why greg has never lied to me. >> getting, getting, getting. charlie, does this prove once as and for all that men are suckers and manipulated by a>> pretty face? >> i think thereipulate are enh
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men out there that we could consider to be suckers. >>nk theref them. >> however, i did learn my lesson the other day becausea generally speaking, i like to make a habit of lookinglly o as rough as possible when i'm not at work, you know, no makeup no make hair name is hard to believe, but okay. >> no, please. because, you know, we have to look nicou have for our job. las >> so the last thing we want to do, we deal. >> but i went to chipotle right after work other day,fullh full hair, full makeup done, and i got doublel makeup for fr. >> and i was like, okay, i'm onl to something. >> maybe i should get glammed up every time i leave the house now. right in thid ge tims economy, e meat is a big deal. >> it's a lot. s but i mean, when it's all said and done, if someone has a nasty attitude, it reallid ank matter what they look like. and i think people are just learning to see all through that type of thing s, because s especially with social media, everybody has a pretty face now, right? filterl medieverybods are on aba everybody. everybody's a catfish. we've all kind the
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of gotten past the the looks department. >> dink in a way i'vlooke with. gutfeld long enough, paul, to know that he hate s studies, right? he thinks that we all fall for them because our pr stuntse stuu >> do you buy this? let's let me play his role here a little bit. >> comeuppance of this whole thing is that men want to tell looking women what they think. >> good looking women want to hear, wowood-look , what science. >> oh, what i want to know is this. >> according to the study, right. they compared a good looking woman to a less attractiven in woman and the effect it had. how do they advertise? for the lessaffect anoman? >> yes. and who answeredanswered that a, that's kind of rough. >> talk about a cattle call when you got an answer for that, i would think you got an answer. i'd say if you were fo r ugly. >> woman please. i got an answer for that. >>ere aske by.d to do it >> a woman probably said, oh, you're beautiful. come do this questionnaire,om because we learn.
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know what? everyone's being quiet because this crowd has a lot of women you because you guys all lie to each other. t liken run an experimenr. you ask them, is lizzo pretty? they'll say yes. and i'm good. her >> you look like lizzo. how dare you? because you guys are filthy liar ouare filts. >> this is what this holds. the men tell the truth. the they'll say a pretty woman will ask them a question. they'll answer it. a lovely woman ask answerly womans the question. he'll still answer it. it's just not saying. it said with the same vigo r,our, id why usually said, why are you to mt? to me during dayligh y what do you think? lizzo is pretty. s pr do i think lizzo is pretty? no, i don't. i guess i'm a ma becausn. >> and i'll tell you the truth, that's this whole thing just showing. shows.s in don't thinke whol she's pretty. >> yeah, but if she was in the room and you guys were talking, oh, you lookking cha good in an. the way you stretch it out loere and be ablu stree to get t right, and then she'll lead and try to look at me like,, that's what women do. >> i real getting inside the head of a woman.
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>> i don't want to do it. >> that's it. i'm not taking that rollercoaster. no, thank you. i was juste gonn a little disappointed, paul, when you said you were going to take the role of. of 'lld folks, i don'tke i fee like if he were here, actually what he would have said, he would have never let you get away with sayinge w' the phrase double meat for freew . i'm glad tryin that would have n that would have been the first thing that he said. firstg thatand also, what i hat to the same place as yours, though, in terms of like how do they recruit this or that for how i feel about i think that whaout it t they did was just nothat it tell them what it was for. they explain this stud.y, but is don't think they then called them weight or like just say, you know, you were on team agt so knoo and can we use youre i an example of an ugly. >> i think they probably just you know, it was up for the woman to decid wase whethery was on the hot team or the ugly team. do you think it's changed, charli t>> do yoede with onlineg as people swipe like, they make people in judgment quickly? >> oh, my gosh.e ju i yeah, i think absolutely.dg the first intuition is to swipeh right because that's the way you go when you i don' t like
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when you swipe right. is that this way or that thisy. way. so you're anybody else can feel anger going to the right i you are yeah. if you're not attracted to someone i think right off about even if you're like oh this person has an interesting profile. >> we have a lot of similarities, hobbies an into same interests. if you're not into them the way they look, whyt intowa you're gg to swipe left or left. >> yeah. nole w people, i mean, we stil in a very superficial society, but i think ultimately it just trying to deal with someone who's just has nothing,e unde they're underneath a pretty face is just impossible to do. rni think both men and women can agree on that. i mean, nobody here has that problem. w est to be clear, we are establishing that the women are the liars because also to that point, to your point, the filter, the fake haire and the teeth, only whenou you have your first child and the child comes out and you're likd yo whae the i wd you lied to me when i was dating. i always go the first few days after i had like full, full glam from work.
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schestand then one day justk an a different girl shows up. >> but it's still in that have you got sit down and then>> you even know. >> and then cam was like ahen c, she's my girl. >> oh, yeah, he's the best. i were around favorite cam,n. a >> you you're the bad seed. you be clear, you know what? >> you made it very clear. v i like coming uper their brands downfall was the dying shopping mall mall south. dakota has the blueprint for success. recently we led the nation in new home building, but we're still growing so fast we need to hire more builders to keep up. so i'm pitching in south dakota, is the freest state in the nation. we have no state income tax and we offer apprenticeship training. so you can get right to work. south dakota freedom works here
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mall. i mean, express, i feel like waexpress a little over my budg. >> so i would go to like weto ws seal or wet seal, but mostly i would actually go like kohl'sm for my clothes. and i remember i would go to abercrombi e and around h the store to try to get hired because they hired people there because i really wante becaused discount, but i needed the discount to afford the clothes. like in retrospect scount t, i get why they weren't like, you know what, this like little creep does lawyering the store kohl's clothes not going to hire her. like they don'tpt accept kohl's cash there. and t sad for you that express s going away is like an end of an era? yeah, i mean, it is an end of an era. i mean, going to the mall, i mean, that was what you do. at >> you know, one of the best stores at the mall, paul, was spencer's gifts i that. >> yeah. yeah. they were like, begging to be . e liftedwere like i read the whole thing, went i to a couple of trinkets and stuff. yeahthat, i remember those. >> good. you know, the interesting thing to me about this story is if you down into, like, the paragraph, they're about to get almose last
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t million dollars19's in covered stemi on their deathbed, only the u.s. u government would give a store that's going bankrupt $50a goes million as it goes out of the picture. but that is what's happeningout and, you know, i feel like's it's emblematic kind of of all the malls acrossc, they're all becoming empty. they're becoming ghost villages, you know , and i think, you know, larger sense, like it is part of the lackf th of social socialization that kid os these days, because as you said, it became like a town she would have to meet at the mall. mee >> you couldn't meet online. and so it's more isolating and it's realisticallyyo heezos's form, right. >> he's got to solve this one because we got all these empty stores. >> amazon killed them, and kid e also order whatever they want into their homes. >> you know what i mean? so iy watheirt actually a serioh problem. i think that you have all of these stores, there are businesses actually that are lookine st t arg atg at trying to figure out what to do with them. >> but like in the same way that china has all these ghost cities, we have ghost malls all over the country. >> yeah, m one of the thingsings they've done, charlie, is there's some entrepreneurs who have figured outth way to take like the empty bed, bath and beyond store the becauf
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that one out of business as well. and they put a pickleball court in there. yeahs anda pickleball i mean ist ingenious actually, because pickleball is blowing up. >> people want to play pickleball people don't want to shop an ty more, you know bi, massive malls. and people just don't see itan as as they used to. >> and it's so crazy because when i was young, we were justrt we wouldn't even go to the mall to shop. >> we would strictly go there to hang out with each othe e tor. >> and you would like see your crush across the mall and oh, my goodness, there is youd mys ther know just it wd the things you would do for fun and your parents would drop you off. >> they woulor your d you with their cell phone and they would say, call me when you're done. >> yeah, wl phd calle have cell. so we got laughed.we g and it was like,ot be back here at 4:00. yeah. and express was just i lovedd th express. i mean, i had it i had the bests outfit fros whenm express when s in sixth grade. it was these massive orange parachute pants and thisi really soft army green top. and i though soft i just the coolest person in the world when i wore this outfit. now i look back, i wascooles the coolest. >> i think back to i bought peter somet. sweaters from
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the express, only maybe about 15 years ago. i just bought it las, maybt tim forever like so we are inabou mourning about express did you ever shop there to harass for accessories like glitter from us? yeah, yeah. yeah. >> $0.20 neck. that's going to go real well at express. no, i missed express train. >> sorry, but did you like to go to the mal ss train>> you ll? >> kb toys is my favorite places. like the mall. yeah, that was coo. it l. toys. rest in peace. no, but what was the best mall like? >> orange julius? no. usually food from lesser panda . lesser sub male adults who had money woul>> expremale adud tako whatever they were eating. but what is that dog like? that's i was that bully in the mall with my crew because we couldn't fit anything in express so we werbecause all, giant, angry guys. we couldn't get away with too much because if we came early in the morningt away too m c, td people doing laps, they kind of controlled things. so what the mallpeopleoing lapsy
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it's a place where you'll see f trampolineor parks or buildings. pickleball racetracks foro the little old people to walk their laps. so it has to be somethin lapseg you're doing the ax throwing dog doggie daycare. basica >> so they're turning into basically activity centers because the thing they have there is like cars. yeah, right.a car >> like when you go in there, it's like a car showroom. >> have cas? a carr because cars. people will come see a car and then you'll think, i wan i wat that. yes, they have cars in the mall. in the mall? right next mal expressl?. >> we don't but like yeah, the lucent car like was one of them. so like they'll go there. it's sort of like basically you can go thereyou ca there yon around say oh, i might want that in the future. >> and they don't have jumping . you can pukidst your kids in so they can jump around for a while and it's jum, i guess, becoming an active shop in person anymore. >> all of my shows buy everything online. i have boxes and boxes just all m i havd ck apartment i got to ship it back sometimes i missed the return window
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and then it drives me nuts the and i'm like, oh my gosh. the only thing is i return to go, yeah yeah, you know,k abu it's true. >> the malls now and i don't think about it because we have one here on the west side of manhattan, hudson yards. and realisticall oney, now if the whole thing's a showroom, nobody buys anything. >> you know, you go there and also you take a picture of it and then you go home and kind of like for less expensive. >> yeah, exactlyand this. >> that's what you do. yeah. google shop. oh, the mall. we loved mall, w you back all right. up next, a segment that orders our guests to be report erments we love being outside, but the s sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. the suns now, thanks to our new sun set a retractable awning we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. shade in just 60 seconds. ul uv raare. the sun center and we the sun center and we get instant from harmful uv rays and sun glare for pricingl starting at less than $1,000. transform your outdoor living
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>> coast to coast with storiesrs that matter most. you're watching local newsthat m with emmy winning anchor kelly crystal kelly. replacin ning angg chet van jansen, who died. >> and now here's kelly. right now i am kelly, crystal, holly. and this is local where every s guest has to share a story from wherever they're from. all right, charlie, why don't fromvey don'r theyt you go firsd >> okay. well, i am from indianapolis, and there were some serious road rage problems happening bro there on the local roads. >> there's a woman namedkerablea pride. >> she is in a whole lot of trouble facing up to six facn years in prison because she hadn a road rage incident in whiche i she flashed a handgun multiple times, started tailgatinn shgwo
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another woman who ended up being pregnant, having kids in the car. and hav to make matters worse,e started getting even more violent side swiping woman's car and then simultaneously throwing a containeeswipingr of into thei car, causing it to spill all over her boy. first thing that comes to my spag, you've got a handgunthat and spaghetti in your car. >> we're definitely in the mob . >> ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. i don't know. i want to hear side too. just curious, honestly. >> all right, paul. okay. accordin. g. i don't know where thisow is from, actually, but today at jfkit's f, a swissair jet ney crashed into four other planes. on the tarmac until at the last second. they were waved off. er the pilot said we are rejecting takeoff traffic on the runwae are >> this comes after a near collision at jfk. blah, blah, blahtaff, tr took ps in washington, d.c., reagan's airport just yesterday nea. y
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so this is apparently an ongoing trend hereso it' in. >> near misses on a tarmac. and all i can say is i'm really impressed by the insights and commentary of our secretary of transportation, bush.etary of >> here we have that clip. i know we don't because he hasn't responded. and this is what happens. >> you have d.c. hires. it's not because he's . nobody cares about that. but the thing is with these hirs hires is they check a box and then b caresthey che they ce they know they got cover. where is he? we won't hea e theyr. >> also, dye hires have become a big part of hiring for pilots as well, which is why we're seeing a lot of near accidents happening. that's for sure. >> very much. and the road rage continues. right. but tires. >> ver thank you.y . in other news, troubling times >> t. orleans >> i can't if they love new or hate or a sicko like troubling times, then chee tr. >> let
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let me finish the story. you'll reall my be excited. >> be on high alert, new orleans. this is the time of year when we the dreaded buck mouth caterpillars from live oak trees there as four stinging caterpillars terrorizing new orleans. >> it's crazy. it's like a godzillanen it movie without any coolness in it. okay. why does this matter, you ask? why mattertion . >> we're lady. and the crowd who clappede lead their stingsine crow are incredy painful for venomous caterpillars are commoings arenn orleans and we should be use them. look out fory look one in partia is the most dangerous. it's called the mouse. >> caterpillar. >> also called an. but let's be frank, we're all going to call it. plus, my caterpillar is the most venomouan s of the bunch. if you were to step on it or be seen with it or get to touch it, the sting is giving your finger. and then for nine months,ai you have to wait for it to come out. then you are financial fore the offspring for the rest
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of your lifee for th. ou can >> so everything you could do, please stay away from the . th r moth, caterpillar. i stung at least four times due to live oak. turns out some of caterpillars are venomous and they th. ,derground the good news is, it's three weeks of watching where you step, and they all g w whern >> and that is a picture of one right there. >> it's prettyon. >> but don't touch. okay. okay. well, dana. well, i had to choosoose tharatt greg would be proud of, that i chose. okay. so this is in valley in colorado at a library book in colorado, was recently received back to the library after 100 years had been0 checked out 100 years ago. >> they never returned it.rned . the fines for this kind of a outrageous crime was it would w be 70, $60 was a late fee a in 1919. and dollars. it's $14,000 when adjusted for h inflation. they are just glad to have the book back. they'rhavethey're not going to e
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anyone pay anyone. >> guest the guest the book or book. ing fo potty training for short people. ivanhoe by sir walter's. >> oh, yeah. walter. yescs sir walter scott. >> never read it. yeah, but might have been, but i might have. i don't go away. we'll be right back.know is >> you know, i spend a lot of time thinking dirt at three in the morning, any time of day. what? don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt. the right kind of nutrients. the right kind of nutrients. look at this from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great fortr. us. this is as good as gold and any garden. garden. if people only knew that it] really is about the dirt. really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. her. huge .
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