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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 24, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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goldmine for that.on i don't hear anything anymore. >> find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at 800 798 6200 or visit coventry direct, icom. >> live coverage. powerful reporting. former president trump could be hit with $10,000 in fines. u.s. forces had to respond to several rockets. people are afraid on these campuses. >> people of the jewish faith are worried for their safety. only on fox news channel 20. china had banned time and a studio audience >> laura: hi, everyone, i'm
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laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle," thank you for joining us tonight. the conspiracy of dunces, that is the focus of tonight's angle. it is bad for the trump hush money trial prosecution when the "new york times" feels compelled to call out the case's weakness. jed shugerman, law professor at boston called alvin bragg's case a historic mistake, writing, their vague allegation about a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 election more concern about unprecedented use of state law and avoidance of election crime or fraud. that's all? beyond that, he writes, it is legal for a candidate to pay a nondisclosure agreement, hush money is unseemly, but it is
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legal. bottom line here. as honest objective minds concluded, underlying conduct alleged is a violation of federal campaign finance rules, one problem with that, the fec looked at the case and decided against pursuing it. from day one, alvin bragg was a man on a political, not a legal mission. it was to charge trump with whatever just to keep him in court, maybe get lucky and get a conviction. truth is, underlying conduct does not merit a misdemeanor charge, there is no intent to defraud without a federal crime in this case. this is a political hit job being run by one of biden's doj former top officials. are we to actually believe the lead prosecutor matthew
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colangelo landed this job at this time by accident? one of the former top officials in the biden doj, this has biden's fingerbe prints all over it, a sloppy mess to boot. matthew colangelo trying to convince the jury the case is a conspiracy and cover-up, trump, david pecker, and cohen formed a conspiracy to influence the election. piece of work. matthew colangelo should be sanctioned for trying to argue there is a conspiracy when he never charged trump with a conspiracy. you can't prove this case without proving the facts on federal election law and this is not a big revelation to any of you, state courts have no jurisdiction over federal election law matters. i think it is becoming clear to
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all of you now. if they were going to charge conspiracies to affect an election, i have a question, why wasn't hillary clinton and fusion gps charged under the same theory? the setup, surveillance of trump, the steele dossier, all of it. million dollars went from clinton campaign to pnc to a law firm who funneled it to steele and dug up the dirt. that was real election int interference, my friends. any conspiracy here, reasonable to find one in biden world, where one of merrick garland's top dogs wound up in alvin bragg's office as lead counsel against trump. as media co-conspirators are in the echo chamber. listen for conspiracy and scheme.
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>> a catch and kill, pattern of behavior, trying to influence an election, that is where you want this jury focused for this witness. >> pecker is at the center of the scheme to influence the election. >> this was conspiracy to help donald trump win the election. >> laura: again, there is no evidence of a scheme or a conspiracy. if there was, we know darn well alvin bragg could have charged it, he would have charged it or fec or doj would have charged it. but let's not lose the forest for the trees here. matthew colangelo and alvin bragg, they of course want a conviction, they're going to consider the case successful if it hurts trump in november. take him off the trail for six or seven weeks, exhaust him. any of us would be exhausted being forced to sit there day
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after day. that is victory for the left. this may be wishful thinking. today trump did remote campaigning outside the courtroom. >> big day in pennsylvania and we hope people get out and vote, it is important to vote, let them know we're coming on november 5, maybe they will think about the person running for the senate in pennen approximate, dave mccormack. pennsylvania, get out and vote. >> laura: i love the fact we pushed for mccormack in pennsylvania, smart move. the reality here is ugly. donald trump is on trial in manhattan, not for what he did with his checkbook before the 2016 election. he is on trial because he beat hillary clinton in 2016 and they are worried he could beat biden, too. if i were trump, i'd lean into this and outcampaign biden in
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his own backdoor, why not a tuesday night rally in scranton. >> scranton fills me with enormous pride, my mom lived in scranton since 1994. where are you from? scranton. do you know anybody from scranton that doesn't brag about being from scranton? >> laura: i don't know how trump could match that energy and excitement and that's the angle. joining me now, my legal eagles, mike davis, article three president, former law clerk to justice neil gorsuch and bret tolman, and right on crime. mike, start with you. i will jen psaki it for a moment and circle back to a prosecutor i mentioned in the angle,
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matthew colangelo. watch. >> why matthew colangelo, why would he give the opening? >> one thing alvin bragg has done well, pick prosecutors who are experienced and have interest about donald trump. matthew colangelo is an example of someone who helped to -- the donald trump and he knows his way around a courtroom. >> laura: mike, he mentions nothing of the fact matthew colangelo, one of the top officials at doj and worked for leticia james. no involvement at all, not ap appearance of involvement from this administration? >> yeah, so matthew colangelo is the -- was senior political appointee in the biden justice department, acting number three on the parachute team and number two to the number three. before that he worked for the obama justice department, the obama white house for tom perez,
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for eric holder, this guy is the f forrest gump again president trump and pops up everywhere. >> laura: bret, talk about what happened today. we had the gag order hearing. we'll get into a little of that later. ap appearance of having the obama-biden justice department running this case. i think mike would agree with me, matthew colangelo isun aring this case, doing the nuts and bolts work to develop the argument, certainly not valid, day in and day out. what is appearance of that? >> let's ignore the fact it is a step down for a federal prosecutor to lead the lofty heights of doj to jump into a district attorney's office, but
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not in this case, this was a step up. the objective here is to take down donald trump. i sat and listened to opening remarks and opening statements and i've listened to the questions about what has been asked of the witness so far, it makes me wonder if this prosecutor has read his own indictment. i've never seen an individual be more off track than this prosecutor 2in this courtroom. the conspiracies, effort to bring in evidence i think will be a problem if it goes to appeal if they happen to get a conviction. it would be absurd to convict. you are not hearing about fa falseification of business records in order to get a conviction on what he's charged. you are hearing what they want to talk about, which is the
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conspiracy. i would say this, what political candidate is not trying to an election. they have not suggested a crime or criminal intent even close on this president. >> laura: yeah, that is what the "new york times," no conservative law professor argued today. they see what is coming down the pike here. what made me howl laughing today, the other nets were desperate to make this day of trial coverage seem interesting when they're outside of the courtroom. watch this. >> here we have an update. right now trump is passing a note to his attorney, who put it in his pocket. >> david pecker is inside the courtroom at the stand sipping water. there is a binder on the defendant's table. >> it was so quiet in the room, you could only hear trump th
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thumbing through papers. >> laura: thumbing through things, note in his pocket, did someone burp, we missed that coverage. >> "washington post" and "new york times" both reported this was a dog of a case and they know it is a dog of a case. the other three criminal prosecutions couldn't get to trial, this is the case they are stuck with, their worst case. they are trying to put gloss on it, lip stick on a pig. >> laura: bret, they are trying to argue this gag order is like basically a threat to the trial if it is violated by trump. they are trying to boot strap violation of a gag order in my mind is fruit of the poifsonous tree itself to continue this farce a little longer? >> well, laura, i've had cases
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234 which a gag order was ordered by a judge and a few of them, they are very infrequent, but i've never in 25 years in criminal justice system, seen a gag order applied to the defendant, it is typically applied to protect a defendant. if implied, it is everyone in the case. cohen can say anything he wants to say and the president can't respond, never seen anything like that. >> laura: all the rules can be bent or used like silly putty when trump is involved. thank you both. remember the summer of love, 2020, what happened then? are we about to see a new summer of love? i'll explain it next. imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher,
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>> antisrael protests coast to a coast,rr students staged a walkt after 130 were arrested last night. fox's steve harrigan has more. >> steve: 1500 protesters out n
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here, we'll watch as the night goestr down, police officers wi try to push them out or not.we it ires not clear how many students were arrested and how many were outsiders. manyfect arrested were in theirc 20s. they want to shut down on-campus learning because c of atmospher created. we walked through the crowd and they werlle singing, from the riveasicr to the sea, palestinee be free, basically call for b destruction of israel and to hear that being sung at new yory at a great university, it is stunning. back to you. >> laura: steve, thanks so much, things have gotten so bad at columbia, the school is going , part online, part in person for the rest of your
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semester. tuition dollars at work. >> walk and take a step forward. >> walk and take a step forward. >> so that we can. >> so that we can. >> start to push them out of the camp. >> out of the camp. >> i'm bored. >> we >> we would like to you leave. ld ld like you to leave. >> laura: joining me now is jessic a schwab, she took that a video, a columbia student and writer with the daily spectatorp jessica, what isen happening exactly? wehear hea char chants in the v. what on campus is this feeling like? >> imeant is honestly quite sca i pay toa lot of money to go to this institution and to think ir don'yot have equal access to th lawns like everyone else and unfortunate an whad boa borderl
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crimnatory. you should believe i sn what yo believe in and have your rights preserved as a student. >> laura: an organizer spoke on msnbc.e watch. >>atel outside detractors come try to spread hateful rhetoric, we stand for liberation and human rights and equality for jewish people, palestinians, that is whates we're calling fo. >> laura: they are arguing they are not there to hurt anyone, they are there to get their point across. >> i'm all for the right to in peacefully protest. when youerta deny students acce through unilaterally making ir unilateral decisions that is unfair. i had no say in what their community guidelines were and they tell everyone that enters, they must agree to in order to enter. it is unfair.
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: jessica, it is harder tor get to your dorm or classes at columbis toa than it is to c the u.s. southern border now. you have to go through the guantanamolet, show id, walk across the border and you are io heren,.te how much does it cost in tuition and room and board at columbia? >> i believe each year, i pay close to $90,000. for me to not have access to a t lawn that i've walked on a thousand times to me is absurd. >> laura law: beyond a lawn, i' thinking the final weeks before final exams. i'm not an old person, i do re still remember what it was like to get ready for finals and especially a thes seniors, a se wants to finish their experience
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on campus and have a good time, s study hard. that is all gone. they are depriving other students of their own hard-fought academic agains and celebrations. >> yeah. and actually i think this whole en encampment really started the night we hadad a party on the lawn. everyone was having a great time, like the last party before finals season set in. it was considered unauthorized and everyone disbursed. if this protest is unauthorizede why is this not being dismantlei the, as well? y a lot of lut is wh kids are heading south.wh big article today. thank you for informing us. joining me is newt gingrich,
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former political analyst. everything we're seeing now reminds me a little bit of the ramp-up to 2020, 23409 talking about the death of african n- american at the hands of a cop, but tensions are running high. are you concerned this could m m morph into something bigger an more dangerous? >>f th i am reminded of governo reagan dealing with people at b berkeley, call ing out the national guard. the university presidents are coward. the idea columbia president af can't guarantee safety. the rabbi ordered jewish students hom
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e because he felt it was dangerous. go down the list. clear steps can be taken. people that violent rules can be expelled. people who are there that are noo t u.s. citizens, can be deported. do not run o a risk of gradual rise of nazi-like, anti-jewish movement and that is what it is largely driven by antisemitism and across the country it is jewish americans who are being faced with a level of discrimination as one said to me yesterday, his grandparents came here seeking a country where they wouldn't face a program in russia, wouldn't face the holocaust in germany and watching the star sign once again. we hav note to be tough and dir we will not tolerate this kind antisemitism. >> laura: yeah, makes me more
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excited to go to a sader tonight to be in solidarity with our jewish brothers and sisters. newt, solidarity zones they are calling them are basically just encampments that end up wrecking the experience at colleges and universities for kids that want to learn. those kids are having entire experience for now, it will be weeks by the end of this, just o destroyed and they don't care.u >> if you go back and look at reagan and how he handled b berkeley and he had to, because people were so angry. first experience of student militancy. none of these encampments are legal or authorized and involve trespassing and should be closet
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down tonight. people should be arrested. >> lama: look at this. >> this is not camp indicated it is not hard. people are breaking the law and risking threat to jewish fellow students. >> laura: newt, it does not seem to get traction, let's say it again. why is congress continuing to fund these universities that allow this, like theft, harassment, theft from one student group to another student group and our tax dollars are supporting research at these schools. why? >> well, i have no problem with genuine research, they are among the best research centers in thr world. a ton ofva money go to harvard, columbia or yale and more fund y
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amentzally, senators called on president t bidethn to call out national guard. that is essentially right. what you are seeing here and universityt presidents should e told, if r you are not going to insist on rule of law, we will come in and impose it. thathink happened with reagan.ra people: think of reagan with ts nice, pleasant guy. he was tough about this kind of law breaking. >> laura: biden will never do it, he wants youth vote and he is worried about michigan, he will never call out the nationan guard. if hewt,e listened to you, newt would be you more popular. great to see you. america is distracted by the sham, trump trial, border ragi out of control, video that will shock you, again, next.
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>> laura: you know democrats are hoping trump trail, miania at college campuses will distract you from the disaster that b continues toor unfold at the southern boarder. thised weekend, in laredo, a high-speed chase by allowing illegal aliens to tumble out, yoheu see it there. the smuggler ends up speeding an off anded drove into the rio grande. yes, into. the smuggler then swam to mexico to evade arrest. meanwhile, in central mexico. [speaking spanish]
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>> laura: disaster. all aboard the biden express, that train heading to northern mexico. where a journalist says illegals usually hop on a train to the border. joining me is chris chris oli olivarez, walk us through what happens in biden's america when those individuals hopping on the trains, very dangerous, make ite across the border? >> well, first off, you are is right as fartr as the distracti the american people are having toss face. for everything taking place from formers president trump's tria to war in israel and ukraine to new york, it is distraction for the american people. we have a very serious situation on the border with some trains. this is a transportation to get
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in. this ie ars reality situation t we face everyday in texas and acrossoo the southwest border. federal government knows what they are doing by showing different activities across the country trying to distract the american people. we have a serious situation on our border and see it everyday. exactly. >> laura: they are coming in, getting processed, many of them ar ye being released unless you findex out, this is the biden express. bring in el paso county judge, dropped against theiot, illegals accused of storming the border after determining there was no probable cause for their. arrest.
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probable cause? bus we had an officer injured, they busted the barrier there, but no probable cause? >> that was second event in el paso, large mass gathering that breached the barriers and damagingnt state property and us using violence against the th national guard. that is why we made the arrest. we hado probable cause and the district attorney's office accepted the case. if we did not have probable cause, they would not have takes the case. it does not help us hold people accountable that violent state law and that is what we've been doing for three years in texas. that will not stop us. we will sustain continue making d taking people to jail. there need to be consequences tt
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hold people accountable so they don't commit these crimes. >> laura: americans feel like strangers in their own land as strangers come in and act like they own the place. >>ro >> laura: coming up, new of proona, media coordinating agai trump, i'larl show you it to yo n next. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it's 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799.
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♪ >> laura: yeah, there is an epidemic on tv, contagion spread among sufferers of trump derange ment syndrome that makes people with law degrees sound like nin when discussing his case. >> the most serious matter you can have in democracy, influencing an election. >> falseific of business record is means to the end of corrupting the election. >> laura: zero acknowledgement the fec passed on the case or legal scholars are lacerating d.a. office for contorting eshg nobusiness fraud law to set this
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set of facts. if you wonder why never trump legal panelist share they are sharing talking points, new explanation. according to politico, prominent commentaryos ares are discussing the trump legal saga, they meet on zoom every friday to stress test the arguments facing trump. the group host is cnn's norm eisen, regular attendees, andrew garfield andrew weissman,s and mcquade. i would rather listen to this.
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[laughter] >> laura: norm eisen. joining me is mark eiglarsh and mollie hemingway. i'm be ing naughty there. in all this time, doesn't hillary warn there was a vast right-wing experience trying to take down her husband? we found the community. >> mollie: this article describes in detail part of the conspiracy to use law fare and worried this will give credence to all the times republicans have complained to take president trump off the ballot or bankrupt him or his family or put him in prison. it is not shocking to see aspect of conspiracy to interfere in the 2024 election, interesting to see who is involved. >> laura: you are winding down
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your week, mark, friday comes around, kick back and spend time with norm eisen, this group of legal pundits denyings it is a strategy to take down trump to send him to prison or derail his presidential campaign. it is telectual chat session about legal theory. >> mark: and it may be, i'm not jumping on your outrage bandwagon right now. if talking heads are getting together, what did you have to say? get it together and this conspiracy will be complete then yes, it is outrageous and sad and pathetic. i've heard they are debating issue, not how i want to spend my friday night.
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not just on abortion and immigration, that is okay. >> laura: but okay, mark, i mean, i have not practiced law in a while, i can brush up pretty quickly. these guys are renowned legal scholars, i put in quotes. they are incapable of discern ing the fact that state courts cannot make fec judgements on activity involving check writing. they have no jurisdiction, so yeah, i don't share your i guess you're being quite nice to consider this is just to share ideas. they know they don't have jurisdiction -- >> mark: you mean being fair. >> laura: fec violation, come on. >> mark: doesn't mean they always get it right. >> laura: not one is bringing
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this up. not one of them. >> mark: are you suggesting they are sitting around talking about how to get trump, they talk about abortion, immigration, other issues. i don't buy into it. if they are doing it, then yes we should know who they are and shouldn't listen to them. >> laura: i just think it isun iffy, it doesn't surprise anyone. these could be wonderful, nice people, when they make the point about conspiracy, which they continue to repeat, this comes out and i'm screaming laughing. doesn't bother me, does whatever you want. >> mollie: nothing funny about jeffrey toobin being on a zoom call and look at recent history for that. >> laura: mark, that is funny. you can you have la. ma >> mark: all right, whatever. >> mollie: if they are lashing
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out legal strategy, how did they get overturned 9-0 in the move to disenfranchise americans and remove ability to vote for president of their choice. it is a horrible way to spend a friday night and they have not done a good job putting legal minds together. >> laura: waiting for the 14th amendment theory to pan out some recalling way. mark and mollie, you are fun, thank you. barefoot and barehanded, wrestling an alligator? florida? can't be, but i guess we have it next.
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>> laura: goodie, america's worst mayor has some competition. kevin corke is here with details. >> kevin: watch what they do and not what they say. certainly that would apply to
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the sheriff in philadelphia. the sheriff swears her office is un underfunded and this jep jeopardizing sworn personnel. she is a spend thrift according to national enquirer, she ponies cash, 300 k for a clinic, 9 grand for an office mascot and 6600 for a party at chick and pete's. in philly, mayhem and the like. in response, the sheriff office says they make purchase con
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consistent to serve the community. bashing of the philadelphia sheriff's office since the days the mayor took office must stop. for those hoping for peace, it did not end there, the enquirer newspaper had become a racist, s sexist libelous who fails to publish the truth regarding the office. so there, laura. >> laura: kevin, i don't know why we give you these stories to do, you do a great job on them. thanks, we appreciate it. [screaming] >> laura: maybe that is where they got the phrase see you later, alligator. jacksonville florida residents had the blue collar brawler in
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the area when there was request to trap the large lizard. [bleep] >> laura: okay. joining me now is mike dragich, licensed alligator trapper, mma fighter and military vet. unless i'm missing something in that video, you are missing something on your feet in that video. you have no shoes on, i don't see trapping equipment, you did do a good clothesline on that guy. >> thank you, i'm happy to be here. you're amazing, you are my father-in-law's favorite. i'm a true florida man and doing what florida men do out there. >> laura: wait a second, you
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could get your hand bit off by this alligator. >> for sure. >> laura: people screaming. how do you do this? >> yeah. >> laura: it is amazing, how do you do it? >> i was at a hockey game with my family, and got an emergency call. i saw the gator signal and knew the city needed me, i left the hockey game, caught the alligator and got back to the hockey game. i did not have my gear with me, i adapted and caught him with my bare hands. >> laura: did you kick you shoulding shoes off? one would think you didn't attend a hockey game barefoot. >> i had flip flops and kicks them off, it is safer to be barefoot. i did kick them off and catch him barefoot.
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>> laura: did you hurt the alligator, i'm an animal freak. >> i didn't hurt the alligator at all, it is what it takes, you have to tire them out and jump on them so nobody gets hurt. make sure they are tired before you do anything crazy like that. >> laura: okay, i want to show a video of what you tell us is craziest encounter you have ever had not with a democrat. watch. [video playing] [beep] >> laura: okay. that was at a school, they tell me? >> yes, ma'am. that was elementary school last
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year. that alligator was 10 foot. >> laura: okay. so how long did it take you from the time you got the call to the time you showed up? >> it was 27 minutes from time i left the hockey game to back to the hockey game to catch that gator. >> laura: another hockey game with the gator? the school video, you were at a hockey game, as well. >> no, i must be misunderstanding, i can't see the video. >> laura: the wild one at the school, you are crazy. mike, we love you, you are completely crazy in a good way. thank you for keeping people safe, say hi to your father nov -in-law. that's it. >> todd: protest raging at co


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