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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 24, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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year. that alligator was 10 foot. >> laura: okay. so how long did it take you from the time you got the call to the time you showed up? >> it was 27 minutes from time i left the hockey game to back to the hockey game to catch that gator. >> laura: another hockey game with the gator? the school video, you were at a hockey game, as well. >> no, i must be misunderstanding, i can't see the video. >> laura: the wild one at the school, you are crazy. mike, we love you, you are completely crazy in a good way. thank you for keeping people safe, say hi to your father nov -in-law. that's it. >> todd: protest raging at
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columbia university throughout the night past the deadline to disburse. [chanting] ♪ >> todd: you're watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the university is claiming negotiations have been made. brooke singman has the latest. >> brooke: columbia shedding light telling fox news we are making important progress with the student encampment. student protesters will dismantle and remove sig nant number of tents and the
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university will continue conversations. protesters say they will not be intimidated by the school's disturbing threat of escalation of violence and they refuse to concede toward cowardly threat by administration. pro-palestinian students were seen still protesting outside columbia past the deadline. they say they don't want the police involved. >> we don't want no nypd here. [chanting] >> brooke: house speaker mike johnson is set to visit the university today and meet with jewish students and set to hold a press conversference this afternoon. classes are hybrid, if students feel unsafe, they do not have to
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your honor are. not just columbia, protests are spreading from coast to coast. standoffs are taking place na nationwide and hundreds have been arrested. at nyu, 133 arrested on monday and released on disorderly conduct charges. on west coast, uc berkeley and cal polyare clashing with p police. >> cops, go home, cops, go home. [chanting] >> brooke: now republicans are calling for action, senator tom cotton and 26 republican senators demanding biden deploy the national guard and want visa
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of foreign students revoked if they participate. president biden issued statement condemning outbreak of antisemitism. if the statement must serious, musting accompanied by immediate action from your department. >> we have put forward antisemitism strategy wife been implementing that involves different federal agencies to do everything we can to make sure jewish students feel safe, jewish americans feel safe and we'll continue to do that work >> in the meantime, we have to be clear, we have to condemn violent rhetoric, condemn any form of hate and that is what the president has been con consistent on. >> brooke: president biden will be in new york tomorrow. >> todd: karine jean-pierre
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bingo, i didn't hear clear. nypd officers arrested 100 anti-israel protesters outside chuck schumer's home overnight. [chanting] >> free, free palestine. ceasefire now. >> todd: protesters were re refusing to move. senate passed a spending package last night including aid for israel and gaza. >> carley: will president by bybyted biden casting 50,000 write-in ballots that could determine the general election after democrats launched campaign called uncommitted pa, urging voters to write in uncommitted to protest biden's stance on the war.
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♪ pro-palestinian congresswoman summer lee survived challenge against pro-israeli democrat patel. >> i am unashgpologetic when pee say, are you in the squad? whatever. those are my people, we have victory in pittsburgh, this is the first step. >> carley: and dave mccormack will face bob casey in the race that could decides . >> todd: 95 billion foreign aid package with funding for israel and ukraine heading to president biden desk after passing late last night. >> carley: lucas tomlinson has the latest.
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>> lucas: the senate passed that foreign aid bill 79-18 last night. 26 billion for israel, 60 billion for ukraine and 8 billion for indo-pacific. here is senate majority leader chuck schumer. >> many twistings and turns, america sends message to the world, we will not turn our back on you. we tell our allies, we stand with you. we tell our adversaries don't mess with us. we will defend democracy and our way of life. >> lucas: ted cruz voted against it. >> this gives money to gaza and money for the ngos trafficking illegal immigrants and does nothing to stop invasion at the
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southern border, that is our priority. >> lucas: president biden said i will sign this bill into law and address the american people as soon as it reaches my desk tomorrow to begin sending weapons to ukraine this week and biden articulated strategy for the ukraine war within 45 days. ukrainians want to return to 1991 borders, taking back crimea from russ ian forces and the bil forces sale of tiktok. here is warning from wray. >> tiktok represents national security concern. ability to collect dat on on users and use for influence operation like driving their ai effort which are not constrained by rule of law. >> lucas: something tiktok is fue fue
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fuelling anti-israel protests in the united states. >> carley: thank you. there is this. justice department meeting with boeing crash families today, who are deknow manding accountability. >> todd: our next guest lost his two sons in 2019, he is here with his message to the white house next. k-d reds
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> janice: good morning, it is wednesday, we're going to get there, i feel it. we have severe weather. temperatures cooler than average across the east and that is the drill over the next few days. next week looks better. frost and freeze alerts and could get a wintry mix. this is not a big deal, it will be a nouisance throughout the dy and could cause travel delays. then nice stretch of weather. new system moving into the west, central u.s., pay attention, starting tomorrow, area of low pressure, slow-moving one will interact with warm, unstable air and move multi days of severe
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hail and damaging wind, heavy rainfall and tornados going through the weekend through saturday. same areas here. dallas, oklahoma, kansas, des moines, iowa, same spots hit for several days. this is tornado probability for april into may. right on target and fact we're getting several days of severe weather is my big concern here. fox, for latest details. take a look at the tree pollen. my son matthew is miserable and extreme for many states across the country, tree pollen and weed pollen, etcetera, miserable. >> todd: we went to the pedia
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tr trician yesterday, they tdz tdz /* said pollen count. >> carley: department of justice meeting with families of 346 people killed in two separate deadly boeing plane crashes. flight 610 in neindonesia and flight 30's2 in 2019. two of the people killed were b bennet and melvin riffel. their father ike riffel will be in the meeting with the doj and joins me now. i can't imagine what you have been through. can you tell us what you know about what caused the plane crash that killed your two sons
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and all 157 people onboard? what caused the plane to go down? and you said there are underlying issues at boeing you believe contribute, as well. >> yeah, the findings of the crash was software m-cast triggered off one aoa sensor which is unheard of in the industry. it had power to fly the plane into the ground and that is exactly what it did. we think, too, that at boeing, there might have been production issues with the plane also. they have betteren having p pru pruktion problems lately.
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>> carley: doj stepped in and launched a criminal case on behalf of you, the families and united states. you said the doj cut a deal with boeing so nothing bad would happen to the company and executives. can you tell us about that? >> it was called deferred prosecution, basically a corporate probation. so essentially they were accused of fraud and if they were good for three years, they wouldn't be any executives couldn't be tried in a criminal hearing. >> carley: you are angry about that, right? >> very angry about it. it was a back-room deal made in
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texas, which is something that we wonder why it went to the state of texas. boeing has no presence in the state of texas. we were told as families there was no criminal investigation into boeing. and then out of nortwhere, we rd in the newspaper about this prosecution agreement. >> carley: what do you think is going on with boeing? >> what i think is basically profit over safety, production, production, production, safety be damnesd and nothing has changed sinsz the crashes. >> carley: you are meeting with
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the doj, what do you think is going to happen in that meeting? >> i think this is box-checking exercise for the doj. we were found to be crime victims, that is why we're able to challenge this case. i think it is dog and pony show that the doj wants to show the judge they have talked to us and basically i don't think a lot will happen out of today. if it is not evidenceary hearing or anything like that. >> carley: how are you doing? i can't imagine losing two sons at the same time. in their 20s five years ago and you have been fighting for answers ever since.
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>> we have, we are fighting for justice and this prosecution agreement has hid the truth from us and we will continue to fight until we get the truth. it has been a long battle and i think it will probably continue to be a long battle. we will continue to fight this battle until we can find justice. >> carley: doj entered into this deal with boeing, supposed to be represents the families of the victims. the fight for answers will continue today, thank you. >> all right, thanks, carley. >> todd: god bless that man, imagine losing one child much less two. >> carley: worst day of his life.
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president biden skipped jonathan diller's service for a ritzy fundraiser, now what he's doing getting pushback after two line of duty deaths there. >> todd: and monitoring the situation at columbia university. parents are saying they might want their tuition money back after classes are moved online. we'll talk to one of the parents next.
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raging at columbia university as students and demonstrators flood campus past midnight deadline to d disburse. [chanting] >> free, free, palestine. free, free, free palestine. ♪ >> todd: the university releasing statement around 3:00 claiming we are making important progress with representatives of the student encampment. they will dismantle and remove s significant number of tents and tell continue conversation for next 48 hours. house speaker johnson will meet with jewish students and will
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hold a press conference on antisemitism this afternoon. amy, mother of a student joins us now. don't you think $90,000 a year in tuition should get more than zoom classes and constant fear? >> absolutely, yes. it's quite a nightmare, nobody expected this. this is not a global pandemic, this is a global conflict and should not be affecting my child or any child's ability to go to class and have college experience. >> todd: what does your daughter tell you about daily life as a jew on this campus right now? >> it is challenging, todd.
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she's a proud jew, but it is clearly very threatening. not that the jews are fearful so much as they are be ing threatened. all of them. they have to be very careful where you walk, where you go and even just being able to choose what dining hall to go to or being able to go to the gym or library, for that matter. right now, certainly in the last week and a half, that has been off limits. it has been toxic since october sefrn. >> todd: how do you process this? >> a lot of sleep less nights,
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certainly in the last week, very concerns. i live very close to campus, but you worry. every parent worries about their kid going off to school or their child. this is my first born. you just want them to have an expe experience, now having to reconcile what is happening in their classrooms on top of what is happening on campus is very disturbing thing and it is making all of the parents extremely concerned. >> todd: you live in west orange, new jersey, i grew up in verona. you want your kid to go to the best ivy league school he or she can get into and you as a parent put in countless hourings and you scrape and save money for
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college and your kid, me in this scenario, your daughter in this scenario, sacrifices fun things to put herself in position to go to columbia and this happens. she can't go to school, has to worry about where she goes to eat because of protest against her religion and everything has changed in her world. will she stay there? will she transfer? do you want her to transfer? >> that conversation needs to be directed by her and i think that is a decision any student needs to make for themselves and not be driven by parents, but i understand a lot of parents are feeling, you need to get out of there. i have spent time with her on
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the phone and said, do you want to come home and we toss it out there. she -- my daughter loves where she is, this is exactly what she wanted. she worked so hard to get there. and exactly what she wanted from being in the city, but that campus environment. and being in the city and i will repeat that again because it is part of the "real world." and it is fun, of course, but no, banging on the wee hours of the night -- >> todd: she has a tough decision to make, she is facing this, it has to be difficult. the school said we strife to support safety and student learning. if columbia can't really ensure two fundamental things you get
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class in class and you can't be safe, i don't know if that president should stay. amy, we appreciate your time. >> that is interesting thing. >> todd: i got to leave it there, i will check back with you. >> carley: the protests creating security situation for law enforcement and mayor adams says the protesters are not just students. >> people who peacefully protest are not throwing bottles and chairs. we have acknowledged and saw there are people who come and have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. we can't have outsidea agitator come in and be destructive. >> carley: sergeant with 17 years and founder of blue
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livlives matter join nme now. these people are in new york city. when you see this level of anger and hate toward jewish people, united states, western society, you wonder how did we get here and are we barrelling toward something bad happening in new york city? >> what is wrong is wrong, whether not from here or here. they come here, they are coordinated and orchestrated. kids don't even know how to change a light bulb and they try to get kids to get in cops face and be destructive and back in the day, i did march and protest, but not this way. this is disgusting. you get people pushing and shoving you and you do something wrong, cameras everywhere.
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it is not easy, they have shown restraint and will continue to do it. >> carley: you mention organization and nypd is investigating who is funding it is protest. all the tents look the same, stuff like that. how hard to get to the bottom of that? >> why not 10 months ago, why not a year ago? we are coming up to an election and all hell is breaking loose. it is orchestrated and happening in other states, they are stopping airports and traffic. there is a system to coordinate with one another. >> carley: what would happen if the nypd discovers a group funding something like this, could they get in trouble? >> you can't stop something because you think something, they have to do something criminal. you have to wait and watch
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unfortunately. >> carley: there is also there, president biden going to syracuse tomorrow for campaign stop. his trip comes week after two police officers were killed in the line of duty in syracuse. listen to behind the scenes with planning of the trip and words of president of the ben evolent s association. police officer being buried and then the manpower it would take and everything our members have been through in the past week, concerns were expressed to the biden administration and they are moving forward with this. >> we had the chicago police officer just killed, when will this president put politics
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aside, i need to be there for law enforcement. put it aside and after you pay respect and show care, then move forward. you would think this president would say enough is enough, you are going to jail for life for killing a police officer or we will have death sentence, he will not say that. >> carley: the president did not want to go to east palestine, and now the police department saying we can't handle this right now. this trip is scheduled. what are you doing later today? >> we have -- hosting charity event, chaz and my friend joe pisca pescapo. >> carley: charity cigar -- you
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have tickets being told? >> www.bluelivesmatter. come have italian food. >> carley: money for a great cause. thank you for joining us. over to you. >> todd: piscapo loves this show. >> carley: hello. >> todd: hi, joe. the migrants flown to martha's vineyard are receiving work visas after making shocking claims. you got to hear what they are saying, a legal immigrant that became a u.s. citizen will join us with reaction. and college baseball fan getting closer than he expected. watch. >> that fan out in left field took a tommy white one to the noggin. >> he looks woozy. >> hate to see that unless you
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are putting together a newscast, then you love it. we'll have that for you. ♪
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>> todd: the 49 migrants sent to martha's vineyard from florida in 2022, may be given the right to work. three of them have been given work visas thanks to their attorney claiming florida officials tricked them to board the plane. there is a special visa desi designated for crime victims. u-visas are for victims of certain crimes who suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful in prosecution of criminal activity. coming after ron desantis. a legal immigrant that became a citizen joins us. >> when i saw this message,
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article come through, i was flabbergasted, it seems like our coun country, what america is known for is changing before our eyes. as an immigrant that is a front for those who did it the right way. you have lawyers and judge who are creating this process that is unfair to legal immigrants and letting illegals have their way it does not bode well going forward. >> todd: in 2022, desantis office released a statement, immigrant have been more than willing to leave this texas county, florida gave them opportunity to seek green er pasteurs offering greater resources for them.
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how does a flight to martha's vineyard cause mental or physical abuse? what crime are we talking about here? i can't find a crime here or in the trump case. >> it is astonishing, you can twist what happened into a crime. they went to martha's vineyard, where people virtue signal and claim they care. why not offer them support they needed. to see that classified as a crime is crazy. what is emotional abuse and people like my little sister, admitted to a college in the u.s., denied visa after 92nd interview, that is emotional abuse, not being flown to martha's vineyard. >> todd: that story is sickening. your sister, who did it the
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right way, denied but these individuals under auspices of a crime. there is no crime, they get whatever they want. they get to the front of the line, it has to stop. thank you for shedding a light on it. >> carley: switching gears to check out this video, tommy white knocking one out of the park and nearly knocking out a fan, too. watch this. >> turn our attention to that fan out in left field who took a tommy white one to the noggin. >> that guy looks woozy out there. >> drilled into stands. we wouldn't show this if he were seri seriously hurt. he is okay.
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exit velo, carley shimkus. lsu, won. you throw out record books with lsu and nichols state get together. >> carley: i thought he said that guy looks bruisy. we are glad he is okay. >> todd: glad he is still with us. legal pundits holding secret skroom calls to talk about former president trump legal battles and they are not on his side. joe concha will react. >> carley: lawrence jones live having breakfast with friends in brookfield, wisconsin. hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: it is brunted up, you are going to have a good time. big show coming up, the georgia governor brian kemp will be
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joining us, he is taking on squatters. wisconsin is a swing state, how the economy is impacting americans, what are top issues? we've been telling you about cr craziness on campus, i talked to pro-palestinians, what they had to say and christopher wray talking about all the flashes lights in this country. we have a jam-packed show, don't miss a minute of it, see you top of the hour. a month, each lasting 4 ho urs or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms.
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♪ being. >> todd: the supreme court is going to begin arguments tomorrow to decide whether former president trump should be immune from federal prosecution related to cases that happened while he was still in office. meantime the judge overseeing the new york hush money case is weighing whether to hold trump in contempt of court for allegedly violating court order. a new political report claiming that anti-trump legal pundits hold off-the-record calls about donald trump's legal sagas. the group's gathering was not a one-time event but in fact an installment in a weekly digital salon every friday they meet on zoom to hash out the latest twist and turns in the trump legal saga and intellectually stress test the arguments facing trump on his journey through the american legal system because that's their job, right in the calls include several pundits
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make appearances on several major cable networks that are not this one. >> carley: jeffrey tube boon on those phone calls. toobin joins us now. joe, is there a problem you see here? >> a huge problem, carley. donald trump has said repeatedly that there is a legal conspiracy against him and to hear all these pundits who appear what feels like on an hourly basis on those other cable news networks getting together for a weekly meeting to discuss how they're going to push the narrative that donald trump is absolutely guilty until proven innocent, boy, that's really telling. so the next time you watch any of these people on those networks, whether it's bill kristol, whether it's father of the year george conway. whether it's lawrence tribe or jennifer rubin. do know that their analysis is all rehearsed and an effort to take out donald trump. the fact that jeffrey to be bin
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legal analyst that appears one of the zoom calls should be hands down potentially disturbing for anyone who has eyesight and attending. remember he got the shaft at cnn for doing what he did in front of female co-workers on a zoom call a few years ago. yet now cnn invites him back to be star analyst when it comes to. >> todd: i caught two puns. too coordinated and when i speak with people. joe, does the media coordinate narratives? i think we have an answer. clearly there is coordination here. with all that coordination and all that strategizing, this is the best they could come up with a case where even the prosecution if though prove every single fact to be true there is still no crime because the prosecution can't coming up with a crime franken stein cases
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took dead misdemeanor and boot strapped it to a dead felony and zapped it back to life? we still haven't heard what the crime here is exactly. and i think many americans, those who live in places like pennsylvania or wisconsin, michigan, georgia, arizona, who are struggling with food prices that continue to climb and crime out of control in american cities and obviously, the border, immigration, they see these wars going on overseas. they see what is going on on american campuses they say boy, we have bigger fish to fry than donald trump allegedly paying a porn star 8 years ago as a hush money situation. so he could interfere with the 2016 election? yeah. no. i think most sane and sober people say this is obviously a witch-hunt and a politicization and weaponization of the justice system, guys. >> todd: quickly turley's best line on this is the prosecution's whole case is we are going to prove donald trump drove 55 miles per hour. can you prove that it's not a imcroovment you are allowed to
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drive 55 miles per hour. carley? >> carley: yes. very interesting that people who are legal analysts on competing networks are coming together to sort of form one solid singular opinion when the goal should be to offer the audience their own unique thoughts and different perspectives. >> todd: great point. >> carley: we want to ask you about the latest reporting overnight about the protesting taking place in columbia. they released a new statement saying that progress is being made with these students protesters. they were apparently going to be cleared by midnight, blew past that deadline. >> this is the progress they say they are making. these protesters have agreed to comply with the fdny and they also agreed that all the nonstudent protesters would leave columbia. the progress is that these protesters are going to literally comply with the actual fire department and that people that shouldn't be on campus are going to leave?
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really? >> joe: yeah, the people that should be on campus they are not going anywhere. they are paid for. that is organized flavor in essence. so that's their job at this point. and there's no brushing aside the fact that we saw signs from some of these maniacs standing in front of pro-israel supporters with the sign al can a some were next targets military wing of hamas. that doesn't sound peaceful to me. heard chants of go back to poland. columbia went remote with some of their classes. overall this isn't going to get better any time soon. this semester cannot end soon enough. amazing what is going on on college campuses amaze not guilty worst ways. i can't believe what we are seeing on our screen. >> carley: why negotiate with student protesters. >> todd: for following the law. >> carley: saying you will comply with the fire department. joe, thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" begins right now. have a great day. >> ainsley: it is 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is wednesday,


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